The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 26, 1905, Image 3

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In ladies dress goods we have ALL the latest styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waists, Suits and
Cotton Goods, also a full line of Novelties.
For Men, Youths and Boys we have the best line of Clothing in the city, in STYLE, Cl'T and
Before making your purchases in spring goods look at our line.
Wonderful Sale on at Stanley's.
Great Crowds Attend This
Forced Out Sale
A monstrous sale of merchandise is
taking place in Roseburg at the store of
ot Stanley's. Great crowds have been
in attendence for the past eight days.
Have you Imm n on of the numbei ? Are
you aware that this is the time to stack
up for months to come.
The entire stock of clothing, hats,
shoes am) furnishings for men, women
and children must be closed out by the
first day of July. Assortment is still
complete. Look for the signs. First
door south of the post-office.
HARVEY JONES. Proprietor
Rates $1.00 per day and upward
New Brick. New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. I Depot Grounds ,"
Local and Personal.
Miller is laying off
Brakeman F. W
this week.
Mrs. A. E, Asdrich is the guest of Rid-
Read Josephson's big new ad. die friends.
Osteopathy hen understood is highly Miss Anna Salznian is visiting reln
appreciated. lives in Portland.
Mrs. F. W. Benson is visiting relatives ; Mrs. J. C. Sheridan is the guest of
in Portland. relatives near Pillard.
O. C Barker spent a few days pf last Rev. C tl. Lake has returned from a
week in Portland. business visit to Portland.
Leave orders at the Rochdale moan Brakeman C. 0. Nelson is laying off
v v
Cleanliness. Superior Pastries and Sweet
Heats is Oar Inducement for Patronage.
In the same old place
with more added.
We have now enlarged
our restaurant entrance
on both Sherdian and Ca
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
store forour wood.
There is talk of erecting a three-story
hotel building at Myrtle Creek.
C. J. Hoover, of Med ford is in this
city visiting with relatives and friends.
Years will pass before the highways
are as easy to travel as the primrose
Best grade of family floor. rt .tsh ford 's
"Pride of Douglas" at only l.l5per
, sack, all grocers.
The "drug fsllsH" is a menace to
health and happiness. Can you say
i this of Osteopathy?
J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and .notary
'. public. Office Bp stairs in Douglas
: Countv Bank Building. tf
Read advertisement of the Forestry
; Inn in this psper and when yon attend
i the fir in Portland patronize this
popular hostelry.
j Lessons given in all kinds of fancy
'work, Hardanger, Gittertyl, Evict
embroidery and all the new fads. At
i Grave's Art Emporium.
tu. i.d.:.ia i t ... i... ur
i uc i iuiu Ul X 'Olivias ; .1- icinriitr
to Bsshford's best grade of flour w hich
can be purchased at all of the grocery
(tores at $1.15 per sack.
Gut Hall says the deer in us neigb-
! borhood are getting to be a nuisance aw
: they visit bis garden at nigbt and help
themselvee. Drain Nonpareil.
Bread, pies and cakes like mother
used to bake when you use Bashford's
"Pride of Douglas" flour. Accept no
other brand. Only $1 15 per sack.
We 'nave for sale at this place lumler
, in the ruff i per thousand. Fruit U.ies
I cheaier than formerly, products of the
Rider Bros mill. W. R. Well
Oregon. -
The laxative effect of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets is so aggree
able and so natural thst von do not
realize it is the effect of a nedic ne. For
sale by A.C. Marsters A Co.
Miss Mary E. Lever irk, of Tacsoo,
, Arizona, arrived in Roseburg Saturday
! to enjoy a brief visit with the family of
N.T. Jewett. From the place she will
attend the Portland Exposition and
then go to New York City to visit
! with hei parents.
J. T. Bryan, the busy watch' maker,
has a window display of new jewelry
which is fairly dazzling. Those beauti
ful abalona watch charms, pins, fobs,
and other articles of jewelry at once ap
peal to the observer when the low price
is made known.
On Friday Mrs. Ed. Lenox presented
and vi.-itiug in Portland.
Mrs. N. A. Partie is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Whiteing in Portland.
Mrs. A. Parks is visiting relatives in
the Willamette Valley and l'ortlaud.
C. O. White and wife of Myrtle Creek
were in this city on business Saturday.
Jas. Hanclirouuli returned from a
business visit to Portland Saturday even
bag. A. E. Maddix and family left Friday
for Hood River where they expect to
Mrs. S. K. Sykes and children are the
guedts of W liliaui Landes and family at
Cottage Grove.
Malin Cannon and wife of Mod ore Co . I
Calif., are the guests of R. L. Ian nun
and wife of l.urley.
J. K. I'non arid wife left Saturday for
Newport to visit with their daughter,
Mrs. I. has. Looniis.
W. E. CI in gen peel is in Portland on
business and of course while there le
will "hit the trail.''
Miss Mabel Gwfer of Ashland who has
been visiting fnen Is iu tins city left
Saturday for Portland.
Miss Lizzie Parrott, a teacher in the
Pendleton schools, has relumed to this
city to spend her vacation.
Thos. Townsend has accepted a posi
tion aa salesman in the general store ol
Chas Loomis at Newport. -
E. L. Bashford is PonstrW-ting an ad
dition to the wi-st side of hi mill to be
iMud as wheat bin and storage room.
Ham L. Easter of Farm nuton, Wash.,
who has been visiting J. I. Hastingsand
.1. D. Brietow of fhit citv tia returned
at Ashland organizer for
M in this city with the
intention of organising a lodge of that
order here.
Mrs. W. E. Cochran and children of
Looking fllass left Saturday for .rt
land to join Mr. Cochran ho is ir-w em
ployed iu that city.
Mrs. W. T. Bodleyand daughter. Miss
.leannette, of Portland are the guests of
Mrs. D. S. K. Buick and daughter Miss
Jeannie, of this city.
Mrs. Barbara Wallace and daoghter.
Miss Carrie, left Fridav morning
their home at Letbridge, Canada, after
a visit here with friends.
A shipment of fruits and loarera will
be made to Ponglas county's exhibit
at Portland tonight. Have yon done
your part to make this display a too
Brakeman L. L. Riley, wife and fami
ly are visiting in Eugene.
Conductor G. E. Blew, who has been
laying oir has returned to work.
Yardman J. G. McNulty and Brake
man A L. Cola are laying off.
' F. H. GbwcMU returned home from a
visit to Portland this morning.
F. .1. Adams, a brakeman, is the last
employee to be enrolled out of this sta
tion. Miss Newland, a Cottage Grove,
school teacher, is spending a few days in
Conductor A. G. Hamblin hat return
ed to work after several weeks absence,
Don't forget Thursday night, Grand
Military Ball, Guard Mount and Inspec
tion at the new Armory by Company D,,
O. N. (i.
S. Churchill has sold the Central Ho
tel business to C. R. Harper and Chas.
('armature, two gentlemen who recently
arrived here from the east.
State Gum Warden J. W. Baker
sent Minday in Roeebarg on otticial
business and went to Hold Hill today on
business connected with his office.
We want to make oof June Business a Record Smasher
We want to show oar appreciation of your long and generous patronage
We want to make a host of new friends and a lot of new business
That we inaugurate the greatest Price-Smashing sale on record
That we make heavy reductions in every important department
That we invite you to come and pick up a few dollars at our expense
M Men's all-wool Coats and Vests r i pieces all-wool Cashmere, 36 and j 4 dozen Boy's Dress Shoes, in black I 3 doz. LadieV belts, in Silk, Leather
ii - 3N inches wide; in black, navy, ..... .
1,4 to 3" brown and ,. S3 value, "d UD' thy"MhkehotckB and Kid; some of them were
They were tti.OO to tlO.OO, at pfe, a yard. at 1.75 to $2.25 the pair priced as high as a dollar.
Now $3.85 Now 35c Now $1.30 Now 25c
i j
1 bolt Pure Cream, Double Damask 100 yards Pure Linen, brown crash 8 pieces Fine French Chambray fcf'll a t
I-,, i. i: ry ;..i,M .;,,, toweling, 18 inches wide and free ... , , . . rlllllliCry Oil VOSl
table l.iiinen, OH inches wide, ,. . , . Gingham in plain and figured
from all starch, the regular price
Spteevied value at 75c a yard u h: a yard. effects, regular price 10c and 12'g A splended chance to secure an ex-
Now 55c I Now 6c Now 8 l-2c I Z-" " "
Oiaila Notes
s, Olalla,M.-;, v ..
JWJI- the I tv. R M.
the Plaindealer with a handsome boquet o. E. Holdrige and wife left this city
of sweet peas, there being twenty-eight Thm-sdav for Jefferson to visit with
Miss Ora Mote returned home
Portland this mor ning after a week's
visi t at the fair.
distinct varieties or colors. The blos
soms were unusually large, highly col
ored and fragrant and were plucked
from vines nearly six feet high.
A Polk county farmer gets rid of yel
low jackets thru: He cuta a hole in a
piece of meat, tills it with Parts greea
and then hangs the meat on a tree oat
of the reach of dogs and cats. The yel
low jackets feed on the meat, and are
pnt out of business in short order.
I J. A. Willis is bosy in the strawber-
riee again, bis second crop for the sea-
son is being picked. One box which he
rom orooBnt to t,lie office had the quality all '
ngnt an-i a loll quart bat there -were
'only 25 berries in the box, because they
were big ones. Myrtle Creek Mail.
Bed Koom Kuiu in all grades, til 00 Hp
Drewen in every de-lan, si 00 to S3I..M
HepenUe Co modes to mil. S3.S0 tlM
Kemeraber KICK & KICK mils (or
relatives for a short time and then they
will go t Portland and see the exposi
tion. T. J. Singleton who has leen visiting
relatives in this city left Friday for Port
land where he will remain three months
and then proceed to Deborgia, Mont., to
visit with his daughter.
Don't scold competitors because tbey
are getting lots of business. Study to
improve yonr advertising and your
methods and thereby divert more busi
ness to your own direction.
Special sales by Stearns A Chenowith
Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other
sewing machines $15.00 and up; water
pipe; wire, plain and barbed ; cnt and
wire nails ; the only guaranteed black
smith coal ; two carloads Page woven
wire fence, the only tempered wire fence
for sale. n.1 tf
Do-yon If ugh Y - Remember next Sab
bath evening the pastor of fM M. K.
church will preach on "Five Kinds of
Laughter." Come and hear yonr laugh
ter analyzed. The subject in the morn
ing will be: "A Fort on Top of the
House" The public is cordially invited
to attend these services.
Iron Beds, all Colon and Sires 13.21
to $26.00 oars Is the Bed of (jualtty.
Many Designs of Chairs at 50C to $5.00 each. See our Special $1.68
for $1. its a hammer. Linolums and Carpets in all the new things,
'ibe place to Buy is HERE. The largest Stock is HERE.
If yon cant come WRITE US.
& RI
Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder.
These are three common ailments lor
which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is es
pecially valuable. If promptly applied
it will save you time, inorey and suffer
ing when troubled with one of these ail
ments. For sale by A. C. Marsters A
The Roachdale store pays cash for eggs
Found a Cure for Dyspepsia
Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William,
Ontario, Canada, who has suffered quite
a number of years from dyspejieia and
I great pains iu the stomach, was advised
; by her druggist to take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so
and says, "1 tind that they have done
me a great deal of good. I have never
j had any suffering since I began using
jthem." If troubled with dyspepsia or
indigestion why not take these tablets,
get well, and stay well? For sale by A.
C. Marsters A Co.
J. W. Henderson, of near Melrose,
brought some tine specimens of oats,
club wheat and rye grass to the Plain
dealer utiice to be sent to the lKuglas
county exhibit this morning.
John Alexander, of Glide, was in this ;
city on busiuees last week. Mr. Alexan i
der states that there will be a glorious
time at ttlide on the 4th of July and
those who miss the celebration will al
ways regret it.
W. C. Winston has completed bis
cherry picking and shipping from 400
tree. He shipped 20,000 pounds of Dne
cherri-M this season from which be
realized IStX) or about 1200 per acre for
for his crop.
E. L' Parrott shipped two carloads of
tine beel cattle to Portland Sunday.
Three car loads of cattle were shipped to
vloutague Saturday by E. R. Hnan
and A. F. Hunt will ship three car loads
of cattle to Portland Tuesday.
The management of the Willamette
Valley Chautauqua Aseociation lias the
thanks of the Plaindealer for com) K
mentarv season tickets. The annual
assembly will be held at Gladstone Park
near Oregon City as usual July 11 to ft
'inrlneive and many notable people aie
j down on the programe tins season
Humor in court and in a case where
murder was attempted!
I daughter, testifying 'or her father, being
: asked if Fletcher, the man shot, bad
threatened suicide, replied, "Yos; he
t' Id me that be was soon going to
marry." vuiehow she got it in her
miud that marriage and suicide were
identical. Guard.
Dr A W Shearer, of Glendale who was
so unfortunate aa to be injured in the'
treight wreck in Cow Creek Canyon '
while enroute to this city to attend tbe ;
j Klks building dedication, June 1Kb was
in tins ciiy raioruay greeting menus
Mr. Sonneman who was also injured at'
the same time is reported to be able to j
attend to his usual duties.
Ira Cole, an S. P. bridge carpenter, is
in this city today. He informs us that
two weeks ago, while working near
I Drain, a limber upon which he was
working, slipped and struck his throat
and jaw in such a way that his tongue
was badly lacerated by his teeth. He
was compelled to go to the Portland
hospital where eight stitches were taken
in his tongue by the physician.
Several changes in the passenger ser
vice are scheduled. Conductor
Hendricks will replace Shan Conser ou
the Eugene local, Mr. Conser returning
to his run ou Noe. 11 and 12 out of this
city to Portland. Ham V catch will take
a run on train 15 and 10 between mis
city and Portland and Brakeman A. J
Foliett will change from his run south
on 11 and 12 to 15 and 16, north.
Mrs. Kd Marsters has the thanks of
the Plaindealer for a beautiful large
boquet of f eathery poppies and sweet
peas. The poppies were very large and
beautiful and almost as varied ;n color
as the rainbow aa were also the sweet
leas. Roseburg is becoming celebrated
for other than roses evidently. All
kinds of Sowers grow to perfection here.
John A. Eggers sends the Plaindealer
two marked copies of the Southern
Idaho Review, recently established at
Heyburn, Idaho, where a great irri
gation project recently undertaken by
the government is under way. The
prospects for the early development of
that country teem bright and Mr. Eg
gers is in on tbe ground floor with a
good claim slaked out.
John Baker and wife who arrived at
Dillard recently to spend a few weeks
with Mrs. Baker's relatives before pro
ceeding ou their way with team and
wagon to Klamath county to reside, met
with a great misfortune and heavy loss
at Dillard one night last week. The
team which was valued at $250 was
turned out in a pasture over nigbt and
in some way got into the railroad right-of-way
inclosure and the next morning
one horse was found with its head cut
off by a passing train and the other was
disembowled and frightfnlly mangled
Mr. and Mrs. Baker, will of necssity,
take up temporary residence at least, at
Haying under wsy, crop c--l.
Grain is doing Well and from present
prospect will be the best yield for vears.
J. W. Swift returned this ek after
an absence of over two years. Olalia
ha an attraction and uvst all who
leave, return.
Oswald and Jack Day of Portlan.i,
grandsons ol CoL Day, arrived
day to take their outing with their
The good people of Ol.illa are making
arrangements for a grand celebration
for the third and fourth. They will
meet Saturday on the grounds and ar
range for the celebration.
Circuit Court Suits.
Alleging tint the sum of t'J,0t3 is doe
him for furnishing logs in performance
of a contra -t, Fred Fisher has nleJ a
suit in tbe circuit court here against
Wm. r. Johnson Lumber Co., to re
cover the amount 'atatod. Mr. Fisher
has levied attachment upon the com
pany's property, consisting of a saw
mill snd planing mill on Myrtle Creek
Sheriff's Sale.
William J.
Hum and I
la tbe Circuit Court ot tbe Blue ol
(or the County of Doaglu.
Hans CbitatoienoB. )
Moor-. Carrie
A Marie.
Ueieodsnu j
Non-e is hereby (Hen tbat by virtue ol an
execnttea duly leaned oat ol and oader the
seal of (fee above eattUed oart. in lae above
entitled earns. t- duly directed and dated
Us KXh aw ol Jaaw, 1M. anon a jad
Society Meetings
F. A A. M. Laurel Lods No. 13.
Hilda retrolar meetings on second
and f orth Wedneadavs of each
month. J. T. Bbjdobs, W. M.
H. T. Jrwrrr, Secretary.
Thurs- and their equipment, a Hume, six miles . IT"'"? " " ' ,
, ... . . ta:i, win, . u iivui ui nana ' u. k- j;e- rtuu. yim.n-
long, connecting, the two mills; all logs WUiUm , Hom deieodant.
and lumber on hand and a logging out- for tbe som ol ftasas with inures: taeracm at
tit, and some timber land. tbe rate of 6 per east per annum from ib lltb
.... , . day ol October. MM. and too tanker sum of
Jessie L. Day has sued Albert A bra- wtmmmmt-- tt,
ham to recover :70, alleged to be doe ! iher sum of 25 costs ia plainttrs rait to an
en a promissory note.
New G. A. R. Officers.
AttheG. A. R. encampment at Ore
gon City last week the unanimous vote
was given for Grant's I'ass as the place
for the next encampment. The follow
ing officers were elected : lepartment
commander, T E Hills. Grant's Pass;
senior vice commander. - rr H Hard
ing. Oregon City ; junior fin command
er, R W McNutt: medL-al director. W
E Best : chaplsin, He ;ry A Barden,
Council of administration C A W il-
For Sale
Restaurant and Bakery, seven good
bed rooms in connection, regalar board
: ers and a good trancient trade. Bakery
, a good bus meat itacU. For particulars
enquire of K. P. Adams, Myrtle Point,
Ore. jlp
O. ELKS. Boaebarc Lodge No.
326. Holds regular communica
tions at I O. O. F. Hal! on second
and fourth Thursdays ot each month.
All members requested to attend rearo
larlv and all visiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
C. B. Cajrxos, K. R.
Ror McCt-sLua, Secretarv.
4th of July Special Rates
On account of the 4th of July the
Southern Pacific Co will sell reoad trip
:.. kets between points on all lines ia
Oregon at one and one -third fare for
round trip. Sale dates Jalv 1st.
' liams. J K l.ang. R V Pratt. B S Chap- . date of expiration July 6th.
; man. A C Sloan. J , . f
IVIegates to National encampment
i T G Darr, John bafhsUU, William Sin- T C"
clair, N L Smith. This to th 00 crouQt f 9r
The Relief Corps elected the following health I have decided to place my affairs
... . - - l.. VI BBS
IUrrr . it.i i inert i i i rrj ix-u , jn is .
i Jennie B Harding. Oregon City: senio' :n1
ruv nrMiilsnt Mr ll.-I.-n I'ark.ird neSS
Brantoo s Portland ; junior vice president. Mrs
Lillian North, Forest Grove. deed, made by W m i Moon to M A Marie
a waicb tail tbe said deed waa set aside aar
tbe real property tbereln described ordered to
be sold to satisfy said JadsmcJit fur costs and
tbe od(meat herein meatioced. and execu
tion isbsii.iS tbcraon. and Use costs of and upon
tbis writ. 1 did on tbe 10th 'lay of Jane. 1S05,
daly lery anon LiUowiaaaeacnbed real prop
1 an deocrlbad in said decree, to-wit
- Lots 1 aad 2 and 1 in Mock X in tbe sib
Sou i be rn aadltiee to aVxebarf, Doasias eoan
I tf, Oreaoa as tbe same appear ob tae plat
and map of said addition ol r. cord in tbe offlra
; rt tbe county clerk of I-oufla county. Oregon,
Sow tbetefora. by vtitse ol said execuiloa aad
j order of sale. I iU on
Tuesday tbe i ith day of July, 1905.
! at one o'clock p ss of said day at like coon
! horse front door Is Rosebarc. ltoaftas county
i Oregon, sell at public auction snbjeet to re-
Jod, deaapttoB. to the highest bidder for C g Id
cotB. cash Is band, all the n(bt title and ln
sarasa to snuua aaased detesdaat. or either
of tbeat had la aad to the aboTe described real
pi spa ty or any part thereof as satisfy said ex.
cutloo's osder of sale, interest, casts and dia
t nraetnaau aad all acemtnr costs
Oascd at aoacbsrg this Wth day ol June.
.'J.N. G , meets at Armory Hall every
rhoraday ereninc, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamum. Cape
O. O. F Philetanan Lodce So. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
oer Jack bod and Case streets, on
-'aturdat evening of eacn weea Mem
aera o' the order in good standing ar
invited to attend .
H. O. Lbwis, 5. Q.
N. T. Jiwett, SecreU.ry.
in the bands of 7. L. Dimmick. of Oak-
Oron, and any one having bnai-
relations with me in the' future, ;
' will please wri'e or call on htm. as be is '
'dnly antho'ised to transact any bust -nese
uit I may be interested in.
J Dated at I'cupqua Ferry. Oregon, this It
; day of June &. VV. R. Thompson.
"The Southern Oregon Chautauqua "
Assembly will be held at Ashland, Ora., CaMi sWTtoea.
July Utk to L'lst. incluive. Reluce.l j fj. aol iier? who served in Cohar
?hertsT o! Itowxia Coanty. Oregon.
Executrix Notice
Chautauqua Rates.
rates have been made by the outhern
Pail tic Co., on the certificate plan, from I
points on Oregon lines
This Assembly promisee to be of un- '
during the Spanish war know w hat this
disease is. and that ordinary remedies
have little more effect than so much
wster. Cohen diarrhoea is almost as
usual interest. Among the prominent j.Veie and dangerons as a mild attack
speakers will be Dr. F. W. Gunsauius, 0( cholera. There is one remedy, how
Dr. Wm. A. Quale and Rabbi Stephen eTer tu,t na always be depended anon
S. Wise. Special attention will ;e given M be seen by the following certiti
the Musical Department. The Assem- j nt9 rom Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Hous-
j bly building has been eularged toton. Texas: "I hereby certify that
In the County Court of tbe rial of Oregon
for Iioaglaa Coanty
In tbe matter at the estate
of J antes Davia deceased
Koticx is hereby siren, that by as order of
the Coanty Court of Douglas coanty. State of
Omasa, dnly mads and entered of record, tbe
asders:gnd has been du'y appointed execw
trix of the abore named estate. All persons
baring claims again-' the amid estate srf!I pre
sent the same dnly vanned a the asderiga?d
at Brarkway. Oregon, within six months from
tbe tnt pabllaatlan el this notice, and all
persona knowing themselves indebted to said
eatate will call oa the anderugaed and settle
Dated this I Ah day of Jane. 190.
of P. Alpha Lodge So 47. Meet
every Wednesday, in L O. O. F
Hail at 7:30 p. m. Members in
good si an ding are invited to attend.
Jas. A. Pxaar, C. C.
M. F. Waioirr, R. of R. A S.
ILAC CIRCLE. So. 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd aad 4th
Thnrsdave of each month at the I.
O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members ia
food st an ii c are invited to attend.
Mas. A. B. Ficklk. Guardian Neighbor.
Bell Mohan. CaaaK
Second and Fourth Thoradavs.
double ita former capacity, making
ample accomodations for all." Jl
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and j Notice of Final Settlement.
Diarrhoea Remedy cured my husband j
of sTn attack of Cuban dlsrrhoaa. Ia IbeCoontv Conn of the State of Oregon
E. 8 Rose'rare Chapter So. 8
Holds their regular meeting on the
tirst and third Thursdays in each
nonth. Visiting members in good
tan ding are 'wepettrnlly invited to at
tend. Mrs. E. J. Stroud, W. M.
Free Johnson. Secretary.
sembly So. 105, meets second and
fourth Saturdays of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting members
will receive a cordial welcome.
A C. MAaaraaa, M. A.
Misxib Joxne, Secretary.
If Camr So. 125. Meets at the Odd
" Fellow.' Hall, in Rose-burg, every
tret and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors always welcome.
J'. M. Bbidgbb, C. C.
S. T. JtwaTT. Clerk.
KING At Glide, Oregon. June in, IHtiS.
to Mr. and Mrs. O. G King, a boy.
which he brought home from Cuba, j
We had several doctors bat they did :
him no good. One bottle of this remedy
nni him, as onr neighbors will testify.
I thank God for so valuable a medi
cine" For sale be A. C. Marsters A
Citv, June 14. iyof. at the home
of the bride's parents. Attorney (X
S. Jackson and Miss Aura 1. children of
George Bernard Shaw thinks bache-
' lors should be compelled to mind the
their married friends. But
Thnmnson. Rev. Hammonds, of the 'here is a constitutional provision in
Episcopal Church, officiating.
The wedding was a quiet and un
ostentatious affair, only a few rela-'
Uvea and friends being present The
i bride is a charming, refined and high
ly cultured young lady, wfio for the
past two years has been employed as j
teacher in the Roseburg Schools.
Mr, Jackson is a leading attorney of
this citv and is well and favorably
known throughout the county. The
happy couple spent a brief honey
moon at the Exposition and other
places in Northern Oregon, and re
turned to Roseburg Sunday where
they will be at home to friends at Mr.
Jackson's residence on Pine street
after July 12. The Plaindealer joins
in extending hearty congratulations
and wishes for a long, happy, pros
perous wedded life.
Dance at At Melrese
What is this
Harper is full
feel any better
"liquid etiushine" Dr.
ol? Does it make you
thau the old-fashioned
this country prohibiting "cruel and on
usual punishment."
The band concert given en the Court
House lawn SihhUv by the Roseburg
band was largely attended and enjoyed
by jlofeburg citizens and visitors.
The work of the lady who presides
over the kitchen is greatly lessened by
the use of the Globe Cabinet, a sample
of which is now on exhibition in the
Farmer's ileal Eetate Co. ;, 'on
Case street, Roseburg. For convenience
and labor saving the article can not be
excelled. Its compartments bold any
thing from the tineet of spice' to a sack
of Hour and it takes up very little space.
Call at the real estate office and let the
.igeut show yon the cabinet's advan
tages. Price within your reach. j2tj6
A Grand Ball will be given at Wilson's
Hall July 4, 1D06, at Melrose.
20-2t H. E. Wilson, Mgr.
Jul What Everyone Should Do.
Mrs. J. T. Barber, of Irvinville, Ga.,
always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy
at hand ready for instant use. Attacks
of colic, cholera mcrbua and diarrhoea
come on so suddenly that there is no
time to hunt a doctor or go to the store
for medicine. Mr. Barber savs: "I
have tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of
the beet medicines I ever saw. I keep
bottle of it in my room as I have had
several attacks of colic and it has proved
to be the best medicine 1 ever used."
Sold by A. C. Marsters A Co.
That Tired Fccllsg.
If you are languid, depressed, in
capable for work, it indicates that your
liver is out of order. Heroine will assist
nature to throw off head-acbee, rheu
matism and ailments akin to nervous
ness and restore the energies and vital
ity of sound aud perfect health. J.J.
Hubbard Temple, Texas, writes, "1
have used Herldne for the past two
years. It ha done me more good than
all the doctors. It is the bast medicine
ever made for chills and fever." 50c
Sold by A. C. Marsters A Co.
Title U ua ran tee & Loan Co.
ler lbs count? of Douglas.
In tae rnaiter of the estate of I
Mar;a JLnna fstertag. Deceaaesl.i
Motiv e is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Maria Anaa Oa
tertag. deceased. Baa ftled la tae Coast? Coart
ot Douglas Coanty. $ute ft Oregon, his final
aesasgai aa each administrator of said estate,
and that Satutday tae nth da) of June, lssw, at
th. krtaral hIaVW. a m haa Wn ft he
said eetrrt lor tbe time of bearing of oa-erttoas by Mrs. J. W. Hamilton
to said report, aad tbe settlement thereof.
J. A. BlCHAltaN.
Administrator of the esute f Maria Anna
Oswrtag, decnaswd. : ' 1
Notio- run mdr this head aril! be charred .'or
at the rate of one cent a w.rd for two lnsi i lama
No adveitisementa taken for leas man ten cents
WaSTsTD To exchange a good bicycle for a
driTtag horse. Apply to bax XT. Baaennrg. Or.
Girl Wanted, for general boose work
For Sale; House and lot on Pine
street near depot. See J. A. Buchanan.
Executrix's Notice
Notice Is hereby gtren that tbe nndersurn ed
was. on the 2tt day of June, MOV dale ap
pointed by tbe eeanty coart of Douglas coun
ty. Oregon, executrix of the estate of Jonathan
L Baker, deceased. All persons having claims
against the said estate are hereby notified to
preevot them proper! I verified to me at Mill
wood . Douglas cooaty, Oregon, within six
month from the date ol this notice, and all
ysstwiwejeeWt'e?VMeaaiervatste ata hereby
notified to pa? the am to ne.
Dated June ttnd, lSOo
Kxerattix ot the eatata of Jonathan L Baker,
New wagon and harness for sale, also
an incubator. Inquire of Geo. Goehner,
Roeebarg, K F. D No. 1. tf jit.
Wanted A fresh young healthy cow
with calf, mast be gentle for a woman
to milk State price. Address, A. B.
Azalea, Oregon jnildp
Wanted, strong young woman for
dishwashing and general help ia a
boarding car. Good wages. Apply to
Thomas Wilson, Boarding Car, Green
J. Johnson, dentist. Grave's
I. D.
Office in that our t Manas. Have the only som
plats ml of abelract books in Donglas Counly
abstracts and Certlfioataa of Title rurnlaoadot
Douglas county land and mining claims. Have
siaa a complete sat of Tracings ol all township
plats la tbe Roes burg, Oregon, 0. a. Lead Dis
trict. Will make blue print copies of any town
Al. kinds of Household and other goods bought and
sold. Don't tail to see onr large stock of NEW