I SALE We 1 iave placed STOCK. Including SUMMER DRESS GOODS; SHIRT WAISTS; LADIES' SHIRTS; REMNANTS OF CALICO; SILKS; WOOL GOODS; OUTING FLANNEL; LADIES' WOOL SHIRTS ETC. Men's and Youth's SUITS at a PRICE that WILL and MUST SLL them. We must make room for our new stock, so come early and get the Pick of the Assortment. THE PEOPLE'S STORE THE ROSEBURG HOUSE HARVEY JONES. Proprietor Rates 1.00 per day and upward New Brick. New Prompt Services. S. P. Depot Grounds Furnishings, Opposite the THE CELEBRATED WASH INGTON ANY FLAVOR AT JENNINGS BAHERY L AND CONFECTIONERY Cleaaluaess. Superior Pastries Heats is Our Inducement for and Sweet Patrenate. M0S1EBS RESTAURANT In the same old piace with more added. We have now enlarged our restaurant entrance on both Sherdian and Cass streets. MOSIER STANDS FOR BEST MEALS J. FALBE'S RESTAURANT When in town and don't know where to ear, ask your friend and they will direct you to ff FRENCHY'S" OPPOSITE DEPOT Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic Physician cures acute and chronic diseases, corrects deformatiee and removes foreign growths. Consultion free. Phone or call for appointment. Office in Abraham building. tf I naaWaaf'aasntsnnV i ' aYiaKl lennv Jwil I RANGES If in need of a Range, buy one our celebrated Toledo Ranges. We guarantee every range sold, and if it does not give entire satisfaction, it costs you nothing. An elegant line of Furniture, carpets and rugs in stock all the time, also Wall Paper, Window Glass. e e e B. e e e e W THE FURNITURE MAN ROSEBURG - - - OREGON a a SALE on SALE the Odds and I : LOCAL AMD Chronology of Local Events Osteopathic cures are permanent. P. J. Johnson, dentist. Grave's Mid ing. j 49tf Bay Roadiian is doing the Portland Ur. , Picking, packing perfect peaches pro duce profit. Hildreth Sutherlin visited relatives at Oakland this wee!.. Misses l.eonaand Gertrude Matbews are visiting in Portland. J. r. Hamilton and w ife are attend ing the fair at Portland. Concrete sidewalks are being laid in many of the small towns. S For auything in iron work, heavy or light, call on V C G. Attorney F. G. Micelli and wife are attending the fair in Portland. Rev. C. EL Lake is spending a few days fishing and hunting at West Fork. Misses Kdith Cardwell and Mabel Leonari visited friends at Kiddie this week. All dental work by Dr. Pearson. Wileon building. Mrs. Glen K. postively guaranteed other in Taylor and tf Woodruff and son. Uaroid. are visiting relatives in the Willamette Valley. S K. Sykes and B. J. T. Portland to do their part parr.de on Elks day. J. E. Sawvers, lawver Ras: were in in the Elks and notary in Douglas 'public. Othee up stairs Counts- Bank Building. tf If dissattied with the ancient "dope'' system, trv the Osteopathic method. It alwavs gives satislaction i A - machine has leen invented for wrapping fruit. Forty thousand pieces of fruit have been wrapped in ten hoars. , Wanted 40 hop pickers. Will pav 1 cent per lb. or 50 cent a bx. Apply to X. LaRaut. Sr., P. U. address Wiibur, Oregon, sip It is reported that the Southern Paci fic ha bought the Weed railroad and will push its constructions ou rapidly to Klamath Falls. Some of the beet peaches the Craw -fords are coming into market now. bat there is a big shortage of fruit this year and fine stock is scarce. L. Wimberlv and w fe and Miss Kl-ie Benedick have gone to do the fair. Mr. W imberiy is a delegate to the Trans Mississippi Commercial Congress. Adam Fis: er and wife, Misses Ella j Fisher, Agies Thompson an! Millie; Agee are autong those who are in at tendance at the Lewis k Clark Exp et tion this week. The engagement has been anncunced of Ivy Emmitt, daughter of Hon. R. A. Emmitt, and Mr. K. North. The mar riage is to take place on August 17, says the Klamath Republican. Key Geo. H. Ritchey, Mrs. 1 H Shape. Mrs. J. M. Clovd and daughter. Lain, and Miss Effiie Hester left Tues day morning for San Francisco to attend a National meeting of the society of the Christian church. Mr-. Mark C. Munson is enjoying j switch plug. It is suspicioned that be visit with relatives and friends at Ke!- ' lt,re leaving town he got the liquids logg. Mr. Muneon has invited us to dine with him but we do not consider the time opportune to accept the kind invitation. Mr. Linsey has a beautiful display of Early Crawford peaches in the Plain dealer window. Tbey measure from 10 to 11 inchee in circumference. They will be preserved in acid and sent to the connty exhibit at Portland. Colored cooks have been displaced by white men on all the dining cars on the Union Pacific railroad. Criticisms were made that while the colored man's cooking might be of a superior quality, he was not so cleanly or painstaking as a white man iu the traveling kitchen. STRONG SALEl Ends of our SUMMER I. ABRAHAM, PROP. ROSEBURG, OREGON. PERSONAL E I and the Passing Throng. m m O Osteopathy cures rheumatism. Bind concert tonight at the depot Blue bandana handkerchiefs at Jo sephson's. Mr M. Dmr is visiting relatives at Myrtle Creek. Mrs. A. Parsley has returned from Portland and Eugene. Mrs. L. F. Minard and children have leturned from Portland. Attorney IVxter Rice made a business visit to Drain this week. Miss Relle Carlon is the cue-it of lier aunt. Mrs. Dnacooab, at Raeklea. E. E. Wells and Gee. Byron, of Olalla. are in this city on business today. Mi's Marie Turner of this city left Wednesday for Portland to enter a Port land schoot. I.ee Pillar. I, wife ainl son. Fred, left this morning for Por:land to send a week at the fair. Dr. II I). Studley Osteopathic Physi cian w ill Ik? at home ready for hiisiuesi Saturlay Aug. 12. The I' aindealer is certainly giving its readers their money's worth there days It's an ideal country paper. Kain fell at Porttaad yesterday, but not a drp at Koseburg. Sometimes it rains alae on the unjust. R. R. Nicholson, of Albany, and W. C. Jackson, of Eugene are rgi?lered a Hotel McCiallen. Mrs. Ralph W. Terrill and lit'le son are the gue-ts ot Mr. Terrili's paieuls at Mehema, Marion Co. Mrs. V . S Hamilton and mother and sister. Mrs. Kidder am Mies Beeeic, left this morning for Portland. Swimmim; Thinks A new lot ol men's and boys' swimming trunks just received at Josephson's. Miss Beatrn-e Aldrich, who bai been visiting her parents in this city, re turned to her home in Salem today. Miss R-rvl Stephens, sister of Mrs Roy McCiallen. who has been viiting here for some time, left this BsOrainf for Portland. Mrs A. VY. Coon, of Portland, an.l sister in-law . Mrs. Z T. Ham. of this city, arrived here from Portland W ed nesday evening. Mrs. W'm. A. Border, of Vyrtie Point, an aunt of Hon. Binger Hermann, left this city on the m rning local for Wil lamette valley points to visit for a short time. Five lots tfcdfl at Salt Lake Citv summer resort : also M00 shares of good mining stock in Warden, Idaho, mines. Will trade for Oregon property. In quire at this office. si p He didn't catch any fish while gone on his vacation, but oar Flmer Scho maker, the handv bov in the machini- cal department had all kinds of a good ! time down on the Youcal la. Salem Journal. Fritz went out for the usual mo'.orcy , cle ride last evening and came in an hour later with one pedal, a punctured t re, a loose sprocket and detached mixed, filling the bicycle Koseburg beer and his o mi tank tank with with gasolene. There wiil be a Mothers' Meeting of the W. C. T. C. at the residence of Mrs. A. C. Marsters on the evening of August 15 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Lewis, the state superintendent, will conduct the meet- ing. There will be music am! refresh- i ments and it is honed the members will come and bring their friends. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by the young people of West Koseburg August 12, at tlie residence of Mrs tiill, the occasion being a surprise party given in honor ol William LaVern Stockwell, who has just returned from California. The elegant supper, consisting ol sand wiches, cake and lemonade, was fur nished by Misses Clara Asher and Jen nie Stockwell. Mr. Stockwell must ad mit that the reeepHcn given him by his Oregon friends surpasses the wealth of California. Notice to Campers I am now prepared to convey camping parties to and from the mountains or sea coast at reasonable prices. For par ticulars call on J. W. Dowell, Rosehurg, Or. Phone 295. tf Own Your Own Homk Own it now. Stor. paying rent. I live in Riverside addition to Koseburg, tne tueen City of Southern Oregon. I want you to live here too. Location, soil, health, terms and prices, all correct. Send for pic tared folder, or see me at my office. I'm in earnest; are you? 31 p L(.dib Bak.ek, Rosehurg, Orer For Sale 31 head of Angora Coats; all young goats and in good condition. Price reasonable. R. P. Havdon, a 10 14; Cleveland, Ore. Death of Two Prominent Citizens Mrs. Mary C. Purrott. wife of L. M. Parrott, died at bar home in North Uoselmrg Aug. Id. lJ,l!i, a:'ter an illness of several months. Sninal menimriii- Braa the cause of her death. Mrs. Par i rott was U years of age. She hag bean in poor health all summer, but not un til Friday was her case considered as critical. From that day she steadily 1 declined until the end. lira. Parrott has been a resident of Koseburg lor 17 years. She was a most ! estimable lady, a devout Christian and j enjoyed the esteem of the entire com munity, to w hom her death came as painful intelligence. Surviving Mrs. Parrot is her husband and four children : Mrs Ethel Oarljrle of this city; .1 W Parrott oi Geyservihe, Calif., and Mrs. N. N. Chapman and Mi-s Kurodora Parrott of Colorado ; also one brother, .1 . .1 . Belli oi Missouri, and two sisters, Mrs. li. I.eek of .Missouri, and Mrs. s. Woodruff of Santo Fe, N M. The fin oral was held Thursday to lav St 2 JO o'clock from the Presbyterian church in this city, of which Mrs. Par rot was a member. Services were con ducted by Rem .). A. Townsend and K. H. Hick-, iateremeat in the Masonic cemetery. Dtath of G. R. Lirjtr. G. K. f ineer. a resident of Rosehurg for thejMOl twelve veins, during ten of which lie was engaged in business, and : a veteran of the Civil War, died at his i home here Wednesday morning, August lrt, 1906, at the age of .57 years. Death Came as a result of several strokes of j paralysis which Mr. I.inser has suffered during the past few months. The last ' and most severe stroke occurred Thure- j day morning, paralyzing Mr. I i user's right si le and rendering him entirely helpless. From that day on he failed ( rabidly until his peaceful death. Mr. I.inser was a native of Germany. : When seven years of age he came to the Ueited Mates with his parents. At the outbreak of the Civil War, when still in his teens, he enlisted in the Federal Nary. He was a member of the crew of the famous frigate "Hartford." A.I- tniral Farragnt's Hagship, at the bsttle of Mobile Bay. Several years after the close ol the war. Mr. I.inser locate.! in South Dakota. In 1K!:' lis moved to Portland. Oregon, and a year later re moved to this city and engaged io busi ness, continuing therein until two 'years ago, w hen he was obliged to retire on ac count of iil health Mr. I.inser was a member of R.wehurg Lodge No. Slg, B P o. Elks. He was an evaan lery citizen and had many triends. who will be grieved to learn of h:s dismise. Mr. I.inser is survived y his wife and four children: Mrs. J. H. Sykes and Harry I.inser of this city . Miss Hattie Linear of Portland, who t as been in at tendance at her father's lie-Ni le for sev eral week past, and Miss Emms I.inser f Ctrpenteris, Ctlif. He also leaves two sisters and a brother in New York Mr. Linker's aged mother died hereonlv a few months ago. The funeral waheld from the family home this warning at II o'clock, under the auspices of the Elks' lodge, services (ire conducted by Rev. E H Hicks, in terment in the tKid Kellows' cemeterv X." Mrs S S Catching of Riddle is the guest ol her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Morian af this city. Thorn arm a partial ec'ipse of the' moon Monday evening, observed aboaM 8 'M o'clock, R. Brun. field and wile of Indiana, are the guests ol their daughter, Mrs. C. B. Patrick of this city. Miss Merle Moore returned Tuesday evening, after a two weeks visit with relatives in S uthern Oregon. Pastor E. H. Hicks will preach Sun day morning on "The Slaving of Gol-I lath," in the evening on "The Straggles of the Soul." Wm. H.nlson, H. Btow n and Ben j Dowell have returned frcm a fishing and hunting trip to Bed and Elk Mountains, Big Butte and Cpper Cow Creek. Mi?s Mary Cnrren, teljgraph operator' at 'phone office, who has been visiting for the past six weeks at her home in Cottage lirove is again at her place in! the lK-al office. Mrs. J. T. Fowler and child of Long Beach. Cel., who have been visiting the , family of I. Abraham returned home Tuesday, accompanied by Miss Vivian i Yett of Yoncalla. For photographs, viewing, old pic-' tures copied and enlarged, flash light ' pictures and all work in the photo line apply at ;t. raves. Home Studio MX Mill St. Phone 777. S15 H. Ahrahamson, wife and family, who ueen visning tne i.swts ana Clara Falr re lhe Mr. Abrahamson's t,iteT' Mrs- S,mon Cro. todr. on : way to their home at Oakland Calif. What Thorns are (iood For," will be thesuljectat the M. E. Church next Sabbath morning. Preaching also at i night. The public is cordially invited to these services. Thomas Jefferson Boyd, the printer, ; has resigned his position with the (irants. Pass Herald and accepted the positiou as solicitor for tlie daily Port lam! Journal. He passed through Rosehurg the first of the week on his way to Coos to work that (county for the Journal. He's a hustler in the field Of late a number of boxes of fresh ripe peaches of the best grade have been slopped to the Douglas County exhibit from the numberless orchards of this vicinity. Among those shipped were elegant peaches grown by Stephens, Lyons, and Linsey. Six large peaches from the orchard of Mr. Linsey fill a fine exhibit jar in this office. The jar is is inches tall and the cavity is 3 inches wide. We have several of these jars to lie filled so bring your big peaches. Five lota 50x150 at Kelt Lake City j summer resort ; also 5000 shures of good mini"K tok Warden, Idaho, mines. Will trade for Oregon qu-re at this office. projierty. In si p Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. E I ward P. Cochran an nounce the engagement of their daughter-, Lucia Helen, to Mr. George Thomas Pratt, of Olendale, Orsgonrthe wedding to take place Keptemberli. Salem Journal. In the Circuit Court. Suits against Thos. (,'. Bloomer, pro prietor of the Hotel McCiallen, have bean filed in the cioeait court here ag gregating over $4700, and the lease of the Hotel McCiallen held by Mr. Bloom er has been attached by both the Doug las County Bank and II. .Marks & Co. of this city. John K. Sutherlin, former owner, has tiled a suit against Mr. Bloomer, to foreclose a mortgage on the entire hotel equipment in order to satisfy a promis sory note for $5000, on which Mr. Suth erlin alleges only $'785 14 has been paid. The note was executed by Mr. Bloom, r in Mr. Sutherliu's favor on March SI, 1!04 According to Me. Sutherliu's com plaint, the note was to be paid in regu lar monthly installments of 800 with interest, but that after Feb. IS, 1906, the defendant ceased making payments. Chan Hi, Mr. Bloomer's celestial cln f has Btied for back salary, for himself and assistant, amounting to 11356., be hav ing conducted the cooking department of the hotel for the pat 16W mouths and has only received $ I -Ho. II. Marks .v. Co. sius for money due on a promissory note issued Anril 88. 1005, for fsiii' s;, only f'pi 10 having been paid on same. Between May lb and May .10, the complaint alleges that Mr. Bloomer purchased goods, wares and merchandise to the value of $1899 10 pan which f'iS 7ii. being two and a half months ...anl, has beee paid Marks V Co. ask (or judgment for 781.78 sud $75 attorney fees. The Dougles Connty Bink sues for $300, with interest, from Julv 8, 1906 at I per cent and 40 attoruev fees, alleged i to be due on a promissory note of $400.' upon which $100, and K21 35. interest, has been paid. Attornevs' Cardwell and Watson appears for the plaiutiff in all cases. From the suits filed one would natural ly believe that the Hotel Vcl'UUeii was a piece id ba I property or had been orly managed, but such is not the case. We are informed oy parties who ate in a position to know that the Hotel McCiallen baa leen making pood money. ; but U,t Pr,'nt "ud receipts of this uoiei nave Deen use. I to sqoare accounts against the Hotel Revere at Albany, the other property ! Mr. Bloomer. The management of the Ho-el McCiallen has been first ciass and there is no complaint against it either by the traveling pub lic or the local people. Mr. W'estrtrook, manager of the hotel under Mr. Bloomer, has Iwro place! in lull charge of the house since tne papers of attachment have been served. Mr Bl.Htmer is not in this city but will arrive here from Albany tonight, we understand, and it is probable that he will take immediate ateps to settle all accounts. Other Cases Files C- I. I-evengood has sued Stella Ab shire to recover $lir alleged la 1 due for locating defendant on of government land. a quarter section Plaintiff has .,- tached the f illowing property el l.-fen.l-feudant: Lot rt ol blpcfc SJ, Third onthern Addition to Koseburg. I Ctias H. Bailey vs Nellie Bailey, suit for divorce. Parties were married in Curry Oenaty March IT.', UMh Com plautt alleges that Mrs H.i .ey deserted her huelaud ieavtng the state. At:-, r- neys' J. C. Fulierton and J. Huutlv at.- " at fur the plaintiff. WhCr Not tO Spit. I know that the sidewalks are handy, my friend Yes, the walks are convenient indeed When you feel a deep seated de-ore to ahead And let go of the juics of the weJ. But the law says the sidewalk is sacred, old uian, So I want to remark on tFe sly That yoa ought to spit over the curb if yon can. And I know that you can if yon try Alter striving a while you can do this ' with ease, And in doing be less of a t lob ; We are trying to throttle the germs ol disease. And we ask you to help in the job. We can keep all the sidewalks as clean as a floor. Or as clean as a porch, every bit. If each man will attend to the one little chore, If he'll only learn where not to spit. Mrs. tieo. A. McLean and family, who have been visiting Dr. II. I.. Studley, have returned to Minneapolis. Mrs. Studley and children will accompany them to the Fair and also to Seaside en route. Mrs. Tynan, of Oakland, is the guest of her son. Conductor Fd Tynan, and family of West Kosehnrg. Nothing on the Market Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to druggists everywhere, and nine out of ten will give their customers this preparation when the best is asked for. Mr. Obe Winner, a prominent druggist of Joplio, Mo., in a circular to his customers, ssth : "There is nothing on the market in the way of patent medicine which eqnals Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea remedy for bowel complaints. We sell and recommend this prepara lion" F'or sale by A C Marsters & Co. Stockholders' Meeting Notice is hert by given that the an nual stockholder.' meeting of the I'mp qua Coal Company will be he'd at the office of Albert Abraham in Rosehurg, Oregon, on September 6 at I p m for the purpose of electing directors for the en suing year. U. W. Dimmick, Pres. aU-31 N. F. Thkonb, Sec. Herbine. Renders the bile more fluid and thus helps the blood to flow , it affords prompt relief from billiousness, indiges tion, sick and nervous headaches, and over-indulgence in fool and drink, ti L Caldwell, Agt. M K and T R R, Che cotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April is, 1908: I was sick for over two years with e largement of the liver and spleen. The doctors did me no good, and 1 had given up all hope ol being curd, when my druggist advised me to use Herbine. It has made me sound and well." 5oc at A C Marsters A Co. RICE & RICE HOUSE FURfiiSHERS ii?V I GREAT MAJESTIC RANGES AND: RELIABLE STANDARD RANGES. I The Model Opens H. Wilkinson's new sahon The i i Modal was opened to the public last sat- UM1V nigUV IHU lilllUUKII uo iuuuuuit ..,.." i MWaM had his hands full serving the many I friends who visited the place. The Mod- : different from any other liquor : store in this city from the lact that the front does not hare the appearance oi a saloon but is an . elegant vestibule en trance with dieplav cases on each side for case goods and a neat well filled cigar case counter. The front of the saloon is of plain glass without blinds or painting, a neat colored glaae parti tion with swinging doors concealing th bar from the veetibule entrance. In thi room is an up to date set of bar fixtures where the best service is given to custo mers In the rear are store and private rooms. Mr. Wilkinson certainlv has a n,,.!! Ml.-win an.t is ailfeit in hi Work by Harry Moore late of ike famous Log Cabin saloon of Portland. Rheumatism When pains or irritation exitd. on any part of tbe body, the application of Bal lard's Snow Liniment gives prompt re lief. F: W Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, F.IReno.O. T., writea June 6. Ptr.' : "I take pleasure in recommend ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are afflicted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy I have found that gives immediate relief." 5c, bi, $1. Sold bv A C Marsters It Co. Hack for Sale A good two tested hack to sell or trade for wood or hay. Can be seen at Hoilis barn. Blacksmith Tools for Sale. Blacksmith tools, complete for set henry work. Price $30. Address Box 9J. Yoncalla, Ore. A FAMILY SAFEGUARD Dr. Creen arranges with the Meet of Dr Bo kef t h.in.l'.r her famoua Uncle' Gtcat Thrviat n.t Luug Cute. QThe Iwst 'amily safeguard is a reliable hou sehold medicine that will cure croup, counhs, colds, chilly sensations, running eves and nose, sore throat and bronchial affections that will keep the childrei proof against all contagious diseases. qSuch a medicine is Boschee's Germat. Svrup, which haa a record of 35 years in the cun- of consumption, eatarTh and all lung and bronchial troubles. OJTne fame of German Syrup as a con sumptive cure, since its purchase by Dr. Green from the niece of the famous Dr. Boschee, has extended to all parts of the earth. It has big sales everywhere, ta qTwo siies, 25c and 75c. A. C. MARSTERS DRUQ CO. .t:h ei Tlie Home of all that's Good in F URNITURE and House Furnishings The Largest Line of Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum are Here CASH OR INSTALLMENTS. Tents! Tents! All Sizes. Camping T'hairs and Stoves. Crockery and f'liinaware Are Here in Big Lots It's up to you to trade at THE STORE THAT DOES THE BUSINESS SOLE AGENTS FOR r-., r .. . . . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. r o u 1 1 A P. F L I I W U CURTAINS and sore Notice white 1 LAUNDRIED I Society Jtnntinga. A: A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Holds rarular meetings on laicona and f arth Wednesdays o' each nooth W. W. Thackkah. W. M. JN T. ,'i Br. O. ELKS.-Roeebe $26. Holds regular lions at I O. O. F. Hi ELKS. Rose burg Lodge No. commumca- Hall on second aid fourth Thursdays ol each month, vll members requested to attend rean erlv and all visiting brothers are cordi dly invited to attend. C. B. Cassox, E. R. W. H. Jamiksox. Secretarv . CO. D, 1st SEPARATE BATTALLION O.N. O., meets at Armory Hail srsry Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. F. B. Ha us. Capt. F OF A., Court Douglas No. 32 For esters of America, meets each Tues day evening in Foresters' Hall. Vis iting brothers always welcome. F'siti STArrraa, C R E H Lcxox, Kec Sec . E N Hooveb. Phvsician L O. O. F. Ptiitetarian Lodge So. S. I Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor- ear Jackson and Cass streets, on -tatnrdav evening of each wees Mem-' er of the order in good landing ar or, ted to attend. C. F. HARPsrca. N. O N.T. JawtTT, oecjetary A. D. BRADLEY FOR SECOND V WE ARE I THE PEOPLE JJ WL WHO QUOTE M THE LOWEST t W PRICES. jx) GOO All kinds of Household and other goods bought and sold. Don't fail to see our large stok of NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. HARNESS AND n ,n DDflniPV HARNESS MAKING A. U. DuAULC I 2 - j r WE HAVE TAKEN IN HAND Tlie collar question saving our custome s a lot of annoyance from g h f :-' - - ledges r-Tr 1 1 necks. color, domestic mush and general ap pearance ot our laundering no comparison to the ordinary king. R0SEBLR6 STEAM LAUNDRY h. of P. Alpha Lodge So. 47. Meet every Wadoeaday, in I. O. O. F Hall a. 7 :30 p. m. Members in good standing are invited to attend. Jas A. Puutr, C C. M. F. WaiORT, K. of R. A S. LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members in good standing are invited to attend. M ybtlc Loso. Guardian Neighbor. Clara Bobk-V, Clerk Second and Fourth Thursdays. 0.' E. 8 Rose burs Chapter No. 8 Holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each nonth. Visiting members in good standing are reapectfullr invited to at tend. Mrs. E. J. Stroud, W. M. Free Johnson. Secretary. H NITED ARTISANS, Vmnqua As sembly No. 105, meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month, in Native Sons' hall. Visiting members ! will receive a cordial welcome. A. C. Maj bstcks, M. A. Missis Jo.ni e, Secretary 1AOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak i WW Camr No. 125. Meets at the Odd Fellows' Ha! i. io Roaeburg, every 9rat and tnird Monday evening. Visit nm n shier K Knr ara s walrvimn J. M. Raiw.ee. C. C. N. T. Jiwstt. Clerk. D S