OCTOBER DAYS Are cool and damp, and your good health will be protected in one of our swell Overcoats; or perhaps you may prefer a Raiu coat We have either in all the latest creations of the tailor's art. THAT FALL SUIT Awaits your coming. You will find my store complete with good things quality and price c nMdered. Guarantee back of every article we sell. Better drop in. The I eading Store of Rose burg The People's Store THE STORE OF EXCELLENCE I. ABRAHAM. Proprietor ITEMS FROM I HE DIFFERENT CHURCHES I nut - i of Mm various rharrhes bold If rawing smrswia at tiyht o'clock, a was snaoanced, tlu-y will bold I beta at half pas) saVBB hcrealtt-r. lJev. E. H. Hicks, the popular pastor ol the Baptist cbnrcb, retaroed from I the north today. Ijiwt Sunday ht preached in iln First Baptist cbnrch of Portland and it is rumored that hix Mr vices an badly aanted up that way Thin baa beast what hi pariaaaaaars have I carol all along, for tln-y rSCOJpaisa that he is a man of uiiumi.i1 ability ami Diet any cbnrcb would lie fortunate in getting him. However, it is said that Mr. 1 In ks ill not leave Kosehnrir, at least not while his vvmk here is m pros- peroos, foi he is one of the ministers who does not consider salary the first I hing;, bat who wishes to go where he will If of the greatest service to the good cans.-. His friends outside the cbnrch which be supplies, as well a those in it. will be jrliitl to know that he is piiii)j to remain ri;ht here, where he se ms to le vary Beef el and successful. C" Cannon s Book and Stationery Store THOSE Souvenir Post Cards ROSEBURG VIWS Have Arrived THEY ARE BEAUTIES Set of Ten All Different 30c Cannons Book and Stationery Store. Here and there j m cp n SVQSWQ wceVs J?-' - ' W v tr r - v o .v I COMING EVENTS MBsaasassjaarattne snaSbaninMaSt Mm loll.tu iiic dates : Oct. is Miss A'. ma Hern. in "IlinrM Hearts " x.iv. 2 "Ttie s. lmtHTts nsnyneny c!ui. 3- '"Vli Uirls cave Ilome." ' 9- "IKim Thorn." U-wk)Ge.r)!i llitrtsr Co. SI -Hooligan's Troubles t o. .'9-lla,i Hanaen '"o. build 4Htf , shirtwaist 1 74tf MRS. H. EASTON ie .repared to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a full and complete stock of GROCERIES All fresh and of the very beet quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. 305 Jackson St., Roseburg IS P. J. Jo'mson, deadest, Qravd'a ing. New fall shirtwaists and suit? at Joseph son's Lnnch at Jennings' Bakery New fall styles in ladies patent leather shoes at Josephsnn's. Contractor F. F. Patterson was oat to the 'Continental minee some 12 nilee from Myrtle Creek, the first of the week planning to install a big 100-horee power lioiler for that mine. For Sale IS head of Angora i!".its John I'oerner. Wanlton. Oregon. Hot eoffeeant sin lwi;hesat Jenniaat Bakery. 74 tf J. T. Bryan, the jeweler, has been i having more than his share of troubles. First he bad rheumatism, then came an attact of lum! ago and later a had case .ofplurisy. Mr. Bryan can stand his share, hut Fin h a combination wast mum for him and he had to take to his bed for a few davs. For the bent ti of ont of town patrons who were una!) e to take advantage of our n ouster fair wek sa'e, we hereby announce that lor the neit two weeks we will coDtinae to sell all goods in cluded in said sale at the incredible low Dr. 11. L. Studley the Osteopathy Physician cures acute and chronic diseases, corrects de'ormaties and removes foreign growths. Consultion free. Phone or call for appointment. Office in Abranam buildihe. tf Yesterday F.rnest K. Lees and wife purcha-ed tickets over the S". P. for their home at Dayton, O., after having spent some time visiting in this locality. Tlmp t.vt.A.t til ruji.ta liora. I i .it I t .1... 1 . I . v i piciuret ami an work in me uni'.tj iiue t Regular tl:. and 12. values in lov's aii!v at Graves. Home Studio 11 JO Miles Mclntyre, of C.inyonville, has In-eii grantetl a patent for a fork for bicycles. If you have any metal, sheet iron or pipe work to do call on Winnie liaddtS. His work and prices are guaranteed to please. t Remember Sotaaday'a I ig loot ball game out at Bone Pa'k. If you w int to enjoy yourself, immeii-eiy, come ' t ut and help "root" for the home team. Men's heavy thick coats, blanket lined with oilskin and robber interliainjr, regular fJ.oO values. VThile they last, 1.75. At Josepbsou's. Real the advertisement of K. A Kruse. ahoat tine-hretl dogs. Mr. Kruse is a old ami very smve-sful breed er. He has stork thai is ail that is claimed for it. He has takes) many premiums and if you w.mt anything along this lioe Ik- sine and drop him a line, keaate yon in.-k.- any ;trtatige sseate. Have Hr. I. we t are your head an I eye ache with a p.tir of his sin. -glasses. No humbug altoi.t this. Cos suit him Oct. JOih nd Jlst Many Roseburgers will noitce with pleasure the success wl icb has attetidetl tie i iTorts of. I. IVnht'lm, who wis at one time asstviatetl with the manage ment of the R i-e' urg Wolien M whicii were swept a way in the fl IfaaB, Mr. Ivnholm bad sesMCBunafed in mercantile and baakiar, aver at Baa don, and has made much money bj dint of bald and untiring eft ate. Now he is very weli T. The other day be sold his store to ( . A I row bridge, and he has purchased a fine. 110,0 I) Rev. J. A. Townsend ami Mr. P Benedick are home from the northern part id the state, where they attended lirst the meeting of the Southern Ore ' goti Presbytery, which waa bold in the First Presbyterian church of Portland. I and later the annual meeting of the Synodal Oregon, which convened at ; l.a Grande. They report having had a very delightful and interest. ng time at 1 both gatherings. While at l.atiramle they were the guests of Mr. ami Mrs, v harles Clements, former residents of BoSSbTg. At the meeting of the Pres-'Co.. hytery Mr. Beue.lick was elected to rep- Bros resent that body at the i.ext meeting of I the Geaetal Assembly, which will le' held at l'es Moines, Iow.t, during next' May. By a strange ci -incidence two pastors, Kev W. C. Renter of the Methodist church an 1 Rev. ie. G Ritchey of the Christian church, Imth had identically the same themes for their last Sunday's s-rmons. both morning ami evening. Bat neither one knew that tl is was to be the case as t h y bad m idea whit the other was to take ink the sahject ttf his dtscoaraes. Saturday evening Pator J. M Cole of the Salem even,h Day Adeiiti-t rtinrrh, will deliver hi' fine stern iptirtm lecture on MCaaaiHal Fiji." at the S-v enth Pay dven!it t hnn h in thi" city The lecture i- I pnSf very highly of .tie! a largo aodieace ooghi to greet Pastor t" le. There will le a fnewill silver fh ring at ihe close of the lecture. Sunday Btararaai at II o'clock Mrs iitie t'i.vs. Sal in ial ornjtaaisef of tl e BT.C r V.. will s.-;.k at the Baptist Lur b ; at S in the aftarauaji she will talk at trie t'rea yterian church, ai.d ia llm i mains, st Ibe Wotbadist church. She is a tabiati it apeakx and all who Baptnrkd a ilet-k ol cahIu from a i,ui -bier. At night Mrs. t? raves will deliver a g ispel-temperance address. Fpworth League at 0:90 p. m. The public is cor dially invited to these services. The W. C. T. U'S. held their earlv i meeting at the home of Mrs. I.ouis Bar i zee. The follow ing otli era were elected : I Pres., Mrs. F. H. Hicks ; cor sec, Mrs. Emma Faulkner ; rec. sec., Mrs. Mary I Palm ; treas., Mrs. Gertrude Bertram . J Superintendents of the various depart ments were also appointed, from whom ' j good results are expected. The meeting was one of great interest ami the lunch j , serveu ny .Mrs. I'.aree was line. All in all it was a delightful occasion. Word hiui la-en received from the Bible School evangelist, J. P. ('order, of the Christian church, that the Bible school institute announced for this week BS Iteginning Friday and holding over Sunday, is postponed indefinitely. At the Christ an church next Snaday the serviced will lie as follows: Bible school. 10 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. K. meeting 1:30 p in., union meeling Preaching 11 s. in ami 7:150 p. m. Morning theme: "The Holy Spirit as Related to Chris tians." Fvening sermon: "A Ixist Boy.1 The puh. ic is mortt cordially in vited to attend. LA I I fit IT ft THE H 0 USE HARVBY JONES, Proprietor Kates $1.00 per day and upward New Brick, New FurnLshinjrs, Prompt Services. Opposite the P. Depot flrounda .' .' ." .' ING & ICE COMPANY Ttje trfsJnjJ i;rfl Oregon. Rdeehurg Beer has a Reputation throub- outtb? Charity fyr . oi rrinr and purity mytniylipalih Brawed only from etfrA-feri tlaWy' Choicest Uiqars, Special Brewed little Beer Our Specialty Direct delivery to your residence Silff piantities of one case or more. -J. . TELEPHONE 141 I. J. NuTllldll & bftj i i O V . :inBrv p r w m T 6irfectlMs, fruits Goods mi at tways fresh 1 .ixnl dsrA'Jtah SflfrtHrAl STv i fctAlbDfPOl Buy your plows ami harrows of S. K. Sykes. He has the best line to select from. h f For your guns, ammunitions ami spertirajt goode eee s. K Bykeo. Mtl Tin" farm-rs Real Fst.-te Ct.. have sold the A. M Gallagher farm oa I'eer Creek, to II. II. Fox from St. loais Mo. K. K. Montgomery, of GhiadsUi. has old through the I-aimers Real Fstate 40 acres of timlier laud to l.iuton of Snohomish, Wash. Married At the resi lence of Mr. Horace Mars ters, in Rooeburg, on the ecening of Oct IS, Rev. W. C. Reuter, c.tticiatii g, Mr. Ii H Marsters to Miss Mary Paras, I-th o this city. These young people i have many friends in this city who will I wi-h fnr then much happiness. Tiiev will reside in Wmt Roseburg. The Roseburg P aindea'er justly kicks at the kcepit g of the l.antl t rtn e rinsed at that place on the gronmt that i' interfere with the rights ttf legit i iiu'.e hoint steaders ami tbaibat claini parrbasera. sTe ourselves hue bsoa lie til v three years ge'ting a patent for ear limber claim and haven't got it vet h r that matter, and for no olher rea-ou than that it is Iteing delayed by 'Uth ppareti'Iy manslbrd for actions ol the government as these Washington Cooaty News Ti: kNS & CMLVOW ETM OAKLAND AM) i(ALLA have Beiiicia llaaeaeh Rotary "-itle Hill prices previously advertised. If you hare not yet inspected our bargain counters, we advise you to do so at once Josephson a. For photographs, viewing. Id pic- , tures copied ami enlarged, Hash light bear bet will Le srell paid lor going. !'o M.n ike .ti-e' Mmetnrf Stii h a ICIUMM trill tf preach, d at the M. E church next um!av n orning. In the sermon the pastor will relate how he lifvi rsible Ihsc Plows and IVttible Ibsc's B'ifflo Pitts Harrows, Ihsc Cutters, Ban Wagons, Majestic aad Mnairrh Malleable Iron BaSSMa, Be bat biscuits, t'Ut tint prices Coyote wire ft nee by the car load. S.i tf The Time is Now, and THE PLACE IS HERE GPaateejraaV If you love your home, we can make it to make home cheerful is hen-. Roseburg lias ive display of home farnifthings as awaits your arriving daily, tseanttful shotnne of all the more pleasant. Everything m-vt-r seen Sttch an extens inspeetioa hero. New drmmIs things ju lot -t t li i if's i ii Fttmititrp ' arpets, Urapenes. Wonderful values await the eomen to tins bnsj store. All the new things are here new Blankets (Juil's. Comforters fmm the cheapest ctton blanket to the real and only standard, the Oregon Wool; nothing nu earth so nice. Bsri'll 'i7ir JrBpKassssBSal JessBaauSBfllQflrr jn We puarriTitfe any price we mav quote to be as low as anv in this state, for new goods, notithstantiEj all job tay read ihoat discounts ar.d ut fAttk .We are here to sell jt'-ik'-s, and will not be i nder.iold if e- kcovr i:. We are the leaders of !. jirices ;ndei3y terms. We Iroy at the r-ry lowest prict. We Luv for strictly spot cash. We secure the very best discounts there are t be had. Purely, then, we are in a position to do y-.u some gotd. We hav added srttne wooderfoiiy fft-l lines, such as THE GREAT MAJESTIC FANGE Remember the grent demon strati ri - f the MASOnC, at our st'-re from the sixteenth to the twenty-first of this month. Hot caee antl bisKtiits str.ed free. CaeM and enjoy tLe linch on us. The Best Line of House Furnishings in Southern Oregon F) 2 a JC DJv, The House Furnishers lbekale and R.ui! Bua5 rurnishcrs residence in PortUnvI. At' er Miodiag a short time in Baadnn. he wdl hair for an exteudetl visit to his old home in Scothiml. suits, comprising manv of the newest and best garments in our entire clothing stock, on sale while thev last for $ 10. Sizes V2 to 19 years. At Josephson'e. Good Business Openiug About $2,000 necessary to handle it, cash or negotia ble paper. Good reason for selling. For particui irs address Rox Roseburg. Oregon. 83 tf Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Woodbury and eon Francis, and M. G. iikius, who have been visiting in Portland for the past month, returned home Saturday, Mr. J. Wilkins, of Roseburg, accompa nied them and will visit here a uhoit time. Klamath Falls Republican. For the best ot everything in rainy weather wear, at the most reasonable prices, see 'oeephsou'e. We are head quarters for rain-coats, rubbers, rubber boots, oil and rubber clothing in fact for everything nectssary to keep ou warm and dry in wet weather. Salesmen Wantel Cash advanced weekly ; tood territory open ; outfit free. Some are making $100.00 o $160.00 per month. Why cot yon? Addrese: Washington- Ncbseky Company, 77ti Toppet.ieh, Washington. While chopping some wool, Tuesday morning, H. H. rox, a recent arrival from St. Louis, Mo., who recently pur chased the Gallagher place, out on Deer j Creek, had the misfortune to pretty badly chop one of hie feet. He ie so badly hurt as. to mceesitate hie laying up for a while. The Farmers Real Estate Co.. have 8-ld the Edward Pierce farm on Cow Creek, east of Vileodale, to Samuel Eakin and John Jackson, of Kansas, and they will take possession at once, and make a specialty of potatoes, cher ries and berries. J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and notary public. Office up stairs in Douglas County Bank Building. tf apply at Miil St. Phone S15 If you want cold h i rn ordoBraries call at Jennings' Bakery. 71:f J. S . amber, of Tehama. I a!., a! er spending lti eis in that state Iihs II Is get come here to locate, where irri:ati Mr. W. C. Dublev, an expert piano not an absolute ne.t -s;tv ami to inner of the Eiler's Piano Urstr. of , aw fro"i the malaria lever. Portland, will be with us for one week. ' At Ieg0 ,i.an a MllllI1 flf If yoor piano needs attention, leave ' Vacuum" and "Econoeajr? fruit jars your orders with the Burr Vu-ic House, ujlj p, ,uil.k at Charahill Hardware Co who will guarantae hie work. ! une-puart at M eent; and two quarts at Walter Gagnon ha leen elected cap- W Wpaa-doaaa. J7tl tain of the Roseburg High school foot Dr. Lowe, the well known oral pti ball team and the boys are getting down cian is ,low ,le ifcCbdlesi H -use to THE STORE THAT DOES THE BUSINESS to some hard practice. Ben Wagner is manager and H. Hilderburn is assistant manager. The everage weight of the team members is 140 and all are in good trim for next Saturday's game at the Rose Park, with the Drain team. Don't miss that game, if you want to see some fnn. It will be a sharp contest from start to finish. Have Dr. Lowe show you the new Hurd Auction eye glrsses. No cork screws or shell. Easy, comfortable and economical and guaranteed against breakage for 2 years. remain ui.til Saturday Bight. Since 1S77 we've l-een trea ing people Stpiare. Joeephs.'ii's. An examination of forest lapOTliEOM has just been held in thi city, conduct ed by Supt. Shiller, of Washingtoi.. Rangers liny Ingram, of Roseburg and Henry Ireland, of Kt. Klamath, rarest Assistant, A. K. Cahoon. Kosehnrg ; Mr. ieo. W. King, M.- lford . Mr. W. A. Holt, of Bremerton. Washington, clei k of the Navy D -partment, to k examinations. Dr. Lowe, the optician, has besa COSB Marshal Jarvie is watching the streets in(, t() Kost.tjurg for over Hi years. A and by applying fresh rock whenever pretty good record. and wherever it is needed, he is keening : ... , . , .., . . , " . , A big mortgage for the sum of 1285,- the city s thoroughfares in most excel-, . . , , , ' , ! 000, bas just Iteen p.aced on record with lent condition. ; CMaA, LU.rk. wiereby the rreaoa Furnished rooms for rent at $.1 per Securities Co., id Cottage Grove, covers month. Apply to 20 Rose street, slop .V.i minirg claims in the Bohemia Min The Plaindea'er and tne New York '. district eosnprieiof J7 of the "Chan - Tribune Farmer, both the Plaindealer, to all pay in advance, $2. for the price of subscribers w ho tf Lady Maccabees, Attention! A tun aiienuance ie requesteu at ine regul r meeting Friday, Oct. 20, at 2 p. in , as business of importance is to be attended to. We will also celebrate the anniversary of the order. A short pro gram and lunch will be provided B order of the Committee. 83 2t CALL FO ir STANFORD PURE A .- k FOR IT RYE It Hits the Spot. It Brings the Trade The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TiN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED MIKE JACOB & CO. Distillers, Cincinnati. Ohio P. B. MATKEWES, Agent, Kosebnrj?. Oregon TAKE NO OTHER hust HAVE ir If you want to buy a farm If yon want furnished rooms If yon want to buy a house If you want to rent a house jf you want to buiid a house if you want to move a house pion" gronp. M ol the "Musick" and U of the Helena group. John W Wheeler of Orange, Mass., is named as the mort gagee. Tt e money, as stated in the in strument is snbeased in rleaning up some indebtedness and also in doing more development work. Fri.lay and Saturday Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be at Ho'el Met lallen Have bias test your eyes for glasses. Fine Mohair suitings, full SO inches wide, in black, brown, bine and green the same tpiality that other stores ak $1 or OOcts for at. our store only, 7'icts the yard Josepbsou's The Majestic Range demons! ration at Rice and Rice's this week, was n great big sncce-s. Many persons CTljnjorl the free lunch and all were well pleased While riding through a gate at his father's place, out on Deer Creek, this morning, Kav, tbe sixteeo-jraaf old soa of John Hedgpeth, had the misfortune o have his uhaparejos catch in the gate and the horse taking fright, the VOQOS man was badly thrown, resultfhg in breaking bis left leg, just above the ankle. He was brought to town ami Dr. i. E. Boack set the injured member. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere antl heartfelt thanks to our many friends and kind neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our darling little son, Llynn and pray that the good l.orJ will bless them all nd they may it least meet him in Heaven. T. A. Finiiley, Wife ANO C1IILI1KEN Glide, Ore., Oct. 10, PJ05. MeCaH's Bazaar Patterns, 10c and 15c. FISHER & BELLOWS COMPANY Department Store Ladies" Ready-tc-Wear Hats, Second floor New Arrivals in Our Art Department N w Pillow Tops Con! aii'l Ruffling, Mexican Diawn - ork Squares New Battenberg Braid, Buttons, Thread, Etc. Everything For Fancy Work This Store Has Always Done Things Different From Others The baying and selling f goods at this store is conducted on plans that always save you money. This fall we are hetter prepared than ever to meet and outdistance all competition. Our immense stock of new goods, coupled with our magnifi cent new building, and modern methods of doing business, make it a pleasure to shop here. Come in and look around, whether you waut to buy or not. We will take pleasure in showing you our new home. We are pioud of it, and we want vou to see it. Wednesday. October Ihh, We Open a New Department Graniteware, Tinware and all Kinds of Household Necessi- i ties. Tills will be tor sale, or v -xenon ge for our outstanding Premium Ti..l vets. Clothing 2nd Floor Bach price we quote here represents an article of merit at that price. When we say Suit or Overcoat for $10 or if -Jo, we mean the BEST that can be sold at $10 or $20. Price means nothing unless the Article has merit. NEW FALL SUITS WITH MERIT $10.00 11.00 $12.00 14.00 $15.00 10.00 $17.00 18.00 $20.00 220 NEW OVERCOATS- WITH MERIT $o, $7.r.o, $io, $n, $12. $ir, $i;, $is, $20 NEW CRAVENETTES WITH MERIT $10, $11. $12. to $1S. GORDON Why argue about a certainty? Apply this to your hat buying, ami your new hat will be a Gordon (soft or stiff). ( 'ne who has worn a Gordon Hat knows that there is no better hat made than a Gordon. Gordon Hats, $:!. We sell them because they are the best hats. HATS Other makes at $1.00, L26, l.tSO. 2.00 and $2.50 Boy's and Children's Clothing Second Floor. NEW FALL CLOTHING WITH MERIT Age S to 14 Suits $1.50, 2.00. 2.2T. 2.:0, :?.00. :?.."0. 4.00, I GO 5.00. 5.50 to tv.tXl YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING. 14 to 20 years. $150, 5.00, 0.00, 7.1X1, 7.50, S.00. 9.00, 1O00, 11.00 12.00 up to 10.00. House Furnishings. We carry the Oregon City Woolen Mills Blankets' All wool blankets $&50 to $10.00. Cotton blankets GOeta to $2.50. COTTON COMFORTS Filled with pure white cotton $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 2.2"-. LACE CURTAINS 50C TO $7.00 Hon Frame Curtains a large assortment $-1.00 to 7.00 Curtain nets, white or Arabian color 25, ;5, 10 and 50c ts per yard. Curtain Swiss, 12J to 25cts. Curtain Scrim 8 to ISeta. Portiers, Couch Covers, Table Covers and ftrapcriaa of all kinds. Ladies' Coats and Suits 2nd Floor ; New arrivals in this department almost daily by express. . Nothing but the newest shown here. -lust arrived Saturday I 22 ladies' three-fourths antl full length Cuts, of the very newest and best selling styles in the Fast. Do You Want the Latest? If vou do. come todav. Thev are selling fast. FURS, For these Cool, Damp Days A Fur Collar or Scarf is almost indispensable. We have them a large line at popular prices. Neck scarfs as low as $1.00. Others at $1.50, 2."0. &00, SjSO; etc.. up to $25. 1 Astrachan and Nearseal Jackets New Wrappers, kimonas & Dressing Sacqnes CHILDREN'S READYMADE PRESSES Nicely made and Trimmed. A Neat Press at the price you would have to pay for the ma terial, alone. Ages, 5 to 14 years. $1.40 to $4.00 FISHER & BELLOWS COMPANY 1 f run don't know PA I Call on or address . . . F F. p&tteiw Csstractsr aid Buldsr Rosebng Oregon.