The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 12, 1905, Image 1

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Roseburg, Oregon
Rosebarg Plaindealer
The moat wl-iejy read new (paper published In
Southern Oregon and conaequently the BssTadrer
tlalng medium. Large, modern!? eqnlpped Job
printing department In connection. Established
In 1. Bubacrlption, ti per year lor semi-Weekly.
Foi uUt'oi.M'iOO. The CoantT Se.i nt r.,-i..
County, Mita Home; C. 8. Land Office I
ana i . -.. . hi nor Bureau are located here S P.
railroa I divHou : soleudid educational advantageiL
Gateway to the Coos Bay and Coqnille country.
No. 82
P Imnfr eakr.
4444444444444444U4UUUi444iUir DOUGLAS COUNTY
I HE BEST ON EARTH Itemsof interest Galhcrc ! fmm
m thc Different Lncaliti js
aaaaV T I m. .a mm m mm m fWawtai .,1,1
m i nat is tne verdict ot all who gaw-j
have used the famous Wt'
m , ' 1' -lit... ...i .,r . .i.Kl liL.t,
3 McCaffery Files
to have
new s items from nil parts of Doaelas
comity. Spare for brief, newsy not
w ill be gladly allotted an.l it is hoped
that such an offer will not le pawed
hv. Editor.
While Under the Influence of Liquor They Create
A Bad Disturbance at GienbrooK,
With Disastrous Results.
Pertinent Paragraphs Regarding
the Doings in Local Yards
and Elsewhere.
Every day our Customers are com
ing and telling us how much they
appreciate this make of file. It lasts
longer and will do the work of three or
four of the ordinary kind. YOU WILL
i Churchill Hardware Co.
Gardiner Grist
Henry F. Townsend drove in from Um
' lakes Tuesday.
Pave Betiea was a liar. liner visit
i 'lie lir-t of the week.
Mrs. John Bergman wi.s in town Moo
day interviewing frifllil.
I. ink Black well was interview inn
, tiardiner the lirst of the we k.
C. E. Bicker, of Smith river, was in
, town over Sim. lav traasactiag bashaeee.
i Frd Assenheiiiier while oa
: the place of Otto Mattson on Smith
; river, Thursday had tne misfortune of
having his leg brokea. Be was broaahl
to the tiar. liner Hoepital where the
liones were se.
The railroad surteving crew has
passed Elktea d.I is investigating the
i feasibility of the pass, up ftiiakci reek
with a view of tunneling through to
Patadtse creek. This would shorten
tlif route three miles, besides avoiding ,
Brown's hill, one or tl e most dilli. uit
protilems to i ontend with on tne entire
route. tii'jrette.
Seldom has Rosdmrg ben more ar
oaeed th .n it was by the I rouble which
t.)k plaee at Gleabronk, the switch
station, miles south of this city, Tom
day night. At that plane Foreman Pet
ereeia had an . xtra gang of Greeks rur
Eating the S V track, aad they weal oa
a had drunk. II
ereeia and finally
car, aad a ben he attempted t" defend
himself, they shot an.) killed his wife,
who was at hi aide. At'.-u: that time
hii extra freight can along. going eoath,
in charge of Conductor F Gotliage, with
Rrtgil rj. I Wood-on and Fireman
Jas. MeCart, and BrakemeaJ. F. Krm
i carbarn at.. I C. E J baeoa. The.,
began neater warfare Fagiacct
Woodtoa was kept basy dodgiae, the
ballets, no Irs- than tive of them peae
trati: ir bis cab. Braheaaaa Job act oa
cot hold of a Wim l. ester froiii the oa-l-...s-
and after Iriag into the air. he
proceeded to atake the ireks acatter,
with the nsti'.t that tl.e trouhle aooa
sill M ltd.
Aitt-r the Brine had rootinoed a n
. hit. Brakeana Binah ei eai s'.irtr l back
, to lag the pai 1 1 ngnr ttain. only t hate
Lorea Harvey van ronnding t ..
call . u.i the geard was 1000 r.-. '.
Only 1 11. t- I,.!., it-, in uif
utrUs rooaty baa the n. li-
n .on
for al :. i .
history -.1 I
ti.t been ailed 1 tit lor a porp. m like th.s
rtmrtnwa aai.i ucirtaaaT
Be the tin e the 'iH.,-i..i unratilit. hrin
. 1 1. .
i-uarrocu mau i th,. r u an 1 the POfM ,
rnertd him in bie I Um depot, a larae . r..w.i of imrm.!d
dtuteaa bad ooagrrgated, t-xpxliag la
lea eooM troabte, hut th- warlike f.r
eigaera wm- not in eoainchofa fihtiag
mo...!. On the rafter band tbejr were
very met k and ratmi -Tite entire
train of cira in which liter bad beea
liriog, while w
coaipai v. wae bei
the l eal lard".
king t
light in
i 11 .
r.tiir .ad
ac .1 in
a it-
I.. 1 Moore, the popular loeal S. P.
repreeealalire, aeeoaapaafad by Hra
Moore, i- takinu' in the hi I'lirtland fair.
The ap)H-araiie of Klliert Habharat,
the noted literary man in his (ray
kabaki suit at the taijon the other day
at lie raebed for an eatfaaj houte, caun-l
mu. h eommaal.
W. J. Wallace, one of AabraadTeraaV
roa.l men. i in this city with Mr-. W'al
la. e. vi-i'in with friends. Mr. Wal-
laee ha- a ninety-day Isy . ff and tl.ev
wi.l n.w .-,n extended eastern trip.
Harry 1 rew i.'iir. tt.e engineer, and hie
1..: a., i i .- ... .
at , ., . . ...
utegneneoi Mrs hrewintr s sister, Mra.
I Daboey, at SeawKta, Cm. They will
V alt 1 - lagelee, and are exacted
home in two or three weeks.
Condoctor H ('. Ba kt fe aajaykaga
little l,rea'h;n-j spell, and is taking in
the Port lead fuir.
Vr k-:: an F. YV. Miller
under ttar waathar and is
lake a lira M layoff.
" - .1 H. Bay, of rtaitlei il, after
visiting the f.jj; (alr an a, .i,vr IK)intg
i- - mew hat
rom4-l)el to
X ben the trin pal ! into
at 12:15. I here wa- a Urge en
aaH I be proceediogi H labiag ti.e'"1 ,:-' fate, i- mm the iriiest mi her
lir eke from the care. The lembi. re of brother, t. (. Morns, chief traio dia
Co. 0. were eery aiaefa in eeideace, this i ptchar, and family.
oemi; u.eir him nciaai sww.r in i De l Coadartor U L Kiley 1
Iwertre tears dnrtog wbicti the coatp ay j from an enjoyable trip to
rgaalaMl, bairiag iheii aer-1 Clark ezooaitkoa.
Patent applied For.
Will positively kill Coyotes, Wolvee, Foxes, Sheep-killing IVjgs, Squirrels,
Skunka Directions on every can. F"or Sale by
Rr pint from Oak Creek
irass is gruaiag aiceiy.
Farn.ers are getting ready to to
. paaagfei' g-
Otir school is laagHWing nicely under
the efficient management of Mrs. Ie.,r;
John Atterhury i rviag the .
ducts of his farm to Booefaarg wl ere be
John Burpe and fami'y have raored
on the John Price place v e are glad
: to weltotne them ttek to ..unity.
Joe Williams is in Braabanj workine
1 is lantern that from his baod. Then
aoaaa torpedoee were placid oa the track
aad abea they exploded. Fugiwrer Bat
Wright, of the teiager. sas ti at be
almo-t went op ibraagh the rot f of bla
cah. as he had DO idea there w -
any traable at haac1.
When the special art Iced from
ItbH city with lb; shertfTa ikjs'c. the
disturtn-e had .ji'sl djaa i. The men
were all put under ai re-t at once, a)
thoiitth it was IhoOgl t that powibly a
few niitit bare escaped u der cover of
lha Lrtfjrtarad Dr
ie. F Mucch preceehrd taataacahaM
That is the way every Railroad Man wants to be and
if (ie has one of the Famous
Watches, he will have no trouble whatever. Come and
see my Stock and you will be more than pleased.
Classes Properly pitted and Adjusted
Watch and Jewelry Repairing
of all kinds. All we ask is a trial.
teaeakr tie lto-Date Stare of
in the Plaindealer building.
L'udertakei w. B. Ilaain itta
t ,.. ir.,1. that ..i an it ii le-t act
John and Henry Herman left f..r Pott
land wherethey will spewd a few days
at the fair.
I . Haiti- I I is in our barg with his
wood taw He has one of the beet
machines in the count r..
Wi.lie and IVarl Thornton are Kttei d
ing the Lich ifhlrrH at Boecbarg.
Miss Khoda Wat-on is aMcaoiag the
fair at Portland.
W. B. Atterhury of tilide. narit
throach our tow n on his way la Bi -
barg with a ld of pruu.-s.
Jim Goher of iip-r k Creek is a
Roseburg visitor. He says the rain aiil
spoil about three t. its of hay for him.
-The Mule.
j'lry, i ma ha tag f the
f lb aiag pcraoai : . W. Kiddie. ?-. . .
Pi ken Thne f Hanaw ir..nt Taylor,
II O. R'ilhaataa an.! F. -.ewart
u.i- v n r.,i.:. ... r i . r '.., ei
i err ire in the i'i Uippiuee, when theea
lira company aaliaird. rtte boyi at-re
oatha alert an.l ret. .lend t-be riff Mc
Clatlra valuable service in haadltag I be
big crowd acd in gelling l be man prie
aara iuto tic Joeephaoa wa:e!...,i,
near which they w II bow tnp until
the tr aide is ..r and the ptisoi.eis
are lieckatgrd.
Bceeral lada-i aara at tie Iraia aad
set in -d to take Btacb iotereet in I tie
Every aiaHahte space on totI ioxj
ii. warebaaaaa and alsaaabura was.
ii.It.l by the crowd which w-.tne-sed
s er.ii M Ctailea taateh the iaootaa,
as they w. re raarcbe I up by the sold., r
U.ys. li.e Mieriff went thruagh theti
chit bee, aabattaaiag . . ab ng. IraBag in
thtir aba s and lookiag ; r IrearM
whett ver he bad any idea they ii.ijjlit le
i aad. He wj-j, in u.i- by J
he Lewis and
Full line of all grades of Carpets on hand all
the time, ranging in price from 20 cents to $1.4
per ya id.
Beet line of all-cotfon filled Comforts we have
ever had. from Si.35 to $2.25 each.
Full line of all-wool, Oregon-made Blankets-
'OCA av,.lh.u. I - f t- . . .
-.w -Avciicui niie cm oiion Blankets at
:illt prict.
Buy one of onr cotton-felt or cotton-felt and
silk floss Combination Mattresses, and vou have a
Mattress that will last a lifetime.
rha jtry took charge if (be reataiae and Sykee whila Fr Wiigttt took dowatba
at two o'clock vest-d .v afternoon, tie nawae aad namber of each tiek as he
examinalioa was Itebt at the parlor of raa the gaaatleC
111 H I t T k.-- V it .Ml.
Colct Valley Vibrations
Farmers are buy pwttiag in th.-ir tall
School ttegan Monday, with Prof.
Kohiuettat the helm
Miss R. Fmma Lontr has returaag
home from the Laarifl and Clark expoai
tion and reports a eery good time.
Mr. W. T. F.mory visited the cmnty
seat Monday.
Mrs. W. B. Clark, of Mi'lwood. passed
through our midst one day last week
In the n.e.ntin.e word reached the
local s. P. office, and Sharif! M.Cleilan
was at QMCB I: Itified. I was then a' out
midnight ai d tl -her fi ttarted oal to
gi t a p-.s-e of 1:1. 11 ! go "'it on a tptM
train whii'h w. POOa in
Depaty Bhaiiffa V. ;.. Bocard, H. t".
niianai. Jr. and B y rCtWhua, togrther
with aisiut ibiriy .tia citiaeaSi went
to the stene of troablc Tl ey wete
j inel by ceranl of Bui lie's dtiaeae.
L'S.KKtl w R : IKf.
Realising that he would lave his
hands fuli. with the stxtv UfCCfca who
were Wiiitr broaght to this city by a
special train and accompanied by the
po-se, fubeiilf McCMlaa went beaara
Judge M 1 Thompson, who issiit-1 an
order cd tut: ocd Co. D, of the Oree-n
National titurd. B eebarg'l crack mili
isnr tmantzatioa to io date in gnard-
imm the OlirsOOers, In the absence Hamlin, who
is doing
Fred ft.
dntv st
While this wa p.tng n. the f
Ur. Cra Peteitaia, thc aoaaaa who
wa- k: led, waarcfaarad to ti.e
ta ing rooflaa, ta await the Cocuecr!
jury. Her hns'vtnd wa- deeply aflccted
ay his -u '.n loss aii.i was liar.llt abb
t. ceatroJ feelings.
The one 1 1 reek w tu was eri..cs'y it -by
ts-intr shot in the hip. wa-
lakca t I'ortlaid lad aighi aad be wiU
there receive treatu.ent HI ti e baepital.
Dr. Iloci k. wh exami .e.) the man pro-
naanced bis woand a tarj daacruae
The ca up m which tl.e lead bo' i
Mrs. Petereeie bay when bearaahrooghl
lo taia city. showed aridracea of si...t-
iag, several builel ho'.es being seen in
ibe tide near tbc door w !.. Mr. and
Mr. Peters, in ttood when ihe was
l! wa-an orderly crowd that gathered
at the deft, and although tnere was
th. Bghl t. Ih- groaoda :..r lyrachiag, yet
there seemed to I e a desire to let the
law take its toarta, ail h ping that the
RmIUmI I .,-M.f ll:ll.t
1 enroute to Portland, where she troes to ,.H(i- often mand of the soldier boya, an.l
Ba net I guilty oae woora t e amply pniiisht-.t.
Caatiracd on p.itr thrs
When you want your Panama Hat cleaned and blocked, or vour suit
Pressed and Cleaned. 1 am also agent for ED. B. PRICE, Chicago'!
Leading Tailor.
THE FLINT50NE SHOE is the Best dress Shoe on the Market.
First Claee Repairing and Charges Reasonable.
L. GOODIAN, Next Door to Easton's Qrocery Store.
We handle Shoes that are desirable,
comfortable and fashionable. Our stock is
very complete.
If you want to get your money's worth,
come and see us.
Turns out good work with neatness and
spend a few weeks at the exjo-ition.
Mr. F. Fortin has gone to Calif .rnia
after his mother, who has spent the
enmnier at that place.
Miss Nora Van Dyke, of Oakland, is
at present visiting in our valley.
Mr. William GaadaHM, of Melr.-e.
was greeting old time friends iu our
valley Sunday.
Mr. Harry Siocnm, of Boachlllg.
made a business trip through here Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. John Muir have taken
their departure from bare (0 Missouri,
where they will visit with the former's
parents who reside back there.
Prof. Robinett moved his family down
from Roseburg Saturday and will lite
for the present iin Mr. Imis Decker's
Our mail carrier, Mr. Win. McCoy, is
at present carrying the mail on hoi sa.
back, but we understand that he is H IB
to put the wagon on the road again.
Mr. Chas. Eaaiga, of Brockway is at
present stopping in our neighborhood
and we are informed that he is doing
quite a business in the way of upholster
ing and painting. X.
f..r the p'oe.-ution in the case of the
State of Oregon s Barnes.
Th Rob. rt br. ther, Saorga, ImcbIi
P. F. and P. H. Bolierts, were the guests
of their mother to lunch on Tuesday, it
keiag the Ural thae they have all been
at home together for some time.
Miss Myrtle M irslial is visiting her
aunt Mrs. Sol Mo. re, at Bdi.ce for n
Mr. gad Mrs. Snolgr:is,of theColum
hu- Mine, are the pMta of Mrs A. Hid
this week
D B. Redlield, the sage of B sky dell,
attended church in this dty last Sun
day. Mts Pratt, of klhaay, aw'hiw of Bee
ieo. I'ratt, is visiting her soil and his
wife at the manse in this city.
Hughes are out lor a few days hunt on
ppar Deer Cr,t k.
(Jea Jones Ir , returned to tia!e-t ilia
Sunday after a brief vi-it with h s par
ents a!;d many friend-. He i teaching
a very sii. ces. fu, term oi seh.s.l aaa
ia!e- ville.
F. w. LireiUKae who bat K-n ill for
the past month at the home of his
j sistei Mrs Jai l son. was able to return
to Ins home at Be rt oa, Or., on Sat
urday nights ovet land. NaeaU.
Lcona Fakaagaf.
Mr. C F. Doekewdorff, wife of i .ri
; man at the Caatpa, went to Portland on
; No. L' today lo have hei ets ll.alel.
B. I . Graal aioaed in to the hotd the
'hitler part of last w.ek. Mrs. Urarl
Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. (i. Eliff an I aaaa I mrnhn a nod elli. ient manager and
are now residents of Oteadale. tnay I cverytbiag laorO in satisfactory eircfee
occupy the house lately held by ibe I onder her care. The su.ees of the
siocums. and Mr. ami Mrs. Bhvnm I hotel aader the new management is a
foregone coocluaioo.
Read the Plaindealer for all the News
(jlendalc's brlcomc Budget
Mrs. K. Sha'iim, who has seiit the
past three months at Portland visiting
her children and attending the fair, will
return home tomorrow accompanied by
her daughter Mrs. H.C. Smith, who
will spend some weeks with her parents
in this city.
Mr. and Mrs W. C Lereaa, of Gales
ville, who have been seeing the fair at
Portland, ram, home last week.
Mrs. M. A. MeClallen and children,
of Hilto, Calif , are visiting the Whit
aetta, she being the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jamee Whitsett, of Qleodale.
Fred, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Clements is quite ill at the home
of his grand parents in this city.
Mrs. Jesse Clements and her sister,
Miss Dallas Miller, after seeing the fair
at Portland, are visiting at Scatltu and
Many of our citizens are in attendance
at Roseburg this week, being witnesses
here rented the .wight pr p rty.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. TottCO and
and Mrs. W. P. Tot tea
dents of (ilendale
homes in tilendal
arc no rfM
they having bnaghl
ad we are all to be
congratulated BDOa them l.a-ating in
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D S nith retarard
from a wiek at t'.ie fair last week.
W. D. Chnlwi-k, of Myrtle Creak,
was visiting friends in this city last
Mr. and Mrs. John Railey and family
are residents of (ilendale; also Mrs.
A. I. lie Swank and family are living wi'h
Mr. and Mrs Bailey, Mr. Swank being
absent in Idaho, where he is Superin
tendent f a mine, and whither his
family will go in the nearofuture.
Hau in.
Mice tlehai Kceaey returned ! Ra
1 gene aion, lay, altri a lew .'ays tj.;ta'
boat. She i-- attending the Unharrhy
there this year.
J. Braatbaagh, the new foreman in
the mill, expecti to his fami v
here iu the near fu'ure
J. .1 Kenny wa-m Boseharg the past
few days on husimss. We aotiee lii
a 111 is still rrippted from the wrench
aatainad three weeks ago.
An 1 iBSBRTtlR.
Men's heavy jersey r vershirls- just
the thing for cold mornings- rogabu 50c
values for .'octs. at .lo-ephson's.
Cutcs Winter Cough
J. K. (iover, I tfl N. Main Str . Ottawa
la order ta take a tiip to the moun
tains. Conductor E. P. Tynan is not on
duty just now.
En.-ine Xo. 2141 br-.k an ec-rentric,
reateniay. and "Scatty thus bad
another j.-b.
"Bob" Benevtaaa and bii enri of five
ezperiearad aiacbiaiata lute their
hand- pretty ftul at the round l...u-e.
Ibaaa i.i s
C Mai !.-.. f .reman of the "cr.ncrelts
gat g." now has the work of putting in
the laaa bti :. for the ne t round house I
. V r wnv. I'e has a lor.e of. u.en at work and they are mak
ing iaite a -howiog. The oncrte wall
8C bet wide at the bo; torn j
ad Wll -e gOv for ages to come. They
ex-et toeomple e their big job in the
. 'ir-.e of six weeks or twj mon'hs. and
then rocie tbc brick r-aacratractaro.
I. !.t rowd boaaa wdl l the best
that mnrtey can provide. It will pro
ride room lor taking care of eight more!
engine" A: 1 resent the old .jnarters
.ire entirely inadequate lor the constant
Ij inrriaelcg bajiaeaa In crvler to pro
ride a enhataMial foundation. Foreman
M . gdug down a I the wav
'rum six to thirteen feet, until hgrd
pan is struck.
B tadn asti r H. Miller was np from
iy, luokiiig oter the extensive
improremcalB wbick are now going on
in the l.s-ai yards. W hen asked by the
1 lei ef n an as to what gronnd
there was 10 the report that a branch
ac wat . lag t.. be baUl from Drain fa
the t oast, Mr. Milker stated that he did I
n t kr "W that there was any troth iu
the run or except that there some sur
teyors there, with thei- outfit. Aside
from th:- he did uot krow that there
was anything Mag aiong thia line. Mr
Mi it-r's lei I ilea y includes the road from
Salem to R seburg and be reports that
the line 1- in exceptionally due condi
lion, n cvacy respect.
The local yards present the scene of
great activity. At the Lane street cross
ing fection Foremaa H. Faulkner had a
urge force of mea rep. iring the track
an I putting tilings in apple-pie shape,
while farther down was to be found
Bridge Foreman, O. Jones, who was
superintending the moving of the water
laaktoa ( iff the main Hue, ou
ra. k" where engines can take both
water an l oal at tin same time. Vr.
lones stattsl that while this tank holds
C.i-in galloai of water, yet it I al
t igethar too small and thai another,
with a capacity of fam gallons, and
made of steei had been orderetl and
would ba 1-ret tetl as soon as il can lie
had. Staad pipaa will he erect, d near
the mam truck, where engines can get
water witb litlla trouble.
B. H. ! gr.m. who is superintendent
of the s. p system betweea Lea Angeles
and BI Paso, passed through this city
yesterday, enroute ior the big fair. He
was in his own sievial car.
Brakcmau C. Bacon, who has the rr.n
between this city and tirauts Pass, has
moved his lauiily to that abate, although
he Still has i he same run.
I omplete line of Furniture,
Ranges and Heating Stoves
at lowest prices consistent
with good values.
'"''- - - - --11 'u -u-u-iru-iririii
No matter what Watch Movement you want
we can supply your wants. Our reputation for
handling the BEST JEWELRY is well estab
lished. You Can Always Rely
On what you get at our store as Being Exact
ly as Represented. This is an Important Item when
it comes to buying .Jewelerv.
Our Repairing and Rating
Of watches speaks for itself We are excelled
by none and take pride in the satisfaction which our
work always gives.
J. T.BRYAN, The Jeweler.
North Rosrburg Notes.
Charlie Mathews is doing himself
proud with a tine m,-Y sidewalk "(io
thou aad do likewise."
Al Creason and a party of friends are
hunting near the Bohemia district this
Kans.. writes: "Fverv fill it has beea father, therefore anot her home is ...I k
The Maindealer has !een n .-nested to
publish the fallowing letter, which one
in. inlier of the Local W. R. C. has w rit
ten to tii lu other members:
Dear Sisters: While we are in the
midst of life Death appears among ns.
It baa beea but n short time since our
honored President Mrs. Marv Palm was
In-reft of n dear father, and she now feels
the pangs of sorrow that cause her heart , (
to throb; also our dear sister member H
Mrs. Mary Lewis ami family mourn the 1 !
loss of a loving husband and indulgent .
If yoa have, yon cannot resist our fine Candies.
They are home-made, always fresh, and they are
Try One of Oar Fine, Fresh Boxes of Chocolates
They are put up fresh every day. We make a
specialty of putting up Fancy Boxes of Candy.
Trv us and see for vourself.
.. mmymmi ..- 111lfltttttt
w 1 nil rni irt I a-as-sra , rwira
fAKJntKy KtAL tMAIfc IU.
We have some Exceptionally Fine Farms,
Property and Timberlands in large and small
tracts for sale
Best companies represented Town and Coun
try property insured.
Ill SI
m if CALLING ffl IS
tnv wife's trouble to catch a severe cold,
ami therefoie to cough all winter long.
Last full I got hern bottle of Hernial il
Syrup. She used it and h is been able
to sleep soundly all night long. When
ever the cough troubles, her, two or
To these dear Si ters Reno Corps ex
tends our deepest sympathy in this
their hour of allliotion, ".recommending
them to the care of our Heavenly
l ather, who can heal all sorrow, and
Anyone wishing to sell their property
do so by listing it witb us. Write for price
of Farms and City Property.
D. R. SHAM BROOK, President
N. F. THRONE, Secretary
We will tag and display any Grain or Produce
to our office.
, three .lo-. s stops the cough, and she is while they trust in his divine will, they
. nine 10 IK- .1 . aim well L'.ic olle Mill are -nr.. I.. to. I f.--
-- ... , j,, i
Vivan Jackson and Washington!. Sold hy A. 0. Marsters & Co. away their tears.
he will wipe