The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 02, 1905, Image 6

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    & lUKKttKUNUtN
V The Continued Story of Current Events at Neighboring Points, yf
ft i as Recorded by our Wide-Awake Newsgathcrers ,
1905 NOVEMBER 1905
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
J2J3J4 J5J6J78
9 20 2 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
N vrth Rosfbarjt Notts.
We feel that we have two tilings to
be thankful for, tint that we live in
Oregon, second that Hallowe'en comes
only once a year.
Kdd Marsters made a business trip to
Jefferson, the first of the week.
Mrs. Roland A (fee is visiting at the
lmnie of l or father, Mr. Barker, of Oak
Oeorgie Dimmick is quite ill with sore
Mrs. Mathews, of Salem, is ill with
measles, at the home of her son, Chas.
Charlie Barker is visiting at the home
of his cousin, Mrs l.ucy Barter.
If the boys have any gates left over,
won't they please return a few to North
Roeeburg. Naotna.
Winchester Writings
The dance given here Friday nighi
was largely attended and a very enjoy
able affair.
. Mr. Chas. Beech, who has been at
Mr. Miller's for the past week, left Sat
urday night for Fall City, Cragon.
Miss Maud Dumbleton has returned
from a long visit in Portland.
Mis. Blakeley and daughter, Mrs
Vial, of Roeeburg, were guesis of Mr
and Mrs. L. G. Dumbleton, the lattei
part of tire week
Mr. Sam Black has taken the posi
tion formerly filled by Mr. H. Breuser.
at the V. W. L. .v. P. Co's. plant.
The fishing is good now , several bit
catches having been reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Breuser who wen
married just recent. y will soon start to
(juite a uumber from here were in tr
see "Honest Hearts" at the Roscburg
opera house.
Messrs St -ve an I Hugh Pearson have
gone on a camping trip down the river
As they are very uccessful hunters it is
expected they will come home "loaded
with game."
Miss Grace McKay leit ran lay for an
extended visit with her uncle and family
at Merrill, In Klamath county. Yours
Oak Creek News
Farmers are all busy putting in their
Miss Rhoda Watson has returned
from Portland where she has been visit
ing with relative".
Miss Myrtella Williams has gone to
Roseburg where eho will attend tchool I
this winter.
Mrs. Corlett and Miss Ruth Lily are
visiting with tiieir brother, Leslie Lily.
Sam Smith and wife are visiting rela
tives and friends at this place.
Mrs. I. Thornton an 1 Miss Lucy At
terbury were keen on our streets one day
1 week.
Jerome Burrow has moved on the
Johu AUerbury place.
W. Ii. Atterhury has purchased the
Tim Atteimiry place.
John Burge has his new home about
Willie ai.d i carl Thornton, who are
attending school in BoaabttTg, are 'jinte
tick with the MMMloO,
'J in Milk.
Lonking GUvs Happenings
Crass is growing nicely.
Mr. Moore is slopping at Mr
ard's this winter.
Wm. Siuionds is hauling material for
a new ham.
Mr. Sam Shumate moved into our
town and is hauling freight for W. K.
Mr. Taylor has purcbaaad the black
smith shop of Mrs. Mary Cochran and
also the W. K. Cochran house and lot
and is moving iuto it.
L. Moore will occupy the house va
catsd by Mr. Taylor.
A. C. Vermanson left Sunday for
Eastern Washington, where he owus
The late rains have put the ground in
flue condition and farmers are taking
advantage of it. Volunteer graiu in
making a good showing.
Rev. .'. I.. Weney of tlie M. K. rlinrrh
of TV smile prraebH to full house here
Miss Boxtk ami pieter mil Mr. ami
Mr?, s rphene intend to etHrt to Mieln
gau Tuesday. P. H.
r khrad Briefs.
Miss Ma Hunt of Oakland, was with
us Kridav, and everyone, especially the
school children, were glad to see her.
Miss Ora lirowu of Oakland, la visiting
her fri -ud, Miss Addie Lovelace.
Kd Mosier had a runaway first of the
week ; no serious damage resulted.
A. K. Lovelace and wife are still in
Portland wilt theiraon Dennie, who has
be 'ii a sufferer itb consumption of the
bones for several months.
If ioi Susie Jeuson has returned home
after a long stay in Portland.
Miss Lena Watson of Glide is teaching
our school, the term being half finished
Kveryone busy plowing and seeding.
Mrs. Wooeter visited Mrs. Weston or
Oscar Bradford ot Black Butte is here
visiting his parents.
Misses Addie Lovelace ami Ora Brown
went to Black Butte Friday.
a R. L, Polk fc Co., directory people, is
! here taking the census and just now he
Yoiulla Chroalcles , j( geing ,he couipete Vlat ot eyery Ux.
Mrs. Kmma Facet t, nee Thiel, and payer oi the comity. This is being tak
bushand, are visiting with her mother. , en from the books of County Assessor
Valentine Meeker, of Mt. Olivet, Ca!.. saley and will be printed in lull, giving
is the goest of bis cousius, Julia and , ,ne toUl valuations of each property
Mae Bishop. ! the county who pays taxes.
Krnest Helliwell and family departed
fuesday for California, going overland
Mrs. M. A. Benjamiiie came up from
I Portland this week to visit her son, Mr
P. L. Benjamiiie.
Y'our correspondent last weak failed to
note that we have two hotels, two black
smith shops, a shingle mill, a grain
chopper, box factory and cabinet shop.
Mi-se- Ruth and Lena Aelliwell gave
a Hallowe'en party to about 20 friend-.
Mrs. Andrews of California, is a guest
of her friend, Mrs. ti. W. Cartwright.
and has made many friends during her
stay among us.
Tenmile Gleanings
The rains were awful nice
and the
farmers are happy as clams.
Good roads are in evidence, the raiin
have not hurt them, yet.
There are plenty of turkeys up thi
way, Mr. F'ditor and you may expec
one about Thanksgiving time.
Al Bushnell and wile have been doin
some trading in Roseburg.
Kev. Mr. Hampton gone to his new
c targe, at Myrtle Point.
By an oversight no mention was mad.
of the death of Delbert, the little son ol '
dr. ami ilrf. Riley Pierce, aged 2 years,
who was buried here tome time ago
The loss was keenly felt by the sorrow ing
ones and they have the sympathy oi
this entire community.
Ce'rge rwiit has just completed tin
work on the new home of Isaiah QuH0
and he deserves much ere lit for the tin,
The inside of the M. L. Busline!;
hull ling is being repainted and put nil'
nice repairs.
These improvements indicate thai
;:nesare good and they also show that
0OI people want to hai. e things looking
Bloa and up-to-date.
Isaiah Irving went to Roseburg ti
u vet his father, w ho Ufcl heen in Port
laud laying in a supply of goods for hit
country store.
Mrs. Grum, who has been sick foi
onva titna, ast pacta to go to san Jose
Cat., soon, for a visit.
Kev. Sweeney, the newly appofjltad
Meihodist minister, preached a tine ser
ii on to a large congregation Sunday. He
has received a warm welcome to our
Thursday evening a surprise party
was tendered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Shrink, in honor of their daughter
and her new li'isband, Mr. Claud Hend
ateks, of Bosaburg. MUl "la Bwill and
Miss I. 'icy Bushnell had the supper in
hand, which means thai it was all thai
could lie wanted. During the evening
MNB0 fine miioic was rendered, and all
bad a most delightful time. It was
early iu the morning when the jolly
party broke up, one and ail pronounc
ing it a decided success in every sense
ol the word. IfOM Anon. '
Sen t, I . A. Clark, who is a spec'al re
cr litihg oflic -r for the government, wai
looking up Roseburg this week. He i
says he has been around the world twin-1
and has visited every fort iu the C S.,
except that at I t. Kiley, Kansas.
Monday arai a great big day for Kose
burg o.. i ' i nits, especially for those who
use printer's ink. The big store of i
Fisher x Bellows Co., had one customer,
alone, a Mr. S ibie, of Camas Valley,
who purchased bis winter's supplies, the
bill footing up the neat sum of 4310.
Tuesday evening Koseburg RabeOM
lodge had a line time. There were nev
er! candidates waiting and soon Sir
William Goat was taking them llin'ttgb
the mysteries of the order. Those who
surv t ved the ahook were: Mr and Mrs.
K. Jennings, Misses Bertie Pavis, lllla
Cox, Florence l.nke and Mrs. Lewis
Johnson. Among the out-of-town visit
ora who w ere present to enjoy the feslh -dies
of the evening were: Mrs. Sim ley,
: of Ohio, Mrs. Raseott.of Prain, and Mrs.
jnderwtHMl, of Oakland. After the in
itiation came refreshments and a jolly
good time socially.
The members of Koseburg l.i-dgr No.
10, A. O. V. W. are making some great
I preparation for a grand time which they
propose having sometime duriug the
j month of November. The Degree of
Honor will join forces with them and a
general good time is already assured. A
nice literary and musical program will
be prepared and nothing will be left un-
, done to make the affair a decided su
Philetarian Lodge No. 8, I. O. 0. f ,
is having a veritable "boom" in the(
matter of increasing its membership. A
campaign is on, which is for incresing
the membership by 25, making it reach I
-00, and as 12 were put through the mill
and more are said to be on the roa I for I
next Saturday evening, the goal will
soou be reached.
J. P. Cleland, a representative of
Postmaster Parks and his excellent
corps of assistants will soon have more'
comfort, when the swinging doors are up
and shut out the cold air.
Tuesday evening the Good Time Club
enjoyed one of ita delightful dances nl
the New Armorv. The Koseburg Or
.-dent i a furnished good music for the Oc
cision. Housekeeping Rooms Ask at the
Plaindealer office for particulars. They
are in a very desirable part of the citv
No children. u
This week Dr. H. L. Sludl.'y moved
family into the nice residence which II.
Wallenberg has just built for him. at the
corner of Rose and Washington streets.
This tine weather ought to suit even
the most fastidiously inclined.
If you are interested in seeing The
Plaindealer grow, reail our advertise
ments and then patronize our advertis-
ers. Tell them you "saw it in The !
"Permanent cures" is the verdict of
thoce who have tried Oateopothv.
Simon Caro's many frien Is are sorry
10 learn that he is confined to hi- I ud
He has la-en suffering for several days.
hut is reported better this morning
Yesterday afternoon the County I'en--ion
Fxamining board held its regular ;
t monthly meeting in Dr. Dutias' ollice, I
and several applicants for increase in j
paosiona waro bafora tba Board. Dr. K.
L.Miller and Dr. E Dulias were the
members oi the Board present. Hue
-pani-h war veteran was before the
Board to apply for a pension. Applicants
came from the Home, alto from Diain I
and Cisjuiile.
If you have ever heard adverse rOpoHf '
in regard to Osteopathy, investigate fori
yourself. You will find such reports to j
be false.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clingenpeel re
last evening from a daliglltfaj
ouling, which they spent near j
Peel, about 2H miles dlstan'. They en: y
ed life and came home enthusiastic 1 ver
the trip. They saw lots of big game .md
brought home deer to prove their state
ihmiI". Mr. 0. says it was a fine eiimalo;
nothing hot sunshine all the time they
were out. There was plenty of ice, but it
was a dry cold. Some of the RMBBtaiQfL
he avers, were so steep that they leaned
back the other way. Messrs. TurmUl
and Darnell, of that locality, accompin
ied them on their trip.
J. E Sawyers, lawyer and OOtaM
public. Ollice upstairs iu Douglas
County Bank Building. ti
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau.
Data for Twenty Years
r I r I k- v I I f III
II I I I I I 1 I I 1
Average blgbatt temperatore 48 w 57 u un 72 so so 74 m 68 48
Average low teniieriiture ,'ifi 35 'M 41 45 48 62 62 48 411 HH :
.Mean average temperature 24 yoars . . 41 48 47 61 67 01 lit) (Mt (JO 68 4(1 42
Average total rainfall 4.71 4.82 8 7(1 2.48 2.08 1.20 0.36 0.37 1.20 2.81 4.11 (115
Oreatest rainfall 12.23 11.50 8.(11 5.14 1.68 6.04 2.20 2.23 3 81 6.90 0.H1 12 02
Lowest rainfall 1.00 0.70 0.28 0.88 0.78 0.01 0.80 0.10 'i 73
Average No. days .04 of rain fell 14 13 16 II 10 6 1 2 7 8 13 16
Average snow fall in iuebes 3 4 2 j
Hotteatday on record 71 72 hi 80 108 os LOS 10 w oi 74 sj
Coldaat day on record 0 3 18 20 80 30 40 40 36 22 14 7
Highest bmirly velocity of wind. 80 30 36 30 I 30 28 84 41 24 26 30 48
Prepared by Thus.
Items Which Will be of Interest to
the Taxpayers
County Treasurer's Notice
N tics is liereliv given that all parties
holding county warrants endorsed prior
to, and including, July 17, 100 '. Hre re
tiuested to present the same to the coun
ty treasurer as interest will cease there
on niter the dale of this notice.
Paled Koseburg, Orcg., Oct 10, IIH)5.
(i. W, Dimmick
Real Estate Trtasfers
Benion Mires to S I' Co, 4250; lot 4, 6
blk 81, South Drain.
Alliert L MOOD et ux, to S P Co; 1 30
acres in N sec 17, tp 22 s r 5 w .
Laverne Weldon, et ux to S V Co,
t.'to; lot I, blk 88, South Drain.
Johu W Krewsoo et ux, to 8 I Co,
1400 j lot I, blk 81, South Drain.
John Cook et al, toTW Winnitord,
1160; lot 1, 2. 3, 4, of sec 32 and of lot 4,,
-e. 33 also sec 33, tp 2ft, s r tl w.
CR Potts to Mrs FT Dunning, 110 1
lot 8, sec 1ft, tp 80, s r 3 w.
Alexander V Ostron to II F Nelson,
$10 : interest in tracts of land in tps .10, a
r 0 w, 31 s r 0 w, 20 s r 11 w and 21 sr
11 w.
Henry Kartbolomy et ux to 8
V Co, '
ftStO; lot 4, hlk 23, South Drain.
the...... . ..
c i' i Mam ami wile lo 1 Oo, I0; l5 of
an acre in sec 17, tp 22, a r 6 w.
Q Qatar) A Bock to V Josie Bock, $1 ;
sec K), tp 20, s r 0 w.
John Watkius et ux to Christopher ('
Watkins. t.VH); sec 1H, tp 21, r 4 w.
W J Fellows et al to G F. Brewer' $1 ;
lot 5, MC 21, lot 1, sec 23 and pt lot 2,
see 23, tp 20, r ft w.
Win Sanderson et al, to Helen ti Rid
die, 130; parcel Ol land in sec 23, tp30
s r 5 w.
Win II Newton et al, to 8 P Co, 12ft;
lot H, blk 31, South Drain.
II K Baker et ux, to Matt Mattson et
al, 1800; sec 24, tp 23. s r 10 w.
('..111. Iteal Kut ate tN to W K llaynes,
$200; lot 12, blk ft, Waite's Addition, to
city of Koseburg.
Mary K Brooks to
Bank of Koseburg, tl
city of RowbUrg except
said half lot f,
0 t C R R Co to W
-ec 10, tp 27, s r 4 w.
First National
lot tl blk 27,
47 feet ol K end
F Buyer, ft40;
Mary Lane Shelby to i:dwardJa.iiii.,
1 ; lota 7, S, 1007, 1 r I w.
W I. Cobb and wife to Q B Lawrence,
et al, 1M j sec 0, tp 20, s r II w.
Sarah K and Win Murray to Jennie F
Porter, f 85 J 1 acre in Alstona Martin
dale, I) L 0 No 42, tp 2t, s r S w.
Dennis McCarthy to W F MacKay,
(400; sac 1 1, tp 2fi, If W.
R G Balderree et ux, to Freder ck
llargreaver, 43,000: sec 12, tp 22, r 12
Thomas M
h tootsy, 42J0
Winnifred to Harry
lot 1, 2, blk 12. i
Olll Ii
Jacob S Mes-ner
to Jacob Maaaoar,
IJaXIO; DLOHo 47, In asca 18, 14, 21,
tp 2H, h r ti w and lots ft, h, 7, of see II,
lot 8, see IS, of lot No I ill sec 21, tp 28,
r 6 W lying W ol t) A C It R Co.
A L Baker and wlie to Nancy Cllti
ningtiam, $306 ; lot No 6, Cahnoh'a Ad
dition to the city of Roseburg.
Mrs BW Strong and habd to D B
West, 4800; Klf lot ft and all of loth,
blk 72, City of Roseburg.
Andrew J Bellows et ux, to Arthur A
wl acres 111 esi nosc-
0 II Hedli y et ux, to C K B-ekley,
1803; 30 ft off tho s side of lot 7, all of
lot H, and portion of lot I, all in hlk 18,
Kit Addition to Oakland.
j s Garner at ox, to l. W'imherl ,
4::.il00; l I. 0 No 46, in sec 10, tp 80, s r
H w ami lots 8, 0, 10, II, sec 10, tp 20, s r
: w and 1'.".. acres in sec 2ft, tp 2li, art
w. 846 acres.
Minnie Kabi.t and h-l.d to Maud Reed,
1800; lot 18, blk ft, Wait's Addition lo
the city ol Roseburg.
Reported by F. E. Alley, Abstractor
Roseburg, Ore.
Gibson, U. S. forecast official,
County Board in Session
Yesterday the County Hoard convened
and will probably be in session for the
rest of the week. An unusually large
docket will he passed upon and some
matters of more than passing import
ance will come up for consideration.
Yesterday much of the time of the
Hoard was taken in passing upon and
undoing the claims which are outstand
ing auaiiist tlie rouiiiv. These will be
carefully examined before they are al
lowed or rejected as the case may Ihi.
The question of the Kiddle road was
again before the Hoard and il was found, j
upon investigation, that more taxpayers
had signed the remonstrance than were
on the petition which was circulated In
favor of the proposed road; accordingly
the Board could do nothing but decide
to reject the application.
Today a number ol matters are lieing
carefully considered, Including some
road petitions and like matters.
Tomorrow the Board will go in a Ixxly
to look into the Hall Creek road trouble,
near Oakland. It Is an appeal from the
damages which have been awarded hy
the appraisers, and reuires the personal
investigation ol the members of the
It is ex peeled that the sessions of the
Board will last uiitil atsiut Saturday,
unless some unexected matters of un
usual importance come up.
Court House Notes
Judge Harris banded down two de
cisions in the annexation cases which
have been brought in the district court,
relative to the annexation of West Rose
. . . """ I
nuns inai It lias no juriwllilloti ovei
property which does not concern tin
part in litigation. This decision U
thought to he a move lavorahle to thr
annexationists, although the case is not
yet entirely settled.
In the hotly contested divorce cant
brought by a Martha M. Drolllngei
against ' Melviu W. Drollinger, .In tg,
Hamilton handed down a decision II
which he concludes that neither part)
is entitled to have a divorce. F.ach parti
to pay its own coets.
The court has issued an order which
will restrain I'efeinlant Frank M. Slew
art from interfering with three of he
and his wife's children, during the jam
dem y ol the action brought hy his w He
MlDOlt K. Stewart, for a divorce. 1 In
w ife is given custody of the children ii
the meantime.
',' ui.' a big d. ed is lieing entered in
the records hy Deputy Clerk . V
WimU-rly. It is from Alexander V. Oo
Iron, ol Minneapolis, Minn., who con
veys lo John K. Ilolrnlierg, of Denver,
(.'olo. . a one-fourth interHHL in a lot o.
',,, ,,,, vlhu.,, Hl,.l(.ll .
through Linn, Lane, Dragla,fOOM aim
'Gurry counties. In former deeds tin
same grantor conveyed one-lourtb ti
one party, to another one tenth, and It
a third ii one-fortieth interest. It is a
voluminous d euineijt
Jennings' Bakery has fitted up a nici
lunch room. Kverything neal ami
clean. 7 Ilf
I'KS'I I - I
ii. II. WHITE,
VBU0 AttO I N .-1 KAN( K.
i i;g of 1 iik rial i,
vom AI.I.A.
Fine Turkeys and Chickens
For Sale. Some full-bloodtx BrODSt
Turkyn, tho linent in t he state; slse
a few jiuru blooded (Vbite Leghorn
( lookerebV Inquire of
station at Roaaburg, ( regon
Roseburg, Urtstfon.
36a nh - rcoon
imcoitPoiaiiD uiuiR ihi usrs ot mi com
A Book of Interest BON ab
sorbing Until tho most thrilling
work of fiction ix it Hank Hook.
Its title is never too long, nor
ita puirt'H too many, ami tho
long row of Hurim, ho ilry in
tithwr hookn, is ihtchrtoly intnr-
imc. Hut in onlvr to enjoy
its piiKes, each man must own a
hook. Tho way to do thin in to
open an account with tin.'
Commercial Bank,
nt the Kit; Storo of
Stearns & Cheoowith
YoncalU, Oregon
Yoneulla's liemlittartern for every
tMflg in tho lino uf General Hard
ware, Stove ami Farming Imple
Stearns & Chenowith
General Hardware,
Stoves, Tinware
and Implements
A Bargain in Plants
Send us 50 cents, ami wo
will, send yon, ly mail, cijjlit
varieties of hardy Flowering
Slirulis, mailing size. Or
twenty different kituls hy ex-
press, for 1.00. Catalogue
will he scut yon on request,
Southern Oregon Nurseries
H. A. Collins, Proprietor
Oakland, - Oregon
tteaaa Ooatfafta Svasytaiag neat ami
alaaa, t i.s. n,.,..
MRS. IDA BUNYAN, Proprietor
Kverytl..i N an. I Metl
eaaiaa u in, tun,.
Klulil. Ni-w '..
llVf u a trial.
Mrs. A. K. McCurdy, Prop'ri
I In- Inn of al 100 1 loii to Hi, '.ravullnir
oaki.anii, . . . oasooi
Onastttltli and
Canyonville, Ore.