r inurnni urn rrT i tp n r t rAKJTltKj Kt AL fcM A I E IU. OFFICE OPPOSITE RICE a RICE, CASS STREET We have some Exceptionally Fine Farms, City Property and Timberlauds iu large and small tracts for sale. FIRE. INSURANCE Best companies represented Town and Coun try property insured. i win i m i in oh i - ... . . The Government's Expenses Should Be Reduced By United State Senator J. A. HE M EN W W of Indiana Adlliinistrat.' t't Bale1. Ill IhC cm ult CmttafttM "mil-ni niagptfi tn and ir IfceCoaaiy f Dbngtarf. In thf Mattel ol tin' i atatej Executrix's Notice 0- III W. W. Wnlki i. I n-, .1 NollCf Ir hereby etvaa that the umtrnilgn 9t ' "'.' the -.'Nt ila- ol June, ISWS, :uly i IKiinte.l hy the riunty court nf IJoiwla roun- ' I ' ' .' I. . i ' ' ' 1 T , . r Ih. ..I.I...I " n.,...,. , ,.-,.,.y i,iM.i,,i,n! tlx tMndMd LBaaar. tin ii 1 1, UliMMtartw eiaisa. A,""""V'"'"r"' """'" " 1 --.. . vvi.l ltirttfcMM eit.te .re hereby MttM J j.urMiH,,. o . .,r,,.r ol ,l. , ,, ,,r.M.IlttheInl,r), , vl.rlH(.(1 , M ,t M11 . ..r,. ,,.,.,..,,,..,. ....,.- July, WU H4, ,,., ,., 00 wUbln ( : e.,.. -,, on rr.,.r. In Ik. J.n.rn.l MWol, M n.i.nth. from the d.le l tlila notice, a,,.. a.) .Keli,..f n... k 12, ti. l-robae rmor.U i.t..hi.. . ... ti. i -.1.1 ., ,..li lr . ... wiru, , ' I'" 0 IllHOe !,.,!.!;, . Jo no rxienora, lun-u- iln uinlernKin-.l a. I pa 3 the lime to in- Imteii Juue JJI..1, l'ji. , OATHEHINK A CI. A - K R. Kx.M'titrlx of the eMail of JonalliaD L Baker, I i ii !! I l !! l I I Anyone wishing to sell their property can do so by listing it with us. Write for price list of Farms and City Property. D. R. SHAMBROOK, President N. F. THRONE, Secretary F the departments of the government had confined themselves to the use of money appropriated by congress for the cur rent fiscal year there would now he no deficiency. It is u very easy matter to prove that congress is not to blame. The total amount carried by the appropriation bills for the present fiscal year IS LESS THAN THE TOTAL RECEIPTS of the government for the same period. If the departments had Dot spent more than congress intended they should sjieiid we would be con- immiiiii io ell Um rial property of amid tale kwaiMllit nun, 1.1 and rtlwillinil. ni prl vate hi tar aab, M mi rem t i. .....i time of sale a ii. I balance al tn ( - m tiou ..f kale The uii.l. r-iKn. .1 AesalaartfaSar I XI C v i o i mil, nil tul after the it ila ol AmkuM. A l. Jtice ol final Settlement. lvn., offer "for le nu. I f.,r eask, Un -r I Ciut ol .Ur. h im .rne to l.e paid at time of' In the County Court of tin State "t Oregon MM, and balancd al tim i. mi ,.t i. .n ,,i """ m iiiKla. We will tag and display any Grain or Produce brought to our office. nnv i unur iu nminixp liinnr imnnv Dui n nu.ni io uuuuino ih nnrn . I I'r.mtMil i.v ii Ka1auA ..it tiii i.tlu.r mita nf tli luilirnr There art.' three sources of the deficiency, hi constructing naval vessels more rapidly than anticipated, involving unexpected purchases of armor plate, a deficiency of something like $14,000,001) has been created. In rush work on coast defenses about $J, 000,000 more has j been anticipated. The balance of $16,000,000 of the present de I ficiencv is the result of different departments of the government ex ' pending more money than was appropriated. at m n Mtlc.allth. rigfct, UtUiaM lotereat ol the mM .... ... oa.aer. ill all. I Io la lollmiiliK ile- IBfthgd real r-.j.erly i.. wit Ilie north l.all ol the s .a l 'jliarler ami the liorth-ent .ji.art.-r of the u..rtli u.t .juart. r ol ae tioti aix ft), Imm Hp turuty nine W MMtk Hi M0F lik () Wett, ..' UM H tllaniette Mernlinu. in p.. .k . Co inty. I "levon. i tin- Iiik Ul u rn.. toK. liH r ill, ih.- MMtacstoa MtdllaMMi an t pprtnanra UMrcaslo belollKIOK 1 111 ail) l-e a I' .. rial I. lilt' Appiieallou Io . ui !,., aald i lappitj lli be Motived t IkaudwaigMd A.li.nnl tratoi, ai DUIaid, Oreapoa, on aud alMi iha . h day of A fast, a. D. CJo. PatVcd Iktaflkdajot July ln. tln.AK v AUKS. A.linll.Ulialor jl the ei-Tat. ..: tt. Vt . Wa.ker de. eaM..l. In the matter of tfaa MiaM of i Maila Anna Ontertax I " n-.-d.i Notice ia hereby itlen thai the underalcnnl ailiiiiniiirator of tbe estate of Maria Anna Ol tiTiax. ileceaed, haa rile.1 In the Count) Court ol Uouiilaa County, State d Orexon. hit final a. -count ai mrli admlnln raior of Mf.l ertate, ! and that Saturday the 17lh da) of June. Mt, al me no'ir ol IU o clnct a. in .ha i-u fljcif bj aid court fur 11 e time ol herlu ol objection! to aald report, and the Ml It nient tneteof. J. A BfCHAVAS. A.lininUtrator of the f .le of Maria Anna Ottaftag, dei eaae.1. UiliJlT BARMARD5 LIVERY, FEED & STAGE STABLES C. P. BARNARD, PROPRIETOR FIRST CLASS RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND AT RKASONABLK RATK.S. STAGE TO MARSHFIELD, NORTH BEND AND ALL COOS C0lTY POINTS LEAVES DAILY AT 6 A. H. f FOUR-HORSE STOCK-QUICKEST TIME TO THE COAST STABLES CORNER WASHINGTON & ROSE STS , ROSEBURG. PHONE 661 Executrix Notice -tate of Oregon In the County Oaasl of the for lioualaa C'ounty In the matter of the eitate i Of Jauiea lla iin, dee-.-ae.l ) Notn e in hereby alven thai by an order of tl.. County Court of Iulaa county. State ol Cattle Ranch tor Sale 130 acre uo Seren-Mile Creek ahoatl 'tnaill, utl.le r. Kit -.1 In. Im-ii .Ii. ,.i..lt.iMl clerks of their own motion HAVE CREATED DEFICIENCIES Oregon. i lew-en, houee, large baro irixoith. .1. i am it WMlcr Mitpl , will Tin.-? Tirnctii'O of flntuMnatiniT iwenues kftfl Wooine fi flomman that i i ........ , or. 4nly Mde mmd nttmt o! r.-ror.i. thv 1 1 o " ' " 111 ui- luuiuwnii 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 r Water aiiulr. I eight v Ions wild bay refereaeea. P. o Boa 983, I tl 1 aronja, Waab j WHEN YOU COME TO PORTLAND j a Make your plans to stop at a home like hostelry: a place I where yon will be shown every courtely and treated as you would a be in your own home, town or city. The Forestry Inn Is such a place, and it stands within one block of the Ex position Entrance, on 25th Street facing Upshur. THK FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and management conform thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights: hot and cold water and free baths. From the roof a view is had of the Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Din ing service a la carte and as reasonable as in any part af the city. Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50 Special Rates to Parties of two or more MEALS A LA CARTE THE FORESTRY INN, Inc. Call For City Warrants without consulting the head ol a department. In ou Ol the apro priatMB acts of the recent congress there was inserted, on my motion, a provision making it a criminal otTeiirie. punishable by tines, anl in certain cases by imprisonment, if deficiencies hereafter are created without direct and written authority of the heads of the departments. 1 am told that tins law already is working well and that it will save the government a good deal this year. There are many things which the government could properly ! that it is not in a position FINANCIALLY to do. Too many of our worthy department officials and clerks have been asMimini: t.. DECIDE what the government can properly do without leaving it to congress to say. The remedy lor our financial fix is in reducing expenditures. L my judgment a change of the tariff would operate to reduce, rather than increase, revenues. The government is now engaged in man; matters that are proper enough, but that COULD BE DISPENSED WITH. I exjwt that I will bring criticism on my head for saying BO, but I believe that the manner iu which we are constructing public build inns in small town- over the country has grown to be a colossal alm-e. The minute one of them is erected it fastens on the government u . uaaaj a pat-- t ltme fn-t.-rer or maintenance charge of $3,000 a year, while in almost any town of I ha ac -tra;- do :. - . beard aaai the size I mention commodious and comfortable postoffice quarters. -u'x,r- nt ni-niit llnv !' i-' aaai:i-t the .a-'l .-.tale il! pre- Addreaa, with nai iba lama daly aartaad at n.e aaaaaataand lir -. Oregon, a ithin all uioiiim Iron, ibeflrt: (nil. Ilration o' thu Dolire. an I all pataaaa knaa ag tfcaaautaaa indebted to an . e-tate ail! all on the unoer.lgne.1 and aatth tt.e atne Balafi thit lab (Jay of June. 190V MAKi.AKCl Lil.l Y DAVL1S aacanti Notice of Final Settlement. aaa tH-e JOB WORK The Fineat in ihe County to Be Had at the : PLAIN DEALER OFFICE For letter Head. Bill H. ad, Sutementf , EnvelnH". We-I.ling Stationery. Poter, Legal Blank-. Brief., in fa.-t anytlung in the Printing line, give tin a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed c-t-c-t (-(-!- ea. All x'rti! holding Citj "f I: aajbarg . .iii.-ii - aadotacd pri r to Into- 8. IMM. are MqaaMted to prcacait Mm.- to me. at S.u,. h,hj glTen tn.t .he umjered. he kbettff ofliea, fur payment. In I aailalaiiia at taa awTali.al Timothjr croa tereat oa aaid ararranta i.i teaaa after Dwa.eaeaaBl. haa nie.i in the county Oaaai data of tbia notice at D.ataa Oaaatjr, oneon. hit anal aaaaaau .. . , . , a.fj. h aJniiniairator of aaid mate and that It.-I tl.,- bdai ol Jala, !'. e.1n.l.- the,bd..of June. Wai. at aai H. C. Stocam, city I re.ia. haaraftaaafaaaaka m ha oen filed j the aaafeeaetai the time for aaaitaaj ol o'';eciion. . , , , h.l renort. and the settlement there..!. fvi,-':l ...... i.v -.-.,i. A ( ,.-..-Ait:i j A BICHNAS lakland aad Voocalla, v lute and other j AdmlnMrator ol the at of taaaajaa Croat ia mg Dsachiaea tl " ' and Bf; !.-r mu Jw-turi mstjit pipe: wire. p Min :i i barbed; rat and . aire nana . ttie i.n.v g-i.tranteeii h ark- aatitb coal ; two carinaili Pa(8 wottu wire fence, tba I n ten.;- r-.l air,- fetne for sale. i,:; ti Baseball Players and Foot Racers! in- J. Krnger, ex-c hanii'ion long j ii -tai.ee fiN.t rn.-er of liermany ami Hol laod, a i Ilea, Oct. 17, UN: "Dorii i . training el eigul aevk' foot race a-. Salt Lake t ity, in April last, I dmnI Fallaril'g Baaaj Liniment to my grealect iti-fai Hon. Therefore. I highly recommend Snow tpramo, lrut S0e aad 1.00. ter A Co. or rheumatism." 'Sw For sale hv A. C. Mar?- I I I ADDRESS, P. C. MATT0X, Manager, or H. 25th and Upshur Sts. H FAXCHER. P0RTL,XD, ORDicN with lijrht, fuel and Ixixes furnished, can be secured for S500 a vear. j c I ' Htiv Viiur trnii.i . c.-.i There you have AX ANNUAL WASTE OF $2,500, to say noth I raaea aad tran . eA Rice, hoare troable.1 witl. ing of the cost of constructing the building. Xo more such extrava Turn Hi ganee should le allowed. " We are paving everv vear $250,000 to agents for reporting the AU dnU1 rk I ,iTe,3 ,: ,. . , , ' Ti . a. .- .v 'r- l"e"-'ti- it. e iu rlor anJ .. , . . condition of the cotton crop. It is astonishing how many scientmc ujig,,,, ,uij,ji ' 1 Bacber, dentiat. is now ocenpy- ne..i..ct thA iriivemnient ha on hand which AAnt to havP no I'll AC " l! :: the room, formerly occopicd by Dr. fFrtiit Paper Free av, A. Ever- farmer raises some fruit. All could raise l lZTaT more and better fruit and make more money from jvfi ,At7 o N AL it if they read a firsKlaas fruit paper like frtuii -siT mi a r..?ir ineNauonairruuurower Published at St- Joseph. Miclu, in the heart of the famous Michigan Fruit Beit. A large, beaaUfaUy printed Monthly, ably edited, full of the latest and be methods of culth aang, handling and marketing Urge and small f nuts. UFADTfl CI All "-any fanner or fruit grower to Ta VIA 1 11 aVlUV have this paper for thia next year. The Spraying Calendar is invaluable- We will gire this paper absolutely free for one year to any new or old subscriber who pays arrearage and one year in advance. Cut out this advertisement and send or bring it in at once. This oder may be withdrawn without notice. ni s - I UuKOWEH). 1 i Roseburg Plaindealer JUST ARRIVED FIGS NEW STOCK FINE CHINA WARE HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS RASINS CURRANTS t CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL Anything you need for a Fruit C&Ke or Mince Meat J. F. BARKER SCO. Phone 201 TICAI. value and which could be discontinued without 9. per eenl TIMBER CLAIMS ANO HOMESTEADS IGCATEO of the people knowing anything about it, but which fasten a cost OB the treasury running into millions of dollars. The states DO longer maintain their own quarantine service, but all that is saddled OX THE GOVERNMENT. There is one branch of the GOYEKX MEXT which has entered largely into the work of makiug surveys. UNCLE SAM PAYS THE COST, AND PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, WHICH ARE GENERALLY ABLE TO MAKE THEIR OWN SURVEYS. REAP THE BENEFIT. - n tt.e Ahraham building. I have rotne pood iaimg. farm and ranch lands for lab, tnmiMi in one I the oat beeatifnl tailam on the xtast, arrit Of plume t a M. I'ortkk. Caaaaa alien. Ore 2milrv frm K.-t.iir :a Vr:l IM R0SE61RG Professional Cards. aJJ.: Kit M BBOW.N. Attorney-at-Law, aosKBracoaa Oocrt Ho-.aa Downstair BREWING & ICE COMPANY A. c sbbly, m. d JAS. E. Sawyers Attorney-at-Law Notary PuMic 6, I'patairs. Dooglaa Co. Bfc. Bid Rosebarg. Oregon. The Growth of the Idea Of Municipal Ownership t CALL FOR ir STANFORD PURE RYE A K FOR IT It Brings the Trade It Hits the ipot The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TEN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED MIKE JACOB k CO. Distillers. Cincinnati, Mio R. B. 1ATBF1ES, Agent. Bosebnrg, Oregon TAKE NO OTHER nusi HAVE ir I I! ! In order to introduce our nursery we will make a special offer to any one rending in name cut from Plain dealer. We will sell von the follow ing bill of tree for one dollar. All orders should be sent in by the first of Augunt. 6end one dollar and we will book your order for next Fall. The retail price for this dollar bargain would be as follows : 4 Walnuts fl 00 1 Butternut 25 I American Chestnut tt 1 Mammoth Blackbarrie 25 1 Eltbea or Rose o Sharon 75 One fine rose will be sent bv sending 10 cents name the variety. Send 5 cents for eata ogue telling you all about the Walnut Industry. BROOKS & SONS WALNUT NURSERY, carlton, ore. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house If a don't know PAT Oal "p rr tdrir F F. pBttEfgOD. mm Roseburg, Oregon. By Rv. Dr. LYMAN ABBOTT of Brooklyn AM personally heartily in favor of the municipal owneriip of all forms of industry that are NECESSARILY municipal monopolies. There are three theories of government first, the Rus sian, that the people cannot take care of themselves, and the few must look after the many. Secondarily, there is the police theory. Government should pre serve order and keep off foreign aggression, hut every mini U for him self, and the devil take the hindmost This is the theory of the eighties. We are now working toward the third. The state is an organism with intelligence, pcn.-ihility and will, as exhihited in public opinion, spirit and law. I: has the right to do for itself anything it can do better than the individual. This is sometimes called socialism, hut I have lived too long to mind about mere words. It is not state socialism, for that means the state dots everything. All work according to their ability and receive according to their needs. It matters not whether I preach sermons or shine boots, I RECEIVE ACCORDING TO MY NEEDS. In my opinion this is a very good system of government, but it is very different from municipal OWNERSHIP. We have already adopted the third theory of government. Our state policeman does many things. He builds lighthouses, runs a weather bureau and educates our children. In two cities he operates a subway AND IN ALL CITIES he maintains the parks. The state, in fact, is recognized as an organism to do things FOR ALL. This is far more democratic and implies a greater faith in humanity than individualism, for it means a belief in the faculty to co-operate. THE DANGER OF MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP 19 FAR LESS THAN THE DANGERS FROM CORRUPT COMBINATIONS OF POLITICAL MACHINES AND FAVORED CORPORATIONS. If the jeople can combine for war and education, why can they not doit FOR TRANSPORTATION! Russia's Influence on Japan fjaaiBB7flHBB K aaaaBB mWW . JaafaO aaw aHB HSdv ' MfJ !) The Lareat and Best Kquipjed Brew ery in Southern Oregon. - fk: r. Ooaftaa Caaat, Baa BaiMiaf. Koomt 11 12 and U. t bone ROSEBl RO. oUEiiMN R Roselmnr Beermtsa Reputation through- QK. GEO. E. BOUCE. out il.eC'ountv for Its Physcian & Surgeon W. SIARSTERS Attorney-at-Law Notary Public w Mar?ters Baildiag I. R. I. oatce Rertew B.a Phoo. Ma:a SI ROSE Bt Kd oai-.oM and purity means Health. Brewed only from selected Barley and Choicest Hops. Special Breaed Bottle Beer Our Specialty H AYNEs. DENTIST, CHAPMAN, D DENTIST Hours: 9ia laip. E-tebara. O Tairphocr No. Utl Ba.dina aTtc 8 ln T&erhoD So Si' aosBsraci uuihi The Chinese Varnish Made to Walk Upon MADE IK Atl COLORS Cttflr. Mabtxaar. Oaa. Wa lal Etc For Floors, Bar Tops, Furniture and General Household Use. Come to our store and get a sam ple of Chi-Namel applied to wood. Take it home and test it First Slrikf thf rxf Maata a hiiavy blow with a himro-r. Baa aati that while the wnod may b" md.-nted a quart.-r of an inch, the virni -h hi n t rcarred or cracked Thi pnaaa thit Chi-Namel is very elastic Second Place the w.wl sample in a tea kettle. :n 1 n t ' f ' water doaa not turn it white T that Oii-Bam.' i Third Apply Batka This proves that t'hi Nati. l wul t ,l I jp. n har tops Fourth Allow a ran of the varnish to stand open over nvht. and note that there is no avaporation. This proves that Chi-Namel contains no b.-mine Fifth. Spread varnoh over flat fur face, and brush in every direction, and note "iielf lev. llinc" e-Teet. This provaa that all brush marks disappear, and the result will be p!:x-.ini; no mattet how inexperienced the applier may be Old OiMts can be made to lix-k likr new hard wood. Jlo need to bur new taniirore Chi-Namel wiU make old fumirure look BETTER thaj new faraita're. Take no substitute. We Invite tou t prove to yoarself tbere m K0TB1MG "lust as tooi as Chi-Namel. " I'lrect delivery to your residence , :iit;tie of one raae or more. M. Caawroao a J. O. WaTaoM Attorneys at Law, Boobs I a 1. Bank BuUda., BCMBBCBti. OB TELEPHONE 141 -Zh,r 8 DR. F. W. HUNT DEHTI5T OAKLAMD. OREGOM J C. FULLERTO.N Attorney-at-Law. WU1 pracUec la al! the State and Paderai Ooru Oaca tn Marks B!0a.. Roaaban. CnasL FRAflKE. ALLEY Architect. Abstracter. Sold eicluaively by A. C. MARSTERS & CC. You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY II your Uafeati read over the Denver and Kio lraii.lv Railroad, the Scenic lane ai the World" BECAUSE Then asr mn cfDioattrAi-titm uU palatal of intfifi ftloti4f the line tkvtKt-rn ig.Wn aui iVnvrr that th Mil' Drver tMH'onart HNHBI If mi nr' fotiifE Knt. writt fir lntirinmuMi ami gtfl rrtiy Uvk that will tfll you m about it- W. C. Mi BRIDE. Can. Agt. 124 Third St. PORTLAND. OREGON Fa W. 3BNS0N, Attorney-at-Law Rank BuiMinc Abstract oi Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Go Tern men t Land. DUCHAIfA A GRKNiXOER 3. a. Batataaaui i. ; GaavtMia Attornevs-at-Law BosKBrRo. ore ,o Plans and Estimates for all Build- 1 inf a. Special designs for Office Fixtures Bine PVnt of Township Maps showing all vacant Lands. K.wms 1 an. I Marslers Building RcSEBl RO. OREi.on Office in new Bank Bnilding. 'Phone 415 ROSEBCRG. OREGON By Prorassor LEO WIENER of Harvard Costrsrtor asd Koildrr ARTICLES OF JEWELRY Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gifts for Gents Suitable Gifts for Children Finest Line of Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg IEE5 " 5ALZMAN'S HE only opinion I can give about the war in tie east is that while OUTWARDLY Russia will probably lose and Japan will tremendously win, SPIRITUAL Russiu will be the victor. At this very moment, in the hour of her triumph, Japan is being immensely affected by Russia. Mentally the Japanese cannot begin to compare with the Russians, though, of course, it is to the best advantage of Russia THAT RUS SIA SHOULD LOSE. As to the influence Russia has over Japan, I have in mind a young Japanese Socialist who has written an articlo on the tremendous influence that Tolstoi is exerting on the mind of Japan, and who says that Japan is being more influenced now bv Tolstoi, Dostoievsky, Herzen and Bakunin than Japan can EVER influence Russia. A confirmation of this is found in the fact that one of the Japa nese translators of Tolstoi recently sent me an immense bibliography of the forty or fifty separate translations that have lieeu made of Tolstoi into Japanese. 80 IT 18 HISTORY REPEATING. ITSELF THE DEFEATED NA TION TAKING THE VICTOR CAPTIVE, FOR THAT, I BELIEVE. WILL BE THE CONSPICUOUS RE8ULT OF THE PRE8ENT GREAT WAR. STEVENS .lTf "SfVTrna" RtftiwanJ tn an rnttatai n . -i IM nvtimrj Ki d Shit.. . I ... m " oI'mo1;;;.. Book on Firearms Free It roaUini I only a full tlr-erript ua of Slovriut Outu, lib l tali at U informal n on tuntitiir, thit proper car of ftrrarma, D't-a on air-nt. ami amtnanit on, .!. Vo ahotilt) nava it aeud two .'avnt atainna to ouvvr poataiff . Crnrk Klmf." .... M Hlt-arnn l.llllo Kmc," r . .. 17." . . OUR ; LEADERS: Wria fur t rr lllll.l: I I VI I 14. J. STEVEN'S ARMS & TOOL CO., m 1" Bd l ai chic aaa raua aaaa, t' ma. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER THE FAMOUS PEATER SCHUTTLER FARM WACONS, BUGGIES AND SPRING WACONS AT S. K. SYKES ROSEBURG, OREGON THE JOY OF LIVING CAM BB BTI.LT RKALJZKD WHIX TOP ENJOY GOOD HEALTH T j The Popular Liver Medicine Will Keep You WeU A OUARANTEED CURE for aH diseases produced by TOR. PID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system with Arsenic. Calomel and Quinine. They act as rank poisons which vitiate the blood, debilitate the system, and leave a trail of bad symptoms which require years to obliterate. HERB INE is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic poisons, is absolutely harmless and is the simple remedy of nature. It carries off all poison in the system and laavea do injurious affects. CURED BY HERB1KE AFTER OTHER REMEDIES FAILED Mr. L A. Bkks, Iredell, Texas, says: " I was Bkk in bed fot eight months with liver troable, Oaa doctor seemed to do tne no good. I waa told to try Herbine, and It enred me in a short time. I cannot recommend this wonderful medicine too highly." TAKE IT NOW! LARGE BOTTLE. 50c GET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. BOLD iO RECOMMENDED BY A. C. flARSTERS & CO.