The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 02, 1905, Image 2

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    Frank E. Alley
Abstracter and Land Attorney
Land Office practice a Specialty. Abstracts
of Title furnished. Land Scrip for Sale.
Township Maps, Showing Vacant Land.
UpsUiri Ovtr Land Of ice
Roseburg, Oregon
Some fix wor k or ro njo. the Plato
denliT rwreivtsl r , n-t for a
aani)l copy from Mr. K. C.
llerrirk, of Mklt, lmliana. As tn
all Inch MMfei Um reiiist vj nlmllv
pranUtl unit MOM ) it ionaL tDforBM-
The Portland I Ironing TMagMkln of
OtttbM U'th fnyo:
"tn the ex'ent, variety unit geiiernl
MMttoiMw of Itt agricultural display m
ttwrslr, OotoragO easily lend all the.
Mates participating, with the exeepti W
tion was efferad. After look log the I of Oregon. Thil was MQMBpNalMd by
paper over, Mr. Herriok COBolodod that the Colorado State Commission despite
he wanted to pee more of I'julas conn- the fact that the appropriation available
ty and he accordingly subscribed for the j was email."
ter. As time ent on. he found him- One of the claims of tlie advocates of
eelf takintt more than a passinu interest I woman suffrage has DMO that, inasmuch
in this part of the country anil finally he as women have, all their lives, been
made up his mind that if half the nice forced to grapple with the problem of
things which tne Plaindealer said were making a dollar go as far as possible,
true, then it was the place for him, and woman suffrage would intr.xluce econ
to he and his wife and daughter decided omy into the administration of public
to come to l'ounlas county to make their! affairs, and that publieofticials, respond
future home. They arrived in Koseburg i ble to woman voters, would have to give
Monday af:ernoon and one of the tirt I a good acennut of themselves in the ex -placeliy
sought, after having secured penditure of public moneys. The above
living rooms, was the Plaindealer, h r facts seem to bear out this contention,
they did not to miss any copies of t) e and they do not constitute the only evi-
Mr. Herrick evidentally comes highly
recommended, for he has all kinds of
most flattering endorsements, and has
alreadT succeeded in making tome de
sirable acquaintances.
He and his wife are simply delighted
with this climate and could not be in
duced to again return to Hoosierdom,
for love or money, that is, if they were
are that they could not again come to
Southern Oregon.
They have come to stay and will now
decuie uro i wiiu-u pari 01 iovjoouuvj
ience of this character which comes
from Colorado. In liDi, the Humane So
ciety of Colorado, at an expenditure of
15000, handled ISQOCHM M children,
and tis.uoo cases of animals, while in the
same year, in New York City, it cost
PnjHB to handle H500 children, 41XJ0 of
whom were simply lost children, and
'. . " cases of animals. Woman suf
frage seems to be economical as well as
just. Gail Ii.W lilt.
When you want a pleasant physic try
Chamberlain's Stomach and I.iver Tab
- i
thev will make theii future home, andI lets. They are easy to take and produce-
when they gt well settled there wiu no griping or other unpleasant effect,
probably be others of their easterjj Sold by A. C. Marsters A Co. n
friends following them out here to also Many new subscribers are being added
become permanent residents. to the Plaindealer list every day.
What's the Use or Going to Church?
A great many people make the above
reply when 1 1 ey are invited to attend
the house of Ood. Such a reply is due
either to thoughtlessness or Ignorance.
It is to be deplored, that many give the
great subjects of Christianity and the
' hereafter but little thought. This being
the i-aso, they fail to see the close con
BSCtiotl bet Wail the Christian religion
ami the highest welfare of the state. It
is not only scrlptually, but also nlntorl
rally, philosophically, and cxpoti m ut
' ally true, that righteousness exalteth a
j nation, but sin is the destruction of a
people. The welfare of the state ami tin
I lion is determined chiellr by its morals.
Cut a quickened ami enlightened
coiiM'ieiu e lies at the basis of a people
living on a high moral plane. The ren
ditions of society, and the laws that a
j nation enacts an- largely the SSBTsSsiou
Of the public Consoles OS, Put the con.
j science of a people is determined by
their faith in Hod and the herea iter
You nhdorntlOO n man' faith In tied
I and the hereafter, and you weaken his
conscience; and a weakened conscience
means tbS corruption of the morals of a
pvopie The question may ha asked :
"What is one of the greatest factors in
educating and quickening the COO
science'.' I answer the church. Why'.'
Ixcause it is there, that the great truths
concerning God, Christianity and the
immortality of UtS MOl are taught Most
of our greatest men have recognized the
Washington was a comuiuiu. ant
Lincoln a praying man, llcujamin II. r
rison and William Mckinley were
earnest Christians. McKmley was a
abbafll -school superintendent whi r a
young man. Why H it, that the pi -ent
incumbent of the White HoOSS ll
sngollssd by the press of two continent-''
He is a man of strict integrity and more
a man ol laith in . ami tlie Ur IS.
Late in life Jackson euihracod christian
ity. I'll his death-led (pointing to a
bible he raid to a friend. "On that
Bosk our republic rests." And let us
not forget, that it is in the church where
that book is chiefly taught.
Napoleon was no christian, hut he
knew the value of the church to the na
tions. During the bloody French Invo
lution, the churches wete cloeed, and
the preachers chased out of Paris. But
when Napoleon gained control of the
government, he called the preuihir
back, and opened the churchee. Why
do so few men in Roseburg attend
church? Are they ignorant ol the fact
that live, growing, well-attended church
es contribute to the welfare and prestige
of a city? Sometime ago an iulidel gave
f 100 to u preacher towards the erection
of a church. Said the preacher, "II w
is this? You don't believe in Christ and
the Itlble." "I give that" said the skep
tic, ai a good Investment. "1 live here
with my family. I would not want to
live in a community, where the gospel
if eot preached. Without the Inllueuce
of Christianity, neither life nor propertv
would be safe.'' Tout man, though no
Christian was long-headed enough lo
see the value of the chinch to the com
munity. The man who IfttOrSI the church IS
directly or indirectly an injury to the
community in which he lives. The limn
Who li a failhtnl, active member of the
church, is one of the greatest benefac
tors of his community.
"1 love thy church, O (lod '.
Her wails belore thee aland,
Den! as the tuple of thine ej e ,
Ami graven on thy hand."
W. c. Raoua.
That's Just It!
We run our own delivery,
and take goodl t your door
pri miptly.
Try Us For Bargains
any TIKE is the looepUd limo
lii visit our store. 7 liars "Diamond C" Soap, 250
We nro nlwnvs lv. Our Mocks , Hoxca pwlp,, 10c
nre never allowed lii lose their vnri-
civ or ntlrm tiNoiics. Ilest 250 TcHHtttO Ctvtsup, 200
Anv time salisl'nel ion iloos not no- .
company a purchiM, your money
bank for the liking, t
Boathwn Paaiflo towoi between h-
laud and PortlSUd Wlit be visited dill
lug the next leu days by H M. Hall,
advertising agent of the llarriumn lilies,
in his annual work of gal hering aul hen
tie industrial date for the forth cotn log
edition of the "Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and l lieir liesoiirees" booklet,
1 inrlng Portland tins week, Mr. Hill
will g to Ashland, ami returning, will
visit every town of importance to secure
statistical information direct Irom fame
j ers, stockmen, horticulturists) mer
! chants an I iiiaiiiihictureis. The strung
feature of the literature issued by the
advertising sgent of the TorUami Qen
I oral paassngof departmonl has bun Its
I abeolntS regard for reliability of state
! nieuis contained toiTeiu. A. I.. Craig,
'general passenger department has al-j
ways maintained that "the truth about
the Northwest is its heat advcitir
mchl," and realizes that no other sec
tion of the country can compete lor im
migration on even terms when the
truth is told. On his return trip, Mr
Hall will also visit Ya.pnna Bay, and
COmlnf, hack to Portland Irom Corvallis, 1
make stops at Independence, Mon
mouth, I 'alias ami intermediate points. I
Such information as tins will trowel-'
come news for the people of this coun
ty, for, if this work is well d ne, us it
most certainly will bull Mr. h.i . 1-1 .
have it in hand, then louglas county's
resources w ill be s t I rib in a manner
that is Isjiiad to result 111 a vast amount
of good to tne entire comity.
Remember the Place
CHAPIN & CLINK, Near the Depot
G o o o e O O O O O O GOOO o o
Out customers know where we are, nnd O
they gJso know that our .store is tlie
place to boy
and everything else tn our varied lines.
I Wollenberg Bros.,
The I'laindealer ami the New York
Tribune Farmer, laith lor the prieeof
the I'laindealer, to nil subscribers who
pay In sdvance, 2. if
H. O. Wilkinson, Prop.
The Choicest line of Wines and UqttON including the 'sBOOl llrand
"Old Grand Dad"
Kentucky Sour Mash.
Hoc Line of Domestic aud Imported Cifar9.
Jackson and Oak Sts. Koseburg, Ore.
10c and 15c. department store for.ladics
Next week we will have another supply of nllllvl nvlglll vUHUII idUI Iv3. and pop- hat provided a commodioui Reception "Room for use of
vilar wash fabrics are here in the greatest and most yourself and Vie lady ur gentleman whom you may with to
, , . comprehensive assortment ever shown. Complete lines meel here.
goods to redee.ti outstanding tickets. m J, lhat is wanUjd in eyery imaginaMe .de. The
highest qualitiei are linked with the lowest prices ri Free Telephone and Stationery at your command.
Bring in yOJr tickets and get them counted. prices, in fact, lowei than Like quality ";oods have fVs for your use, and whether a patron or not, you are
ever been sold before. welcome.
Dark Percales, Usual 12 l-2c Quality, 10c. 1 ,000 yards
best quality dark Percales, in full assortment of new patterns; dots,
stripes and figured effects. Guaranteed fast colors. Usual price,
1 2 1 -2c; our price, 1 Oc.
Outing Flannel, 5 l-2c to 11c. Hundreds of yards of best
grades of Outing Flannel, in light, medium and dark colors. A
large assortment of patterns to select from. Unusual values, 5 l-2c,
6 l4c, 8 l-3c, 10c and He.
Napped -BacK Covert Cloth, at 12l-2c. 25 pieces napped
back Covert Cloth a new fabric, jus! out this season; and as us
ual we are first to show new goods suitable for Children's school
Dresses, Ladies' Wrappers, etc., at 1 2 1 -2c.
Apron Ginghams, best quality, 6 Mc. Best quality Ap
ron Checked Ginghams, all sizes of checks. Colors blue, brown
green and black. They are the genuine Amoskeage Ginghams,
sold at other stores from 7c to 8 1 -3c. Our price, for a short
time, 6 l-4c.
Fancy Flannelettes, 10c, He, 12 l-2c, 16 2 -3c and 20c.
A great assortment New, Fancy Flannelettes, in full line pretty
patterns; light, medium and dark colors; suitable for all purposes
dresses, wrappers, waists and kimonas. Unusual weight and
Qualities, 1 0c to 20c.
Printed Cambric, 15 Cents. Another new fabric this season
is a Printed Cambric like Lonsdale Cambric it's full yard wide
and very fine texture. Absolutely fas! colors, all in neat small pat
terns; colors: red, blue, gray and brown; the yard, 1 5 cents.
Men's Clothing,
Hats, Underwear,
(KEof)XI) 1'I.OUU)
Out-of-Town Orders Filled Promptly.
Write Us tor Anything You Want.
Ladies' Cloak and
Suit Department,