s a-- vv va, I FARMERS' REAL ESTATE CO. OFFICE OPPOSITE RICE S RICE, CASS STREET J WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Nolic.'k run under this head will be charged or l llio rate of one cent a w.trd for two insertion. No MNHlMNMi taken for Irs than Ska cent We have some Exceptionally Fine Farms, City Property and Timberlands in large and small tracts for sale. I III SI 1NE t f B! UK 1 US WANTKO To exi'haiitrt, a tm.vt lilnamti f,,.. - Uiiifktm, Apply box 374, Bran mix. Or. Girl Wanted, for general house work j by Mrs. J. W. Hamilton. j For Sale; House and lot on Pine ; street near depot. See J. A. Buchanan. Anyone wishing to sell their property can do so by listing it with ns. Write for price list of Farms and City Property. D. R. SHAMBROOK, President Xew wagon and harness for sale, also an incubator. Inquire of Geo. Goehner, Boseburg, R. F. D No. L tf jl2. I Wanted A fresh young healthy cow j with calf, must be gentle for a woman to milk. State price. Address, A. B. Azalea, Oregon. JulliSp Society JWtlngs. A.' F. A A. M. Laurel Lmiire Mn 131 H Dlile regular meetings on BSUUtill and f nrth Wmlies-Havs ni hiI month. J. T. liKiix.Ka, II M N. T. Jkw.it, Secretary. FARE TO LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR B. F. O. ELKS. Roaeburg Loiine No. .i-t. - Holds regular nmwiininh a tions at I O. O. K. Hall and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regti larle and all visiting brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. C. b. Cannon , K. R. Rot McClallfn, Secretary. N. F. THRONE, Secretary 1 J HI 1 IU I in f PI Wanted, strong young woman for dishwashing and eeneral help in a boarding car. Good wages. Apply to Thomas Wilson, Boarding Car, Green Station. Real Estate Transfers j WHEN YOU COME TO PORTLAND j Make your plans j to stop at a home-like hostelry: a place where yon will be shown every courtesy and treated as you would be in your own home, town or city. The Forestry Inn Is such a place, and it stands wit hin one block of the Ex position Entrance, on 25th Street facing Upshur. THE FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin style: furnishings, cuisine, and management conform thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas: with electric lights: hot and cold water and free baths. From the roof a view is had of the Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service direct to all parts oi the city. European plan. Din ing service a la carte and as reasonable as in any part af the city. Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50 Special Rates to Parties of two or more MEALS A LA CARTE THE FORESTRY INN, Inc. I I I ADDRESS, P. C. MATTOX, Manager, or H. 25th and Upshur Sts. aaea M. FAXCHER. PORTLAND, OREGON JUST ARRIVED NEW STOCK FIGS FINE CHINA WARE HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS RASINS CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL Anything yon need for a Fruit CaKe or Mince Meat J. F. BARKER SCO. Phone 201 Elijah B. Gabbert et nx , to Willis Kramer, 500; certain lands in sees 4, it, 10, 15, 17, in, 21 and 22, tp 29 s, r ft west in Gabberts Addition to Myrtle Creek. B W Watts and wi.'e to Duncan Scott, 2,500; lands in sees 13, 19 and 24. tp 19 J s, r 7 west, containing lt4 :19 acres. H A Rason and wife to R P Redifer, j $160 : land in sec 34, tp 30 s, r west. John P Hughes and wife to Fred Fieh j er, $2050 ; 164.60 acres in sec 31 , tp 25 s, r 5 west. James Bull and wife to Harry Rich ards $10 : part of Charles Applegate D i L C in sec 33, tp 22 s, r 5 west, 1 acre. F F Patterson and wife to M F and Napoleon Rice, $200 ; lot 15, blk 76, 4th : Southern Addition to Roeeburg. T R Sheridan et al to George Smith, $1575 ; 22.08 acres in sec 22, tp 28 s, r 6 west. Cordeha Shaier and husband to B W Maddox, $900: lots 7 and 8. b'k 72, 1st Southern Addition to Roeeburg. James H Betty and wife to J F Daugh erty, M W Daugherty and C Roes King. $750: 15 75 acres in sec 3, tp 23 and sec 34, tp 22 s, r 5 west. J F Daugherty and wife to Candrill Batty, $550: part of lot , block 2, IV Yores Add to Yoncalla. Christopher C Watkins and wife to R A Baker, $130; 149.13 acres in sec 20, tp 22 s, r 4 west. Kate E Beckley to Phil Beckley, $569 : undivided of 308.S2 acres in sees 13 and 7, tp 25 s, r 4 west. Cobb Real Estate Co to W F Mc Daniel $200; lot 52, blk 9 Waites Add to Rose burg. Bessie McAloney to Jessie A Miller and Chester E Miller, $1 ; 175.03 acres in sec 18, tp 30 s, r 8 west. Edith Curtis and husband to A L Gowey, $500 ; land in sec 22, tp 20 s, r 9 west. H A Rasor to R P Redifer, bond for deed, $190; land in sec 36, tp 30 s, r 9 west. American Mtg Co to Horace Putnam, $580 ; lands in sees 15 and 16, tp 22 s r 6 west. David Saab to W S Hamilton, $200; lota 9 and 10, blk 3 Hamilton's Add to Rose burg. Chas F Putnam, Bill Putnam Jackson, F L Putnam and N H Putnam to Hor ace Putnam, $780 ; 280 59 acres in sees ' 8 and 16, tp 22 s, r 6 west. O G Gilberteon to Henry Nelson, lond for deed. $205: parcel of land in Glendale. I trSlTED STATES PATENTS United States patents have been is sued as follows : Alured Walker, Geo. i E. Davis, Irving D. Gibson Amy E i Davis, Ole Hansen, Jefferson Koehler, Calvin E Grill, Henry W Bale, Harry S Cook, George G Kellogg. Reported by F. E. Alley, Abstractor. 0. D, 1st SEPARATE BATTALUOS ,O.N. G., meets at Armory Hall every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. F. B. Hami.im. Capt. O. O. F. Philetanan a Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackson and Gas strain Saturday evening of each week Mem bers of the order in good standing ar invited to attend, H. o. I.kwis, N. G. N.T. Jswsrr, Secretary. I. K. of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Mi every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F Hall at 7:30 p. m. Memhera in good standing are invited to attend. Jas. A. Pamir, C. C. M. F. Wrihiit, K. of K. ,v . During the l ewis and Clark Exposi tion the Southern Pacific Company will ell roand trip tickets to Portland, limit thirty days, at out- and one-third fare for the roand trip. For parties of ten or more trawling on one ticket, one fare for the roand trip. For organized par-tie.- of one hand red or more, individual tickets at one fare for round trip. Stopover of ten days will be given at Portland on all one way ticket reading lirotigh that point during the Exposi tion. Tickets moat l- deposited with Joint Agent at Portland and charge of fifty cents will ba made for extension of time. Cost to Visit the Fair. A five dav an. I ten day visit to the Ex position at Portland, to include all ex pen sea, and sea everything to la? seen, can be nude for $15.00. Round trip rail road fare from Rosehurg, $6 00 total $21.00: ten day vjeit, $25.00 K. R. fare $o (0 total $31. Full information may le obtained on application at South Pacific Ticket Office, ttowbgirg. ni29tf Administratrix's Notice. Tn the County Court tor Douglas County, Oregon. In ISM matter of the eatatc of Adolph c. Mark, deceased. Notice Is hsby elwa liy the undersigned, Clara Marks, the daly appointed, ijualltied and acting administratrix of the estate of Adolph C. Mrk deceased, lo the creditor of laid de osasaed, to exhibit their claims with the nece -.try vouchers, within six month after the flrat publication of this notice to the ald adminis tratrix at K ox-burg. Oregon. Dated May I 1J6. CLARA MARKS, mZijxt Administratrix. Town Lots For Sale Choice building lots in Kinney's im proved plat of Roseburg, near Main street, good title. Price $50 per lot. Address, N. A. Richards, tf Sheriffs In the circuit Conn of the for IheODaaty a Douglas. Sale. rilale ol Oregon All Walker. 1'laiuilf. ILAC CIRCLE. No. 40, Women of Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4tl, Thura.tava nf .,!. ,,,., ,i, ,v . 1 , - I W " Ill I llluuilJ o utt i I O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members in good standing are invited to attend. Mas. A. B. Ficki k. (iuardian Neighbor Bell Morian, C'rxkk Second and Fourth Thuradavs. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of tl lor me v utility ol l"Uglas. r. I hntu'irrlniti. (o'-ru I -lalt . nil Statf of tregon, Pun au.t coil! j tor ISM i ' tat a wr F. I. i at I ol -tiat- . sinl i Its. M i I n it-irt-r nl tb,-Matt ..I op ran. I i ii laataeanM iud n.pi , I 01 Ac BOOl at.ti l'uivcr-il) in i-ic niTr.;uu-ui it! int- luuds aristug n in iroin. I I'laiut.ff- . 0.' K. H Roae'turg Chanter No. 1- Holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each nonth. Visiting members in good standing are reepectfnllv invited to at tend. Mrs. E. J. Stroud, W. M. Free Johnson, Secretary. I'. T VcG iic. Mnrpn Baaia aad c v Frances J M iee, hi , tan: A orrpam . K. L litrf 101. i ru-i a. N'o'.icr rs berrl gireu thai by r.rtuc of cxerutiuu aud t : Jer of rale del Issued the akuva ssaaaea csxert aat Mass, aa the day o( June rM upon a i,Uuvnt and ut u NITED ARTISANS. Dmpqna -sembly No. MB, saeeta seoood and fourth Satnniavs of each month, in Native Sons' hall. Visitiasj memlwrr will receive a cortiial welcome. A C. M Mt.-TKKS, M. A. Minsk Jon, S-cretarv. OODMEN OF THE W( KI.D.-t at Camr No. 125. Meeis t the OrtN Fellows' Hall, in Roeehnrs eve-- drst and third Mr.da evening. Vi-it-;ng neighbors always welcome. J. M. Bhiix-ks. C. C N. T. Jkwktt. Clerk N'otice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of tin tatc al Otegna for iheiount) of Ivtucias. In the matter of The estate of i Maria Anns Oaanaa Di at Notice 1 hereby glTen lbs: 1. . BaaV taagl '.. adminlsirabir oi the estate of Maria A SUM t . tertag. deceased, has tiled in 1 he Cnnnu 1 of Douglas County, Suite of Oregon. : accouut as such administrator al said estate, and that Saturday the lTth da) of J aj the hour of 10 e'Cteea a m'has rjren flxea by aid court for the time of hearing 1 4 I M t.. :.s to said report, and the settlement t: 1. A. HtVH V. AN. Administrator of the estate al Malta Anna Ostertag, deceased. misji: Loganberries, Loganberries, Logan hemes $1.50 per 24 box crate I. o. b. cars. L. 8. Coos, jlSti Dhlard, Ore. CALL A K FOR IT T STANFORD PURE RYE It Hits the Spot. It Brings the Trade The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TEN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED MIKE JACOB & CO. Distillers, Cincinnati. Ohio ED. COCHRAN. Sole Agent. Roseburg. Oregon TAKE NO OTHER nusT HAVE IT Executrix Notice It the County Court of the Htate of Oregon for Douglas County In the matter ot the estate 'f James Uavhn, deceased i Notice 1 hereby xiren that by an order of ! 0n0D- the County Court of Douxla county, State of Oregon, duly made and entered of record, the Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the ta:e -d DWeaa. for the County of Douglas. Hans Chilstoferaon. ) rialntiff TS William 1. Moore Carrie Moore and M A Marie. De endsnu J SotU-e is hereby giren that by virtue o! an execution duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled cvurt. in tae abate entitled cause. t-i m; duly directed and aaarf the loth day ol June. lr,, aaaa a julcm-nt daly rendered and enlen-d the ttta dy a ber. law. In faTor of Hans Ckrtsl errs n ; s tiff, and against sfitUaai J Sssaaa. deiea -for the aum of ll &, with lnter.-.t thcreou a' the rate of 6 per cent per mlud from the li'.h day of October. ISM. and the furthrr sum of! IU60cosuanddisliuraemen sardf.tr lbs lur : the: sum '.. coats in p'aintiff s gett to set gaMa deed, made by m 1 Moore ks M A Marie In whit h suit the said de d was set aside ant ! the real property therein at KCri ".1 or.;. 1 :.. ..n,,,, be sold to satisfy raid Judgment for cost, and .bore named uclendant. which i. for tne me jutigmeni nerein mentioLed. nd cx,cu 'Ion issued thereon, and ISM saatl .if and aaaa this writ. 1 did on the Mth .lay of June. lt, duly lery upon following desi riU d r, al prop erty described In said deenc. to wit Lou 1 and - and If. in block in the 4ih Southern Addition to Roseburg. Douglas coun ty. Oregon, aa the same appears on the plat and map of said addition of n cord in the office of the county clerk of Douglas county. Oiegon. Sow Iheiefore. by virtue of said execuiion and order of sale. I a 111 on Tuesday the 1 1 th day of July, 1"5. at one o'clock p m of said dav at Iks court horse front door in K.cburc. Hougln. esaaty, public auction subject to re demption, lo the hixhe.t Mitt r for D R g dd coin, cash In hand, all the right Htta and la- i r. - duty nn tere,) ,ntl cut. red in said court on tbi Bed Iaoi June Kit l.v lot,, l.au'e ot n.ort gaga in laxat of the sjsaas aaasai pisiuuUs and aMi!t the attove named deleudaut- BSat I gH n t the here nailer me iti.ire I an t de-' be4a it.agtd proiH-rtt ssgtaasasi l CAXO ui;b luterast th r.,n al the rals Si h per cent i er annum I tu f .n l .la. of Msn-n, la(. sa4 taa fartaat sags aftna an raeys tags ni gasa ttf $u ps..i tor iaxe- and f I tk cost au 1 . ui-bursetiieuts. Now iherrlt r.-1 alii on MturJav . the Mh dv of July. io(5 at sag w'etaek i at al said day at the esagtl hi. us, Ir ut d.N r m eaaksMa, Douglas ctunty. I 'r- g n. :! in win- atce. at saatts auction to ' the hub-si I...I le-. t, r cash in h n 1. all the iis-ut. UUe an l taasraal arakea the aaM aa'iasl ants or ei:ht r o! thetn hsd on :h,- rfth day uf L.tter or at ny tunp the eai'trr in tr to it.e lol.oa lis- It s no t r, al pr..peit; uewit : xva aaatkvaaag ajsjaataav sl saegkaa one. except aeaitala p.rtt i af land kata o r, ....i t..t, w Brewer, the deed ior which is r c r led ;;i Vol I I p Re 2 a ,i Otcls ot Dou as couuty. tirrgoti nlauiiug acres: It. south ha I ol tt.e southweat gtssa itag taSal boru.tsest ., Jarur m s,,uttiae: t, tcr ol section Ol.c . thst SagfJaa at the northeast .I'lMter ol MatknPSSt sjaaisss i.'...;.ti:.i . , res. and t. : portion ol i.'.r s skaswasl tuaru-r sf aagaRajasi quarter . con lainleg 1 s acre In section one, lying south of the fo.iovt l-ig line, low.: c-tmrnenclng al a point m said aecii tn one. kaa ns .tp a south of range j wt. N degnca K Uri Irom the hall mi.e . .truer betaeeu sealittni oe aiii two m sa . Ltanship ami ta-igc. thejee S 0 d. trees minute. E Mi le t thence ! ,e leg-e.- ) miuutcs. K y.4t IraM loan, trve J feet In dtam etcr. them-, s s j, trees X) miuub s. L iO Irrt also j acres in the stuit. ,-sl coiner ol j tte southweat quarter uf the north ' weat , larur of secu tn on s; a.s the I s uthiw-t quarter of section two. the southeast i'jarter of the northeast j' arter. the n rt!. B SSI -,uart.r ill the r.oriheast j-iarter aid the! ulbacst half ol the uortneast .( ia:ter of the , . uoithcaat aaagtav at mcuo.i S, a. so tne norib , half of northeast quarter and the north halt i of the northwest quarter of s ctlon 1J and HsS north hs!f of the northeast quarter svctl jn II ail in township 2y south o range i weat lu ! (t.tuglas (ouniy . 'rvg.n. and coo Lain lag in the aitgr.-gate ll aefga more or Ksa. and will apply I the pro,iis of such sale first to the pa nunt of ' ..u of said sale aiid the cissts and dls- ' , butscments of said foreclosure amounting to ( I-" IV and the sum of KtltV, atiorneys lees and the sum of aatM due plaintiffs alh Interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annrui from the - id day of March WOi. and the sum ol : I i laics paid by plaintiffs, and If int -i ta remains after app mg the Sgaai sal ot sai I sale, that I arfll apply the same In satis ' 'I i he lieu of Murphy rant A Oa. sum of ITU i'.S a th liiten-st tht rixtn at the rate of I - r cent per annum fp m aasraak affAks. MS, ! and the overp us Ii any there be. I will pay to the clerk of this court as by order ofaald court j in said execution lo mcdireettd and deliv. r.d cominantlinf me to seii above tlescritted real pt tfjssfftj In the msnner provided by law. Dated Ibis 6ih 'lay ol June l .si, U T. McCLALLKN. oheritTiil llouglas county, Oregon Q G liraham. defendant ) gtt lloe I hereby given that by virtue of an execution duly Issued onl of and under the seal of I he snore named court and cause on the rd 'lay of June. I9u6, upon a judgment and decree du y rendered and entered lu said court slid cause, on the lTth day of May. 1904, In favor of All A alker and against aaid ' O Graham, tor the sum ol one hutMrcd ninety-eight dollars and foriy i cuts (lissui) with interest thereon at the rale ol b per cent per annuji Irom the :::ti day o! May. 19 .,, ana the farther sum ot twenty one dollar and seventy live cenU gfl 7 i) gaatS and disburaement and the coat o! and upon this writ of exei-utlon, command ii Km :. make sale of the following described priinisos. u wit. The southwest quarter of section In town ship 19 south of range n weat, Willamette nier d-au, in Douglas county Oregon, contain ing MM acres attached in aaid action on the Tib lay ol September, Hot. Now therefore in nun i piiaiice wtlu the commands of aaid aril, I will ' on Saturday the 8th day of July, 1OO5 ' at 1 o click p. m at the front door of the Coon ly Court house, lu the city of Roatburg, In D , c . count) . Male of Oregon, sell at public auction, sulee, t bt redemption, lo the highest k dder for Balked Stale gold coin 1 ash in SAM 1. all the right title and interest the aaid .let. n lant had m. rein on Use dale of said at taensarnf, t wit iheTihday of September, lwi or since has had Herein to aatiafy said a rit of execution and alt accruing costs. J H. T Mat I II I IB Sheriff of ltug as ctunty. Oregon. 9- - BARMARD'S LIVERY, FEED & STAGE STABLES C. P. BARNARD, PBOPRIETOR FIRST-CLASS ElfiS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND AT REASONABLE BATES. STAGE TO MAKSHFIELD, NOtTH BEND AND ALL COOS COlTY POINTS LEAVES DAILY AT a A. M. FOUR-HORSE STOCK-QUICKEST TIME TO THE COAST STABLES CORNER WASHINGTON & ROSE STS., ROSEBURC. PHONE 661 assta.alaa His fill ssH ss- JOB WORK The Fittest ba the County to Be Had at the : PLAINDEALER OFFICE For Letter Heads, Bill Heads, r-tatementa, Envelopes, Welding Sutionery. Posters. Iital Blanks, Briefs, in fact anything in the Printing line, give ns a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed -- Remeinber the Plaindealer a hen your let tech as lis, taten.cnts. envelopes and in fa t anything iu the printing line gets 1 . We can give you a neat job and du it promptly. Ii. Little, .. DENTIST Oakland, . - - ROSEBURG BREWING & ICE COMPANY Tn,. Larevst snd Best Equipped Brew ery in Southern Oregon. Kosebtirg Beer has a Reputation through out the Countv lor Its I ASriALA rjjf CROWErTiJ m SbC "f IV Oregon. Wa 1 lr kaakTaasktkBakfjaa I SSSSSSSSSS aeasaiessjiag a.al.a Fr v it Paper Free Every farmer raises some fruit. AD could raise more and better fruit and make more mooey from it if they read a first-class fruit paper like The National Fruit Grower Published at St Joseph. Mich-, in the heart ot the Uraovs Michigan Fruit Belt. A large, beaatrfaHT printed Monthly, ably edited, full of the latest and best methods of CBltrraaag, handling and marketing large and small fruits. Taa7AwrTf Cg: 1 AA to anr fanner or fruit grower to " v 1 U f 1 WW have this paper for this rseit year. The Spraying CaJeadar is invaluable. We will gfve this paper bauSBttly free for otte year to any new or old subsMihher who pars arrearage and one year in advance. Cut out this advenmnit ut and send or bring it in at oaves. I jus otter may je wttakdrawa ' 4 Roseburg Plaindealer Professional Cards. QiEoKOB M. BkOWN, Attorney-at-Law, OaortBoass DowBsstaira. svOnXBCRG.oai PURITY C. SEELY, M. D. ornci eias Casaaty Baask Bwildaag a ll. u and lk rbone t. ROSEBIBO. OKEOON and purity means Health. Brewed only from selected Barley and Choicest Hops. Special Bremed Bottle Beer Our Specialty ! Q K.GEO. K. HOUCK, Physcian &. Surgeon. nB kTts-W SK Paona. Main is KOaurBb' oaKuoa Direct delivery to your residence liiantities of one case or more. in p W. HAYNE8, DENTIST, JAS. E. Sawyers Attoraey-at-Law Notary Public Room 6, Upstairs, Dooglas Co. Bk. Bid. Roeeburg. Orecoa. W. MARSTERS Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Marsters Boiidiag J. R. CHAPMAN. D. I. s. DE.NTIST Tt.tphoar No. Utl Boors: a at u J n. as. Abraham BuiKling atoarbcrg. Ot TELEPHONE 141 We Want Wool Bourns k an-! AT THE - a Ta'ar,S,sv. Mg. SM CD EL? A llfttk. -SS-w. iwiirsi7uiii,.v I, 1 . YV. nUINI DENTIST : OREGON M. CaiwroBD a J. O. Watson Attorneys at Law. r? , 0AKL AMD undersigned has been du'y appointed execu-1 sereat tne witnin uatned tlelcmlani. nr St User trls of tba above named estate. All persons I ' lheni hd ln s"'1 to be aaaes asaerlat I It havlDg claim against the said eatatc will pre-I Property or any part thereof to satisfy aaid IX. sent the same daly verified to the undersigned ' edition's order of sale. Interest, costs sad ,lis- at Brockway. Oregon, within six month from the first publication of this notice, and all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will call od the undersigned and settle the s ame . Dated this I2th day of Jane, 1905. MA HO A RET LILLY 1A VI. IN Executrix. II IB In order to introduce our nursery we will make a special offer to any one sending; in name cat from Plain dealer. We will sell yon the follow ing bill of trees for one dollar. All orders should be sent in by the first of Angust. Send one dollar and we will book your order for next Fall. The retail price for this dollar bargain would be as follows : 4 Walnuts $1 00 1 Butternut 25 1 American Chestnut 25 1 Mammoth Blackberrie 25 1 Eltbea or Rose of Sharon 75 One fine rose will be sent bv sending 10 cents name the variety. Send 5 cents for catalogue telling vou all about the Walnut Industry. BROOKS & SONS WALNUT NURSERY, cablton, ore. ARTICLES OF JEWELRY Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gifts for Gents 1 Suitable Gifts for Children Title Guaranteed; Loan Co. ROSEBUKU, I. D BaBRLToa, President OREGON. D LursemaDU and all accruing cists. bated at Roseburg this loth day of Jun tat, H T Mill! !!. Sheriff of Douglas t, unity. Oregon. Cattle Ranch For Sale 3'J0 acres on Seven-Mile Creek about live utiles southwest frouiKort Klamath, 'regon. All feiieeu, house, large barn mn pic water supply, will cut about eighty loaa wild hay. Address, with ivfereiu-es, I'. 0. Box 983, if Tacoava, Wash. ROSEBIRG JINK & HIDE COMPANY'S CORNER ROSE AND OAK STS. WE PAY CASH For Anything You Have to Sell Bualoeas before th C 8 Land OSXna a saetai ty. C. Habiltos, Secy, and Treat MRS. H. EASTON is prepared to wait upon old f and new customers and friends wuri a tail and complete stock of -GROCERIES Office Id the Court House. Have the only com piete set of abstract books ln Dooglas County Abstracts and Certificate of Title fnrnlshedof Douglas county land and mining claims. Bare also a complete sat of Tracing of all township plats la the Roseburg, Oregon, C. 8. land Dls Met. Will make bias print copies of any town ship All fresh and of the very best quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. x5 Jackson St., Roaeburg Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is beta by given that the iiniltT.igne.1, ailmtnistrattir nl the estate nf Tlmotlir Crosa man. deceased, has filed in the fount v t'ourl ! f D'ttittlaa County, Oregon, bis final account as siii-ti administrator of satd estate au.l tliat ! V, t'llneisday the 2th day of June, l't. at the liniiriil kta o fines' a m. ha been flm-it by the I .aid court as the lime for hearing of nt.jcclion j to said retort. and the settlement thercif. J BI'CHANAN. Administrator of the estate of Timoths Ooss mau deceased. m2yjt It Finest Line of Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg RgilS SALZMAN'S If If If If If If you you you you you you want to buy a farm want furnished rooms want to buy a house want to rent a house want to build a house want to move a house If yon don't know Call on ot add PAT F F. patterson. Contractor id Boeder Roseburg, Oregon. A. D. BRADLEY FOR SECOND Th we are k THE PEOPLE J!i lid WHO QUOTE W- ly PRICES. GOODS All kinds of Household and other goods bought and sold. Don't fail to see our large stock of NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. HARNESS AND HARNESS MAKING A. D. BRADLEY ii for Sheriffs Sale. In the t'lrcnlt Court ot the State of Orcg the County of lioiiglaa. tliiaxn Warner, 1'latiitlH a J. O. Johnson. Jr. Itefttiilsnl Notice Is kasBBf given that by virtue of an exet uti. in duly Issued out of tne sksgeS asssagsl rjoart aad Cause on the -''th tiny of May, tSSfi tiKtii a Judgment and decree duly remleretl ann entere.l lu ss'.il Cttiirt ami Cause on the'jnih 1 day of May. IDOfi. ill fav.ir ot the above named , glalsftls William Warner, and against the SlHIIII named Kefetidant. J. t. Johnson. Jr , tor ' the sum of SO. with Interest thereon, at the rsteof 10 iter cent per annum Irom the Wth j dsy of May, 19US, and the lurthcr sum of I'M .00 e,,.i-and tllsbnrs -ments, and the coals f and iinin tli s a rit ami txecatioa, commanding me tn make sale of the fo'lowlng deacrlbeil prem- I Iset. u, wit: Tne north west uuarter ot gaatlsa 14, town ; ship Jl south, range 5 w at of the Willamette MerltMan, ooatalals It'ttl acres of land In Doug ' las Ooaatjr, Oregon, attacliud In said action on the 1st day of May. 190A. I Now therefore In compliance with the coin I mauds ni aaid writ, I will on I Saturday the 1st day of July, io05. at 1 o'clock p. in.. t the front tltKir of the Conn I ty C.iiirt House, In the city of Koseburg. tn I Douglas County, State of Oregon, sell at public am ti.ui. subject lo redemption, to the highest bidder, for Uulted states (lo'.d Colo, cash In 1 hand, the abate described real property, and I all the right, title and Interest, the said de fendant had therein on the date of said attach ment, to-wlt: the rlrsl dsy of May, 105, or since, bs bad therein to satlaly said w rit of i execution and all accruing costs. H.T. McCLALLEN, ll) Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon . BSas-aaasj 1 tpat f If .T.l 1 .V You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets read over the Denver and Rio QtaSet Railroad, the ' Scenic Line of the World" BECAUSE There are so many scenicattraetions and points of interest along the line kata Sata Ogdsa and IVnver that the trip never lieeome tiresome. tf yon sre going Kasl. write for inlormatlon and get a pretty keel that will tell you all about It. Mc BRIDE, Gen. Agt. IZ4 Third St. PORTLAND, OREGON J C. FULLKRTO.N Attorney-at-Law. Will praetlos la all the Stale aad fsalaral Conn. Ofaoa ta Mark Bkla; . Rosaborg. Onon W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. Bank Building ROSKBrKa. ORKGON gUCHANAN A GRENUNOEB J. a. B'.h.s.n l :. easakagafa Attorneys-at-Law RasEBi RG. OBXtiOM Rooms 1 and : Marsters Building FRAMKE ALLEY Archit?ft, Abstracter. Abstract oi Title to Deeded Laad. Papers prepared for filing oa GoTartt ment Land. PUng and Estimates for all Build ings. 5 pec ial desi g ns for Office Flxtares ltliada?tthipM(-- Office in new Bank Bonding. Phone 41 BOSEBUBG. OREGON THE JOY OF LIVING OAJI rn.LT RaaxJUD whkx toc ENJOY GOOD HEALTH m BRISTOL Sold By 5. K. SYKES Phone ajt - - - - Roseburg, Or. The Popular Liver Medicine Will Keep You Well a,VEu "!rU, "VOO" Do not fill your system wtUi Arsamc. Calomal and Quouna Thay act as rank potsona which Titaata tha blood, debilitate the system, and leare a trail fLm, ,TrnptPmi which sWajha years to oblitsrata. HERB. INC Is purely TSjeUbls and contains no mineral or narcotic poiatms. Is absolutely harmlsss and Is tha simple remedy 0f aatura. It carriaa off all poison at tha system and laavsa na injurious sff seta. CUBED BY HERBINE AFTER 0THE1 REMEDIES FAILED Ut.JL. A. Hicks, Iredell. Texas, says: I waa Sick ia bad for eight months with lifer trouble, the doctor seamed to do sae ao food. 1 was told to try ""Mae, aad It cared toe ia a abort time. I cannot recoenmaad this woadarral medicine too highly. TAKE IT NOW! LARGE BOTTLE, 5c GET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. tT. LOUIS, U. S. aV WCOMMINOin y A. C. riARSTERS & CO.