THE TWICE-A-WEEK : Roseburg, Oregon J Population. XSOO. Tre Count? Sost of PouRIas 4 County, or. s..W.. r. Home; r s. Lnd oflice an.i r. s. W.ther Bure.u arv laaaaai here 8 P J rmilroa i divisiou: splendid .Muraional advantage. t, GU wa u the ro Bay and Cogiiille eouutry. Roseburg Plaindealer The mnt widely read nen rpaper published In Southern Oregon and con.)Untly the BBirradver tlaing medium. Large, mod.-m'y equipped Job printing deparment In connection. EataMiahed in 168 Hubacripiion, 2 per year for -wmi Weeily. Vol. XXXVII ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1905. No. 51 Kosebttrg piamoenlcr. WORK IS PROGRESSING ON ! GOOD ROADS PROGRAM Big Meeting to Be State Officials Good roads is a leading topic in Roe-1 faction leaders, to retire from race for burjust now. Coiniuitteos having in presidency; Yice-rresident Mann to act in charge the local management of the i a8 president until meeting at St. Louis Good Roads Convention scheduled to be next Spring, when an election will be held in this city nextfTliursday. June 9, held, Moore and Richardson to become .re pushing their wor k along enthutias- life members of the directorate of the tically. Several hundred special invita- j rganization, but not again to become tatioue havd been sent over the county ( candidates for president ; new liasis of and state, besides a large nimiWr of pos- representation to be adopted whereby terra, luciiKling the program for the day i t?ach state will be treated with fairness and evening. Beside the officiate and i convention, and so the minor number experts of the National Good Roads As- of sta'ee cannot pack and rule, soviation who will te present. Gjv. Geo. ' This is considered a partial victory for E. Chamberlain, Judge John EL Scott, President Moore, who his friends al of Salem, president of the Oregon Good ready declare will be unanimously in Roads Association ; Hon. E. L. Smith, vited to return from obscurity and again president ot the Oregon Development become the leader. It is umlersto'id the League ; County Judges. Commiaeioners, compromise will be accepted by the con Road Supervisors, Mayors of cities and vent ion, but there is diepeeitioa on the other prominent citizens are expected part of the John W. Abtott division of to be preseut. Interesting programs 'be Richardson faction to complain be have been arranged ior each of the three cause no arrang-ment is made for taking ee.-sions, and everybody is urged to be care of their leader. The plan of the present and help to inaugurate a wide- Abbott following is to switch to Sam spread system of good road building in Hill, of Seattle, and insist on his being taniscouuty and slate. lou"t .et harvest- elected president this afternoon, jug or anything else prevent yur at- Mr. Moore moved, that as the consti-U-ndance at this meeting I tution was very Weak for such a large Sharp Contest for President ' ortaization, aud was in reality worth- - - . .,- r. ., .; less, that tlje two contesting presidents lortlaud, June J. the president of ... L . " i , withdraw for the present, a lowing the g.od roads organization is trav- . , .1 . . . . . . ,. Judge Scott to take the chair. Tt.;- wa- ehug a rough road in his attempt , l. -' . - - . .' dot e, and then the convention voted to hold on to his i u m opposition , . .k r .i , to refer the present constitution to a to the wishes of the representative con-' . . . , , , committee consisting of a representati. e vention he has assembled in Portland , JT ti.- .i. . from everv state. This committee met This is tne p'oiosed basis of settle ' , . . . , . t i . , last evening and drew up an improvi l men t of the tight for the presidency which threatened to dismember the Xa- constitution which will be referred to tiocal Oood Roads Association : the meeting which will be held in the W. H Moore and R. W. Richardson, Auditorium this morning. COTTAGE GROVE WATER BONDS Cottage Grove, Or., Jnne 21 The issue of 120,000 worth of bonds adver tised for sale a short time ago for the purpose of increasing the water sup ply, has been sold to the firm of Morris Bros, and Cristenson, both of Portland. They were the highest bidders, giving $212 premium for the issue. The city will get this money July 1. and then work will commence on the water plant. The water supply at present is getting low. KLAMATH FALLS GETS RAILROAD Klamath Falls, Or., June 22. The' necessary $100,000 bonus to secure the Week Railroad line's extension into Klamath Fahs was completed yesterday and the chief town of Klamath County will now be afforded the transportation o long desired. MARSTERS' DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMES SOAPS TOILET ARTICLES RUBBER GOODS I PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH Read the Plaindealer for all the News In Roseburg Thursday Promises a Very Enthusiastic One. Will Attend. MASONS ELECT GRAND OFFICERS The Masonic Grand Ledge of Oregon, , which had bean holding its regular ses sions in Portland since Wednesday ad journed late Friday afternoon to maet again in that city next June. The fol ' lowing grand officers were elected to hold office for the coming year: Dr W H Flanagan, Grant's Pass, grand master: Dr W F Williamson. Portland, deputy grand master: I.-t L i Pearce, Salem, senior grand warden ; Ed . Kiddle, LaGrande, junior grand war jden; W A Cleland. Portland, grand treasurer; J F Robinson, Eugene, re ; elected grand secretary ; J B Cleland I and J M Hodson, Portland, and M S Woodcock, Corvallis, were re-elected trustees of the educational fund. A dock of swallows have taken up their habitation in the eaves of the I'nited States Government building at : the Lewis and Clark fair and all efforts i to dislodge them have failed. The Gov I eminent officials have decided to let the birds remain, and they are proving quite ' an attraction to the thousands who daily 1 visit Uncle Sam's magnificent display. DRUG GO. STATIONARY 'SHOOL SUPPLIES WINDOW GLASS LIME AND CEMENT ALL KINOS OF SPRAYS I BIG CLEANUP IN BOHEMIA G. B. flengen. secretary anil treasurer of the Oregon So -unties Hold Mining Company, has written from his New York office that late reports from the property, which is situated in the Nolle, mia district, show 20 stamps of the new battery in the'tnill are merrilly pounding day and night on ore assaying an aver age of $t a tou. The stuff batag milled is being taken from the ledge on the Champion claim, and Superintendent Wood has been instructed to increase, the force on the property, so as to seat re sailicient ore to placeall of the 30 stamps in operation at an eanv al'. ll'e pacts the production of the plant for the month will be 13,t20, and he experts i an increase of .".) oer cit when the ore from toe Musick claim is run through, for there is $l..H)ikKI in ore already blocked out there, an t a large tiinuel with double tracks is being driven through a saddle in the mountain to tap the ledge lieneath. Work commenced last week on the site of the new smelter, w hich is located at Savage Kipids, ab-'iit lice mi es from Grants Pas. A gang of men under H A . Corliss, the company's superintend ent of consti uctioii. Started lar-t week to clear the ground for the huildiugs and for the railway side track, which will he a necessary adjunct of the big opatmtiotM the Rgu- Kiver Smelting & Power Co. have in contemplation. t-rams Pasr Observer. WILL EUGENE DRAW PRIZE i Portlan i, June 2. l iter inform ti n from the forces in the Central Oregoa field working under the diraetioa of the Western Pacific in ltcates that K igeue, by way of the military wagu road, is the objective p int of the (1 m! I inter ests, the connecting hue to start from a point on the mai.i rovl in Nevad , probablv at Kureka. The roa.1 will BOS tap Salt 1 ar -, but is to takt liagonal ' course across the conntrv to an Fran- .... . . . , . , . , t . . I. it tuitA a u ... A la l.jirt t .it-. . . . , .... forCoburgto strike frjom the leMM . .. branch near its terminus. ... .. , . ' Of the two routes being g:v. n .Iff consideration the one by way of E i gene and the other northward directly throogb lntrai Oregon gre iter atten tion sj late his been paid the plan t I cut across the s i rhrn en 1 of the state When B. A. Worthing'. .ju tted the Harriman service as heal of the K A N., and general manager of tb' South em Pac.fic Oregon lines, to enter G lUid's employ, he carried with him valuable data concerning the Ksweae plan, also statistical information with reference to the general lay.of the Cen tral Oregon locality. It is not prospective that Gould will legin actual contru-iioi w irk at onc in this state unless Harrimin's mUm energy in the dire lion of Bend by way of the completed portion of the Colum bia Southern ends in the latter starting to build the extention. in which event' it will be up to Gould to make known his purposes either to take the trade waiting in Central Oregon or come into the south-western portion and parallel the Southern Pacific into Portland LOCAL OPTION IS UTTERLY IGNORED r :n.. r i o T .. t ( ,i.A I fine and imprisonment imposed upon ! him in the Justice Court here, '""H w hich he appeale.1 to. the Cir. uit court, , J. P. Tupper has posted notice of inten- tion of applying to the City Council for i a li, -on... In sell i n Iot ii-at i niF liiillor I Speculation is rife as to whether the Council will grant him license or not. The prohibition people are discussing'by what authority the I'istrict Attorney had to file the motif n that all further cases be dismissed. Nothing will he done by them until the Attorney im eral is communicated with. The saloons are running and the prohibition people are non-pinssed as to how to proceed to close them in view of the action taken by the District Attorney. ACCUSED BARBER ARRESTED AT EUGENE Eugene, June 2:t. - Joe Pierce, a stran ger, was arrested in the Matlock lodging house at 5 o'clock- last evening by Chief of Police Stiles, barged w ith the larceny of about t'Jo worth of tools from the bar ber shop of Qhma Woodruff Ht Hose burg Woodruff formerly worked in Bert Vincent's shop in Eugene. Pierce had pawned a pair of clippers ami a razor at the Manhattan saloon here and two razors at Cottage drove. He had two strops, two pairs of scissors and a hair brush with him, evidently disposing of the remainder of the goods somew here else. Constable Slocum arrived down from Bosebiirg this morning and took Pierce back for trial on this afternoon's train Pierce Given a Hearing Pierce was ret nrned to Roiehurg Fri day evening and when brought before Justice long Saturday morning he en tered a plea of guilty and was committed to the county jail in default of f-J5 fine. As soon as Pierce's time is served the j authorities should see that he is com j pelted to shake the dust of Roseburg from hia feet as the town is better off with less booze drinkers of his type. MITCHELL'S SERVICES WERE NEVER PROMISED TO KR1BS Judge Tanner Says Senator Mitchell Warned Him Not to Mix Him Up in Department Affairs. Portland, June 22. Examination of Albert 11. Tanner was continued by the prosecution this morning in the trial of Senator Mitchell. He identified checks, paid bv Frederick A. Kribs to Taouer. am", letters passing between the partners relative to their practice before the Land Depart meat, letters showing thit ; Mitchsfl received, each month, his share ' of the firm's earnings, which was a halt ! of the net receipts, and that the money paid lv Krilw to Tanner entered into the funds divided at the end of each month, were offered in evidence. A let- l'ie "frees of his monthly r.-.utter from Mitchell to Tanner, showing he tancw. his share of the earning of the received, upon his own request, a copy ,iW nrm "nt V tl"' ","' of the firms books, ak I all recein's i Washington. Tanner said not to his and h w securei I dating the Senator's stay in Washington, was an important exhibit off -red today. Ttie pro asc ut toe expe:ts to submit its evidence this week. an the defense will probably not occupy mire than one day in oit -ring testimony. The case will go to lbs jury probably baton the end of next week. Ou Mou lay Judge IV H iveu will set the case of Congressmen Williamson and Hermann, which are to follow that of Senator Mitchell. Friday. I - : nnv offere,J by the prosecution's hief witness. Judge A. H. Tanner, this morning was a recital o! alleged offences agtiust Federal statute; by Senator Mit- He told of agreements made by -: Krilsand John A Benson to espedlale t.mi-r claims through the (ieneral L.m 1 Olfice. a-id the addition of the fees received therefore to the earn ings of the fim and the division of ti e lees at the end of each month. Mitchell receiving half. The nature of the evi deacs k'lven t.klay was the same BS previoasiy QOiwea oy tne prosecution, .t, I .T,.,ttr.l l,, t.. , . . , those alreailv tetihe.t 1 1 bv Judge Tan- ner. The priHe-.-ulion was besiegetl with obttvtion from the ilefense. but lu !v'e Ie Haven thought one offense . , . . might !e charged to rarelessness, but . He rlaven seeks for a sjeedy trial, and aske.1 the pr.ieecution this morning to present its evidence a brietly as pos sible. Judge Tanner went on the stand a.-ain this aftern ion for the prosecu tion. ne damaging letter from Tan- : ner a'ked Mitchell to "punch the mat ter up, as our fee depends on vour get ting these entries thnuzh." Most of i the letter related to land business. A new i heck from Kribs was made par able to A. H Tanner. Mitchell's work on.i-te.1 mainly in getting the lists of ti nig- nia.le "special" in the land de- partment AtS:45 a great hitch to..k 1 plac-e. Heney uudertotk to read letters j asking Mitcliell to nse bit intioeuce with Hermann's sncceseor This was objected to, as the indictment specific- allv charges receiving money expediting i cases before Commissioner Hermann. ' and no one else. Judge Bennett called ! Heney down, and was sustained by the court. After an argument Heney con- leased to having been taken by surprise. the Larrsis WKK Not kkad, as thsy WOCIJI HAVE INVOLVED riciiaros. Henev went bat k and took up new line of testimony. This is believed to be a serious defect in the indictment. The name of A. H. Tanner, Jr., was intro duced into the trial today for the first time. Judge Tanner s son must have suffered an awtul humiliation when he WM nej to liaU,n to the te,tim0ny f,,t,,, ,, j, the co,, Bjon of ljg lerjurv pea o( gailtv thereU) u u QM of aaig-g-arf rao8t ,itmUioa8 in the whole case. Tcttimsay Fiv arable :o Mitchell. Portland, June 24 Counsel for the defense today scored some important testimony in behalf of their client, John H. Mitchell, on trial in the I'nited PORTLAND OR BUST THEIR SLOGAN A Cadet Corps, ccmprising GO of Eureka, California's m st athletic lads, have started on then long overland march to the Cortland Exposition and will pas- through Koseburg the latter part of ibis mouth. Of this big tramp i he Kureka Standard says: "Promptly at 9 o'clock Monday morn ing June 11', in trout of the Congrega tional church at Eighth and G streets, the fifty and odd boys of the Congrega tional Cadet Corps of Eureka, formed ranks anil were ready for the inarch from Kureka to Portland, Oregon a distance of 482 miles, and which will be covered in easy stages in about five w. eks, arriving in Portland July 20th, or possibly sooner. There was some delay in the parting scenes between the boys and their par ents and friends and again to have themselves photographed, but at 9:15 Captain Emery gave the command and to K, down F to Second, along Second the march begao, along Eighth street to H, out of H to Seventh and thence to Areata. There were many weeping mothers who hid their boys good by, for, while the march is not considered dangerous, or in any way a strain on the boys' endurance, still the feeling lingers that perhaps something might happen to the dear boy. and he never be again seen alive. Eureka is sending a fine exhibit to the i.ew is and Clark Exposition, in these sixty lads, who are the pick of the club of nearly 150 boys. They were in fine spirits and looked very soldiery in their khaki uniformH, with blankets acro-s their shoulders, canteens on the hip, flags flying, drums beating, and the cheers of our citizens as they marched along the streets. Had States District Court. Cross-examination of Alliert H. Tanner, Mitchell's former partner, and chief witness tor the prosecution, showed tnat Mitchell had warned Tanner not to mix him Bp in matters before the department- of the tiovemment, and not to tak money for services the Senator might perforin there. Tanner said there was no understanding with Kribs that the money paid bv him to Tanner was in return for nrtricM bv Mitchell, am) that the latter had MO direct knowledge knowledge did Mitchell ever nee a rhei k from Kribs to the firm for wru. es ren itered. Tanner further said be knew personally of no further by Mitchell before the department" in re gard to the Krib- claims than he had H-r(ormed for hundreds of other claim ants without tar. latteries Opra oa Tiaatr. "Mr. Tanner, I see in the contract dated March 5, 1901, that it refers to a previous contract," was the o;eiiing sentence of the cross-exam iuati n by Jiui Bennet, of the defen-e "Have you that contract reterreo to A copy of this former agreement was produced anil scanned by the defense. Tanner said this former contract referred to in the document of Marc): . i Ml . was the agreement made September V 1897. At the time ttie original contract war made Mitchell was rot a Senator, be having left the Senate in Mar.-!:. 1,7. The contract of 1H01, in March of which year Mitchell was returned to the I'nit ed States Senate, was sent on to Was:. ington for Mitchell to sign. Tanner said the r-8on the contract was reriood is lfOl was due to the des re Da h- part U receive half the fee MCeised Ov the firm, as in Mitchell's atsence he had more work to do at home. Qsrstisas Caex ttrrct. " riie only contract drawn in w' i.-h the sharing of any fees receive i r work before the departments was made in Septemter, lT. when Mitchell wasont of office, was it not" asked Judge Ben nett. Tanner answered "yes." He tes tified that in making the contract of 19PI there was nothing said about k before the department. trarr u Raixb Nsassy. Taaav Mr. Hcnev announced that he had I ffi'bed sooner than he had ilgietld. He explained to the court that it souid 001 delay his se, and that he would rest his case on Monday, as he had ex ; Jud ,, H Vtn ,1"'n a.ijourne.1 j bis court until Monday morning. The j nrrt witness to he called by the prose cution will be Miss Spencer, w bo was a bookkeeper tor Mitchell , lanner, nod- ertson, who was Senator Mitchell's pri vate secretary, to whom was instrnsted the famous "burn this" letter, will fol low. A. J. Breckons, private secretary to Senator Warren of Wyoming, and Commissioner Kichards are also wit- n 'or tne iovernmeni. Ex Senator Thurston state.! afier the court was adjourned that he expected that the defense would be through by Tuesday evening. While nothing has been said by counsel for the defense, it is almost assured that Senator Mitchell will take the witness stand in his own behalf. This seems to be I satire ted by the line that the ilefense has followed since the trial opened. Some time ago it was hinted that he might take the stand, but so far, not a word ha escaped the defense on this point The defence statingthat it will finish in one day Indi cates that its list of witnesses is a short one, and that it is building its hopes of acquittal upon the Senator himself. The flag of the Cadet Corps bee the letters ,-C. C C." on a blue ground anil "Eureka, Cat " on brown. The beauti ful silk "stars and stries" was the gift last year of the G. A. R. organ zition in Eureka. The people of Fureka feel proud of the Inivs they are sending to Portland, and the business men have leeii very generous. The cadet boys stopped as ihey marched and cheered several of these generous hear ed citizens in front of their places of business Rev. Franklin Baker, pastor of the First Congregational church, who has lieen the master spirit in the enterprise wishes the Standard to say that he thanks all those in this city who have in anvwav contributed either mater ially, financially, or by works of BB i couiageuient helping the Cadet Corps on their march to the Portland Fair. Eery member of the corps j dns in the wish and prayer that Ood will ' not only protect them on their long ! march but that his blessing will rest upon everyone who has in any way ' made this inan-h possible. C. V. Jackson, the clothier, for the ; gift of socks, H. H Buhne's big store, for the army canteens, F. li Barnum, j of the Uuion restaurant ior a free lunch to boys, and James E. Matthews were the recipients of hearty cheers by the , Cadet Corps, as thev "went marching I by." Two teams, each with a driver, will ctrry the tents and provisions, and Mr. Sedgeley will superintend the cooking assisted by the cadets. Tne leading officers are: Rev. F Baker, Chaplain ; Clarke Emery, Cap- tain ; Joseph Moore, First Lieutenant ; Wallace Null, Second Lieutenant; Fred ' Brown, Third Lieutenant ; Dr. C. E. ' Bonatell, Musical director'. BRANTON IS GUILTY OF ATTEMPT TO KILL Eugene, June 23. The jury in the case of the state vs. John Branton, charged with assault with a dangerous Weapon with intent to kill John Fletch er, yesterday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, re turned a verdict of guilty , after deliber ating a little over two hours. The attor neys for the defendant, L. Bilyeu and Medley .t Johnson, have filed a motion for a new trial. On the night of March " last, while Hranton ami Fletcher were returning from Cottage Urove to Braoton's home, two miles out in the country, Fletcher was shot in the head, resulting in the loss of one eye and a badly disfigured face. Fletcher accused Branton of try ing to kill him in order to get the 3000 insurance money which he carried in the Woodmen o( the World order in Branton favor. On the other hand, Kranton said that Fletcher fired the shot in an attempt to commit suicide, be-rau-e a ceruiu woman of Cottage Cirove had spurned his offt-rs of love. The case has ereated a great deal of intre-t. and the trial, which ocenpied three days, lias been attended by im mense crowds. Branton Gets M Years. I igei e, I r , June 24 This afternoon at 2 o'clock Jndgo Hand ton sentenced John Branton o ten years in the peni tentiary, the maximum penaltv for as sault with a dangerous weaptn with in tent to kill. Branton received the sen tence with calmness, and smiled at friends as he passed out of tbe court room. A motion fur a new trial was argued several hours today, bnt the Judge overruled the motion. WORK ON CRATER LAKE RAILROAD The construction of the Medford A Crater Lake railroad is progressing fine ly, in spite of some difficulties under which the contractors h ve labored. For instance the heavy rains of the latter part of May made the hauling of the looej timbers necessary for tbe bridges aeroe. Bear and Little Butte cieeks very - ' . :n fact, almost impossible, so that work on the bridges was considerably delayed. Now. however, the bridge crews are making up for lost time. The Bear creek bridge will lie finished within two weeks if nothing unforeeen happens The piling for the Butte creek bridge is nearly ail driven, m -t of tbe timber an 1 all tbe iron is on t he ground , and much of tbe iraming has been finished. About seven miles of the distance to Kagle has len graded, and the balance will likely be completed well within the time limit. The sidings in the terminal grounds are all graded, reedy for the ties, which will be in readi ness cs on as they are needed. The M L. Co. has not been making a great "fl. nrish of trumpets" concerning its intentions, bin the work has been going on Qjoilta and steadily just tbe same Bnildieg a railroad, even a short ne. is s. instiling of an undertaking and taking everything into consideration, the M. A C. L. Co is b be congratulat ed upon the progress it has made, Mail. NATIONAL GUARD WILL PLAY AT WAR Portland, June 24. What promises to be the most realistic sham battle in the 1 annals of mimic warfare is scheduled to j Uke place at the Lewis and Clark Ex- j position luly 21, constituting the crown- ; ing feature of three days of military inn lieu vers in which at least 1,500 tr -!p ol the Oregon National Guard will j take part. The battle wili be made j r Palis! ft by the shooting of cannon and small arms loaded with blank cartridges and is expected to prove one of ihe mos popular of the many features which nave Isseii arranged to make every day until the ciose of the Exposition, Oct 1 ", a secial day. Adjutant-General W. E. Finger, in with President H. W Uoode. of the Kxptieition, has arranged thj more important details. The guard will go into cam- at (iearhart Park on July S remaining there six days and then proceeding to Portland. During the first two days of the encampment at the Exposition, there will be a dress para te each day, and a grand review in honor of Governor Chamberlain and staff. A number of toaneetitise driUi also will be held. The buttle prcier will be between two detachments, one wearing the brown khaki u n i for in and the other the bine The browns will entrench themselves on the hillside directly west of the Exposi lion grounds and await the approach of tbe attacking party of blues. The field artillery will supplement the entrenched force, while the cavalry will assist the attacking party, operating from the rear or leak. The details of the attack and the defense will be left to the com manders of the opposing forces, as strategy'will count tu determining which side is the victor. The attack is sched uled to take place at sundown on July 21, and the Jsagaf inent is expected to last for about two hours. The hillside j where the browns will be entrenched ' reaches down to Guild's Lake, the sur I passing water feature of the Exposition, 1 and the entire maneuvers may be watched from the Bridge of Nation-,! which spans the lake and connects the mainland with the peninsula on which the Duited States Government buildings are situated. LODZ STREETS RUN RED WITH BLOOD OF SLAUGHTERED Russian Revolution Growing. France Would Fight Germany. Terriable Tragedy in Umatilla County. Lodz, June 24. Since the arrival of reinforcements this morning actual fight ing in the city has stopped, hot the out break is by no means ijuelled. ami fresh collisions are expected momentarily. The city resembles a shambles, and the terrible scenes of the last two daya will never be wiped from the memory of the Polish people. Altogether ten regiments are encamped in Lodz. The fighting spirit of the people is ful ly aroused. They have tasted Wood, and want more Certainlv the revolu tion .is abroad, and it remains to be seen whether military measures will have the same effect as previously. Today at Baluty, a suburb of Lodx, four Cossacks were killed and 16 wounded by a bomb, which was thrown into their barracks. Twenty-tbree of their horses were killed. Occassional volleys are still fired by police or gendarmes in response to shots from houses. The soldiers are showtng what ap pears to be wanton cruelty. Late this afternoon they shot and killed two wo men, a mother and her daughter. The funeral of victims of the shooting of Thursday and Friday took place to day snrreptitiooely in various ootlying villages. tea Nay Hunker Two Isaarea. It is quite impossible to give the exact number of killed and wounded, as reports vary according to tbe quarter .rom wnich U.ey are obtained. Certain ly the killed number more than a hun dred, possibly 300. and tbe wounded fire times as many. Isuulia Bgejgj Trafeey. Pendleton, Or. Juoe 24. T. O. White a Umatilla rancher, this evening shot his wife and her nephew, wounding them slightly, and then killed himself with a revolver. Mrs. White bad just left town, where she had consulted a lewyer with a view of obtaining a di vorce on the ground of cruel treatment About S o'clock this evening, as Mrs. White, her 7 year-old daughter, Grace, and her nephew, a lb-year-old boy named Norton, were driving from this city to tbe Norton ranch, ten miles west of Pen dleton, T 0 Wbite, the husband of U e woman in the buggy, rode up from be Grand Military Bail The first public dance to be given in the new armory in the Elks building will be on tbe evening of June 2d and wili be a grand military affair under auspices of Co. D.. 1st Separate Bat. O. N. 6. Guard mount and inspection will be held at 8 :30 o'clock and dancing will commence promptly at Music by Roseburg orchestra. Tickets $1.00. DO 1 SHARE IN I ? Every shareholder in the ROSEBURG ROCH DALE COMPANY is purchasing groceries from him self cheaper ami better than he could elsewhere, and at the end of the year takes home to himself the profits on these purchases. This is the Co operative way. BE A ROCHDALER FARM THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON, MILWAUKEE AND OSBURN MOWERS AND BINDERS, VICTOR RAKES, FEED CUTTERS, ROLLINC DISC PLOWS AND HARROWS. HARNESS AND SADDLES A SPECIALTY BEARD & CULVER the hardware dealers DOUGLAS COUNTY B A K K f. J. K hind tbe rig until even with the seat up on which his wife sat, and without a word leveled a revolver at her and fired five shots in quick succession. Upon the first shot the woman re ceived a wound in the left wrist, which caused her to fall into the bottom of the rig. Two more ballets also took effect and caused flesh wounds in her back. None of tbe wouods, however, proved serious, and with proper care Mrs. White may tecover, nnieae blood poison sets in in her wrist, from a few threads which were pulled into the wound with tbe ballet. The boy, who was driving, received a flesh wound in his left knee, which is thought to have been caused bv tbe bul let which struck Mrs. Wright's wrist glancing from her arm to his leg. wane Hew tef Irs truss. After White had fired upon his wife he evkieo tally concluded that sbe was dead, and, turning bis horse, be rode back to ward the cur about a quarter of a miie, where he dismounted from his horse and after reloading his revolver placed it in the middle of bis forehead and blew his brains oat. Franc VseM Fight Ccraaay. Paris, June 24. For the first time since the Fashoda incident tbe French public is in the throes of the war fever. Whether it will result in anything seri ous depends on Germany's response to tbe French note on Morroco, but with out considering the exact status of the diplomatic negotiations a considerable e.ement of the public and press seriously discuss tbe possibilities of a resort to arms. Army circles are particularly active, and at the military clubs the of ficers are mainly engaged in making comparisons of the forces of France and Germany. The official view is that the situation, while delicate, does not present any as pect cf danger or a crisis involving a rupture of relations. This is the govern mental view, and naturally presents the most favorable aspect of the controversy. However, tbe Ambassadors of the lead ing powers express impartial opinions fully sustaining tbe view of the govern ment building. Fruit Growers Notice A shipment of Douglas county fruits for exhibit purposes will be sent to the Douglas county exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition Sunday night. All fruit growers are requested to con tn bate to this shipment fresh, dried and pre ' served fruits. Leave all donations for J this purpose at either the Review or Plaindealer office. PIUS Of I GROCERIES If NT, HT IT? IMPLEMENTS btablished lvsJ Incorporated Capital Stock $5o,ooc F. W. UN0ON, A C.MARSTKRS. PraMaai. Vk Praaldsni. J. HKNRl' BOOT H. Chir. BOARD Of DIRECTORS W. BNSON. B. A. BOOT1I J. H. BOOTH. f KBU.Y. J06. LKOSS, A. C. MABdTKKd L MILLER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED