The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 02, 1905, Image 5

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    The Time is Now, and
f yoU love your home, we Qfttl ninkc it more pli-asiint. Everything
tu niiikc Iioiiic flu-irf ul is lierr. IIdm-Ihiik Ihih never hcch such an extens
ive display of bOQIQ furnishings aM awaits your Inspection bTe. New goods
arriving daily. Beautiful showing f all the latest thinge In l arnltnre,
Carpets, Draperiei, Wonderful values await the coiners to tins busy store.
All the new limits are here ti"w Blankets. Quilts, Comforters from the
cheapest cotton blanket to the real and only standard, the Oregon Wool;
nothing on earth so nice.
We BJMMatSS any pri'o wn
may quota to l' iw low an any
in this statSi for now goods,
notwithstanding all you may
ntsd sboat diseottati sad sw
prfots. Wi' ua here to sell
KoodS) sad will not undersold
if wn know it. Wo are the
lenders of lnw prices mill easy
terns. Wm bay at the very
lowest prices. We liuv for
strictly spot cash. We secure
the vrry best diseoaats there
Srs to bt had. Surely, then,
trs sie in s posit kw to do you
SOBM Rood. Wo have Sdded
Home wonderfully good lines,
saeh as
Rasnher the great demon-
hi ratli.n of the MA.IKSTJC, at
our stOTS from the sixteenth to
the twenty-first of this month.
Hot coffee ami biscuits nerved
free. Come ami enjoy the lunch
on us.
The Best Line of House Furnishings in Southern Oregon
Rice atSLr Rtrp The House Furnishers
ICC V rVlCCe Wholesale snd Retail fcosc Furnishers
County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement.
All neoessary adjustments. Nothing ti k-. out f fix.
Solid flames. KL'id ar.d strong.
Call and sec thciu. (
: J. F. BARKER C0. Phone 201
Wholesale and Itctail Butchers Tin- best the Market
affords. All kiwi of Stock Bought and Sold.
Phone 661
Roseburg, Oregon
Advice to Chauffeurs
l( a.- avoid running down eo-
pic who are over ninety yearn. Tliy're
only for a tew months more, any
Yen, it ia decidedly laid form to drive
down a crowded thoroughfare at a aieed
4 mure tlian tlfty i an dour. DoCt'l
he a hog leave something (or ihe next
Don't M"o an open lamp when iwarcl
ing lor leats in the gasoline tank. The
lam may blow out incidentally tin
auto will blow np.
Ifcm'l be too cgar to make a record.
Bonwinbor that the present champion
ol the world on his firet day out merely
killed three nnil maimed four and one
1 1 iff.. ,. :i policeman.
ot lone ago one o( the memliers ol
the Killer' Clul) wan exiadlexl lor violat
nit; (he cluh ael limit lie was caught
in ll.e act 4( driving under tiftv HaSaN
an kniirn. The seriousness o( hid of raise
may he butter appreciated when we
DMMttOB the lact that mil run iiis long
and brilliant record as a slayer d citiseais
was alile to ae. Julieu Joeephsou in
Noveauber I'amtic Monthly.
Coos Bay Option
I hold an opttM '"r SO davs OW n
valuable Cisia Hay peninsula rorty.
at fdlKI er acre. Adjoining urcrage DM
aold (or II . ' DM acre. Can't handle al
under the option time VBd wish aomn
one to tiike ' ol 10 acre I wet. Partic
ulars addreaa It. B. M., 110 Wash., St.
Kpnkane, Wash.
1 here is a Difference
Itetween Tailor-made OloUlM
ami "hndDiodowDi." The
Tailor-made is made (or you
His you. 'I'liu " hand - me -
down " is maiio (or anybody,
The Tailor - mad holds ita
shape, wears well, looks well,
and carries refinement with
it. The "hand-inn down" gets
out of aliapn, and displays
naitlutr choice nor taste.
Be a Tailor-Made Man
The difference in cost is triv
ial, and the finished product
carries distinction.
Full I nir of all the Seamn's Offerings
and made lor you at prion
which out rank the "liiind
n lo- lowtt" claaa.
BODGE, NobTby"0DrMri
link sired below Jauksoo.
They Appeal to Our Sympathies
The bilious and dyspepic are conslaiil
aufferers anil apHaJ to our aympathici
There ia not one of them, however, who
may not he brought hack to health and
happiness by the use of Cliainlierlaln'd
stomach and l iver Tablets. These tab
lets invigorate the stomach and liver
and strengthen the digeation. Tbey also
regulate the bowels. For sale liyA.C.
Marnti rs A Co.
I, J. Norman & Go,
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Confections, fruits
Bakery Goods
Always Fresh
Mil HI II ST. M U 1)1 1'UI
Keiiiemher trliat our leading tailor, i.
A. MciIKiugal, ia atill oudeok, with a
Hue Hue of the ..-( aainidee th tuarkrt
priKluoea. He it ready to put up uit
to plcaae the most faatidious. Mc is
second U none ou the I'acific Coaat aa a
Mt.-i ant maker, and hia staff o; work
men caiMiot be oxcelled. You would
do well to call early and lave your
order. Ketnember, .what lite well, wears
well. Cravenette vercoatlug in mini
difl.'rent shades. - t(.
Card of Thanks
To the many frieuita at Voncalla who
so kiudly assisted in the care o( owr
loved (Miu duriug her tang illneos sixl
death we wieh to exteod our heaii(e4t
thank. Kindoesa at any time ia a
precious trait, lut when ahowu to the
sorrowing and alBicted it ie donhlv dear.
.Maylheaame meaeure of kindness U
shown to our (riciuls should it ever lie
needed ia the wish al
F. M. Fiiobt
Mr. and Mrs. .Ioin Kkoht
JliNMK Kll'll IKDS.
Heml-annual reKirtof tha (,'ounty Treaaurnr of t.'ouglaa County, Orefroo,
for the term beginning April I, JIMV, and ending Kepi. IS, lt06:
April I, 1900 To balance on hand 161, 1 W So
fteoelvcd from aherllT, taxet ll.nw 2.1
" " " (tenally and lolereat SH U
" " m faea 28 10
" " county cleric, for fee I,!! V
" " aaaeaaor, tax 10' MM m
" " forfeiture on balla 3,0u0 00
" " payment on county fair ground 1,200 00
" " damages ou disallowed road aurveyt 40 (X)
I 'aid on state and agricultural tax
" " redeemed oouoty warranta
" " int. on redeemed county warranta
" " redemption of tax certiHcatea
Traoafi i rod from general f'-nd to library fund
" " o i cooirmiu achool food...
" " " " " Indlgect aoldler fund. ..
o H II ro() fU0J ....
Sept. 30, balance on hand
swjai so
MM'. r.i
3,211 v,
n ol
11,1140 CO
!4S 50
2,24a M
HARVEY JONIS, Proprietor
ivates $1Xj per day and upward
Sew Hrick, New FarniehingH,
I'rompt Services. Ojipoaite the
P. Depot 'Jroundfl .' ." .' .'
Oct. I, 1906, balance on hand .. .'.
Held fur redemption of called warrant.
Available balance on hand
K7.flOo 70 H7,).7 7H
10.512 7
0,161 M
I.SSI 03
The Largest and Best Ktiippeil Brew
ery in Southern Oregon.
Hoseburg Beer has a Reputation throog It
out the County for Ita
10.512 07
S4,:Vj1 "3
824,797 23
121 50
102 55
H 00
Kecclvcd from elate trem. lot. on irreducible school fund 9,806 80
Transferred from general fund 11,640 00
By amounts paid out on achool superintendent's order . .
S.-P' balance on hand
Oct. I, 1000! available balance on hand
c)mm m ncoooti taut
April 1, l'.M)."i, balance on hand last report
Iteceived since last resjrt, clrcirit court ones.
Received from J. P. fine
Keceiv. .1 from sherifT balance on flue
4)10,512 !7 nri,l purity means Health.
Brewed only from selected Barley ami
Cr. Choicest Hops.
Special Brewed Bottle Beer Onr Specialty
Direct delivery to your residence in
quantities of one rase or more.
22.-42 It Titlp (Mflr.miet &l oati Lo.
oi mil nl
46,536 08 $46,536 08
Oct. 1, 1!I05, bnlaoce on hand 123,693 93
! I. D.
Secy, and Trea
April 1, 1H05, balance on haod last report 011,957 46
deceived from aherilT since last report 1,900 35
I'aid out on dialrict clerk's receipts
Hept 30, balance on haod
JBce In the Court Hum. Hre tne only com
plate set ol abstract books In Doualaa County
tbatracia and Certificates ol Title raraismuoi
Douglas county land and mlnlnc claims. Bare
also e complete eel ol Traclojci o' all township
12,700 90 plats In the ttoeetars., Oregon, C. 8. Land Dia
1 156 91 Met. Wtil make bine print copies ol any town
' ' snip
13,857 8t
Oct. I, tSSS, balance on hand S 1,156 91
April 1, BiOo, balance on band last report t 2,254 26
Received from aherilT aince laat report 434 59
By amounts paid out to city treasurer
Sept. HO, 1905, balance on band
113,857 81
2,5:19 35 1
149 501
S 2,688 85 t 2,688 85
Oct. 1, 1905, balance on hand S 149 50
April 1, l!KVi. balance on hand last report I 550 61
Transferrer! irom general rjiiu since last rejiori m
Sept. 30, balance on hand
f 625 30
Oct. 1, 1900, balance on hand 625 36
rrrn. vnn
Gives each month an index of all im
portant articles appearing in over 200
American and foreign publications, also
abstracts of the most valuable articles
I and from four to eight original articles J
by practical mining men. fully lllu.
trated. fz.uo a year in advance,
sample copy, 20 cents. Send to
120 Liberty Street
New York
0S8 36
625 26
deceived from sheriff since report t
By amount paid out on county surveyors receipts
5 60
5 60
5 60 $
A)ril 1, 1905, balance on hand t 181 GO
Received from f. B. Hamlin, teachers examination feel... 84 00
Paul out on superintendent's orders
Sept. 30, 1905 balance on baud
t 265 60
Oct I, ISOS, balance on hand 165 60
April 1, 1905. balance on band I 1,374 57
Transferred Irom ireueral fund siure report 149 50
By auioiint paid out on indigent soldier warrants
ept :!0, 1905, balance ou baud
$ 1.524 07
Oct. 1, 1005, balance on hand $ 1,107 02
April 1, 1005, balance on band 139 05
deceived since laat report lor tinea 126 00
By ain't paid out ou costs prosecuting game warden cases .
r-ept. 39, 1905, balance on band
265 05
73 60
5 60
100 00
106 60
(06 60
417 05
1.107 02
Your price is ours. .Profits wilt ba
overlooked in this sale. Pianos, Organs,
liuitare, Mandolins, Violins, Sheet Mu
sic, Books all to go. Twelve or fifteer
of such well known pianos as the lainoua
Chicago Kimball, the popular Hobart
M. table, the Jacob Doll, the Weser
Bros., many toned pianos ', the beautiful
Bailey and many others. Any man witlt
a salary of forty to fifty dollars can own
one of these beauties. We will expect
flOdown, and V, 8, or 10 per mouth.
See our show windows for bargains ia
Sheet vi usic and Instruments. Call or
write today.
g 3 tf Bcbh's Mi -k 11.
$ 1,524 07
191 55
73 50
2ii5 05
Cured Consumption,
Mrs. W. B. Evans, Clearwater, Kmh.,
wiitcx: "My liusliand lay sick for three
in. nth- The doctors said that he lud
quick consumption. We procured a bot
tle of Bullurd's Horeliound Syrup and it
cured him. That was six years m,
Sinue then we have always kept a buttle
in hf house. We cannot do without it.
I'or coughs and colds it has no cijual."
25c, 50c and t. Sold by A. C. Mursteis
.t Co. n
Oct. 1, lf05, balance on bard
April 1, 1905, balance on hand 19,075 84
Transferred from general county fund to road fund 2,242 35
I Nation to road 600 00
f-pecial road tax from sheriff 49" 86
By amount paid out on road orders
Sept. 30, 19Uu, balunce on band
$ 22.316 05 00,816 06
lk-L IJ905, balance on hand 7,226 01
Stat of Oregon,
i on i it., of Douglas i
1, ti. W. I iuu mil k, Treasurer of Douglas County, Slate of Oregon, do certify
i lint tle foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid
out and remaining on hand iu the county treasury of said county for the six
iiiontbe eliding Sept. 30, 1905.
Witevess mv baud this 31st day of Oct., 1905.
County Treasurer.
' mmm mmmmm i
Sfesafesx aav sSa, tBvK JeafeSaaKSeS eSSje)SssXlaSai I
Choice Fruit Trees
All the leading varieties of choice fruit
trees, warranted tirst-clase in every re
spect. Yellow Newtown Pippins and
Spitzenbergs a specialty. At reasonable
prices. Al the Roseburg Nursery..
B4-tf P. O. Box 9t,
I have eome good claims, farm and
ranch lands for sale, reasonable, in ono
of the most beautiful valleys on the
coast, write or phone to
15,090 04 ' Wm. M. Porter, Camas alien, Ore.
7,226 01 ! ntt ilec s. w. frum Kiinebura via Myrtle rotut
I Dr. Wllltiiiiis' Imliiiii Tile '
i hni ii i i i will i-iirii lllluil,
'inn ilinu nnil lli liliik'
I'lli N. Il uliNiirl' Hie Iiiinors,
ulluys the lii'lilnc ul unci), acts i
lu ii i Itlce. trlvi I o i no i ic- :
In 1. Dr. VYIIIIiiiiih' IiiiIIiiii Pile Ollll.
moiit Is liri'lmri U foe I'll.' , nnil lliii- 1
1 nar of i he private puns. Kvery box la j
uiirriiiilml. Uv ilrilL'tflslH. Iiv iniitl mi re-
ei Oil ol price, 6nts and i.iii. WILLIAMS
MS0(C1URISG CO., Prop, Olwvolal dOo
aaaaw wc
n f i
r l
Stvfo rwrvd rellnble. ttey
ovoroamo wotikness, in
ui'.tMi vigor, banish plns.
No romody aim Is OKV
SoM hy l)ruKKtt uinl Dr. Motts
Cliuuiiciil Cu ClovuUutl, Ublo.
What Denvar, Colo.. Says:
Mr. Wm. I!, l.ot.e, one of the most
able Y. M. 0. A. secretiirieH in Ihe
(Jnlttd Stiites says under date ofTlTuu
iii y 7, 1SU7: Tim enter tiiiiimeiit by ti c
Schubert Symphony Club mid l.ady
ijunrletle wns strictly flrst class ami
SVS ratlfS MtillSdtlORi Their concert
ml BODlbi rs were especially line." Hear
th. in Nov. 2nd.
We make up fine Candies, every day. We are ag
ents for Peters' Milk Chocolate, the Alden Can
dies, and the FaraouslHamona Sweets.
Try One of Our Fine, Fresh Boxes of Chocolates
They are put up fresh every day. We make a
specialty of putting up Fancy lioxes of Candy,
Try us and see for yourself.
Sick headache is caused bv a disorder
ed condition of the stomacbe and is
quickly Hired hy Chamberlain's Stouv
ucb and I.iver Tablets. For sale by A.
C. Marsters & Co.
The Daily News ot Denver,
1 on December 29, 1890, says: "It ia
rarely, indeed, that Denver is favored
with ii vocal execution ami instru
mental as well. When it is said that
the work of the Quartette is beyond
criticism anil the other performances
the work of profesionals, the truth is.
told. It was a rare privelege, thorough
ly appreciated by the audience, to listen
to the wonderful voices of the Quartette
in their harmonious blendiug aud sur
prising range, and there was not a num
ber on the program but secured am
encore." You can enjoy the name treat
that Denver did at the 0iera House ua
November 2nd.
Neuralgia Pains.
Rheumatism, lumbago and Sciatic
pains yield to the penetrating iiitluenco
of Hallard'a Snow Liniment.
It Kmitrates to the nurve and bono
and being ubsorUd into the blood, it)
healing properties are conveyed to every
part ot the body, und efbvt some won
derful cures. 2"c, 800 aud f 1. Sold by
A. C. Marsters 4 Co. u