The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 03, 1905, Image 1

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    Botebarg Plaindealer
The moat widely read nevapaper pabllahed In
Southern Oregon and consequently the bet adver
ting medium, .'jirg.-. modernly equipped Job
printing department In connection. Established
in 1!68. Hubacrlptlon, 2 per year for Semi- Weekly.
No. 53
Roseburg, Oregon
Population. 3300. The Connty Sot of Douglas
County. Orrgon Si-Miens Home: r. S. Land OBUe
and U. S. Wtaiher Bureau are located here 8. P.
railmai division; oDlondid educational advaningcs.
Gateway to the Coos Bay and Couille country-
Interesting Addresses By Members of National
Good Roads Association. County
Organization Effected.
The Douglas county Good Roads Con
vention closed last Thursday evening
with a most interesting and instructive
meeting in the opera house, the third
meeting for the day, all of which were
fairly well attended and were enthusias
tic, there seeming to be a generally in
creased sentiment tavoring the better
ment of the county's public highways.
In the afternoon Hon. Wm. Bradburn,
consulting engineer of the National Good
Roads Association, told in a practical
na, 1 1 iv. .111 1 11v-.11- auu vi. mill . ' . . . v.
construction of eood roads. Thorough
drainage is a matter of first impor'ance
Application of even lare quantities of
the very best road building material will
be of little or no n-e towarl making a
permanent road, unless the road has
proper drainage. On the other hand,
with careful and thorough drainage,
even dirt roads may be mide to give
iest of ordinary traffic at all seasons of
the year. No round rock, either for
foundation or otherwise will give satis
factory results in road building. The
rock should be broken into angular
pieces so as to give binding surfaces.
The first layer should be of such rock
not over three inches in diameter, and
well rolled and settled on the dirt found
ation. One inch rock is best for the next
layer of two inches. This should be
rolled, then well wetted and rolled
again. A surface of one inch of the
smallest fragments of the broken rock,
pressed firmly into place by the heavy
roller, will complete the roadway. No
dirt whatever should be applied to the
surface of this kind of road. Once well
built, slight but constant attention will
keep such a road in perfect condition at
all times during the year.
Col. T. P. Rixey gave an interesting
very satisfactory results at all seasons of I address on good roads legislation and H.
the-year. Not only should the surface E. Lounsbury, of the S. P. R. R. Co ,
of the road be kept free from water, but spoke of the interest the railroad com
water should not be allowed to stand in 1 panics have in good public highways,
pools or ditches alongside the roadbed. Mrs. Adams sang a beautiful solo and
Under such conditions the water wili ' graciously responded to an encore,
permeate the roadbed from the sides, evening session.
soften the foundation of the road and Mayor Hoover presided at the even
the traffic will soon displace aud destroy ing session in the temporary absent e of
the surface of the roadway, no matter Chairman F. J. Biakely and Attorney
how good the material Meal thereon. O. P. Cos how was the first speaker of
With a well graded, well-drained and the evening, delivering a brief but point-well-roiled
diit foundation, six inches of ' el address on good roads. He was fol
crushed rock, well applied and thorough- ! lo wed by the eloquent and logical 1'. S.
ly settled in place by a heavy roller will ' Senator Mann of Florida, who made a
make a surface that will carry the heav- stirring address on the great need for
F.d Yio'et, a well knewn logging con
tractor, who was long in the employ of
the Booth, Keliy Co , in Lane county. '
New York, June 30. It was an
nounced this afternoon that John D,
Rockefeller had made a gift of $10,000.-
but who for some time has been engaged j 000 to the general education board, of
in logging operations for a Gardiner which Robert R. Ogden is chairman,
lumbering company on Schofield creek, I The fund is an endowment for higher
was crushed between two logs last Fri
day and instantly killed. He was a
young married man, a son-in-law of Wm
Landess of Cottage Grove, to which
place the remains were taken for burial
Saturday. He was an'Odd Fellow and
a very exemplary young man. This
makes the second Cottage Grove boy ac
cidentally killed in the Gardiner logging
camps within the past year, Wm. Allen
having met death in a similar manner
a year or so ago.
Boys Bound Over
The two 17-year-old boys, charged
with larceny and who broke jail last
Tuesday night only to be re arrested at
Drain the day following, were given an
examination before Recorder Orcutt Fri
day and bound over to the circuit court
for trial. The bail was fixed at f300
each in defaolt of which they were
locked up in the county jail. The boys
gtve their names as James Thompson
and Frank Reed.
education in the United States. The
gift was accepted and it is understood
Rockefeller contemplates further gifts
for this purpose.
In a letter to the board authorizing
the gift E. T. Gates. Rockfeller's secre
tary, says: "Ten mililion dollars will
be paid October 1st in cash or income
produciug securities, the principal to be
held in perpetuity as a foundation i r
education, the income to be used for the
benefit of institutions of learing. or em
ployed in other ways to promote a com
prehensive system of higher education
in the United States."
John D. Rockefeller was instrumental
in forming the general education board
in 1502, and contributed a million dol
lars immediately for the common
schools in the South. The pretent gift
is des igned to aid colleges and universi
ties in all sections of the country.
better roads and the innumerable good
results that accrue from their being
built, citing instances in various parts
of the country. The large audience
seem to never tire of his able discussion
and would have been content to have
listened to his eloquent plea for good
roads much longer. He poked a little
fun at old Missouri in conclusion which
brought a loyal Missouiian to his feet in
the audience and a laughable little ora
torical contest ensued. Our local friend
insisted on "being shown"' of course.
Prof John Hortiag, leader of the Kose
burg band, followed the Senator with a
beautiful aud difficult cornet solo which
however was executed in an admirable
and greatly appreiiated manner, the
professor's tine new model Conn cornet
having arrived direct from the fje'ory
just in time for this occasion. The piano
accompanin e:it was by Mrs A 1 Steiner.
President Moore of the N itional Hood
Roads Association then gave his famous
illustrated good roads lecture, the stere
opticon views being large and verv
plain. Views of famous roads in vari
ous parts of the world were shown, as
well as Siime frightfully had ones in this
country. Of the lstter some examples
were also shown after they hail been re
built by the National Good Roads Asso
ciation. The photographs told such a
convincing story that comment was al
most unnecessary.
Resolutions Adopted and Officers Elected.
Suitable resolutions were adopted and
a local organization was effected with
Judge M D Thompson, president ; Mor
ris Weber and J C Aiken, vice presi
dents at large ; B W Strong, secretary;
K L Cannon, assistant seeretary ; L
Wimberly, treasurer. These officers will
also constitute the executive committee
for the county. Vice presidents for oth
er incorporated towns are: J C Young.
Oaklaud ; C Ross King, Youcalla; J A
Black, Drain: Willis Kramer. Myrtle
Creek: H J Wilson, Canyonvillr; E I'
Riddle, Riddle: H G Sonnemann, Gieu
dale. A vice president for each road
district will be appointed later.
The meeting scheduled for Friday at
Medford was cancelled and the party
Eloquent and Convincing Arguments of Judge
Bennett and Senator Thurston in Be
half of Defendent.
"Situated as I am letween two such ' would, at the most, have been technical
distinguished orators, tlie brilliant San in appearing lefore an officer of the de
Francisro lawyer and the other gentle-1 partmenta. Senator Mitchell knew there
man of whom you have heard so much i was such law upon the statute look,
and are yet to hear, 1 naturally feel I but he remembered it only in a general
some difference and can only attribute J way, as anyone has a general knowledge
my being here to a similar reasoning to .of the law. Tanner, according to his
that used by the housewife, who, in sworn statement, regarded the fees H
spreading the table, is not content to J pay for his own services before the land
put on the most tempting viands but offices and department,
deems the table incompletely spread! Learned counsel maintained that after
without plain bread. j about two years, Tanner was getting ed-
"You, gentlemen, have listened for , mated, and later did not write 'Me' in
five hours to what has seemed to me to Bpeaking of fees, but used the personal
lie one of the most unfair and disingen- pronoun 'I.' In the Benson letter the
nous speeches I ever listened to in a fees are named as joint ones, hut the
court of justice. There are two kinds of Benson case is not included in this in
unfairness one the hasty stand of a diet ment and is not on trial. Of morn,
mistaken man and another the deliber-' if you are after Senator Mitchell, if you
ate unfairness of a hostile mind, and it ate huuting for something bjr which to
seems to me Mr. Heney's exhibition ' run him down, as this learned attorney
if yesterday belongs to the latter class, is hunting him down, there are matters
The prosecuting attorney wants you to
convict the defendant, whether he is in
nocent or whether he is guilty.
"The honor and liberty of an old man
is at stake, who. doing his long residence
here, has won honor for himself and for
you, aud I agree that there never has
leen and perhaps never will he agaiii
such an important case in this state. So
much fo. priliminary.
"You Don't Ko
in these letters which can be alleged as
faulty. There is no act iu human life
that cannot be given an evil construc
tion. "From the mere fact that the defend
ant asked to see his liooks, it is alleged
that his purpose was an evil one. You
remember, gentlemen of the jury, that
when Shakespeare depicted the jealoei
Mo r. who married a young ife a- pure
and innocent as an angel's win-, every
' circumstance was proof to his jealous
mind of wrong and he brought about
her death. 'Things light a air' were
thus to him 'proof strong as Holy writ.'
"A'ter listening to counsel for fiv?
hours, you do not in all probability
know for what you are trying the de
iun.lunl f.ip ntmm tliink- ih. all.,..'
',,",., and this it appears is the attitude of the
1 prosecution.
Accbscs rorcstios.
"Little things that amount to nothing
I to do with it, but the charge is that j at all except to one of a jaundiced
returned to Portland on Friday's train j the offense charged, but that has noth
They went to Newport to remain over j ing to do with this case. Neither has
Sunday and will hold a big convention , the changing of the agreement anything
at Corvallis on July 4th.
Following is the personnel of the par- Miu-hel. took money from Kribs for
ty With the Good Roads Special: j work he performed before the land Ik-
Col W H Moore' Pree Natl (iix d partment. The government must sticx
Roods Ass'n, St Ixuiis. to ts pound of flesh, if it takes one drop
Senator A S Mann, Vice Pres Natl of blood it cannot sustain its case. It
Good Roads Ass'n, Jacksonville, Fla must o nfine itself to the allegation of
Col T P Rixey. Lecturer Natl Good t,e indictment. When their witness,
i -
Roads Ass'n, St Louis.
Hon Wm Bradburn, Consulting
gineer, Houston, Texas.
Hon C G Cantield, Counsel Natl Good j
Roads Ass'n, Cleveland. Ohio.
F O Brownson, private sec'y to I res
Moore, Toronto, Kans.
J K Ross. Waco, Texas.
Miss Ray Hooray Toronto, Ontario.
Miss Flora Mason. Albany. Oregon.
F E Baldwin, Stereopticon K pert
Nati Good Roads Ass'n, Buffalo. N Y.
Wellington L Loucks, Organizer, St
Tauner, ti stihtl on the stand that be
agination, have thus been hrmuht into
this trial because they an- after SeaatoT
"You remember in the iaJBoaa case of
Bardel vs Pickwick, the Salter's land
lady rued him for a breach of promise.
1 here, as here, there v ere some letters
in the case. There, as here, they were
flush of shame, come to your cheek for
bringing in this -"
Here Judge Dellaven rapped for si
lence, and cautioned Mr. Bennett not to
bring in that sort ol argument.
"In this case," said Bennett, "Tanner
is very much interested, partly in re
lieving himself from the approbrium and
became Heoey holds him in the hallow
of his hand, and he depends upon He
ney for his lilerty. I remember when a
hov, and I lived along (iales Creek, in
Washington, I used to trap beaver, and
I noticed if a lieaver was caught, he of
ten wooJJ gnaw off a leg in order to go
free. It in remarkable what a man will
do when he is in a trap to gain his lib
erty. Blame on Tanner
"Tanner is a man in a trap. In fact,
evidence shows that Tanner suggested
the change in contract and the subse
quent petjurv. If tl ey made up their
minds to eommit lerjury, why change
the contract at all? As bad as Tanner
is, 1 do not believe he wanted his son to
commit perjury, and I think they were
not resolved on peijury at that time. I
do not betiere that Tanner told the
truth, and without lieing unkind, I be
lieve that Tanner, having once deliber
aii-iy laiMiit-.i turner oaln, can never
Kribs Was Deceived In Order to Secure
Papers and Testimony Heney Admits
He Could Not Be Indicted.
Portland, July 2 -The Mitchell trial of the Kribs transaction, were barred by
will not close nor the case be placed in ! the statute of limitations and could not
the bands of the jury before Monday j be reached at the time the investigation
afternoon. Senator Thurston finished , commenced. The Government had
u.B e.oquent appeal before the jury yea- I never offered
teruay ai noon, and at the opening of
the afternoon session Mr. Heney began !
lus closing address. He was interniDted
a-... IJ f. T . - .
-uuKe va naven al s JU o'clock, how- j he read
ever, anu court was adjourned until
Monday morning at 10 o'clock, when
the speaker will finish the presentation
of the Government' case and the Judge
will make his charge to the jury. It is
thought that Tuesday morning will see
j a verdict either for the conviction or the
again lie relied upon. Tanner was gain- I cilu,ll1 01 te defendant,
ing his liberty, ami he must tell what is ' s"0,,or Thurston closed his argument
satisfactory to Mr. Heney in order to go ves,erdy morning with a brilliant pero-fn-e
When a man is in that condition, ! nXua nd PPal to the jurors on the
you caut depend upon a thing he says. ! Krooni of "defendant's past years of
service to me people of the State of Ore
gon. He also paid a high tribute to the
District Attorney, saying that the whole
I'nited States had been colled to find the
man best sailed to the duties devolving
upon him here.
The questions asked by the counsel for
You may not blame him, you may know
he in a rat in a trap, hut so far as it is
against this defendant, counsel has al
most the power of life and death over
Robtrtwa Gtu Atttaoea.
" Al T 1 T ' .. f.alimnnv .A ti.ia man
u v iv 0101 1 wa r 1111c man .
v 1 ti . , . . the defense were taken up by Mr. Henev
KuU-rtsou. This man who has been . ... J '
fed, clothed and kept by Senator Mitch
..II la kwa tl. V, K.J
- .... ...v ..."v. .l , 1 u a. . 1 . . t ... ....
ou dui indicated rreoenca a. Krine,
! the king of the landgrabbers. The rea
, sun was simple, and if the counsel for
who answered tbem fuilv. It had been
asked, he stated, why the Government
hundred knives in his eyes.
chance that he had he stuck them into
Senator Mitchell. He told every mean
and damaging thing he could. Mitch
ell, careful mac that be is described as
being, Lever toli Robertson to come
here and see Tanner, who would tell
him what to swear to. I don't believe
he was ever told that. He said be was
afraid '. 1 :. I see Tanner, lest he be
forced perjury. Then he pro
oeede to blurt out. without being asked,
that he has a letter from Tanner. He
says ti e l-tter was taken away from him
iu the tirand Jury room, while the let
ter vas kept in his room at the hotel.
He was so afraid that it would be taken
away from him that he went to the ho
tel and got the letter, brought it back to
the rand Jury room for the purpose of
having it taken away from him. He
said he did nut he to Senator Mitchell.
Is it true tint a man can he only in so
many surds"
Kstxmsi a Csware?
"This man of 33 will be alleged to
have ben afraid to go to Senator witch
ell and I ell him the truth, but he was
not afraid to go to Senator Mitchell and
call the old man a liar to his face. I'll I
tell vuu ahv he id what he did. He
was a spv. ami wa telling his story to
.Continued on second page 1
any immunity to Kribs.
He was perhaps wondering why be had
not been indicted, and would in all
probability know for the first time when
in the papers whv he had es
caped. If the Government bad told him
why he had not been indicted, it waa
very probable that none of the checks
and papers and the testimony could
have been secured from him.
the other side had noticed the indict
ment they perhaps knew. All of tie
claims secured by Kribs had been taken
in 1900 or in 1901, and for this reason all
It would perhaps be wondered why,
if the criminal law would not reach
Kribs, why the civil law had cot
stepped in and wrested the titlee from
the unlawful holders of public land, but
the people of the state perhaps knew or
would trust him in saying that these
could he and would be taken up and
prosecuted at the first opportunity.
The question asked by Senator Thurs
ton as to why Mitchell bad not been in
dicted tor subornation of perjury in hav
ing influenced Tanner and bis son to
swear falsely before the grand jury, wad
answered by Mr. Heney by the state
ment that such an indictment had been
returned. It was called to mind that
the last days of the grand jury bad been
very busy ones, and that of necessity
several indictments had been voted
which, for lack of time, had not been
returned. One of these was an indict
ment against Senator Mitchell.
Friday Seyd Havens and Mahlon Salem, Jnoe 28. Uoieea the friends
Sweet passed through Koeeburg on a of the womau suffrage amendment ex-two-horse
power gasoline bicycle, of the erases more care than they have been
Indian type, on their way to Portland, doing, tl eir initiative petitions for the
their cyclometer registering over 600 submission of the proposed amendment
s, which had be -n covered in about
days. An extra seat had been
Plea For a Sane Celebration
The "glorious Fourth" is at haivl. anJ of course every truly patriotic
American believes in appropriately celebrating it. Hut is there any good
reason whv it should be turned inti an occasion for offering up a mighty
to the project of 1 :- tut. j i u: aa, ; 1 k.i k .
sacrifice 01 me anu property iu sav uowiing 01 mr niuiiiicu muie uuk ir-
of property
well known
Attention i called
ing an all-rail route between New York main 33 livinK thouh VaM witnesses of over-strenuosity. to call it by
and Paris by means of a thirty-ewht- stronger name? The Chicago Tribune, which keeps a careful record
mile tunnel under Bernng sea. Last these and other matters, has testihed that in 10 years in IU 01 the promi-
week M. de Lobel returned to Paris I nent cjtie3 0f tne country not less than 1 100 persons were killed and 559
with, he aaaerteo. the Minl MOT Of fag, nriOMiy , vkik $6,659,000 worth
signatures of, more than thirtv well-1 . . . .
known American capitalists and en ; burned on Independence Day. A tragical showing. It us
gineers who approve his general plans j on the Fourth the surgeons, the ambulances, the hospitals and the firemen
and who will act as the American exe- j are kept particularly busy, and it has come to be so well understood that the
cutive committee in co-operation with , fact regarTJed with a large degree of public indifference.
Fran" COmmaXaM ia Raaa There is no danger of the occasion being forgotten or the "spirit of
Oawof the membership of the Ameri- '76" disappearing from our midst. Young America at least will always take
can committee an advisory committee ol care of that. But if the zeal for celebrating with enthusiasm and patriotic
consulting engineers has been named. earnestness can be tempered with a little discretion so that the list of the
The toul length of the Iyibel ;tnnnel, j dead and WOQnded will be shortened and the aggregate fire loss diminished.
including thejapproaches will be about he , m l UhiUl and the liberties of the
thirtv Aitriit miipa I K roil Mnn
i -it 1 -1 1 wa r I a. 1 a. . a . . 1
through Siberia will be MM miles in wl w ln no degree curiauea. ny not wora to sucn an ena .
Of course, primarily, July 4 is the day on which the true American
spirit delights in re-asserting its independence but such re-assertion does
a I 1 1 . t a 1 A III , - I . ......
Aiaaaau euu u. w.e rouie u. Va voun- ( not necessarily need to extend to foolhardv pranks and deeds that lead to
.. . : . 1 - 1 1 1 . 1
cii 1. uy, huihuj ano rairoanao vo
length to a connection with the Trans
Siberian road at Irkutsk, and on the
such fearful loss of life as given in the above figures,
ence and commonsense should go hand in hand.
point about a hundred miles south ol
Dawson, where it will connect with the
(vrand Trunk I'm-ifi,
Th i ila.v will h -Kn,,, received the fees from Kribs for person
, am . ., . . al services, the case of the prosecution
terminal points. The enterprise, is if
American independ
said, will probably be capitalized at
250,000,000 to 1300,(100,000.
Against the chimerical character of
the project, it is asserted that the Rus
sian Ministry of Railroads has approved
the project, and the Russian (iovern-
ment has given a concession of land.
eight miles wide on each side of the
rope, and
it haa
Reed the Plaindealer for all the News
The editor enjoyed a pleasant drive
with D. S. West to the 3urry farm
which is located seven miles northwest
of Roseburg in the forks of the north
and south I'mpqua rivers. This is one
of the largest, most productive and best
improved farms in Douglas county. It
comprises 20i0 acree of nearly level land
including pasture, farm and some
timbered land, fiver 200acres is seeded
to wheat, oats and barley this season
and 1 finer crop has never been our
pleasure to witness. The grain all con
tained well filled heads and was thick,
even and stands as high as a man's
head. It is just beginning to turn yel
low, indicating that the harvest time
will soon be here. Short horned Dur
ham cattle and fine homes and sheep
were also much in evidence on this great
farm. Several fine orchards were also
noticed, whiie the palatial home was in
keeping with the other surroundings. A
very pleasant hour was enjoyed with
those genial "agriculturists" Chas. and
Nat Curry, both of who are "hale fel
lows well met."
was at the end of its
dragged in the other
for effect.
"The contract the firm entered into in
lt)01 vefers to an agreement of 18t7,
when the Senator was a private citizen
and had a right to appear before the De
partments as any other attorney. Time
goes on and Mitchell is re-elected to the
position of Senator and it then became
necessary to readjust the agreement.
"You, of course, understand that be
cause of Senator Mitchell's experience
and wide practice he was to have more
than half the profits of the firm, and
the agreement provided that Mitchell
should have two-thirds. When Mitch
ell went to Washington it was right
that Tanner should have more, as he
would have more work to do in the Sen
ator's absence. The change was made
hurriedly ; the Senator was not there.
The partners were acting on the theory
that it was perfectly lawful for Tanner
to carry on land business anywhere and
put the proceeds in the firm profits.
May Hive Bcea Wroaf. Iciaetl.
"Perhaps this was a wrong theory,
hut this was the belief of the two. It is
probably true that in appearing either
before the local land office, the Qeneral
Land office or the Department of the
I ntei ior, so long as he did not appear
before an officer of the Government in a
matter in which the United Statea waa
interested, he bad a perfect light to con
vey the profits into the firm account.
The violation of the law in this regard
perfect I v innocent. In one he had writ
ten that he would not be home as i-arlv
as he expected and not to worry. An
other said he wanted mutton chops for
Judge Bennett then read arguments
in the Pickwu k case, likening them to
those of the prosecution and the suspi
cious circumstances pointed out. The
speech of Sergeant Buzztuz was com
pared to that of Heney. and the refer
ence to Dickens' novel was so humorous
that even Judge Dellaven was manifest
ly amused. Senator Mitchell enjoyed
the first relieved moments during the
trial, and smiled and stroke his beard at
the reference to Pickwick.
"The copy of the firm books," sai
Bennett, "arrived in Washington dm
ing the closing days of Congress, and
Mitchell, together with all the other
Senators, was very busy. But, if he di
look at the Brni accounts, thev showed
only that Tanner was conducting lan
business at this end, and he had a ier
feet right to do so.
"Tanner says he never knew that the
Kribs claims were fraudulent, and Kribs
assured him they were all straight
Mitchell had no knowledge of this mat
ter, and had to depend upon Tanner. If
there was fault in this particular, it was
the fault of carelessness alone. That was
a mean attempt to take advantage in
this case and appeal to your prejnd ces.
Directly at Reaey.
"You, Mr. Heney, are ashamed to
shed tears because you say it is unman
ly, but let the flush of shame, the red
placed over the rear wheel of the bicycle
converting it into a tandem. Other than
a few punctured tires the boys said their
trip hal been made without a single
unpleasant incident. They left "island
pier at noon Thursday. June 22, and ar
rived in Roaeburg early in the forenoon
Friday, Jane 30. After refreshing them
selves with a dish of ice cream the boys
mounted their queer looking little iron
steed and were exin 'speeding on their
I way toward the Lewis and Clark Exposa
tion, their destination, which they ex
pected to reach Saturday evening, there
by covering the distance over land be
tween San Francisco and Portland 772
miles in nine and one-half dava.
will be fatally defective. Secretary of
Mate Dunbar has received several
petitions on the blanks prepared by
the advocates of woman suffrage, but
in his opinion the signatures on theee
petitions cannot be counted in making
up the total number of signatures for
the initiative. lie holds that the sepa
rate sheets upon which the signatures
are written should be gathered together
and 3led at one time.
4th or July Special Rates
On account of the 4th of July the
Southern Pacific Co will sell round trip
tickets between points on all lines in
Oregon at one and one-third fare for
round trip. Sale dates July 1st, 2nd,
3rd and 4th, date of expiration July 6th
Newbery. S. H., July 1. Secretary ol
State John Hay. soldier, diplomat and
author, died shortlv after midnight this
morning after a lingering illness. The
sicns immediately preceding his death
w.-re thoee of pulmonarv embolism.
Mrs. Hay and his physician were at bis
bedside when the end came.
IVath came su I lenly and unexpected
ly, the secretary having passed a good
lay. At 10 o'. lock last night he bade
good night to his wife and his physi
cians, Dr. 0. L Scudder and Dr. Fred
T. Murphy, and at 11 o'clock was sleep
ing soundly. Shortly after 12 o'clock he
called the nurse, who summoned the
loctors. The secretary expired almost
immediately. Beyond difficulty in
breathing there was no struggle.
John Hay, Secretary of State, who
will rank as one of the greatest of Amer
ican diplomats and will bear favorable
comparison with another great Sec re
tary of State, James O. Blaine, was born
at Salem In I , (Vtober 8. 1838 He
was the son of Dr. and Helen Hay. The
tirst of bit ancestors to come to this
COM try, John Hay, was descended from
a Scotch family which migrated to tier-
many and sett hd in Virginia in 1750.
Adam, son of John, a soldier in the Rev
olutionary army and a personal friend
ot Washington, migrated to Kentucky,
whence John, grandson of the immi.
grant, removed to Illinois, prelerring to
live in a free state.
The future American diplomat, John
Hay, was graduated at Brown Univer
sitv in IMS, after taking high rank as a
scholar, especially in English composi
tion He began the study of law at
Springfield, 111., in the office of his un
cle, an intimate friend of Abraham Lin
coln, There he learned his first lesson
in practical politics, and made the ac
quaintance of the leaders of the Kepub
Hon party. He took part in the cam
paign of ISliO at a writer and speaker,
and in 1801 , after gaining admission to
the Supreme Court ol Illinois, he accom
panied Mr. Nulla to Washington, D.
C, aa assistant secretary. He also acted
later as Mr. Lincoln's Adjutant and
Aid de-Camp, and was brevetted Lieutenant-Colonel
and Colonel of Volun
Mr. Hay's body will lie sent to Cleve
land, Ohio, to lie buried in lakeview
cemetery. The funeral will be Ironi the
home of his brother-in-law, Samuel
11 If
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Vice President.