V ld KX l . . THE DRUG STORE OF QUALITY . . NEAR THE DEPOT. ROSEBURG, ORF. V We Invite Critical inspection l XI Ve do not stll all the drugs that arc sold -n Rosburg, but WE SELL TO ALL THE PEOPLE WhO wT L HAVE ONLY THE VERY BEST AND PUREST DRUGS. Jj A A vi XI -s - ll . l X tn v " X' X: Don't forget this: Highest Quality in Drugs is a very important thing to you. We want an opportunity to show you our finely equipped and properly man- aged Pharmacy. TRY US X I I X' - l rfl XI FULLERTON & X 'fX nip , ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AKD THURSDAYS EDt?rcd in the Tost Oficc at Rose' 'ire. Oregon, aa Si corn! C"Ih-s Mail Matter ill MM. W. E. WILLIS, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES Semi-Weekly One Year: flb; Semi Weekly Six Months, 11.00. fasti in Aiivanee. MONDAY, OCTOBER .'?, WK. Southern Oregon people are wonder ing how much longer the Roseburg land office will remain closed. For many months the doors of that pub-li.- office have been shut, much to the inconvenience and annoyance to poor settlers who have complied with the bar and are entitled to prove up. There are plenty of honest men in Oregon who could fill the position and all of this foolish quibbling over the appointment of a receiver is inexcus able. The matter should be brought bef re the President so forcibly that he would take some immediate action on this important matter. Myrtle feint Enterprise. Hon. C. A. Dolph. of Portland, were The Roseburg Plaindealer is proud this week greatly honored :bv the Su to S iV that Multnomah is not the only perior Conncil for the Southern Jnris cuur.tv that is growing richer, re- . d'et'on of Scottish Rite Masonry, which rr ufa the Telegram. Hear it in nwt at D Vwhich eXT . . ed these gentlemen to the honorarv 33d LV.-gas county: The summary ofdegree This is one of the highest de t he assessment roll of 1905 appears 1 grees in Masonry and one which any in this issue of the Plaindealer and ' man might well covet. While in thti ton an increase in the total value j citr Sturday Dr. I -owe received word of - - j., . i his great honor, but lie received the vi mAdwc piupcio u nit; report 01 , la t year of $626,403.50. A Dance at Melrose A dacce wili be given at Wilson's Hall No- niter 3, 1905, Melrose, Oregon. I S H. E. Wilson, Mgr. Card of Thanks W de ire to thank the neighbors and frin Is who so kindly assisted us daring the i li nd death of our wife and nio hr. D. F. Wilson and Family. MARSTERS' DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMES SOAPS TOILET ARTICLES RUBBER COODS PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH i v. . s- IX IX tg I I TRY US RICHARDSON x., X -V A tv -,X ,fV ,,X ,X ,X ,X DOINGS IN THE VARIOUS LODGES The mmIwn of Roseburg 'odge No. It!. Ancient Oi ler of I niii-i Workmen, are making great preparation lor the ob servation of ihe S7th anniversay of lb onier next Monday evening, the A. O. I. IT. is the oldest fraternal lieneticiary rler in the United States, and has ool lev'ed and dispensed to the mensAOrs atul ':.: fainilieo millions of dollars since its orgai iration. It is now on a tinner footing than ever in its his'ory and the membership is growing rapidly The following is list of the ofFn-ers e'e ted bv the grand lodge of tie Knights of Pythia" in session at Port land last week: lirand chancellor. Ma rion F. Davis; vice-crand chancellor. ,1 H. Wail; grand prelate, ti. C. Moser : grand k- ep.-rof record and seals. L. K. Sjinson : grand master of exchequer, ,1. V. M.iloney : grand master at arms t". J. tinware : grand inner guard. I. Bro naugh ; grand outer guard, Krai k Thompson ; snpreme representative. Judge H. M. Cake: grand trustee, I.. M Curl. Dr. C W. Lowe, who has been coming o Roseburg for the last 1 r - years, and news with as BOCO composure astiiougii it was an everv day ocenrance. The action of the Rosebnrg Odd Fel lows in looking after the needs of their bereaved brother, J. A. Petersein. hus band of the lady who was killed during the Greek riot, when they had not even been acquainted with him, called forth much praise from outsiders who saw what the order was doing. Sucli assist ance, rendered at a time like that, is what causes the average citizen to ap preciate the good work being done by these benevolent organizations. DRUG CO. STATIONARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES WINDOW CLASS LIME AND CEMENT ALL KINDS OF SPRAYS swa finct T877 Wr vt R ra Trra'inii Vmrr Saii' JOSEPHSON'S THE B:G STORE, ESTABLISHED 1877 We to announce a Display of Fur Garments We are showing the i n H III in the LLL at E5! Pfi UL ever ofierel Thi' line includes nil mi EVERY GRADE EVER! PRICE FROM $1 TO $75 You'll do well to call soon, fr they're selling mighty fast. And it's not hard to figure out the reas on for their popular ity. Five words sum it all up: STYLE QUALITY MODERATENESS OF PRICE There's nothing like 'em in town, at the price. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF FURS FR0M$IT0$75 JOSEPHSON'S THE BIG STORE, ESTABLISHED 1877 Since 1877 We've Been Treating People Square Grand mm ROSEBURG VANQUISHES THE DRAIN NORMAL An Interesting and Snappy Contest Orange and Black got the Better of Red and White The lirt fo Mb all gam I of the season was held at Kom l ar.; hturlav afler- 'ii The weather mm t-leal an I u inte crowd lauiti led to aee lira plucky! latfuffumtlM hi-'h M'h'nii meet their I eax.er opp.neutri fi Drain. The Uigta achuoi ld were out in a body to I out for their Kleveii which they haw ; -o in in Ii ciiililence in. The remainder o' t1 e crowd was bImiii event) divided in sympathy betweathe visitors and the lorMW. livery g i oiay hr. tic lit clieers (row the ryiupa- j llU -I -. and I Lee clu-cr were fnipien ' lor tie game us full ui mm eliiwa ! W lilt llie IC.-sehiirg Kleven tnak II. j onijie s Willi the hall the liappv -ti I U - ill the UM3M of II lot ,.! irls werelbel. He put up .'SHI bond. eauadi to u oror tin women haters, tint liili most ardent j the liaals were , gelling drubbed by their opponente llie:e happy (aces chunged 10 most any j;- from intenae anger to a vinegar -our. Happy !ir us that the Rotebttrg laala won or else we MiRBtl hac lust the 'ii-aiiiy of our high scl uol girlr. I lie game aMCalled prtniiptl at 2:30. C tptaaa Moon von iiie tioa opand thoati the east side. I'aptaiu (iagn.ni took the ki.k ft". Ilanau kicked for o yard- and i rain al ai ceil ti.e on. I arl-. " Dtp pie advanced the ball '.'yards, Moon taids. then Fhanetty took tlie btli around eml for -' yard' and was makuik' kireat pn.giess toward the covete I goal when lie was crowded to the sidelines a d downed by Kiston. Then the ICote turg boya look brace an I from t.iat lime to the end of Ihe hall It was no body's game. I'lintiug, end runs ami line bucks were re.-orted lo, tint still the hail remained the most of the time in Drain') territory and it a sale distance row the goal. Wheu time was called for tlie hr-t nail, Drain had the tali on heir own IS yard line. In the second ha.: Dr.dn kicked tu Kagsitale, w ho advanced the hall S wis 1 heu ttw high school lads sbownd tie y eonkl play hall. Tbny nwksal ti e ball d wu the tie.d b. stralglit hue l u. kiu.. rbia ia nlim won the game for thi w These were the play they were the ln t SHWCMfied iu I he hue men i ened Uneje ti des in Drain's hue nail Ircqiieai iv Uaglale and Haiian were seen to go through for from live to twelve yds at a lime. 1 hev would lose the ball ou mm Mes and then, alter regaining it ou downs tt ey would r-gaiu tlie lost terri tory and new territory besides. Twice wheu they were close to tlie goal they lost on faaintsjs and OST side (days, t here H t.ere they showed their grit. They did not beeanaa disheartenl but played better lull an I at their third chance, wheu there was just B minutes to play. Manan carried tlie ball over t lie garni for tlie only touchdown. Tlie hall was downed in tlie corner of the field and tlie goal was impossible. Wall bat eigiit minutes to play, Drain nerved up and made an excellent tight iO even the score Finnerty lir. kelooee for a Sfsjratd run. He endeavored to hurdle iiagnon, bat the little captain u.i- too wary and downed turn and that w as Pram s last chance to score. When time wrs called tlie high school had DOSS SOSSSa of the ball in the center of the field. Ttie individual playing of Drain was better than tlie h a. lads tmt they lacked team work and tiere is where the high school won. Tlie sensational players for Drain were, (.'apt. Moon, Finnerty and Wini berly, while Hanan, Capt. iiagnon and Kagidale did great work for the local lads. THE list: IT Rosel.urg Drain Cellers . .Beats .Smith Gihria Enatoa, Conn Kast McConnell Baaaa Kirk Bridges ..c lr... Itr... ler Moore . I ti r. . . Finnertv I Kirk r h I Moon .r g 1 B Cellers llilderburn rfl McKibben Lagsdale fullback ..Whipplo iiagnon quarter Wimberly I line by halves 10-25 minus. ( i.-licials Referee, Wimberlv Cm- pire, Johnson : linesman, Staley. Filial score Roseburg, 5; Drain, 0. NOTES There were no accidents to mar the game. Dick tiilvin wanted lo show Drain tiow high he could jump. The game was free from roughness and tlie olticials were impartial in their divisions. Tlie high School lads will play the F.ugene High School at Eugene Nov. 4. Eugene will come here later. "Honest Hearts" A story of villain!)- strikes the Ken tucky wild flower, Marty, in "Honest Hearts" and threatens to wreck bar old home on the farm. Strong hearts come to her rescue am! even the blundering boy of her neigh tiorliood gives priceless aid in the nick of time. Tlie pile-driver and river scene with its climax of villain y jg a great feature. Roseburg Theater, Saturday, Oct. 28. Card of Thanks We wish to extend to the gsal people of this city and community our heartfelt gratitude for their many evidences of their sympathy, during the illness and death of our dear one, the late Kliz.aJ. Cobb. May you never have occasion to suffer such a loss, but in case you do, we hojie you, too, may be surrouuded by kind Irieada to minister to you in the trying time. Mua. S. F. Conn and F AHll.Y. Cured cf Lame Back After I5 years of EurTerinff. "1 had been troubled with lan e back or 15 years and I fonnd complete recov ery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, says John 0. Bislier, Gillam, Ind. This liniment ie also without an equal for sprains and bruises. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. NEWS OF THE DAY FROM ALL SOLRCES Items of Inti re t Gathered and Condeitsel for the Busy Plaindealer Readers In Uncle Sam's Djmain McCurdv dec ares tint he cannot be forced out nl the Mu'Ual Life Insuranci Co. ami the inauakterri ol thu com pa U) seem inclined to lake his part iu the trouble nhich confronts him. William Wilson, a llelliugham, Wash . stone cnttet who hns ja i died, tuppu e lv in abject poverty, tiiins out to lie milli nnire. Klitor Holla d nl the alia Wall. Wash , 11 all SWa'l. Iia" Ih-eu sue. I nr criminal hbel ly .A. II. Key nobis. rasniannt suiomny, and at He same I im -the proaacntiufe aiiorney awn an inlormatiou against I im for criminal lb j ntrt,. ,,f I'eunst Ivania lias secured ' jwhWrnl agninst the dnfaact Kilter- prise National hank directors iu the sum of S.fi00,000 for state fnnds loft in that institution. President Roosevelt presented a lov ing cup to John Charles McNeill the well known poet oi Uileigh, N. C, many s-rsoiis nllneasiiig lha inieiesting psilorwanoa. The smuggle 1 jewelry of Cassie Chad wick, the noted l ank breaker, were put up at auction at Cle, eland, O., and al though said to tie worth all of fl.'.UU1, they only brought BS,l84k In order to do service in tlie canal .one, tha mirines at the Bremerton, Wash , navy ar.l are ordered to ri irt at l'..nama. lieorge K. Cunliffe, alio had tn-eti working (or '" per mi ntti at I'lttshurg, I'a., stole $100, HK an 1 was captured st KndgeKrt, Conn. He said It was a -uddeii impuise w Inch mate hi in take t he money. Christian Madse:i, aged Tii, cross-.1 the ocean to marry Mi-s Krdinutli l ar fen. of Owaha. wtio went as far as Mn FrnndsCO to meet tier aget lover. Ttmnias W. Lawsoii, of "frenrieil fi nance"' fame, promises to make a raid upon the stock markets id tlie country. II thee are Dot stopid iroui their way of dolug '.lungs. Chairman Shouts rSpnctC ttiat since tlie advent of Kngiliet-r Mevens, work at tlie Isthmus ol Panama is making rapid progress. House docks and lailroad -hops are Hearing completion Seventy-six residents of Chicago will be given cups by tlie Mikado for ser vices rendered during the late war with Hussia. W. 15. Smith, president of the West ern National Batik of lamis.ilie. Ky . has beeu indicted bv the grand Jury for misappropriating funds and making false entries. Orrrss Suit Xrw-i Dora Jennings shot and killed her father at fi rants Pass It-cause "she couldn't t.ear him any longer," her brother admits. A large delegation of Portland busi ness men went to attend tlie Lnsriatoa Clarkston fair at Ciarkstoa, Wash. A jiirv has decided that C. F. McKin ney. a Harney county lumberman, must pay Attorney C. A. week the sum of IllOti (or spitting in his face. Three young children of Frank liardi nier, of Baker City, were almost killed from eating poisoned rheese. Tt.ev had convulsions, b oo 1 ti ming from their ears and they vomited blood. The sheep growers of ttrant connty have brought an action against James Farley, an outside buyer, alleging that his pasturing sheep had injured their I sheep. The case will have a ide lear- ing on the sheep industry in that coun ty. The report of the ti tiding of a four-foot white quartz vein, showing gold and sil ver averaging $8 -Vi to the ton has caused somewhat of a stampede iu the vicinity of Baker City. After time years of idleness the big Booth-Kellv lumber plan', at Wendling is to start up. There is some trouble j securing enough men to stsrt it np. A new vein of almost pure copier has been discovered at Iron Dyke, on the : Snake river, and much excitement has ' . . I resulted. The Blue Mountain countrv has been visited by very heavy snows, and this ii taken as an indication that a hard win ter is coming. Two men have been appointed to ex pert the books of tlie various county of fices over in 1 anc county. C. P. Davis, formerly deputy sheriff, lias been charged with making away with $4,000 of the county's money at l'endlston. When the excursion train bearing the Portland merchants to Lewiston, Idaho, passed through Milton tiftv charming voung ladies were at the depot to dis lense luscious fruit to the travellers. Thirty-live prominent hop men have organiied, at Salem, for mutual protec tion. Across the waters Today a great naval pageant will occur off the coast of Tokio, in which the Jap anese will make a grand showing. Freal W. Murpliy, of Philadelphia, has been tlirowninto a dungeon in Nicara gua for the alleged killing of his guide. The fear that the Cnited States may reduce the tariff on Philippine products, has greatly alarmed the officials of Cuba Cossack cleared the sidewalks in St. Petersburg of stone-throwing residents by using their swords to push with. Edward B. tiiffonl, paying teller of the Cluiis Spreckles A Co. bank, jumped overboard at Honolulu and was drowned. The cause of his rash act is not known. Marty is bouud to be remembered by all w ho see "Honest Hearts" and enjoy its stirring rotnanse of old Kentucky. Rural life in that famous state was never better illustrated on the stage; and men and women of genuine South ern types are skillfully set forth with much wit, humor and ingenuity. Rose burg Theater, Saturday Oct. 28. IWHAT IS GOING ON AT THE COURTHOUSE Items Which Will be of Interest to the Taxpayers County Treasurer's Notice N lice is bare by given that all parties holding county warrants endorsed pi i -r to, and im hiding, July 17, I !)-!, are re ,111-s e.l in present tlie same to the man ly trnasarnr as interest will cease there on alter the date of this notice. Dated Rueeburg, Orejr., Oct 19, l!Mi5 ti. W. Diaasci Real Estatt Transfers M F llowa d et ox 10 S M & Marv A Parker $1l'.'i(I ; Uftnrrea in tp28 s, ril. Ailhur F Kins.-I il BX to Juo T Da vtwon f'HK); Li- 1 and t, arc II, lot 1, sec 'J, tp M 6, t 7 w. Sarah s Gar law in tuna Parry el ux fl'jtl; land in sec 17, tp L"J s, r 5 w. F I Terry et ux to Marion Ryan 140ft; laud in sec 17, tp '-- s, r .r . II I) Snyder to A B Sharp $17'; lot t, blk 'J, Hamilton's Addition to Hoi-ebiirg. K w Baraahah et ux to ('has F Horn Sisai ; sw '4 sec I, ip :w s, i t n Susanna AMI and hsti I to Sadie Wells M0: lots 5 and , b'k 9ft, Roseburg. Wm Kruu-r to Jasii Newton tl-" ; SS a res iu sec -I, tp '-J ..row. Ladana Foster .V hslsl to Calao a luvestnieut Co aV0; right of wav for ir riajsnJon ditcb across west lialf of D I. C No -il, in St a, r 4 w. T H Foster et ux lo Calapooia Irvest waat Co flu i ; right of way lor irngatiou ditch a ross tlie east half of D I. C No. 41, tp 19 s. r 4 w. Noah Walker et ux to J W I'ielsticker f:J0: SI acres in sets Is, and 19, tp 8 s, r 5 w. Freak Bateman to Chas Thorn t7i"i ; lots :i. 4, 1 and t, tp 24 s, r 8 w. W W Kincaid et ux to A F Brown TOO; s'4 sec 12, tp 1'4 s, r 7 w. R A lovington A lists! to A F l'.rown HID: Inud iu sec 5, tp L'4 s, r ri w. Cuas f hornet ux to Nellie T Bacon ft : land ia sec a, tp '.'4 s, r8. S C JLiller et nx to L K MjfhwgS 11M; tots 1. 1, 3. 4. 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in blk M, Dillard Baary T Burr et ux to Kdwsrd T Wetuiore '. ."NJ. ne, sec tp 10 s, r w . Mate of Oregon to Howard M De 1-ait- -er et al fluu i land iu sec lo, tp M s r 11 "' B K dontgomery et ux to N Linton 11000 : land iu sees ft and 16, tp 32 .. r 5 we" C S patents are granted to the follow- Ing: Frank lUteman, Eliza Yarwood, EM F' Yarwood and tiuv G Johnson. Keiorted by F. E. All v. aistracter, tvoeeourg, i 'regon. Some Court Notes Th'? jury brought in a vereict in favor of the plaintiff, (or fliHO in the case of Robert Hilderhand. a minor, by bis gurrdian, S. J. Culver, rs the Filled Artisans, John T. Lamg attorney for plaintiff and la-uis Bariee, for defend ant. It is understood that the case will tie appealed to tiie higher court. In the mortgage foreclosure case of Adam Them vs W. F. and H. M. Min ard. a decree of foreclosure . s granted Clara . Bored was granted a decree of divorce from her husband, W E. . Boren. John T. Long appearing in her behalf. i 1 Receiver J. A. Buchanan, of the West. Star Gold Mining A Milling Co.. vs A. Mosier, Coshow ,v Rice for plff., and F. ti. Micelli and A. N. Orcutt for the ! deft., was continued. As was also the lease ol P. J. Jennings vs Noonday Min j ing Co . Craw ford. Card well A Watson, attys. for thepiff. an.l Woodcock A Pot ter for deft. County .Superintendent Hamliu will start out tomorrow, to make a visit to the schools in the southern part of the county, as the law requires him to visit each school in the county, at least once ea ii year. During his absence. Mrs. Hamlin will act as deputy, in his office. These are strenuous times in the Clark's nanro. Saturday night. IVputy I.enox was working on some of the journal work up to midnight, and might have staid longer if it hadn't been so near Sundav Charies A. Johnson, of Oakland, a native ol Sweden, lias taken o-it papers which entitle him to all the rights of an Americln citizen. His witnesses were V. L. Bogard and Jas. Micelli. On the ltth inst., the grand jury drought io a "true bill" against Cbas., Smith, on the charge of assult and 1 at tery, but when Mr. Smith pled -'not guilty," the matter was referred back to the jury and jut before the body ad journed, a return was made, "not a trm bill." County Clerk Agee this morning issued two marriage licenses. One lo Claue Hen lricl and Miss Annie E. I.. Scbrenk, both residents of Ten Mile anil the other to W. F.Dillon of Franklin county, III., and Miss Emilie C. Thump son, of Coles Valley. (luy Ingram and Robert Watson, forest rangers, have just returned from the fair and will now return into the reserve for the winter work. Enjoy yourself at the Hallowe'en social held at the High school building on the evening of Oct. 30, loO-V Admis sion 10 cuts. 84 4t Wm. H. Johnson has joined our ranks. He hails from The Dalles, Wasco Co. For Sale Scotch Collie pups, from .'.50 to 15, the finest kind. Also Brown Leghorn and Plymouth Rock chickens and Tolouse geese. Siberian oats and cheat seed. Address E. A. Kruse, Rose burg, Oregon. 84 8t Now Is the time to buv your heating stoves. See the new Trilby told by S. j K. Sykes. Mtl I ailies. remember that you can get the Ladies' Heme Journal patterns at I. ; Abraham's store. M-tf Men's heavy jersey overshirta jnst the thing for cold mornings regular 50c values for 35cta, at Josephson'a, I WmMmMm.mffm WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT ft S. WEATHER BUREAU, LOCAL OFFICE, R0SE3URC, ORECGN Week ending Wednesday, 5 p. m...0ct. 18, 1906 Maximum Temperature 60 Minimum Temperature .".' Rainfall for Week 0.50 Total Rainfall -since 1st of Month l.'-T. Average precipitation for this month for 28 jean 2.70 Total rainfall from Sept. 1, 1906, to date 3.02 Average rainfall from Sept. 1 to date 251 Total excess from Sept. 1, 1906, to date IS Average precipitation for 2 wet seasons 33.13 THOS. GIBSON. OBSERVER .v. All dei.tal work poslively guaranteed by Dr. Hearson, otlice in laylor and Wilsain building. tf Saved H'S Life J. W Davenport, ingo, Kv., writes June 14, IW.': "I want to teil you I be lieve Badart's Snow Liniment saved my . life. 1 was under tlie treatment of two doctors and they laid nie one ol ny lndgs was entirely gone, i.l the other ! side lia.iiy sffecte.1. I also had a lump ou my side. 1 don't think that I oull ' have lived over two mouths longer. I I was induce.) by a friend to try Ballard's Snow Liniment. The first ppiicatiou govs me great relief : two 50-cent bottles cured me sound and well. It is a wonderful medicine and I rec- commend it to suffering hum inity. Sold bv A C. Marsters k, Co. Tlie etiratnl l.t in rail sli. e I. r men at reduced prices. Begnlar $3.iA values for i-'.tst: - .- - tt.iSI aud f '1 7i values for 3.Jtl. at Joeephson's I lr Iiae S superior glasses est no more than the ulter kind, and yon have ' lite benrfil ol bis skill and over lSyears' experience. i.-k headache is caused bv a disorder- . led cc nditnn of the so ma he and is' luickly cured by Chamlwrlaiu's Stom ach an.l Liver Tablets. For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co. DUll LegnOrn S i f i a n Young Buff Leghorn's for sale. In - mire of ti. W. Thomuson. Bian bower, ; or Roeeburi 0re ,f Digbt ,od ,of .red mHt excrociatinf . pains for three hour? after each meal. : , wiroobled thi, w7 f,.r mhoQt tbrw 1 TOW! UtS Por Sale , a cbsmberUia.. 1 Choice building lots in Kinney's im-j Stomach and Liver Tablets, and re- proved plat of Roseburg. near Main 1 reived immediaTe rr.:-:. says John street, good title. Price t50 per lot. ; Dixon. Tullamore, tmtario. Candada. Address, N. A. Ricaaane. tf por ne by A C. Marsters A Co. aBBBBHgwaHHwaH yon yon yon yon you yon want want want want want want to buy a farm furnished rooms to buy a bouse to rent a house to build a house to move a house If rrmdon't know PAT F F. Ca 1 on r r add STANFORD PURE RYE It Hits the Spot. It Brings the Trade The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TEN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED TAKE NO OTHER MlkE JACOB & CO. H B. 1ATBE1ES. O. K." TONSORIAL PARLOR T. D. EATHERFORD. Proprietor Shaving and Hair Tutting. Hot and Cold Baths. The Up-To-Datc Jackson Street. 9 Let Us Do Your Hauling We make a specialty of handling Trunks. Household Goods, and almost event hing. The best of can? taken of anything entrusted to us. Leaveforders at the McCiaMen H.'use. or at knise ct Newiand's. CITY TRANSFER CO., F. D. NEWLAND, Proprietor FARM IMPLEMENTS THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON, MILWAUKEE AND OSBURN MOWERS AND BINDERS, VICTOR RAKES, FEED CUTTERS ROLLING DISC PLOWS AND HARROWS. HARNESS AND SADDLES A SPECIALTY BEARD ti CULVER the hardware "THE HOD EL" H. O. Wilkinson, Prop. The Choicest line of Winee and Liquors including the Famous Brand 'Old Grand Dad" Kentucky Sour Mash. Fhk Line of Domestic Jackson and Oak Sts. We are w.le R er.nrg a.ents f-r Bnt- leriek illna. Ihaes hnta, Bui k Cat hosiery, the Fiorslieiui slns, the Cross shoe lor women, ITnppenl eimer gnaran tel clothing. Sold and Mlver shirts ami .oiiar, Kaataaaaaat tsiy's clothing. Forest Mi l. nasldrvenr. Ko t!.-r store in Hosehurg can is.ast nfaack a splendid cointdriation of bajh g-ade in-s of rner-chandi-e. It p-ys In tr V at Jasnwh-son'a 'ienuii e cravenette inches wi.te, in stvii-h suiting, full 30 tan and i?rav 'col ,r ff.cts the same 'inalitv that other stores ask and f 1 75 a yard for at oar --tore only, $t0 the yard. j JosephKin's. Cattle Rancn for Saie 3J0 acres n Si-eti Mile Cre k alir-nt five wilssj southwest fiomFo't Klamath, revoii. All triimi. I,..iw. large ham ample water supply, wiil tut a font eight v ton- . . : jv Aidrese, Willi reierences. P. 0 &w 933, tf iaiaoi.. Wash. TIM3EB CLAIMS AND KCMESTEASS LOCATED 1 have some ao-al , latins, farm and ranch lands for saie. reasonable, in one of the most lie-utifii vai.eys on the const, write or phone to Wn. M. Pobtek. Camas Vallen. Ore. m?5 ilrC t. w. from RrLrr via Mvnie foist Insomnia and Indigestion Cured j "Last year I bad a very severe attack of indices: ion I could not sleep at Patterson. Coitmrtsr lit Ps-M- A K FOR IT Distillers, Qkviiaati thi AgeaL Brefcirf. OregM ni st HAVE ir Establishment. Roseburg. Oregon i -ft -if-- iff-iV-aTr-nx DEALERS and Imported Cigars. Roseburg, Ore. Rose bar Oreson.