The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 13, 1905, Image 3

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    I SALE
We liave !accd' on
Including SUMMER
Men' , ami Youth's SUITS at a PRI-K
thetQ. We must make
Pick of tlic Assortment
lUmbi JONtS. I'r.iprictor
(UtM $1.00 per day und upward
New Brick, N
Prompt Service!
Opposite tin
S. !'. Depot 1 :r
CltanlinvM. Superior Pditrtea and Sweel
Heata it Our Inducement fur Patron1-
In thu
with more
We bav
our restaurant entrance
on both Suerdiun and C;i--streets.
VHtU In town and don't know whtfl
to rat. juk your trittiJj and liny will
dirrv't you to
i i
S k
This arl ool 1' o for the
tnrei ; tee hort review elate a graduating
tended to live yegrt and made ri a. to the
i tut nrnni no omnr i. Abraham, prop.
inn r lUill o oium
I J : - ----
Mchool year opont on Tueeda) Bept. i-', uos V'gcatiooi i rhanktglving
n l Cbrietmat snood teuieeter opeot Januar) SU IttOB. ruition3 00 to fi 10
BWf term Kates a K ar ding lltlb I- W per week, with ertbtng funuhet eg
rept kodding. Bogrd in p .vote (amtltct at foa 1 to $t per week. Many pupils
p refer I "boU W lot W bh :a- UlUtg tfO good, F' r fart!., r particulars and cata
kejuet addragt
v l BSIQUS, I'iceidcnt. or 0. C, BROWN, VigfPrtt,
SALE the atid
our new stock, 10
Local and Personal.
P, J
. Jul.
dentin. . rave'
Leave orders at the Kovhdale grocery
store fur your wood.
Mrs J. C. I-tiller ton in visiting at Cot
ttge Urove with Mr. v. W, Tbackreb
EogOOe't Hiinlati-n according to the
late contttl It 5748, a gain ol about 77
per cent in live yean.
ti .1 Bacher, dentltt, is now occupy'
Inn the roomi formerly occupied by Dr.
ri-her in the Abraham building.
.Miss Delta Tlbbeta has heeii elected a
teacher In the Koteborg tchnoli for the
entiling tcbool year. ehlatid Ttdingt.
Head a 'v-rlisemetlt ol the Forest r
Inn In thle p-tper and when yon attend
the fair in Portland patronlte this
popular boetelrv
W o Blont, representing Harpar
Brother! tine new encyclopaedic bietory
of the United Mates, is interviewing
Roeeborg patroue.
Leeaont (Ivan in ail kinds of fancy
work, Hardangcr, tiittertyl, Kylet
embroidery ami nil the new fade. At
Uraval Art Kmporium.
Th "Pride ol Donglaa" bai reference
to Bathford'c beet grade of floor which
an le pore bated at all of the grocery
(tore at 116 par sack.
Bread, plet ami rake") like mother
used to bake when yoo nae Bathford't
Pride ol I roOglat" (lour. Accept no
other brand. Only $1 16 par nek.
Mrs. K. J. Beldler. ol near Wilbur,
went to Collage (3 rove Toetday to at
tend her brother, Ira Conner, who wai
itrirken with paralytli last week.
1 r -. Fred SSlgler and babe, ol Port
Ian. I. arrived in thin city Wedneeday
evening to enjoy a pteatant vi-it with
both her own antl her husbands rela
tive. Mm Frank Clemen It nn! children
returned home Wedneeday evening
from Portland where the ha been eu
j tying a pleaeaot rltit ami attending
the Bopcoition,
The laxative effect of Chamberlain!
Stomach and 11 vec Tablet! It to aggree
able ami to natural thflt VOU do not
realiie it i- the effect ol a medic no. tor
ale by A.C. Marttert a Co.
We have loi -ale at thtl place lumbal
iii the roll per thoutand, K r u it bosea
cheaper than formerly, productl of the
Kider Brae mill. W. R, Welle, Olalla,
Oregon. Swjlii
Jot A Uoderwood, one ofOekland't
genial ami highly e teemed butinetf
men, wai transacting bntlneet lu Row
bo rg today. II' renortt a boontlful
harveet proa pec' in bit teetion both of
gr. tin ami hope.
.1 I . Bryan ( the buty watch maker
ha h window ditpla) ol new Jewelry
wbit'h in fairly daatllng. Tboaa beauti
ful abalmiH watch cbarme, pint, fobe,
and other arth le of jewelry hi once ap
peal to the obeerver wban the low price
ll made know n.
H D. tiravat hat returned from Bet
w i k, Cal . where be had been lojnuri
Ing at Klamath II t springs lb- is
much improved in health an is bin
fether-indaWi i F. Klott wbohoa alto
returned trout 'he springs.
Mitt Laura ti Bpaldtng ol the Plain
dealer composing force, is taking her
annual vacation she went to Drain
latl night to tpend a few dayi with her
p.irent v after w bnh she con tern pi ilea
going to Portland to tpend lew dayi
viewing the Lew it and Clark Espotl
A strong faculty
i; ntenan
claaa ol over 90
t rn a and
i irat i ttudy ex
vYaab ngtoo K rma
End- of our SUMMER
Rome early and get the
t- (.i.ti.y benefit you note than
trip to I he iprioit.
Faaferiaa. trawl nil tiie V P lima
through thll cit) in very Ii.-hvv. Moil
nil trains rim in two NCtlooi with 'leap
mtt coacha. loadad to capacity.
Oregon's hoi weather laatad only on
day an I then qnit. Btck ent an I in
lone ol the Oelifornlft valleyn I hey get
it nigbl and .lay lor week..
Iiref-fen. are here, the very loWMl tOO.
From the ehenpeft to tlie beet, liny
them (rutn the More that telli them f..r
lei. aii'i remember Ki.'e .v Hire is the
C. T. BroWfl hat returned from Proa-
ieet, .la. k.)ii nainly, where lie lias jn-t
completed n eight month.' term ol
ehool He ii re employed Cor the com
illir fall term.
Dr, H. I Btudley the Oeteopethlc
Phyeiclan curei acute and chronic
dlteatet, corrects ileformatlot and
removes foreign grow ths. Consult ion
free Phone or call for appointment
Office In Abraham dnlldine tf
A specie of coffee plant growing nicely
ina tmall Jardlnere, and grown by Mr
Mltenhelmer, ij attracting much atten
tention in the Plain lealer ihow window
It is beavlly ladeoed with well Sited
Coffee pod I containing one kernel each
Mr and Mrs. H. J. Wilton drove down
from Canyon villa Tuesday and will re
main for two or three dava, Everything
is progressing favorably in that part of
i he county and Mr. Wilton informs the
Plaindealer that be his several good
farms for rent.
Mrs. A. k. Marah returned horn,.
Wedneeday morning from Lone Rock,
Eastern Oregon, where she enjoyed a
brief visit w ith her mother, Mr- Me
Curdy, she wai eccom nanleil by her
mother on her return who will enjoy a
pleasant tfltlt with her daughters in tllil
I, J, Keidler, and wife (Mm over from
Wilbur tbit morning with a tmall wagon
load of the finest potatoet brought to
Roeeburg tbit season. Which were for
(rute A Xewland. Mr. Beidler tayt he
ha a line crop of potatoes this rjeaton ol
the beat quality he bas ever grown in
this county.
Bherill H. T. McClallen who with
hit family ju-t returned from the Port"
land Kxpo-ition itatet that thm Doug
las comity exhibit is beginning to a, pear
vei credltabTe, but thai Mr. Buick
would appreciate the receipt ol more
dower-, with which to decorate the
From Meaaenger Martin we learn that
the Northern Pacific tralHc it becoming
great into Portland, as many at eight
tectfont coming In with pattengera one
morning recently. He aaya lie observes
tiiat a great dea1 ol baggage It checked
to the vartont small ttattOOt along the
S, p, hue in rregon,
Stanley Brothera, of this city, have
hipped the goodi from their Kotebnrg
-.tore to Med ford, where they have
opened a store. They also have a
aore at U lend ale. They state that
they did a good butineet at Roeeburg
and would return there and open a
parmanenl store - Uuard.
M h Wright hat accepted the lOCgl
agency for the Portland Service Co,
If you expect to the fair and do not
know where you are going to stop yon
will do Well to interview Mr Wright
i'lie Portland Ken Ice Co will locate you
n good roomt and von w ui know iu tt
what you will have to pay for them be you leae Roeeburg, Inveetigoto,
The July number of that interesting
mag line. "OporU t tie Id," ptbllihedal
Chicago, hat a very intereetlng bunting
glticle Which it givet a- a leader, from
the fluent in id our aateomed young
legal hght. Attorney -'a K Hawyert
Tbe article It tntltld " Hunt ing the
Colnmbtan Bl ktall Peer," and is ac
com ponied by a full paged picture of a
line sp. .i-nen ol this kind of deer, (he
picture Occupying tbe title page of the
megame. .'as. R, is evidently a
stud -nt ol nature.
The editor returned homo We Ineedaj
morning from Cottage tirove whwre ha
went lout KatUr lay to viit the pedtl le
of liis father, I ra Conner, who vu
stricken with paralytic July 4th Owing
to the itfong vitality and rugged conttl
tutlon of the elder Conner, together
With the fact that he is only , t
age, ronderi bis recovery glmoel tttured,
but lie w ill bo laid up for tome time to
c me at a when his attentive
farm interest should have bit pCftOQtl
Horman Marttert employed by l ie
plumbing dnn of Bridget v Maretere,
learoed the tsploeive powret ol gaeolii t
Toetday morning while at work roofing
the new Hoover bru k. 0A0tity d
gasoline which be HtOVed lOO gloat to a
burner m which he was heating tOUM
toldorlog Irona, agpl de I, totting Are to
I bo right aieovo ol bit coal and severel)
burning bit torearm and part of 1 it
hau l. Had not other workmen gone to
his tttittaOOt and pulle) off tbe hlaing
garment. Mr Mareteft might have toa
toined vary dangeroot IdjuHea, As it
: be Will kg kept from "rk for eer4l
veekt, not be informi the Pigindooloi
that the burn n healing rapidly (
w USTKP 4 -a.i al,.. ki., v. l am la
Mka laaejr abirta. Call hi pan lea Ian
at M. I'.iani i a boajaa, ol Iddraaj
I' 1. Hlaiul.ard, Kuavbura. 'Tea; D
Ba - i
Ufl, W. II. .tnmlrtr n rgtttrUM from
Portland Tnetday evenlog.
Hi n. K w Beneoc left Toaaday ntgbl
for Portland to remain for a few dayi,
Kuriiifhed riHimf for rent. Ki juire
of lira J. P. Chapman. w Tine Street
Mr H f I.ohr returned Tuetdgy
from a trip to Poftlandi where she via
ited the lair.
Dr v. w. Haynee dettrei to announce
the' he will he absent from hlflottct un
til fnrthtf notb-e.
Jesie Hafkin", of Tulare county, Cal ,
ii the go eat ' f his cousin. Mil. 11. C
nook, of this city.
Misses May, i'.-iie ami Beetle Eftw
land, of Ulalla. and Miss Utaie McOol
ha h, f Mar-t. field, left this in ruing for
Portion 1 to visit the fair.
Warren McWIHIamt bas rotlgned hit
position at Joeepbeon't and eonten
plates locating in I'ortitDd to wbicb
place be went with Co. D.
Opo Langenbergi of Porterville, Cal.,
patted through here Toetday night an
route to Portland to Vltlt with relatives ;
Uo hit return be will stop oil at Bote
burg lor a few days.
I VV. Strong has (tied -nit in the cir i
cttttoouri here ag ilott i. w. Carter atl
Kon, of Cnoyonvillo, to recover So.06,
liege i to be due in part for gOO Is sold '
and the re nalnder on accounts ataignad
by other pan let.
"God nod the Troth8oeker ' will bej
thetuhjecta! the M K. chun-fa next
Kunday morning. "leoai rhrough Cain's i
Wife an I .fottth and the Whale' Will lh
the subject in the evening. The public'
it cordially invited to these sen Ivee,
Ail but Ave of the Greekt working on
the railroad jutl north of I hit city reigned
ordere Ineaday on the B. P. company'
for the amount n quired ol each for road i
taxet by Bupervitoi Weber $tb The
live (ireeks who protested payment will ;
rt,,,jri., 0 lUit, but will prob
bly make Mttlement,
The editor ol the Placer county.
I California, Republican, w bo recently
po-s-d through s iiifhern Oregon bat
this to toy abntt tbli teetion of the
state. "The valley't, bills and ridges
are garmtured willi fruit and (lovers,
pleasing are (he climatic rOttdltloot OOd
M bountiful It the soil that thll section
is often referred to as the Italy of t re
gon, The llmltt of an article of thli
kind will not permit of a further de
Crlption Ot thll place or of the nil ner-
out other punts between it at Port
land. Huffice it to way that it is a won
derfully boitiful and productive coun
try an 1 many of the party who ha I not
before vitltod it ma le up their minds
that California was not "the w hole
I'-ui't wait nntil it is too late. See the
I teteopatfa now .
Here is the kind ol reports we are
conttantly receiving from Ashland,
Me.lford and (irauti Pact a here ere lit
a1 le dltplayt of products are maintained
at their reeiertive dep ite, yet 1 weburg
remaint Ind fferent to thla very import
ant enterprise, The Athland Tiding!
says: A ipeclal train came through
last evening carrying a cli tmberol Con.
merca excursion party from San Jote
bound t..r the i.tir. The party number
ed aboui MM) perttmt. The) appeared
much lotererted in they taw In
the Depot Rxhiblt building, commend
ing eapeclally t e tampnt ol gram and
gr,i-e- an I the it nit They taid we
could tho w cherrlei quite equal to the
Hauta Clara protluct,
Oatoopathlo treatment al w w lm
proVOi the health when taken pTOperlj
t hie of the inoel ditguatlog tightt that
have met the gate ol 1 irdiner eople
wet enaetett In thlt city July I b While
taudtUg in front of I he Viol C npiuv's
-tore tome ol our cltia -if were nirprited
to ete a man, w ho had an over supply of
II I nor a Is a id, tecum p IU led by t w o small
girls, go to the boat landing and get in
a email row boat. Knowing that the
man wan In n nditiou to have eh irga
of the children the byttondert detained
the fellow locking lltui up in ail old
hotlte until he so be ret) up. While on
the way o the house a large crowd fot
lowed andjuel as they were above the
old cgi nery about t u feet id the old
what! gave way letting the crowd down
on the mud Hat, ud receiving a mud
bath while some were quite ba liy hurl.
S evert he s the affair could have neei
more serious and are congratulate on-'
telvet that all's well thai endt well,
While thlt it nly a fair example of a
case of Intemperance, we would think
that it would la good poll' ' for yoQOg
men to pick other dayi than hull lays to
imbibe too freely, and if they mutt liOVe
a gOO I tune t - go tOIUfl place wbero they
oill not bo the laughing ttork ol the
co. i, v - Gordiner 1 is i
Arthur Dunn of "The Runaway." It
BOid to have rather it -harp wit Sme
day- ago be purt'tiaeed i i k from :
iiereltteul ageut chiefly in order lo gel
rid of tie- man. While the cuevk wae
being written the agent, feeling it 'i
tton, remarked, "l bear JenVreon de
Aligelis was obbed Itet w U " "Tb it
oV" returned Mr. Punn without look
ing up What did you cell ului '"
Miss Emma Carut n a tiuger arlt te
voice bnt more than once turned the
beodi of her audit ire When -he start
I'd out on the -Tag- tbe tang at t
great concert one night aud ttruek the
heart of a foreign wont who rhnoed
to be In tbe audlenee, geveral yeari
later -ie- taog in the pretence al
Saahvllle young man. who fell iu love
with Iter at light,
voice. He after
ward comm'tted
tol Ide "all for
lot e of bar '
Immediately aft
ei- tbit Incident an
other rem,it'rkit.e
adventure befell
m . i " trot I- We
the i re si nf trou
Me, this, too, Mr at
brought about by i
the voice which
ha pro --.I -IP b a
potent factor in
turn tig men - band
li.'.inuu bar
nt er tine
ttngT u aa a child.
Jhi time it was John I. BulUvgo.
arbe beard Id lat Coma ting lie
ber after -er performanco and Mtd u
lu moat gpnoollng tone
fa youte made hit arid Bia Will
yog marry mol"
Tbt laconic propoaol appeotad to Um
tumorous itde f it lea Cerae nature,
and she tuM the tKbter that tbt i-oulJ
aagy be a later to I .m. He w as per
llgtOBt Low ever, aud tt wo u.auy
U-OLlUs U fore J J.:, w aj COrOVtBjdJOll ut
bat va W kOOOrUOgti
fcrgv' '
A burz a whirr
cloud of dust
A wild, blood -curdling toll
A ghastly object Hashing by
TI en silence and a smell !
Is about all that ran DO taid of the
CaOet and affect of tfie lively runaway
which ocenred on Jack ton street early
Coeeday morning, the team La-ing thai
ol Qeorge KohlhagOO whtcb was com-
poeed ol four ol bis best horses. The
loan was standing In front ol Kohl
bagan'd ueat market when Frit?. Stauf
fer roOttded the corner of Cass and
.luck-on streets on bis Kamhler gasoline
bicycle ut which the lour horse team
took fright end becoming unmanageable
lathed down Jackson gtmet anil run to
the Hermann residence where one horse
fell, entangling and stopping the other-.
One borat was seriously skinned and
brulead in OOtttf (jUeOCC whereof Mr.
K hlbagen bas commenced suit against
the owner of the motor-cycle for fgflO
damages. The suit will ta watched
Wttb Interoet as it Will Ik determined
whether or not the payment of en an
nual state license ol It. mi gives an auto
or a motor-cyclist any rights or prlvl
1 gs on t lie public highway or city
sirtf ts.
All auto ami wheel men ahould use
great caution to prevent tearing teams,
but 'in trie other band the teams will
have to get ecCOttome I to litem as they
have the common bicycle, as the new
mecbinot have come lo May,
Word was received in Roeoborg Tues-
day from Mltkom, Brewtter valloy to the
Reel that Mrs. J. T Bridget, of this
city, sustained a painful injury to one
of her knees while out riding Tuesday
morning in a wagon with several other
?tm port. Walter Jotepheoo, also of
this City, was acting as ilriver. The
wagon ttruek some obttructlon iu t he
roa l and tli'1 jar threw Mrs. Bridges out
of her seat onto (he ground. She fell in
-uch a manner as to , ither dishx'ate or
break one of her kneea. Dr. Goorgt K.
Houck was called And he returned to
Roeeburg Wedoaeday reporting that lie
found Mrs. Bridget ruffering with a bad
ly wrenched and sprained knee, hut the
member wae not broken nor dialocotod,
He placed the limb in a plaster cast ami
led her retting Comparatively easy She
will remain at lirewster for probably
ten dava.
Mr. Sharp Explains
W. I. Sharp, of Vomalla, a well
l now u magnetic healtr, wet In thlt city
on hUtlnett Wednesday and made this
otHce a brief visit. Mr sharp inform h
us that
ptper I
Clark, i
the notice pttbllll
rer the signature
if I ia. a Ivertleing b
111 this
Thomas, j
- WtlC ami
latlng tbit the bad left his bed and
board to la with W It harp, is neither
truth not fact-, hut states that Mrs.
Clark hat been under bis treatment for
m me months pott and only re
moved lo Voncalle to be able to receive
treatment from him That she hail
been benefit i d by the t real men t ami
it at the i willing to return to her home
al an) lime tbe it aevored sbe wilt not
be abused by her hotband. We make
thlt ttatemenl at tlie requel of Mr.
11 arp. hut with to ItOtC further that
are know nothing about the eironm
taUCet and only published tbe ten ire
fur Mr. (Mark as we do any other adei- ,
And We Did Nut Know It
A telephone message was received lasl
mgbt in Marebfleld, that a pataengor
train had been wracked thirty live miiee
from Roeeburg killing twenty and in
juring many ' iardlnar Qtietto.
Teacher Wanted.
prlnoipal Ii wAiitH-i for YoooalU
ill ,-l . h,.r pafticutan write
llwlliwail, Clark, Vonoalla, Or
ii irdiner Qtaettoi lr. .lean Barber
and U. Jacktoti returned home Tuesday
u mi a trip to Roeeburg Mitt Dolly
Hetty has accepted a pooltlon in the cu -inory
department at the life saving sta
tion Gardiner Uatette.
,1 EV KKLI KV xt the Obriatiai
r-uiae "ii Slapiltlll Bl . July 1 1,
.-a-l.- aid
tor of th
Kallay, Uao t' Ui'chey, paa
I Ci.ripti.iii t'l.urih, olBcial
Tins weddb g wai very qoiotly planned
by the contracting parties ami its an
gouno menl i owe a- a Htratiaa to their
many frieodl in i his city w here t hev
art I i we. kn wn end highly
leemed, the groom boring ieeu em
ployed in the meat market of ( ieo. Kohl
htgen for s me tune oast. They left on
th.- evening train lot Oakland and
other polntt north to tpend a briol
honeymoon, after which t hey will re
turn to Roaei urg p regide. 1 be Plato
dealer joina with their many Iri ndtin
eittfotling oongrotolatioot and best
Bl I 1 - t tt.e home ol bis wite
brother, tm Whltaatt, Ii milet agal
of Roeel urg. JutV Hi 1 '". I ratn-ia .1
!' Ill age t iJ years, of 0001 irnp'ion.
Nlr Reltl was formOTi) a telegraph
orperatoi in tbe amp oy ol tlie ilontberi
ia Com pan) Two teort ag
old It stationed at Atbland. bar , ba bw
aaane atti .ted with eootompilr n and
at are I a t rentier ki Arizona In tbe hope
: ottering Ii health, He lowly do
. imed. It wevaf , an 1 aavorol moniht
ag", vaaobliggd to relinquish bis -'ii
Beg let bit w.b-. oho a formerly
lliet Jennie Wbitaatt, a ttos m) , Mr,
BelU orvtvad by bis parents, who
retida in llarribur. Linn county.
The nrmgigi were thlppod to Hon
borg, for bunab
H. Little, oe
ia prepared tn wait upon old
himI uwcuptonierflsud friend,
with a lull end complete
atock of
All fresh and of the vry Ileal
ijtittlitv. Teea .ail coffees are
aKH'ialtia Your patronage
olid tad.
205 Jackson St.,
KoMburg 4
Abraham Building, ROSCBUBl
N..t:i run nii'l.-r tin. h.'l will fbmntvi 'mi
Ml Ue ran- ,( um- .-til u--rl 1 Ih.tfrlt.H.k
No aavwtlaaiotai. lak.-n l..r Uaa iiian urn ui.
w N i v l.i tir - a ' tlcytlt ' '
Onvtno lawat Apr-i le box i"t. Ko nainj, or
Girl Wanted, for general hoiiao work
bv Mrs. J, W, Hamilton.
For Bale i
treat near de
House and lot on Pint
ot. gee J. A Buchanan.
New wagon and harnea fur sale, also
an incubator. Inquire oftioo Ctoohnag (
Roeeburg, Ii f I No, l. Ullf.
Wanteti A fresh young health) cow
with calf, must fe gentle for a woman
to milk Mate price. Address, A. B. .
Aaiea, Oregon tnltdp
W ahl.1. Ilroofl fooog woman for
di.hwa.tdoi ai.. I laoaraj bala in a
boardiui rar. Qood -w.-. - to
rhoroai Wilioni ii.-ar.ling Car, Qraajl
Title U ua ran tee & Loan Co.
0 HiaiLTop ,
aacy and Treat
ut- lo Ibt 1 ou't House- Has tas ouij cow
i rjet al attract roofe in Uougiii i ej ot)
v taatra u to 4 CurufleaUrt of Title furalsbtdof
tglar 1 o latf lOOt tOt raiuiaf claims Have
t. k -wr. wt of T reel tigs of ail omuf- i
p ate in th Oaaaburi, V ; o i !.
.. t. w i . make b.ut pnat copie ol en? iowl
Notice for bids.
Not . e i- hereby given that the un ler
signal will receive seeded bidt tt bis of-
gee m this city of Rogeborg, up to tive
0 lock p. i" Ogj July II, for t tie
' .. newt ot Mam Mre-t batwaog
1 Ink n VI aebiogbgl treble, act --ruing
I the plant on i ipacifaotiooi on tile
in thlt ft.' e oil bid i moat f ajOgoag
panieo by a certihel check (or lu per
cent nt latooot of bid, at a guarantee
that tu i ler gin perlorm work f tardi
the ton trgrt i The Council reeervee tbe
right i tvjaot any and to bid
A N. 'Hi VTT,
City hecorJtr.
The Home of all
a u il House I
that's ( iooil in
The Largest Lii f Carpets,
Runs aiil Litmli iuii are Heie
Teuts! Tens! All Sizes.
Campiiiii Chairs and Stoves.
Crockery and Chinaware
Are Here in 1 i u l.ntH
It's up to you t trade at
Soalaty Meetinge
AK. 4 A. VI. Uur
H ilda pillar m
and f orlli l
Jtlirf, l."..llH .n. lo
tuHftinp on aanupn
wiUv. nf fii I
month. J. T. Kmi... km, W. M
N. T. J.wktt, Nerrrtary.
0. KI.KS. kuael.urii Lotlllf Si
3i.'ri. IIuUIb rejiniar coromufiica
tiona at I O. .!. Mai nil second
and lourtti Thnmlaye ol tacb DAOOlb.
.ill meintMjrH reut.aiH.1 tn aMemi rKU
larlt and all viaiti uk brotb.n arv oordl
allj ioTitel to attrnd.
0. h. Caaaoa, K, h
Roy MiC'LAUfN. hwrrlarv.
0, l, lat SEPARATE hill VLLIOM
O.N. ii , oiecte at Armor) Hi II afar)
rhoraday eyanitiK, ai 1 I ock,
t. H Hami m, Cart
O. O. F Pbiletarian l.o.lge .So. 8.
Mitets in Odd Febovis' Temple, ri
osir Jckion and (as streHts, on
Hatordav evening nf each weei Mem
tiara of the order in good Handing ar
(UTltasJ to alien !
Ha 0 Lawia, H, h
N.T Jkwktt. Hsteratwri
ol P. Alpha I....1K.- Nc it Maw
vary VV ririla , n. 1 (J
ii a 7 i. ro M 'i -'
i 11 .1 .1, '. ! ,1 tt ' '
J.a a Paar, t: C
M . r . Wbmnt, K. ol k . -
All kinds of Houichol I and other n'ldd-. bought and
sold. Don'! fail to s. mir i ire d'aL of NKW
The collar question saving our
custoiue 1 a lut nfflnnnynnce from
rouebf Hedge a
riL a
anl sore j tt" j
the ure
c o 1 o r 1
and general ap
w n 1 1 c 1 1
domesl ic Hiiibh
pearance of our laundering -no
comparison t the ordinary kinjt;
II. tO CIROLR. No. 4-, Women of
. o sicraft Maota no 8ud nn-i 4th
Thursdays of each month at the I.
O. O, K. Hntl. Visiting memhers 10
gooil start ling are invited to w'tnt ii,
Mvktii I Uuardlon Nolgbbort
i Flam t Bon at CHrk
HooOOd and hoiirth I bursdavs.
h 'RoeeSnrg Chapter No. M
llohlt their regriiar meeting on the
rirtt am! third i: -i-.v- in
nonlb. Vaulting mern Iters In gool
itanditig are Mgpitetfnlly invited to at
tend. Mm I i Htroud, W. m.
pree Johntpo. Hecretorv.
Bern My So, ion, iii..tH aacond and
fourlil ati.f 'l.t - l .-a. I. luontb. Hi
Sativa iiih' hail. Viaitlng maiubafa
will raoaiva a oofdial araloomo,
a C. M taaraaa, M. A.
Miaaii .I..N.M, KacraUiry.
(X)DMKN h l hk WORLD.- ak
Cam l No. 186, Meets at the (Md
Fellows' I! i in Koftehurg, everv
rlrat and thiol Ifnodoi evening. V in J t -
ng ne,gt tiers always eeleome,
l . M 1'Hiix iga, c . c
N. T. .Frw-hTr c ...
ilia. alu
Ki Ida'
purcb iaa.1 era am at
blaaaa return Ihn