The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 12, 1905, Image 2

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    t . . .
The Drug Store of Quality 3
near me uepoi
Said: "1 am sick; go
B5j and call the best doctor
5 and also get for me the
very best medicine that
nionej- can buy; there is
H nothing too good for me
Cm I want the bet.''
v ' The attendant called
6j3 Dr. , of Roseburg
CM and had the preserip
W tions prepared in the
laboratory of Fullertou
gQ & Richardson.
Said. "I am sick; go
find a doctor who won't
charge me much.
and fiS
get my medicine where
von can p-et lot. of it for "B
a little money; 1 want
the cheapest that can be
The attendant found
a cheap fellow who
called himself a doctor
and got the medicine
where they gave him a
big bottle full for a few
The SicK are Entitled to the Very Best of Everythihg and it is
the Doty of Their Friends to see that They get it.
Entered in the Post Office at Rosesurg, Oregon.
m Second Class Mail Matter in 1868.
semi-Weekly One Year; $2.00; Semi Weekly
Bix Months, $1.00. Cash in Advance.
bod y with a stick, ihit- wag not our
aim in writing such an article. On the
j contrary, we felt that if the attention of
the authorities were called to this gross
! injustice, in a way to indicate lhat we
, bad no malice in the matter, that possi-
bly our words might have some weight
I with them, lhat we came near the
i truth seems most evident, as develop
ment take place. One needy farmer
came in and assured us that we had not
missed the truth. He has a family de
pending on him and he is trving to get
title to his land, but for these nine long
AMU npproHf IVIng election the new
primary law will ! pat in totes. It re
quires fourteen slgnatui es lo e.ich peti
tion. A saloon and a barbershop were dc
moliahed and burned at Pendleton, but
the cause is unknown.
Coquille is a "dry" town, but this
does not seen t keep people Iron eel
ting liquor at Marsh field and bringing it
over in suit cases.
Superintendent of schools, JscksOS, in
Linn county proposes to enforce the
education law in that county.
Saturday the gre.'t lewis and Clark
exposition will come to a close in a
blaze of glory, in honor of President
tioodc, of the management.
Yom Kippur, the day of atonement
and the most solemn of all the Jewish
fast days was observed at Portland,
l with impressive ceremonies.
The various fruit tforn ol this state
are found to be short and as a natural
result prices are ruling quite high.
In Uncle Sams' Domain
A single highwayman held up and and
robled the Keddtnu-IVlmar stage in
California and killed the driver and ex
press messenger.
The friends ol Newton C. Ooughterty,
l..e Fereia, III., school superniteinlent
vtho was found to be a defaulter, refus-
ed to interfere and he is now in prison
; and almost prostrated over the matter.
Thousands of interested s;eetators are
witnessing the gsmes oilaseball which
' are being played by the New York and
! Philadelpha baseball teams for the
' wcrlds' championship.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Middleton and
: their seventeen children from five dif
ferent states, held a big family reunion.
Senator T. C. Piatt, the well-known
: Republican lxss of New York state has
attain taken hold of the party reins.
Chairman Armstrong, of the New
York iusurance investigation committee,
hopes that other states will take a hand
in the matter also.
The Roosevelt Home Clun of New
York City, is planning to give a big
Personal Mention 1
the Portland fair and exjiecta to return
home Saturday evening.
Madame Lillian Webb Itaker, a noted
pianist of Chicago, is visiting the Pacific
Coast ami has derided to remain, dur
ing the winter, in Roseborg where she
will accept a limited number of pupils
in piano instruction. A Plaindealer rep
resentative had the pleasure of listening
to some of Madame Baker's renditions
and can heartily recommend her to the
music-loving ih oole of Koseburg. Her
playing is distinguished bv a delicacy of
exei-ution and a marvelous depth ol
feeling that shows she has not only mas
tered the technique, but the very soul ol
music. She has studied under some of
the greatest modern teachers of America
and En rope, and for a nnmber of years
was tirst assistant to lr. Robert U old-
beck in his famous College of Music in
Chicago. Madame Baker is also the au
thor of several beaut iiul musical compo
sitions. Her announcements will ap
pear in this paper later.
Mr. S. H. Landstrom, of .Centralis,
111., arrived here yesterday ami has
formed a partnership with W. K. Cling
en peel in the jewelry business. These
gontiemen were formerly business asso
cia'.es at Carbondale, 111.
In the circuit court notes in tar last
issue the case readinu A. T. Tin napson
vs Fred Fisher should have read A.
Thompson vs Fred Pisher.
Mrs. John Hamlin goes to Diliard
next Monday, where she accepts the
principalship ol the public school which
opens that day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K Miller, who have
ben the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. W. E
ClinirentH'el, exiect to start for CRlifor-
Arthur Mahoney ia in Portland taking
in the fair and looking alter Hume buei
nesB matters.
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. tiowdy, the newlj
wedded couple, have been heard from 1st
Los Angeles where they are the guests
of Mr (iowdy's brother. They Bre ex
i.ecteil hack in about two weeks and will
occupy the Morian house near the
Miss Daisy Maiden is hack Iron, her
pleasure trip to the Portland show and
reports having'bad a grand good time.
Votney Dixon has returned to Med
fori), after taking in the fair ami also
visiting with Koseburg friends. He is
general agent for the Page Fence Co.
Dave and Isadore Daniels, who have
been in the neighborhood of Colfax, in
Eastern Washington helping in the
harvest lields, are home. They like that
country and expect to go, back there
next spring.
E O. llodson, deputy state gam
warden, went to Ashland today ou busi
ness connected with his oilier.
Mrs. W. H. JaasisMM ha returned
From a pleasant stay at the Lewis and
'"lark expti-itioii.
Miss Zelia Zigler is again at her post
of duly with Rice .V Li.-e after having
had a tiue visit at the Portland fair.
Frank E Alley, the abstracter, has
lat-n transacting buaiueas t Salem this
Miss Ida Jaquins, a recent arriva
from Riverside, Cal , is having a hard
Items Which Will be of Interest to
the Taxpayers
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1905. (t 7tli in honor of the
months he has been unable to prove up ; 47th uirthd.
Brush fires came very near causing j
We sre glad to hare some new corres
pondents ha oar Douglas county depart
ment this week, and also to welcome our
Glendale reporter back again. These
representatives are doing much to help
their own locality by thus giving it s
good lot of wholesome advertising, and
we appreciate their untiring efforts very
much, indeed.
. I
The Plaindealer acknowledges the re
ceipt of a copy of the new statute relat
ing to elections, compiles from Bellinger
and Cotton's Annotated Codes and Stat
utes, and from tbo laws of l!X)o and 1905,
compiled by F. L. Dunbar, Secretary of
State. Such a book will be in much de
mand, as the time for holding the next
state election rolls around.
and make his arrangements to support
his family. Sow he says he will be se
riously handicapped if he has to wait
anotner tnree months before he can get
title to his property. This is plainly one
of the cases where a severe hardship is
worked upon innocent people. We sin
cerely trust lhat this wrong will be
righted at a very early day, and the
sooner the better.
ma points in a day or so. i ney nave i rass srith s bad esse of poison o k .
been very favorably impressed with this ijaJ fcnfferej very much.
part of the country.
J. H. Younce, wife and children were
at the conrty seat from Diliard, Mon
day, meeting their many friends.
E. I. Hewes and wife went to see the
wind-up of the big fair thie week.
Dr. lireen, of (ireens Station, accom
panied by his daughter, was in the city
Tiuwiiav en route for Portland.
Mrs. B. San ford was one of the dele
ga'es to the Baptist convention, which
has been iu session at Eugenethie weel .
Chas. Dout left for Portland and Seat
tle Monday where he will make
lengthy stay.
Mr. Ina Walters, who has been visit-
making the proposed rate " her mother. Mrs. Reltercs A.
WStOenoru, nas rriuiuru iv i t"'"
rado home.
Mrs. IVIyria lias gone to Port
land for a brief stay with friends.
Btckmsn Found Insane
Wm. F. Beckman, who was to be
tried at this term of court on the charge
ot having killed his step-son in 1K!)4,
lias just 1hii examined by Drs Geo E
llouek, A. C. Seeley and E. V. Hoover,
of this city sad Dr. W. T. Williams, of
Portland, for insanity, and they have
declared that he is mentally deranged.
This will stop all criminal proceeding I
aud will result in sending Beckman to
to the asylum. He was sentenced to
the state prison for hating murdered iji
his wife, but owin to his eery poor
i.ealth, it not l ing supMied that he 19
eould live long, he was pardoned. He
went east ami upou coming back to this
Mate he was arrested upon the other
Large. The finding of the medical ex
aminers recites that Beckman is "lack
ing in moral conceptions, has lapses of
memory, has defective emotional con
trol of himself, aud is at times morbidly
Many Hn iters' License
Owing to tlie fact that the season for
leer limiting closes November 1, there
is a scramble lor hunters Licenses. I'p
to the tirst of the mouth over 100 such
le! nuts hail been issued, from which a
revenue of it 129, was had. Those who
have just taken out such papers are : 8.
C. Graham and Arthur Marsh. Kose
burg; J. D. Vastch aud E. H. White,
tileudale; lieorge Best, Looking olass ;
G. G. Hixou aud Kugeue Hixon, Brock
! way ; i sear Shipley, Kellogg; Oeo.
Week Mafiaf Wednesday, 5 p. m...0ct. 11, 1906
Maximum Temperature
Minimum Temperature
Rainfall for Week
Total Rainfall since 1st of Month
Average precipitation for this month for 28 years 2.(0
Total rainfall from Sept. 1, 1905, to date 252
Average rainfall from Sept. 1 to date
Total excess deficiency from Sept. 1, liH", to date OjH
Average precipitation for 28 wet seasons 33.13
1 have some good claims, tariii auu
ranch lands for sale, reasonable, in one
of the most beautiful valleys on the
! coast, write or phone to
Ws. M. PoanB, Camas Vallen, Ore.
ilee w from BsaaWSWJ via M
I Burt, Portland; and Oeo. F. Mersand
Mrs. John Huntwck and mn, who H. U. UlcntL
have leen visiting her fathr, Mr. lent. jj Ladies ouid Kte
f CsBMH adey, have returned to their
hoSM at Santa Clara. Cal.
Mrs. Hattia Van Winkle, of Ml Car- ,
mat. III., is the gueol of Mrs. S. C. Bar
the destruction of the California state
university, at Berkley.
Robbers, at Moore. Montana, made a
bad mistake by thinking the safe iu a
local real estate belonged to one of the
It is said that the railroad sympa
i t Inters are setting a trap for President
Roosevelt in
bill of no effect.
As the out growth of a union Thanks- '
giving service at Concord, N. H. last ,
year, there is a strong probability of a 1
For some time the members of the W.
C T U. of iMiglas county have been
taking a lively interest in the movement
which is beiinr made ail over this state
trum. She has accepted a position at ) lo ave ,he u,er ,.x granted the
the Soldiera' Home. ; Irign of suff'age. In order to have the
Mr. and Mrs. 11 J. Wilson are in from ! next state legislature pass upon the
Canvonville t day. Mr. Wilson paid nutter, it was necessary for petitions
his otlice a pleasant visit and brought ! containing the signatures of at least tL
in some splendid yellow corn which per ceut of the voters of the slate to be
-hows that his part of D .nglai county is presented to the secretary of state, on oi
the place to grow c rn. The ears meas- ' before Oct. 10. So, ou Mondav. the
ured 11 inches in length aud are verv ladies uppeared bef .re County Clerk
tine. Agee. aud presented a petition contair.-
Miss Flossie Shambrook is helping ou. 1 ' nu' .of 136 yolv" ot lhit W
inthecountv clerk's office while .Mr. cahtv, which had to be certified lo bv
Agee is doing duty with the soldier boy. ' a1- befo" 11 seut on to lu'
Among the many weli-know n resident-
Today the Republican hosts are as
sembled at the Empire Theater in Port
land to consider what pertains to the
best interest of the party. It is hardly
possible to estimate the good which may
come from just such a gathering of those
who have the best interests of the partv
Oregon State Sews
Harriman, the railroad man has
caused a Sam in railroad circles bv oh
tireek ; Iuis Koblhaeen M in Albany trans
acting some business matters.
Mrs. K.J. Robinson went up to wit-
i be rloee of the big fair.
Great preparations are being made in ,o , d
uuion of the Episcopal and
churches of that place.
Across the Maters
taining an ption on the Astoria A
Columbia River Railroad.
Eurish Morrison was caught by dt-
Cuba for the approaching general elee-
Mrf. E. Forlver has gone
for a shoit visit with friends.
Mrs. H. S. Conn and daughter went
to Portland yesterday to attend the clos-
who are in attendanee upon the circuit
court are: W. G. Kiiery, I'mj-jiia Fer
ry. H. IV Sonnen aim and R. K. Mont
gomery, tilendale ; Chas. Beckley. t iak
land. t
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R Vinson are in
.from Cleveland miugliog with their
tion which will be very exciting.
Miss Alice Roosevelt was tendered a
tectives in the act of robbing the Hotel MlivM M jn their pvmm , m,ke ing of the great fair.
Portland, of large quantities of silver-1 jj rjinwo S.K.Steele nd have
ware. I . from Kureka. Cal , IO mase uieir
Charles M. Schwab, the steel kirg
visited the Lewis and Clark exposition
at heart. It is to he hoped that there i and expressed himself as greatly pleased
may be harmony and that nothing will j with the same.
be done which will hinder all elements The schooner, "Guide," one month
in the party from forgetting the past out from San Francisco for Tillamook,
and getting together for one of tbo6 , 4g now given op as lost,
good, old-time majorities which have i cnatnr r m Fnftn ,, on ...
come to the united forces in Oregon in
days gone by. The result of this meet
ing will be awaited with great anticipa
tion by a great many people throughout
this great commonwealth.
Oar mild criticism on the apparently
reckless msnner in which the local land
office is being kept closed to the detri
ment and injury of a host of people who
deserve better things at the hands of
Uncle Sam, has elicited much favorabh
comment. Bat not a few think we were
satire y too easy on the "powers tha
be," and would have us go after soon -
Tbe gutters in the streets at Moscow, j
ran with blood of parading strikers, who
were trampled upon by the Cossacks
It is evident that the terms of the
Russian-Japan treaty are very unpopular
iu Japan and frequent riots are still to
be seen.
On foot, through the rain, thousands
co rue
in Roseburg. ?
Mrs. B. L. Eddy went up to help close
of Russians lollowett the r. mains
anxious seat this week during the land Maj Gen., Eondrateuko, the hero of
fraud trials at Portland. ! Port Arthur, to their last resting place.
A large delegation of Portland basi- China is making great preparations for
ness men went to Lewiston, Idaho, to i the forthcoming military demoustra
attend the Lewiston-Clarkston (air. tioas.
The police of Portland are mystified ! Word comes from Tangier to the ef
bv the killing of Mrs. Louise Jenkins, feet that Raisuli aud his band are com
in a wine room in that city, by an an- j mitiug many grave depredations,
known man. The Congress of Argentina Republic
Over iu Coos countv the assessed val- comielle,J to detl"e mMi'
.atione for -the towns has greatly in- on ccount of the
reaserl, bat the populatioo in the at,on etnke.
ountry districts tas fallen eff quite aj It is reported that there are no less
ittle. I than six empassies are interested in the
. ... mm aa mmm aaawaw a i financial control of Macedonia.
A grand garden party was given in
Tokio, Japan, in honor of F. H. Har-
(t'ontinned from page I.
Th Aitops) Meld
Yesterday afternoon Ir. tieo. E. l.i.i an antOOST over the re
mains of v'rs. I'etersein.
xn-reurv of state. Mr. Agee lounc
est of the names all right. A shon
lime ago a similar petition with I2t
na.nes was sent up from Hrain and on
calls, and another of w names Iron
Myitis Creek. It is necessary for tht
ladies to procure at least S.CWO such sh,
natures in this entire state, before thb
matter can be taken up by the otficia s
and the local workers are quite sanguint they have much more than com
plied with this provision of the statute.
Grass Jon At work
The IVniglas couuty Grand Jury as
seml-Ied iu the I'istrict Court Mondav
morning, and was duly empannelled bv
Judge Harris, of F.ugene. in tbe absence
of Judge Hamiitou. The body is as fol
,ow: Harvev. R-.seburg. foreman:
IV wearingen. Pram : W. H. Larkins.
Oakland; M. L. Brown, Camas Valley;
Joe Turoin. Yoncalla, S. 11 Wilson.
Gardiner and Wm. Buxton Brockway.
Soldier Dome Jottines Many matters of more or less import-
Col C. A. VA adsworth. ate holds the considerevl and
office of .distant insasctorol the nation-1 ,h iur-v h" s Tf upon c'
Mr. and Mrs. H. Gallop sre up from
Myrtle Creek, today, an f came into
see the Plaindealer print this issue.
Rev. W. A. Smick, former pastor of
the Presbyterian cUurch will preavh at
that church Bliadwy, at 11 s. m.
"Power for Everybody," wilt be the
subject at the Methodist Episcopal
church next Sabb:t:t n.o-ninr. Preach
ing also at night. The puolic is cordial
ly invited.
Ladies, raaasmbes that you ran get
the I-adie' Home Journal patterns at I.
Abraham's stoie. M-tf
Sick headache is taused bv a disorder
ed condition of the stemsi he aud M
quickly iurel by Cliamlwrlaiu's Mon.
atk and Liver Tablets. For saie by A.
C. Marstere A Co.
All del tal work postively guaranteed
hy Dr. Pearson, office in lav lor and
vVilson building. tf
Oeuuiue cravenette suitiug. full wide, in stylish Un and gray
color necta tne same quamy mai
other stores ask 12. and $1.75 a yard for
at oar store only, Ii.jO tie yard,
ioeeph son's.
Q J. B AC HER, D. M. D
tbraham Buiidirg, R06BBUBO, OR
many friends.
Misses Myrtle THxon and Elva Wim
lrly have returned from a visit of sev
eral weeks at Portland.
Miss Van leear and Miss Mildred M.
j Wilsoo, of Myrtle Puini. are vUiling
friends in this city.
Don't overlook the fart that it is
to vour interest to investisate some of
the snaps we have iu pianos at "Bl RR--MLIC
HOL'SK." Following is a few
bargains in pianos if taken in the i ext
two weeks as we must postively clear
the floor, before our fall stock comes in.
Oar new $375.00 Hobart ML Cable in
latest style walnut case, slightly used,
not a scratch, and as good as new . This
is a prize 25.VUU.
Our I9MJM Kimbal Ipiano. ia leaati
fnl golden oak case, one of Chicagos
greatest product in pijnodom, a snap at
Notice this one a Jacob Dal in french
burl walnat case, one of tiie very best
in both tone and action. This piano
sells everv where for 75.00. ur price
on this sale 315.0U.
Here is a good ore, a Singer in lovely
mahogany case, used about one year,
yet good as new, worth about $-75 CO or
300 00. y.m can take this one at f iao.W
but vou will have to hurry.
We Lava similar bargains in pianos.
The same low prices will apply to organs,
both new and secouu-band. Our slock
of graphophones, and small iLStrumen's
was never mors completed at bURRS
Ml'SIC HOLSE, Roseburg, Oregon,
and these bargains wi.l not last 1 eg at
these prices, so come early or write Vj-
H. Little,
New fail styles in ladies patent leather
shoes at Joeepr.son's.
Insomnia sad Indigestion Cared
'Last year I had a very severe attach
1 of indigestion I could not sleep at
'night and suffered most excrociaticg
; I pains for three hoars after 'each meal.
j I was troubled this way ior about three
! I months when I used Chamberlain's
' Stomach and Liver TV lets, and re
ceived immediate rrli f. says John
more, Ontario. Candada.
C Marsters A Co.
. I J Dixon. ToIIai
,,,t j For sale hy A
32-calibre and the indications were tbat
death had resulted at once. Tbe exact
size otitis bullet was Bat determined,
but it will be measured and weighed.
Inqacsl kiat. Held
As the Plaindealer goes to press the
inquest is in progres. It began at 10
oVloek this lorenoon, in the office c f
. a l l
He located the .1 tidier, homes h.s been in this city, ! ls ss. c.rge.. w .
kill u. : .viaintws, i.. v.
Carle at.. 1 F. H. Muhn. Sept. 17. This
... , ,. i . . trving -o
i, . - 1....1. ..i i . ii was oi .te.LiriL, or t r ,1 i irK'. .n . .' ni .1 ,t 0
: Ml i let in uir uo o. .... - . 1
T. D. WEATHER FORD. Propi-tor
Shaving ami Hair I'uttiug.
Baths. The Up-To-Date
Jackson Street.
Hot and Cold
Roseburg. Oregon
Home. He found that there are one
hundred and forty inmates in this in-ti-ration
and that things over there are
kept in very orderly and business-like
way. The old vetrans were put through i
a master and made a most excellent j
showing- He took occasions to highly
coinpliment the management upon the
most satisfactory showing which it has
was found to be a true bill.
In the case of John Frier, who was ac
cused with atteuiptihg to commit rape !
upon bis lo-yeur old granddaughter,
Pansy Frier, the jury did uot find a true
bill. '
As s--.ii as the Coroner shall have
finished taking evidence in the Greek
riam, president of the Southern Pacific
. , T - I I..
Acting Corouer. J no. i . ivong. ''"' made and he will make a report, to the railroad workmen trouble, the matter
lion to the members of the jury, many 0frjcj48 to the effect that j will be passed up. n by the l.rand Jury.
e.tirens are 111 llwiuaB ., . r 1 u i
. .-7.. . - , 1 1 le n.meuurx owawawaa huuic 10 one 01
This forenoon tbe wnue-sva or,
E Petersein, husband of the dead
woman. S. T. Siott, foreman ot one ot
the railroad crews and II A. Chtdflltar,
Mrs. BraraVy, mother of Mrs. E. B.
Pengra, of this city, left on the morn
i g's train, on her way to Boise, Idaho,
here she w ill spend the winter with
Mt daughter, Mrs Kd. Whitney.
Since 1877 we've been treating people
square. Josephsou's.
Will You Come?
We wish every reader of this notice to
consider this a special invitation to call
on us between dates of October 16 and
St, as there will be a brand demonstra
tion of the Great ajeetic Range. Free
lunch will be served and a good time is
assured all who come. RICE & RICE,
The Hons Furhishers.
1 cured MY cough wit'.i German Syrup 1"
He wrote to Dr. G. G. Green ;
'An' aa true as I tell vou, doctor dear,
I'm Ice. ui finer inan cvtr I've bcenP
fThe poor consumptive should not be
the victim of experiment, as be often is,
but the moment the dread disease mani
fests its presence he should be given Bo
schee's German Syruji a pure, non-alcoholic
medicine that is made specially for
the cure of consumption, and has a world
wide fame as a certain remedy for catarrh,
colds, coughs, croup, sore throat and
all bronchial affections in old and young
QI t is sold in all civilized countries, am
has been famous as a consumption curt
for almost half a century.
QTrial bottle. 25c. Big bottle, 75c. At
all druggists throughout the world. s
who was Mr. Peterseine's assistant
The witnesses this afternoon are J. L.
Woodson, J. M. McCullough, F. tiolings,
C. E. Johnson and J. F. Birmingham,
most of them railroad men who were on
tbe special freight train which was at
the scene of the trouble. It is expected
that the inquest will last most of the
In the meantime, the members of Co.
D. have the prisoners in hand. East
night the soldiers kept good guard, al
though it had been rumored that the
prisoners would be dynamited. Hy be
ing on duty two hours each and then off
four, they have kept things in good
This afternoon the eighty-thre
Oreeks are being marched by the mili
tia to the Coronet's inquest and then
over to appear before the Grand Jury.
The funeral of Mrs Petersein occur
red at two o'clock this afternoon at tin
L O. O. F. Cemetery. The husban.
was a member of this order and tin
brethern turned out to show their sym
pathy and assistance.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aid;
Medicines that aid nature are nlway
most effectual. Chamberlain's Cougl
Kemedy acts on this plan. It allays tin
cough, relieves the lunus, aids expecto
ration, opens the s ere! ions, and aid
nature in rt storing the system to s
healthy condition. Sold by A. C. Mars
Will You be There?
Should you turn on the X ray you
will find the exact truth In w hat we say
to you about the Oreat Majestic. It has
taken all tbe great medals which have
pver been given at the great fairs.
When it is a question of getting your
money's worth, we ask you to come and
see it. Grand free demonstration Oct.
16 to 21, Hot coffee with biscuits and
butter will be served free. RICE 4
RICE, The House Furnishers.
A Dance at Melrose
A dance will be given
Hall, Oct. 13. H. E
at Wilson's
Mi iiHger,
Todav the Grand Jurv is down at the
tbe very best conducted institutions in jourt House where the Greek rioters
this great land. Roseburg has reason '. xi brought up, and it is evident
to feel proud of being the place where a10V exprt.t to find some true bills
t iese nations' defenders are making (or Qmrict Attorney Brown took along
their home and it is to be hoped that an ; , f indictment blanks
assembly hall can be secured so
iocal talent can go o it and tender these
men some free entertainments. They
sre deserving of all they can get, in the
Let Us Do Your Hauling
We make a specialty of handling Trunks. Household Ge
and almost everything. The best of care taken of anything
entrusted to us. Leavefonlers at the McClallen House, or at
Kruse & Newland's.
F. D. NEWLAND, Proprietor
way of gustinance and a great deal more.
It is not possi tile to cuuut tbe value of
the services which they rendered their
county, in its hour of greatest Mad.
Therefore, let no citixen begrudge the
the small amount of money which is
expended for their comfort in their de
clining ears.
Joseph Hawkins and M. C. Reeser
went out to the Upper I'mnqiia rivet
yesterday and had some fine sport
catching trout. Now they have a go d
stock of fish "yarns," which will enter
tain the boys.
John Valentine has gone to Drain
where he will spend a few days with ol
H. Pratt is spending a short tinu
uingling with his friends at Eugene.
Chas. Stinegsr, who has been quite il
(or some time has gone to Portlaud
vbere he will take some special treat
Charles Veraud, one of the ge
nembers of our colony is so ill as not b
e able to come down stairs It is to b
ioped that he will soon be with 11
again. Volunteer.
Saved Mis Life
J. W. Davenport, Wingo, Ky., write;
June 14, tfM: "I want to tell you I be
lieve Ballar l's Snow Liniment saved inv
life. I was under the treatment of two
doctors, and they told me one of mj
ludga was entirely gone, and the other
side badly sffected. 1 also had a lump
on my side. don't think that I could
have lived over two months longer. I
was induced by a friend to try Ballard's
Snow Liniment. Tbe first application
gove me great relief ; two 50-cent bottles
cured me sound and well.
It is a wonderful medicine and I rev
commend it to suffering Immunity.
Sold by A C. Marsters oi Co.
Vetch Seed for Sale.
For Vetch seed call on or address,
Frank Wixson, Brockway, Ore. Olp
Probate Orders
In the guardianship of Ada,!ie.
Jesse, Ernest, Emma and Bessie Hea
I ton, ih minor heirs of Thomas Perkins,
deceased, Mary E. Heat on was appoint
ed guardian, with Umd fixed at fJiHV
In the estate of Cyrus Smith, de-',
ceased, K A. Woodruff, admr, was giv
en permission to purchase a (500 monu
ment and have it elated over the grave
of the deceased.
A C. Mcijuadc has made his final ac
counting as guardian of the estate of C. 1
L. HiadmaB, a minor, the same has
been approved and bis bondsmen are:
In the matter of the estate of Floyd
ind My 1 tie Boggess, minor heirs of T. B. ;
tioggess, the guardians, T R. Sheridan
jnd Vtrs. M. A. Reagou were authorized
0 deed to the county a -V-loot riitht of
my across property belonging to said
estate, for the sum of f-V
In Season
A Judicial Inquiry
A well known traveling man who
isits the drug trade says he has often
mard druggists inquire of customers
vho asked for s cough medicine,
vhether it was wanted for a child or for
n adult, and if for a child they almost
uvariably recommend Chamberlains
'ough Remedy. The reason tor this is
lhat they know there is no danger from
t and that it always cures. There is
tot the the least damcer in giving it,
and for coughs, colds and croup is is un
surpassed. For sale by A. C- Marsters
Buff Leghorn's
Young Buff Leghorn's for sale. In
quire of G. W. Thompson, Edenbower,
or address Box 91, Roseburg, Ore, tf
Town Lots For Sale
Choice building lots in Kinney's im
proved plat of Roseburg, near Main
street, good title. Price $50 per lot.
Address, N A. Richa&ds. tf
O. Wilkinson, Prop
The Choicest line of Wines and Liquors including the Famous Brand
'Old Grand Dad"
Kentucky Sour Mash.
Rae Line of Domestic and Imported Cigars.
Jackson and Oak Sts. Rostburg, Ore.