1 OFFICE OPPOSITE RICE We have some Exceptionally Fine Farms, d PitiT PrArorfv o n Ti t-1 o n c isa lomp o n rl email X j ""V r tracts for sale. I FIRE INSURANCE? t Best companies represented Town and Couu- a 5 try property insured. 1 1 ' Anyone wishing to sell their property can 1 1 do so by listing it with us. Write for price list 0 of Farms and City Property. 0 D. R. SHAMBROOK, President ! N. F. THRONE, Secretary J j We will tag and display any Grain or Produce ' f brought to our office. II 1 1 II 1 1IIS I BE m ' '.' . j WHEN YOU COME TO PORTLAND Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry : a place I where yon will be shown every courtesy and treated as you would be in your own home, town or city. The Forestry Inn Is such a place, and it stands within one block of the Ex position Entrance, on 25th Street facing Upshur. THE FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin style: furnishings, cuisine, and management conform thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights: hot and cold water and free baths. From the roof a view is had of the Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Pin ing service a la carte and as reasonable as in any part af the city. Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50 Special Rates to Parties of two or more MEALS A LA CARTE THE FORESTRY INN, Inc. ADDRESS, P. C. MATTOX, Manager, or H. M. FANCHER. 25th and Upshur Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON l JUST ARRIVED FIGS HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS RASINS CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND : GLASS WARE X Anything you need for a J. F. BARKER CT STANFORD PURE RYE It Hits the Spot. It Brings the Trade The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TEN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED TAKE NO OTHER MIKE JACOB 4 CO. Distillers, Cochwati, Mr. H B. MATBEWES, Agest, Bosebtrr, Oregon HI WALNUT IE ing bill of trees for one dollar. All orders should be sent in by the first of August. Send one dollsr and we will book your order for next Fall. The retail price for this dollar bargain would be as follows : 4 Walnuts $1 00 1 Butternut 25 1 American Chestnut 25 1 Mammoth Blackberrie . 25 1 Kit hea or Rose o Hharrm 76 One fine rose, will be sent bv sending 10 cents name the variety. Bend 6 cents for oataiogae telling yon all about the Walnut Industry. BROOKS & SONS WALNUT NURSERY, CARLTON, ORE. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house If too don't know PAT Call on or sddres . . . F F. ARTICLES OF JEWELRY Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gifts for Gents Suitable Gifts for Children Finest Line of Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg ft IghtlOoods igtn Prices girt Place 1 i 3 RICE, CASS STREET I - m - . I ! I I I I NEW STOCK FINE CHINA WARE ORANGE PEEL Fruit Cake or Mince Meat 1 C0. Phone 201 jj nusT HAVE W In order to Introduce our nursery we will make a special offer to any one sending in name cut from Plain dealer. We will sell yon the follow Cos tract sr nd Baiidsr Rose burg, Oregon. 5ALZMANS . ' -'-iin I 4aw TifiHarnirail I I Humor m Philosophy By DIM. AN M SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS- Aftor a man has parted with his hair bis chief desire is to part it. Few men lOalan what a splendid im pression the; COUM make by keeping their mouths wliut. A man's wife discovers tbat be should have a raise Id salary long before the boss does. No matter how much they may suffer, few men are heroic enough to try the harvest field for lnaomnbt. It requires extra good eyesight to see a friend In need. Don't expect a man to forgt It if he does you a good turn, because he won't. The honeymoon, like Luna, to dim mest if the couple are on their last quarter. When a woman to singing the baby to sleep, there is where the listener gets some real music. Divorce costs more than marriage. It is like aping Into a free show where they take all of your money away from you liefore you get out. As a matter of principle some men refuse to be good unless they can draw a salary for It. If nature never makes a mistake, aba ' oapt'in)r tilnra a.Mn ill i I i.klr.M ... , . . P:cmc Plenum When It rains on picnic day. What a disappointed crowd Gathers round and In dismay Watches sach dark, heavy cloud Scurrying across the blue Picnic parties to undo! Hampers open, tallyho 8!snaUa away down the street. All the girts afraid to go. While to stay tin such complete Foolishness It makes you swear (To yourself) that you are there. Soon the storm is bound to break. Hurries up the talleho. In - hustle bread and cake. Close the hampers, hungry go On our dismal homeward ride. While the raindrops play outside. Everybody's out of tune. Half a down gtrts are mad; Then, if he la not Immune To bad temper, every lad Flmis there la the. deuce to pay When it rains on picnic day. A Slow Saw. "He la saving his money to buy a marriage license." "Has be g i the girl picked oat?" "No; he doesn't see any use of being in a harry. The license costs S2J50." Very Frank. "I will give you my answer in a week." "Will It be favorable 7" "That depends on bow my brother reports on your rating." Plain Enough. "You know there were giants In those days." "Which daysT "The days when there were giants. you goose." If They Are Human. I wonder if they love and hate And sins and dance and go to war On stars, snd If they sit up late To learn about the baseball score. I'd like to know about these thins. If Joy and pain they understand. Some day when I'm possessed of I'll go and take them by the hand. Confessed Relationship- "Brother Jones, I think you are a fool." "That must come from your habit of calling me brother." Not Any More. "She la forty years old If she la a I oaj. "That settles It for I guess she would own up to being a day." Might Be an Improvement. "He threatens to blow oat bis trains." "Think his friends will notice the I7fference7" Teachers' Examination. Notice it hereby given that the county superintendent of Douglas County will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state and county papers at Hoseburg, as follows ; FOR STATE PAPKRS. Commencing Wednesday, Aug. 9, at nine o'clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday. Aug. 12, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, History Spelling, Algebra, Reading, School Law. Thursday Written Anth., Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Book-keeping, Physics. Civil Government, Friday Physiology, Geography, Men tal Arithmetic, Composition, Physical Geography. Satnrday Botany, Plane Gometry, General History, English Literature, Physiology. POBOOt'NTV PAPRRS. Commencing Wednesday, Aug. 9, at 9 o'clock a. m , and continued until Fri day, Aug. II, at 4 o'clock p. in. First, Second and Third G.ade Certi ficates. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Orthography, Reading. Thursday Written Ariih,. Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Physiology. Friday Geography, Mental Arith.. School Law, Civil Government. PRIMARY CRBTIPICATE8. Wednesday Penmanship, Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, Reading. Thursday Art of Questioning. Theorv of Teaching, Physiologn, F. B. Hamlin, Co. Sopt. rSSBBBBwaSSS flour A AUfiAT-Of: A aCo jtindanf Had FUree StfuggU With an n raged Saurian. Penned 111 a small brick tank In the Central park loo. New York. William Snyder fought a lively battle with a huge alligator. Snyder didn't call for help. It Is a point of honor with boo keepers to tight their battles alone. Because of this nothing was known of the fierce fight In the alligator pen until Snyder had dropiMHl over the feuce almost senseless, with a part of his clothing stripped from his body by the teeth of the huge saurian. The alligator pen needed cleaulug, and the tusk was assigned to Snyder. He entered upon the work carelessly and nonchalantly, as keepers are likely to do. He vaulted over the low fence Into the Inclosed apace In which lie the tank. This space Is twenty feet square, and the brick tank la twelve feet long by eight feet wide. Whistling cheerfully. Snyder started to drive the (illlgators to the far end of the tank, from which the water had been drawn. He Jabbed a sharp pike into the flesh of the uuderbody of the smaller gators, the only tender spot on the scaly monsters, and soon had them moving away In a squirming luass. The bis fellow In the tank, who is known as Lanky Bob. was ugly and morose. Wbeu the pike struck hlaa he cracked his huge jaws together uud showed no sign of moving. Then S iy der leaped Into the tank and prodded the big alligator viciously. Instantly the tall of the alligator slashed through the air like a great whip, striking the legs of the keener and knocking them from under him. Snyder was dazed by his fall and al most helpless. A gisnce showed a great ugly head bearing down toward him and two great jaws oening over his less. With a spasmodic movemeut the keeper Jerked his legs from the Jnws and managed to get to bis feet, onlj' to be knocked down again. The huge saurian was dashing about the tank like a runaway automobile and ap peered to the startled keeper to te ev erywhere at once. Snyder managed a second time to get bis legs oat of the way before the al ligator cloned upon tbem, and then, staggering to his feet, be jabbed the sharp ended pike Into the uuderbody of Lanky Bob and held hint tmck for a few minutes. The alligator was lash ing about so that this was a precarious position, and Snyder attempted to climb out of the tank. The alligator was too quick to per mit this, however, and every time the AS KB SCKAstPLltD OUT TOT ALLUUTOB waa cuaasi BSJaTam stix. keeper let aw h Is grip on the pike the beast would smash against bis legs, knocking him down. Finally, however, be forced the sau rian back to the other end of the tank and. making a run for It attempced to leap oat The alligator had turned tike a Hash aad plnawd the keener be fore be could get a war. His Jaws snapped upon the skirt of Snyder's coat and tore away a long strip of cloth. Then the battle began In earnest. Snyder, losing bis temper, prodded and Jabbed angrily at the saurian, which dashed angrily about the tank, hla tail slashing and whipping about with such frightful rapidity that Snyder was sent to the floor time after time. II al ways guarded himself with the pike successfully, but be waa fast losing bis strength, while the alligator waa growing angrier every moment At last the pike was snapped out of the keeper's hands by the alligator. Snyder wae nearer death at thla mo ment than ever before In bis experience as a boo attendant but be kept his nerve aad made a successful leap for the edge of the tank. As be scram bled out the alligator was close behind him and tore away another lotvf: strip of hla clothing and. following the keep, or out of the tank, chased him around the Inclosed space, lie finally seised Snyder again, bet ferttinately the doth gave way, and as the keeper leaped the fence and fell on the grass beyond he had bat little clothing left. Only occasionally Is there a favored individual who can draw a aakiry for looking wise. To avoid slips between the cup and the lip a man should take hia drinks through a straw. A woman's will may be stronger 1 than b man's, but a lawyer would Just as aoon breali one as tbe other. XMRVBMMaHaassxsjBinaflaasM No woman can look beautiful without good health. A woman's good health depend on those organs peculiarly femi nine, and which so often heroine disor dered, causing misery and dragKiiiKdown pain. Nature's law's are perfect, health endures If you olx-y them, but disease follows disobedience. The distressing complaints of women are often brought about by catching cold at a critical period, breathing foul indoors' air and King hours of work and nervous tension. Go straight to Nature for the cure to the forest. Ir. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription Is .Vuiirr's cure for the dis trnssing complaints of women. Prof. King, M. 1)., I" hi American Dtspeaea tory, says of Black Cohosh or Black Snake-root "our early American In dians set a higji value on this not in diseases of women. II in wmrpamtA Ity no iiOter dnn, in BOSKMatfM comMion of the j sifts where mere ore dragafNg pi tin and tenderness." Lady's Slipper root Is a "nerve stimulant and tonic, Improving Ixilh circulation and nutrition of the nerve centers favoring sleep and cheerful condition of the mind: of service in mental depression, nervous headache. Irregularities of women with despondency. "-W. Klny. Besides the above Ingrisllents there are -Golden Seal, Unicorn and Blue Cohosh rct in Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Ir. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Advises will !' sent free, paper bound, for 21 one-cent stamps, or ejow-bonad for :il stamps. Over Kl page and illustrated. Addrs Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. V. Or. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with "Favorite Preserl ptlou " w hen evur a laxative is required. To Hunters August 15th the or en season (or the tilling of buck deer commence?, and closes with Oct. 31st. Sept. 1st the open season (or killing o( does oiena, and closes with Oct, Mist. Both must be killed between half hour be(ore sunrise and one hour afl , f un set. Kach hunter mutt secure a license from the county clerk of the couniy. Cseaty Trtasarcr'f N net Notice is hereby given that all parties holding county warrants endorsed prior to. and including, July :t, l'i ;, are re quested to present the same to the coun ty treasurer as interest will cease there on after the date of this notice. Dated Hoseburg, Oreg., .lulv 17, lij5. G. W. I'lMMM K. Board of Equalization Notice Notice is hereby given that the (Vaard al K.jualiation id Ioaglas County. Oregon, will meet in the office c( the County Clerk o( said County in tlie court hou e in the City o( Hoseburg, Oregon, on Monday, August SB, nsj5, at o'clock a tn. and will continue in ses sion until Saturday, eptember 2nd at i o'clock p. m. lo publicly examine the assessment rolls and correct ail errors in valuation, description or iialiliee of land, lots or other pioperty. Now, therefore, all parties who may be ag grieved by reason of valuation, descrip tion or otherwise as to their assessment will please tske nut;, e as above slated, and make their complaints to said B-wrd of Ko,ualization. Otherwise t: eir assessment will stand as made by the tsseesor. Dated Monday July 31. 1H0A tisn. W . Stu.V, Assessor Douglss County, Oregon, Cattle Ranch for Sale 30 acres on Seven -Mile Creek abont five miles southwest IromFort Kismatb, Oregon. All fenced, house, large barn ample water supply, will rut about eighty tons wild bay. Address, with references, P. O Box 9X1. tf Tacoma, Wash. Title Uuarantec&Loan u. KOUBCBS, 0BB80H. I. D. HABULtOa, rraatdant D C. Ha.am.TOa, ascy. aad Trasa isles la the Court Hons Hsve tas oaly com siesasst of abstract banks In Door I as Coob't Vbatracu aad CmiScata of Title furnish. J Ooaclaa county land aad talolaf claims. Harr Uao a oomplsts set of Tracings of all township Plata la lbs Rosebarf. Oregon, V. 8. Lsnd Dls rlct. Will oaks blue print copies of say town ship kv sasaa , 1 m, m av - ine uninese varnisn aiaae to Walk Upon MADE IB ALL COLORS Casrry. aUbstasy. Oak. Rararal. Btr For Floors, Bar Tops, Furniture and General Household Use. Come to our store and get a sam ple of Chi-Namel applied to Take it home and teat it First Strike the wood sample a heavy blow with s hammer, sod note that while the wood may be indented s quarter of aa inch, the varnish has not marred or cracked. This proves tbsl Chi-Namel is very elastic Second Place the wood sample ia s tea kettle, sod sole that boiling water dess not tors it whits This proves tbat Chi-namel contains no rosin Third Apply whiskey This proves tbat Chi-Namel will stand upon bar tops. Fourth Allow s can of the varnish to stand open over aight, and note that there is no evaporation. This prove that Chi-Namel contains no beoiine. Fifth. Spread varnish over flat snr faos, and brush in every direction, aad note "self levelling" effect. This proves that all brush marks disappear, snd the result will be pleasing no matter bow insxperisnced the applier may be. OM Boon ess be mats ts look Ukt sw bard Ho need to bay saw faraltam. Cal Namel win make old farm rare look BBTTBR tfcss in fare! rare Tak so saseatste . Ws isvtts res t prtve ts yourself there is BOTaUBO "jest as coed a CM Bamtl ' BoM txcHMivsl by a TEkS & CO. BBB illjgiaeaMaaaMBaaM Adffiittiitri.ri-'f Met IB th Olfailt ft iH of tn State Of Off oflj in and fOt the ' on air of Dotif las. In the Matter of the estatei o! W. W. Walkei, Deceased, ; llotlce is hereby given that the undersigned AdminUtrator of the above named eatate, will purauant to an order of the above named Court, msde on the iird day of July, 1906, and enter. . I on record In ttM Journal thereof, at pee l'JS, of Book 12, of the Probate record! of raid County and Court; which order so made and extended, directed the undersigned Ad ministrator to aell the real properly of ald ea tate tereinafter named and described, at pri vate aale, for cash, ten per cent to be paid at lime of aale and balance at time of confirma tion ol tale. The undersigned Adudnlatrator will, on and after the 51B day of Auguit.A D. 1'-" offer for and aell for casii, leu per cent ol pun-hue price to be paid at time of aale, and balance al time of confirmation ol aale, all the right, title and Interest of the asld w. W. Walker, In and to the lolloulug de scribed real property to-wlt Hie north half of the uorih eat inarter and the north-east qaartsrel the nurth-west quarter ol section alx '.), ti.wiu.lnp twenty nine (-" south of range sli (6; west, of the Willamette Meridian, in bougie County, Oregon, contain ing l.'l seres, together ariU the 'eoemeuls, hereditaments ami appurtenencee thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Application to isirehsM- said real property will he received I the umlertlgned Adminis trator, si Dlllar 1, Oregon, on and alter Ihe n day of August t, ! i90r. Paled this fib day or July. UWi KIM, AH WALK Kg, Administrator of the eetat of W. W. Walker, deceased. TIMBER CLAIMS ANO HOMESTEADS LOCATED I have some (rood claims, (arm and ranch lands (or sale, reasonable, in one of the most beautiful valleys on the coast, write or phone to Wm. M. Porter, Camas Vallen, Ore. 25 mile.- s. w from Koweburg vis Myrtle Point I, J, Norman & Co, Cigars, Tot accos Confections, Fruits Bakery Goods Always fresh SHERIDAN ST. NEAR DEPOT . MRS. H. EASTON is prepared to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a foil and complete stock of GROCERIES All fresh and of the Terr beet quality. Teas aad ceffaee are specialties. Your patronage solicited. MS Jackson St.. RtMcburf Up ROSEBURG BREWING & ICE COMPANY The (.arcest and Beet Kquipped Brew ery in Southern Oregon. Roseburg Beer has a Reputation through out the Coontv (or Its PURITY and purity means Health. Brewed only from selected Barley and Choicest Hops. Special Brewed Bottle Beer Our Specialty Direct delivery to your residence in ((uantities of one case or more. J ELEPHONE 141 laTOaaMi You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets resd over Ihe Denver and Rio ttrsn.le Railroad. Ihe Scenic 1.1 nv of Ihe World" BECAUSE There sre msnyrtrvaicaltrsctiona and piiluta of Interest slons the line betrvu Offien and livuver that the trip nrver boi-umts tiresome. If yon arerolns; Kal. wrllc for inlormalion and srl a SSBtt hook thai sill lell you all about it. W. C. MceMUDE. Gen. Agt. ltd Third St. PORTLAND, OREGON BETTER LATE THAN NEVER THE FAMOUS PEATER SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS, BUGGIES AND SPRING WAGONS AT S. K. SYKES ROSEBURG, OREGON m f "HIT THE TRAIL ' TO f KRUSE & MEWLAMO'S ) V" FOR C000 GROCERIES J KRUSE NEWLAND BARMARD'5 LIVERY, FEED & STACE STABLES C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor FIRSKLASS RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AD AT REASONABLE KATES. STAIE TO MABHFIEIB, WITH BEND AN ALL COOS C0OTY POIJfTS LEAVES DAILY AT 6 A. M. FOUR-HORSE STOCK-QUICKEST TIME TO THE COAST STABLES CORNER WASHINGTON & ROSE STS , ROSEBURG. PHONE 661 e Professional Cards. EOKtiK at. B OWN, Attorney-at-Law, Oocrt Hons Don rJtaira EOesBCIUi.ORa Km C. SEELY, M. D. OFFICl Dosclas Coast) rusk BwiUiaf. Rooms 11. 11 ami is. Pbooe U KOSEBIKO OHEC10N fR. GEO. K. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. assess ILrrlew H.j KOdZBCRljr Psoas. Mala 11 OESQOB W. HAYSE8. dentist, BoKrttag, TwlephonsWo Si BVtms aa-! i usuurah 1 1 s rt. , A M. Cauwroao a J. O. Watson Attorneys at Law, lAt, Bank Bolidg.. BCssSBCka. Oh lZr.?'c " J C. FULLKRTOH Attorney-at-Law. Wtl' practice la all UM Stale aad rsdaral Court. OtBoa la 1 P W BHKSON. Attorney-at-Law. Bauk Bulidln - KOJEBrRO. OkKGON DUCHAHAS A URENI.SGER J. A. Btcba5as I. L. GaaxiMsx Attorneys-at-Law Rooms t aad : Marstrrs Building BOSEBl'RC. OKExiOS Call For City Warrants All persons holding Citv of Rjeeburg warrants endorsed prior to June 3, 1901, are requested to present same to me, at the sheriff's office, for par meet. In terest on said warrants will cease after date of this notice. Dated this 5th day of July, H06, H. C. locum, citv Trees. The searon for hunting de?r opens Auguet 15 and ends November 15. I THE JOY OF LIVING CAJT BUI mxT Hit BJBJBBJ WBIX TOC The Popular Liver Medicine Will Keep You Well A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases produced by TOR. RID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system with Arsenic Calomel and Outruns. They act as rank poisons which vitiate th blood, debilitate the system, and leave a trail of bad symptoms which requira years to obliterate. HERO INE Is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic poisons, is absolutely harmless and la the simple remedy of nature. It carries sff ell poison at the system and laavaa no injurious affscta. CURED BY HERB1NE AFTER OTHER REMEDIES FAILED Mr. L. A. Htcis, Iredell, Texas, says: "I was sjek la bed for eight months with liver treeble, the elector seemed to do am ao good. I wea told to try Her bine, and ft cored gag in a abort time. I cannot Seconuasod this wonderful aedictae too highly." TAKE IT MOW I LAIQE BOTTLE, 51c OCT THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS. U. S. A. SOLO A. C. HARSTERS & CO. Fresh Family GROCERIES A complete stock of all the best brands of staple and fancy frro ceries. New and fresh goods on which we have removed the tariff. All kinds of early vegetables and fruits kept constantly on hand. Highest market price paid for all kinds of farm produce. UP-TO-DATE GROCERY 3 JAS E. Sawyers Attoruey-at-Law NoUrr Public Room 6, Cpsuira, Douglas Co. Bk. Bid Roaebure. OrasrOfi. W. MASTERS A ttomey-a t-La w Notary Public t Mars ten Building J- R- CHAPMAN, D. T. S DENTIST '. Telephone No. Utl Boars: a. si. to 5 p. as ; Abrahaa Boi'dias Rosvbors;. Orrftas r.:; II. J- o.-K nCU, Lf. BK. V DENTIST i Abraham Boiidicg , ROS8BURG. OR. I DR. P. W. HUNT DENTIST OAKLAND. OREGON r H. Little, i i . . M P ISrl Tl C "T i T - - m a . t . t Oakland. Orefon FRAME. ALLEY Architect. Abstracter. Abstract o.' Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land. and Efmate for all Build- j JnesT t Special designs for Office Fixtures Blue Prints of Township Maps showin ail vacant Lands. Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415 ROSEBURG. OREGON ENJOY GOOD HEALTH RECOMMENDED BY i