Vol. XXXVII ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1905. No. 52 MORE ABOUT THE DIRECT PRIMARY LAW Ignored in Respect to Election of United States Senator in 1901. Will Big Counties Monopolize Candidates? Orecon's next senator in congress will be chosen by a new method if the pur pose of the direct primary law shall be carried out, for by that law each party, republican and democratic, will name a candidate for that office at the primaries the intent being to force the legist' ure by public opinion into electing the can- ! didate of the party which is dominant in the lawmaking body. This plan was tried in the legislatare I which met January, 1903, but failed. T ! T. (Jeer secured the republican nomina- j tion at the polls in June, ItHrJ, andO. K j S. Wood the democratic. However, C. I announce the candidate for senator hav ing the highest number and thereuiHin the house shall proceed to the election of a senator as lequired by the act of congress and the constitution of the state.'" ignored Law in 1903 But when the legislature met in 1903 the two houses ignored that law, inas much as it had no binding legal force and proceeded "to the election of a sen ator as required by the act of congress and the constitution of the state" - the usual method. The direct primary law has no more V. Fulton was elected by the legislature By the new method nominees for sen ator would he chosen at the republican and the democratic primaries one by each party for election by the legisla ture in January, 1907, just as nominees would be chosen for the various state offices for election by the people in June 1906. Prinurirs in April. The state pri iaries will be held next April "'for the purpose," says the law, '"of choosing candidates by the political parties, subject to the provision of this ' law, for senator in congress and all other elective state, district, coiritv, precinct, , city, ward and all other officers and del egates to any constitutional convention or conventions that may hereafter be 1 called, ho are to be chosen at the en suing election wholly by electors within this state or any subdivision of thU state, and also for choosing and electing the county central committeemen by the several parties subject to the pro visions of this law." The aim of the law is to take the choosing of United Slates senators away from legislatures and give it to the peo ple. But since popular election of Unit ed States senators cannot be, effected witbou' an amendment of the national constitution to that effect, the direct primary law offers a plan for nomina tion of party candidates for senator by the people, intending that members of the legislature in electing a senator shall ratify tbe will of the people, as express ed at the primaries. A taw with this purpose in view was enacted by tbe legislature in 1901, pro viding that "the names of all candidates for the office of senator in congress" should be placed on the ballot in state elections ; that each house of tbe legis lature should canvass the votes 1 'and binding force on the legislature in the election of senator than had the law of 1901, and the members may vote as they please, except that they aie likely to feel obliged by promises to their consti tuents to vote for the primary nominees for senator. It is common gossip in po liti -a; circles that candidates for legisla tive nominations, in order to win voles in next April's primaries will promise to vote for the "people's nominees" for senator. If several republicans should run for the republican nomination and only one democrat it is quite possible that the one democrat would receive more popu lar votes than tbe republican whoshouM win the republican nomination Would the democrat theu be the "people's nom inee?" Only one of them because the purpose of tbe direct primary law is the selection of a nominee I y each party. That Multnomah republicans should name the next senator is the ruling sen timent in this county. A Multnomah man now holds the office John H. Mm hell. Since the men whom this county will put forward mill have to make a campaign before the people, 1 doubt has been expressed that the men ; of the class desired will enter the race. , Should only one Multnomah aspirant come forward the chances of his nomi nation would be favorable because ol tbe large vote be would receive in this county and the probably scattered vote of bis rivals in otner counties. This power of big counties in controlling nominations for all state offices has made aspirants from small counties and his caused politicians in big counties , like Multnomah and Marion to tear that the inevitable effect of tbe direct pri- : mary law will be to give big counties too many nominations and to endanger the success of the ticket throughout the state. Oregonian. SENATOR MITCHELL HAS NEW GRANDSON Paris, June 26. A son was born to day to Duchess De LaRocbefoucanld, formerly Miss Mattie Mitchell, dangh -ter of Senator John H. Mitchell, of Ore gon who is now being tried in Portland for complicity in tbe lan 1 frauds. W. C T. U. ANNUAL COUNTY CONVENTION ing delegates, county officers and con testants. The first meeting was Wedueaday afternoon, a mothers' Meeting conduct ed by Mrs. Bmr.ee, State Supt. of that department. She warned the mothers of the dangers of alcoholic remedies and also those containing opium. The Executive meeting appointed committees and reKirters. Throughout the convention the dele gates were entertained at noon and eve ning at I.amh's hall where the ladies had plenty to satisfy the demands of good appetites. Wednesday evening the devotions were led by Mrs. Pahuff of Klkton. There was special songs by the choir, an address of welcome by Mrs. Bishop and r -spouse by Mrs. Annie Bewail, State Kvangelist. In the debate, resolved, that equal suffrage would lie a ttcnefit to the na tion, many points were made on ltl sides, but it being a fact that every ob jection to woman's voting can bi nit-i with two reasons for her having the privilege and, usually these objection when earefullv examined have no foun dation. The affirmative won the debate. Thursday was taken up with conven tion work. Reports were read from Koseburg, West Koseburg, Kdeiihower. Kiddle, Looking (ilass, Klkton, Pram and Voncalla Unions. At2p.ni. Mrs Newall conducted a Thank Offering service m which all took part, the offering amounting to t; 55. The question of how to overcome our difficulties was a difficult one to answe. Mrs. P-ihuff adrise.1 being in c.trnet-t and looking BO Him who is able to doall things for help. Mrs. Black says if the difficulty is regarding the collecting of dues to have them paid quarterly at a stated meeting. Mrs Ferguson would be glad if the church would regar l lh work we are doing as pivmj the way for the Master's cause. Mrs. Hu ts also would hive tbe church arouse 1 to the importance of getting temperance work done. The officers elected for the ensuing year were : I'rei ient. Mrs. Ida Mars ters; vice president, Mrs. M K Pahuff. Klkton; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Belle Black Prain ; Rec. Sec . Mrs. Zadie Bishop. Yoncalla: Treas., Mrs. Helen Ferguson, j Koseburg. Thursday evening at the Gold Medal. Contest the devotions were conducted by Mrs. Newall, the musk consisting of ; songs by tbe choir, duetts and solo, was . verr fine. The recitations were : "The Bolter's Field" by Emma Applegate: "One standard for both Sexer," Violet Hoo er; "Judge Morse's Reason," I. lit!. , Moore; "American Christian OUiaea," Una Lamb; 'The Convict's BotBoqay," Helena Riddle. All were well rendered, and furnished ' an evening's entertainment seldom ex celled While the judges were deciding; the important .(uestion, Mrs. Faulkner, ' of Roseburg, recited by request, "lhe Old Woman's Complaint," which was heartily enjoyed. Mrs. Pahuff presented the medal to Miss l.i lit !i Moore, of Roseburg. and ARGUMENTS IN THE MITCHELL LAND FRAUD CASE The Senator Did Not Take the Stand. Defen dant's Counsel Asks for Acquittal. No Proof of Accepting Money. Portland, June With the testimony of S. B. Mar tin who gave evidence concerning the Senator's readiness and willingness at all times to do work for his constituents without compensation, the defense in the trial of Mitchell closed this morning. Instructions were then presented by the defense asking the court to instruct for acquittil on the principal grouud that the allegation of money received by the Senator has not been proved, as check only was re ceived. District Attorney Heney began the argument for the prosecution this afternoon. A significant development of the day is the failure of the defense to place Senator Mitchell on the stand. The defense claimed a close situi lmity to the case of Senator Burton, of Kansas, for tsking bribes, and maintained that while the indictment charged the direct receipt of money from Kribs by Mitchell, the most that could be shown was the direct receipt of money from the bank. The checks were purchased by the bank and the money later indirectly received by Mitchell was not Hubs' money, but that of the bank. The Supreme i ourt was quoted to sustain this point. evidence. It becomes my duty to prosecute this unfortunate defendant. My duty will soon cease; yours, on the other hand, will not so soon be finished. It remains for you to say whether tbe laws of the land shall be enforced with out fear or favor. I feel sure you have taken your oath to render a verdict ac cording to the evidence, with tbe full intention of doing it, snd will not permit yourself to be swayed by the dramatic arta to which some may resort, or the tears of full-grown men, whether they came from the heart or are arti ficial. If after you render your verdict you search your own conscience and have its approval, you may well care nothing what anyone may say. "Were it not for the prominence of the defendant, it would probably be unnecessary for the prosecution to go urther. Could you divorce the Senator, Joiin 1 1 . Mitchell, from the man, I think you would have no difficulty in arriving at a speedy decision. "I stated in the opening statement of what the liovernment would prove, that we expected to show the defendant took money for his services before tbe depart ments in matters in which the Govern uient was interested, and to show knowl edge on the part of the defendant. I believe ae have done so. For transact ions with Kribs, Benson, Burke, Oregon A: California Land Company, ard I.ee Sue, we have promised and proved that the firm of Mitchell and Tanner took money for services before the dep r - ments, and that Mitchell got his share of it. "What has the defense promised yon? Have they carried out their agree ment ' Have vou seen evidences of LANE COUNTY MURDERER GETS A LIFE SENTENCE Grand Jury Recommended That Court Accept Plea of Murder in Second Degree. Action Creates Surprise. Seven witnesses were called fn behalf of the deft nse Monday afternoon. All of them testified to instances when Sen ator Mitchell has rendered services for them in Washington without compen sation. Says tatcrtMS Lie T A Ablott, an attorney of Seattle. ii the first witue-s called. He fiatly contradicted the testimooy tbat had teen given by Harry Robertson relative to a conversation that bad occurred in Abbott's office early in April, 1906. Robertson denied that in cooveasalion he had sa d that he believed Mitchell icn4-cnt. "Rober :son said to me that he was entirely SHtiffieU that the senator had neer kne wingly or inlen'ionally been guilty of any dishonest or unlawful act," testified Abbott. Robertson had been questioned by Senator TI.ur.-toa as to his conversation and had denied tbat be had made tbe statements attributed to him by Abbott. itn Mitchell tcfascfl Pay The witness one time Senator Mitchell gava him assistance of great Talne in promoting a claim for about $25,000. and that the senator refused all offers to compensate him for his serines. The claim grew itexl in the bank they were sold to the i bank, the moneys received fur them were not the moneys of Kribe, but of the hank. S much was the check or checks the property of the bank that it could have been then torn up, as the Supreme Court has held in the case of Senator Burton, ol Kansas Cites lanes s Case "In that case the court said 'The defendant had an account with the bank, where he deposited his checks to Ins own account.' "There, as here, it was attempted to be shown that tbe cbeck was deposited . in baak tar collection. It was contend ed by the prosecution that when Bur ton deposited his cbeck to his account , ,n the Washington bank the bank was j bis agent merely for the collection of the money. This cass is a parallel ex actly, where the checks were drawn on the Roseburg bank by Kribe and deposited here to the firm credit. The Supreme Court held title oi the cbeck ' passed to tbe bank sod it aas the own er thereof Here at the Merchants' Na ti nal Bank the Kribs checks were sold . ' ...i ... further testified that at . ' l he torwaruing ot The Tenth Annual Convention of the Douglas County Woman's Christian ! Temperance In ion whicb met at Yon- .calla, Or., June 21, 22 and 23, was at j tended by about twenty visitors, includ- - MARSTERS' DRUG GO. i- m STATIONARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES WINDOW CLASS LIME AND CEMENT ALL KINDS OF SPRAYS M I DRUCS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMES SOAPS TOILET ARTICLES RUBBER COODS spoke encouraging words to tbe class. i out of a breech of contract by the gor- Friday the plans for the future were discussed, and excellent paper on The White Ribbon "What it Means'' read by Mrs. Pahuff, also one on "Franchise" by Mrs. Spencer, of Gardiner, read by Mrs. Black. Arrangements were made whereby it is hoped an I.. T. L. will soon lie orga nized. Supt. of the different depart ments were apointed and Convention adjourned. Hkimktir. JEFFERSON LADIES WERE ASPHYXIATED Portland, Or., June 18, Mrs. William Jones, aged 38, and Mrs. R. K. Myers, aged 5, both of Jefferson, Marion coun ty, were found dead this morning at ." Eleventh street, having been asphyxi ated during the night. Both came to Portland last night on their way to Prineville, where they expected to take timber claims. One jet was found turned on, and it is believed to have been accidental. Mrs. Myers had strug gled terribly before succumbing and St. ally fell dead before the door. Both tbe ladies are well known at Salem, and were prominent in all good works at their borne town. Mrs. Jones is tbe wife of a pioniiueut business man, and was a worker in the Degree of Hon or. Mrs. Jones leaves no children. Mrs. Myers was the wife of a wealthy hop grower, and leaves four grown sons. She was prominent in the order of the East ern Star. Yoncalla Items PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH G. A Burt has returned from his trip to Portland, and attended lodge at Oak land Friday night. The sermon by Mrs. M C. Wire, mother of our pastor, was highly en joyed by all who heard it. Mrs. Rachel Tulley started Friday for her home at Wallowa. She will visit at Salem and Portland enroute. Mrs. Richard Smith of Colfax, Wash., and her little son, Rudolph Roosevelt, are at the home of Mrs. Smie Smith. Mr. Derrick, a young man who for ' mcrly lived here, returned recently to visit his friends and renew old acquaint ances, i ne gins were giaa to see him. Mr. Joseph Johnson, of Wallowa, a companied by his wife and two daugl ters, are here visiting a host of relative. It has been about 20 years since they were here. I Read the Plaindealer for all the News Joseph Riggs, the 7-year-old son of Dr and Mrs. J. O. Riggs of Portland, was instantly killed by being struck by a streetcar of the Portland Consolidated Railroad Company, at Fourteenth and about 10 o'clock Monday. eminent, in that it failed to live up to he terms of the lease. Tbe witness bad rented to the government a build in at 'I actinia to be used for a post office for a term of five years. Through Mitchell's assistance Abbott finally re eat at ad $I3.0U0 of ;n. claim. He was anxious to compensate Mitchell bat tbe latter positively refused to take any thing, saying that be conld not lawful ly do so. J. C. Fnllerton, a lawyer of Roseburg. testified that in March I tar.1, be wrote to Mitchell, asking hit assistance rela tive to some Indian depia lalkin claims, and saying that there would be a fee in it for the senator if he would assist in forwarding tbe claims. The letters which pased between the witness and Senator Mitchell were in induced in evi dence. Mitchell replied to Fnllerton's reonest and offer of compensation by saying that he would do what he conld ! to promote me ciaim, uui um ue could not accept any compensation. "Of course, I cannot practice in the court of claims while I am senator," wrote Mitchell. A. D. Stillman, of Pendleton, a Dem ocrat, had a similar experience. Letters which passed between himself and Mitchell were introduced in evidences. He, too, had asked the senator's as sistance in a matter pending at Wash ington, and had offered compensation for the services he desired, but Mitchell declined the offer, saying that he could not accept fees for such work while senator. W. H. odell. former clerk of the stele land board ; W. D. Wheelwright, .resi dent lortland Chamber of Commerce; Theo. B. Wilcox, of Portland ; ('apt. J. A. Sladden, clerk of the U. 8. circuit court, all had secured tbe valuable services of Senator Mitchell before the departments at Washington and bad told i! in that they were more than willing to pay for his services, but Senator Mitchell replied that he conld not accept fees in a matter where tbe government is concerned. Thurston Addresses Cetrt "The indictment charges on the first and third counts," said en-Senator Thurston, "that Mitchell was paid $500 lar services on behalt of Frederick A. Kribs. In each of the other counts of the indictment the charge is thst Sen ator Mitchell received checks from Frederick A. Kribs for services ren dered. Unless it shall be shown that Mitchell received the checks alleged, it will be fatal to the Uovernment's case to show merely that be later received part of these checks. The testimony shows tbat Senator Mitchell was not here and never knew of the receipts of a check by Tanner or the firm until after tbe check had been deposited ia the Merchants National Bank. Evi dent does not show that Mittbelll au thorised Tanner to receive checks for Mitchell's services before the depart ment. When the checks were depos- the check for collection was not a collection for the defendant , was the decision of the court in the Barton case. Ihe bank was not i acting as an agent for the defetlant. bat I ia its own behalf, as the owner of tbe I cheek- "The indictment charges that Sena i tor Mitchell received money on certain dates from Frederick A. Kribe. and i also alleges he received checks from j Frederick A. Kribs. The evidence does j not bear out these contentions. Tan- i ner receive.! the money, tbe bank the I checks, all without tbe knowelege or consent of Mitchell. The evidence does not show that Mitchell aaihoriied Tan ner to act as his agent. "I ask Your Honor to so charge the jury tbat it must be shown, as chargtd in the indictment, that Mitchell receiv ed either check or money from Fredei ica A. Kribe. He did neither . and if it were.ahown that he later .received either, tbe money was not tbat of Kribe in either case." Heney rose to present his instruc tions. He said the indictment alleges. learly, tbe receipt of $500 on February 1001, by Mitcbeli A Tanner. In the Burton case," he said, "the Supreme Court held that the money he received was realised when be cashed the check at Washington, and this re moved jurisdiction from Kansas to tbe District of Columbia. Eugene, Ore., June 27. John Rich ards, wbo on Jane 1 murdered Sanford Skinner by shooting him in tbe back and then turning on Skinner's wife, Richard's own sister, and shooting her to death, blowing the top of her head off after she had fallen to the floor, was this forenoon about 11 o'clock sentenced by Judge L T. Harris to life imprison ment in the state penitentiary, the prisoner having entered a plea of "guilty" to the charge of murder in tbe second degree. The grand jury last evening filed with tbe court a recommendation tbat the court accept a plea of guilty to the charge of murder in the second degree, as the prisoner was willing to make such plea. This action was taken for reasons set forth in the recommendation as printed in fall below. When brought into court this fore noon Richards withdrew bis plea of guilty to the indictment of murder in the first degree for tbe killing of his sister, and pleaded gailtr to two in dictments tor murder in the second de- viodicitivenees on the part of the prose-; gree, one for the murder of bis sister cation I think not. This duty is H and the nthr Inr th m.. .r unpleasant one in this case. husband. He then waived time for "The allegations are that Kribs paid setting of tbe sentence and Judee Harris the firm of Mitchell A Tanner $,V in i sentenced him to the lonitonn.r. in- life. At tbe time of tbe sentence verv few people were in tbe courtroom as nothing of this kind was expected, tbe trial being set for tomorrow. When th? news of tbe sentence hsd spread on tbe streets everybody expressed surprise, as it was generally thought tbat tbe mur derer would hang. Richards took his sentence calmly and without any out ward display of emotion. Tbe grand jury's recommendation in tbe case as filed with tbe court ia as follows : "In tbe circuit court of the state of February, lyOl, of which Mitchell got his share. In February. IMS, flOOO was paid by Kribs to the firm, tbe money into the hank to the credit of the firm aod was later divided. On February 13, IMC, a payment of $500 was made to the firm by Kribs and subsequently divided. "What you of the jury have to do is to sav whether bevond a reasonable doubt this charge has been proven. If you be lieve tins, yon are bound to render a verdict of guilty. easy Cletcsb Artsmrst. Portland, June 27. District Attorney Frances J Heney continued his argo n ent for the prosecution this morning in Federal Court, and occupied nearly I p ny a so hoar this attern.-'O, making his j saaAA.I ui n opening argument in the case about ft1 hours long. He reviewed the testimooy not covered in his argument of yester day, and sustained the credibility of the Government's witness, particularly Tan ner and Robertson His the case has been verr strong, and bis review of the evidence is convincing Judge A. S. Bennett for the defense will be followed by ex-Senator Thurston, which Heney will close for the Govern ment. It is expected that tbe case will not go to tbe jury before tomorrow night, and possibly not until later. Today, when tourt opened, there was the largest crowd of the Mitchell trial waiting to get inside tbe courtroom. Some had been standing before the closed doors since 7 :30 this morning As the trial progressed, some who could not get inside climbed up and watched the proceedings through tbe open transom. Oregon fo.- the county of Lane. 'To the Hon. L. T. Harris, judge of the above entitled court : "We, your grand jury, at tbe June, 1905, term of the above court ia tbe case of the State of Oregon vs. John Richards, referring to the indictment numbered 'One,' hsve to state from subsequent and additional evidence ex amined by us, that the aforesaid in dictment numbered 'one' does an in justice to the above nam el defendant, John Richards, and we believe from all the evidence submitted to this grand jury that tbe prosecution cannot make out a case greater than murder in the second degree ; nor should the defend ant be convicted of a greater crime, it appearing to this grand jury, from all the evidence now before us, that the crime charged in said indictment numbered 'One" was not committed in cool blood and that the killing was without deliberation and premeditation, and it appearing from information be fore us that the defendant, John Rich ard a, is willing to enter a plea of 'guilty to a charge of murder in tbe second de gree." "Sow, therefore, we, your grand jury, recommend that you accept the plea of 'guilty to murder in the second degree' from tbe defendant, John Richards. We have examined into this matter with great care and make this recom mendation after due deliberation. "We fully realise the enormity of the defendant's crime and we also realize the enormity of the provocation that caused bim to commit the act. "Dated this 2kb day of June, A. D., 15. "E. Whattam. "F. E. Hvland, " W. F. Gibson. "W. H. Gibson, "O. A. Craw, "Thos. A. Evans, "Chaa. L. Scott." TAKES NO ACCOUNT FALLING TREE OF LOCAL OPTION Andrew Plueard. a young man ared Coo tulle. Or.. Juae 2k At tbe meet- presentation j about 22. wbo has been working at tbe ing of the City Council Saturday night Booth Keller mill at Saginaw, was J. P. Topper was granted a license to A. 8. Bennett said in continuing the instructions ask of the court by the de fense: "Tbe compensation alleged to have been received by Mitchell is said to have been direct, the indictment speak ing of money and checks passing from one to the other. If the Government meant that the money finally passed to the pocket of Senator Mitchell, the al ligations should have said so. The in dictment cannot allege one thing and tbe Government prove another. I sub mit to Your Honor that there is no such thing in crime as a Isw of ratification. When property comes into one's possess ion, and he later learns the property was procured unlawfully, he is not bound to restore It. At the time the defendant received the money, suppose he did not know it was criminal for him to rec. ive. He spends the money and later learns that it was unlawfully pro cured. If he does not pay it back, it does not ratify the crime and make bim guilty of the offense. It is the accept ing of money under this statute, not the keeping of it, that constitutes the offense. Suppose a man steals a row, sells it and divides the proceeds with another. If the second party did not know of the crime and the wav trie money was secuied, but learns it later, be is in nowise guilty of the crime. RUSSIAN CREW TURN PIRATES killed Monday morning whi.e felling a tree. The tree on which be was work ing as it fell struck a dead hemlock, which fell on the roung man, breaking sell intoxicating liquor. Considerable interest was manifested as to what tbe council would do, in view of tbe arrest and fines imposed on tbe saloonkeepers his back and crushing his skull, so tbat for violating tbe local option lav. he diei instantly. The Attornev General has been The body was taken to Cottage Grove municated with by the prohibitionists to be embaimed, after which it was a regard to tbe authority of the District taken to Oregon City for burial on Attorney to stop tbe prosecution of the Tuesday. I aalaastkeepera. Just what tbe next Tbe young man was a son of Ambrose move of the local option people will be I I ueard, of Oregon City. is not known. Ode a, Russia, June 2S Tbetrew of the battleship Knisz Potemkin Tavrichesky, of the Black Sea fleet, muticel. because of harsh treatment, and murdered the officers. The mutin eers threatened to bombard Oleasa. Die battleship is now cruising at sea, fearing to land, while tbe authorities fear bloodshed if they attempt to board the vessel. Looking Glass items Guy Bnell returned borne Monday. He has been away for some time. 1 he church looks quite nice since re painted which was directed by the U.lies Aid May Sinmionds returned home Mon day from Koseburg where she has been staying lor some time. Guy John got a thumb and two ringer- torn off by the explosion of a dyuamite cap. the first of the week. Dr. Hoover attended to his injuries. The Ladies Aid will have an ice cream and candy stand on tbe grounds at tbe celebration at Flournoy Valley on July 4th. The proceeds will go toward fix ing up the church here, so don't be afraid to spend money freely as it will go to a good cause. CKLKWRATIOV AT FIOI RNOT VALLKT rrogrl" Sting, America, by all pres ent. Prayer, by Rev. E H. Hicks. Address of welcome, by Rev. A. C. Vemou. Song, Going Over There. K.-i itation, Fanny Younger. Song, bv Mr. M Romaine. Recitation. Mattie Jones. Song, by Misses Bessie Morgan and Lillian Brown- Recitation, Miss Ktbel Tearce. Sting, by the Choir. Recitation, Miss Pisert. Reading the declaration of Indepen dence. Miss Lurile Voorhits. Oration, Rev. V.. H Hicks. DINNER . U.-..L.H i . i - i ' ne niieriitioii r.m ,v ... . renaior BWSBBBU loaru a !..... . -. kj ,,v arraignment ol his alleged services be- Rev jj vileu, of Roseburg, songs and fore the Ijind Department for Fred- field sport. erick A. Kribs when court opened this j Mig8 iMie Morgan and Mr. W. C afternoon, and District Attorney Fran- steel will conduct the singing, cis J. Heney made the opening argu- Charles Goodman will be marshal of ment for the prosecution. the day. "It now becomes my duty, gentle-1 J . T. Spraugh will be president of the men of the jury," he said, "to present day. the facta in this case, to review the All are invited. E IN IRE PROFITS OF I GROCERIES ? If NOT, NT HOT? Every shareholder in the ROSEBURG ROCH DALE COMPANY is purchasing groceries from him self cheaper and better than he conld elsewhere, and at the end of the year takes home to himself the profits on these purchases. This is the Co operative way. BE Pi ROCHDALER FARM IMPLEMENTS THE CELEBRATED BAIN WACO, MILWAUKEE AND OSBURN MOWERS AND BINDERS, VICTOR RAKES, FEED CUTTERS, ROLLINC DISC PLOWS AND HARROWS. HARNESS AND SUPPLES SPECIStTY BEARD A CULVER the uidwme dealers DOUGLAS COUNTY B AN K bUbttsiMd 1NB Im-orpormted Capital Stock $5o,ooo P. W. BIM80N, A . C. MAKdTUS. ?rwMaat. Vtea Pnetdsat. J. IKS K V UOOTH, Cashier. BOARD OP DIRECTOR r. w. bin son. a. a. booth j. h. booth. J. P KKl.LY. JOS. LIONS, A. C. MABSTKK& K.L MILL a. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED