mm THE T?w? DRESS UP FOR THE FAIR Clothes Don't Make The Man But they go a long ways in showing taste and refinement A well dressed man is a conservattv man. Man should look his profession. Our Line of Fall and Winter Clothing Is now on our eounteis and line ever shown iu koeebarg. are remarkably low. THE LADIES it is the And the WHAT IS GOING ON AT THE COURTHOUSE Will !ind here many articles that will appeal to their keen M m of h,.?iM RGRL BHRGRINS PEOPLES finest pi ices " ,ar- i 7 I W y I items Which Will be of Interest to the Taxpayers A BMfriagQ liOBBM tiHN been issued to Moore l'lomomlson and .Mattie V. I ar ri n . both nf Bcottaharg. A unit (( foreclosure of mortgage and to recover money bus ltcen Sled bjr tlie hirst National Hank against Victor Phipa, Robert I'll pps tad Mary I phipps. A writ of review m Bled in uhirh A. I. Bellows et al 16 other petitions are named as defendaata ami the City of Roeeburu, plaintiff in the incornoral ioe of the rite oi urg. ( . S. lack-on appears as attor ney f" A r.i (Baity nf Informing themselves as tol What Christina Brieace really li. All will he welcome. In speaking of this lecturer, The Daily Mieeodlfaui Mays: Miss Mary BrooHne, CP. B , ol Min- poHn, ineniher of t he Christisn j Bcieore board of lectorftehip of the First ' Chard) of Christy Boston, leliverel a ! lecture in the I ninii oiera house vester- day aftetnoon to a large congregation. The lecture wan Riven under the auspi ces of the First Church ofObliet, Scien-ii-t, of If iaaoali Minn Brookina is an eloquent seaker and held her hearers by her beantifnl delivery for nearly two hours. - la the city, e has I - en 'THE STORE OF EXCELLENCE" HBRHHHM.PROP. - - ROSEBURC. court bj Attorney Loo hi Baraee wherein Win. Scblntdt, of Baa Francisco, secre tarv of the Schmidt Hotel ami Invest men! Co , loi ti.crly proprietors of the Hotel McClallen, la plain Of! and Fred tietttna ia defendant. In the complain' u ie alleged that Mr. Uetthaa owed the David Griffith, arife and arm, dale, re-! turned from I'ortland and the Lewis , ami Clark fair Saturday morninr. They i are well pleased with the hi show, hut ca-e of the! av'' w;'8 u,"'r pleased on arriving Wet Hose 1 bonae to find awaiting him a cheek for fll.ashis tirst divident on his shares in the Great Northern development Co., mining eloek properties located on Bluej niver, i.Hiie l oiiniy. Mr. In Hlitli pur- j rhaaed bia stock last April and is tur pi i-ed to receive such ipiick returns. Come To The Fair. SeeThe Exhibits. See the Largest House Furnishing Store in Southern Oregon THE HOUSE FURfilSHERS RICE RICE tiled in the circuit Cannon's Book and Stationery Store fit a a T T 1 I t ?Sj ' not tbe defendant paid 243.5 in.l I 51 Oere and lhere tt V refused to pay the balance of f. The IMPORTANT MEETING MONDAY EVENING From the Cheapest To The Btst. IT School Commences this WeeK. i We ar-.' headquarters for E I school! BOOKS build 4"tf rttf goats I AND School Supplies. -Ot all Kinds and rcspectfidly Bolicit your valued patronage Cannon's Book and Stationery Store. The more you know about Osteopathy the hetter you like it. Investigation leads to adoption. J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and notary public. Office up stairs in Douglas Coin. tv Bank Building. tf rk. -aa- .avavnyn -,y MR M FASTON ie prepare ! to wait upon old and new enstornereand friends with a fall and complete stock of GPOCERIES AH fresh and of the very betst quality. Teas aad coffees are epeciaitiee. Your patronage solicited. 1. J. Jo:iusAn, dentist, virave s ing. l.unch at Jennings' Bakery. For Sale 15 head of Angora John O'X'rner. Wardton, Oregon. F'urnished NOaaa for rent at fS per month. Jtidj to fftl aToen ptrrrt aWp Hot roffee and sandwicheA at Jaaaaaaa Bakery. . 74tf If vou want cold haul or delicacies. cali at Jennings' F'kery. Take vour Osteopathic rejnlarly for postive results. 'steopathv will carry yon through Baiely. See Pr. Stndley for examination. Osteopathy makes many operations unnecessary. It readily removes tu aaOe, goiters etc prives. I 11 you baveaaf iiiet;. rfiaat iinn ot pi(e work to do call am Winnie Gaddia. His work and prices are guarantee.! to please. A sample copy of this p er may fall into the hands of persons who have not leen regular readers, and all such are cordially invited to join oar circle. Waaaad Light work that can be taken home linht washing. Ironing and mending. Mrs. M. S. l.aBarr, Waits Addit ion. Prop a Hiatal card. lieo. W. Alderson brought in an interestim: Imliao relic from the North and South Forks of the 1'iiip.jua river. It w as a plow and is .piite a curiosi' jr. Roy C. Bondman, who wna eighteen ast April, has been encaged to teach the Swail school, near Oakland. He t .i had a diplonia for MOM lim-bat a- i not old enough to be given a h hool, uu- Joseph Jone-, brother of Havev Jones. dar the law . proprietor of 'he Roetu rg House, is Mr-. Tboe. Gihaoo an.': la tighter here from Fpokane, visiting with rela ) T. Bridges and son, Mrs 0. P 3Col live and friends 1 and daughters ai.d Madaa) Miller, Al iert 74tf treatment U. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson, and son Valen. are np from Med ford to enjoy the fair and also visit with D. F. Wilson and family. Henry Traylor. who lives five miles below F'lkton wa at the county seat. Wednesday and w hile here he became a Plaindealer subscriber. C. A. Ziegler. the obliging S P. local frieght agent has gone to Carson w here he hoper to derive some benefit for his health from the springs Dear that pace For photographs, viewing. Id pic tnres copied anil enlarged, tlash light pictures and all work in the phoo line j pply at Graves. Home Studio 1120; Mill St. JPhone 777. S15 lion fhomas R. Bard, one of Cali fornia's Cnited States Senators w .is iu R.sehnrg. Satnnlav. He has len the guest of W. G. Hughes, of Mont Alto ranch, with whom he has been enjoying, an cnting. Kaston and J. J. Spraugh and (ami i left Velnes.Jay morning for Portland to attend the fair. OPEN AIR CONCERT THIS EVENING . ao5 Jackson St. i Roseburf . Thi evening the Uoecbuig S'ate Band will favor the jeople of tiiis city with another one f its axeellenl ai treats. 1 his organ rstMn won n ileserel praise for its in nan rendered luring the PieUh.1 fair, but week awl the members are ba good trial for itia I coursing some sweet select; ui ti.i eve j ing. A large crowd of cit: ns wi . 'certainly Iiear the foil, wing tine po grom which has teeii arranged f r this evening's concert : L March The Kiel's Fs. rt, 1 . II. I.OSev. X. Medley Overt ure 1 he Merry makers. 1 u IV Witt. 3. IVscripive March Tlie Circna piaimm aaaa lor joaaneni in ine sum I of fV with ti per cent interest from Nov 12. IMS and costs and disbursements of , the ca e. f jonia Cava who wasarr,-stetl Monday morning by Deputy sheriff Bogard on a ! arge "f as-an'.t with a dangerous Wea poo, and wln arrived examination and gave "miO Isual" for appearance at next term ot Circuit Court, was again placed ' under nrreet on an information lileil by Diatrict attorney Broun i barging Cass w itb aaaanlt w rth intent to kill Deputy Sheriff Rogard again placed Cass ui der arrest ami at a latp hour Tneadgy night he w as admitted to hail iis n a tMiid of 11500 aigaed bj W.C. HcWUtiaaaa and .1. B Wade. flie triiiihlc w hit h caus d the arre-t of Cas. Otcntrad last "Mind'V evening when tlie defendant tired sev erai ihoU at K H. Mahn, I-. It Matbewa and I. D. Care, who were !. -luting on a p mlon of the MaWlllbuaa place which is lea-ed by Mahrj and located nboat :.'s miles east of this city, ! the invitation f Mahn. Mr. Mathews and Mr. Carle were banting on Haba'a place abm without warning, it i ta'. 1. Caai onaaed tire npen them arilb a r it! - from a c. mceale I -lt I hi in a ieiice c rucr of the adj lining field w here Ca has .i ca'tiu. Ca at ill- timaof the sh-iiin aaid that be war was alter that "ie t fared ." Uabn witti whom he hail had trouble Is loM W lien the othcer want to arrest him haataod. Sf iet iff !'g.trd tf wit., a gun until he arse convinced thai he wai not wanted for nmr.l-r and that do ona war hart. He set ! ed s'trprisej '.hat 1 g had not lilt any . the party gad said that nil eyesight wa getting tia I, n nesnaal of a light baraiag in Mahns hou-e all night he thought 'iiat i.e -urt ly hit him. and that they were si t ug up with him I ('as- makes no se ret of i lie fart lhat it was Ida intention to kill Mahn and Seemed rtady To -i.fT.-r th- penalty for it, r for bat he l a- alredv doaa. Every citizen who is interested in the I future welfare of hosehurg should BUVkal an i ffort to attend Monday evening's I mass meeting at the Court House. It i-j not a partisan move, hot is one in which ' natdic aniritad citizens of all partiea re taking an interest They are looking into matters whisk are of viti.l interest to this municipality and it kefeoaven dl . lateraati tu turn oat and have a hand in thia propoaiilon, Sut only should yon ' attend but lake your nehbbon al ng I with yon, and. more than that, go i i- i I pe. ting to take a hand in the rlieraaakMH 1 wloch are sure tokaof grenl interest,' loi matters if more than naoafcag iiu portanrg gill la- thoroagMy dieraaeel I' n' torget Ihe date or the place 1 he eOnffl riHim should le lillel to overt! w Ing, and, judging from present Indira tiuM. it will be crowded. se taut van I are one of tlie crowd- Th e store where you can get any thing that goes to make the house. W 1 - i i r- ri i - . V. LI . ,.3., ,nur nomeior Cash or Installments. We guarantte tciy Prkx Made to be the Lowest Price When Quality is Considered. Mm Two Special Good Beds at Prices thai S agger Co m pet i-tors. Hrrbme. Benders the bile more laid and thus helps the blood to fiow , it affords prompt relief from biliuustie-s. ! tt'in, si k and nervous hejdn hes, and Dverndulnaaea faa fend and drink, ti I. Caldwell, Agt M K and T R R, I he cotah. Ind. Ter.. write', Ap-il iS, tgOg; 1 araorirk for over two years witfi the HWgMMal of ti.e :ivi r and spleen. The doctora did me no giJ, and 1 had given up all hope of being cureil, w hen my druggist adviseil me to use Her bine. It has made me sound and well." 5 K at 0 Mar-ters vk C. This Brass Rail Bed Special Price $6.50 Both Beds White or Bine. This Heavy lied is a Sure Winner $3.75 Orders Always Given Special Attention Coos Bay Option 1 hold an op' ion for 30 data more on rriaable Coos Bay peninsula property, at f . wS.1 s r acre A i'oining acerage has old for UI ier acre. Can't handle all under the option t rue and wish feme one to take kj of acres trad. Partic ulars ad tress R. F. M., HQ Wtsli., St. 'kane. Wash. THE STORE THAT DOES THE BUSINESS. RICE & RICE. THE HOUSE FURNISHERS Married. Lisi of Jurors Drawn faa Flail II a Bailey, of Baker City. who lias been visiting here, left Sun- Parade, F". T. Paul). dav for her home, a n nipanied by her 4 WaiU Orinental 1 niece. Miss Fva Casbeer, who will at- ovici. tend the High School at Baker City thia i. The Diplomat, onsa winter. . Way Down South. I . deau I. I I Your Fall Suit Should be bought where you can get the best bargain and we believe THAT YOY will find our store the place. P. Lauren- A IVscriptive Fantasia 7. An Svmphouy, F. H. l-osey. A Rag-time Spasm 8. Galop Rore BaKet Danre. Arili i INTERESTING ITEMS FROM 0. A. C. Klkton Drain IWe Have the Styles L'P-TO-DATE in colors, cut and fit. See us We have what vou want ' before you purchase jAnd the Prices are right Call and see us, and give prove what we say. us a chance to : J. A. Cobb & Co. Roseburg - The Plaindealer ' good young friend. F'arnest Applewhite is going to ke p jts readers jiosted on the hapening at the Oregon State Agricultural College, where he istaking a course in pharmacy He w rites from Corvallis as follows : There have been many nice improve ments made in the college campus, dwi ing the past summer. The addition of much shrubbery and choice trees add very materially to the beauty of its ap pearance. Already the enrollment of pupils has reached 441 and there are many more to come. Tlie prospects for a good football team are very fine this year. Kate Adams, a Canyonville girl re turned to her studies an 1 is one of the delegation which hails from Dougbu couuty. fruitgrower Rofehurg Oregon: LEWS AND CLARK SPECIAL RATES r a I I R STAlNbOKU HURfc It Hits the Spot. It Brings the Trade The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TEN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED TAKE MIKE JACOB & CO. Distillers, Gaciiiiati, Ohio R. B. MATHEWES, Agent, Boseimrg, Oregon A k FOR IT NO OTHER nusT HAVE ir Special Rates to Lewis and Clark Exposition for Portland Day September 30 On account of Portland day at tlie Lewis and dark Fxpo-ition the South : ern Pacific Co. will sell on Sept. f8tk and 2!Hh special excursion tickets Rose- burg to Portland and return, good seven days at fo.25 for the round trip. 7ti We. .. N gee. Comity Clerk of I'. iig a-I'oiintv. Mate of Oregua, and H T. McClaMeu, BbeiiB id the abmi Mentioned Cbuatjr, do beffvhy erif tl at on the 30th day ol September. A !.. 1905, at the boat of . m , of pari lay we met in the ot!ice oi Ciunty Clerk id -aid County, in the Court II aaaa in Boaebnrg jDouglaa county Oiagaa, and pobliciy proceeded to draw the jury for the October term, I'M ), of ihe Circuit Court of the Stat- of Oregon, for Dong la" County as follows, to wit: A I. Butler farmer Bdaraid Hancock " Marion Ryan apncalatM P Bwenringeu farmer W A Pierce loe Harvey Simon Cum John Jackson .lame- L Gobi W H Larkine Que Frazier Charles Bel I key A I. Black B E Wilson i W lirubbe le 1 .ove H I. Brown Jno Livingston Joe Turpin W II Coats F F; F'mmitt Parry CeraaU S S Catching w H firahnm H Wilson D N Snyder Wm Buxlon Norman Agee 0 R Mood J I Strong S H Knight That each and all of the above named peruana were regularly drawn in accord with law, and that no other names were drawn to act as Jurors for said Oc tober term, MOt, of said Court. Witness our hands this Lllth day o! September A. I). l!ar. Z. N. AGEE, County Clerk. H. T. McCLALLEK, Sheriff. aaerchaut " Canyonville farmer Oakland merchant " farmer UtlaWOOd 0 alee ilia merchant Wilbur farnM r " Camas Valle Peel Voncalla Ten in ile Coles VaOej Riddle carienter " farmer Days Creek 1 iardiner millmun oieudale farmer Itrmkway fruitgrower Winston farmer Starv Ntit-e of Election. autlea la muany gram. Maaian MooJar. tu .u l da; ..t oi uta-r. Ma, tbrre uOlawngp aaaal lection h-li in ihe uv of Kavt-ur. l'rv. D lr ihe rl.vti.m at the lo.lowiuf uftrtn tor mm tag u wit our to - ter a parted ! to T.wr. OUa K-vxr Irr to Hive lur a vruU ul lo r lincTmtiiiir In irnr lor a petted o( hau yer one Council van trorn vv j Kg, g t, rrt lor a h riinl ot three j.-a "Uf Ciiuuciliuan Irom V arj na - to at re mrunartagul threejein. i luv Councilman Iroru w arxl No s. to aerve ' lor a period oi thre ran One Co .ai oman irom W ard No I. to Mrrvr tor a period ol three Tear. n Councilman from War t No I to arrre tor a perlisl of I rea-t One t'o'ioctlinaa ftm Ward So. .s. to arie tor a irtod of J )rar. ue t'ounrilaain :rom War! So 6. to arrre (r a period of three tear Ona Oaunauuuai from Vtaad So g, maaiea tor a tt-rnid ol Ttara. A;e ibat kg order ol the Common Coantil, there will be at aaid election submitted to the paagHawgauaaunuam ohetner or not uu de-iraliir lor the ett to hare the rUttt twa ol BECKLET STEARSs- At Oakland. Or . Thursday. Sepi. 14. ltaii. C. L. Bet k ev and Miss Mav Mearns, Rev. C. L Lake, officiating. Caue of Insomnia Indigestion nearly always distnrbs the sleep more or less and is o'ten tlie cause : of insomnia. Many cases have leen permanently tuuui by Chamberlain's Stoamrh and Liver Tablets. For aale by I A. C. Marsters k Co. Cannon's Book and Stationery Store is having some tine, new shelves put up in order to take care of the big atocfc of fall and winter hooks. Rheumatism When pains or irritation exhrt on any part of the body, the application of Bal I lard's Snow Lintmeot gives prompt re- lief. F; W Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan Mouse, t-.l Keno.O. r., writee Jm e t. 1908: "I take pleasure in recommend ing Ballard's Snow Limn. cut to all who are afflicted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy 1 have found that gives I inr I WE HAVE TAKEN IN HAND The collar question saving our custome s a lot df annoyance from CURTAINS -.CRSur Notice!! II the pure I Aiiiinnirn whitel-lcolor' I Allllllnirlj dnestic tinish ana general ap- pearance of our laundering no comparison to the ordinary king. ' 1 ROSEBIRG STEAM LAIN DRY immediate reliet." ioc, 5 fl. S.dd Uunirtpal Oaner.hip of Water and Lu'n. : D.v A C Marsters Jt Co. Inlloa - to wit : "CitJ Bond for Water and Light I'urpuaea .in. anaaauuuj fjuo.uio.' Yea So . I raid beaut Ut tut not lor bond'na the citj. Myrtle Cieek you you you you you you want to buy a farm want furnished rooms want to buy a house want to rent a house want to build a house want to move a house If y n don't know PAT CaL on or ad drees .. Contractor aad Builder Roaeburg Oregon. We are paying 55 els for butter ami 25 cts for egga. Lander Grocery. 7 -t Get yonr money's worth. Full weight at the Leader Grocery. 7i lit BeautTul Women. NOTED LECTURER COMING TUESDAY Plump cheeks, flushed with the soft glow of health and a pure complexion, make all women beautiful. Take a email dose of Herbine after each meal . it will prevent constipation and help di gest what vou have eaten. Mrs. Win. M. Stroud, Midlothian, Tex., writes, May 31, 1901: "We have used Herbine in our family which A lecture will be given under the au picee of the Ohriatinn Siientist flocintj of Roeeborg, Tuesday evening, Sept. L'ti at the Opera Hons by Miss Mary Brook ins, i' Minneapolis. Miss Krookins h a number of the Christian Scientists Board of Lecturahip of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. This will be a free lecture and it will la- for the purMiae of clearing up any liiisconcep liona which may exist in this locality regarding this church and its teachings. ami not to proselyte. Any statements Miss Brooking makes will be but aa an expreaaion Irom the totara a to lu agitmattiij Thai bjr enter of the Common Council the HUgaS an 1 atatui ol Mid election and the poll inn ptaeet ate aa foiiooa Mewtt: lit W ard Julria -John T lang, K. W Dillard. I R Shambrts k rtatka a McClallen. J. T. Bridge. Poll ing place. Court H -. ind ard Judrra J. J.fawlrleld. H. C Stanton. W. 1. aughai cierks 'i m. gtiunil, tuea. cuaua. Teuua ataaa, Hlwum Hall .lid Want lUOgUl fur: lloSiaan, 3 M SehaefTer, J. M Kleirher. Gtavfce I. A Bi.shanan. Slmou t'aro. VoltiK place. Roscburx Itaaia Itb Ward Judaea-W. . Bauattaau, V. Kenrdick, H. C. HUH'um, Jr Clerks If . L. Maraters, Kale Si range. VMtUa place. Cil) Hall. Kk W ar.l Judgea John Sac ter, laul Kohlba.ea. A I. Mellows Clerk N. Fiillerton. Krett Knkey. Votln. place, J. U. Kullertoti Barn. MA Want InagM J W. WrlKbt. B. S Nichols, L. M ruraatt. CUUka Paget gdwards. Franklin Barker Voting place. Win V. lobuaon Lumber Othce. I'olU will ba opeu from a. Ba. to tip. m. o all ly by enter of thj t'niumon Council. W'i eas aty hand and the seal of said ctly here 10 afllxtd thia 181 Ii day of Deptember. 190Y a. s. oaauir, City Keconlvr. A RemeJy Without a Pee- "I rind Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy 1 ever used for stomach troub e," says J P Klote, of F. lina. Mo. For any disorder of thestomarli, bilioue neea or constipation, these Tablet, are without a peer. F'or sale by A. C. Mars ters A Co. aa PeHCH BOXES no unjil further mtcr THE J. G. FLOOK COMPANY - I'- - loi ' i In furnish 4. h lMxt at $4.00 pel Imn.lrv'l. tf STRANGE ADVICE! A. D. BRADLEY FOR SECOND 1 1 WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO QUOTE THE LOWEST PRICES. GOODS All kinds of Household and other goods bought and sold. Don't fail to see our large stock of NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. A D. BRADLEY HARNESS AND HARNESS MAKING for eight years, and found it the U-st authentic for her lectures are selected medicine we ever used for constipation, with great care. It is heped that the billioua fever and malaria." people of hosehurg will take this oppor-1 MOSIER'S RESTAURANT In the same old place with more added. We have now eulargetl our restaurant entrance on both Sherdiau and Cass streets. MOSIER STANDS EOR BEST MEALS Dr. G. Cl rtert .il.-rt attention to hi icrrat humanitarian contract. fljlti our Almanac for many years past we kuut given unusual advice to those afflic ted With COUgha, colds, or lung troubles or consumption. We have told them if they did not receive any special benefit after the use of oue 75-ceut size laittle of German Syrup, to consult their doctor. We did not ask them or urge them to use a large nuuilier of bottlr-i, as is the case iu the advertising of many other remedies. Our confidence in Ger man Syrup makes it jtossible for us to give such advice. We know by the ex perience of over 35 years that one 75-cent Isittle of German Syrup will speedily re lieve or cure the worst coughs, colds, branchial or lung troubles and that, even in had cases of consumption, one large bottle of German Syrup will work wonders. tfNew nal bottles, 25c; reg ular size, 75c a A. C. MARSTERS DRUQ CO. FAMILY OkOCERIE All of the best grades of staple and fancy GROCERIES kept constantly on hand. FARfl PRODUCE And fresh fruit. Prompt service. Courte ous tieattnent. Bed nek prices and good goods are our bills for your tract e. Roseburg Rochdale The Co-Operative Grocery Store. Co. Read the Plaindealer for all the News