The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 02, 1905, Image 1

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1 Intnacit (cr.
No. 88.
BtCQHSt it lasts years.
It's all Imparted (the ware, not the lovei Rut all Imported
wars lan't Stranaky. When enameled ware la ofTered aa
"Imported" look at tho label. If it reada "Imported
Quadruple Coated Stranaky Rlerl Ware," you have " Tho
War that Weara." We have the a;nuina, and l.ere the piicra
are right, of course,
We have the agency for Roseburg
for this celebrated ware, as well as
for all else that pertains to a striclly
up-to-today Hardware store, and our
prices are always right when quality
of the goods offered is considered.
Churchill, the Hardware Man
If Yon Want to Gel Tour Money's Worth Coma and Saa Us.
j We Hiuullo all Kinds of Boota and Shoes, Tho Boat for tho money
First-Class Repairing Done at Reasonable Prices
That is the way every Railroad Man wants to be and
if he has ono of the Famous
Watches, lie will have no trouble whatever. Come and
set! my Stock and you will be more than pleased.
Glosses Properly Fitted and Adjusted-
Watch and Jewelry Repairing
of all kinds. All
Remember the I'p-lo-Date Store of
in the Plain iu;am:r building.
i6 U YS H 0 ES Xf Y SH 0EST 0 RE1
We handle Shoos that are desirable,
comfortable and fashionable. Our stock is
very "complete.
If you want, to get your money's worth,
come and see us.
Turns out good work with neatness and
Why Is true love like
Steel Ware?
wc ask is a trial.
Items of Interest Gathered and
Condensed for the Busy
Plalndealer Readers
Orcein Stale Ncwi
For tha firit tin,.- in many month
the I. inn county jail la anility. At the
i recent term of court the trial docket waa
i all clenre! up and the only prieoner,
( Tom dim, a Ohinaman, wa discharged
'roin custody.
The new primary law ia being given a
teat in the municipal election bring held
at Albany, with the reault that there
n great big mix-up. Many candidates
from all partiea are entering the Held,
cauaing much confuaion.
Ontario, Oregon capitaliat are apend
ing much money boring (or oil, gas and
oilier mineral substances, near the place
and lliey are greatly encouraged over
the j -1 --!- t -.
In Haker county mine a "blind
ledge" baa tieen (mind, which contain!
large quantities o( gold and much ex
citement enaueii.
While blunting out atumpe on his
(arm, near Oregon City. Lafayette
Moore, In lining giant powder waa in
atantly killed by a premature diacharge.
While tooling with a dynamite cap,
Carl llolstiaula, aged nine, bad hia (log
era blown off, Ml Middleton. He wan
so aurprierd that he hi ill claima that
pome one (hot the members away.
frank Reynolds, one of tiranta rasa's
i leading cili.ena was net upon by two
young boys, Ixirin liutler, aged 17,
and (.rover Montgomery, aged ID yirais
I and badly beaten.
I ortland pa .having a time over poor
until nun ice, ia taking three days to get
j a letter Iron one aide of the city to the
I other.
Aa a result of the Linn county grand
jury, which lias just completed its work,
I 'be local option law is to he tested in all
01 its phase. The first trial will be the
I keeper of a "blind pig."
Klamath Kalis is wanting the Port
land merchants to use their best efforts
tO get the main line of the Southern
i'acitic to run through that place.
While climbing over tho transom Ol
j the Hherrin saloon, at Hanier, John
j Marks, o( San Krnuciaco, waa caught by
! the officers and now awaits hia trial
Sherman county (armera are having a
tussle with the Russian thistle and they
j Hunk that unleaa it is killed off, great
i damage will result.
The next for the Cecil
Khodeii acbolarahip will be held at the
Stale I'niversity, Kugeue, about the
middle of next January.
Clerks, policemen and pedestrians
gave cl.ase to u thief who carried off a
bundle from in front of one Portland's
I big stores, but be dodged around street
cars and Dually made his escape.
In Uncle Sim's Domain.
Knur hours after he had opened up
his new saloon, Q, K. Jones, o( Seattle
hud the experience of seeing two masked
j men enter and hold up the crowd, from
j which they got 60,
Mrs. 0. II. Muynard, a DODVel
woman has invented a device (or darn
No matter what Watch Movement you want
we can supply your wants. Our reputation for
handling the BEST JEWELRY is well estab
lished. You Can Always Rely
On what you get at our store as Being Exact
ly as Represented. This is an Important Item when
it comes to buying . I ewelory.
Our Repairing and Rating
Of watches speaks for itself. Wo are excelled
by none and take pride in the satisfaction which our
work always gives.
J.T.BRYAN, The Jeweler.
ing locks. The device is said to lie so
! great that she it likely to make her for
tune out of It.
In a bad lodging house nre at Kan
Diego, Oal.i a blind man led hia mother
safely through the Haines, to a place o(
Jesse Bloch, of Wheellog, W. Va.,
lost a million dollars, by refusing to
obey hia rich ancle, but instead, be
went anil married a poor gentilegirl.
It ia reported that Mayor Weaver, of
I'biladelpha has discovered a "graft" of
fl,000,000, which waa secured by the
exceative coat o( the nitration system of
that city.
In deciding a case in the court . at
Washington, D. C, the court decided
that the stockholderi are entitled to ex
amine the hank books, if they ao deaire.
A clever thief extracted $15,000 from
ex press package, in Montana, leaving'
in it place bundles of papers to resem
ble the monay stolen.
Five mining company official were!
burned to death in the Haxelklrk coal ;
mfnea, in Pennsylvania, which ha been
on lira (or the paat week.
While r .Hilling at a very high rate o( ,
speed, the Santa Fe (Iyer was wrecked
MM Hhellield, Mo., aod twelve persons
were killed outright.
Two dollars a hair ia the value which
the husband ol Mary (ioddard, of lola,
Kansas, placed on her tresaea, some of
which were taken by stealth by Levy ,
Harrington, resulting in a euit o( reple
vin. A. L. Moore, who secured money and.
merchandise from billings, Montana,
firm, under false pretense, waa at once
hi rente, I and confeaaed hi guilt.
The state penitentiary at Walla Walla i
Waaii., in now going through an investi
gation, on account of the effort made lo
ouat Warden K
The bursting of a big water main in
Chicago, caused the loss of three liven
$.ri0,i K)0 damage to property, making a !
wore of families homeless and delaying '
railroad traffic for some time.
Both the New York Life and the New
York Mutual Life Insurance Co'., are
planning to fight the effort (which is to
be made lo oust them from the atate of
Ohio. Other atates are expected to
take similar action, if this one i suc
otMfuL In Idaho the land fraud case aie now
in full courae of being investigated at d
some sensations are expected.
Across the Waters
Sailor ou Russian ship in the Black !
Sea uiutiny and murder the oHicer-i.
The Czar ha eent cruisers and torpedo
boats lo quell the disturbance, if pos
sible. While some Americans from the lega
tiou were out hunting pheasants
at Manking, China, one of them acci-
lei ' hit a native woman, with the;
result that the Chinese attacked the
party aud roughly used them.
A Mexican matador was fatally gored
while taking pari in a bull fight, down
in Old Mexico.
The rice crop of Japan is reported to
be full twenty-five per cent shorter than
it was last season
The Japanese are still busily engaged
in raising Russian warships, at l'ort
Arthur, and they arc having good suc
cess. Representatives of the Russian gov
ernment have arrived at Nagasaki,
Japan, for the exchange of prisoners,
Portland Business Men Coming to
Get Acquainted with Douglas
County Merchants
Imbued with the spirit of i - opera
tion, cultivation of better acquaintance
and a more thorough understanding be
tween the business men of Portland and
of the citii- and town of Western Ore
gon, a special train party comprising
representative citizen will ipend three
and one-half day touring the Southern
Pacific Oregon lines.
Ttie principal stops will be made at
Salem, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg,
Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland, Oor
vallls and McMinnville. The train will
also stop at Oregon City, Canbr. Aurora,
Harlow, Woodbarn, Oervais, Hubbard.
Hal-cv, 8hedd. Junction City Harris
burg. Creswell, Cottage Grove, Yoncalla,
Drain. Oakland, Myrtle Creek, Riddle,
(ilendale, Lelaud. Merlin, (fold Hill,
Central Point, Phoenix, Independence,
Monmouth Dallai, Carlton, North Yam
hill, Uaston, Forest Grove Hillaboro and
perhaps other places.
The train will probably leave Port
land Tuesday, November 14.
in the absence of the president,
Secretary Barzee, of the Rceeburg
Business Men's Protective Association,
when seen by the Plaindeeler man said :
"Yea, it is ahoped oor organization ia
going to royally entertain these visitors
and make them enjov themselves."
Such excursions are being made by
according to the term of the late peace
Russia is In the threes of a mighty
revolution and only the most careful
management can avert the complete
overthrow of the present power. Witte
has been elevated to tha poaition of
premier, in hopes that be may save the
Czar' throne.
Workmen and students have barri
caded street, in Odesso, and the Cos
sack deli berately fired into the crowd,
killing and wounding a great many per
sons. Carpets
Full line of all grades
the time, ranging in price
per yaid.
Best line of all-cotton filled Comforts we have
ever had, from $1.35 to '$2.25 each.
Full line of all-wool, Oregou-made Blankets;
also excellent line of Col ton Blankets at reason
able prices.
Buy one of our cotton-felt or cotton-felt and
silk floss Combination Mattresses, and you have a
Mattress that will last a lifetime.
Complete line of Furniture,
Ranges aud Heating Stoves
at lowest prices consistent
with good values.
When yon want your Panama Hat cleaned and blocked, or your suit
1 1 aud Cleaned. I am also agent for BO. B. PRICK, Chicago's
Leading Tuilor. ,
the enter prising wholesale bnainesa men
of the Northern metropolis, into all
parts of this and adjoining states and it
ia hardly posiible to imagine bow much
real good may retail therefrom.
The itinerary so far as It concerns
Douglas county will, he as follows, tha
first figures shewing arriving time and
the last figures being leaving time at
each point :
Wednesday Ash land, 8 a. m., 10;
Medford, 10:26, 10:36; Jacksonville, 11,
11 :30 ; Medford, 1 1 .5.1, I p. m. ; Central
Point, 1 .10, 1 :25; Gold Ray, 1 :35, 2 20;
Gold Hill, 2:35, 2:50; Grant Pass, 3:16,
4:20; Merlin, 4:60; Glendale, 6:16,
30; Riddle, V ..v., in, Myrtle Creek,
8:28, 8:36; arrive Roseburg. 9:26, re
maing there all night. Thursday, leav
ing Roseburg at 10 a. m. Oakland,
10:26, 1056 Yoncalla, 11 :30, 1140; Drain
11:56, 12:15 p. m.
The following dispatch sent ont from
Salem, will 1m found of interest, aa it re
lates to the new primary law.
Secretary ol State Dunbar has began
to make preparations for the general
primary election to be held in this state
and district office must be filed with
the Secretary of State by April 4, in
order to have a place on the official bal
lot. It will require at least 60 days for each
candidate or his friends to secure the
necessary names and prepare the peti
tion required by law so that the name
may appear on the official ballot.
The tally sheets will contain space for
recording the vote for at least 90 candi
dates for each party in every county in
the state. Two tally sheets will be pre
pared: One for the Republican party
and one for the Democratic party. No
other party cast sufficient votes at the
last election to entitle it to recognition
.3 the primary election.
Secretary Dunbar placed an order with
tl. j atate printer for 32,380 blanks to be
deivered by January 1. The estimated
coa't of the primary election is between
135,000 and $40,000.
New fa, I stylss in ladies patent leather
sh. es t .losephson's.
of Carpets on hand all
from 20 cents to $1.45
I c.
r o