The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 19, 1905, Image 2

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The Drug Store of Quality
Near the Depot
Saul : "1 am sick; go
and call the best doctor
and also get for rue the
verv best medicine that
money can buy; there is
nothing too good for me
I want the best.1
attendant called
-, of Roseburp-
and had the prescrip
tions jrejaTcd in the
laboratory of Fullerton
& Richardson.
The SicK are Entitled to the Very Best of Everything and it is
the Duty of Their Friends to see that They get it.
Entered In the Post Office at Roseau r. Oregon
u Second Claw Mail Halter in
i. -
aemi-Weeklr One Year: $2.00; Semi Wees ly
Six Months, SI .00. Cash in Advance.
Probate Matters
In the matter of the estate of Judeon
I. Strong, deceased, an order was made
8 tting Nov. 20 as the time tor making
final settlement of the estate. The rinal
asconnt of Jesse Anlauf was tiled and
shows a total of KZ8SB.35 collected acd
$843.05 expended.
In the matter of the estate of Sarah 1
Coon, an incompetent person. Sheridan ,
Croy . J as. Kirkendall and Frank Good- '
man were appointed appraisers.
The estate of Bernhanl H. Reib.1
deceased, is valued at $800. as ascertain
mi by the appraisers, G. W. Staley C.
E. Rolierts and Oscar Edwards
Fate of the Greeks
The fae of the Greek rioters wh
were arretted at Gienhrook. and whe
have been in the care and custodv of!n
Sheriff McClallen's twelve deputies, is
yet undecided.
For several days the grand jury has
been examining these men, as well is
the railroad em ployeea who were at the
scene of the trouble, but thus far they
have only sucsee led in eliciting enough
evidence to warrant them in ordering
ix of the Greeks placed in the county
jail, on the charge of having incited a
riot. Those who have been placed be
hind the bars are : John Geoates. Gust
Anhovey, Antone Vizes, Jim Pse'.andes, j
Antonio Pappa and B. Eilen.
It was expected that the grand jury j
would render its final report this morn- !
ing and some interesting developments j
were expected, but evidently tilings i
have not gone just as was expected. .
The body was in session until a late I
hour last night and it wae understood .
that the work would be wound up this
This afternoon the grand jury brought
in a batch of seven indictments against
even of the (jreeks, including those
- ifii,v. i S!b
a -
O ;
Said. "1 am sick; go
find a doctor who won't
charge me much, and
get my medicine where
you can get lots of it for
a little money; 1 want
the cheapest that can be
found. "
The attendant found
a cheap fellow who
called himself a doctor
and got the medicine
where they gave him a
big bottle full for a few
who have leen in jail. They mm taken
at once into court, where thev were a-
araigned on the charge of inciting; to riot.
Tomorrow morning they will lie pivt-n
an opp irtnnity to ( lead and the suppo
sition is that thee will enter a plea of
not gmry. not trials will be set
At the Good Samaritan Hospital, in
Portland, yesterdav. Dr. Wilson probed
and found the bullet in the loin uf the
Greek who was shot on the niilit of the
riot. It has glanced around the bon
and was lodged just over one of the
main arteries. A pretty close call for
the fellow .
Various Lodges
The "High Jink" which the P.osebu'g
Eiks weie aLnounoed to give next Fri
day, will not occur until Thursday even
ing of next Vtek. It will be a memor
able event in the history of the local
herd of tha growing organization.
A. E. Giilelt, general organizer of the
sick and accident compauv of ITnuhrn
' ter. Mass.. in which only memlers of 1
G O. F., are eligahle, is in Rosehnrg.
'in the interestsof that organization, at
the head of w hich is Past Grand Hre
Head Con Mil, I. A. Poak, of Denver.
J tl e chief Woodman of the World for the
j Pacific jurisdiction, is expecting to visi:
I Roeetnrg during the month of Novem
be-. At that time there will be "thing
in and arornd Oak Gamp, No
Pendleton's crack Knight of Pjthiae
lodge, "Damon," won the coveted Jae
ger silver trophy, at the great drill
which took place at the Pythian Castle,
la Portland, last week. The third de
gree was conferred.
. . .
The members of Roseburg Hive No.
11, L. O T. M., are on the ijnivive over
the grand time which they expect to
have next F'riday. It w ill be the anni
versary of the order and an excellent
literary and musical program is being
prepared for the occasion and no mem
ber can aff rd to miss the rare treat,
which is in store for them.
T. Jay Burford, of Portland, state
manager for the F'raternal Brotherhood
of Los Angeles, Cal., will toon be in the
city for the purpose of assisting his
deputy, R. S. Cummings.Jin organizing
a local lodge of this order on Thursday
ISM Wtf.' tMtii tt.iiinc Pmivu ifitiifi
We lcg to announce a
We are showing the
at tin
ever offered
Tin line includes
FROM $1 TO $75
You'll do well to
call soon, fur they're
selling mighty fast.
Anil it's not hard to
figure out the reas
on for their popular
ity. Five words sum
it all up:
There's nothing like
'en in town, at the
Sisct 1877 Wr vr Brrs Trtsfin; Ptsple Squat e
im mil
in the
a r tat at rn
mm mm
Personal dt
Football Hittlrday Oct 4, Rose Park,
Etoaetmrg High School vs. Drain Nor, 2:90 p in. Adiniasiou 15 and 25c
Come out and see the first foothill
game oi t lie season. le.iuis evenly
matched. Row Park. Oct 21 2:30 o. at
L. K. WeBthrook went to Roseburg
yesteiday where he has accepted a po
sition with his brot'.ier in the Hotel lie
Clallen. Salem Statesman.
N T. Jewett went up to Eugene on
last night's passenger, to look after
some important husioess matters.
Frank E. A II y. the abstract man, is
attending to pom important matters in
Portland, having gone on last evening's
Fted roqoette went to Voucalla last
night, ostentibly, it i said, to look up
souu' personal interests up that wav.
Osteopathy cures rhi'timatism.
C. C, Mete ill i- in Salem looking after
some business interests.
I'apt. Frank Hamlin, the popular
county school mi per iutendeut , is hack i
from Portland, where he rendered valu
able assistance in helping to take care
of the state's education il exhibit at the
great Lewis and Clark Exposition.
Miss Martha I lnndell is in the city
from Riddle, visiting with her friend?',
while enronte or Man tlftold, wliereshe
goes to teach in the public feclioo.s ol city.
Mis Etta Danielson, of l.impa. Ore
gon, is th guest of Koiehurg friends.
Mr. and Mrs. P. l'ilkington ami Mrs.
N F; Clark, who have been visiting
with the families uf W. Pilkington and
other relatives, whom they have nut
seen for L.T years, are planning to leave
for California points enroute to tt.eir
home at Parsons, Kansas. They suy
tbey had a most delightful sts.y in Roee
burg and it is not at all unlikely that
they may come back here to live.
tVteopathy is the best treatment for
female trouble and nervousness.
J. C. truant, one of Oakland! esti
mabte citizens rallerl on the I'.aiiidealer,
yesterday. Mr. Quant will soon leave
for Anzoua and New Mexico ptiuts
a hither he goes to engage in the cattle
j business. But his family will s ill re
side in Oakiaud, which indicates that be
i expects to come liack to lVuglas count)
1 to MM his permanent home.
Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Underwood, who
have been aajoj ing this city and -oiinty
for some littie time, left xeterday for
their Iowa home, going by way of San
' Francisco.
Mrs. D. F. Wilson's miny friends will
regret to lean that she is qnite ill with
droiev comp aint, and that tears are en
tertained for tier recovery,
Mrs. A T Steiner is visiting
in Eugene, this week.
Miss Marjorie McDougsll is visiting at
(rants Psss.
Mrs P. J. Blakeley and caoghter.
Mrs. Adio Vial, have
visit at Portland.
returned frutn a
Cured t f Lame Back After I5 years
af Suffering.
"1 had 'een troubled with 'atns back
or IS yesrs and 1 found complete recov
ery in the cse of rlain's Pain
Baini. says John . Itisher. Oiliam, Ind.
This liniment is also without an eois!
for sprau.s and bruises. Fat sale by A.
C. Marsters A Co.
Enjoy yourself at the Hallowe'en
social held at the High school building
on the evening of Oct 90, Admis
sion 10 cents. SI 4t
For Sale Scotch Collie pups, from
$.'.50 to the tinest kind Also Brown
Leghorn and Plymouth Rock chickens
snd Tolonse geese. Sitierian oats snd
cheat feed. Address K. A. Kruse, Rose- .
burg, I regon. M M
Now is the time to buy your heating
stoves. See the new Trilby sold by S.
K. Sykes. S4ll
Ladies, rememlier that you can pet
the Ladies' Home Journal patterns at I.
Abraham's store. si-tf
Natuie '
Medicines that aid nature ate always
most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough
i.emedy acts on this plan. It allays the
cough, relieves the lungs, aids expecto
ration, opens the secretions, and aids i
Batara in restoring the system to a !
healthy condition. Sold by A. C. Mars
ters Men's heavy jersey overshirts just
the thing for cold mornings regular 50c
values for 35cts, at Josephson's.
By fortifying your system with a relish'-
blood medicine. An alcoholic stimulati
w c s I d do
that good
tion from it
more ham
i mi the res"
would leave
vim nearer
impletc pros
tration than
ever balon,
H'ith atoajoaft and
blood In goml order
vou can ligul the
battle of life suc
cessfully aaalust
all odds. Uol.likX
SrAt. Rimit tJy--draaHeX
is a famous
remedy for dyspep
sia, and UtK n's
HOOT 1 'l.e.-io
has a direct action
In promoting the
renewal of the
ith of these are umd In Dr.
such a
- Ooldea Medical Discovery in
wav. Iiv skillful extraction, com
bination and solution without alcohol,
that their tiest effects are seound.
Many years of actual practice con
vinced Dr. Pierce of the value of many
native roots as amdll llial agents and he
went to great expens'. hotli in time and
In money, to perfect his own peculiar pro
eaaaea for rendering them Both eilicient
and safe for continuous use as touic and
rebuildiug agents.
The enormous popularity of "Golden
Medical Discovery" U due both to Its
ii Inatlli naaiiiiaiwllag aial to the actual
modiiiiial value of the Ingredients. The
publication of the mimw of Uu inorttli
enl on the wrapper of every bottle
hereafter to be sold, gives full assur
ance of its non-alcoholic character and
removes all objection to the use of an
"unknown remedy."
fc" PILLS- lir!,t Pt P oy old Dr.
Vee R. V. Pierce over 40 years
ago. Much imitated, hut never equaled.
Little pill. Little dose, but give great re
sults in a curative way In all derange
ments of Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
"Common Sense Medical Adviser" will
be sent free, papcr-lxiund. for 21 one-cent
stumps, a pay the cost of mailing only,
or cloth-lMiiind for 31 -tumps. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Ota Main Street, Buf
falo. N. Y.
dt Mention
. V. Ryan was in from Nugget, yes
terday, where he is helping develop the
wonilerlul Continental mine. He thinks
that there is a great future in store for
that district.
Mrs. Frank Tripp is bere from Can
ycnville, renewng old acquaintance
and enjoying a pleasant visit.
W. H. Ollivant has moved in from
l.'Kiking tilass and will now be one of
Kosetiurg'a citizens. Such desirable
citizens are always welcome and the
more we can get the better for our city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. C. Whit nle were
in from Dixonvillc, Monday, enroute foi
Mvrth) Creek, where they were called In
the siu'den death of Mrs. Phil lin e of
that place. They returned home yester
day. Prof. Appelbofl has returned from
Portland, where he went to place his
daughter in a sauitaiium.
Osteopathy cures I .a Grippe.
Mrs. E. W. I.avier, of Oregon City, is
visiting relatives in Roseburg this week
Mrs. Owen Jones returned Saturday
from a three weeks visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers in Portland
Mrs. C. J. Armitage and daughter.
Miss Amy, are up from Myrtle Creek
today, and are the guests of Mrs. A. C.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. 8 her wood, of Fort
Klamath, who have 1 u at Eugene fot
I a brief stav, arrive I here this morning
and are the guests of Senator and Mrs.
j Maister-. They will soon leave for
Coos county.
Mrs A C Marsters an. 1 Mr- Mattie
M Graves, the ft. C. T. L'. worker-,
will joit) the Portland delegation bete
in a special car, and will then proceed
': to Los Angeles, to attend the 27lh an
I anal W.C. T. C. Convention, which
I convenes in that citv Oct. 27.
for several
the Plain
Miss D illie He'ty, who
vea'S was in the empov of
dealer, t in the city as the guest ol Mr
Ju Ige Thompson. She is at present at
the l.ife-Saving Station, at the mouth
f the I'mpua Kiver.
Mrs. K. C.Kilburn ha just com.
from Creston, Iowa, and will visit with
the family ol F. H Regan, deputy
county assessor.
W. A. Holt, liookkeeper for the gov
eminent navy yard at llremerton. Wath.
has lxen in K'isebjrg a day or so con
flicting a civil sei vice examination, for
the position of Fore-l Supervisor.
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Wilson and Ray
Wilson h ive been i-alle.1 to this city f r n
Med ford by the severe illness of Mrs. D
F Wil-on.
Miss Rose Josephson writi s the home
folks from Huston, where she ha
enjosed the novelty of climbing tie
f mious Bunker Hill Monument
w . P. I'orep. of Ssn Francisco
agent of The Americsn Insurance Co .
lis luoking after business tn R seburg
this week.
Mrs. S. Srel, of Ohio, is visiting her
I 8 n. Dr. A. C. Seely, of this city.
No one enjoys nice weather more than
does the old soldiers, and if lad weather
comes, well, we make the best of it and
say nothing, or at least we will try to do
that way.
R. Ford, of Portland is now one of us.
having just come to us. He is along in
years, having seen service in the Indian
war, leing s veteran of '5-" and '56. Be
arrived last Saturday and his dacUninj
days will be made as comfortable
this institution can make them.
Win. Oreen arrived from tirsnts Pass,
Monday, and will be one of ns. He lias
the distinction of having len a mem
lier of the famons "V. R. C ," widen
means Volunteer Reserve Corps, sn
organization which was not so very
numerous, but which rendered very
valuable service.
D. K. Rice, who for some six years
was a nurse in this institution and who,
by his kindly ways endeared himself 10
all the inmates, calle I onus yesterday,
while on his way Irom Coos county to
Mt Talxir Station, Portland, where he
goes to ninke his future home. The
boys were all very glad to see him once
more and he has a waim place in their
Sergi ant Martin Msrkeson is with us
once more, after a furlough, on which
he went for the benefit of his health.
He was up near Astoria, and comes
heme greitly benefited and looking
much better for the trip. Voltio leer.
If the Plaindealer fails to come up to
its usual standard this week, it will
probably be owing to the fact that an
assistant editor arrived Tuesday morn
ing. The youug gentleman was not
scheduled to appear for awhile and con
sequently the nurse who had been en
gaged, was not to be had, however kind
friends and neigh lore came to the rescue
and rendered all the assistance needed.
Such treatment at the hands of com
j.arat ive str: ngers was greatly appre
cialed and only goes to lonfirm the high
estimate which ye editor had been plat
ing npoii the class of people who live in
this city. The mother and "Howard
t halmers Willis," the new arrival, are
doing nicely ai.d there are h e8 thai
die lalhur will survive.
A Judicial Inquiry
A well ki own traveling man who
visits the drug trade saya he has often
heard druggists inquire of customers
who asked for a cough medicine,
whether it was wanted for a child or for
an adult, and if for a child they almost
invariably recommend Chamberlains
Cough Remedy. The reason for this is
that they know there is no danger from
it and that it always cures. There is
not the the least danger in giving it,
and for coughs, colds and croup is is un
surpassed. For sale by A. C. Marste s
& Co.
The ladies ol the Baptist church will
entertain at the church Friday evening,
at 8 o'clock, O.tober 20. A program will
be rendered and refreshments served.
All are cordially invited. Admission,
10c and 15c. 83 2t
Items Which Will be of Interest to
the Taxpayers
County Treasurer's Notice
Notice is hereby uiven that all parties
holding county warrants endorsed prior
to, ami including, July 17, l'.H).J, are re
in-8ted to present the same to the coun
ty treasurer as interest will cease there
on after the date of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Oreg., Del 19, 1905.
(i. W. DlMMSCM
Barnes Must Hang
John (.'. Bamee, whom lbs jury found
guiliy of having murdered V. H.ira
ham, will have to forfeit his life for the
crime which he committed, :is Judge
Harris declined to grant him a new
trial. Tl.e court announced that sen
tence would lie passe 1 next rric'sy
morning, ht '. o'clock. In pa sing upon
; the motion for a new trial, Judge Harris,
took occasion to stale that, in his esti
mation, the evidence, although circum
stantial, was very strong against Barnes
much more so than was that auainst
Norman Williams, who was convicted at
The Dalles. nd when that was aplealed
tt e higher miirt held that it would have
convicte I any man. As there is only
one penalty presented by law for mur
der in the tir-t degree, the Court has n
alternative, but must sentence Barnes
to t bnng. However, he granted the
attorneys for I arms tifty days in which
to prepare and tile a bill of exceptions,
; t ' a to taking the case up to the
Supreme Court of the State, on appeal.
Some Court Notes
The demurrer t
the complaint, in the
cs-e of ( T. Henry v: . Win. P. Johnson
Laaibef Co . a foreclosure of lien, was
: sustained. Fullerton ,V Orcutt and F
6., attorneys for plaintiff, and
Coeho A Rice for defendant.
By stipulation, the case of John Krom
vs J hn Thorn, an action for damages,
wan dismissed. Lanil Bitzee, attorney
for plaintiff and Custow A Rice for de
ten lant.
Much interest was taken in the case of
the Myrtle Creek Hotel Co. vs Phoeuix
Assurance Co. After ail the evidence
was in, the jury look the exse and final
ly awarded the plaintiff judgment for
B OWJ, the full amount asked for in the
c-mplaint. (ardweii A Watson and
Coahnn A R ce represented plaintiff.
The jury leci led in favor of the de
defei dant in the Ciee brought by F. G.
Stewart and Warren Beatty, against
Wioiam Montg.vll, Buchanan A I.eavin
good, attorneys for plaintiff, Crawfon1,
Cardwe.l A Walton for defendants, to
recover a fee alleged to be c!ue for lo- i
eating land, anl, by stipu stion, tie
verdict will also hoi 1 good in the similar
cafe of Lt, . Leaveogood vs Stella Arbire
An interesting cas-- which the jury ajaa
called to pass apu was that of Rot ert
Hildebrand. a minor, by his guardian.
S. J. Culver, vs the tinier of Cnited Ar
tisan'. John T. long, attorney for
plaintiff, snd 1-ouis Bar zee, for defend
ants. I: was an action lo recover on a
pdicv which the society issued for the
father of plaintiff, the Ute W . C. Hildi
brand, jr. Rut the Artisans claimed
that deceased committed suicide, and
that, according to the rules ol the order,
releasing it from liability in cases of
this kind, it wt'tii l not meet the obliga
ti n. The case proved to 1 one of more
than passii.g importance, and the jury,
which is i ut as weiro to press, will have
some kuotty problems to solve in reach
ing a decision.
The case of Wm. Schmidt vs Fred K.
liettings was continued for this term o'
court, as was also the case of Fred Fisher
vs. Wm. P. Johnson Lum'ierCo.
In the case of K. C. Atkins A Co. rat
Wm P. Johnson Lumber Co., a judg-.
ment for l.'lL' s.; was given in favor of ,;
Atty. J. C. Fullerton, on behalf of A,v j
' pellants Rluxla Coon et al vs L 8. Coon. '
adm'r, has riled a protest against the
I COal bill tiled by respondents.
Courthouse Notes
Yesterday County Cased Agee issued a '
marrfage license to Mr. C. P. Churchill
and Miss Charitv (. onn, both prominent
i Melrose young people.
Fred J. Bateman, one f Melrose's re- '
sected citizens, has taken out psj ers
before Judge Harris, which now make
him a full fledged citizen of the Cnited
His witnesses were tieorce W.
Dimniick and Frank 1 ong
This has been one ol the longest and
biggest terms of Circuit court ever held
in this couuty. With x cases on the
docket, many of them jury cases, the
wheels oi justice have been kept very
busy. The next term of court will be
held in Jnnnary, baninning the first
Two new cases were filed today, and
they will come up at the next term of
c urt. One was entitled Myra Tinkle
vr Frauk Tinkle, for divorce. The com
plaint states that they were married nt
Albany. August 11, MM, and that on
August 80, lOtM, the husband deserted
her. They had two children, tscar
Trilbus, aged 10, and Herneta, ii, wtiose
costody the mother wants. She accus
es the husband of cruel treatment and
failure to support. Percy R. Kelly, an
Albany attorney, brings the action. The
other case is Annie Fre vs Wm. P.
Johnson Lumber Co.. aud is lo collect
t'-'vS, alleged to be due her, as the sur
vivor of the firm of " Dement Sisters,"
tne other partner being dead, and is for
board furnished defendant men, be
aeen Jan. and June lit), of this year.
C. I. Leavengccd and C. I.. Jackson
bring the suits.
Right of way deeds for the new Drain
railroad were placed on record this
morning. They are from Benton Miles, '
Albert 1.. Moon, Lavern Wheldon and
John W. Krtwson, who convey right i f
way over their respective properties to
the 8. P. railroad. This looks very i
much as though the new Drain road to
CoOs Bav was a "sure go."
Sure Cure for Roup
Kditor Plaindealer: Venetion Red
will cure the roup or dumps in bens.
I have tried it in a mush of I ran, meal
or Hour. lt will not hurt the fowls
C. P. Karrar. i
Coles Valley, Oregon,
Oct. lb, MM
Editor Plaii dealer
If I mistake not, the Legislature of
Oregon at i's last session, appointed a
commission on Assessment and Taxa
tion for the purpose of preparing a bill
which would more neatly njualize the
evergrowing burden of taxation. We
have heard nothing- from the COBB BQ IS
siou itself, nor from individuals, or the
This is a mbject of which the ordinary
citizen thinks but little, and the profes
sional politician less; nevertheless it is
one on which it is every citizen's duty to
think and act according to the dictation
of liis best judgment.
From what I can learn oi the vsrioiis
methods in vogue throughout the states
and territories of our Union, the state of
Illinois has, in mv judgment, the best
In that state the ounty assessor fur
nishes every citi-n with s blank ass-ss-
ment sheet, and he lists
his property ol
everv description w hatsoever. and places
opposite each and every article, or class
of articles, their reasonable value that
is what they would ordiuarily sel; for in
All dei.tal work
by Dr. laaiaow.
Wiison building.
puaUsly guaranteeil We are s4e R sebnrg agents for Bct
othce in lajlor and terick patterns, Oage hats, Black Cat'
tf ' hosiery, the Florsheim shoe, the Creis
Saved His Life
J. W. Davenport, Wingo, Ky.. writes
June U, 1H02: "I want to tell yoo I be
lieve Ballarl'e .-now Liniment saved my
life. I was order the treatment of two
doctors and they told me one of )
ludgs was entirely gone, and tl I other
tide badly sffected. 1 also had a lump
on rov side. 1 don't think that I could
have lived over two months longer. I
was induced by a friend to try Ballard's
Sdow Liniment. The first appl'cation
gove me great relief : two 50-ceut bottles
cured ne sound and well.
It is a wonderful medicine anil I
commend it to suffering hum .nity.
Sold bv A C. Varsiers & Ca,
The ebrated Luzon calf shoe for
men at reduced .rices. Regular $3 00
values for SJ9; regular $4 00 and
3 75 values for $3.00, at Josephson's
Dr I-owe's superior glasses coet r.o
more lhn the other kind, and vou have
the benefit of his skill and over IS years'
Siek headache is causes! hv a disorder
ed condition of the stntnarhe and is
anickla inred by Chaaahariain's stm
ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by A.
C. Marsters A Co.
Butf Leghorn's
Yonnj Boff Ieabom' for sale. Id?
quire o; ii. W. Thompvn. Edentiwer,
or address Box KL Roseburg. Ore, tf
Tovn Lots For Sale
Cfoice building lots in Kinney's im
proved plat of Roseburg. near Mift
street. d title. Price -t0 per lot.
Address, N. A. Richards, tf
T. D. w"EATHERFORD, Proprietor
Shaving anl Hair ('uttiug.
Baths. The I'p-To-Date
Jackson Street.
Let Us Do Your Hauling
Ye make a specialty of handling Trunk;?. HoosehoVl woods,
and almost everything. The best of care taken of anything
entrusted to us. Leaveforders at the McClallen House, or at
Kruse & Newbnd's.
F. D. SEW LAND. Proprietor
In Season
BEARD & CULVER the hardware dealers
H. O. Wilkinson, Prop.
The Choicest line of Wines and Liquors includiug the Famous Brand
"Old Grand Dad"
Kentucky Sour Mash.
Fine Line of Domestic and Imported Cigars.
Jackson and Oak Sts. Roseburg, Ore.
the market: If anyoDa aJMIi omit an
article, or class of articles, Or fail to as
sess them at a fair or reasonable Value,
any o'her citis 'n in ly enter a compl .int
against the one failing to place a fair
value upon theirs, with the connty as
sessor, and be s.'iall iceiie a writ to an
executive officer who will forthwith levy
upon the property fraudulently assesje-1,
and afler ascertaining the facts as set
forth in the complaint, if found to be
true, lie proceeds to sell at public auc
tion the property of the defendant a in
the ca-e of execution, except that one
half the proceeds goes to the county,
and i he other htlf to the complainant.
A goo! eximple is seen in the case
i where a firmer assessed a fine team of
draft horses ;t $100, when tte-y would
sell in the market any where for :J00.
Con complaint that they were not
fairly a-se-sed, they were levied upon
' an 1 sold for f KUt and the proceeds
divided as afon si 1.
They say there is. very lktle avoiding
of taxation under this method of assess
ment, whereas I know Sa e case of a
m in givirg in 15 head of cuttle when 1 e
had '-ii ', under our system such cases
are uite common, but under 'the Illi
nois law entirely improbable. '
Now. Mr B litor. I merely: mention
this matter that oar good tbii,kni citi-
ns mav become interested in the nel-
fare o the whole.
A' i. oLAS.
shoe lor women, Knppenl e'mer guaran
1 Wed clothing. Gold and Silver shirts
and toliars, Kantwearout boy 's clothing.
' Forest Mids underwear. No other store
: in Roseburg can bjat of snch a splendid
combination of high grade ineeof mer
' chandise. It piys to traJe at Josepb-
(iennii.e cravenette suiting, fall 1
inches witle. in siyiish tan aDd gray
color ff-cts the same quality that
i.rher stores ask t-. and i 75 a yard for
-at our store
only, i.50 the rrd.
Cattle Ranch for Sale
320 acres on Seven M He Cre-k about
five nnies southwest fromFort Kiamatii,
i i regon. All fexceu, house, large baru
ample water supply, wi!l cut about
eighty tons wild bay. Address, nith
P. O Box S33,
. tt Tacoma, Waafa.
I have smie good ciadms, farm and
1 ranch lands for sale, reasonable, in one
; of the n-.ost beautiful valleys on the
1 coast, write or phone to
Wa. M. Poster. Camas alien. Ore.
i ma Bh a from lu-srtui-g via Mmle Fatat
Insomnia and Indigestion Cured
"Lastjearl had a very severe attack
of indigestion I could not sleep at
, r.ight and suffered most excruciating
: pains for three hours after each meai.
1 I was troubled thai way for about three
I months when I used Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, and re
, ceived imrr.edia'e reli f. says John
Dixon. Tullam ire. Ontario, Candada.
For sale bv A C. Marsters A Co.
Hot ami 'oM
Roseburg. Oregon