J Roseburg Opera House L nS" Tuesday, Nov. 21b Arilmr J. Ayleiworth present! Iiis New York Company iu i he Musical Faroe Couiedy, "HOOLIGAN'S TROUBLES" ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER WHAT IS GOING ON f'UDIISHIU MOHOArS AMD imiKSuAVS BMmd in Mm Vim obic nr. ir, or nn, MNMUCIW Mall Maiitrlii IBM. AT THE COURTHOUSE 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS DEPARTMENT c E. WILLIS. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR items Which Will be of Interest to GEORGE M. BROWN, SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES Mmiil-Wri'kljr OM Vnr; I2i; Heml WeMly hit Monti, , iron. i.aah In Adranna. A1vitUlni rati rtiB'lf known on application MONDAY, NOVKMHKK 20, 1W ''lie n-Hult of the elections last Book by Mark B. Swan; Music l.y Prof. W. M. Stmniburg j week n'' in whirh every Ameripan regardless (if party ties, may rejoice Merriest lonqiomeration or musk , run, Singing, Dancing, Nonsense and Specialties the Taxpayers on tlie road. Endorsed by all the Portland papers, and the same show 1 lint Im kc all attendance records nt Seattle and Portland. Billy Ward, Crace Aylesworth, Three Gilden Sisters, W. E. Mack, Mahoney Bros., Mattle Fitzgerald, and fifteen others. Prices 75c , 50C. and 35c. SEAT SALE AT BELL'S CANDY STORE Corruption and DOSSisn received stag goring blows in New York, Philadel phia, Cincinnati and Haltimore. Civic virtue has asserted itself everywhere with emphasis. Party lines disap peared ami the masses of the voters gave their ballots for men and princi plen with an independence that has strengthened the faith of believers in self government. County Treasurer's Notice Notice is hereby given tint all parties holding county warrant endorsed prior to, ami including, Jaly 17, 11103, are re I nested to present tlie name to the coun ty treasurer an intereat will cease there on after the ilate of thin notice. Dated koaeburg, Oreg., Oct. ill, lllOo . W. Oimmick Al fOKNEY ATLAW Cotirlhotla Uonalalia ROSEBURO, OREGON A. c. SEKLY, M. I)., OHIoa-Rooms 11, 12, If, Donflaa Co. Rank Bldg Phone IV! Ro-tKBURG. OREGON DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Off!'' Hevlcw Bldg I'uone Main 31 ROSEBORG, OREGON F. W. BENSON, ATTORN EV-AT-LAW Bank Building ROnEBURG, OREGON J. A. BUCHANAN, ATTORN EV-AT-LAW Room. 1 and 2 Marttera Building ROSEBURG, OREOON r S s y I . s s v v v . s -sr s v v. n HAVE IT DONE! This is the time for examening the Plumb ing. It mny save you some trouble later on SEND FOR 5YKES & CARROLL Plumbing and Contractors Sewer and Water Work SHOP: 219 Jackson St. Phone 261 ROSEBURG, OREGON S X N V.V V V V. . - X Representative Landis says that the eulogistic speeches made in congress upon the death of a member are greatly in demand by preacher who deliver them attain from their pulpits. We always thought on hearing them from congressmen that it was the congressmen who had stolen them from the preachers. 1 1 There i.s a persistent rumor that Secretary Taft does not approve of One Of the busy persons around the court hoiiHe these fine ilays is Janitor Perry. He flu. In his hand pretty full, getting enough yuel to keep all tlie of fices in comfortahle tOOdlllOaV One of hi tanka haa heen 'n keen the lawn look ing ni'e and the falling leavea have been lotherliig him not a little. However, Haturilny he made a final clean-up for the aeaaon, along thia line. Sheriff McClallen intorma the Plain dealer that complaint haa been made to the effect that certain out-oftown partieH gave three ladiea, who were returning lo their homea in North Koseburg, the other night a bad acare. The fellowa had leen imbibing !too freely and ran their horaee on the sidewalk, Bearing the ladiea no badly that tbey ran into a near-by yard (or protection. Sheriff McClallen waa notified of the perform ance unit tin ..vl tliM larti aru vi .. Mr. .Shqni denies : known ,nd ttlt w)ien they come Wk in town again they will be aummarily ELMER V. HOOVKR, I'HYBICIAN AJTD HORfiEON Office, Main Street, one Door Sooth of city Hall Phone Ml KOSEBL RO, OREOON F. W. HAYNES, DENTIST Rerlew Building Room, a and t Phone 621 ROeEBCRu, OREOON ('hairman Bhnats. it but as he cunnot tell what'Is in the Secretary's mind and as the .Secretary dealt with. Recently the Plaindealer had an ac count of a auit which iiad lieen com JAS. E. SAWYERS, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Room 7. I'patalra In DoulaaCo Sana Bldf., ROSEBt'RO, ORKOON R. W. MARSTERS, ATrORNEY-AT-LAW. NOTARY P'JBUC. M r.U-ra BnlldlDf ROSEBURO, OREOON J. R. CHAPMAN, D.D.S., DENTIST Telephone No. 1141 Hour. 9 a.m. to b p.m. Abraham Building ROBEBURO, OREOON is not allowed to speak his mind in public the rumor is impossible of verification. GRAVES ART EMPORIUM When yon buy here, you are sure thai you get everything that is rij,'hl up-todate. The very latest styles in framed pictures, picture mold ing, sheet pictures to frame, Fancy Work or all kinds; Pyrograpby goods and outfits for burning. For all Photo Supplies, and Everything in the Art Goods Line Come to Graves' Art Emporium. We have The Nobbiest Line of Christmas Goods Ever Displayed in Roseburg is Here Trices arc right. ( Some and he convinced of it. GRAVES' ART EMPORIUM menced by Kate Ingalla, againat George Turner, wherein the complaint alleged that the wrong land had been pointed out by Mr. Turner, for the plaintiff to takeupaa a homeetead. Mr. Turner called and informed thel'laindealer that the bringing of the auit waa all a eur ' priaetu bim and he further atated that Former Comptroller of the Cur rency Dawes declares that there are good and bad trusts, probably though he makes the mental reservation that the good ones like the good Indians are all dead. Frank E Alley Abstracter and Land Attorney Land Office practice a Specially. Abstracts of Titlo furnished. Land Scrip for Sale. Township Maps, Showing Vacant Land. PHONE MAIN 871 Upttain Over Land Office Roseburg, Oregon Chimney Sweep in Town ! Leave orders at Marsters' Plumbing Shop, on Cass St. I' li st-class work guaranteed; ri'o inuss or soot in your house. $X.00 for ordinary flues, and (all ranges or stoves guaranteed to work. The New Norway is to be repre sented at Washington by Nansen, the famous Arctic explorer. The Pres- dent will now have among his acquain tances a man with whom he can swap bear stories. One-time-Acting Printer Ricketts I says that government documents burn better unbound. They would be more 1 useful though if the paper on which they are printed were left in cord- wood form. "iia The Waldrof-Astoria chief says that one meal a day is enough for the average man. If he takes it at the Waldrof it is sure to be enough for the average pocketbook. The chief engineer of the navy believes that all the younger officers should be taught engineering and made to realize its responsibilities. -t If it is a disgrace to die rich Delvin, the Kansas banker who died a short time ago owing five million dollars must be a candidate for honors. . The author of that Populist en dorsement for President Roosevelt L. ... i ..: ,', . ,, ,. nan nut, uajaja oiscoyereu oui me rail i roads are suspected, No Coition In Chamberlain a Cough Remedy. Prom Napier, New Zealand, Herald: Two yearn ago the I'lnirmacy Hoard of New South Walea, Aimtralia, hail an anitlyiiia made of all the cough metlicinea that were Hold iu that market. Out of the entire liat they fiitiud only one that they thought wan entirely free from all poieiiiiB. Thia exception waa Chauiber lain'n Cough lleuiedy, made by the OhtmbtriSaB IfsdUiM Company, Den MoineH, Iowa, U. 8. A. The uliNcnce of all UfOOtlOl iiiiitkeH thin medicine the aafent anil bent that can he had ; and it in w ilh a feeiiug of necurity that any uiother van give it to her little ouea. Cliainberlain'H Cough Keinedy ia enpe cially recommended by itn makern (or cougha, cold, croup anil whooping cough, i'hia reuiudy in for aalo by A. C. Marateri Co, u MRS. H. EASTON 5 ii prepared to wait upon old and newcuatomeraaodfrienda and complete X with a full r at f A atook of ROCERIES mm II fresh and of the verv Iwat quality. Teaa aad coffees are eiHM'lalties. Your solicited. patronage S ao Jackson St.. Dnaa.k... Cattle Ranch for Sale ML'O acres on Seven-Mile Creek about five milen nouthweH IromFort Klaiiutth Oregon. All fenced, houaa. I ainphi water limply, will cut about eigniv ions wild buy. AddltH, with Senator Hurrows says his com mittee is willing to hear more testi mony in the Smoot case. If so it comprises the only ones who are. A ' continued story is well enough but a perpttyal one grows monotonous even ,or """'' ye,r' ,"a en1 "' ...... . lUt-HUIILT IH'iipif oil Viiverillllt-Ul 1MIII1 1 1 1 11 when the object is Mormnnism. T , " , . . ' thia waa the only time where he had an experience ol tins tmil anu that i.e regretttnl it exceedingly. "1 had a deputy county aurveyor go out there, at my expenae and go over the matter, in the i. pea that it might be unravelled and 1 have even gone and writ leu to the attorney-general of the atate to fee it it ia possible tor an error to have been made in laying out the nietee and bounds of land. Of courae I do not blame the Plaindealer .or printing an account of the matter, for it is a matter of public record, and I appreciate your willingneaa to give my explanation aa prominent meution." For the pait few daya SheriS McClal len haa been kept on the jump, getting over the county to make aalei aa ordered by the Circuit court. Saturday he was at Drain on tuch an errand and today he ii at Canyonville. County Clerk Agee la mailing notices to the varioua diatrict achool clerks, road supervisor and town and city clerka, throughout the county, notifying them that if their diatrict is to have any special tax levy thia year, they must turn the same in, on or before January lit, or lie left out of the calculations this year, as some were doue last year. As here are I'M schools and 62 road dis tricts, thia iaa no small laak in itself. Mary and Richard tireeu have insti tuted a auit by their attorney!, Cardwell A Wataon, againat Mary Andre as and others to get a road kept open near Yoncalla, over which there aeema to be some misunderstanding. The complaint alleges that for fifty yearn it has been in i use until recently, when the defendants 1 closed it up. They ask the court to MMN an order 'restraining the defend- i anta from interfering iu the matter and asking that an unlocked gate he placed on the premises iu question. Messrs Grant Stephens, K. W. Klliot million dollars ' Stock, the appraisers of the estate of Ktigeue Comer, no insane per son who lived near Canyonville, have tiled a reiort of their tiudingn, which show an estate valued at ? 60. The HQQnd annual report of K. V. Hoover, guardian of ClaaVt B Hoofcur, an mcompeteut purBon, ban been placed on record. It nhowa that ltlfl D ban been collected and flL'2 expended. Iu the estate of II. Ii. Hrockway de ceased, the semi-annual report of Mary Hrockwuy the executrix, has been placed on record, n .owing 132 receipts and IIK.SQ expenditures. County Clerk Agee has been called ii to ruiriutur A )., Li,....lA W. i tl ll.llllu i i 1 1. i , A. M. CBAWFOKD aj. O. WATSON G. J. BACHER, D. M. D. ATTOK.SEYS-AT-LAW MTBualneaa bafafl the U. S. Land Offlca aod DFNTiaT Mining Caaaa a Specialtf BanBuUding ROSEBURO, OREGON Abraham Bulldlnr R08EBCRQ, OREGON J. C. FULLERTON, ALBERT ABRAHAM, ATTORNEV-A T-LAW Will practice In all But and Federal Couru ATTORNEY-AT-LAW offli-e In Marka BUg. HOSEBCRO. OREOON Abraham Building ROSEBtJRQ, OREGON COSHOW & RICE, JOHN T. LONG, ATTORNEYS-. T-LAW, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Taylor .i Wllaon Rnnrna S and Building ROSEBI RO. OREGON J aUraiera Building ROSEBURG, OREOON DR. H. L. STUD LEY, C. I. LEAVENGOOD, Osteopathic Physician Consultation Krea. Phone- Rejldeni-e. 14.13 ATTORNEY AT-LAW. ..... . oaij.t Mjit, ion OIBcc Hour 3 to 12 a. m .; to i p. m. ataiStldl., ROSEBURG. OREGON I Ab"U,mBU"d,g ROSEBCRG, OREGON LOUIS BAKZEE, C. L. PEARSON, ATTORNEY-VT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, DENTIST Maratera Building Taylor A Wilton Blk I'honelM ROSEBURG, OREGON HoefM .a ROSEBURO. OREGON THE MISSES JAQUINS, J. E. SHEARER, WATER COLOR OIL A PASTEL PAINTING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Onieea In ROSEBURG, - . OREGON Rev cw Building ROSEBURG, OREGON J. W. STRANGE, K. L. MILLER, M.D., DENTIST ROenVRO, ROSERURG, . OREGON Phone 631 OREGON The Latest Styles in Millinery Philadelphia lost six in graft on three public improvements. No wonder Philudelphiaus are called Vsleepy, fere icea, tf O Box 1138, Tauonia, Wash. The Atlanta Constitution says that the President narrowly escaped being a (ieorgian. "Roosevelt luck'' again. In clothing his people with liberty the Czar has given them a garment that they must grow up to. For ten i aya only we will offer, at greatly reduced prices, practicalrvejry hat in our immense milliuerv stock, CJinprining all the latest and moat sty lish shapes und iiiuterinla. A ii ,. these ia a choice assortment of the lauioUH tiage hata the tiueut made. See our window. At Joaephaou'a. !KI If Hegular S aud 4 values in little boys' suitB, sizes from throe to seven years only, will be offered for the next ten days at the iucrediably low price of $.2.00. At Josephson's. U3 t( If you wunt to laugh till your sidei uche, aee "Hooligaii'a.Troublea" tomor uight ut the opeia house. The ladies of Roseburg and vicinity are cordially in vited to call and inspect my stock of up-to-date goods. It represents the very Latest and Most Attractive Creations known to the art of the la dies' hatters. My prices are right, and my stock is very complete, affording an ample range for your selection. MRS. C.H.DAVIES Parlors on Cass St.. Near Depot, ROSEBURG, 0RE60N Neuralgia Pains. Rheumatism, lumbago and Sciatic pxins yield to the penetrating indueuce of Mallard's Suow Liniment. It enutratea to the uorve and bone ami being absorlied .into the blood, its a physician of Olendale, who is a grad- hea'ing properties are conveyed to every ration, opens the, secretions, and aida uate ol Kusli Medical College, of Chi-! part ot the bo.lv, and etToct some won- nature in restoring the system to derftil cures. :'', MV ami l. Sold by A. C. Marsters A Co. n Nature. Medicines that aid nature are alwaya moat effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expecto- cago and K.lward H. White, a dentist of lilendale, aa required by law. healthy condHiou. tera Sold by A. C. Mara- Jaynes Tbnic Vermifuge gives rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly children. A 1 . f .a. . yvnu it is good lor their elders, too. . Ask your druggist for it.