r L' YbbbbbI? "TbP i BrMi' jSt BTH AbbbbbP'M)' f ( ViLa I yfflF J. A. COBB & CO. HOStbTWi, OREGON S V VS N V TUs If the time for cxamening the Plumb ing. It may save you some trouble later on SEND FOR SYKES & CARROLL Plumbing and Contractors Sewer and Water Work SHOP: 2 19 h son St. Phone 261 BACt Dl 'ti- aujLovnu, V ,V V -N - N.V N. S GRAVES' ART EMPORIUM When you buy bore, you are sure that you get everything that is right UptC-datte. Tne very latest styles in framed pictures, picture mold ing, sheet pictures to frame, Fancy Work oi all kinds; Pyrography good's and oiitfits for burning. For all Photo Supplies, and Everything' in the Art Goods Line Come to Gfaves' Art Emporium. Wo have The Nobbiest Line of Christmas Goods Ever Displayed in Roseburg is Here Prices arc rL'ht. ('oino and be convinced of it. ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND 1HURSDAYS Ratared la tas Poet OMaeal aosssurg, Otncaii MiHiiiul rln Mall Maiu r In It W E. WILUS, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES tSumMVci kljr Onu Year Hli Mi.lllll, II uo. Q .'.on; H'inl Wickly ti In A'tvaucs. MONDAY, NUYKMISKK iimi.-. IS IT JUSTICE? The fiiiniity oraele ol Portland that poureout In Hpurknoi polltioal wladon at regular Intervale bun bo one forth into thn limelight igajn in the roleol a re oooetrneted Ibvlor with avowed Intro' tiou to prenurve the great iutereata oi this iplendld OituHton wealth "t w.oi. InjtOtti It calls Umjii tlircn of the four Repreeentatlvee ol the delegation to re sign tiieir Ni'iitH in tim Pnngrmlnml halls and i u k . uay for M) who can fill i iicin Hccording to lilt) HliiudHrd pre aurlhud by this almighty power, the "Oregoniau." And thia reiuentin muile in tlie intorentH of what? Ol justice? If eo, juuticu to wlioin? Surely not UJobo II Mil. in Ii or Nuwt WilliHinuon wIiohu caseN are yot to he deuidud hy the lupreme tribunal In this country. Sum- lv not lo BingW 1 1 rim .in ii who has never been accorded even a trial as promiHud each niwinhur of tint delegatiuu by tho proeeouUng offlceri if ltiuger llertiiaiiu hIkiiiIiI mlgO his Ofltofakl OOUM it would he u tacit admiHsiou of bin guilt and an open confession that he ia unfa to till the position he how holds. Would it be justice to Oregon? If jus tice uiuunu the douerliou of tbe Htates' A Man With Judgment, Obi who bti ibo "ing; frraro' oomN to J. A. OOBB I 00. for his PuroiBhiag koimIm, THE REASON WKT Pint BffltflM hi fltl what hi wiin! h; NOOBd BCBUn ho run Kl tint fit hnro, find tut tukx into ciinHifliTfttlun Mm furl that we curry tho only tXclulin lino in town of Qmti rarBkhlogi) Bopt & Mon'a Clothinjr And liiHt hut not IniiHt, ho known oaf prion ro rigfal wi hiri thi cintiiinK iimi Poraiihlogithtt tally with thn ptHtlhllir'l BMMMi If you want a $f suit , wo hnvo the tioHt in town for the monoy. If your judgment tolltt you to buy a $11 or en ijilH auit, we'll ivo you your money' worth. )oyou know the namt'H of Homo "unappy" HtulT? See if thi boimiIh natural: the "('omiuoror" Hat, the "f'aatle BnUMtr Hat, the "rackard" .Shoe, tho "I'luett-lVubody" coat Hhirt; a full lino of "Arrow" brand OOHtM. "Carter & HoUnwMtiii: "CtnoB droMH glovca, in X ahndea of tans. We invite fw to mil and namlM u r merchandise, We won't h iit III, (t miiI o( you In ing I ll fOn something un because you cone in "t look. Ledlee, ii jut nan a ihn moment when you're out bop ping, drop la atOobbA Co.'i place ana Inspect vu "Bojre' Wear" .h pertinent of "or n ice linool ties. You ate interested In the way your boy oi nueband dMMMi no nn we, and that's why we have turned oui whole attention to Men'e and Boys' 1 illlil-lili.n- .V N ' N . . V V N .Wi nucrnu J uacuun S N V V S S V S " GRAVES' ART EMPORIUM most vital interests and a complete aur rciiilcr of the helm to the Hilitical ele inenta; if this In. justice to OregoD, then tbeae men ihotlld resign. The senior Dember of thin delegation, John II. Mitchell, i the strongest BMQ tluit ever repreeented Oregon at tin. National Cnpitnii It was during the incuinhenc ol BenntOr Mitchell and Dolph and Repreeentative Hermana that Oregon obtained the hulk of her iHrge appro prtatione, It is a mutter of Hilitical hinlory tlmt Oregou'H delegatioo oh tfJned in one year 11,600,000 in appro print ions iin compared to the half mil lion oi dolla.ni Mound by the eotlredeie. gatloni of California, v aahlngtou and I luho. Tbeee men were and ere itrooa men. Tliey are iii lustrinUH and untiring workers and ti c kind who obtain re suits. If the state of .Oregon had de- pnude I upon the effnrta of the i i. delegntiou of I'lirllniid oltUeni headed by the "Oregonian'a" editor, to obtain the large appmpi iation for the Lewie ami ( I irk Fair, it would have failed miserably. These 1'ortlaod citixeus were atrangers in u Ntrange Imid and valueless allies. 'I hn "Oregoniau" conceded that the Oregon delegation secured the Fair appropriation hy an almost superhuman effort. The result of their work was evidenced by the BspOeiUon just cloned Tiie resignation of these men now while their cases are yet undetermined in the courts will he a greater reflection upon the state ami a greater Impairment of their LnfllMMaM than their present a: Hindu, U tho former course would ho a practical edmlaeiofl of their wrongdoing. The editor of the I hegnuian or anyone else has no rigid to impose his rellection upon thom i The very agitation of this question at this time does a groat injury touur state abroad. It is unjust and uncalled for. I the utile exponent of Oregon's wbI1.hu in the person of the ' Oregonian'a" editor continues to persiet in his present oourse of persecution thruugh the lolumni ol a sensational ami blood-thirsty ne diaper organ then might. Hi" ioilii of Oregon rise to their feet with one accord exclaiming : ' (Ifeat leott, ran ttila ba so?" Buff Leghorn's Yoi, mi ituiT Leghorn' for sale, in- quire old. W. Thompson, Kdenbower, or address Jtox It, Kusehurg, Out, tf Town Lots For Sale Choice building loin in Kinney's tt" proved plat of Koseburg, near Main street, good title. Price ft0 par lot. Address, N. A. Km ii ihlis, tf 5TIJAKNS ft CHIiNOWBTH OAKLAND AND YONCAI.I.A have Henicia 1 1 uncock Kotary Hide Mill Keverslble In. I'Iowi ami Double Disc's linftaln I'itln Harrows, Dltc Cutters, Main Wagon, Majestic and Monarch ! Malleable Iron Hansen, no hot biscuits, I but hot pricey . Coyote wire fem e by the car iuail. H3 tl Have you seen it , the celehrateil CALIFORNIA tonat ci You will find it at Churchill's Hardware. Mcn'a heavy jray overahlrti jni( the thiog for cold morninga regular 6(c valuea for i. at Joaephaou'a. Today Mra. H. Hamilton ia reported lo be very low. Hhe haa been iulte ill for aotne time paat, hut ol lale her condition waa iimi Ii improved, and it waa hop d he would live for aome lime Toda; changn ia not encouraging, however. I ter Mra. Hamilton did thia morjiing .it n .'i Funeral eervicea will be held at the I'reahvterian church, Saturday, h ginning at 1:30 p. ni. Interment at the Maaonic cemetery. Korthe heneflt of out of town patron? who were unahle to take advantage- of our mounter fair week Bale, we herchy announce that for' tbe next two weukr we will continue to full ill gooda in cluded in naid aale at the incredible low pricea previously advertised. If you have not yet inapected our bargain cou utera, we ad viae you to do eo at once. Joaephaon'a. I cla and (ieorgia Dimmick are on the lick liat, hut their frienda hope they will toon ha able to be out again. For photographs, viewing, id nic turen copied ami enlarged, Haah light pictures and all work in the photo line apply at (iruven. Home Studio 1 l'JO Mill -i. 1'houe 777. 815 OREGON UNIVERSITY'S INTERESTING BUDGET Another football victory has been ad ded to our Int. On Saturday, Oct. 28. the I', of O. football team defeated tbe Obeoawe Indians by a score of 17 to Ic Thi game was by far the best seen o(i the I'niversity gridiron tins year. Hug, Moore and McKinney of the I', ol O. were out of the game on account of in juries, but even without these three stal wnna the victory was won. The team shows a great deal of improvement since the California trip and is now iu almost perfect trim. As a preliminary to the big game, the 1'. of O. second team played the Kugene High School a scoreless game. In the first half Oregons second team carried the ball across the high school's gon. line, hut OB account of all off side play the score did not count an4 Oregon was penalized, ueiore the Dull could again be carried over the line, time was called .in.l the result was, no score. VernOO Tomlinson, one of the last yearn graduates, was visiting the I'ni versity lust week. Tbe twenty-ninth anniversary celehr: -tion of the founding of the l.aiueau Literary uml debating society took place on last Friday evening. A special pro gram waa rendered and refreshments were served. Ivan It. Rhodn, !etter known as "Musty Rhodoe," addrooeod the Y. M. 0. A. of the I'niversity on lat Friday evening. His subject was, "A Collage Man's Selections." Mr. Khodes gradu- ated from the I'niversity of California in ItsJl, and still keep! up his interest in student affairs, lie said that the fact that the U.ofO. had tied the I . ot Q, In football this year, made him feel libit be whs in a good crowd. The football team goes to Salem on next Naturday where they will play Willamette I'niversity. A large crowd of "rooters" will accompany the teun , Coach llruco Shorts addressed the as sembly last Wednesday oil "Vim and Vigor." He urged all students to take part in student activities whenever 1 1. y were needed The address was, in the opinion of many, the best thing of its kind that bus ever been heard in the as seinbly room. At the close of the talk a OOmmitte uo orgaiii.od "rooting" was appointed, with the result that a rooters club of about 125 members has been formed. All were at tbe game Saturday and yelled : Oskey 1 Wow ! Wow 1 Whiskey I Wee! Wee! Oley Muckee ti ! Oley Vursitye ! Oregon ei ! Wow ! Timothy. DR. H. L. STUDLEY, Osteopathic Physician Consult! on Yiif ., ,,. K'-si'tsncaj 1411 Phonos- Jmr M,, I,,,, Off, ,. flours 9 to VI s. m ; J to ft p. in. Office In lh Abraham Hull. Una kOaKIOMI, Okf.ns LOUIS BARZBE, ATTOKSEV AT LAW, NDTAHY I'CBl.lc, Marstrrn tt.i it.lltiar I'll. .mi VA l!'iHKHt:Hi. oarooN C. I. LEAVENGOOD, ATTOHSKV-AT LAW, Abratisni Is.i 1 trl I naj RO8CB0KO, oiikijos ITEMS FROM THE DIFFERENT CHURCHES Word waa received today from Uishop Mori iaon, of tbe M. K. Church, aouth. to the effact that he had appointed Kev. W. F. Lyon to fill tbe Myrtle Creek charge and Kev. 0, W. (iardiner for tbe Teoria and McFarland Belds. Uotb of these are said to be good, itnng meij, "Can Ciol be Blamed for the Facta of Hio and Suffering", will be the aul jec at the Methodist Kpiacopal Church next abhath evening. In the morning iba object will be, "Tsui's Apfiealto Kvery Ueliever." Kpworth LnflM at 0:30 p. m. The public ii cordially invited to tbeae aervicea. Tbe varioua Sunday achooli are al ready beginning to make extenaive pre paration for the Chriatmaa exercisesi. and the indications are that it will be an occasion of great rejoicing among the little folks. Haturday evening the choir of the I 'renin t. rian church will meet with Mrs. Maddox, for practice t omorrow will be the meeting of the Htewarda of the Methodist Church South, which will beheld here and which promisee to be largely attended and a very intereating occasion. The subjects of the sermons at the Christian Church next. Sunday are: 11 a. m., "The Acme of Christian Ser vice,"; 7 :30 p. m., "The Folly of a Wise Man." The special offerings ot the day will be for Oregon misi-ior. churches. Church, corner Pine and Woodward street". The public is cor dially invited to all services. Soldiers Home The many frienda of Daniel Shell' , here at the Hi me, are rejoicing w itl him over his piece of good fortune in tin fact that he has just succeed Ingettini,' the lonu delayed iwnsion, which lm- oeen eageriy expected. lie was an Indian War veteran, and for some liim he haa been partially paralyzed, and foi the past six years he has been in the hospital of this home, where he is al most helpless. The new pension is a veritable god-tend for him. It is only for $12 pel month, but be gets about ! back pay, which will be well be stewed upon one who is in every way worthy of it. John Stieger is spending a few days visiting with his friends at Kugene. M. A. Meisenheiiner takes exception to the reHirter's item from the Soldiers' Home, which had him coming from the Soldier's Home at Orting, Washington state. He thinks that either somebody got mixed or that there is some one else w ith a name very similar to his. Either ol these mistakes might occur, for among a crowd of H'S old veterans, tin newsgatlierer is to be excused, if he should mix up the names, uuiuteution tKy, iKTasionally. A. P. Mann is sojourning with his Al bany friends for a few days, but lie will expect to lie bat k iu timo to ei joy Thanksgiving turkey. Yolkntkkb. Mrs. F. H. lierger, of Salem, is the guest of her brother, "Hoc." Steiner and family. She is just recovering from a J severe attack of typhoid fever, which i has been epidemic un tiiat wav. She' will remain here seine weeks. Fire Insurance! I W. WRIGHT Pin Insurance a Specialty. Our rec ord of honorable dealing and prompt puyraent of losses for the past fifteen years is a Kmixantee to the insuring public of the absolute indemnity this agency will provide in future. With thanks to the insuring public for past patronage, and soliciting a continu ance of the same, I am, very truly, J. W. WRUiHT. gj PROFESSIONAL r.KOkGK M. HltOWN, F. W. BENSON, A ! I 'iHNKY AT I.AW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW '.'wii. t '.'!' ROHKBUBO, ORtOOM Bank Rnflitlng ROtSKRt'RO, ORMOgj 1 ia A P m-'I'T V M I) I'.l ' HANAN & GkF.SINOKK, OIBoe-Rooms II, 12, 13, DomtlasCo. Bank Bllg ATTORN It YH AT-LAW . Rooms I an4 2 Phone 4H RD3EBURI. OKKOOH Marsleia Building ROSIBURQ, ORJCiOM DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, MS. E. SAWYERS, nrfNOlAS AND aUnOKOS ATTORH EY-AT-LAW Oflee RU-w Hldg Rynn 7. CptUIrs la fhnne Main in ROHEBORO, ORKOON bonglas Co Ban. Bids., B08EBIRQ, OREOON ELMER V. HOOVER, R. W. MARSTERS, PIIYNI01AN AM. BUBOEOIt omc.,.a1B,res,loa.p9o,aoa,botCirB.U " P0Tr fVBUC. FbOD 4l BOflEBfRO, 0RE00K ktanUis BolMlnc ROHEBL'RO, OBBOOM F W. HAYNES, J. R. CHAPMAN, D. D. S., DEKTIHT PEBT18T Rcvltw Building Phone 21 Telephons Bo. Hit Honrs-t am tot p.m. Boem.Sa.dt BOBBBDBO, OBtOOf Abr-ttIB alMaf a,CM, 0BgooBI CRAWFORD & WATSON, 4. M. CBAWrORD 1. O. WATSOB G. J. BACHER, D. M. D., ATTOKNEYS-AT LAW OerBuslnesi lloi tbe 0. M. Land OfBcoaocI DENTIBT Mining Cases a HpecialtT 8,affahifflfai BOSEBCBO. OSEGOX Abraham Bulldln, ROeEBCRO. OREOOB j gj J. C. FULLERTON, ALBERT ABRAHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , ., - - - - ATTOBKEY-AT-LAW Will practice In all State and Federal Courts office In Marks Bide. R06EBfRO. OREGON Abraham Building ROSEBCRO, OREGOB COSHOW & RICE, JOHN T. LONG, I ATTORSEYS-ATLAW, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tarlcr A W'tsoo Rooms 5 and t Building BOSEBl'RO, ORIOON Marsiers Building ROSEBl'RU, OREOON The Latest Styles in Millinery Parlors on Cass St., Near n MRS. H. E ASTON is prepared to wait noon old i and new customers and friends with a full and complete f stock of 1 GROCERIES AH fresh and of the very beet qualitv. Teaa aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. 305 Jackson St. 1) , .... TEAM KOK SALE Qood team, w.i con und harness, (or sale cheap. In uuire of K. 0. Woodruff, at Kice A Kite's. 80 -Iwke A Judicial Inquiry A well know n traveling man who visits the drug trade suys he lias often 1 lien : u druggists inquire of customers 1 who asked for a cough medicine, I whether it w us wanted fur a child or for 1 an inliil! an.! if for a chili! thee almost invariably recommend Cham .i I Pliaixhurluiiiu Cough Remedy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cures. There is not the the least danger in giving it, j and for coughs, colds and croup is is un I surpassed. For sale by A. C.,;Marster8 I .v. Co. The children's friend Jaync's Tonic Vcrmifug c Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nejyesand muscles. Gives tone, vitality and Get it from vour Jrugewt 'mTZ9m m i Br- CARDS DEPARTMENT The ladies of Roseburg and vicinity are cordially in Yited to call and inspect my stock of up-to-date goods. It represents the very Latest and Most Attractive Creations known to the art of the la dies' hatters. My prices are right, and ray stock is very complete, affording an ample range for your selection. MRS. C. H. DA VIES Depot, ROSEBURG, OREGON Nature. Medicines that aid nature are always moet effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the Hums, aids expecto ration, opens the secretions, and aids neture in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by A. C. M ure ters Cattle Ranch for Sale 320 acres on Seven Mile Creek about live miles southwest fromFort Klamath, OfBBOtt. All fenced, hou-e, large barn ample water Bttpplj, will cut about eighty touu wild hay. Address, with references, P. O Box SI33, tf Tacouia, Wash. Insomnia and Indigestion Cured "Last year I had a very severe attack of indigestion I could not sleep at night aud suffered most excruciating pains for three hours after each meal. I was troubled this way for about three 1 "" WllOU 1 11BB11 I 1 1 .1 11 1 oci 1 .1 ill S . I 1 T , - 1 , ) htomacti ana Liver l ablets, ana re ceived immediate relief, says John Dixon, Tullamore, Ontario, Candada. For sale by A . C. Marstors & Co. The California toaster on the stove will prevent your rice, breakfast food or milk from burning. Its at Churchill'. snap. i