The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 19, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XXXVII
No. 84
aw i DI 1 3 Ur IMtWj.
That is the verdict of all who
have used the famous
3 McCaffery Files
Items of Interest Gathered from
the Different Localities
Tersly Told.
Ntws Wanted
The riaimlealcr KtU like to haw
M items from all parts of Doagta
county. Spare for brief, newsy notes
w ill be gladly allotted ami it is hoped
that such an offer will not le p.iseti
youut; people.
Our postmaster, I. B. Nichols has
ilfl his place ol businoss a coal of
tresh p. lint .
Mr. W. B. Johnson, whom we report
ed last week as betas on the sick list, is
still qaita rick. Hi youngest m, Wal
lai'i, fa alsouit' (-it-k. it is hoped tfcajt
will both siM)ii he bettor. Thev have
tin' sympathy of the community.
Walter McBee I as retiirneil home
feet tall, owitiR to the number of tall
American children under 10 years of
from I'oitland
after seeing the siht-.
Fiwry day our Customers are com
ing and telling us how much they
appreciate this make of file.: It lasts
longer and will do the work of three or
four of the ordinary kind. YOU WILL
Churchill Hardware Co.
Yoncalla Chronicles
.lolin Applet te has moved to town
frotu his Scotts Valley farm, whi.h wi!l
be under the care of Henry Burt this
next year.
Henry and Klsie McDoogat, d Wash
ington have beM visiting their many
friends in this vicinity.
Miss (Jay, w ho has lieen the truest ot
Mrs. Winnie Heiliwell and Mrs. I. A
Paunherty, has r-turued to her home at
Mr. Lew Weste.ihiser, of Red Hill,
is reported to be recovering from his
severe illness.
Georue Hurt. of i'oitland, fa visit ire
; his srandfather, ti. A. Bait and other
; relatives.
t r - . i ... , ... t L.S- - - eZ.
'i.ii i'aiik'iii o mi m iua ii.'iih in
1 Indiana, on Km lay, eiliin'i overland,
i after speiiilmi: several emln eilll his
relatives liere.
Mr. Uratle Patwherty pave a very
' pleisant partv at his re.-idein e, Thuis
i day evening, the truest ot honor Ik tag
his nephew. Oeeat Paugherty.
War Bridges is putling in a coop on
hi Shoe String ranch.
Our school is progressing nicely wiili
' W. M Queen as principal and Mi
Mau i IV Vore in charge ol the primary
J department.
Several of our people have pm to
Scottsburg for ti-'h Dade Ne 1
Gardiner Grist
Miss IMlie Hefty left M Thursday's
boat for a mouths visit with relatives at
Mrs. W;! Perkins sent Sunday in
town with her parents Mr. and Mrs. I".
S. Col well
Items of Interest Gathered and
Condensed for the Busy
Plaindealer Readers
Oregon State News
Two students of the Pacific I'niversity
w ho were held up by a lone highway
men at Echo, turned on thu robber and
captured him.
oivernor Chamherlain seems to In-
having all kinds of trouble with his
Oemocratic friends in Portland, be
j cause he is not removing Republicans
last enough.
W. K Jewett and w ife returned Sun- , l,.M,..r, .. ii,,.,.,i, , i D .
1'aUnt Applied For.
Will positively kill Coyotes, Wolves, Foxes, Sheep-killing Doge, Squirrels,
Skunks Directions on every can. For Sale by
That is the way every Railroad Man wants to be and
if he has one of the Famous
Watches, he will have no trouble whatever. Come and
see my Stock and you will be more than pleased.
Glasses Properly pitted and Adjusted-
Watch and Jewelry Repairing
of all kinds. All we ask is t trial.
Reaenber the Ip-to-Date Store of
in the Plaindealer building.
When yon want yorrr Panama Hat cleaned and blocked, or your suit
Pressed and Cleaned. I am also agent for ED. B. PRICE, Chicago's
Leading Tailor.
THE FLINTSONE SHOE is the Best Dress Shoe on the Market.
First Class Repairing and Charges Reasonable.
L. GOODIAN, Next Door lo Easton's Grocery Store.
We handle Shoes that are desirable,
comfortable and fashionable. Our stock is
very complete.
If you want to get your money's worth,
come and see us.
Turns out good work with neatness and
Glendjlc's hclcomc Budget
Our city MMl stiire.1 from uatCf to
circumference by the fateful MtllMIW
at Olenbrook. A happy DOOM is
olated, a lovinc haahaad is bestft of bit
wife. A young vifo im ihe vigor ol bet
womanhood is laid to rest in her un
timely grave. Alii 1 h. r? is the r -; D
sibiiitr of this awful traced reatma?
Surely not upon the brave young hr.ik.-
man. who i lieatii in hia rain in-
deavor to prevent biooj sh:-l. Pahlir
'opinion is entirely agiin-t the otitlawei
; and lawlms liret-who CMMffl tlii
i horror. They are f.ill.'winr ont the l.-si
i of their evil nature, that they have in
herited from tet.eratii n of TWlBtl
Who, we know have always delighted in
i scenes ol riot and blooUhed. li m
1 of those who In ve syin ,iatlii7.ol with ttie
; Greeks, will read carefuliy the history
j of tireece. they will not pause to doaM
: their capability to threaten the live :
individuals, and execute their thrca's
1 upon the least provocation. Ami while
i they are enjoying the privilege of the
protection of our American tl.r Mfcd the
eiua! rights of American citizen-l ip art
living in continual antagonism to our
laws and menacing the lives of our
; pie wherever they happen t ) lmvte.
The freight train pulled in on the
j siding at i. e:. brook with the poor tired
overworked crew, no doubt, longing f r
I a rest or mavbe all hungry and trying
to have tirce to cook their suppers.
I Maybe they di l bump onto the tireek'f
train, if so. did that jii-tily ti e hea
thens in coming out for a tight, surely it
did not. During my late joarnev to
Californie, I was one of several hundred
passengers, who got ijuite a shaking in u
, train wreck ou the Siskiyou's anil I d d
not observe a single individual who
wanted to go out and murder some in
offensive person on that account or on
account of the delay cf 10 h inrs it
caused, no, and just why any blame can
attach itself to the freight crew, it is
hard to imagine.
Hercules slew the bull with his (wn
hands on Mt. St. Ida, ;n (irecian Myth
ology and his tiod-like posterity are
still actuated by his feat of d.iring
bravery. And in the stilly watches of
the night, murdered in cold blood, a
feeble woman, after calling her hus
band out of the car and thus removing
her only protec.or. We bope jastire in
in this case w ill not be delayed, th t the
heathen murderers mny get the fitd
penalty of the law. And thereby pre
vent indignant ehiaeaa from organist aw
a vigilante committee. Such as held
sway in the city of San Fraadeeo in the
the early '.0s. Cast out this obnoxious
element and till their places w ith Ore
gon's native sons.
May all of their treacherous race meal
with the same fate that befell Alexander
the great and his army of thirty-six
thousand Macedonians after he had gon
to the fortune teller for advice an 1 en
couragement and she had told him that
his army was invincible. Mollie
day from a visit to the Lewis and Clark
K position.
Mis- Jennie V Neil is cooking at the
I. lie Saving Mali ii dining the absence
of Mis.- Netty.
Mrs. J S. tiray returned home Moo
day from Portland, Mr tiray coming the
following evening.
Jesse Lane and wife, of Marshlield,
pnanad through tiardiner the tirst ( the
week on I heir way home from the fair.
Johnie K IhtU, one of C.xi counties
foremost cabinet makers passed through
Iowa Wislues lay enrou p to Portland.
1'arrott Brother, of Roseburg who
hare been bnying cattle in this vi. i u it y
shipped a'seit. eighty head the tirst of
the Week.
Miss Fannie Westerda'.e returned
home from the Life Saving Station
where sheh's Iwn visiting her sister
Mrs. Geo. Perkins.
A. I-. letter, a recent ojvner of the
Prain Nonpareil pa-ssl through town
Thursday Parnate to Coos and Curry
counties on bu.-iness.
Capt. PateanaMa, who has charge of
ti e QoTernroem draarJng oa Coos Pay,
paaeed throafh toaa t'lay oa Ins way
to Poriiaud.
Vrs T W. Argus who has been it
Portland tor some time tinting relative
aad ei j .ying the fair, returned home
Moii. lav. - Gaz -tte.
laud's prominent sa'oons, and
licled themselves to ail the honor
w anted.
I'hree Uivh, members of prominent
Portland families, have left h-nne and
are now "seeing the world," while their
parents are hunting for them.
The of Congressman William
sill and Millard N. .hints will have to
stand trial on Other counts for alleged
Croaked land deals.
Ti e hern c htalile, which was presented
by Ihe state of Missouri to Oreeon, will
be taken to the slate capital, at Salem,
at mice.
Puis are asked for the construction of
the tirst of the gigantic Irrigation ditch
es, which is la lie constructed at Klam
ath Kalis. It wid be a :kk)-foot tunnel,
;(. feet of concrete linnl canal and ten
mile" .if earth canal. The work will
probably cost t-jUU.OUU.
Leah Primeval, in attempting to
light from a moving train, was badly
mangled under the wheels at Newberg.
Karl Kiugle was almost killed at Bilh
boro, by a aback from a live wire, his
wet shoes and the wet thxr couip.etiug
the circuit.
SlenT business Men's League has
passed sweeping resolutions condemning
the poor set vice of the lo.-al telephone
y stem.
An exchange says: "In a barroom in
town is a sign whic h reads: 'II you can't
pay, don't load up.' The card was print
ed for a coal yard, but some one awipeil
it ami left it in the barroom, and the
proprietor says it is the liest thing he
ever had in the place."
The loHtmlae; appeared in the Grants
Puss Observer: "Lost A gold tonal
with the following ami ip hast 'First
Prize, Roeebertj Hiah School, MaV
Finder please return to this office."
"Brother," says an editor, "don't
stop yojr p per because you d-jnt agree
Whh the editor That last cabbage yon
sent u didn't agre with us, hut we
didut drop you f-oni the mbscription."
Carpets Carpets
Full line of all grades of Carpets on hand all
tlie time, ranging in price from 20 cents to Sit;
per yaid
Dcin,s at DilUrd
Mtsea Iva V' and Vera Phipps
seiit last week at Kiourne-' Valley aud
Hi etna, visiting with mleli ira
Several ei Dillarde raaapj people were
at the dsarn at I. -king Itlass Kridav
erentag. They rejMtit tine t me.
Mis. PaskeT has lenlrl the Park
beae to Mr-. Set-ri g. who will take
rharee ef the aaeae the first el Boeeai
i t-r.
1 he "earn b:w " expiring, the farmers
are row hu-ily engageil ill 11. ling the
oil and palling in their CTOpa.
Mr. P. in baa at last pajsai as a cell
He . 1-welcome. I in, but baa etayed ee
loajl he wiii ! welcome! out.
Mr. end Mr. L E MUleee are now
setili1-! in their new home, which ntan
Mr. Hill ge's store.
Mr. Yonti e i remoleling his new
i borne on the corner of First ami Front
jsts.. where he expect- to move before
tlie eosniatt month, ns Mr and Mrs. A:
laataaaa will eecapf the old one.
We are glad to say that Ihe S: P. Co..
has m iveii the Greek gang to Ruckles
and the Italian gang to Cottage irovs.
Mi-s Ivs Carrier, who has lieen spend
ing the past two weeks with Vera
! Phipps, returned to Kehurg todav.
where she wid enter the Koehurg High
F. .V A
Something From Drtw
Eanaa Pi uxaaaura: I take the lil
erty of sending pea an item or two.
It I wit San' 1 ftsaiit
M",He on the witness stand President
MCurdv. of the Mu'ual Life Inurance
I Co , al New York, lost his temper and
brvame -lUite surly.
A sweeping amendment to the Civil
BerahlB rules has been authorized hy
President Kooseveit. It allows cabinet
otlu ers to tcmote suiiiiuarily employees
guilty of miecoudui t
I At the Matt plant of the Illinois Steel
C . rive tone of molten iron lell killing
and injuring many workmen
Customs taxes on her presents re
ceived w hlie on her recent trip abroad
' willcot Miss Ain-e Boneerelt. the Piei
dents daughter. 'i '.';, aud she i go
ing to pay the same as her father says
the osheSJTt cannot do anything else.
Jerry Sitanaon. former Congressman
' from Kansas, lies at the point of death
at bis borne in Wichita.
Tlie Kentucky militia will likely he
! called out to arrest Frank Hall, accused
af killing Jack Bolen, as he defies the
i officers of the law.
What is thought to be the largest nat
: ural gas well in the worhi has just been
discovered at Kaston, W. Va. It is
eetiatahd that oO.COli.tXX) feet of gas are
escsping daily.
President Frank S. Komp, of the Ke
n sha. Wis., defunct State Hank, has
been laken to the state prison for two
years at hard laltor.
The janitor of the First Presbyterian
church at MvKee's Kocks, Pa., went
i into the basement with a lighted candle
to find a gas leak. There was a bis ei-
This is a goo 1 country and just now ; plosion and uow his cannot be
By the blowing out of a tule in the
basement of the great tiatiron bin ding
in New York City, a lad paaieeasaed in
w hich many persons were badly injured.
Read the Plaindealer for all the News
Brockway Briefs
Frank Swan, one of the last day visi
to-s at the fair hag returned.
I lite a few of Brockway's poaag
people attended the ball at Looking
Glass, Friday night.
The steam shovel at PiKanl is again
hoisting gravel after a couple of weeks
Sam Swickard has returned from
Salem and.Portland where he has been
visiting friends.
Paul Simmons, our assistant b ack
smith, has put up two large commodious
tents, for empty houses are scarce in our
burg. We need a building boom.
Apple pi king is the farmers pro ram
now, in this community.
The moving picture show given at our
school house lest Wednesday, was a
very instructive and entertaining sue
cess, and was well patroni.ed by the
the grass is looking good.
T I. Hall, while oat hunting the oth
er day. killed a white iqairraL It was
atioiit the same size as a grev fox soiiir-
rel. He preferred the bide. Is it worth
anything? Ihe eyes were pink, like
ra 'hit's eyes. When it is stuffed it
ought to la- worth something.
Chan Neat has lieen Bp here with his
hand of l.r4 tuikeys, whi.h will lie
Worth something pretty soon, as Thanks
giving tune rolls round. He has re
turned to Myrtle Creek. While here he
killed no less than 17 rattlesnakes and
also a couple of deer.
l .1. H .11, An Old Socialwt.
Edcnbowtr Items
The gra-s is so nice that the
hare got their green coals on again
Our school is progressing nicelv
Mis? Kate Dunbar as teacher.
Mr?. Wilson is very ill at the present
Maurice Webber had the misfortune
to fall off the porch ami break his leg,
hut is getting along nicely.
Krerybndy is busy putting in their
grain. I. X.
North Roseburg Notts.
Pror. Wight is moving his family fioin
Ned Uil morn's house to the Cau'ltield
cot'age this week.
W. II. Wells moved from the . Patter
son cottage to the Casebeer ranch, on
Deer, Creek Tuesday.
Mrs. Gram Young retnrned on this
morning's local, to Por land after a very
pleasant visit with friends and relatives.
Vivaa Jackson, who has lieen making
a brief visit home, returned lo Beaver
ton on this morning's local.
Mr. Wini lierly is quite ill with heart
trouble, so we understand.
Joe Hollis is preparing to move on
the ChaB Anderson place, near Melrose,
next week. Naoma.
Dr. Lowe's superior glasses cost no
more than others, and you have the
benefit of his skill and over IS yean o
exerience as an eye special st.
Across the Waters
Striking printers in the government
printing otlices at St. Petersburg, fought
the olire, with the result that forty
persons were badly injured.
1 reparations are being made at
Manila for a great reception which is to
be tendered Hon. W. J. Bryan, the
Filipinos, Americans and Kl s are to do
him honor.
The divorce suit brought by Prince
Philip of Saxe-Coburg and tioiha, for
separa'ion from his wife, has devetOed
the fact that she has lieen .juite a spend
thrift. A severe storm in the North Sea, off
the F.nghsh coast, resulted in M h
d image and the loss of many lives. The
harbor of Cuxhaven was tilled with
vessels which were seeking shelter.
Sixty members of the Paris Municipal
Council have been the guests of the Lon
don Municipal C uncil and were given
an audience in the throne room by King
1. I ward.
The profits of the Japanese govern
ment from having a moaopoit in the
tobacco trade, will reach the enormous
sum of $ltt,000,0J0 for the one year just
In addressing the students of the
I'niversity of St. Andrews, of Scotland,
Andrew Carnegie, the wealthy Ameri
can, ex pressed the belief that the oa
tions of the earth could banish wars, if
they wanted to do so.
Baron Komura, the Japanese Foreign
Minister upon his return to lus hon e
after closing up the peace negotiations,
was cordially received by the Mikado,
but very coldly by the people.
The Mikado has issued a proclamation
in which he advises his subj cts to go to
work and to try and be on friendly
terms with the Uussiau people.
The Swiss railroads have ordered that
full fare be paid fcr children over three
Pertinent Paragraphs Regarding
the Doings in Local Yards
and Elsewhere.
It is aaaaaaeafi that the ronaoilio
ma rai road w ill exnd f .oai.'Ml f r
new roili ig tN k and other enipin nts
at "tire.
The gross earning" of V; rail ros Is fur
k apart, as compiled hp the Financial
Chronicle, amount to, an in
crease of fJ.tU.UsI over the same month
in l!X. F'roin the beginning on Jan
uary to the end of Augn-t 59 roads show
an increase of .t.'l ,4". The fiercent
age of iacnan for the month of August
The Brotherhood of locomotive Fn-
giaeen at a reeeal meeting held in New
lork place.) themselves on record as
taking the etand that the not -union
man has a g'd right to work as the
union man, providing the wages are the
eanie, and expressed their willingcese
to work with non-union men providing
this ooaairJoa was met.
Conductor I . I. Riley hat been trsne-
ferred to the mo l-etween Woodbnrn
Springfield and will soon leave to lake J
Jharge of '.f at work.
Conductor K. A. F'ronk hot been as
signed to run No ttt. between Ju: :
Citv an 1 Portland.
The reort of the Northern Pacific Co.
for the year en led June 30 shows gross
earnings of f."ai Tl-.'.s... ,n increase of
4 IMJU1 and net earniegs of fI.tlf. -
1X7, aa btcrenee of l,kaVa71. Aftei
payment of interest, rentals, divi lei ls
and ISjOMJM for a Iditions and Wtter
merits, there was a stirp us for the year
ot .241, an increase of f JM9I9
Yar.lmater A. C. Carty, who with P.
vnil W. ; Mngton went out into the
Myrtle Creek mine? to see after some
promising properties and also to have
some tine spirt hunting deer, returned
home last evening and reports having
had the time of hie life.
J. P. O'Brien, wbo is general sn;erin-
tendent of the S. P. lines in Oregon, re
turned vesterdav from conference ot
the superintendents, which has jn-t
been he'd at Salt Lake City. He was
in his private car, "Oregon " which was
attached to No. 12, as he returned by
wav of f-ai F'ranciseo.
Sunday night's freight train No. 22-V
Conductor Chausee. had a bail mishap.
when near Wolf Creek. The axle of the
engine tank broke and this resulted in
smash ng the cahooee &nd derailing one
car of wood. The caboose had been
j'ist recently painted ami fixed up in
fine style and this was its first trip out
after leiug thus fixed Hp. No it will
have to go back again for another fix up.
Foreman F" E. Cavender went ont at
once with a wte. king crew to clear np
the dehris. Passenger train No. lt,
north-hound was delayed three hours by
the mishap.
Conductor Bu kett will remain on his
run, tietweeu tins utv aud lirants Pass,
i Stead ot going on the Wood burn
Springfield run. as was announced.
V J Berkley, general superintendent
of Portland ; L. K Fields, superiuteu
dent of the Oregon lines, of the S. P..
and ihe following O. K. A N. officials:
D, w. Campbell, taperia'endmt of the
lines in Oregon, and Tom Waish, super
inteudent i f the lines in Washington
slate, composed a patty of distinguish! d
railroad men w ho were here yesterday
on a general tour of inspection. They
had no less than three private cars and
traveled in state. They remained in
Roaobarg several hours, going south
with the evening tram
This is "Pay Day" with the railroad
men of Rosehuig, and there is a great
deal of the "filthy lucre" to be handed
out to the men. It may not be general
ly known, but it is nevertheless a fact
that those pay rolls are averaging all oi
110,000 per month. During the rush
season, this last summer, when the fair
travel was at its height, it w as climated
that all of t'U.000 was distributed
among the railroad men of this city.
This is no small item, and the business
men of Roseburg realize and appreciate
the fact that to the railroad is due not a
littleof the prosperity of this fair young
city and they have a verv kindly feeling
toward the railroad employees.
Last night the three cars carrying the
head otlicers of this division and also
those from the O. K,kR,, went north,
attached to No. 10.
In place of the exceedingly heavy pas
senger traffic whi.h held sway during
the last few months, the freight wirk U
now taking the time and attention of the
local railroad men. It is said to be
heavier than has ever been known in
the history of the roud, which is a very
significant fact and would seem to indi
cate that ail over this Pacific Coast peo
ple are enjoying a goodly share of prosperity.
Best line of all-cot'on filled Comforts we have
ever had, from Si. 55 to $2.25 each.
Full line of all-wool, Oregon-rrade Blankets
a so excellent line of Co'ton Blankets at reason
alle prices.
Buy one of our cotton-felt or cotton-felt and
silk floss Combination Mattresses, and yoa have a
Mattress that will last a lifetime.
"onijilete line of Furniture,
Ranges and Heating Stoves
at lowest prices consistent
with good values.
No matter what Watch Movement you want
we can supply your wants. Our reputation for
handling the BEST JEWELRY is well estab
lished. i
You Can Always Rely
On what you get at our store as Being Exact- 4
lv as Represented. This is an Important Item when
it comes to buying .h ve!ery.
Our Repairing and Rating
Of watches speaks for itse".f We are excelled
by none and take pride in the satisfaction which our
work always gives.
J. T. BRYAN, The Jeweler.
We make np fine Candies every day. We are ag
ents for Peters' Milk Chocolate, the Alden Can
dies, and the Famous Ramona Sweets
Try One of Our Fine, Fresh Boxes of Chocolates
They are put up fresh every day. We make a
specialty of putting up Fan7 Boxts of Candy.
Trv us and see for vourself.
We have some Exceptionally Fine Farms,
City Property and Tiinberlands in large and small
tracts for sale.
Best companies represented Town and Coun
try property insured.
II SI Ml jj j j IIS
Anyone wishing to sell their property can
do so by listing it with us. Write for price list
of Farms aud City Property.
D. R. SHAM BROOK, President
N. F. THRONE, Secretary
We will tag and display any CJrain or Produce
brought to our office.