ROSEBURC FLAINDEALER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BY THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY mow M Office cos mil aio oh Entor. : in the Post Office ai Rosebuix. Oregon, as Second On Mail Matter in 1868. W. C. CONNER. Editor SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES tsemi-WeetlT One Year; $2.00; Semi-Weekly Six Months, II 00. Cash in Advance. Advertising Rates, 50 centi per single column inch per month. Locals. 5 cents a line. THURSDAY, JUXE 29, 1905. COMING EVENTS. National America Woman Suffrage association. Portland, June 29, July 5. American Medical association, Port-, brought in competition with Ameri Land, July 11-14. : can iaDOr. It is the rightful due of District Fair at Roseburg, September ; the American laboring classes to be 12-16. GOOD ROADS QUESTION. No question of internal improve ment is commanding more attention ' at the present time than the subject of improved public roads. No other j subject is receiving more active and practical consideration in the states and territories of the United States. National, state and interstate high-, ways are beginning to be recognized as integral parts of the transports- tion svstems of the countrv. The : present movement is designed, and set the benefit derived from China in the writer believes is destined, to : supplying a market for our flour and unite the agricultural, business and a few other products. Portland, San commercial interests for establishing j Francisco and a few other western a uniform system of permanent high- shipping points, however, would jep ways. commensurate with the needs i ordize and menace Pacific Coast labor of the country. Demands of the simply to maintain the shipping in public for road improvements are in- terests of those places with the mon creasing as the subject becomes bet-; golians. However, the trade of the ter understood. There is hardly a j Philippines and Japan will soon in farming section so remote from the crease to such proportions that even centers of this campaign that main- j should we lose the heathen Chinese tains the ring of a dominant note trade the loss would hardly be per from platform to press, that, among , ceptible on this coast within a few its population, men are not found to- years. Re-enact the Chinese exclu- day heralding the benefit to be de rived by adoption of modern methods of road building and maintenace. POLITICIANS GETTING BUSY. With the next state election than a year distant, politicians and men who aspire to office are "getting busy Democrats scheming to lay low the mightiness of their Republi can brethren and encouraged by re cent big victories in Multnomah coun ty: Republicans laying plans to re gain grounds they have lost and to oust George E. Chamberlain from the Governor's seat. On the Democratic side, all expec tations center in Governor Chamber lain s re-ejection, nor does it appear that the unterrified hope to exalt any of their brethern to other high places in the state government, save per- islature and perhaps a Circuit Judge! in Baker county to succeed Sam White, appointed soon after the last Legislature by the Governor. But inasmuch as the operation of the direct primary law for nomina tions to state offices is as yet a mys tery, and Republicans know ndt but that it may set disintegrating forces working in their party, it is yet early to make prophecies of Democratic expectations. Democrats themselves hope that the nomination of candi dates by the direct primary system will make further breaches in the Republican fortifications and Republi cans fear that this may come to pass. In the Republican camp a vigorous effort will be made to stay the march of the Democratic hosts. On all sides a cry has gone up for reunion of the Republican factions. Republi cans everywhere admit that they have lost much ground in the last few years, and begin to see visions of Democratic pow er in the Legislature so strong as to control legislation if concliatory measures are not adopted. The cause of unionism manifestly has been complicated in Chicago with other causes that are unfit for publication. THE PROGRESSIVE STORE FULLERTON & RICHARDSON SYSTEM, ORDER AND CLEANLINESS ARE THE CUIDINC RULES OF OUR LABORATORY THE DRUG STORE OF QUALITY NEAR THE DEPOT ROSEBURG .... Oregon tbe cooues out Freed from restrictions, or with those restrictions modified in any con siderable degree, Chinese coolie im migration to the United States would again become as great and as danger ous a menace as ever it was. Chinese of the lower classes are not and can- ! not become desirable or worthy resi dents of this country. The "Yellow peril ' is not a myth. It is actual. True, it is now remote, but that is because of the exclusion law. To rv peal that law would be to remove the ' barrier and bring the peril dangerous ly near. This the government should not do. The government cannot af ford to admit Chinese coolies to this country and permit their labor to be I protected by their government against any such calamitous competition. All of this boycott bluff on the part of the Chinese, should agita' e no or e c n th'i coast. China must and will have our flour and other products, this being the nearest, best and cheapest source of supplies for that nation. China is a nation of 350,000.000 people, a large proportion being coolies, who with the abolishment of the exclusion act would flood this country and with their cheap wages work the greatest hardship on our laboring class, which would far more than off- sion law in slightly modified form and keep out cheap Chinese labor and the most undesirable, ignorant and worth less class, from the point of citizen ship, of any of the low foreign ele ment. Capital is behind this agita tion for the abolishment'of the Chi nese exclusion act. Harry Robertson in his testimony i in the Mitchell trial, much of which was volunteered, provea nimsell un mindful of generous benefactors, de void of gratitude, an ingrate and a traitor. With bombastic arrogance and repugnant egotism he adjusted his eyeglasses and entered into the most minute details of the personal affairs of his aged benefactor and employer, in many instances without solicitation, thereby exhibiting base ingratitude and vindictiveness. He was naturally expected to submit true fd straightforward testimony but he went farther and showed a dispo sition to persecute and condemn a man toward whom he should have shown the greatest possible clemency and still maintain his own integrity. Such an ingrate should be held in contempt by all men. Not satisfied with trying the land fraud cases through the columns of certain local papers in this state, the government or some of its officials hare supplied magazine writers in other parts of the United States, says the Statesman. The latest addition to this highly interesting class of lit erature apptars in Harper's Weekly for June 24. There are still a num ber of magazines that the claims of the prosecution have not appeared in as yet, and perhaps the cases may be tried by the courts before all the oth ers of these magazines sit on them While Roseburg will not make the bird of freedom scream on the glori ous Fourth, there will be something doing in September at the district fair. That is when we will shine. Neighbors are multiplying in the neighborhood. 9 UNWRITTEN HISTORY There is a women up in Oregon who lacks a great deal of being a di plomat, and if she is a sample of the "good society" up there, she ought to be coralled and kept in bounds. Mr. Speaker Cannon, than whom there is no more polished society man in offi cial circles in Washington, rugged though he may be as a politician, was to make a speech at the opening ex ercises at the Portland Exposition, and when he came upon the stand, much heated and flushed, he was giv en a place close to the front. Near him stood a pitcher of ice water on a table, and a glass beside it. He got himself a drink of the cooling fluid, which was bad, considering his heat ed condition, and a little later, find ing his head uncomfortably heated, fished a piece of ice from the pitcher and began rubbing it over his some what bald think tank, says the Na tional Tribune. Here is where it is said that Mrs. W. H. Goode, wife of the president of the exposition, came out strong. She was somewhere around in the horizon, and seeing Speaker Cannon smash the rules of her hidebound kind of society, summoned Vice Pres ident ineoaore naray, 01 tne expo sition, to her side and directed him to inform Speaker Cannon not to do such an ill-bred thing again, or words to that effect. Now, the very funny part of it is that the man Hardy had no more sense than to carry the mes sage to Speaker Cannon. That high official personage immediately left the platform, and declared that such an impertinent outfit as the Portland Exposition people could go hang, or to a hotter place than he had ever been yet, before he would say a word to them; but some of his friends rec ognized the awful consequence that might ensue, and brought about peace, and Speaker Cannon made one of his rattling good speeches. Now, if Mr. W. H. Goode, husband of the meddlesome woman, has to come to Congress to ask an appropriation to make up a deficit in Exposition ex penses, you can imagine what will happen. That little bill will never see the light of day after introduc tion. Mr. Speaker Cannon has a good ''rememberer." Tbe little town of Drain, where one of the State Normal Schools is located shows a nerve and enterprise worthy of a much larger place and might well be emulated by many other places in the state. The last legislature madejeo provision for the payment of tbe teachers and expenses of Normal ! schools and rather than have the ! school closed, the citizens of Drain have raised amotg themselves the sum of $10,000 and deposited it with the clerk of the board of Regents for their use in continuing the school the coming year. They may be reim bursed sometime, nevertheless they are entitled to great credit for their efforts to maintain the school. Cot tage Groye Leader. The season will soon be at hand when the brave National Guardsman gives up all the comforts of home for his beloved country, and goes heroi call y into camp to become food for the mosquitoes. Germany's attitude is one of peace so long as the other European nations are willing to acknowledge that Wil liam ia the military and political mas ter of the continent Road District Contract Looking Glass, Or., Jane 27, '06. Notice is hereby given that there will be a road job let by tbe rood super visor of Dist. No. 12, commencing on tbe Coo Bay wagon road, thence west a far a tbe money (about $800) will go. SPECIFICATIONS. To be good iron rock ; on each side there shall be placed large rock about 12 inches square and tbe balance between small rock ; tbe whole width of iron rock eh all be 11 feet wide and 12 inches thick ; on tbe center of the iron rock hall be placed decomposed rock, 8 feet wide and 6 inches thick. Ditch There shall be about four furrow plowed on the hillside of road bed, the dirt to be banked against the rock, forming a ditch about 4 feet wide and 8 incbe deeper than it is now. Two culverts pat in where needed and 10 feet wide on top, plank famished on the ground by road district ; one culvert to be raised about 12inches; to be completed on for before the 15th day of Sept., 1905. Sealed bids received by R. C. Arnold (by the rod) till 15th day of July 1905 Bonds will be required and tbe right to reject any or all bids reserved. j28p Sipekvisob Road Dist. No 12. Fourth of July at Portland A grand celebration will be held at the Exposition grounds on July 4th. Many noted speakers will be in attendance. Music, fire-works and numerioas special features in tbe different department of the Exposition will be displayed. Tho Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at reduced rates from all points on Oregon lines to Portland and return Every effort will be put forth to make this celebration the great eat in tbe history of the Northwest. George Quine, of Riddle, was in Rose burg Wednesday on business, snd incidentty purchased a few fisgs for th Fourth, not because he wanted them but because tbe children did. Musings Bet all of the resolutions are well planked. The Trail in the road to pleasure at I'ortland. Song for today : "Keep in the Middle of the Kofcd." Even the railroad companies believe in good roads. Why don't they improve the rocky road to the depot? In any event, the convention intends keeping to the right. 'Tisn't necessary to have a highway as broad as it is long. What in the world is delaying the ai'- vent of the Toga cigar. But, if roads are first class how can a farmer dodge the autos? "Roughing It" traveling over certain roads in Douglas county. "Whither have ye made a road to day?'' Samuel xxvii ; 10. Why don't the (iood Roads people, adopt corduroy as a uniform? A path to glory should be the reward of those advocating better roads. Haven't noticed the CJood Roadsters wearing raiu coats here, have you? The need of a nation is the school. and of the country the passable road. Hope they make inroads on pit-seut conditions between here and Winches ter. A road boss is almost as popular in the country as a policeman rs In the city. All roads may lead to Rome, but trav el doesn't go that way. It all comes lo Roaeburg. Although the delegates are road agents Sheriff McClallen is not working ou the case. Hope the delegates find a speedy way to work out their theories on Douglas county roads. A girl never likes to see a young man she admires squander bis money on other girls. Roads paved with good intentions are no earthly good. They need grading and gravelling. Wide tires are expensive, but they don't coat as much as keeping a country roads in repair. Wonder if there are any rural mail carriers among the delegates? They'd be qualified to speak. What would you do if you had $100,- 000. "I'd own an automobile.'' Then you wouldn't have a $100,000. An eastern fashion journal says womeri are wearing larger shoes. Iney are probably numbered as small aa ever. It beats anything how a girl whoee stockings fit her well is never afraid of a hammock that bucks like a broncho. Why don't they change the wheels of chug-wagon and make roadrullera of the machines" Make em useful as well as ornamental. "The moat nn itisfactory thing to hold," remarks the Nebraska State Journal, "ia a grudge." Kver tty hold ing a greased pig" "Men who stay at home every niht are not good for anything." says Dr. Julia Holmes Smith. We don't know who Mrs. Smith is, but hurrah for her! anyway. The Salem plan. Here it is aa stated j by the Capital Journal : Four men. one ! boat, two quarti of whiskey, and 12 bot - tie of beer, eight hour and three infan- tile trout. Oakland propose to have a sane Fourth of July and will enforce the ordi nance prohibiting tbe exp'oeion of ex plosives. This will be bard on Kditor Vernon, aa firecrackers are included in the lift. There will be a lot of pent up B I exhibition, asked me how thev we'e 00 Fourth. . . .... j going to reap anv henelit in competition Says The Dalles Chrooicle: "Ayonng,lor prile(, wai unable to inform man in a neighboring town promised to ju.en, No peae, advise them in give $2 to the church just as soon as he both pspers, that one judge, an expert old a calf. Last Sunday be went into , the east, visits everv county booth church just aa tbe choir were singing: aaiiy judges ellch markej individual The half has never yet been told.' Heehibit therein, and list the awards, thought they were saying: 'The calf j not bv competition with other, but bv has never yet been sold,' and started to , ,n imin.ry atandard of excellence', flfht. 1 So they don't neeJ to consider what Last winter a Topeka society woman ; their neighbor has, but send their best, wanted to get rid of an old parrot which j properly marked inside of package, giv he owned, says the Kansas City Jour-1 ing name of fruit and name and addrets nal. It had only one tail feather, bot j of owner, so that 1 can put same on ex possessed an extreme vocabulary of hibit when exposed to view, choice cusswords. A bright idea s trues: j Please give this publicity tomorrow. her. She aa hostess for her card club one day and she gave the parrot as tbe booby prise. The woman who won it took it borne and bided her time. It soon came her time to entertain the club and furnish prises. So she gave tbe parrot a tbe booby prixe, too. From that time the parrot became the booby prise and made tbe rounds of most of tbe homes of tbe women. Finally the woman who originate.! the idea won the booby prise the other day and carried home the old bird. Tbe parrot recog nised bis former home. He craned bis neck, blinked bis eyes several time, and then, with disgust, said : "Oh, h 1 ; kitchen's dirty a ever. Notice My wife. 8asan P Clark, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation with W. L Sharp, a dis graceful character. I notify all persons not to board or harbor her at my expense aa I will not pay any debts contracted by her after this date. Thomas Clark, lis, Oregon, Jnne 24, 1906. tang' patent hame fastener or ha ne (trap now on sale at Beard and Culver's. Fireman Ray Wright is asking the question "Why does Billie Cleek visit Cottage Grove so often?" Mrs. C. M. Wickhsm and daughter, Esms, of Coquille City, are the gueats of Mrs. Ray Wright, of this city. Lynn Cston, C. L. Cbenoweth and wife and Miss Rnth Chenowetb, of Oakland, were visiting in Roseburg this week. Misses Minnie Shupe and Affle Hes ter left Tneaday night for Turner to at tend the annual state convention of tbe Christian Church. Wednesday morning's southbound overland train, No. 15, arrived here three hoars late, having been delayed by an accident to a freight train near Alca, between Coma took and Divide, a refrigerator car jumping crosswise on tbe track doing considerable dam- ROSEBURG GOOD ROADS MEETING IN SESSION While Not Largely Attended, Meet ing is an Interesting and En thusiastic One As the Plaindealer goes to preos the Good Roads convention is in session, but owing to the farmers all being ac tively engaged in hay harvesting and early fruit gathering, the attendance is not as large as was anticipated, although many of the county road supervisors are in attendance and the meetings are marked with considerable interest and enthusiasm The olhcers and exfierta of the National tiood R ads Association came in from Portland on the early morning train. Owing to unforseen cir cumstances, Governor Chamberlain and Judge Scott of Salem, could not be pres ent. Following is an outline of the day's program : MOKM.NU SESSION H :.fU A M Band and Reception committee meets the otficials of National liood Roads As sociation at McClallen House and es corts them to opera house 1U a m whairmau calls meeting to order Invocation by Rev E H Hicks Music by the Band Address of Welcome in behalf of City, by Mayor Hoover Address of Welcome from the Kose hurg Commercial Club, by K J Blakeley. Vice-President of Oregon Development league Address of welcome on behalf of the County by J T Umg. Response by Col W H Moore, Presi dent of National Good lioads Aocia tion; subject, "The National iood Roads movement'' Appointment of Committees Address, Cost of lioad Construction by Hon Chas G Cantield, of Cleveland, Ohio Recess to Z o'clock p m APrtlBSOO.N MSJSM 2 p M Call to order by Chairman Invocation by Rev J A Tnwnsend Music, Vixal Solo, hv Mrs Adams Address by Hon Martin iKxlge. direct or of office of Public Road Inquiries), 1" S Govt, Washington, D C; subject, "Education and Experimental Work of the Government Division Ad drew by Pies A L Briggs , of the State Normal School. Drain Address by Hon William Bradburn, j Consulting Engineer of Goo)J RoJul. A(wociion the National subject, Pra- tical Road Construction Five minute talks by delegates Addrees by Col T P Kiiey, of Mis- ' ouri ; subject, Legislation I Repirt of Committee, Resolution ' Organizations Recvas to S o'clock p m varan torn t p m Call to order by Chairman Invocation by Rev C B lake Muric by the Orchestra Illustrated Song. Mrs A T Steiner Address by Hon O P Coshow Cornet Solo Prof John A Sorling Stereopticon lecture by Col W Moore; subject, The Roads of World Adjournment H i the ! rhl P subject to cl'nfv a few Prizes for Fruit Exhibits Portland. Ore., June 31, 105. f. G. Micelli, Esq., Dear Sir: While at Roeeburit Stur- ,, .. ,. ... day, parties sending their fruit here for Juft received a note Irom Mr. Wright, promising some things at once. We havent a flower or speck of freh fruit today. Other booths have plenty, gen erally. With personal regards, hastily, D. S. K. Buick. Acatt Rht umatism Deep tearing or wrenching pains, oc casioned by getting wet through ; worse when at rest, or on first moving the limbs and in cold or damp weather, is cured quickly by Ballard' Snow lini ment. Oscar Oleson Gibson City, III. writes. Feb. 16, 1902: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Bailard's Snow Liniment cared me." Sold by A. C. Marstera . Co. Letter List. Remaining uncalled for at the Rose burg post office. Persons calling for these letter will please state the date on which they are advertised, June in, 1906. Anderson Mrs Wm Lindsay Rev S J Beilia W Moore Mr John (2) Boulware Mr C A Jones Mrs Ella Benoit Mrs E Bates Bart (2) Chambers J C Dormer Mr J 8 Eckels Mr Warren French Mr A B Grimes Mr L E Hornlein David D Honer Mr E J Harper Dr J A Man ton H L l etter Dr B Myphia Sada Palmer Mr O C Pannell Mr A T Rose Mr 8 P Ray M r Joseph Warner L B Wiley Mr John M Williams Jenuie M The letters will be charged for at the rate of one cent each. jdni 2ti, 1906. Bingham Hon H Nimock Geo Davis Mrs Una Rotermund Mr II A Elyroth Mrs E M Richardson I M Fullerton May Rhodes Jonathan B Hudson MrsJoseph Smith & Co Johnson Mrs Elisabeth Swank Ida Maddox Miss Taylor Mr Mitchell Mr S S Wiley Mr John Whittlesey Rev Chas T C W Parka PM. THE REASONS WHY You save money by purchasing your goods of us are that ist. We buy our goods for cash only. and We buy goods in carload lots and therefore get them at the lowest discounts. 3rd. We do our own work, thus reducing our running ex. penses to a minimun. 4th. We do not swell prices with bad accounts. 5th. The rapid progress our business is making is due to the fact that we have gained the confidence of the buying public. ONCE A PURCHASER, THEREAFTER A REGULAR CUSTOMER ROSEBURG FURNITURE CO. IN THE MARSTERS Eggs, Efjgs, Eggs. Eggs are up ami so are we. We pay 18c on Saturdee. I-ea'er Grorerv. tl-p Op. 8. P. Depot. Additional Local Special price on Buggies and Spring Wagons at Sykee. on account of goods arriving late in season. 26-2 Misses Bewie Wilkin and Pattie De Witt, of Tulare, Calif., are the guest of L. E Belfils and wife of this city. I -ogan berries, I., Logan berries 1JW per 24 box crate L o. b. cars. L. 8 Coox. jHtf Di.lanl, Ore. 8 K Syke received the first car of P eater Schuttler wagon ever abipped to Doaglaa Co. 26-3 A FAMILY SAFEGUARD Dt C.rm arraagra wMi th Nir of Dt Bo-L-hrr K h-ir.J'.e her laokMia 1'oclc't Great Throat ant l.uag Cure. : he be family safeguard is a reliable household medicine that will cure croup, coughs, colds, chilly sensations, running CTes and now, sore throat and bronchial affections that will keep the children proof against all contagious diseases. qSuch a medicine it Boschee's German Syrup, which has a record of years in the cure of consumption, catarrh and all lung and bronchial troubles. JToCJ fame of Overman Syrup as a con sumptive cure, since its purchase by Dr. C.reen from the niece of tbe famous Ir Hosohcc. has extended to ail parts of the earth. It ha-, hi- aln everywhere, ia sJTwo sizes. 15c and 75c. A. C. MARSTERS DRUQ CO. COBB WANTS GASH LOOK Fxtra heavy work sox I prs. 25c Mediunt weight work aox 4 prs 25c Overalls 9 .x Bib 75c Overalls 9 os gflc Mens suspenders 20c Men suspenders, extra heavy. 25c Mens suspender, fancy . 25c Mens work shirt, reg. SOc seller 4fjr Menssnd Roys Clothing of all kinds We will save you money. TERMS CASH NO CREDIT ' DOUGLAS COUNTY IS THE PLACE TO INVEST YOUR HONEY Deeded Land can be purchased at prices that will make money for yon. I have land for sale, Timber and Farm land in tracts of from lt!0 acres to 6000 seres at prices ranging from $3.00 to $20.00 per acre. SEE ME BEFORE BUY I NC F. G. STEWART 201 jackson street. opposite hotel mcclallen TIMBER CLAIMS AND HOME STEADS LOCATED I have some good claims, farm and ranch lands (or ssle, reasonsble, in one of the most beautiful valleys on the coast, write or phone to Wm. M. PosTxa, Csmsa Vallen, Ore. '26 mllec . w. from Roaeburg via Myrllo Point WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE THE NEW STORE BLOCK JACKSON RANGES! If in need of a Rauge, buy one oar celebrate! Toledo Ranges. We guarantee every range sold, and if it does not give entire sati fact ion, it costs you nothing. An elegant line of Furniture, carpets and rugs in stock all the time, also Wall Paper, Window Gla-. B. W.ST RON C THE F U ROSEBURG R N I a f "HIT THE TRAIL TO KRUSE & NE ALAND'S V FOR GOOD GROCERIES j ssHBIbV sbiibW KRUSE NEWLAND LAGE The CURTAINS LAUNDRIED rough and sore Notice white 1 J. FALBE'S RESTAURANT fcca m town snd doot know warn to cat, ask your friends and ttwy will direct you to "FRENCHY'S" OPPOSITE DEPOT Steam Cleaning-Pressing Parlors. Our new steam cleaning and repairing parlors are now in operation. A club o( forty at $1 50 per month is already secured and room for more. Smile $1 up to $2.50. As steam -!..;.. 1. the reliable process there ia no doubt ' insi tne people of Koseborg and vicinity ill appreciate the same and patronise sufficiently to support the enterprise. Ladies wool skirts also steam cleaned a ud pressed. Next door to McDonfal'. Tailor Shop. L. D. Ha vst, Proprietor. AND CASS STREETS 1 -V kaa-wx 1 T U R E MAN OREGON Fresh Family GROCERIES A complete stock of all the best brands of staple and fancy Gro ceries. New and fresh goods on which we have removed the tariff. All kinds of earlv vegetables and fruits kept constantly on hand. Highest market price paid for all kinds of arm produce. ! OT-TO-BATI GROCERS i a 1L.1UVE TAKEN IN HAND collar question savin? our ome i. a ior. ot annoyance from edges necks, the pure c o 1 o r , domestic nnish ana general ap pearance of our laundering no comparison to the ordinary king. WSEBllllG STE41 Ltl'NDRY' U-Morman&Co. Qf Tiliccts. Confections, fruits Bakery Goods Always fresh SrURIlHS SI. NEAR IX POT Notice Sealed bids will ba received bv the ronnty court at the July term Thursday Joly th for the construction of a con crete side walk upon Dounlaa street tbe length of the Coort Hons block. Plans Md 'Pacification at the office of tbe Coonty Jndge. Right reserved to reject any and all bid. Dated June 12, 1 M. D. Thompson Oonnty Jndge.