SALE We have placed STOCK. Including SUMMER DRESS GOODS; SHIRT WAISTS; LADIES' SHIRTS; REMNANTS OF CALICO; SILKS; WOOL GOODS; OUTING FLANNEL; LADIES' WOOL SHIRTS ETC. Men's and Youth's SUITS at a PRICE that WILL and MUST SE1X them. We must make room for our new stock, so come early and get the Pick of the Assortment. THE PEOPLE'S STORE LL THE ROSEBURG HOUSE HARVEY JONES, Proprietor Rates $1.00 per day and upward New Brick, New Furnishings, Prompt Services. Opposite the S. P. Depot Grounds ." ." THE CELEBRATED WASH INGTON ANT FLAVOR AT JENNINGS BAKERY mm CONFECTIONERY SKnr Partrie ul Swttl Fttniait. RHk 1 Omr Iaaeea.Bt far MOSIERS RESTAURANT In the same old place with more added. We have now enlarged our restaurant, entrance on both Sherdian and Cass streets. MOSIER STANDS FOR BEST MEALS J. FALBE'S RESTAURANT When in town and don't know where to eat, ask your friends and they will direct you to "FRENCHY'S" OPPOSITE DEPOT lUnLuUlU DRAIN, ULullulL! Thi arhool has for the coming year: A strong faculty; maintenance as cured ; teacher' review class i a graduating class of over 20 ; course of tudy ex ended to five years and made equal to the California and Wa.h ngton Normal Schools 8chool year opens on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1905. Vacation at Thanksgiving mi Christmas Second semester open January 29, 1906. Tuition $3.00 to $5.00 per term. Rate at Boarding Hall, Board in private families orefer to "batch" for which facilities re AAraau logue address SALE on SALE the Odds ami Local and Personal. P. J. Johnson, dentist. Grave's build ing. 49tf C. O. White and wife, of Myrtle Creek, were in this city today. Rev. J. H. Hicks and family spent Saturday with friends at Winchester. Justiee'John T. Ixing and wife are at tending the Portland Exposition. Osteopathic treatment always im proves the health when taken properly. Dr. H. L. Studley will be absent from bis office in this :ity until August 10. tf Mrs. C. S. Henry, nee Agness Beckly, of Portland, is the guests of relatives in this city. All dental work postively guarantee.) by Dr. Pearson, office in Taylor and Wilson building. tf The first peaches of the season were brought over from Koeeburg Wednes day. Coquille Herald. G. J. Bacher, dentist, is now occupy ing the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Fisher in the Abraham building. The grain crop in the Willamette valley and Southern Oregon is not turn ing out near as large as was anticipated. Z. L. Dimmick, the well known Oak land business man was looking after but-in ess matters in Roeeburg last week. The Trail at the Exposition will here after be kept open on Sunday's as a re sult of a decision rendered by Judge Frazier. Ittorney-General A M Crawford and wife arrived in t hi city last week and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. EL Richardson. Celia Goodman, daughter of L. Good man, the shoe man, who has been visit ing in Portland for the past month, has returned home. Mrs. T. R. Sheridan and daughter Misses Minnie and Grace, and son George, left Friday morning for Portland to attend the Exposition. Bread, pies and cakes like mother used to bake when you use Bash ford's "Pride of Douglas" flour. Accept no other brand. Only $1 15 per sack. Miss Nellie Knrth, of Portland, who his been the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. H. Hunter, of this city for the past month, returned home Saturday morn- Ed Osmondson, of Milbank, S. D., is in this city the guest of his brother. Nels. Mr. Osmondson expects to spend some time in the wilds of Oregon hunt ing and fishing. L. L. Clark and daughter, of Mart, Texas, who have been visiting with his brother, Cbas, Clark, of this city, for a short time, left Saturday morning for Portland to attend the fair. Arthur Mahoney, of the Roeeburg Soda Works, announces that he will now commence arranging bis new store room in the Hoover building. A fine bowling alley will be installed and a show room for the famous Roeeburg soda water. Thoe, Bloomer, of the Bloomer Hotel Company, arrived in this city from Al bany last night to look after the man agement of the Hotel McClallen during the absence of Mr. Weetbrook. Mr. Bloomer reports business booming at the Hotel Revere in Albany. Bert Weetbrook and wife of the Hotel McClallen left on this morning's local for Portland where they will "hit the trail," shoot the chutes, go up in the baloon, visit the streets of Cairo, and see the sights at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, Bert says he is going to see the whole show or bust his suspenders. I OREGON per weea. wuu eveij - - at from 3 to 4 per wee, many FuF..B good. ror mnner parucuiars uu ssssssi Minn ounuuL ft 1 Fmmm SALE! Ends of our SUMMER I. ABRAHAM, PROP. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Don't wait until it is too late. See the Osteopath now. Osteopathy will benefit you more than a trip to the springs. J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and notary public. Office up stairs in Douglas Couutv Bauk Building. tf Don't fail to see Dr. Lowe's new suctions eye glass. ' It does not pinch or uiar the nose. Prof. Fred Bouebrake and wife left this city Sunday morning for Portland to do the big fair. Mrs. Geo. Child, of San Francisco, but formerly of Roseburg, i visit iug friends in this city. Geo. O. Scubner, a well known fisher man from Astoria, was registered at the Hotel McClallen last week. Mrs M. DeVaney and daughter, Helena, who have been visiting relatives in Portland for the ast month, have re turned home. D X. Hernick, ot Indiana, who has been visiting friends in this city and Eugene, left this morning for his east ern home. W. T. Dement arrive! in Kosehurg from Myrtle Point with 131 head of fine beef cattle Saturday for George Kobl hagen, the butcher. Prof. J. E. Patterson and Mrs. Inez Miller have been employed to teach the Wilbur public school for the next term commencing in September. Deputy County Clerk Glen V. Wirn berly is taking his vacation. He will do the Trail before returning to bis duties at the clerks office Geo. Robertson expects to open the Model Barber Shop in the Hoover build ing early next week. O. D. Fisher will hold down one of the chairs in the new shop. Miss Effie Lh rpening. of Eugene, was the guet of her brother. C. D. Chorpen- ing, of the Rochdale Store of this city, last week, returning to her home Mon-. dav morning. j John P. Barger, railroad foreman, who ha been running on the Woodburn- 1 Nation branch, is now running extra out of this city. His family will move here soon to reside. Telephone connections have been made np Oak Creek to the Tipton place IS miles east of Roseburg. This new rural telephone system comprises rj subscribers including Mt. Alto ranch. We were informed as we go to press that S. P. Stewart, principal in fie j Roseburg schools, has tendere 1 his resignation to the school board, leaving a position to be filled by the board. Ge-. Koblbagen will make another large shipment of cattle to Portland next Wednesday. Today six car loads of fine cattle were received from Haynes. Hood and Dement, of Coos and Curry county. Jas. Xewland, the grocer, ha re turned home from the Portland Exposi tion, accompanied by his wife. Jim says he don't know much about the gen eral exhibits, hut that the "Trail" is certainly alright. Miss Laura Spalding has resumed her position on the Plaindealer composing force after an enjoyable three weeks va cation. She witnessed Drain's disas 1 trous fire and says that had the wind been blowing from the north as usual the entire town would have been liable to destruction. "Weary" Wilkinson has received nd is now installing the new fixtures for bis up-to-date saloon in the new Hoover building. Mr. Wilkinson has spared no expense in purchasing a first-class outfit, and the Model saloon will, withoot doubt, receive its public patronage. share of the T. H. Hill, the supe. intendant of the I North L'mprina Fish Hatchery, has re - turned from a visit to the Ixwis and Clark reposition. Vt rule tbere Mr Hill visited the government display, and is well pleased with the lessons learned from the extensive hatchery operated by the (ioverntnent in their large ex hibit. North Bend is to have a $10,000 opera hall. Cbas. Kckhoff, a North Bend pio neer, and one of the wealthiest men in the county, has already settled upon this determination and has an architect drawing the plans n specifications. The new opera house will be 50x100 in dimension and will be two BtorieB high. Elmer Bashford returned Friday night from a viait to the fair, his family remaining in Portland for a few weeks longer. Mr. Bashford was well pleased with the big show and pronounces all the exhibits first class, hut liken Idaho exhibits better than any other state. Douglas county he says compares favor ably with any other, but is not arranged a attractively. A new time schedule, No. 60 ha been issued to take effect on the S. P. lines in ()regon, July 29, at 12 a. m. Trains at this station are not effected by the new card the only material change be- ing in No 12 which arrives at Portland nereaiier ai o:oo p.m. instead ol i: 10 the time Mng enorteDej u Illinuteg between Turner and Portland a distance ol aoout ou mile. .No. 15 will leave portiand at 8 :45 p. in instead of 8 :30 p. m A oew train No. 80 and 81 local I - I. ll ... 1? . , , ; sswws hswsw w rurrmii wrove moil ... .:. Did You lrvr? Didn't yotl never climb th' back fence after mother'd said you shouldn't? Didn't you never go in swimmin' when you'd promised her you wouldn't? Didn't you never find each garment when you come out had a knot in? Didn't you never hear th' feller from the water yell "chew cott'B?" -Didn't you never find a knot o hard that you could not undo it? Didn't you never have to go home with a sleeve with no arm through it? Then try to tell your mother that you hadn't been in swimmin' And wonder at the awful incredulous. ness of wimmin? . G. Gilbertson of Glendale went to Portland this morning to attend the fair. .Miss Marie Taplin has gone to Salem to accept a position as stenographer with a Mr. Lee. Mrs C. E. Roberts is enjoying a brief summer outing at London Mineral Spring near Cottage Grove. Mrs. William Bonebrake and baby who have been visiting in the Willam ette valley have returned home. Judge Fill lerton and family are enjoy ing a rest and vacation at Ixmdon Min eral Springs near Cottage Grove. The district fair premium list is out ad copies may be had by addreaaluii Secretary F. A. McCal , Rosebnrg, Ore. Mrs. Edith tvelley of this city will leave for Oakland Tuesday to visit for a short time with her mother, Mrs. Rus sell. N. Rice and fami'y accompanied by I'ncle lea Rice went upon Rock Creek Saturday to enjoy a pleasant summer outing. Miss Merle Moore o! the Plaindealer comioeing force, went to MedfordSun day to spend a three weeks summer va cation with relatives. Mrs. Rabat of Rosebnrg is now visit ing the family ol Mr. Wm. Moore of North Bend and will return home the last of this week. Sorth Bend Citizen. The San Francisco Olympic Athletic club 1L' memliers strong, wer passen gers for Portland this morning to enter in the great athletic try-out at Portland Friday and Saturday. The editor's father has recovered suf t'u lent I v from his recent paraletic stroke to be able to walk about a little with some assistance. The editor spent San day with his father on the farm home as usual. Mrs. F. J. Beidier and son Alfred, re turned to their home near Wilbur Sun day after a two weeks visit with Mr. BeidlerS brother Ira (Conner, near Cot tage Grove, who is recovering from a se vere illness. Dr. H. L. Studley, Frank EL Rogers of this ritv, and E. J. Clement of Lin coln, Neb., will leave this citv Tuesday ! for the coast on a bunting and fishing lr,r "'1 " nt until Atigost iu. Bi Kmp nd im" uk "otice. Mr. J. T. Bridges, who was severly injured by Iwmg thrown from a wagon seat while at Brewster Valley is n"w rating easily at her home in thi. " Her mother Mrs. Mary Hotlifield of Urla ls visiting with her thi week. Mrs. A. T. S;.'h. r of Rosebnrg, daughter of Mrs. L. M. Perry is viaiuog with her mother who resides here fcr a few weeks. Mr. Steiner will arrive about the first of August and will also spend a few days on the Bay. StaCwa- Bend Citizen. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mis Catherine Miller of Roseburg to E. C. Voting which event will be cele brated at the home of Mr. W. .(.'. Clark at Portland, Aug. 2. 1H06. Mia Miller is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Miller of West Roseburg and is well known in tin citv. Sheriff H. T. McCiallen returned from Portland thi morning where be went Saturday to temporarily relieve Mr. McClallen who ha been attending her sister. Miss Jo Orth, who recently un derwent a delicate surgical operation at a Portland hospital. Miss Orth, we are pleased to report is recovering very nicely from the shock of the operation. eo. M. Schwendler, a deserter from tlj? gunboat Denver, who has been in this city for the past week, reported himself to Sheriff McClallen as a deser ter and will be returned to Mare Island Navy yard for trial. Schwendler de serted bis ship in Philadelphia ten months ago and has become tired of - evading the law and being unable to make a living a easily ashore aa aboard ship has decided to take bis medicine. Sim lair E. Stewart assistant principal of the Roseburg schools has been sp- ixiinttii to a iKMtition as instructor in tht j v g shoots in the 1'hilippian Islands. ! Mr. Mewart passed an excellent civil ' Hervici) examination sometime ago and 1 was offered an appointment soon after- wards, but as the position and salary i did not suit lie declined and aa a const quence he ha been offered an excellent position at a much better salary which he will accept. . ... Camp Mectinf; at Elk Creek There will be held at Tiller, Oregon, at the mouth of Elk Creek, a Camp Meeting, beginning Aug. 10, aad tending to the 20. The ministers who will be present are Rev. Allison, of Myr tie Creek, the Rev. Pierce and Bristol, of Canyonville and other. Tiller offer good accomotion to campers, such as hav and grain, atore, etc. The groundw for camping are excellent, having large mineral spring near by. For past' time there ia firat-rate bunting and rial ing. A large attendance and a good meeting expected. All are invited Committed. Own 1 ooa Own Hons Own it now Stop paying rent. I live in Riverside addition to Roeeburg, the Queen City of Southern Oregon. I want you to live here too. Location, soil, health, terfhs and prices, all correct. Send for pic tured folder, or see me at my office. I'm in earnest; are you? 31 p Loots Barccc, Roseburg, Orer Born. BOWMAN. At Myrtle Creek, Oregon WORK COMMENCED ON ROSEBURG HOSPITAL Healthful and Sitely Location and a Conveniently and Elegantly Designed Building Through the courtesy of Father O'Car roll Plaindealer representstive wat permitted to inspect the plan for th new Roeeburg hospital this morning. A most sitely location has been secured on a alight elevation overlooking the Ump qua river, the Southern Pacific railroad and this city, in West Roeeburg, the site being surrounded on the north, south and west by stately oak trees, the soil being of a dry, sandy and gravelly formation. The building I of modern design and will be finished inside and out after the latest approved hospital plans. It will have a concrete base ment, two stories and a commodious at tic. Each ward w.ll have its own ward robe, the hall are wile and airy and ill of the compartment including the surgeon' room are moat conveniently and commodioualy planned. Five men and a many teams began work this morning hauling grave) and sand for the concrete foundation work, and excavating for the basement will begin at once. It ia hoped to have this new and worthy institution completed aud ready for dedication before the rainy season seta in. It will be a most valuable acquisition not only to Rose burg but to the whole of Southern Ore gon. TONIGHT SING ING EVANGELIST Mr. and Mr. J. C. McClallen. of Chicago, from the Moodv Church and Bible Institute, will speak and sing in the Methodist Church at 8 p. m. If you love good singing and do not wish to mis a treat come and hear them w hile they are in Roeeburg. All welcome. Come early. Final Tryeut at Roseburg The Final Tryout for the election of a rifle team to represent the state of Ore goo in the National contest at Sea Girt, N J., to be held Aug. 4. 2ft, and 36, 105, will be held in Roseburg daring the coming week. Adjutant-General W. E. Fimer will conduct the same in person and will act a team captain. Major Baker will ac company the team a instructor and Lieut. Kelts will be r potter. During the recent encampment at Gearhart thirty men having the highest core in the stale ware tried out and from the 30 the 20 beat were selected ; these ia turn will again be tried oat and the beat fifteen will const late the team. The final tryout was ordered to be held at Rosebnrg on account of the ex cellent target range at thia place it hav ing bean pronounced after an lotpection toy to Adjutant -General aa the beet range in the state, There i now a car load of ten Use and equipment at the depot. Tne camp will probably be near the target range on the Creasoo tract. The 'JO men to try out are a follow : Capt. F B Hamlin, Co I' 11 Bat; Capt R U Seott, Co K, 3rd Reg ; fcsrgt White, Co M, 3rd: Sergt Mjr Royle. Hits inger. Co L, 3rd : Cor Geo E Houck, Co D, lit Bat Sergt Sam Grabb. Co B, 1st Bat ; Pri AO, Johnson, Co D, 1st Bat : Pri C S Jackson, Co D, 1st Bat , Cor N S Rider, Co M, 3rd . Sergt F G Stewart Co D, 1st Bat ; Pri Fisher Co C. let Bat; Sergt P A Livealey, Co I, 3rd: Sergt SchwarU, Co K, 3rd; Sergt Gil bert, Co C, 1st Bat ; Pri McLocklan, Co L 3rd ; Sergt W 8 Threlkeld. Co D, 1st Bat ; Pri Perdue. Co A 1st Bat j Sergt S Morris. Co A, 1st Bat. It will be observed that the above list contain six Co D boys, and that it is safe to predict that the team will in clude all six of them . Letter Remaining uncalled for at the Rose burg poetofnee. Allison Mr Q 9 Murta Mr Robert Adam Ida A Moore Mrs J W Byer H O Naoman Miss D Coimell Preston Parrott Mr A H Finley Dee Petrson Mist Bell Frankhn Wilbur Parmelee R H Glenn Mr J D Rice Miss iunn Mr E C Rich Annie Gunn Edgar Robertson Dr J P Harris John Straaat Mr John Kenney Mias Merriona. Smith Mr Bob Lam peon Mr Eari Jerome Person calling for these letter ill please state the date on which they are advertised, July. 31, 1905. The letters will be charged for at trie rate of one cent each. C W Parks P M. PERT PARAGRAPHS, Unsung songs may be the sweetest. but It Is not true of unklased kisses. A AND HE JM0 iVl. awTl Mr. A friend with too long a memory Is not s true friend. Boms people, although advanced rad icals, do not believe In the govern ment ownership of too much red tap. When a boy gives his chum the cor of his apple. It Is safe to bet that there Is a worm In It It Is said that time waits for no man. but how about the fellow who is home RI C HOUSE FURNISHERS GREAT MAJESTIC RANGES AND': RELIABLE SAME OLD KNOCKER. Where Is tlx man who summer. He who was fearful MaJ u a man who haa WJt with a plumber. Throwtns Brick maJly at storm Where Is tfce (slto aw who kicked up the row Is ha for certain enjoying It now? Mercury now tn Its slender tube Soon In a vapor twUl neat tkroutTk the air; Heat in the atmosphere glimmers and I shimmers Routine s-od frisxlins aad f ryln trunai there Where la the man who was hnntsss tot this? fain would I find him aad case oa Us bakes. Pavements are hot aa a city slictlsa: Even the brnsis are made of hot aftr: CrrUl clear Ice Is the only confection That can (tad favor or llchten our ear. Btllt I am loneing to look at th man He who was yoarnlnsr for hammock and fan. Listen: we U teU you what go with tea sinner Just when the heat began doing Its beat Out cajoe his hammer, and. brisk as a tta- ner. He began knocking wHh vigor aad a. Any day took for him out on th street. Kicking for winter with both of hs fas. Twin Dtstyoysra. Tbere Is a abort enough respite ba tween Fourth of Jnly and the football season for the world to isctipgraax at let us make the most of It. There seems to be something- of a rivalry between these two great Amar lean Institutions to see which eaa pal out of business the greater n tier of young men tn the least apace of tints, and. although the football nsoa .-Is longer, the Fourth of July la tense while It lasts, sad, as It greater range of age tn which to on. It showing is not s mean one. Wben proud man, wno has brought the elements under subjection, so he touches s button aad tells than at make a thrashing machine or to c bouse, ha subdued the Fourth of July and the football season sad made harmless, be may well signal Mars that In his opinion the world in a planetary exposition would easily take the ribbon aa some pumpkins. Human Nature. Where laws forbid th cigarette Bom men at one a craving gt To asnoka th P4r pips oao mora Who hardly touched th things before. Shy on Pssanv "He has e t least on good point " 'That must be when he Is pointed In ths opposite direction from cue," Cause For "He carries bis business tn his bead. "Mast swell It up whan he gets a law dollars." Oxer Up. Why grieve for what w cannot curst It does not help a thing to cry : Tsars don't add Savor to a cruel Or help to bring us pie. Th Usual Way. "Did he quit winner on th races f "Only in experience.' Tha "Pride of Douglss" hs reference to Bashford' bast grads of door which ran be purchased st all of th grocery iiuiuui sbsv a uuvsvhj ; i n E & RICE -.THE The Home of all that's Good in FURNITURE and House Furnishings The Largest Line of Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum are Here CASH OR INSTALLMENTS. Tents! Tents! All Sizes. Camping Chairs and Stoves. Crockery and Chinaware Are Here in Big Lots It's up to yon to trade at THE STORE THAT DOES THE BUSINESS SOLE AGENTS FOR STANDARD RANGES. WHOLESAL AND RETAIL. CURTAINS LAUN DRIED r o u i u u Sogisty Jw.sgings. A F. A A. M. Laura ; a Holds regmlar i rla and I orth Wt aassrtb, J. T JLT. JgwgJT, ELKS. Bossbwrg Lodge No SL Hold regular at I. O. O. F. Hal aad fourth of LartT aad all si It hiTissd to C. B. Caxsoa, B. B. Rot McCLAixra, . D. 1st S BP ABATE BATTALUOH U.N. G , masts s; Armory niil s .atSsclock. F 10. O. F .-Phlletanaa Lodge a Masts is Odd FsUcwsM'tm Ba. S. Tssspl. eor- I. of P.-AJaha Lodge No. 47. Mast Trv Wednesday. In i. O. O. T Hall at 7:30 p. s. Members is Jas A. Pssst, C. C. M. F. Wsjoar, E. of R. A S. Tin inr I WE HAVE TAKEN IN BAND I Lodge No. ml Baioaaa, W. M. rr ar aardi- raiBatl ta illiil. g q Lewis, B. G. N.T. Jwrrr, Secretary. A. D. BRADLEY FOR WC ARC TNI PEOPLE WHO QUOTE THS LOWEST PRICES. G All kinds of Household and other goods bought and sold. Don't fail to see our large stock of NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. HARNESS AIO HARNESS MAIIKS A. The collar question saving our custome s a lot of annoyance from e b u i i c u g c a and sore j"" jr necks. Noticel the pure whit e'"s--rlc olor, domestic nuitvh an. general ap pearance of our laundering no comparison to the ordinary king. ROSEBlti SIB! LAUNDRY L1 ILAC OIBCLB.-a.No. 49, Women ai Woodaraft. MaeCa oa 2nd sad 4th Thursday of gach month at th I. O. O. F. Hall. YaatiQf mem hart la good taoding ar invited to at tend. Mrms Loec, Gaardiaa Neighbor. tXaaa Boaxs, Clerk becood and Foftrth Thnredava. OK. 8 Rosehorg Chapter He. s Hold their regular meeting oa the list sad third Th arsdsys is sash ar rsspestfniiv invited to at- Mrs. K. J. Stroud, W. M. Free Johnson. Secretary. u SITED ARTISANS, Cmpqna As sembly No. 105, meets second aad fourth Saturdays of each month, in Nstive Sons' hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A. G. Majorca, M. A. Mux is Joxxa, Secretary. 1JOODMKN OF THE WORLD W1 Oaaar No. 13. M at th Odd Fellows' HaU, in and third Mood 3 svsry VTaiV- 1 aiwsy J-Ja. T.Jxwrrr. Clark. Batouas, CO. Buy It Now Now is the tints to bov Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It ia certain to be needed sooner or later and whan that time comes you will need it badly yon will need it quickly. Boy it now. It may save life. For sale by A C Marstors A Co. SECOND O O D S D. BRADLEY trues address A. L. BRIQOS, President, or July M, 1905, to Mr. and Mr. J Bow man, a son. ly enough to stop a clock? r (tores at $1.15 per sack. V i