The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 26, 1905, Image 2

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Entered in the Post Office at Botaaamg, Oregon,
at Second Olas Mail Matter iu 186S.
W. C. CONNER, Editor
Semi-Weekly One Year; 12.00; Semi-Weekly
8ix Months, SI 00. Cash in Advance.
Advertising Ratee. SO cenU per single column
inch Tier month. Locals, 5 cents a line.
MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1905.
National America Woman Suffrage
association , Portland, June 29, July 5.
American Medical association, Tort
land, July 11-14.
District Fair at Roseburg, September
The Good Roads Convention wants
the farmers to get out of a rut.
Ashland is the latest town to pre
pare for installing a fine electric
light plant owned by the people.
Scientists tell us that there are
several species of creatures that nev
er sleep. The octopus is one of them.
There is still some hope for the
countrv. .Nan ratterson s tour as a
theatrical star has proved a hopeless
Admiral Toga is reasonably safe
from the worst dangers that may be
fall a victorious sailor. He already
has a splendid home and he cannot
run for Mikado.
The Sacramento Bee says eight
hours ought to be ions enough for a
man to work on the Isthmus of Pana
ma, for he needs some time to make
funeral arrangements.
Japan has determined to commem
orate Togo's victory by erecting i
monumental lighthouse which will
light the Corean Straits to the bene
fit of mariners for centuries to come.
But then, Japan is not civilized.
Gov. Folk's remark that the output
of the Missouri hen each year is equal
in value to the production of the sil
ver mines of Colorado should be of
special interest to other states that
haven't any silver mines but can keep
The annual session of the National
Good Roads Association commenced
in Portland last Wednesday, June 21.
It is comDosed of representative men
(and some women) from nearly every
State in the Union, including Federal.
State, County and Municipal officers,
and public spirited citizens, who take
and interest in this subject, which is
of ereat importance to the whole
country. There are many ways in
which improvements and betterments
in the present order of things might
be made, and the construction of bet
ter roads is one of them. It is more
prominent in the public mind than
many other important subjects, be
cause it is a physical necessity, visi
ble to the naked eye, and appeals to
the senses.
When the convention was called to
order Wednesday afternoon, Rev.
Stephen S. Wise opened the proceed
ings with prayer. Attorney General
A. M. Crawford welcomed the dele
gates to Oregon for Governor Cham
berlain who was not present Mayor G
H. Williams welcomed them on be
half of Portland. J. H. Thatcher.
. . . m . .
viee president 01 tne commercial
club; W. D. Wbeelright, for the
chamber of commerce: G. W. Allen,
for the board of trade, and R. J.
Holmes, for the manufacturers asso
ciation, delivered addresses. Replies
were made bv President Moore, of
the National Good Roads Association
and A. S. Mann, vice president of the
Association. The car carrying this
big national good roads committee
will arrive in Roseburg next Thurs
day morning on which day a great
convention will be held in the Rose
burg Theater. Every phase of roads
and road building, with information
from alrparts of the earth are com
prised in the topics for discussion.
If all the people of Douglas county
could attend and hear the various
addresses, an immense movement
would be certain to result that would
start a mighty revolution in the con
dition of public highways in this part
of the state.
The Xewberg Graphic offers this
verv pertinent suggestion: When
you go to the fair take your lunch in
with you if you are not flush with
money, and be independent. There
are nice shady places for lunching
and home grown victuals are better
than city "feed" any day.
Some of the papers are putting the
fact to the front very emphatically
that W. W. Cotton, the new district
judge is a great corporation lawyer
that he has been a corporation at
torney for years and that all his in
terests are with the corporations.
Perhaps the President was aware of
the fact. Most of the President's big
appointments, the secretary of the
navy and others have been corpora
tion men, says an Albany paper.
Miss Lucille Mulhall is a most
unusual type of a girl, twenty years
of age. She owns and manages a
10,000 acre ranch in Oklahoma, and
her horse-feats and steer-roping abili
ties have made her the pet of the
plains. Some time ago she won a
prize of $10,000 in a cattle-roping from Kribs from
Deftly and with splendid fineness
Judge A. S. Bennett, Senator Mitchell's
counsel, put words into the mouth of
Judge Tanner, the government's star
witness against Senator Mitchell, his
old law partner, Saturday, bringing
out that when Tanner entered iito
the agreements with Kribs to expedi
ate his claims, services by Mitchell
were not mentioned: that it was not
stipulated that the money paid by
Kribs was to go partly to Mitchell ;
that Mitchell had warned his partner
not to mix him up with cases before
the departments of the Government,
and not to take pay for any services
the Senator might perform before the
The defense showed by Tanner's
evidence that the contracts between
the two of 1901, referred to a prior
contract, made in 1897, at which
time Mitchell was not a Senator, and
that it provided for a division of the
fees earned by the two, either before
the Government departments or else
where. The testimony showed that
at the time this contract was changed,
Mitchell was in a hurry to get to
Washington and was busy both then
and thereafter.
Questions elicited the fact that up
on Mitchell's return to Portland in
December, 1904, he was met by Tan
ner, who told him of rumors that the
Government agents were after him.
and had promised immunity to Pnter
and others if they would testify
against Mitchell; that Hitchcock was
after bigger game than the members
of the Puter gang, and expected to
"get" Mitchell and Hermann. This
caused the Senator anxiety. He said
he knew it was a case of persecution,
and that any means were justifiable to
defeat his accusers. He urged Tan
ner to stand by him, which the latter
agreed to do.
Tanner made a good witness for the
defense. He said, upon being ques
tioned, that Mitchell's half of the
firm's earnings was paid to the credit
of "John H. Mitchell, trustee," be
becaase, for years, Mitchell had been
trustee for others and bad started an
account in that way during his trustee
ship, and had since maintained it. The
checks from Kribs were placed by
Tanner personally in the bank and
credited to the firm, and divided at
the end of each month. Tanner said
he believed Mitchell never saw a check
the time it was is-
Additional Local
Reear lint; his recent visit to the cole
bratcil Kramer mine, S. ( Flint iayn:
"Leaving Roeeburn at 5 a ui we ar.
rived at Reuben Siding in Cow Creek
Canyon a few hours later, w here we
found a four-horse stage waiting to
make the trip over Mount Reuben to
Whiskey creek, on which is located the
celebrated Kramer mine. The mine if
situated between Whiskey creek and
Rogue river and is operated at eadh end
of the forty-tive huu tied feet ore shoot
by means of tunnels, shads, upraisers,
etc. Beginning our inspection at the
southeast end of the claims, we fuumi
about 50 tons of free milling ore on the
dump and about 500 tons of rich ore
blocked out in the various tunnels. We
then climbed the hill about 8 JO or 1000
t'eet and took a northeasterly course
along the ledge which we followed l
tracing the outcrop about 4500 feet to
the workings on the northeast end of
the claims. Here we found about 40
tons of ore on the dump, which when
panned left long strings uf the preewm
metal in the pan. We then went
through the various tunnels, taking
samples as we went. Occasionally hold
tag our candles close to tlie rich uartr
we coul 1 t-ee the gold glisten in the rack,
and we tilled our lxa-kels with ore to ex
amine in the daylight at our p-isare.
We found that about 400 tons of ore bad
been blocked out at this end of the
mine, which will ruu from $10 to i00)
per ton and that the wills of the ledge
are smooth and well detintd and aboil
I feet apart. Ail of the qoaits between
the walls will pay a nice profit for work
ing. We then examined the ditc'i and
water power. The company controls all
of the water in Whiskey creek for power
purposes and the ditch at.d thane is
completed in tine shape and has fall
enough to create a power that will run
10 stamp at least 10 nths out of the
Having complete I our examination of
the property we returned home, well
satisfied that the Kramer Hieing and
Milling Co has one of the bet free mill
ing proposition in S-Mthern Oregon.
contest, and more re;ently she made
the record of tying' a steer in forty
three seconds, Sh4 lives this life
because she loves it, and regrets that
publicity has come to her. Away
from her ranch, she is an accompli
shed, perfectly gowned, society girl.
Miss Mulhall is a friend of President
Roosevelt: hospitalities between
the Western ranch and the White
House have been frequently exchanged.
The I jew is ton (Me.) Journal says:
The American protective system has
won because it has stimulated inven
tion and domestic competition and
then helped workers and capitalists.
When so perverted as to help capi
talists and to bunco consumers, the
remedy is not to upset a system that
The dismissal of Herbert W. Bowen,
for some years United States Minis
ter to Venezuela, and the exoneration
of Assistant Secretary of State
Francis B. Loomis, from the allega
tions brought against him by Mr.
Bowen, are the outcome of the Loom-is-Bowen
controversy which has at
tracted wide attention for many
months past. This disposition of the
case is made by President Roosevelt
in a letter addressed to Secretary
Taft, approving Mr. Taft's report on
his findings and conclusions in the
case. The President scathingly ar
raigns Mr. Bowen, declaring that his
conduct is "especially reprehensible."
sued until it was given to the bank
He testified that, with the exception
of one payment of his half of the
monthly earnings of the firm, all such
payments were shown to his credit by
duplicate deposit slips, sent on to him
at Washington, and that Mitchell
while away from Portland never had
a chance to know of the items enter
ing into these payments except once,
when a copy of the firm's books were
sent to him at Washington last winter.
In the face of this evidence prov
ing as it does Uoat senator Mitchell
did not knowingly accept one cent
for services before the departments
at Washington, we predict that he
will never be convicted upon the
charges preferred against him.
Parties from the Coquille say that
section of the country will enjoy the
has enriched our people, but to reme- liveliest times in its history this sum
dy its perversion under trust conspi- mer. More logging camps are in op-
racies. It is important that we re- eration than ever before, and more
call the great panic we had in Ameri- are to start in the near future, which
can industry under tann reiorm in means employment for a large num-
1893-96. A short memory in this ber of men.
exigency will imperil our economic
prosperity. Free traders would be I The jury before which Senator J. H
too glad to divert attention from Mitchell is being tried is composed of
trust regulation to free trade. But
the American people are not likely to
bite cheese on such a trap.
nine Democrats, two Republicans and
one Socialist: occupation, ten farmers
and two grocery men.
H H --'-' u'u-tiLrijnj'jrij-unjnxi-njTjxruxru'XfXi
It is observed that thus far in the
trial of Senator Mitchell not one
word has been uttered during the ex
amination of the government's wit-
ssee to implicate Mr. Hermann.
Letters of Senator Mitchell to his
law partner, Judge Tanner, proved
that those Kribs and Puter claims
were held up over two years in the
general land office by Mr. Hermann
while he was awaiting the reports on
the investigations as to the legality
of these entries by special agents of
the general land office, regardless of
the fact that Senator Mitchell, who
believed them to have been acquired
through the usual process of the
timberland laws, was urging their ex
pedition to patent. No one has ever
intimated that Mr. Hermann was paid
or received one cent for expediting
any claims to patents, in fact, Com
missioner Richards, who was Mr. Her
mann's assistant, stated upon the
witness stand at Portland that when
the claims of Puter and Kribs finally
passed to patent, Mr. Hermann called
him to bis office and requested that
he give the papers a final critical in
spection and see if there were any
reason why they should not be passed
to patent. Mr. Richards stated fur
ther that after examining the docu
ments carefully he thought the re
quirements of the law had been fully
complied with and that he issued the
patents himself. It is not at all prob
able if Mr. Hermann had been impli
cated in any conspiracy he would
have turned those claims all over to
Governor Richards for his thorough
investigation as well as all of the
findings of the special agents. A
mountain has been made of a mole
hill so far as the Ex-Commissioner
and his connections with the land
frauds are concerned and there never
has been, and we predict never will be
any evidence introduced to prove
' him knowingly guilty of any unlawful
connections with these land frauds.
V 8. Farley, I-eo K. Hampton two
San Francisco business men and Root
E. Gostlieh, representing the Associated
Press, the three wheelmen who are
making the trip overland from Califor
nia to Portland to attend the Iewis and
'lark fair, reached this city Friday
evening just two days ahead of their
schedule. They state that they have
had a fine trip so far and bnt few acci
dents. They complain considerable of
the bad roads they have found so far in
Oregon and state that since crossing the
state line they have found but 5 pec
cent good roads while they claim that
90 per cent of the Tali forma are
number one. They believe that Ore
goniaos lack the energy to construct
roads and believe that we have tine soil,
rocks and gravel for road building. But
two accidents have been experienced by
these travelers and, strange to say, one
occurred on the good roads of California
near Eureka, where Mr. Farley broke
the frame of his wheel and was com
pelled to take the train for - miles. .The '
other accident occurred in Oregrn just j
oath of Canyonville in the cany in and j
on one of Oregon's worst roads, where i
the forks of the wheel ridden by Mr !
Hampton were broken and he was forced
to walk a distance of six miles to Kiddle
to take the train into this city where hi
wheel was repaired by Mr. Ilodson.
Mr. Gnstlieh, the press representative,
baa ridden the entire distance without
accident. These gentlemen left this
city Saturday noon, one day anil a half
ahead of their schedule. They dined at
Cottage Grove Sunday.
Chmntanqaa at Ashland, Ore., July 1-
Great lectures by Dr. Gunsaulus, Dr.
Qoayle, Kev. Anna Shaw, Lieut. Ham
mond, Mrs. Saundersou and others.
Carter, the great magician. Music finer
than ever. Nine soloists. Three
choius classes. The Hasmores, finest of
instrumental irforiners. Bible study.
Ministerial conference. Two cooking
schools. Elocution and physical cul
ture. Round table. States Day. Teach
ers class and other good things. En
larged buildings. Good tenting. Re
duced R. R. rates. Tickets, $'.'.00; half,
1.00. JB 3w
W illis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek is in
this today im business.
W H Sykes and wife of Sk. Ilev are
in this city on boaineat this week.
William and Allert Porch left thi
morning for tbeir old home at bloomer,
Paraguay is describeJ as "a paradise
for men." Must be all latchkeys and
no bargain counters.
Special prices on Buggies and Spring
Wagons at Sykes, on account of goods
arriving late in season. 26-2
Louis liar zee and family lelt this
morning lor Portland where they will
spend ten days visiting the exposition.
Says a New York fashion item : "The
latest wrinkle ia the invisible corset."
So they should be worn on the inside
Three car loads of goods just arrived
at S K Sykes. One car each, WagonB,
Buggies and Machinery, tiet my prices
before you buy elsewhere. 2tl-2
F. G. Stewart and (ieo. Heath have
returned from Portland where they took
in the fair, (ieorge staved clear of the
'"trail," but Fred saw the whole show.
Miss Vesta Henderson, of Seattle who
has been visiting relative! and friends in
this city left this morning tor Oakland
from where she will pr- ceed home after
pending a few days in Portland.
Mrs O. C. Brown will go to Portland
Tuesday morning to place the Douglas
county educational exhibits in place
advantageously in the Educational build
ing at the Lewis and Clark lair.
Frank Hill rioted a successful term of
school at t'omstock Friday with appro
priate exercises. President Briggs of
the Drain Normal was present and ad.
dressed ike school on educational mat
County President Mrs. . C. Marsters.
Mrs. S. C. and Mrs. Barzee
have gone to Portland to attend the
state convention of the W. C. T. D.
Miss Lilith Moore went also to enter in
the contest for the grand gold medal.
J. C. Roberts, the erstwhile Editor of
'lie Myrtle Point Enterprise, returned
-o Roeebnrg from a visit to Myrtle Creek
with his better seven-eights this morn
tug and stales that he was very favor
ably impressed with that part of Doug
las Cuuuiy. They will soon return to
their Cooe County home.
The case of Eisworth Tabler, charged
with obtaining money under false pre
tenses was under progress in J astir.
Long's court today. Tabler borrowed
$65 from Mrs H Cilviiigtoo. a waitress ai
Kalbt resiauran', on an alleged false
promire to repay and skipped out for
Portland. Sheriff Mct'Iailen arrived
with TaMer from Portland on last even
ing's local.
Mrs. (ie-trude Hampton returned
home Tuesday from a visit to the Lewis
and Clark Exposition. Mrs. Hampton
"tales that she was well pleased with
her roots which was furnished by the
Portland Service Company through
their agent. M. F. Wright of this city,
and that the living expenses are not to
high iu Portland as many believe Last
but not '.east the fair is certainly worth
Kirk Purkett, Canyonville: T C Km
carl, Oakland: C A Diers, Skaguav
Alaska: J E Price and wife, Motco
Idaho: Horace T Jones, Portland:
Gilbert and Leslie Miller, Drain : B F
Kustell. Eugene; Grant Taylor, Win
cbester : Geo. Cole, Greene : Eddie Van
Decar and W Earl Paull, Myrtle Point :
James Hughes, Glide; and Geo. Wilson.
Melrose are registered at the Hole!
Met lalleu.
Earnest Hermann, a prominent mer
chant of Myrtle Point and younger
brother of Congressman, Hermann, Judg
Ed. Bender and wife, brother-in-law
and sister of Congrersman Hermann
and Mrs CtfTtt Hermann, allot Myrtle
Point, arrived in Roseburg Sunday to
en;oy a pleasant visit at the home of
the Congressman in this city. Mr
Hermann will arrive in Roseburg from
Portland this evening where he went
recently to meet bis daughter and her
husben I, Attorney and Mrs. II. Pres
cott Gatley, of Washington, D. C. wbo
will visit at this place and in Coos
county with relatives and friends.
Loganberries, l.oganlerries, I-ogan-ben
iea $1.50 per 24 box crate f. o. b.
cars. L. 8. Coon,
jistl Diilard, Ore.
You save money by purchasing
of us are that
ist. We buy our goods for cash only.
2nd We buy goods in carload lots and therefore get them
the lowest discounts.
3rd. We do our own work, thus reducing our running ex.
penses to a minimun.
4th. We do not swell prices with bad accounts.
5th. The rapid progress our business is making is due to
the fact that we have gained the confidence of the buying public.
aahington, June 23. The American
counsul-general of Christiana has trans-1
mitted a note from the Norwegian i
minister informing him of the creation
of a new nation of Norway. Ne action
looking toward recognition baa been
taken at Washington.
Eggs, Eggs, Eggs.
Eggs are n p and so are we.
We pay 18c on Satur Joe.
Leaver Grocery,
Op. 8. P. Depot.
B K Sykee received toe first ear of
Peater Schuttler wagons ever shipped
to Doaglaa Co. 26-3
If iu Deed of a Range, buy one our celebratel Toledo
Ranges. We guarantee every range sold, and if it
does cot give entire satifaetion, it costs you nothing.
An elegant line of Furniture, carpets and rugs in
stock all the time, also Wall Paper. Window Gla-s.
SI 10 N G
Before criticising your newspaper for
what it published therein, consult the
flies of the editorial waste pa per basket
and tee what you have escaped.
In the Justice Cojrt
Deciaion rendered in Justice Long's
court Saturday :
W. J. Moon vs L D. Harvey; action
to recover f.U).'", alleged to be due on
note. Judgment for plaintiff.
J. L. Catebeer vs Mrs. L. Rote . action
to recover 1 11.30 alleged to be due for
meat told to the defendant. Judgment
for plaintiff.
Rose Hose Company Notice
All members of the Rose Hoee Com
pany, Roseburg Fire Department are
hereby ordered to report at the Hose
House on Sheridan street Wednesday
evening June 28, 1906 at 7 o'clock sharp,
for Are drill. By order of
M F Rice.
I. J Reixenstein Foreman
My wife. Susan P Clark, hat left my
bed and board without just cause or
provocation with W. L Sharp, a dis
graceful character. 1 notify all persons
not to board or harbor her at my expense
at I will not pay any debts contracted
by her after thia date. Thomau Clark,
Ha, Oregon, June 24, 1906.
ling's patent
baine strap now
hame fastener or
on tale at Beard and
"The Conqueroring Hero Ca me."
A rather limited proportion of Rose
burg's citixens assembled at the Rote
burg theater last Thursday evening to
see the great and only John L Sullivan,
wbo, however, proved euually as clever
a ttory teller at a slugger, his Irish
anecdotes eliciting much laughter, while
his gallant toktt to the ladies concluding
with "sometimes perchance, she is led
eatray, but the it better than the man
who paved the way," wae heartily ap
plauded. The balance of the perform
ance consisted of two moving picture ex
hibits and a very creditable music act
by the Levy trio, the wife, ton and
daughter of the Late Julea Levy, the
world's greatest cornetist, who died two
years ago. The son, who is yet in bis
teens, gives promise of becoming at
great a cornet solist as his celebrated
parent, while the young lady manifested
much talent as a violinist, the tin. the,
presiding at the piano.
The performance concluded with a
three-round sparring match between
the great "has been" and hit boxing
partner, Jim McCormick, a lanky 24-year-old
Texan, who was heralded as
'the best man in the heavy weight class
today," who offers a forfeit of 500 to
any one wbo will stand before him for
ten rounds. Although pretty tame there
was manifested on the part of the big
Hi Etonian tome of hit old time clever
nets in ducking and dealing heavy
swings and body blows. The audience
went home satisfied.
Married eating has ruined mine a man's
stomach. The digestion-destruving pro- ;
cess is gradual, often unnoticed at brat.
But it is only a short time until the liver
balks, the digestive organs give way. and i
almost countless ills assail the man who
endeavors to economise time at the ex- j
pense of his health.
4A torpid liver causes a quarantine of the j
entire system. It locks in the diseased I
germs and bodv poisons and affords them
full play, inviting some serious illness.
In families where August Flower is used, !
a sluggish liver and constipation are un- I
known, so are all stomach ailments, as j
well as indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, ,
headaches and kidney and blader aflec- j
Hons. No well-regulated family should i
he without tins standard remedy.
Q Two sires, 25c and 75c
Extra heavy work sox 3 prs. 25c
Mediui weight work sox 4 prs 25"
Overalls 9 01 Bib 75c
Overalls 9 ox 60c
Me s tnspenders . 2tk
Mens suspenders, extra heavy. .25c
Mens suspenders, fancy 2S0
Mens work shirts, reg. 50c seller 4Qv
Mensand Hoys Clothing of all
kinds We will save you moner.
Fresh Family
A complete stock of
all the best brands of
staple and fancy Gro
ceries. New and fresh
goods on which we have
removed the tariff.
All kinds of early
vegetables and fruits
kept constantly on hand.
Highest market price
paid for all kinds of
arm "produce.
Yace lffE BAYE um N HixD
: The collar question saving our
customers a lot of annoyance from
CURTAINS -i,crpjp"
NoticciV Ia JthePure jhit.civ Hcoior,
LnUllUillLU domeslK nrusli aud general ap
mmmmmimm pearanci of our laundering no
i I " I compar son to the ordinary king.
Acute Rheumatism.
Deep tearing or wrenching paint, 00
oationed by getting wet through ; worse
when at rest, or on first moving the
limbs and in cold or damp weather, It
cured quickly by Ballard'a Snow lini
ment. Oscar Oleson Oibson City, III.
writes, Feb. 16, 1902: "A year ago I
wat troubled with a pain in my back.
It toon got to bad I could not bend over.
One' bottle of Ballard't Snow Liniment
cored me." Sold by A. C. Marttert &
Deeded Land can be purchased at
prices that will make money for you.
I have land for tale, Timber and
Farm land in tracta of from 160 acres
to 5000 acres at prices ranging from
1 3.00 to f'iO.OO per acre.
I have tome good claims, farm and
ranch landa for sale, reatonal e, in one
of the most beautiful valleys on the
mast, write or phone to
W m . M. Portbk, Can. as Vallrn, Ore.
a no let a w. from Kosvburg via Myitis Point
Hen in town and don't know where
to cat, ask your friends and they will
direct you to
I J, Norman & Co,
Cipirs, Toftttcos,
Confections, Traits
Bakery Goods
Always fresh
Steam Cleaning-Pressing Parlors.
Onr new tteam cleaning and repairing
parlors are now in operation. A club
of forty at l SO per month is already
secured and room for more. Single
suits steamed cleaned and pressed from
Sealed bids will be received by the
county court at the July term Thursday
luptolS.oO. At tteam cleaning ia j Jnly th for the conetruetion of a 0011-
tne reiiaoie process mere it no uonot crete side walk upon
mat me pwpio 01 iweeuurg ami vicinity
will appreciate the same and patronize
sufficiently to support the enterprise
Lad iea wool ski rtt alto
and pressed.
Next door to McDougal's Tailor Shop
L. D. HaavKY, Proprietor.
Dounlas street the
length ol the Court House block. Plans
and tpecification at the office of the
tteam cleaned County Judge. Right reserved to reject
any and all bids. Dated June 12, 1905
M. D. Thorn peon
County Judge.