THE TWICE-A-WEEK fiosebttrg P Imnfccalet. V Vol. WWII ROSKBUUC, Dl )U ! LAS COUNTY, OR1CC.ON, MONDAY, NOVKMBKIt 20, l!r,. No. 03. ft. Look Here! COME A' RUNNING To make room for new stock, I will offer the popular STRANSKY WARE for one whole week, from THURSDAY, NOV. 23, UNTIL THANKSGIVING, at 30 per cent, reduction from the regular prices. A few prices will give an idea of what the cut means to money-saving buyers. Bd lit! KiMtlcs, 13 quarts I. II O II Sauce Pans, with enameled covers It II II II II 10 quart Coffee Boiler 3 " " Pot 6 " Lipped SftUCC Pans j , 11 it 11 11 Dilh Pans Tea Kettles with Rice Cooken 5 1 - 7 s to 1.2.S to 1.75 to I.50 to . 2.25 to 1.25 to . ,8j to 1.25 to . 2.00 to 1 75 1,1 1.7 5 to 2.25 to $1-25 .90 i-25 1.20 1 .60 .90 .bo .90 1.40 1-25 '25 1 .60 Churchill, the Hardware Man NEWS OF THE DAY FROM ALL SOURCES Items of Interest Gatheredand Condensed for the Busy Plaindealer Readers . v. v : v jmmrjarjar HERE IS THE PLACE TO TRADE ' If Yon Want to Gat Tonr Honsy's Worth Com and Saa Vt. A ' We Handlo U Kinds of Boota and Shoos, The Beat for the money First-Class Repairing Done at Reasonable Prices $ j L. COQDMHN NEXT TO EASTON'S GROCERY STORE S 0rron State Ntwi stunt! 11. AntboBTi Ibo grial idvooota ol woman' right! Km offered to donate copies ol her work to tlin circulating litirary. at Salem. Quito a atlr up mnonii the ' "I l'ortland, in now in DfOgfana, ami Ibara in much ooofootorj ensuing from tlir t it r 1111 ill which hail remitted Since laat August, Judge Iraaer ol I'ortlmiil haa lined no less than Tl deal m In toliari'o lor null lug tin- prod net to nlOOrl mi has aeneil ILTh) ill lines agalnat thnni. The l.ane county court ha refuned to grunt a franchise lor an electric line lietween BOfOM ami Springfield, be cause the bridge which in to be built in MO weak ami too narrow. Two eaiioa Ol smallpox at l-'.ugene have niiin'ii inn aiitiiorities anil nvi-rjr pre OMlloa la luing takon to prevent the spread ol tba disease. ProtMoal Rorllag ol the ObioajtOi Mllwoukoo ami st. Paul railroad li on Ibo coaat, presumably to mak arrange BMMtl to extend great liiiu out thia way. Tim statu llarlwr Commission dropped into Pendleton t tin other day ami found 000 barber, a negro, plying his tiH... without a license ami a lino ol (1(1 waa i -diatcly assessed against 1,11,1. Dotlav li oiporionciog a boon la tho matter ol building lambor mill. Km omoom jnt iaoponUoe and other Mil' iM'tllg llUllt. Two I reewster ealooOBMQ WON OMh flood "' ami (J van aoontajMM oi in dojri lor having VlohUOd the local optinii ordinance. a Portland pnige ha ooneloded that Kilwanl Whale, aged ir yuan, con foaaea to having r.ihliod tho Maryivlllo, ( '.il . hank ami aaya hit h,ii lieon coin milling crime in iiiaiiy western state. Acrou the Wittri At a hull light which waa giviui in Old Mexico, lor tlin entertainment ol tho merican .Mining Congress, which ia in OOMOfl at Kl I'aao, Tuiaa, a panic 00 curril. Canadian nltlciala claim that UM Hrit iahera decided tlin boundary dispute tielweah that country ami thia, In lavor uf tha I'nlted Htaloa, to ohtain lavor with I'nclo Ham. Count OflUtndarli brother ol King l.noiold ami an heir to tho llclglan throne, died, Iraving a ami who !a now heir apparant. Whil.. out hunting in Windsor forest, King Kdward had tlin mialortiinii to apraiu hla ankla, hut ha ia In th hand ol hla phyaiciana and la now ahlo to look allur H.ii,,i' hualnoaa inattnri. . . A -i iikc la on throughout Uuatia and tin trouhlo pnilniaca to coiitiniio. The triknra do not look umiu WitlnV iifforla to .'tttn inattnra, with lavor and thf mill .iw nnra thrnatitn to cloaa down. Alter two ynara of dangrroua work, a iM'driKiui haa down hullt Uon the auiii' mil of Mt. Ilium hy aotun Japamtae. UarrOaO iaaaid to he learlul, leal Kuaaia declare national bankruptcy In the near lulure and thua repudiate all uiitptanding obligation. WOULD DRAW AWAY FROM THIS COUNTY Politicians in Josephine County Al ready Beginning to Plan Some Schemes RAILWAYS ARE LOSING MONEY In a comprehensive article, in review of thu railway OltaeliOB and the pleaa : f ' governmental fllO IBOblBfl ti tOOgb the ugency ol the luleratati' ('ominerce ('omiiiiaai in, the New York "Journal ol Commerce .m l Commeri lal I. in aaya :" "When in March, IQ04, the Senate re. net, t I the t'immla.ili to report the principal changea in tariff ratea aince .1 SO, I9W, With 'an MtlOMta ol the ellect ol audi changea iiou tho groaa y. s n THEY ARE ALL HERE! No matter what Watch Movement you want we can supply your wants. Our reputation for handling the BEST JEWELRY is well estab lished. You Can Always Rely .i. t 'it our r I Af n i . J 11 it otiv yuii . ' i i L. '-'ii .iwi. ,irt i- J ,Aal.l" ly as Representtdi This is an Important Item when it conies to buying .J ewclery. Our Repairing and Rating Of watches speaks for itself. Wo arc excelled by none and take pride in the satisfaction which our W0k always given. J. T. BRYAN, The Watchmaker. the hoya who are on the (alioet late Ol fevenuea ol the railway cor- night are going to the bad.'juat as laal aa I they ran do 0, He miun.U a note ol warning to parent, advimng them to keep their 1001 oil the atriteta at night. U I in ir Sam'i Oamain. Sixteen yenr-old Dorothy Carter, ol ObloagO, who ia an heireaa to 010,000,000 fOrtDOe ia nilaiing. She pawneil aome jewelery and ray away. She ia believed to l. mentally deiangial. lly the OBpejfJag ol yatrh. aeveu ponOM were thrown into the HodOOfl river, but were rescued by aailora from the llritiah rruiaer, Kaaex. Kvaugeline lt,,oth, commamler ol the Salvation Army forcea in the United poralliini during each lival year aince then,' ' and rlo to rexrt the cliHiigen in coat of oertloii and main tenance of the railway for aald yearn,' the Coiiiuiinainu replied that comparing 1160 With IMS, there waa an addition to the grona earuinga, due to an advance in the tariff ratea, aueiuiiting to l&.r,- 176,801 Thin atateineut waa liMWO to tie iroaaly aOOfmOOfl by railroad critic iiinl to involve an overatatemeiit to the extent nl about SH.UUO.OUU. The Com mltolofl lailed to anawer the rtueat lor loloftUtiOO regarding the net revenue an I OMl ol operation and miiiuteiiatice, on the ground that the returua for the The Itoguii Itlver Courier, of (iranti I'aaa lakea iM'cnaion to ipiote one of Its IMilitlclaiia afuir tbli faahion l "Ai to mattera of leglalatlon, Mr .lackaon I In livor of jlm cloaeat rela tion Inline, n Jaekwin ami .loaephlne OoaotlOfi Any ineaure that may be b forii the legialalure or any law that may lie paaned affeela one county ai much a the other. Thia being the fact the dele gation from the Kogue river countiea iboOld lie o iltuateil that they could work a a unit and thereby eiert the greater influence. Al the legialatWe apportionment of member now itamla Jaekwin ami Joaephiue countiea are not in the aame legialatlvn diitrict. Joae phine county haa a repreaentativa all to itaol! and a Joint aenator with Dougla and I .line coiimht. Jackaon county haa a aenator ami two repreaontativei of ill own, and a joint repreentativ witli Ihmgla county. "I'mler the la wa of Oregon the legli laturoia roqolfod to reailjuat the lena torlal ami reproeiilatl ve diatrirti at the llrai eenelon follow ing the taking ol the OOtUUl hy both the itate and general government. The atate cenaua waa tak en thia year an it will devolve on the iBi;iiaiure mat will convene next win ter following the election ol next June, to readjust the atate leuatorial and rep re ntative diatrict. Mr. Jackaon fOVOfl the plan of putting Jackaon and Joae .huiit countiea iu the lame legialalive diftricta ami he aaya that all the promi nent men ol I... II partiea in hi loilnly favor the phm. Aa now arranged the joint senatorial diatrict oflane, Dotiglaa ami JooopblM countiea gives uo advan tage whatever to the latter county, foi it leing the rmaller, either I.aue or I'oiiglaa alwaya geta the joint aitnator A thiHie countiea lay outaide ol llogiif river valliy their intereati are often op posite to that ol .loephine county and ranator roalding 'n Kngeneo BofJflbfWV would not lie o likely to work in har mony with the representative ol this county ai would a aenator who resided liem In the valley. Josephine county thui help! those big counties to increase their representation in the legislature, without the commemorate benefit that would come If the county wai In a legii tive dintrici that haa the fullest common interests such ai the Kogue rivar conn tie have. Jackaon county farea better In Ita Joint representative with Douglas county for It get! tha mam tier every oth er time. The Increase in population in Josephine and Jackaon countiei hai been such that II is possible that tha I wo counties might have a Joint aenator and another representative. "1'hli plan of joining Josephine anil Jackaon countiei and of having a Kogue river delegatiou In the legialalure il heartily approved In thii locality." NORMAL SCHOOL AND TRUSTEES Hrhool Kuporintendent Hamlin, of Douglas county, aaki Attorney (ieneral Crawford'! opinion ai to "whether the board of director! of a school haa the right under the lawi of Oregon to con tract with the executive committee of the lioard of regent! of a atate normal school, allowing laid executive commit tee to select nil teacher! and have ex- cluaive control of aaid teachers, tha board of directors turning over to the xecutive committee all itate and other fundi apportioned to laid district to help pay the expeuaei of the atate nor mal irbool, or uiuat the board of direct or, of a school district contract directly with the teachers." lo which lr. Crawford replied: "I am of the opinion that the board of di re, tore ahotilil contract directly with the lOOObOfia However, the board of dtrei t ora and the executive committee ol the rugentl might work together and each mpto the same teacher, ami then the board of directors would be contracting directly with the teachers, and they could pay out their money under the late law to the teachen with whom I hey had ao directly tracted. Salem Statesman. W -old ham or deli'ia call at Jennings' P-akery. 7 Uf Carpets Carpets Pull line of all grades of Carpets on hand all the tune, ranging in price from 20 cents to $1.45 per yard. Statea nuiioiincea it aa her candid opiu- I fiscal year 1900 had not been compiled, ion that living i to., high in New York though the tigurea ol nitrating ex- BUY SHOES AT A SHOE STORE? City (or a lalsiring man to raiae a family, Mrs. Win. Roekofbllot killed the larg est deer ol the aeaaon, at Mr. BOOkofol1 ler'a estate, In the Adirondack!. It waa a buck ami was charging al her when she ahot it. John Carlon, a cattle buyer ol Chi cago, whs made insane from having loo ! much money in hia poaae-aion. When lound at one of the leading hotels, he had $17, "Ml 011 hia person. Jerome, who wai elected district at torney in the recent New York l ity elec tion hurt made an affidavit, to the elb , t that be did not spend so much at mm cent to aeciire hia election, Mihm Mabel BolOOd haa la-en awarded a verdict against John 0'Noil, a weiilihv Chicago contractor, for f'i,(KK), on u' breach ol promllt auit. The mloUteral alliance ol Aberdeen, Waali., has nominated u ticket for the coming election in that city. Hurt dinner, who is accused of hav ing carried on a great laud scheme l Seattle, Wash., hue been apprehended Hinl is now on trial. pensea were qoitO aa much in their Ha aeanion aa those in regard to grim earn ing!. Aa a matter of I act, Increasing expenses have exhausted the incrnaeed groaa earning! of the raflroada, so that w hile the latter showed in IhXM an in crease ol fUn.tsJO.UX) over 1008, the net earnings decreased morn than $7,tXKl,(HK) M OOtnpared with the previous year," Friend "Hooligan' "Hooligan's Trouble!" will soon make its advent at the RoMborfl T heatre with a host of pretty girls, comedians ami the original "Hooliajan" who will exsilit bll troubles for the delectation of all. The pictorial Illustration ol his mishaps from the big Sunday Journals are fol lowed out. Ilright music, catchy songs and funny comedians are promised by the lloschurg Theatre management as a part of Hi necessary adjuncts to help UOfold tho numerous tDd sidn Hplitling oataitropl M that always overwhelm the tagged hero. Scenic en vironients aid in the ombollilbmont Ol hia tribulation.. We handle Shoes that are deoirable, comfortable and fashionalde. Our stock is very complete. WE ASK YOUR JUDGMENT If you want to get your money's worth, come and see us. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Turns out good work with neatness ami dispatch. PARROTT BROS. ROSEBURG ) ) OREGON ) Attention, Ladies! The Ladies of Roseburg and vicinity will be interested in knowing that 1 am preparing to take a limited number of pupils in Q q ART EMBROIDERY Q POINT LACE AND PAINTING Meet me at Fisher & Bellows Co. Monday Afternoon. Mrs. R. Pargeter Comforts Best line of all-cotton filled Comforts we have ever had, from 1.35 102.25 each. Blankets Full line of all-wool, Oregon-made Blankets; also excellent line of Cotton Blankets at reason able prices. flattresses Buy one of our cotton-felt or cotton-felt and silk floss Combination Mattresses, and you have n Mattress that will last a lifetime. Complete line of Furniture, ECangOl and Heating Stoves at lowest prices consistent with good values. B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN REMEMBER THE PLACE. When you want your l'aiiama Hat cleaned and blocked, or your suit Prataad and Oloanod. I aui also agent for ED. 11. PRICE, Chicago's Lending Tailor. G. W. SLOPER, ROSEBURG. .... OREGON. Maraterg . Co, jtl lacouia, Wash. 1 night ut the opeta lioubtj. a tort yuui ui i 'fab -t 'A