wito i rtieioiioal Social! (T3sw DRESS UP FOR THE FAIR Clothes Don't Make The Man But thcv go a lone ways in showing taste A well dressed man is a conservative man look his profession. Our Line of Fall and Winter Clothing and refinement. Man should fs now on our counteis and line ever shown in Roaebdrg. are remarkably low. THE LADIES it is the And the Will tiivl here many articles that will appeal to their keen setice of testae as R e 7 I BHRGKINS THE PEOPLES ' THE STORE OF EXCELLENCE" ABRRHHM, PROP. - - ROSEBURC. STORE I ! . . . 3 3 4 u i Tf " is unnons book and i ?vt oere ana i nere 35 'I Stationery Store School Commences this WeeK. I We are headquarters for SCHOOL BOOKS Supplies School Of all Kinds' and respectfully solicit 'your valued patronage Cannons Book and Stationery Store. f For Sale Cheap A good, gentle family horse; weinht 1200 lbs. Or will exchange for wood and wheat. Inquire of Mark C. Mun eon, Kdenbower, or aidress box Roseburg. Or. Phone WO. tf Coos Cay Option I hold an op'.ion for 30 dave more on valuable Coos Bay peninsula property t 1100 per acre. Adjoining acerage ha sold for $125 per acre. Can't handle al under the option t'me snd wish sorm one to take of 40 acres tract. Partic ulars address R. E. M., 110 Wash., St. Spokane, Wash. They Appeal to Our Sympathies The bilious and dyspepic are constant sufferers and appeal to onr sympathies There is not one of them, however, who may not be brought bark to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tab let invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also regulate the bowels. For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aids Nature. Subscribe, j Call and see us. Kead our advertisements. Patronize our advertisers. We do up-to-date job work. P. J. Jo'inson, dentist, Grave's build ing. 49tf If you are not already a reader, you j are invited to subscribe. Kef i our advertisements and profit by ltronizing the advertisers. New plaid and checked mohair suitings Ml received at Josephs on's. For Sale 15 bead of Angora goats John Ierner. Wardton, Oregon. Furnished rooms for rent at $3 per month. Apply to t2ti Rose street. slOp Keroember the Plaindealer when you ueed stationery tiood work and right Lunch at Jennings' Bkery. 74tf Hot coffee and sandwiches at Jeniiingi Bakery. 74 tf If you want cold ham or delicacies, -all at Jennings' Bakery. 74tf "Take -ytmr Osteopathic treatment regular Iv for postive remits. Many nt'w subscribers are le:ng; added to the Plaindealer list every day. Osteopathy will carry you through safely. See Or. Stndley for examination. Osteopathy makes many operation unnecessary. It readily removes tu mors, go:ters etc. prices. The mre you know about Osteopathy the letter you like it. Investigation leads to adoption. If you have a house to rent, place a little "ad" in the Plaindealer. It wiil :riug you a customer. Interest in the district fair's votiug -onte-t for the most popular lady in Oouglas c 'Unty is growing warm. J. F. Sawaera, lawyer and notary In Justice Long's court two suits were filed, by attorneys R. W. Marsters and J. A. Buchau, in which Hieber and Haines ask damages against J. W. Ison. One action is for fir', attorneys fees and costs, alleged to be due on a con tract for a well drill told by defendant to plaintiffs. The other case was IS claimed for sawiug wood. An at tachment was issued in the last race. John Miles, one of Myrtle Creek's respected citizens, paid the l'laindea!er a call and had his name enrolled among this paper's growing circle of readers. F. W. Woollev sold his nice residence to Attorney Coehow. Mr. Woollev left lor Portland Saturday. He is not sure where he will locate, but he expects to make his home somew here in the north west. Mr. Woollev 'a many Koeeburg irieuds are sorry to loose him, hut they will wish for him and his estiniat le family a pleasant home whereever thcv go- Notice of Election. Judge Hamilton decided yesterday that Marshfield's charter gives the city council the power to regulate the liquor traffic, but the balance of the county, including the various towns, must go "dry." This means that Marshfield is the only place in the county where li quor can be legally sold. It in now up to the city conncil to see that the traffic is conducted in an orderly manner, and that the laws regulating such traffic are enforced. Coos Bay News. Here's the way the Uuard pays a j "left-handed compliment" to the citv officials of Kugene The rainy season is with us again, at least was this I morning, and it did one's heirt good to see those puddles in the cement walks in front of Maurer's jewelry store and the Reception saloon again. It is not every city that for months and years can maintain miniature ponds in most pub lic places in sidewalks. It should be somebody's business to have these walk repaired so that the water will run off. The mayor, street committee, any one in authority, certainly should not per mit these most aggravating nuisances to be maintained anoti.er year. A resident of Douglas county advo cates the growing of broom com on any laml that will raise other corn, as tin seed has a commercial value equivalent to oats and is produced in large quanti ties. The seed is an excellent food for fattening turkeys for the market, there lore would yield a double profit. Fa cific Homestead. The Plaindealer was favored with a call Saturday from A.J. tnderson, of 1 Melrose, who has just returned from the Bobaaaia mining district. He brought : some lieauttful copper specimens from i the "Riverside" miue. The "Broad way" owned by the Oregon Secuilty Co. i and first discovered by Mr. Anderson, liasjmt made a remarkable "strike," ; which is creating much talk. The ores 'or j brought in by him runs 40 to the ton land there is lots of it in sight. The mines are located at the headwaters of the steamboat branch of the North I'm; via river. He regards this as one of the coming mining camps of Douglas county. P i Yoar Tuts. On Monday, October 2, the taxes for lst4 which remain unpaid will bedelin qient and Sheriff McClallen will have to take step; towards collecting the same. The law says that he must go aheai and levy upon such pmpertv and fell the same to satisfy the unpaid taxes. This is the last chance delinquents will hare to save themselves lots of trouble aod expense and they ought to govern them selves accordingly. CITY ELECTION COMING ON APACE to public. Oountv Othce op stairs Bank Building. Douglas tf Notice litirret'T given, that on Monday, lie .'nd da? of Uc ober. 1S05, mere will be a g. i.erai election held in theriiv of Roaeburg, Oregon for the election of the following offcer for mM city to wit: Oue Mayor, to leiv- for a period of two tear. uc Mmrin io terve lor oen. d rasas. One Treaurer to (en e for a peril d of I year lonncuaian from W d No. for a period of three yea One Councilman from Ward so. 2 tor a period of three je .1. One Councilman from Ward No. 3. i , ; for a period ol three tear One Councilman from Ward No 4. Jto atf lor a period oi three year. umiwuui'iiiuia irom Ward No. 6 for a period ol j tears. oue oouocntiiaa Irom W ard Su. for a period of i jear-c "i.e CouocildJa:. rum W r I No lor a period of three year. One Councilman from W arJ No lor a rerioa Ol . y an. Alao that by order of the Common Council there will be at paid election ubnuiu-d t the people the pieauonaa to w betoer or not :t i. desiraMe for the city to have the right ta 01 Municipal 0uer-hip of Wmm aud Ugh:, a. lollowt to-wit: ity Bond for Wafer and Light J'urpoar. jo-, exceeding Uuj.iou ' rill ire 1. to acne to trrre to a,-rt i. to S. to rrve to Si rt Letter List. Remaiuing uncalled for at the Roae burg postottice. 1'ersons calling for these letters please state the date on which they advertised, Sept. 13. IJ5. Davis Will ti Nrff Mr Lincoln Fickland Miss Rise 1'v.tterson Mr J B rr -t Mrs DC l'reaton tiuerald Harkell Mr 1. R Rice F F Hillman Kidth Rose Mrs I. M Hathaway Mrs II J K wley Mr John 11. we Mr FB Sedgwick Richard lugh Mr Fred Snd'h Mr J C McCoy Mr L D Wright W U McDowell Walter Sept in. 190ft. ftoondiiran Minnie Kochen Mr fi A The City election which is to be held Monday, October !, is.uot far away and already (here are inditations which in dicate that it may become rather inter esting, ere many days have t assed. For the important office of Mayor there are two avowed candidates thus fur heard from, with others to come to the front. Many citizens have been urg ing Atty. O.W. Kimball to let his nam. be used for the place. Mr. Kimball ii in no sense of the word seeking the of fice and it is only after being asked hy many representative citizens that ho will enter the race. Said one promi nent citizen, in speaking of Kimball's candidacy. "He is just the man for the place. He is inodeat and unas-uiii'ng He does not push himself forward, hut it is at tUe ropiest of his friends that he allows his name to be used. Mr. Kim ball has been a heavy taxpat e in this city and he would always be found ad- voca iug measures which would lie for tne tiesl interests oiliiiscnv. lo me he seems to be the very man for llir place." Dr. K. V. Hoover who is at pre-ent till ing this important place has been re quested to again serve the wople in litis difficult and trying place. After cart ful consideration lie has agreed to again try for the place. 1 uu mil pushing my self to the front in this matier," said he to tJe reporter, 'but Uiy, friends se m to thiuk that I have filled the office in a manner satisfactory to the masses aod j I am willing to serve them again in this capacity, providing they decide that 1 they want me 1 will favor any retorti I or anything that is lor the best interests of the people." The reHrter rail acmas Attorney F G. Micelii. whiHte name had li en MM tioned in connection w iti the rsi yor.tliy , race and, among oilier things that ( gentleman siid : "I am not in the race and never have been. 1 would not! have it ill could get i'. I have no desire to get the honor and, further. I , would not accept il U it weie offered ! me." Mats Mrrna( CaM. A nn rnlier of reprewntative cilizensi have taken hold of the matter of calling ; a dim meeting for next Monday at the Court House, at which time the ap proaching municipal election will be distnsred and important matters will be considered. This is a non-parti-an movement and is ha ked by some cf the best residents of the ity It should he ; largely attended and nu one ho has i the beet interests of the i ity at heart can afford to stay away. A ticket will j be named for the coming election and men will be pot up for the different of fices who will be backed at the polls. Remember the date and the place. Come To The Fair. SeeThe Exhibits. See the Largest House Furnishing Store in Southern Oregon. R 1 C E & R I C E HOUSE FURNISHERS From the Ch;apst To The Best. The store where you can get any thing that goes to make the house. We Furnisti Your Home for Cash or Installments. We guarantee every Price Made to be the Lowest Price When Quality is Considered. Two Special Good Beds at Prices tha Stagger C o m p e t ir tors. This Brass Rail Bed Special Price $6.50 Bjth Beds in White or Blue. 52 This Heavy Bed is a Sure Winner $3.75 COW CREEK MINES MAKE GOOD SHOWING Orders Always Given Special Attention THE STORE THAT DOES THE I USINESS. RICE & RICE. THE HOUSE FURNISHERS eai.l ballot being not Do a little work by having us send the t'laindealer to your friend in the east. It will answer the purpose of a weekly letter. If you have any metal, sheet iron or pipe work to do call on Winnie (iaddis. His work and prices are guaranteed to please. A sample copy of this paper may fall . into the hands of persons who have not been regular readers, and all such are cordially invited to join our circle. Wanted Light work that can be la etoe. Court Uuua. taken home light washing, ironing and -'ad Ward mending, Mrs m. . I.atiarr. Waits -j. 4. i-awineiu. H. c Addition. Drop a postal card. i6p Bloom Mrs Bena Harm s J B Bailey Mr R L Ka-ton Mrs E K 'own Mrs Villa Duiwril I' rest on ("lancis .1 F Kowler J F c for boa l'm the en. I Hnlin Mrs X TrVml"' "" ,rom ,UI " ""! Hanson Mr Feet That by order of the t'ommo:, Jdge and clerks of aaid elccli .0 ing place a-e a follow to-wit: in Wan Judges John T Long, F. W Bbambroek. t-.e -Koy lTlga. J Council the aud tile (Mill. Dlllard. h K Kirkley Mr Roy I -tne Mr Wm MrCanlsey Mr Jas VcElwee Mr V VcClellan Miss Roae Mitchell F M Moire Mr John Roger Frank Morer J A Piniih Miss Kdyth Strader Tom Walker X G T. Bridge Poll Hillman Ktta t Hsw kins Mr Geo Jemings Mr Henry Johnson W H The letters will be charged for at ifle rale of one tent each. C W Park' P M. Medicines that aid nature aie always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough F.emedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expecto ration, opens the secretions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by A. C. Marsters Hugti Clerk. (i la- L- t 1 11 For photographs, viewing, Id pic ; pUc, aiocum Hall. tures copied and enlarged, Hash light pictures and all work in the photo line 1 judge pplv at Graves. Home Studio 1120 Fletcher. Mill St. Phone 777. 815 Clerk-J a Bi:ch.nan j Place, Kocebur. Hou. tth Ward Too. 3rd Ward Carl Hoffaan, J. M stauton. w. j. Marcos W. Robbins, one of tiran a ; Pat-s's leading attorneys, was looking Carton, voting after some legal business in this city j Friday. SchacSer, J. at. StrnoD Caro. Voting Cured of Lame Back After I5 year of Sufferin&r. Dr. H. Physician diseases. L. Studley the Osteopathic cures acute and chronic corrects deformaties and removes foreign growths. Cousultion free. Phone or call for appointment. 4 Office in Abraham building. tf All dental work postively guaranteed by Dr. Pearson, office in Taylor and Wilson building. "I had been troubled with lame back or 15 years and I fonnd complete recov ery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, says John G. Bisher, Gillam, Ind, This liniment is also without an equal for sprains and bruises. For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co. For Sale Seven farms, close in, cheap; on time, . sj. Hamiltor. P. BeDedick, H. C. Voting LouU Kob!hat,ea, a. Euk j. Voting Biocum, Jr Clerk. H. U Mar tern. Iale Strange place. City if all. 5th Ward Judge John Xacbter, J. Bellow Clerk N. FulleruiD. Fred place. J. C. PullertoD' Barn. Sth W ard Judge-J W. Wright. B. 8 WichoU, L. M Parrott. lerk.-tcar Edward. Franklin Barker Voting place. Wm P. lobuaon Lumber Ofhca. Poll will be open from a. m. top m. of aid day by order of th Common Council. WltLea my hand and the aeal of tali - -- and for cash. Three sawmills, 15000 1 to Mtei tbi kUk day of Bentemher ic. a. X. ORCt'Tf, tf and up. Xine hotels. floOO and up. Eight restaurants, $1500 and up. Seven lodging houses, f 1000 and up. Address H H. Higley, agent, P. O. Box 47, Port land, Oregon. sll-8t CALL FOR IT STANFORD PURE RYE A K FOR IT City Keconler. It Hits the Spot. It Brings the Trade The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TEN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED TAKE MIKE JACOB & CO. Distillers, Cincinnati. Ohio k. B. MATIiEWES, Agest, Bosebirg, Oregon NO OTHER flUST HAVE ir Notice of Final Settlement. Xotlce il heretic given that the undenigned Ailmlniitrator ot the EiUte of Ferdinand Fortln. Br., beceaied, ha Bled In HMOaMMf Court ol Dougla County, State of Uregoo. hi final a- count a mch admlniatrator ol alf eitate, and that Friday the aith. day of October A. D., 1806, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M .hi. heen fixed byUd Court a the time forbear Ing of objection to said final account and the etllement thereof. bated rieptember ISth, 1905. L. 8. FOKTIN. A1mlnltrator of the Kutate of Ferdinand Fortln. Sr., Deceaxed. I i wick. If you If you If you If you want to buy a farm want furnished rooms want to buy a house want to rent a house to build a house to move a house If you want If vou want m If too don't know PAT Call on or addreai .. . F F. patteron. alPDIT m 1 Contractor nd tfuiider Roseburg Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tie Btate of Oregon, for the County of Dougla. Ktbel Marlon CaiHlel PlaintifTi Ti Frank F Carille uelendaut I To Frank F Carlila, above named defendant : in the name af the Bute of Oregon you at hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed agaiiiat you In the above entitled caae within ix week from and after the date of the tint publication 'if thl (ummon, and II you fall to so appear and antwer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court lor the relief demanded In te complaint, to-wit; A 11 saoiuiion 01 the marriage contract ezlntlng between you and plaintiff. Thi autnmou i publiahed by order of the Hon. 11 U Thompson, C unty Judge of Doug las county, Oregon, dated Aug. 31, iej. The dale of the first publication of thl sum mons is August 31, 1.0.. CRkWFOKU, CABDWILL A WATBOX, Attys for Plaintiff ti. A. Smith, one of Olall's oldest residents was in town Friday. He is expecting to spend the winter at Cbico, California. Smith Bailey and wife, of Roseburg. and Mr. Baileys' nephew. E. N "Bailey and wife of Iowa, left for Roseburg last Friday after a tour of our country Co qtiille Herald. Miss Zeis Zigler, the popular hook keeper for Rice A Rice, and her mother Mrs. Sarah Zigler, went to Portland . Saturday, where they will spend a lew weeks enjoying the big fair. Mrs. tieo. E. Honck and son, have re turned from the coast near Ilwaco, Wash. , where they have bet n spending the summer. Mrs. Simon Caro and daughter are I visiting in Oakland California. Mrs. F. L. Rosaell, ol Oakland is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Kelly. of this cty. Mrs. C. C. Grimes Is visiting relative at Grants Pass. V Mrs. A. J. Pickard, of Eugene) is the guest of friends in this city. Mrs B. D. Cooley, of Ashland, ac companied by her sister, Mias Claia Fietjen, of Great Falls, Montana, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Pretiyman, while ou their way to Portland. miss aeiue murrv, 01 tiold till is visiting in this city. C. Ross King, the Yoncalla banker was iu this city on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright and Mrs W. W. Thackerah have returned from Portland, where they have been attend ing the exposition. Chaa. Steiniger, left Wednesday for Portland to take in the fa r. J. G. Mack, of Portland is in this city this week looking after business interests A. May and wife, of Seattle, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Tip ton, returned to Portlaud enroute borne, Wednesday morning. Mrs. Paul Buckner, of Melrose, left fo Medford Wednesday- on account of the serious illness of her father, L. Demner, of that place. Mr. Buckner has tome fine garden stnff at the district fair thi week. A. Solzman and L T. Reixenstein This week J. M. Thompson placed "n exhibition in the Plaindealer tit w windows some titie-looking speci M n of ore from his mine on the W --; Fork ol Cow Creek That 4 comparatively j uew mining district it is coming; rapidly iW) notice as gning greit prntn-' ise Theee aauiples are from ore which has laxen assayed lour different tune by the Tacoma sme ter aud the showing made is troly gratify iiuv It gw from to tJ in copper . from S to ts in in gold an I from f-i to f7 in silver. It seems to be one of the liest qwartS Blia I ing pioperiiee in that locality. Mr. , rhompson has VJ potindi ol this ore on exhibition at the fair grounds Mr Thompson hss gone in at .nt lo feet and the ebowi g t wen met t etter 1 right along. He is nowdrivtng a tunnel. In that same region there are several , other apparently good mines and much development work wilr be done in that immediate vicinity. Due claim owned by Porter and Pick has been boundrd to an experienced t.olorailo miner lor 20 00V. "The Eagle" mine, owned hy Heory Martimlale is another property whicb it showing up nicely. A foot tunnel has just been completed and splendid ore is being found In it. At present the camp is reached only by a trail, bur, in case the mine bounded by Hinman shows np as it is expected to do, a good wagon road will be built to connect with the S. P. at West Fork. Another good property is owned by Carl Ohman. It has a ledge which is attracting considerable attention Frank Skinner, of Portlaud, is putting in a ditch to aork his placer claim. Married. BECK LET STEARN'S At Oakland. Or . Thursday. epr 14. lvatt. C. 1 Be. k ey and "wise May Stearns, Rev. C. L Lake, officiating. Caue of In'omnia Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or less and is o ten the cause nl insomuia. Many cases have b.-en permanently cured by Chamberlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by A C. Marsters A Co. Cannon's Book and Stationery Store is having some tine, new shelves put np in order to take care of the big stock of fall aod winter books. RheumatUn When paint or irritation exist on any part of the body, the application of Bal lard's Snow Liniment gives prompt re lief. E W Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, El Reuo.O. T., write Jnoe 6. ItJM; "I take pleasure in recommend ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are afflicted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy I have found that gives ;uimediate reliei." Soo, 5, 11. Sold bv A C Marsters A Co. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDR1ED 1 1 WE HAVE TAKEN IN HAND The collar question saving our custorne s a lot of annoyance from roughl tf ledges and sore f'"l necs- Notice ( J he pure white j 0 o 1 o r , ana general ap- domestic nnibh pearance ot our laundering no comparison to the ordinary king. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY A Rome Jy Without a Pee. have returned from a visit to the Port land fair. George Haynea, who is now in Alack. ia expected home early iu the fall. Postmaster Alexander, of Glide mingled with his Roseburg friend-. ruesday. Bert Sjerry and wife and Clyde 1'aulkner . nd wife have returned from the fair. R. A. Hercber was in from Brockway this) week an 1 re por thievery thing satis factory oat that way. L. V. Blackwell, one of GardinerV representative citii -ns paid his respects to the Plaindealer, Monday. Mil' Eda Roidman goea to Klkt n. the tirst of the week where she wili teach the young idea liow to shoot. Comnanv I)., O. N. G., will resunn drill, at the new Armory, Thursday evening, at eight o'clock. All meuiber! are expected to be preaent. Four applicants for eighth grad liplomat are taking the examination to day, in Superintendent Hamlin's office. E. Jaqnini, who recently came here from Rivertide, Cal., has purchased the Galillian place, out on the South branch of Deer Creek. The place contains 700 acres and Mr. Jaiiuint thinks that he has secured a bargain. The handsome paintings by Mrs. Eddy wife of Hon. B. L Eddy, at the fair grounds, one a fruit piece with a copy of the Review as a background and the other a Plaindealer, were among the drawing attractions. A. J. Haydon hat aet an excellent example for hit part of the city by paint ing hit two residences at the corner of Flint and Mosier street. He hat fixed up the sidewalks and hat greatly improved the appearance of things up that way. "I rind Chamberlaiu'a Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy 1 ever used for stomach troub'e," say J P Klote, of Edina. Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, bilious ness or constipation, these Tablet; are without a peer. For sale by A. C. Mart ters A Co. PORCH BOXES from new until further notsce THE J. C. F LOO K COMPANY are prepared ti furnuh fa.ae pel hundred. iK-ach boxes at tf S T R AN G E A D VI CBll A. D. BRADLEY FOR SECOND G WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO QUOTE THE LOWEST ' PRICES. O O D S All kinds of Household and other goods bought and sold. Don't fail to see our large stock of NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. HAINESS ANO HARNESS MAKING A D. BRADLEY Dr. O. O Oreeti rle alert peraoaat attentioa to hi great numanilarfaa contract. Oln our Almanac for manv vears past we have g.ven unusual advice to those afflic ted with coughs, colds, throat or lung troubles or consumption. We hare told them if they did not receive any special benefit after the use of one TS-c"1 Jg fx .tile of German Svntp, to consult their doctor. fAA'e did 'not ask them or urge them to use a large number of bottles, as is the case in the advertising of many other remedies. Our confidence in Ger man Svntp makes it possible for us tt give such advice. )JVe know by the ex perience of over 35 veara that one 7$-cent Ixittle of German Syrup will speedily re lieve or cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or lung trouble and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large bottle of German Svrup will work wonders. fNew trial boUes. 15c; rejjr alar size, 75c v 1 A. C. MARSTERS DRUO CO. FAMILY GROCERIES All of the best grades of staple and fancy filOCERIES kept constantly on. hand. FARH PRODUCE And fresh fruit. Prompt service, ous tteatment. Hod ruck prices goods are our bids for your trade. Oourte and BOod Roseburg Rochdale ram - a an . I he ' o-uperative brocery store. Co. v3 Read the Plaindealer for all the News I