THE PROGRESSIVE STORE FULLERTON & RICHARDSON SYSTEM, ORDER AND CLEANLINESS i t ARE THE GUIDING RULES OF OUR LABORATORY THE DRUG STORE OF NEAR THE DEPOT ROSEBURC ROSEBURC PLAINDEALER POIUSMEC MOWWYS AID THURSDAYS BY THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY MOM BAM S7S. OTFICl CO Ktit AIO OAK Entered in the Poet Office at Roeehtirg, Oregon, aa Second cia-s Mail Matter in IMS. W. C. CONNER. Editor SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES enl-Weeklr One War; -' 0i; Semi Weekly Mx Mouth f. II 00. Cash in Advance AdYrrtttitig Rates 50 cei-ta per single column inch ner month. Locals. 5 cenu a line THURSDAY, JULY JO, 1905 WHAT OREGON NEEDS. Recently 3 libel suit in Astoria If Coos county, with its great natu-' came to nothing. A few years ago a ral resources, among which are coal ijbel suit against The Oregonian end and timber in abundance, was tribu- ej the same way. So with a suit tary to the Northern Pacific, Great : brought against a newspaper in Bak Northera or any other great railroad er county a year ago. Likewise other system except the Southern Pacific, a branch line would be built into that country within ninety days and its de velopment thereby hasten. The , Southtrn Pacific has been contemplat-. ing such an enterprise for the last twenty years, but this enterprise will j never get beyond the contemplative j stage so far as the Southern Pacific i is concerned. Surveys have been j completed for a branch line from 1 Roseburg to the great Coos Bay coun try for a score of years, but the Southern Pacific has persisted in its dog-in-the-manger policy and this en terprise, as well as ether similar pro jects have gone up in hot air while San Francisco, a Harriman town, is reaping a rich reward from its sea coasting trade with the rich and re sourceful Oregon Coast Country in cluding the lower Umpqua and Siuslaw valleys. The one great commercial relief long prayed for in Oregon is more und better transportation facili ties, to which the Southern Pacific has persisted in turning a deaf ear, content with the monopoly which it has had in the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue river valleys. Washington state has forged ahead and outdistanced Oregon simply through the enterprise and progress ive movements of the great railroads running into that state, which have branched out in every section thereof and encouraged substantial develop ments and enterprises everywhere. The Oregon legislature could not do better at its next sessiou than to of fer taxation exemption inducements to some large competitive railroad company as encouragement to enter the state of Oregon and construct and maintain new railroad lines. We have put up with the non-progressive and even retrogressive policy of the j Southern Pacific Railroad Company long enough. A FEW POINTS ON GOOD ROADS. Everyone should be an advocate of good roads. The farmer who has his produce to market could haul larger loads and would also be able to do much of his teaming and running to town when the ground is too wet for general fanning thus never losing a good day in the field. With good roads, riding for pleasure would be a delight rather than a discomfort. There is a feeling among some that good roads are for the owners of au tomobiles, motorcycles and other "land crafts," but this is a grave mis take as ninety per cent of the travel on our public highways is in the line of business. Then, too, the success of the rural mail delivery depends largely upon the condition of the roads and routes are laid out along the best highways, with the same idea that prevails in cities where mail earners do not have to deliver mail on streets having no sidewalks. Then too, land values are increased by im proving the highways for who wishes to live in a community where there is not enterprise enough to secure good roads? There seems to be an unkindly feel ing toward the motorcycle and auto mobile men op the part of some farm- QUALITY ORECON era. This should not be as the own ers of these machines will be found ever ready to sign your subscription paper for a road improvement or new bridge and are doing more to bring about good country nads than any other class of people. The farmer should be considerate with the auto man. Horses will soon pay no more attention to the motor vehicle than they do to the common bicycle. This is a day and age of progress and we should welcome everv new innovation. FAILURE OF LIBEL SUITS The Oregonian well and truthfully says: K. n. Hume. King ol the , Rogue," defeats Representative Burns j of Coos, who1 brought suit for libel. cases. It appears that actions for libel thus far in Oregon have not met ; popular approval or that pleas of in juredtfeelings and damaged reputa- tions have not gone to the hearts of I juries. Why? Largely because the publication and the resentment caused thereby were viewed by juries as the surplus fmit of political vitality. So long as a man engages in politics he is a pub- lie character and is subject to criti cisms which would be libelous were he a private citizen. Politics is a great game with the American peo ple; it is the National sport and when a person plays it, he is expected to endure its hard knocks as he enjoys its soft pats. After a political cam- ; paign the wounds soon heal up and hair over and the public forgets all .... . .. . . I about tbem or remembers them with : a smile. ' Th nilhlif and inritia of Oregon ! have been lenient with the press. It ' lit. Vi i u tiraa naircnoiiAra t . nca o-aII til. iFVUVUIVfl I'V " I. U 1 ' L ' V kill privileges they hold. The failure of i . . ,, , libel suits the past should make r editors not bolder but more cautious and more considerate. The honest newspaper libels nobody. Yet it is PTnoaorf faa rtano-er of a lihlnn elin of a word or sentence or a libelous error of statement. In a great daily news- paper office this danger is ever pres- ent. The honest newspaper reduces it to a minimum. It ought to be well known that the Portland commercial club does not represent Oregon at all in its plea for the admission of the Chinese. The people disafcnt emphatically from the purposes f the Portlanders. The Portland chamber of commerce may ieam in time when the several iocah - ties of the state have gotten an un- understanding of what is being atr , . ... ... ,i , tempted by it to let down the bars r ' for the Chinese, that it had better di- re;t its activities on other lines for the development of our trade and industrial interests. . T , . , -i In reference to the congressional " candidates in this district it is stated that the extreme southern part of the district will have an aspirant in the person of W. I. Vawter, of Med ford. Mr. Vawter has been in one congressional campaign, and as chair man of the ways and means commit tee in the lower house during the last legislature he had great influence and became widely known. There is cer tainly first-class congressional timber in the Medford man. A shortage of $20,000 in the sheriffs office at Pendleton will fur nish the Umatilla county people food for gossip for several days. Even though Sheriff Taylor has made good i initiated. Following is the instrumen a part of the discrepancy, the effect ' ution of t,,e R'eburg band : Tuba, of the shock will not wear off for a ! "rt 87 Arthu . . i ,i I bone, ham Hugger and Ollie Howell ; time and may prove a fatal blow to j 1)aritODei Mark Dav is; altos, Chas democratic aspirations in that locality, j Bristol and L. F. Reuenateiu ; corneU, 1 Prof. John Norling, director ; Roy Smirk , The action of Congressman Wil- fre Adams and Kdward Throne, liamson in going on the stand in his director tttaatMa band; clarinet, Paul own defense is beim? crenerallv com - mended. A man who is willing to al low the prosecution, to question him and who takes the stand in his de fense should be applauded by all. The Oregoun in commenting on the Pbuadealsr editorial headed "The Human Wolf," alleged that the article was an unfair arraignment of the Mitchell prosecution and made a great grandstand appeal for fair and im partial expression, and then with its usual rank inconsistency alleged that the l'laindealer had been opposed to any prosecution of the land fraud cases. This charge is false and mosf. unfair and the person responsible for it is cowardly and untruthful. The Phiodealer has not opposed the pros ecutions of the land fraud cades, but has criticised some of the irregular and sharp methods employed in their prosecution, as well as the Oregonian's flagrant, prejudiced, biased, warped, twisted, narrow, per sonal and forejudged reports of the trials and comments thereon. A miner "dead broke" went into the Nome country last fall and re turned to Seattle a few days ago with more than a million dollars worth of gold dust. The net earnings of his winter's operations amount to about one-sixth the sum paid by the United States for the whole of Alaska. As a real estate speculator, your Uncle Samuel is right up among the John Jacob Aston and the James A Hooks. Musings A little goes a long way when it is a '..- t hiug t-uit. Wonder if an airship passenger would become air-dck? It H the girl with the gold tooth that M willing to laugh heartily. 1'ortl.iud has a land office of its own, hut can spare officers for all the bal ance. And w en it comes to flooring a healthy man, the unripe watermelon has jiu-jitsu down with both shou!d t on ll,e mat- When a womin is first a Idressed as "grandma' it comes as an awful shock. Later she accepts the title of "granny" as a loving tribute. It takes S' me of the egotism out of a woman hen she rune across an old photograph and sees what She looked like in the fashion of IS . The Ohio peniteatiary is becoming a noted resort for tutnkers. Twelve are now doing service there and nine more are booke ! for accomodation. However the service is cot voluntary. In Newark, N. J., a law firm com posed of llaiold A. Miller and K. Gar field tilifford. has recently hung out its shingle. The initials of the two mem I ere are H. A. M and B. t. G. A Kansas physician lost a pocket book containing a comfortable sum of money. The other day he received the empty wallet bearing this note. "D.ic- Ior- I'lease till this prescription again A New York newspaper shows that a large numl-er of American women who j married titled foreigners have become j the mother of twins. This affords a rational and effective method of brek ine up the custom of foreign marriages. Let the news be widely circulated, Kabbitville correspondent to the! lrr B"n lmw: '"Jl,r rpuy is now hoarding at the Bunco House. He . . . ., . . . . was not attracted bv the grab, bnt bv I raIn ih. i,irl lir i,a-k lh ornh fmm Luiu rk kitc'-en to ihe 'able The Wi-jor is her, and if she i"-ttv much gone on d U t Collar hi roll she is not the i tiritenieu. me nu"iin novelist wem . ., . . ... ,. out hunting golden pheasant' with his (atlier: one wag he fired and wounded it, then followed it into a thicket where, with the instinct of the 'n -ther she was trying to reach the nest where her voung brood was huddled. She reached them. SDreid herself UDon t!l her head toppled over, and ahei died. He then and there vowed he j would destroy no living creature and he , has kept his vow. LADS SENT TO THE REFORM SCHOOL Frank Keeu and .las. Thompson, the two tran-ient boys who have given the officers so much trouble here by first 1 stealing a watch, then escaping from j the city jail through a n ne inch hole, ! nd la8llv- finrin tie empted county j.iil break last Monday, were , . . .. , . , , , . taken to the reform school Wednesday bv Sheriff H. T. McClallen, pursuant to j an order of commitment made by the conn'' court. Their partner, Geo. ! Baker' is retained n i'1 10 complete a j 100 days sentence for assisting his two pals to escape from the citv jail last .. . JO ' . , month. The comui'tinent of Keed and ; Thompson follows their participation in the recent attempt a few days ago to I break jail with Baker and J. E. Barnes, the alleged murderer. OFF FOR GOLD HILL LOG ROLLING The Roseburg band, also comprising the local base ball team eft for Gold Hill on the evening train to play a three days musical engagement and two games of baseball, and a grand time is anticiated, the occasion being the first local annual district log rolling of "the Modern Woodmen of America, durin which time many new members will be 1 Mahom ; piccolo, Eugene Jewett ; drums, Sam Syk e and Walter Gagnon. Three additional ball lossers accom panied the band to complete the base ball team, H. E. Huntington, jr, Alex Ferguson and Dee Matthews. OUR MAMMOTH JULY SALE IS STILL ON All the following Seasonable. High Grade Merchandise is still On Sale at the Incredibly LOW PRICES previously advertised : V Shirtwaists, Ribbons. Wash Silks. Embroideries, Muslin Lnderwear. Ladies' Oxfords. Ladies Summer Vests. Summer Dress Goods. Millinerv. Men's Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Men's Shoes, Boys' Shoes, Men's Golf Shirts, Men's Straw Hats, Boys' Straw Hats. Table Linen, Toweling, Infants' Shoes. A rare chance to secure new, season able merchandise at a big saving. JOSEPHSON'S THE BIG STORE ESTABLISHED 1877 County Expense List l Continued from last issue.) Claims al'owed at the July, 1!H)!, term of county court. ( rBOrgC Hittanaa state vh Barnes f 12 0U May llittsmau state vs liarues.. 11' 00 l R Shambrook grand jury wit . 1 50 Ed Dailcy ' 3 00 !' F Patterson " . . 1 50 .las A Sterling dep aseessor. ... 1M 00 .las A Sterling " 5 10 .las A Sterling " Hft 0 1 8 0 Quant 67 50 8 0 Qaaal 67 50 Frank II Rogers " 130 00 0 E Staley " KM 00 Ed 8 t'ockelrcas " .... 75 00 1 C Levins a-seH-or plats . . . 190 HO J L Cole I !m W Staley a: II I . Maaaaick II w Jones It T Arb worth ti 1 liibsjrtaou 1 L ' Bikini ilium ledru-k U K Harris .1 li Bl rues Aher Iieland KmeM HetlhraU l Thump-"!! dep assessor . 'cesser's oll'ice dep assessor . . indigents Kelly .V Hanks I. .I.n rClelland r- A C KfcM Mr .lutia Brothers, i uiieru.u .v hUchardaoa J N lVaidorff Dr C W rt hili h i rs K L Settle lr- K Keiiman K Voang a Co N r Jewel I I" lieii'iersnii Oakland Drag Co - II Alt- era lm lie L ily Ir E J Pag Mr. V 1 1 tMaMMM i I ' room m ii A' l llaiiilnitte teiner A Cli.tpinan i horcfaill A Woolley roads I. N V nipple -teams A l heiioweth " S K S kes " Kay H JeraOSl !h grade ex i-ire Sawyers M .las A la is " Mrs John HMalta " Un ioha Haaaliai " r B Han.iiu expeuse Supl Ketiea PabOo prt A staty . rtaianliisila Tub Co Kuilert. n A Kii hardsou staty t range A Kyan M tilaM & PradhoaMM Bushong A Co " C E Kuberla roads K B I'.sun Morn IVahaf " J B Kiddle J A J Yoknm .1 t l-ts"U Sawyers Kerry Kufus l.tngl(n Mnith Kerry M'allaee Kreyer Iiuiiuii-k " K J Smith roads 0 E Roberta K B Din Morris sTl)H v li McKm K 1 W illiams K K 1 'ioopeon " i IL.user 11 M '2 OU 2 00 U 41 IK li So - Oil .,7 ' " M 0U M 00 4 0l A v- 4 00 Gardiner Mill Co tVm Brnwn bridges roads U V Kent li C Slot-urn dep sheriff . . . It I" McChaHM lep sheriff leea. . II T .Mi lahen Expense.... II T Mrl'iaiien prisoners' board. H T McClall dep sheriff fe-s Ira B i.iddle ste nographer state vs lUrnee I. Ira B Kiddle court rep-rter K B DijCOM st .tr vs Mann Win dist at'y wit Clarence Cole C C wit .... tJeoWmd state s Barnes .. . D J Jarria constable fees ... II K iMtiimirk justiee court Wm .l .nes constable fees K H I'ink-ton " II C rlhw " K L Stephens iu'tice court .... I) V Smith constable fees . . . E II I'inkston " Pacific I'.stalTel Co telegraphing Kice A line C H and jail ... 1 .1 K Paniels wooil C H B W Strong courthouse ... Art M'tl Const Co ' I J C Twitchell Co physician '. N eee ex reeeage 7. I. Dimmick error iu tax sale. . O Edwards as?int taxation ... 0 E KoU-rts " and " i Ed CiK-hran exp Keform School.. E E Haines iihj Coxiper et al ... J E Hahaea John Baaoock " .... i s Lavkaa " John Haney " .... ' Malwl Haney " , John Hovaa " .... ! M J Gray " Arthur Mack " Minnie Cooper " .... Kred Haynes iiutiest Rogers.... .1 11 Lewis overpaiil taxes.... IIT McClallen expenses. .. John T Long justice court. . . . W J Sullivan " PJJarvis " A S Orcutt " John T Long " J 11 Thornton DJJarvis A N Orcutt " J A Kirkindall lumber.... II Davis " Gail Hamilton " .... John Walters bridges.... K Jennie ' .... Ed Kichardi " L. Finsch Frank Hamilton " .... I. run. i Mills Lumber Co lumber W B Clarke lumber Angelo Perini " .... Leona Mill- l.tiibr Co " Perkins A Mites " .... Geo Neuner " .... Howard Pennell brilges.... COBartley " Harry Williams " Tim Jennie " .... J A Kirkendall A Son lumber.. E B Spangenberg M II Woodward bridges. .. Kudolph Jennie " .... Ed W Uillai lumber A Creason " .... W P Johnson ., - I 20 1 60 1 on 3 45 100 00 5 (X) 2 50 IW 00 iai 00 8V 00 00 00 74 75 75 85 43 30 in 70 4 53 ti tm 'J9 70 99 00 111 40 25 K 9b tS 48 i0 30 9.1 70 00 88 15 65 60 6 30 ai 3() 395 N 61 05 17 00 Smith A Heaton " DaoaarA irake " C A Wilbur bridges ROSEBURG FURNITURE CO. IF FURNITURE, STOVES OR HOUSEHOLD GOODS r ONCE A PURCHASER, THEREAFTER A RECULAR CUSTOMER IN THE MARSTERS Town Lots For Sale CI oice building lots iu Kinney's im proved plat of Kosehurg, near Main street, t!ood title. Price loO per lot. Address, V A. KiCH BDS. tf STRANGE ADVICE! A' Dr. C C Cir-n rt-. M i -rt ptmsjt " 'in tn h:. itrrkt hu'xkui:inill contra In our Almanac for many years past we ' have given unusual achrioe (O those a't'.c- I tr.l with cough, colds, throat or lutig troubles cr consumption. We hae told ihnn if they did not receive ativ special I I benefit after the use o one 75-cent iie j f:'.Ie of German Synip. to consult their I tod fVe did not ask them or urge . :!n to ue a lare numWr of bottles, as i t the cae in tie advertising of many . other remedies. Our confidence in Ger- I man Syrup makes it possible for us to' sucu a'vc- W know by the ex- j penenre of over 55 vcars that one "-cent , :- of (',r-:nati s;-e.i;'. rr- ' liee or cure the worst coughs, co'. la, j brorchial or lung troubles and that. I evea In D1 cases of consumption, one large txMtle of German Snap will wvtk , . - . . r woootn. trial tx'i.e. ic; ng ular i. 75c A. C MARnTEOS DBLQ CO. I.J. Norman & Co. Cigars, Tob3ccos Confections, Fruits Bakery Goods Always fresh SHERIDAN ST. NUR DEPOT DDK Cooper M . S 00 t'hoebe Kitcbell in.lifjenta ' Wollenberir Broa " W H Mr. LiadakM " .... 10 00 A Creason lumber I R I) Grout " " K K Montgomery state vs Batart f .W tiiff Hamilton state v Btrnes . 1 VI J R Throne " ... I'M John T l.'Hig justice court . 8 5S Henry Booth " .... 1 00 OL Hamilton " . & 00 G VV Ihmmick bounty on ani mals 105 00 I Abraham hwikjBata 16 05 V K Vinson Itiwlwr . o41 ) j Cooper & Drake " P H J C Yaaaa Oa cemmissioner .. 1 4i W R Vinson po r farm paupers lti:i SO 0 B Cannon stationary Pactfk States Tel A Tel Co tele phone Cll , Kllena Reed reportiiin dist atty.. 4 4-, 51 00 it; ix) 4 ;o 5 JO 3 00 2 85 -' t 5 00 J 00 , John T Long ! John T Loag justice cimrt . Johu T Long Johu T Long John T Loug (ieo Scott Kred (.toff grand jury wit 8th grade ex . . Fruit Crops Up To Average Commissioner A. H. Carson, of the Horticultural Board for the First Dis- ! trict ot Southern Oregon, savs that be nB8 visited many orchards of Southern I Oregon and he tut. Is the fruit prospects up to the average. aj soma of tho or- cnaras mat note very neaviiy iwi yoar ..... 1 :i. tne crop una year is ngni. wnue some orchards on low bottom land w ill have a small yield by reason of late frosts Owing to the large actrage of uew or chards that are coming into bearinc Mr. Carson thinks that there will be a considerable increase iu the shipment of fruit this fall from Rogue river valley . . . .- - - ' lni8 lias no reterenie to runes win n I are short. ' 1 Dressers are here, the very lowest too. From the cheapest to the best. Buy them from the store that sells them lor less and remember Rice & Rice is the place. fl UP YOU WISH BARGAINS See the ROSEBUKG FURNITURE COMPANY before jtu buy elsewhere. Our OUARANTEE-'is sell, new or second-hand. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE. BLOCK . JACKSON RANGES If in need of a Range, buy one our celebrated Toledo Ranges. We, guarantee every range sdld, and if it does uot gie entire satisfaction, it csls you nothing. An elegant line of Furniture, carpets and rugs in stock all the time, also Wall Piper, Window Glas. B. W.STRONC m a - - j j I THE F ROSEBURG -s I I t KRUSE & KfUUpW V m COM CWCtBlB I KRUSE $ NEWLAND M f . I , I . Resolutions ef Condolence. H II of Mountain Ixiie So. 103.' l.O.O. F. Drain. OregonJuly li. 10-5 Whereas. Divine Scripture has said that. "In the oaidat ol life we are death", and, . Where, The Great Reaper. lVath, ha removed from earth and from out hide our beloved brother, T. J. ilaon, w!i. .e death we mourn, and. Whereas, by his death his beloved and faithful wife and children luive suf fered irreparable loss, therefore, tie it Resolved. That, as an expression of our sorrow ti -At onr lodge charter lie lraieJ in mourning lor a peridot ; thirty days ; that a cap-of these raaala tious be sent to the bereaved wife anil family, that a ropy he sent ,an each of '' the Roeeburit papers and to the Drain! I Nonpareil yfor publication and a copy spreau upon tne minutes ot oar lodge, Reepeclfullv aaksaittad, li. M. f.Wy. Ira wiMaaaur, Commute. When you want a pleasant laxative that is easyto take and certain to act, use Chlmiberlaiu's ,! Liver tablets. Kor sale by A. C Harstars Co. Sound Advice to Parents DrJ yoa waniirjor cbiWrwerf teeth ty grow cnxiket! to yoa want your. children's teetk to bee oat doctustug; If you A, dou't tfiatl thU. ,- Dr. t haBi' 1 v- a a - tiT rn,n making a speciaRty ortrw ai teutjoa oj teeth not only of childrena' but of grown peopU. Don't TrVw ynr . lu'dretis' tooth to fraV crooked, there is no necessity of it j while they are growing their first or second teeth bring ttieui o Dr. Chapman who will examine them free ot charge aol teach the mother what sliiniTd be one to fiave their teeth grow up healthy and even. A mouth tilled, with crooked or dUeased teeth spoils ones appearance ; w hy al low it when it can be; ayoide.1 in childhood. Consult with Dr. Chapman in the A.braham building and he will assist you, that yoor child may have white, even and clen teeth 19 IN Lehid 1 every article; we AND C$S STREETS MAN OREGON Fresh I Family GROCERIES A completl tock of -- jr. . 1 11 6 tn "besti brand? of l J1 K biapie and fancy Uro ceries. New. and fresh goods on whih we have removed the jariff. All kinds j of early vegetables -. 4nd fruits kept coBstaartly on hand. Highest- THafket price paid for "all kinds of farni producel UP-TO-DATE GROCER I I 1 ' fropeTty Soint to Attachmen: Jutice Bean Ts tie;author of an ti r opjnwn. i. tU- cas of, M. E Poiro.-. appelant, vs L oiin. respondeat, n appeal from Marion "countT, in wl. h iu ' the decree of GeoryJ H Burnett ta er-,- L 1 in .tMim me mse justice B. -.n aal.H id .fijer-t that, ila person bids in a piece of property at ajshertft's sale and the time hm redemptam having exptte I, snch person has an Exclusive riatM n such propertv , even titoogh he has iet sectireii a sheriff's decree, and if anot r should secure a iiidment agiinst the purchaser fl(e lAtfAs interest in tie propertt ajrA. attachment in ajtt- 1 iantctio. of such"; UrDt. lod gest! a With its companions, heart Inn . tUtnleoce. torpklity of the liver.. -m- j stip,tion. palpiution of the heart, j - or I l, j . , . , II Maaa, sMaaacfca aaa other a ai '.vptoms, shallow skin, fool toov'e. ; 1 offensive breath and a levion of o: 1 r ailments, is at outje the most widespi.-ad and destructive jxtalady among the American people. Tho Herbioe tr. at- meut will cure ad theee troubles. 5 c $ i per bottle. Kor Bale by A. C. Manteis Uc Caia'y Trusom's Notice t4l hereby itiven that all par eo binttcaunty warrants endorsed p i r to, ani"io h'ding, Julv 3,1903, an ro- Tjaosted vo preseuk the same to the evi 11- :y traafurertijpTOt will cease th. re- on attar ty- datVof this notice. Datai la-..l0ttf, Oreg , Julv 17, 1-03. - , -y-- - - ... . Stomach TrouMo and Consttpatioa "ObamlWtaii'w Stomach and l.ier ,Ts.b!eLs ti done mo a great deal of " V V i of Rat Port ae. potnok(Janada Being a mild phy -ic the after effecti-are not unpleasant, aud I can recommend them to all wl o suffer from slooiatl disorder. Fcr sale by V. C- lariera Co . ji Best grade of lainilj- dour. Bashf..r. V "Pride of Douglas at only l.l-' per ' ) 1