The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 12, 1905, Image 3

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In ladies dress goods we have ALL the latest styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waists, Suits and
Cotton Goods, also a full line of Novelties.
For Men, Youths and Boys we have the best line of Clothing in the city, in STYLE, CUT and
Before making your purchases in spring goods look at our line.
HMR JONES. Proprietor
Rates $1.00 per day and upward
New Brick, New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. P. Depot Grounds . . .
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on.. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
ia prepared to wait upon old
and new custom ere and friends
with a rail and complete
stock of
All fresh and of the very beet
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties. Tour patronage
Rosebura; J ,
aos Jackson St.,
Title U ua ran tee & Loan Co.
J. D.
c. HaauxToa,
Secy, and Treat
Ollce in the Court Bona. Have tbe oc It com
piece set of abstract books In Douglas County
Abstract and Certificate of Title fumlabedo!
Douglas county land and mining claim. Have
i . . i as. i.m nf .11 Innihin
aftxj . .v. 1
Plata la tne aoseonrg, uniini, v. u.
Met. Will make blue print copies of any town
Remember the Plaindealer when your
letterheads, statements, envelopes and
in fact anything in tbe printing line gets
low. We can give you a neat job and
do it promptly.
Acatc KhtanuusB.
Deep tearing or wrenching pains, oc
casioned by getting wet through ; worse
when at rest, or on first moving the
limbs and in cold or damp weather, is
cured quickly y Ballard's Snow Lini
ment. Oscar pleson Gibson City, OL
writes, Feb. 16, 1902 : "A year ago 1
was troubled with a pain in my back
It soon got so bad I could not bend over.
One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment
cured me." Sold by A. C. Marsters &
California redwood noveiitiea and
something decidedly new, and the prices
very reasonable at Graves Art Empori-
Price &
Many Designs of Chairs at 50C to $5.00 each. See our Special SI. 50
for $ 00 its a hummer. Linolums and Carpets in all the new things.
The place to Buy is HERE. The largest Stock is HERE.
If you cant come WRITE U8.
Local and Personal.
It pays to see the Osteopath.
The Roachdale store pays cash for eggs.
The Osteopath says your case ia not
P. J. Johnson, dentist. Grave's
Buggy fr sale, almost new Racine
covered buggy, late style, for sale cheap
Inquire of Ed Cochran.
J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and notary
public. Office np stairs in Douglas
County Bank Building. tf
Osteopathy is the name of that
modern treatment that curve after all
other methods have failed.
William J. Fellows ia in this city
from North Bend attending to business
I I. B. Nichols
way merchant
the well known Brock- !
vas in thia city on buai-'
I ness last week.
John Weaver, of Myrtle Creek one of
, Douglas County's oldest pioneers at-
tended the Elks dedication, Friday even
i ing. Uncle John ia one of the most
I popular boys in the local lodge.
M C. Smith, foreman of the round
i house at East Portland and formerly of
thia city attended the Elka Temple
: dedication in this city Friday.
L. H Zigler, of lone. Morrow County.
is in thia city visiting his Mrs
S. Zigler.
Mrs Gilbert Kennedy and little son
are visiting relatives in the Willamette
Mrs. F. Carmon ia visiting relatives at
Crabtree, Linn County.
Miss Mamie French ia the guest of
Miss Ruth Winston at Winston.
J. L. Clough and wife, of Canyonville
attended the Elks Temple dedication in
this city Friday evening. Mrs. Clough
accompanied by her sister-in-law, Mrs.
J A. P. Langenburg. of Canyonville left
J Saturday morning for Mt. Tabor near '
Portland, where Mrs. Clough
: ceive medical treatment.
will re-
J R Riddle Ira R Ri.l.fln and Mr and
Mrs Darid Crosby of Riddle, attended
tbe dedication of the Elks Temple in
i this city Friday evening.
T J Boyd, tbe well known printer
spent a few daya in Roseburg late last
week helping tbe Plaindealer turn out
everal large orders of job printing. He
returned to Grants Pass Saturday even
ing to resume the management of tbe
aemi weeklv Herald.
Here is something for young and old,
married or single, rich or poor. What?
A dish of Washington ice cream ; it
pleasea them all. Jenning'a Bakery.
Deputy Assessor J. H. HufTer, Sr.,
has completed the state census of Med
ford and finds the total population 2039.
Mies Dollie Hefty has severed her (
connection with tbe Gardiner Gazette,
and G. P. Stewart will have charge
hereafter. Miss Hefty edited a splendid J
paper and it is to be regretted that she i
is to retire from this work.
Clyde Beck ley has sold bis interest in
the general merchandise store and will
go to Crook county and engage in the
cattle business, says a Yoncalla corre
spondent. The old soldiers of this vicinity met
last Saturday and discussed the matter
of organization a G. A. R. Post at this
place. Thev were all in favor of reviv
ing tbe organization and will meet again
June 10th. J. W. Spalding ia in Port
land this week and will confer with
state officers regarding such organiza
tion, while there. Drain Sonpariel.
Marriage license have been issued to F
L (iaedieke and Kdna Kinsev and H. A.
! Gaedieke and Lenore Cheney.
Bed Boom Suit tn ail trades, SI4.N op
Dreaaers In every de-lgii. 16 00 to 130.00
Seperate Co modes to milt, $3 60 to SS.00
Remember B1CI i KICK aelU for last.
Iron Beds, all Colors and Sires 3.?6
to 126 00 ours Is tbe Bed of Quality.
& RI
To insure prompt change of ads in
the flainuealer, copy must De sunuiiiicii ,
not later than the day before publica
tion day. No ads will be changed on
Mondays or Thursdays as it invariably
delays our paper and does not give the
ad setter sufficient time to make credit
able displays.
Girl Wanted, for general house work
bv Mrs. J. W. Hamilton.
If you want to keep in touch with the
up-to date news you will read The Plain
dealer no family should be without it.
It is a household necessity.
Rev. S. O. Royal, of Cincinnati, O., i
who has been visiting his parents Rev.
and Mrs. T. F. Royal, of Salem, went :
! to Wilbur, Houglas county a few days ;
ago, where he resided 15 years ago and
grew up. ralein Journal.
New wagon and harness for sale, also
u incubator. Iuquire of Geo.,
RHburg, R- F. !. No. L if J IS.
Marriage license have been issued to
M. B. Mareellus and V. V. Young, of
Oakland, and John B De Yore and
Delia Jackson, of Canyonville.
Wihiain P. Johnson and daughter
Miss Minnie, Walter Li ray, the tele
phone lineman, Tom Carlon, and M. f .
Wright of the Plaindealer, visited Myr
tle Creek lawt Thursday morning to view
the scene of the fire.
Quite a company enjoyed a pleasant
Ii day, June 3rd at the home of Henry
Burt near Yoncalla, the day bail g
the "Sth birthday anniversary of Mr.
G. A. Burt, and also the birthday
J of Warren Burt, an 8. P. Fireman of
outnern liregon. Artnur isurt, who
lias been in Southern Oregon for several
months, and P. H. Burt, of Monmoth
were aaiong those present.
Our esteemed contemporary put on its
war paint last Friday evening and made
its appearance in a dull red it probably
intending to appear in royal purple, the
Elks color. Tbe autlered heard was
ua u, wonder if the evening paper
assaved to insinuate that thev were go-
mg to pint the old town red on the oc-
caeion of the dedication of their tine new
M F Wright has accepted the local
agency for the Portland Service Co
H you expect to visit the fair and do not
know where you are going to stop you
will do well to interview Mr Wright
The Portland Service Co will locate you
in good rooms and yon will Know just
what you will have to pay fur them
fore you leave Roseburg. Investigate.
L. T. Harris and wife, L. N. Roney
and wife, Clem Hodes and daughter,
Jos Pironi and wife, Hurbert 1-eigh, R
M. Day and'C. A. Wintermeier went to
Roseburg Friday to attend dedication of
the new Elks Temple there Friday een
mg. Eugene Ouard.
Fob Sals Three verv desirable homes.
near Koseourg am: tne beet scliool in
Douglas county. Address J. W Mote,
Roaebunr. Oregon. ilan
Wauted, strong young
dishwashing and general
woman for
help in a
boarding car. Good wages. Apply to
Thomas Wilson, Boarding Car, Breeo
Mr. Wm. Benjamin and littl
son, of
Portland were visiting relatives in this
city last week.
Hon. T. R. Sheridan wife and family
have returned from San Francisco where
Mrs. Sheridan, two daughters and son
have been spending the winter.
Sow is the time to buy your bee and
poultry supplies, of S. K. Sykes.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. HAu of Tucson.
Ariz., are in this city and expect to
spend the summer here visiting friends.
Those who went on the excursion
were, 8 I Thornton and wife, Walter
Thornton, Mr and Mrs Atterbury, Mrs
F W Haynes, J W Kimball, Jasper Wil
kins, 8 J Cawlfield Mrs W E Clingen
peel, Mrs Olive J Blackman, Champ
Klack man, MrB J B Cannon, Mrs Sellie
Boyd, Master Wallace Cannon,
Lindsey, 8 Caro and daughter, Mrs
Schuleman and children, Mrs W H Ja
mieson. Wm Benjinian wife and child,
Mrs Sanford, Mrs W C McWilliams,
Mrs F B Waite, Mrs F J Newland. Robt
Green and wife, Jeptha Green, Lr J W
Strange, Wm Holmes, J H Davidson,
A E Clayton and wife, Vernon Patter
son, Miss Ora Mote, S C Bartrum Wm
Van De Car, Mrs Gertrude Hampton
mother and sister, A E Crouch and
Cuban Diarrhoea.
U. 8. soldiers who served in Cuba
during the Spanish war know what this
disease is, and that ordinary remedies
have little more effect than so much
water. Cuban diarrhoea is almost as
severe and dangerous as a mild attack
of cholera. There is one remedy, how
ever, that can always be depended upon
as will be seen by the following certifi
cate from Mrs. Minnie JacobB of Hous
ton, Texas: "I hereby certify that
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy cured my husband
of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea,
which be brought home from Cuba
We had several doctors but they did
him no good. One bottle of this remedy
cured bim, as our neighbors will testify
I thank God for so valuable a medi
cine." For sale by A. C. Marsters &
Oscar Edwards and family are visit
ing relatives iii Oakland.
Mrs W E Cochran has rot ii red from a
visit at Portland. Mr Cochran re
mained to look after business matters.
Mrs F H Rogers, and son, Warren
returned home Sunday after anenjoyahle
two weeks visit with relatives and
Erieada at Cottage Gran and Drain, end
has resumed her old position in the
composing and lunik keeping depart
ment of the Plaindealer. She reports
having enjoyed her vacation very much.
It would he fun to hear Frank explain
how lonely (?) he has been during, the
past two weeks.
Mrs. C. B. Bilker has returned from a
visit with relatives in the Wil'.tmettc
Mrs. P. G. Euhanks. of Oakland, was
the guest of Mrs. A. Parks of this city.
Dr. DeVore, of Canyonville, is in this
city today on business.
Miss Cora Chanilters, who was so
badly injured at Albany in a run-a-way
accident last week is a neice of M. W.
Aldricli, of this city.
Childrens Day exercises were held at
the Methodist Church Sunday evening
and an interesting and appropriate pro
gram was very creditably rendered
j ,K.
Mia. K. H. Rogers and son Warren,
who have leen visiting near Drain and
Cottage Grove for the past two weeks
have returned home.
Attorney Jas. A. Sawyers has returned
from a visit with relatives at Elkton.
K. Q. Mieelli, the secretary of the local
Commercial Club has returned froii
Club has returned from i
lie stales mat. me auemr i
i.. ... i..- rv l - - i , i . , I
. i . .1 . II, I'tlllVIBC ll'UIIll 1111- IT-.-1I
r . - - ,
a total failure up to tne present time,
although what little is U-ing displayed
is attracting considerable attention, es
pecially the five sticks of bamboo and
elegant gr.-en tigs. People are surprised
to learn that bamboo and tigs will grow
in Douglas comity.
The Piaindealer's big cabbage heaJ is
only equalled by the one owned by Jas.
Newland, the green grocer.
Hon. R. 1.. Eddy, of Tillamook, who
has recently received the recommenda
tion for the appointment as register of
the 1 luted States laud office at Rose-:
- - I., ..... l II. .., I T ta
t'Uipr, a V ' . li I tl a IWH as- afavs sav w , mm
spending a few days in town with his
family looking over Roseburg and form,
ing the acquaintance of its citizens. He
informs the Plaindealer that he is very
favorably impressed with Rosebnrg an i
its people. Mr. Eddy and his estimable
familv will receive a cordial we'.come to
A cabbage head
f the earlv Wake
field variety measuring nearly 3 feet in
diameter over all ia attracting a great
deal of attention in the Plaindealer
show window. It was set out in Fbtw-
ary by Frank Clementa in his garden in
W est Roseburg. Mr. Clements a so has
Some tine specimens of Red Top turnips '
ou exhibition with this mammoth cab-;
bage head, ail of which will be sent to
the Iouglas county exhibit at the Port
land Kxposition.
(cial sales by Stearns A Chenowith
Oakland and Yoncalla. Wbite and other
sewing machines flS 00 and up; water'
fipU . w ire, plain and barbnl ; cut and
wire naiis ; the only guaranteed black-
smith coal; two carload rage woven,
wire fence, the only tempered wire fence
for sale. n" tf ,
WOSRACOTT Ia Portland, June
to Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Wonn
mtt. a daughter.
The fther i a son of 6. W. Wonna
eott, oi Kiddie and is well known in
this citv.
Days Creek. Monday, I
to Mr. and Mrs. C T.
June 5, 1!.V,
Beal. a son.
SOULB FAY At St. Charles, Michi
gan. May 4 IMS, Elder O. Sonle and
Ella Fay both of that city.
Elder Soule was formerly of R.-seburg
where he has a wide circle of friends.
a Louis M Suplee, bonk keeper for one
DEViiRE JACKSON At the homeoLof Douglas county's large sawaaill Coce
Uev. Milton Dutll, Wednesday after- pany is in this city froni Drain,
noon. June 7, IH05. John Bernard De j Miles Mclntvre, "of t'anvonville, ia
Vore and Misg Dell Jackson.
The bride is the youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson of this
; city, and is well and. favorably known
Tbe grcom is the son of Dr. and Mrs.
W. H. DeVore and is also well known.
The announcement of their marriage
! came as a complete surp ise to their
relatives and friends, who will join with
the Echo in extending best
BEARD At the family residence, on
South Maine Street, in this city
Thursday night, June H, MM, Mrs. N.
C. Beard, wife of F. M. Beard, of con
sumption, age years.
Notwithstanding her death had lieen
expected at any day during the past few
weeks, Mrs. Beard's demise occasioned
a profound shock throughout the com
munity. She was a lady of excellent
character and was held in the highest
esteem by her many friends aud ac
4iiaintances. Mrs. Beard wsb promi
nent in local fraternal circles. She was
past worthy matron and present as
sociate matron of Roseburg Chapter
No. 8, Order of Eastern Star ; past lady
commander of Roseburg Hive No. 11,
Indies of the Maccabees, and post ora
cle and present recorder of the Royal
Neighbors. In the last two named or
ders she carried life insurance policies
of 1 1, 000 and $2,000, respectively, both
payable to her husband. Mrs. Beard
was also a faithful member of the Hap
list Church of this city.
The funeral was held from the Bap
tist Church at 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday,
June 10, with services conducted by
Rev. E. H. Hicks. Interment in tbe
Masonic cemetery.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Beard is
survived by two daughters, Misses
Ethel and Blanche Beard, an aged
father, one sister, and six brothers.
One of the brothers, J. A. Eggers, a
former resident of this city, now lives in
Idaho. Another brother resides at
Newport, Lincoln county, Oregon, a
third lives in Kentucky, a fourth in
Missouri, and the other two, with the
sister, reside with their father in Tennessee.
Scarcely 50 people boarded the train
Sunday morning for Portland on the S.
P Excursion train to be present at the
Lewis and, Clark exposition on Koseburg
and Douglas county day (today; June
12th. General Ticket Agent J. P. Jones
in person, accompanied the excursion
and made no bonce of the fact that he
was disgusted with the turn out. He
stated that the railroad company did
not care whether the people took ad
vantage of the low rate or not hut that
the excursion was run for their benitit
and they were the loosers if they did
not take advantage of it.
We claim that this is poor xlicy for
the railroad company. People know
that the exhibits are scarcely in place
and the fair not vet in working order
' Are we compelled to bow to the railroad
company and visit the fair when thev
dictate? No. Douglas county people
will come to the front and see the fair
later. Let the railroad people show that
they are willing to help by granting sev
eral excursions at reasonable rates later.
lKn't try to force us to attend the fair
when is is scarcely started. We never
have seen a fair before and want Jiu see
this one in full running order.
Strayed or Stolen.
Fifteen head of two-year-old cattle
marked two -iilita in rioht mmw ,,n..
"ut,r imiirj piiri , tme iiiie pieer roan
head : two totte.! steers mi an. I '
ine ft- 1 uihI r.uin Ii.-ifer
Will give one
dollar per head for
to their recovery.
rial km leading
.1 s. Shi , fiki.ii
Fine Farm For Sale.
517 acres; farm situated to miles from
Kofleburg. Good dwelling house, '.'
bams and plenty of out building; all
fenced. 110 acre, rich river bottom
lan 1. balance good timber and pasture.
10 acres in alfalfa, K0 MM in wheat.
Price reasonable. Call on or address
R. W. Mi mi saw.
!: .-eliurg, re.
Celebration at Olalla.
The Fourth of July will be celebrated
at t Malta in patriotic style commencing
with Olympic games the afternoon ol
the third. Camp fire at night with en
tertainment, tire-works and dancing un
til midnight. The usual ex.-rcises to
commence at 10 a. m.. July 4th. Picnic
dinner, followed by held sports, Seak
mg and dan tag.
F.verylsjdv inited to come an! camp
on the old Reunion grounds.
Prof. lieo. A. Crane closed a very sue-'
cesslul term of tdkoal at Ro!ert' Cr k
Friday and sint sauirday in Roseburg
preiaratory to going to his home at '
French Settlement to look after farming j
interests. Mr. Crane is numbered
among the moet successful of Douglas
county's young pedagogues and the! fmv..r.t mth . nU.unt
Prof. Rav Henderson closed a suo-ess-
ful term "f acbeol at Reston Friday eve
' ning with appropriate and interesting
i exercises and has returned to his Ro-e-:
burg home to again assist County Su
4, perintendent F. B. Haiiiiin in the work
s J ol his office. Ra i-er lies are always
. in demand.
Editor Lew L McKenney. of the
Mvrt e Creek Mail, was transacting
business in Roeetmrg Saturday. He
MVS ,lt. deduction of the
Overland Hotel in which Miss Hattie
Dement lost her life, was a severe shock
to Mvrlle Creek citizens w let are sorely
bereaved over the terrible caiainitv. He
congratulated the Plaindealer upon its
splendid detailed ac. ount of the disaster
on the same day it happened and said it
shovel a great mark of enterprise ou
the part of this pacer.
Phil Beck lev and Miss Little of Oak-
1 land are in this city today.
, spending a feu days in Koseimrg intro-
rjocioaj his recently patented detachable
bicycle soring fork, a hich has w rf.iJ ior cosu ana
duced from 4 to $:. It can ba ijuu klv ;
. . .
a. justed to any wheel and greatly ailds
to the pleasure and comfort of wheel
ing. Louis Reizenstein has returned from
(trants l'ass where he plaved second
; base with the Olendale base ball team
against Grants Pass yesterday. The
score stood 15 to .r in favor of the Pass.
"Our Louie" played an errorless game,
so 'tis said.
L. M. Ormsley and wife of Eckley,
Curry county, is registered at the Hotel
T A. Jones, of Eugene, is now in
charge of the Singer Sewing Machine
business in this county. Mr. Jones will
move his family to this city next week.
Virgil Shape left this morning for
Oakland to spend a few weeks visitiag
W. K. Pttinger, for a nunilier of years
chief clerk for L. K. Fields, of the S. P
lines, died at Portland at 10:.V)a. m
today. Funeral will he held at Port
land Wednesday.
Mrs. W. C. Conner and son, Clare,
returned to Cottage Grove today, after
having attended the Elks dedication
ceremonies, and v. siting (ricud over
B. B. Arniitage and mother-in-law,
Mrs. Mary A. Howard and her son,
Oexter Howard were passengers on
this mornings delayed local. Mr
Armitage is bound for Portland, while
Mrs. Howard and Dexter Howard will
go to Iteloit, Wis,, to visit for a short
That Tired Feeling.
If you are languid, depressed, in
capable for work, it indicates that your
liver is out of order. Heroine will assist
nature to throw off head-aches, rheu
matism and ailments akin to nervous
ness and restore the energies and vital
ity of sound and perfect health J. J.
Hubbard Temple, Texas, writes, "1
have used Herbine for the past two
years. It has done tSM more good than
all the doctors. It is the best medicine
ever made for chills and fever." 60c.
Sold by A. C. Marsters A Co.
The problem for summer is
Men's Genuine Panama Hats Men's Balbriggan Underwear. Summcr Drcss Good$ jn ,
c w rink, Ulne, Uream and 'Black
w $.oo per Suit Colors, Weaves and Prices
Men's Tan Calf Oxfords Meu'e Lace Oiien Work and Lisle Ladies' Summer Cndervests, with
Black and Tan Hose or without sleeves
25c per Pair 10c to $1.50
Men's Patent leather Oxfords Ladies' White Lawn Shirtwaists NeW Polka Dot RjbbOfiS for
$5.00 50c to $4.00 Neckwear and Belts
Men's Two-piece Flannel Suits WUta Wli Silk Shirt Child's Lace Hose, in White, Pink,
Waists Blue, Klack, Tan and Red
$6.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00 $2.60 and $3.50 25c per Pair
Skelley Mill News
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sykes are here
from McKeesport, Pa Mrs. Sykes is
highly delighted with what she has aeen
of Oregon, notwithstanding she arrived
in the state in the midst of rain.
Less than one mile of thedume re
mains to be built to complete that
structure ttrihe railroad at Drain and an
additional force of men are at work.
As soon as the flume is finished and the
railroad switch completed, work on the
flouring mills will be commenced.
Their erection will be hurried forward
and continued until the mills are iu
complete running order. There will be
no lack of orders for lumber for the
east, hence the day is not far distant
when the mill will commence cutting
lumber in earnest. The starting of the
mill at this place will bring about a
marked increase of population in Skelley
and lively times are looked forward to
this fall.
A Farm Bargain.
I have a nice place of SO acres, w ell
watered and plenty fire wood, fencel
and partly in crop, which I will sell at a
reasonable price ior cash in hand ; also
a 40 acre tract improved near Olalia
postoaVe, price HH. W.R. Wells,
Olalla, Oregon 3wjl2
Jan klut Evcryeec Sheets Is.
Mrs. J. T. Barber, of Irvitiville, Gs.,
always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
at hand readv for instant use. Attacks
oi cone, ct.oiera morDus an.! diarruoea
come on so suddenly that there is no
time to hunt a doctor or go to tbe store
for medicine. Mr. Barber savs : "I
have tried Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of
the best medicines I ever saw. I keep
a Untie of it in my room as I have had
everal attacks of colic and it has proved
to be the best medicine I ever used."
Sold by A. C. Marsters A Co.
Sheriff's Salt
la tbr Cireu.t t'oarl of the Slaw of Orecoa
fur tbe CY.unty of Douclaa.
Hans I'biiiUileraoD . T
William J Moore. Carrie
Moure and M A Mane.
Notice ! hereby glrcn that by virtue of an
eiecuuon duly uaaad out of and under the
teal of tbe above entitled enrt. In the' above
entitled cause, t m; July directed and' dated
Has Nth day of June. isa. npon a ;utcmeal
dnly rendered and entered the l-lh day of iVlo
kas, IM. in favor of Haru Chrtiofeon. plain
tiff, and agalntl William J Moore, defendant,
for the sum of IIH.1SS with inter,-.', thereon a:
th,' rate of 6 ir i-eut per annum from the 12th
day of October. ll. ani the further sum ol
111 0 roata and duLuraemen aad tor the Inr
iher kum of ae cL in p aintifT ui; to set
i aside deed, made by m J Moore to M A Marie
! 'n which suit the said ded was et aside an.
i " rval prupeny therein d-cr!bei ordered to
I the ju.lfcmeut berein mentioct-o. and exeeo-
Ion wun! IkaaaaB. an.) thr nna-a ni nd
tbif a rit. 1 did on tbe lOtb day ol June. I,
duly levy upon following dearrtbed real prop
erty described in tatd decree, to-wit
Lota 1 and I and 16 in block 76 in the 4th
Southern Addition to Rotel'urg, Douglas coou
y. I'ntoa as the same appear on tbe plat
nd map of said addition ol rxcord tn the otBce
ol the county clerk of IVniglas county, Oregon.
Now therefore, by virtue of said eiecuuon and
order ol sale. I alll on
Tuesday the nth day of July. I05.
at one o'clock p m of said day at the court
borae front door In Koaeburg. Douglas ,-ounty.
Orvgon. sell at public auction subjevt to re
demption, to tbe highest bidder, for V S gold
roin.rasb in hand, all the right title and in
terost the within named defendant, or either
of them hal In and to the above described real
property or any part thereof to satisfy said ex.
cation's order of sale, interest, coals and dis
bursements and all accruing costs.
Dated at Koseburg this 10th day of Jui.e.
sheriff of Douglas County. Oregon.
Executrix Notice
In the County Court ol the Mate of Oregon
lor lNmglas County
In the matter of the estats I
of James Davhn. deecased )
Notice la ' crvby nsven that by an ordar of
the County Court of Douglas county. State of
Orvgiui. duly made and entered of record, the
undersign d has been du y appointed execu
trix of tbe above named esttle. All persons
having claims against the said estate will pre
sent Ibe fame duly vended to the undersigned
a' Bfsjekwaj, Oregon, within six months from
the first publication o( this notice, and all
persons knowing themselves indebted to said
e tate will rail on the undersigned and salts!
the same.
Dated this 1.2th day of June. i"of
Foaatf a Cart for Dyspepsia
Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William,
Ontario, Canada, who has suffered nuite
a number of years from dyspepsia and
great pains in the stomach, was advised
by her druggist to take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so
and says, "1 find that they have done
me a great deal of good. I have never
had any suffering siuce I began using
them." If troubled with dyspepsia or
indigestion why not take these tablets,
get well, and stay well? For sale by A.
C. Marsters oi Co.
to keep cool. Let us help
to gain the desired end.
on Cass Street is now conducted by
The word MOBIKS has always sig
nified Gajad Meals and tbe words
M06IEB A FIKK HKR will mean
the Bet Meals in the city.
Restaurant open day and night.
Private boxes F.xcellent service.
SUIOAY Willi 1 1 38 A M II 7 M P. M.
UT? grT rnn a irr
nr a c ww ii rv v
Cleaalia. Swerir Ptri
Inn U Oar ladacemrat far
aad Sweet
Extra heavy work sox 3 prs. 25"
Mediu i weight work sox t prs 25c
Overalls 9 or Bib 75
tveralls9oa 60c
Mens suspender . 20c
Mens suspenders, extra heavy 25c
M.-ns suspenders, fancy ... 25'
Mens work shirts, reg. 5lV seder 40c
Men and (toy Clothing of all
kinds We wili save tou monev.
Far Sai
Lot cornor of Douglas and Kane St.
opposite Court house. Sixe HOxSO teet
on eaey terms. Enquire oi S. T. Jewett.
Impqua News.
The prune crop is a complete failure.
Prospects are iavorable for a large
crop of grain in this precinct.
! Miss Polly Stephens has just closed a
successful term of school in this district.
Thecitirens of this precinct are tak
ing great interest in the five mill-tax
levied upon litem.
Edly Murphy was attacked by a dog
last Sunday. While on his way houie.
the boy was riding a w heel and the dog
followed him for at least a half-mile.
Mr J L. Shatnbrook left this place
Friday fot Roseburg where he will at
tend the Prune Association.
O. L Crateu is learning the butcher
trade, iu which he will engage in the
business this fall. Bill Mcrby.
All kinds of Household and other goods bought and
sold. Don't fail to see our large stock of NEW
you with a few hint3
Soaicty meetings.
F. & A. M. Lanrel Lodge So. 13.
Hslds recular meetings on second
and f urtb Wednesdays of each
month. J. T. Bridgx. W. M.
N. T. Jawmrr, Secretary.
O. ELKS. Roeebarg Lodge So.
328. Holds mrniar communica
tions at I O. O. F. Hah on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested to attend regu
larlv and all Tuning brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
C. B. Caxxox, K. R.
Rot McClallts, Secretary .
f - D-let separate battaluon
B- H", CapC
O. O. P. Philetariaa Lodge So. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass streets, on
Saturday evening of each week. Mem
oers of ihe order in good "landing arj
in Tiled to attend,
H. O. Lewis, H. Q.
S.T. Jtwrrr, Secret-ry.
of P. Alpha Lodw So. 47. Meet
every Wednesday, in L O. O.
Haii at 7 JO p. m. Members ia
good standing are invited to attend.
Jab. A. Pxekt, C. C.
M. F. Wright, K. of R. A s.
ILAC CIRCLE. So. 49, Womea of
Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th
Thursdays of each month at the I.
O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members ia
good standing are invited to attend.
Mes. A. B. F:cele Guardian Seighbor.
Bell Morian. Crxec
Second and Fourth Thursdays.
E. 8 RoeeSur? Chanter So. 8
Ho ds their regular meeting on the
first and third Thursdays in Bach
nonth Vieiring members in good
ttanding are reepectfullT invited to at
tend. Mrs. E. J. Stroud, W. M.
Free Johnson. Secretary.
sembly So. MK, meets second and
fourth Satuivlavs of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting members
will receive a conlial welcome.
A. C. Mabstkm, M. A.
Mtssts Joxss. Secretary.
Cam r So. Meats at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Roseburg. every
first and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors alwavs welcome.
J M. Banx,u. C.C.
S. T. Jxwrrr. Clerk.
Souc run under thia head wUl be charged lor
t l'e rate of one cent a w rd for two insertsoea.
No advei Useuicau takes for lass taaa taassau
W aNTKD- Toexciisne a go-xi bicycle for a
driving bone. Apply to box STt, BsaaSswab Or.
For Sale Full blood Short Horn or
Durham bull nearing 3 years old : color
dark red. For further particulars ad
dress Sam Wbittaker. Rice Hill. Oregon,
t miles north oi Oakland.
For Sale; Housje and lot on Pine
street near depot. See J. A. Buchanan.
Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic
Physician cures acute and chronic
diseases, corrects deformaties and
removes foreign growths. Consultioa
free. Phone or call for appointment.
Office in Abraham duilding. tf
Town Lots For Sale
Choice building lots in Kinney's im-
: proved plat of Roseburg, near Main
street, good title. Price $50 per lot.
Address, N. A. Richards, tf