The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 20, 1905, Image 2

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' V
We make up fine Candies every day. e are ag
ents for Teters' Milk Chocolate, the Alden Can-
dies, and the Pamous.Kamnna Sweets.
Try One of Our Fine, Fresh Boxes of Chocolates
They are put up fresh every day. We make a
specialty of putting up Fancy BoXM of Candy,
Try us and see for yourself.
Wholesale and Retail Butchor. The best the Market
affords. All kimls of Stock Bought and Sold.
Phone 581
All necessary adjustments. Nothing to get out of fix.
Solid steel frames. Rigid and strong,
waennaaa. Call and see them.
Our customers know where we are, and
they also know that our store is the
place to buy
and everything else in our varied lines.
Is Your Title Clear?
When you are buying property, nothing is
more important than to get Good Title.
We Guarantee Titles,
And we have the only complete set of Ab
stract Books in Douglas County. If you
buy land or mining claims, see us and be
sure what you are getting.
J. D. Hamilton, Pres.; D. C. Hamilton, Sec. Treas
The Koseburg Ministerial Association
has ai ranged the following interesting
program fur the union Thanksgiving set -vices
which are to be held at the M. E,
church Thursday, Nov. 30:
Heading Governor's
and invocation Kuv. H
C, Brown,
Heading President's I mclumalioii ,
and prayer Dr. J. A. Towusend.
Sermon Kev. B. H. Hicks.
Offering for the poor to be left in Un
hands of the Ladies Aid Society of Un
church in which the services are held
The M. K. church choir will furnish the
Advertise your wants in our
ified columns.
V. a". ,
Roseburg, Oregon
$C0. Phone 201
m ooo
Bros., 835
T Til i t inTin r-
Kditor Plaiodealer I wish the cttiaens '
of Hogeburgand thereaders of the Plain
dealer to know that I did not meddle in
the late city election, and was erfectly
ignorant of there being any land deeded
to me; and 1 know ttiere are other men
whose names appeared in Mr. Kimball's,
letter, who took no part in the election.
But they must defend themselves.
J. W. Hunt.
Along the same line, Mr. (i. W. Hiopor
whose name was also included in the
deed above referred to, called and said
to the editor, "I wish that you would
state emphatically that I did not know
anything about ihll matter, and my
noma VU inserted ill Hi il den I without
my knowledge or content. I did not
vote, imr wnajkl I have done so, bad I
ItllOWn lhl my i mo was in the deed. 1
would Ilka ii 'tare voted, but my name
not bvi' .; tl ax rolls, I knew that I
wasp, ei ItloU tQ dOOO, Hut I hope to
vote hereafter, as my iiumu will be ou
the rolls.''
John I'. Joooa, theeoertetle gfoveltai
lNMltHr llgOUt Of till' S. V. I'll,, MKH up
from Portland Saturday hobnobbing
willi llio Ideal representatives.
Ohlel Dianntehw (,0,ltorria !
great f h it It in tl (uliirii ol Roaebunj
ami Iihh demonstrated il by Instating in
soma good residence , property, buying
l what i known as tlio "CWhrnu pliu'O,"
m Btophooi ittMli consisting ol i oot
J tago and two nice lute. Then ho weal
mill tniuitlit ' nice lots adjoining, upon
which ho will proceed to hnllil h nice
two-story residence, which ho will OCCU
pv. lie will rent the cottage. Ttlt
property in question is adjoining the
home of Hunker Sheridan ou om side
anil John Met?, on the other. Mr. Mor
ns' many friends arOOOOgrotOlatlng bin
upon Inn gelling hold of such dcsiiahlo
proierty .
Work has already been commented on
the bin oil tanks which are to Ik elect
ed in the local yard. A llll which take
about M.lKH) yard of gravel i being
made between the old roundhouse site
and the stockyards. It was the Original
intention to (Not the largest tank obtain
utile, tfiS t OttO of V . 000 barrel Qtpaelty
hut when it, was found that the ground
selected for the site was not wide
enough, then il was concluded to ot up
two, each of a capacity of .10,000 hiirrel.
These will provide enough fuel loi a
three mouths' supply.
ftrakemai'i C. K. Miles, who fell wliile
in the act of getting off hi engnn at
runts l'ass ami dislmaled one ol his
elbows, has just returned nun Portland
wlieie lie was treated. He Mttloi his
arm in a sling and will not be at la to
use it fur some time.
Conductor Kd Tynan has gone to the
springs for the betietlt of his health, DO
ing accouipauied by his brother, J, V.
Conductor 0 K Minkler, who has
! n off duty for a bit visiting l'ortland
friends, resumed his duties on Kriday
These are busy times for the men who
are making runs in and out of this city.
Not one man is off duty, a thing which
has not occurred for some time and
which indicates that much business is
being bandied.
O. W. Shipley stopped off with a car
of liti tine horses, Saturday, while en
route from Pendleton to San Luis Obis,
no, where he will place them on the
range. He took them out here for exer
cise and rest.
Local S. P. Agent I.. It. Moore i just
stocking up with tickets, having re
ceived no less than 15,000 of them tin
past week.
There ate occasional shipments of
prunes. Manager K. L. liile, ol the As
sociation Packing Honao, has just sent a
car to the Chicago market and l.aelle
Bros, shipped two cars to Albany, from
whence they will lie forwarded to other
Freight Clerk C A. Zigler is off duty
hv reason of illness. His place is being
tilled by K. T. Kobbins, day baggage
nun. whose place is taken by J, Wen
dell Wright. Night Agent Pearson, who
was away from his ost of dutv for a
few day on account of illness in his
family is again at his post.
WorK on the big round house is pro
gressing finely. About IL'00 yaids of
concrete is being used in the big job,
Foreman Ms honey having a large force
of men at work, -while Foreman Jones
has several carjienter doing the neces
sary frame work. Among other things
that the new house will nave ami which
will be appreciated by the men will he
two "drop pits " One of these will lie
for drive w heels and the other for tank
and engine trucks, making this one of
the best equipped round houses on the
Some little excitement was occasioned
by the publication of the letter written
by Mr. George W. Kimbail, regarding
the recent city election. The names of
several of the railroad boys were includ
ed in the list of grantees of tint famous
record. Among others, Jack Huberts,
QOO. Winston and Hav e were in
cluded and they informed the reporter
that the first they knew about (lie mat
. .. ... I . . L ..l I. ,L. Il I : I I
lcl wmm ,llc) w " ishbuow.
r and they declared they did not vote,
nor was the property given to them with
their knowledge or content.
All our regular 4 values in men's
sweaters, including the very best in our
entire stock, ami guaranteed pure lamb's
wool, aro offered for the next ten days
at the low price of S. At Josepiison's.
M r our w indow. B3 if
Ah goods purchased of J. T. liryan,
the jeweler, will be engraved, free of
charge. S'.l-7t
For the next ten days only, onr regu
lar $1-' shirtwaist suits will go for fll.KO ;
our reuglar I0 valued for 7.N0. At
Johephson's. )r3tf
When you want a pleasant physii
Obamborlain'a stomach god Liver
lets. They are easy to take und prodm e
no griping or other unpleasant, i Ib ct
Sold by A. C. Marsters i Co.
Raising Blue
Grass Turkeys
Ksnrutky Roada Dolled With MaraHlna
Flotk, Thii Oulilnnr Mathod.
Tour ol !'!. la M Bird,
KBNTtTCKY i coming forward
ns ii grout turkey raising
tott and nlready bids fair to
rival RhOdg Island gttd OOO
ueelieut as a prmlin er of the Thanks
gl lug bird The roads In November
are dotted with tnarcblng Borko, icuv
lllg the fnrniH und Converging upon Uie
towns, whereon arrival they ere killed
and pecked in refrigerator ear for
shipment to all polnta of the compass,
Thniuiinils of these turkejs are ralsial
by DOgroai on their little holdings, and
on then fall the task of slaughtering
and plucking the foe la, U' cents apiece
OelBg I'ald lor the labor
Scleral wgnki before Thenkeglvlng
buyer go through the rural dlatrlcta,
picking up bnncboa of the foWto, which
are itrlven to the nearest fgllrogd ta
Hon and forwarded to the "factory."
where they ere killed, scalded in vsti
laiiMiiMvi wmi a nuinn,
of boiling water, wnsfnsl, coolexl on
blocks of Ice and fluaili altlppisl wltti
Ice In barrel coverisl with bagging
In this way the Thanksgiving crop
la transported to tin market centers
if it be reckoned that 1,000,000 of tha
bird- nre sold In towns ami cities to
which they are shipped a Ihe usually
In wicker eratee Containing half a
dozen em h BtOOOjOOO are left to bo
raiTiOd, dead and plucked, lu cold tnr
age ear. Hue such vehicle w ill hold
l.mrt) turkeys, su tluit obviously ByOOO
eiim are required to aeconmodate the
Thanksgiving fowls which the public
uppetiio demonda, if theoo curs were
placed in line, they Would compose a
train thirty miles In length, conveying
approximately Ei.mxi tons of bird,
in Kentucky und oloo in Con nor tl nit
and Rhode Island WhOl may be culled
the outdoor method of raising turkeya
u now is ing egtenelvely practiced.
Tin- bird are provided with neither
shelter nor rooats. oven in w Inter, und
are couih'IIis! to shift for themselves,
tile Idea In-big to Imitate natural coll
d. lions as closely as possible They
aro fed liberally and In spring are pro
flded with half barn-Is for nests, but
there la us little interference as piatsl-
ble with their woya of living
from silffering from such neglect, they
s-m to enjoy much bettor health; they
nn' vigorous and hardy, and epidemic
such as ure liable to decimate ordinary
Dock ure rare among them.
l.pM'-ml h of disease are the great
est trouble of the turkey breeder, fre
quently sweeping away whole Hock in
a few day- Hence It Is thut large
numbers of the bird- cannot be raised
together, und at legal five acre of
range ordJmirtly are required for each
"lien" nod bur bnssl of poults. Heceut
ly there lute is, me to be a great demand
for young "broiler" turkeys early In
autumn, and such prices are ohtultu-d
for them as to afford an Inducement to
furinem to "force the crop," iih Is done
with rhlfkegg
We have In Ibis country Immense
qOaOtlttag of surpln- COR) easily coll
VOrtibla Into turkeys, and each autumn
the crop of birds surpasses all prevluun
reeorda, In proH-roii times, of
course, ttio demuisl I- ut u muxlinum.
find tills TTiuultatrlvlug will see inure
of the fowls Miten tiian were iismuad
on the same fiwtlve la-caslun lu any
year hftberto. To ultaorh a coiuikWr
able surplus Uierv hits grown up 11 lor
elirn demand, and many thousuuds of
choice cobblers ufal "hens" will be
shlpiasl tlila uutiimn to to
tickle tha upprwiallve pulutes of epl
cures ou the other side of the wuter.
IvOiilsvlIk) t'Aiurier-Journal.
A 'II I Spirit.
Tonchoa Johnny, cat you tell
anything you UgVO to bo thankful
Id the paat yggrl
Johnny (without hesitation) Yessur.
Taanher Well, Johnny, what is it?
Johnny Why, when you broku your
arm you couldn't lick iih for two
months. New York Ltfg,
Ttn Tuvkair'a l-liilnl.
I am tui unaeaiunllMT turkey,
And 1 luu not lo Maine
If ty any r ImoKeneids
Dgon tiio aorth i eamc.
Th-y novr i ild a word to ma,
JVnd 1( I'd hud my way
I shcynld have ottn rwhora
Tospond Tluinlugh'ing day.
A large audience si tended the morning
service at the Christian church yester
day. Buoday school attendance wan WH,
with collection of $1 1 1. Nn preaching
next Sunday, Kov, M beoguie ol the gb"
sei the pastor, w ho is to conduct a
revival mooting at Drain, beginning to
night. Rev, Rltohey ooaduoted revival
service at Prain about a vein ago, with
excellent results, there being :i t aces
sioiis to tie- i butch there. The legtilat
Siindav school and llndeavor services, at
usual hours, also a sia-ial service and
communion it I 11 a. in . next Sundav.
Mi. (i.S. tt. Humbert, of Kiigcne.
will occupy the pulpit of the Chilslian
chinch Sunday, Pee. Ilrd, in the Inter.
et of the t 'hrtstlan Woinan' Hoard id
Missions, of w hli h she Is the stale piesl
dent. Mrs Humbert is a lluent speak
er and a minister of several years ex
perience. Last evening the yuiiug people's sod
eties of the oily held an Interettlng nn
ion meeting at the Presbyterian ehureli,
which was well attended and much In
terest was manifested. Hev UOC, (',
Rltohey was leader of the meeting
"Aii Animated Poster Party" wl
given at the home of Mr. ami Mrs
her l Abraham, next Friduv owning
I he
the bein III uf the Christian church.
Judging by the UnlOjM invitations, It
will la a very novel and interesting al
fair. Koseburg merchant are planning for
a big holiday trade and already they are
receiving orders which Santa flails had
placed some time ago.
High School Notes
The following program was carried
out at the Phlladorlau Club at the High
School l- ridgy night, Bong by the club .
Oration, Walter BorOOO Instrument tl
Nolo, Lucilo Itagsdale. Pebate He
sohed "That literature has tM-en In
juriously i ii.-. ie.i by th IntrodneUon of
cheap printing." The alllrmative was
upheld by Klhel Shuns, Hiaia QoodnUUI
and UeMoir Rgggdglg ; the negative by
Llllth Misire, Frank Kirk and Holaul
Hick. The judge divided ill favor of
the negative.
After the debate Morton Hadley sang
a solo, wlin b was followed hv u song In
the Club and the OOcicty adjourned.
The High Bebool (iM'tball team will
lake its southern trip next Tuesday.
They will play Ashland Normal 00 Wed
nemlay ami lllg Orants Pass High
Bebool, Friday. We expect to bear gissl
report I Irom our team while south.
The next f'Mitball game in RooabOfg
will Is-on Thanksgiving Pay. between
the High Bebool lads and a picked team
irom nie cny. iioseourg nas many gooa
lOOtboll plavers and they are all going
lo unite and trv deieal l bo lliob Si-Iom.I
team on that day and InektoMly liirmsh
t'Xt'Ufiin-m ami tnUW.intOl M fit' U""'1
Browd oi ipfotwUori iii dsnci troQod
Mini M-tllt t )n ) r I tariff lftOkaWlvlog din
JollO K. K ii k 'iti ru k nrrivt-l f nun A lux
iwxlrirt, MtdlMNl county, IikIihiiii, tin-
BKMrniog i" ii. ,i k . i i oooo i y bio
(OtOVO bDtOi HttyH tiiHt UlOfO BfO
iNHiiy noffi pofoooi 1'Hi k ihofo mm oro
ltnpsring u come here to live, h thof
ttftd that thin in the ilai vxlm h tlu-
liovo 1h('ii lookioi fr.
Carl lruhot, tliM iinwliall pltchofa obo
OOOf I'lawl Hli Hofdtitirgf a fw ar-
ago ill I Iih W illaiiii'ttc Valley lniii', Imp
boon dfoflod iy tin Cloolnootl i u i - o(
the National IcHpiut'.
Kxecutor'rt Notice
Nutlcr n htTi'tiy kIvi-ii llial I In iiinlr rtgrnt't
bovt boM t ilii Ooootf Ooorl ol nnoplM
( utility, Hlttti-of OBOBOOi RppOlOtOd BSMnilOfl
of Um Mtslo ol Motthi loni ItmUf. rtoMOrt
All OtnOOl Imvlntf laVlOM airallml oal i-ntHh-arw
bdlObl M"ffl I" jin M itt t lit- -mom-, iloly
rorllodi to till iinitrii(fin 'i ai Koithorg, Off
OOi nllhtu U OlOOtlM from (hi- tlfttf of tllll
PftlOd Ulll "I. taj Of NoviinlM-r, OJ6.
Si 1 1,1.1 K slKAhKK
BSMtttOII tlx OBlOttOj MarlliH Jam-htm.
iltr. d00M0a4a HUViukN.
It la rfrully cilurntlonnl to hm the
liciia buvc fuu with uu tmotOUf who
Iiiih aturtod lu to mnko u fortune out
of I I." ;..
ty tliow iiuiw a woman haa bOOO mnr
rted twluo l it luu- (itHcovenfd about
all of thy vurutlca lu inun.
lt the Hiunll boy wore as strong as
in- is mad soiueiiiuL-H, hu would clean
out tin- whole ranch,
I'nklariisJ kisses might do for the
poc-t, but tun average mag rufuses to
OOUnt ttWUl Unless they iii-st delivered
In peibou.
When il man tells you thut Ii mulg Is
gentlO novsr io behind thg reltmis to
If you urn not tall nigh to tako
time by tlio (OMlook grub him by the
Sheriff's Sale
la Ik Olnmll OeeM ol u huis nt 0 agog
tin h- mi i... County.
Baa k. ohauikatlalgi QOraraor, v. i i
ImitlMr, Haoiatarf ol Mule, nii.l rim. I
H Mtsiro 'I rciiMiirer of Hie Mtnie nl I Irs
foil. I'lillNllllUlll llieHlNte I nlet Minl I
tor tlio ll ill Hi'linnl mnl I'lllvi-nlu
Inii'U mnl lor tlm InvetlOMOl of liiiul
Miliinu lliorefriiiii,
I'sltilimi I
W IIIImmi I ioImiin
K II Meyer.
Isnien I iirlimg ami I
Noli. l Iti-ru by ilvtui llml liy virtue of sn
, om-cillton .ii. order -a - duly I - - m i I out
ot tin gkove m. i aaeri mi aoeia mi the
Till day of Noviuatior. 190V ngOg a pjdggMgfl
and ilei-ne duly rolliteled mid eiitsreit In isld
aenrt end oeeee en tha .'Tin day ol Qotobia,
Mg, k loraaloauM ei ouuiksmo in Igvoi of
aeevenamad iiiititrts ami Hgnut tin- above
iiMiiiedotidriiilsiiis ami msbiiisI ihs tnuolnaftoi
adUoaad agd dai irtbtd atovnjega! ateiiarty
lor Ike tent el ggg, win, laiarwi toat aua at
I lie rale of i per com ner aamini from I he .'.UN
oo) "f gay, if", 'oid tor ins fgrtoei mai el id
at tin inn let and the nun id 7.uft whirl) fdidn
nn. goti aaeigolUal to i uuNaagainaf id
Hortaovaa praaataii and for the hiitaai maigl
i is i aavgi d diabuis imanui ami nu tin oaki
ol iii itiik iii, Now iharaawa I w n on
.Saturday the ijd day uf Pricnihcr.
ItaW, at one i clock t. to. ill ald day, ai tha
eonftheoaj hentgeeri t ao'tnos. ti' iniia
u oiiiiy.oresoii, ii v,,i(e laatioe to ih
lna to at ladder lor mill III hand, all UN r Kin,
nil" ami intaraeti wolak the sai-t dafaatfanui or'
either ill I Imio had on Itii- .'Mid day ol tprll,
isui or si mi) nine tliercalter III or to the hd
put Iiik tlrserllHst real il.itnl) lo nil:
K ul NW ',. and w , Na( id MMUOg I J.
to teg at gau w. M in Poeglai oaeaiy4
Oiagen, oanialnlng let oofai ui laud mine or
lel, tns'-lher Willi I tii, teiiaitn-tili, Iieri 'llta
otmiU and niiiirtrliaiii tin rtaintil, Inioiiiii(
oflttaoywtat paortoteing and ant -o i tha
pfOOtOga "f ftueh asle llr,l lo itm 0000901 at ilia
OaaOiol nii'h iala Hint the c an and duleiria
lovnta taled at i IA, svcinid to ills BOyatOOt
ol ths nun d I allorltey lee, ana to the puy.
lanlil of lite iilln id I' oV laioa and ,lo Hie pay-
maniottftoae f tiaodue piaintitii wiin ia-
liiroat at Ihe ratuol A su noiil pvrpOOOUt Iron
UMgHkda) ol May, IMitand UM OVgt pttM, II
any more I" . lo Im ild lo Ihe Mvia of litis
Oourtaan) ordart ol said ootsri in nUd oat n
iiou 10 nn dlraoiad ami dollvadi a aawaondlag
me In m-11 aald alsivn Otvlltlouad and dew rltwl
real eioperiy In Ho manner I'mildad hy Ian.
La led itil, ;ih day of Nov. luus
II I Meld, I I I. ON.
ai w Hbrria oi DonglaaOountf Orag a
in nn ' aootv Oottrl for tooOooot) "i iu ,k
fur Ihn Mlale of OVOgOO
In lha Mallfir ol lie gBtOtOl
I italtn
a:ai. Ann Mi-,, ft- ..
To DurlmU J. WllMtg K. u-. . N lUrt. ftfr
Hie. i.-. a. K)lgbtb nltutuoiii, Hatah H Am. a,
Mary Wolcdiit, Kdwsru K Mo-f gtml MMltM
1). MtMirv, k i ll on r hlr CM nil ol klii ut
.'!' An') Mtwfr. Am IMi, OottOTtva
lii tin i.MttiH uf tii- Mial uf Urrgun you rt
(i id y tlltd lU i " ' Ion Ibfi oil Illy
OOBIi for tKiugjIag C0ttHlj . Ori-gnn ml thi-
il ttMOOMlf JliflKv ul Ml I until) tori Hlir,
I tin i otittboiiaa- l.i tin- Ttinu t KoMt.i.rg-. Ill
MM l uunly nuMONUAV, DWBttUft 11 III,
IM, at (In- hutir i.f u . lig . A M nl Ml1 -Uia-llicti
I thtff lu giiuvt cgiiM, If any, why an
llilfUltiui uf rttlt oil Din trlUl l lie l li-fh, uf
MMCMtt, pWp&tUW lo la UM ImI Will au!
rmiaiiH m o( lllg nl Hdwah auu M -. 6i
rduu-d nliuul'l MM Inj auti'ltMl 1,1 I'ttiliatK, mnl
tiit- U-oiit in tin tar y 1 i in a tMirlaii(-
VlUl In' l-rajrf ul itiv h nti-in fl le t wllii lh
lark ul kal-l 0MI1 Striurirr vih, ivuft. an-l ou
ur Uofr talO to llth, 1ul MMl
yuur ol'jartluiin tht-rrUi
Witii-g Itm Hun M l. I iiuingdiit. Jii'lgjcof
latd OoUrt, tad lbs goal at Mid Court,
J5J aglapg gaiola tgla gag) gay Of g JT Pal bar,
. N
AUKB, ( until) Otork,
V W I Mil IK IV, PtfttlJI
Publication f Summons
In Uu- i in mi 'oiir( ul Iha Matu ol 'l
I ' I'ina I lltll'ty .
UWI TlOfcaOg riallitlff, a
rrank Tiokh-. lH f-mlaitt
I 0 I'fank 'l ink i , thw aUv. tiamnl !. n lanl
In Uu uaint' ul tin-Hiaiai .f iiriKuti Yi m are
hereby rvUlnil lu a Miar ami atinvicr tin 'in-l-l
lot Of tnWOOOVOI ii iniil I la In 1 1 fT in 0i a ''
ntltlfd rinirt, now on flleMlih ihe OaYTI Ol
-al'l Cuurt. on ur ba-lnn? (In i)ay nl li - in
tier, IVU-'i, ami yuu ilOOtOlbf t.otlfjnl thai if you
fall o Oft OOPMI ami annwrr iah1 aOOIOlOlOl at
ahl Hint-, tin- ftbOTI OOOM d PtftlOltfl will ai-'ly
lu tin-1 our I fur tin rvlirl tOOhftOOjOd ami i
- i fur In Mitt OOMOlftiOti in m ii ;
Kor tt-i-ri-it ol nahl Court Oiiaolvlmt tbt
bumltof niaiilinoiiy now In-luri'ii th
Hlalatin Rod DolOOaloOti "'"I Kraiitlng UOIO
riaintirr tin euiiodj ol Otooi Trllboa Tioolo
ami UfrDi'la '1 hi-luin Tlnkli, ami for Jmltiiilit
agjalntl yru'fur tha contg ami ittoOUfOSOIMII ul
Ibll null, ftOd for PttftO OtOM anil lurttn-r nOlrf
a- may mm-iii uiit.
tUv ilata ol tha Ifftt OObUaOtlOO of thg niim
mutm ( Novo-hiImt l llh, . , 1 tha ilair of
tin- lail pttbliftOtlOO IhtlOOl I DH'miiiMr ', IfUfi.
Thin IQOIftaOOl 1" tUlillkhrl lu '1 hu Hon I'lllf
IMaimh-ali r tiy onh r uf tin Hun. J" W Hamil
ton, Jiii1ki t (hi' a bovt fiiiitlnl niiri, uia!-' In
rhamtiatft at OotftOttlOi OfOfOOi MotOOlbftf
Ul-7wkii AUurui'j (ur rialntlrl
Sheriff's .Sale.
In the OIlOUll Court of the state qJ OragOD lor
lioiialaii I 'ouuty
It. I., sal. Ill
(1. W. farter slid .1. II l arli r.
naitners doliiK bualntM unit, r the i
Mini name id II, W. I arlt I g roll,
Usfl IKlaull J
gy virtue at o wilt ol aiaattlloa dnlylaaoad
oat ot ami under tgoaoal al lboabava antltlad
aoort in the ataivi antltlad mil, to uu- dliactad
and dated II' (Uj day ul Nov, ml er. I'm. la
lavorol K. I..Hatlu and iiaalnst U. W. Carter
and J. II. Carter, partners doing, limine,, on
der the Hi m uauie and atyli, of II. W. Carter .V
lOO tor the Mini ol t' .Mill Intersil thereon
at the ratu ol li n-r eenl srj annum Irom tho
lllh day ol OaOJbar, IIU, and Ilia lurthat sum ol
It v.'ai.eiMta ami dlaboiaanaatsaad iim eaataol
and Upon Ihll Mrllol exeellllon, eoui matldlUK
mu In inaku'salo ol Ihe fnlloudhK den I tin 'I
pfOMiaal to nil: a)tgol of biis-k Nn, Il ill
the town o OonronvillOi leoiglas (luunly. Die
s' Ingi lhur wllh the ti ueiniuila, lien Ilia-
aattj and appnrHmanaai igaragglo balooglog
or la anywise OgOOfttlinlOg, Now, tluietoie,
in eom ! lance will, the lomiaauds ul mid wilt,
I III on
Saturday the Dth day f Dceentberi
IMS, nl I o aloat l in , ul Md day, at the 00 i t
house fronl dOOf In gQMOUfgi DOUgldd I'ouuty,
OiagOU, sell al , ul. lie hih lien.' niiliji i t In '
d m.tloti, lu Ihe. highest biddof lur United
sidles gold ooiOi aaak i" hand, tin above-do-
oriOtd oroparti and all rlshi li Ho and g
laftat toe aald dafeadaati i.a-i ibarala eg iaa
uu Iiaidaltaobuanl lo-wlli t in- ittb day
ol July, uoa, or ilnaa nave bod tbewin, to sat
lalyaaldwrtl ol aieantlog aud aii gMiuing
"-sis. II. . .MeCI.Al.l.KN,
un.'iw hiiiiiiii ui Dogglga Uouuty, Uiagoni