NEW SPRING GOODS WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR LINE QF SPRING GOODS In ladies dress goods we have ALL the latest styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waists, Suits and Cotton Goods, also a full line of Novelties. For Men, Youths and Boys we have the best line of Clothing in the city, in STYLE, CUT and WORKMANSHIP. WE LEAD. Before making your purchases in spring goods look at our line. THE PEOPLE'S STORE I. ABRAHAM, PROP. ROSEBURG, OREGON. THE ROSEBURG HOUSE HARVEY JONES, Proprietor Rates $1.00 per day and upward New Brick, New Furnishings, Prompt Services. Opposite the S. P. Depot Grounds . Local and Personal. It pays to see the Osteopath. The Eoachdale store pays cashf or eggs. J. K. Sawyers is visiting relatives at Elk ton. The Osteopath says your ca?e is not incurable. Lee Love is in this city today from hie farm near Wilbur. i Jack Howard, of Kellogg was in Eose burg last week on business. John Demrner of Medford is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Paul Buckner, of Melrose. To insure prompt change of ads in ; ! the Plaindealer, copy must be submitted j not later than the day before publica-j tion day. No ads will be changed on I Mondays or Thursdays as it invariably j delays our paper and does not give the ' ad setter sufficient time to make credit I able displays. build P. J. Johuson, dentist, Grave's Miss Kuby Archambeau of Portland is the guest of Miss Ellena Reed of this city. Hon. O. P. CobIiow and family left this morning for their homestead near Peel. Bruke man S. W. Starmer is laying off and with his wife is visiting relatives near Myrtle Point. New hrakemeu on work out of Rose hurg are . J. Smith, W. K. Eslingec, C. F. Mills and A. F. Cole. Mrs Hubert Wright who has been quite ill for the past two weeks is re ported much improved to-lay. No. ih Cornutt of Kiddle was in this city on business last week. He reports prospects for good crops around Kiddle. Now ad for the Forestry Inn, Port land, ami Barnard's 1. ivory and Feed Stable, Roseburg, appear ill the Plain dealer today. J. U tirimes and Jeff Williams, of Looking lilass left this morning for Port land to take in the fair and att end the LO.O. K Lodge. Conductor B W. Maddox is laying off and A. Howard has been transferred to ! work out of Portland. Conductor Chas. ! M inkier is now working out of this city. Karl Fickle, who has been attending a Portland Business college returned to this city Saturday He rejnirts large crowds enjoying themselves at the fair. T. B. Caunoa, of the Seuate Saloon, is laying off and Silas Kier.eusteiu is now on the day watch, while Mr. Van Bursa is itaekiug alter the buaiiwaa at The Rural Telephone ing. B. W. Strong went on business. to Eugene today Neighbors not so far from here, Put in telephones last year, Farmers built a rural line Instruments all "talked up tine." All you had to do was ring Every bell went ting-a-ling ; One for Central, two for lioirgs, Short and long call for old Scroggs. Every neighbor had hi call, Twist the crank ami that was all. Mighty nice when work was thru', To gossip for an hour or two With your neighbors one by one, Mighty nice hut lots of fun When you hear Home other two Telling what was not for you. Kvery time the signal rang, To the 'phone each. fanner sprang, SlyTy grinned, an. 1 softly took Each receiver from its hook, Other peoples' secrets, dear, Poured into his large red ear; How he slapped bin legs I swan, Telephoning is lots of fun. Somehow in a year or two Troubles dark began to brew ; f armer Jones got lighting hot, Heard Scroggs calling him a sot, Farmer Bcaoggl seemed angry, too, Heard Smith telling what he knew. Smith heard Atiel telling lies, Paid him off with two black eyes. Abel heard young Isaac B sjgl I'nderbid him on bia hog-, Hoggs o'er heard a sneaking churl Making ove to his !est girl. Women, loo, were iu the muss, Kaised a most tremendous fuss H ICE BREAM LATEST MILD DRINKS tovy Our candies are the a&gBS highest grade goods in nunirc town- Comparison is UtlUlUt the only true test and CANDIES one we aways a ont ont When it comes ' V to high grade and de- ZffK licious goods we have Ar, no competitors. T F. Fisher has purchased a place near Wilbur and has moved with his family thereon. H. A. Smith and wile who have been residing in Portland teturned to their residence in Edenbower recently. Attorney W. W.Cardwell went to Jack sonville to attend circuit court having several cases under trial in Jackson coun ty. J. K. Wishart, wife and son, Russell, of Grants Pass are the guests of Mrs. Wisi. art's sister Mrs. S. M. Kelley of this city. J. A. Ricks and little son who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Protz man of this city have returned to Junction. Douglas B. Chappin has arrived in this citv and will accept a position in the Clink & Chappin grocery store, opposite better as greater depth attained, the depot. The Ri(ldle b.nj Dlcvy jutertained a F. K Gettins and wife have moved to itge crowd on our streets Suuday. The Marshfield to reside. Mr. Gettins hovs ulav well and Kiddle should le night. I F. M. Conn presented a common pa Every one from Scroggs to Jones tato vine to the Plaiedealer Saturday on j In glass houses throwing Stones. which potatoes were thickly set instead 0 the line has silent grown. Mrs. A. Fields left on this morning s I of growing from the roots in the ground local for Oakland on business. ! in the usual way. It is a vegetable All kinds ot shells and California ' treak. curios 'or sale at F. Long's resi leuce.. Sheriff H. T. McClallen, Connty Clerk Buggy for sale, almost new Kacine Z N.Ageeand Assessor G. W. Staley Wires rusted, poles o'erthrowu, Twenty friends are deadly foe, Each one full of griefs and woes, Each too mad to speak a word. Cause of things he'd overheard Ex. A FEW SUMMER HINTS The problem for summer is to keep cool. Let us help you with a few hints to gain the desired end. Men's Genuine Panama Hats Men's Balbriggan Underwear, Slimmer DrCSS GOOdS ill all ec nn Pink' Bl,le' Jream and .Black . - . $5.00 5 qq 5Ujt Colors, Weaves and Prices Men's Tan Calf Oxfords Men's Lace Open Work and Lisle Ladies' Summer Undervests, with Black and Tan Hose or without sleeves J3-50 25c per Pair 10c to $1.50 Men's Patent Leather Oxfords Ladies' White Lawn Shirtwaists NeW PolKa Dot RiDDOlU fOT $5.00 50c to $4.00 Neckwear and Belts Ladies' White Wash Silk Shirt Child's I.ace Hose, in White, Pink, Men's Two-piece Flannel Suits , Waigt. Buei Black, Tan and Red $6.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00 $2.60 and $3.50 25c per Pair JOSEPHSOS'N THE BIG 5T0RE WHERE QUALITY IS GUARANTEED Drew Items. plenty to see. Judge J. Henry Schroder, a prominent covered buggy, late style, for sale cheap. Inquire of Ed Cochran. J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and notary public, orliee up stairs in Douglas County Bank Building. tf Osteopathy is the name of that modern treatment that cures after all other methods have failed. P. A. Webb, one of the exposition guards, returned to this city last Thurs day morning, being called home bv the illness of his wife. i Prot. O. C. Brown of the Drain Mrs. E. H. Belknap, of Monroe. Ben- mal, is spending a few days on his Deer ton county, who has been visiting with Creek farm preparatory to returning to her brother, J. H. Booth, and family re I "rain to participate in the comuieoce- turned home this morning. mem exer, ;ses. The training del Recent assavs from the mine of Willis have returned from Portland where they : ' attended the opening of the exposition steam CleaningPressing Parlors All report tine tune, tig CtOWOS anil pioneer citien of Coos county, died at his Ooojwilla home May 30, 105. He was lioru m lialtimore, m i. .May i, 1S40, and came to Coos county with his parents in Mav 1S59. He was promi nent in Coos County politics. Nsr-1 Our new steam cleaning and repairing i parlors are now in operation. A club ,of forty at 1 1 GO per month is already secured and rooni for more. Single Kramer show the ore to go :?.000. 18.000 111,000 and f'2,000 to the ton and getting rt- nient iu charge of Prof. Brown couciud ad its woik last Friday. He reports a verv BWeceSwM school year. MRS !! I! i H. E ASTON is prepared to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a full and complete stock of GROCERIES ,1 All fresh and of the very beet quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. ao5 Jackson St., Raacbuct Title Guarantee & Loan Co. J. D KOaKBCRQ, OREGON. Haxtlto. D C. HaatiLToa BOCT KM intends to establish himself in business in that city. Mrs. C. V. Fisher and little child left I this morning for Cottage Grove and other valley points to visit with friends ! and relatives. A fine cnt of Med ford's new depot ex hibit building appears in this issue of the Plaindealer through the courtesy of the Medford Mail. lne Hell sisters bave moved their I stotk from their old stole on 'Oak street I to their new brick on Cass street, next T j door to Bridges A. Maratera. m i Mm A aMasiae a Vdewgfrtr arrived j i in this city from Salem last week to join Mr M osier who is again in the restau rant business in this city. Miss Leona Kabat, a teacher in the Roeeburg public schools, left Sunday for her old home in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, where she will spend the summer. proud of them. Myrtle Creek Mail Remember the Plaindealer when your letterheads, statements, envelopes an 1 in fact anything iu the printing line cello-. We can give you a neat jol an, I do it promptly. F. J. Blakely, F. B. Waite and J. H. Booth of Reburg visited the hi irri gation ditch Saturday. Mr. Booth was agreeably surprised at the work under way. He also states the possibilities of Sutherlin Valley are unlimited. Owl. lopix-site Court house. Sheriff H. T. McClallen arreted F. C. OJi easy terms. Enquire of S Smith alis. SchanVr alis. Church in this citv Sundav morning. Smith is wanted at Cottage i rove for larceny of a team an i huggv. He was t.iken to Cottage Grow ibis morning by IVouty Sheriff I-eona. K. W Vesica of that place. I S. Weaver of Myrtle Creek was in K i bnrg nu husuies last week and made the Plaindealer office a pleasant bu"ines visit He report excellent . UlMgStl be crop, around Myrtle Cre-k Next Sllnb-th wl Children s but is afraid ihe abnndance of rain and cold weather wtM give the green aphis a i "chance to in; ire the wheat. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McKean and daughter, tiertrude, attended the Memo rial services at Myrtle Creek, where Mrs McKean's daughter and father are buried. Uice Landerson and Sidney Tisn have been compelled to be absent from school for a season on account of accidents, the former having the misfortune to cut his foot on a piece of glass and the latter to cut his foot on an ax, both wounds are healing nicely at the last report. Mr. Purns and family have moved their old home and are camping on the Mat near the school house giotinds. Mr. Burns Jr. will leave for Klamath Falls with a load of household effects and on his return the family will Ladies wool skirts also steam cleaned lntini,,.nr him nn thr iwrond frit, over and pfeaaed. the mountains to join Mr. Burns who Next door to McDougal's Tailor Shop. has prering their new home at L. D Hawrav. Proprietor. wi.m,th Falls. The Drew school pupils under the direction of the:r teacher, Mies Hi', decorated the graves of their decease-i scle ol-mates, Kdith Rainvilie and Etta McKean, Memorial Iay. The pupils MOSIER S RESTAURANT on Ces Street is now conducted by MOSIER & FLETCHER The word MOr-IKR has always sig nified Goad Meals and the words MOSIER & FLETCHER will mean the Best Meals in the city. Restaurant open day and night. Private boxes Excellent service. SUIOAT OMUEI II 38 A M TO T 30 P M. Soaiety Meeting. a: F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Holds regular meetings on second and f rmh Wednesdays of each month. J. T. BaiDccs, W. M. N. T. Jawarr, Secretary. I suits steamed cleaned ami pressed from j IflaptofZJa. As steam cleaning is fTOW . the reliable process there is no doubt that the people of Roseburg and vicinity j will appreciate the same and patronize sufficiently to snpport the enterprise. THE CELEBRATED C WASHINGTON O. ELKS. Roseborg Lodge No. 326. Holds regular communica tions at I O. O. F. Hall on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. ill members requested to artend recu- larlv and all visiting brothers are cordi i ally invited to attend. C. B. Comb, R. Rot McCLALLra, Secreiarr. O. D, 1st SEPARATE BATTALUON O.N. G , meets at Armory Haii every rbursdav evening, at 8 e'elock. F. B. Hahus, CapC I It For Salt cornor of Douglas and Kane St. Size IlOxil feet T. .lewett. tf 1 Marriage licence was isiifd tlay to ' T. J. Ku-tel and Myra BIfwM), l'th of Hon. Binger Hermann, wife and sou Kllwrt. returned frvm Portland Sunday evening w here they alien led the open ing of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. assembled at the school house with their tloral offerings early on the morr. ing of Mav 30tb. At 10 o'clock the Is and visitors formed in line and marched to the graves, where a snort nwtirrisn was held, consisting of singing, and prayers. After this the graves were decorated ! v the pupils, a monnd was catered with flowers for tbe unkno dead. E. ! iBriV Kail lm Hi Ifii'Kj I. O. O. F Proletarian Lodge No. 8. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackson and Case streets, on Saturday evening of each week Mem bers of tbe order in rood standing ar invited to attend. H. O. Lewis, N. G. N.T. J i wrrr. Secretary. K. of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet every Wednesday, in 1 . O. O. F Hail at 7:30 p. m. Members in good standing are invited to attend. Jas. A. P&kbt C. C. M. F. WniGirr, K. of R. A S. ANY FLAVOR AT L JENNINGS BAKERY j L. S. Dimmick, -i. , .hrt-M hmki in Danriii Conitr 1 uoipuus Ataatractt and CerUflcatea ol Title farnlahedof Dooalaa county land and mining claims. Bave lao a complete set of Tracing! ol all townahip piU la the Boaebnrg, Oregon, D. 8. Land Dii trtct. Will make bine print copies of any town ship Walter Faulkner, of Portland, agent for the New York Life Insurance Co., was the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. H Faulkner, of this city, Saturday. Attorney W. W. Cardwell went to : Jacksonville Fridav to attend Circuit Kellogg; T. C. and r . d , k .t.r the interests of a Shaw, of M Creek and K. W. Veatch of Cottage Grove were regis tered at the McClallen Hotel last week. W A. debater and wife and Miss IJmam Diekson.ui f'aiitk- Grove . Calif.. Special sales by Stearns Ci.euowith fethe0iUo thav brother, Yard Oakland and Yoncalla. White and other mmMM w w Dkkwaa and wife, of this sewing machines 115.00 and up; water ,(tv or a few jav, Ust we,k leaving pipe ; wire, plain and barbed; cut and PortUod Saturday night from wire nails; the only guaranteed black- irbvn t, (.v ir0. ,,, Boise, I labo, smith coal; two carloads Page woven (otsit with relatives and frieods. wire fence, the only tempered wire fence for Bale. n:i tf r -r A ane and wile, of Long Beach, ' t.'iif.. peaM a tew .lays iu this city last e k. the guests of Geo. Bristol and Day at the M E. Church. Preaching at 11 a. in. At Light a Sabbath school con cert will lie given, consisting of sng, and a picture sermon eutitled: "Fish iuk" by the pastor. Ihe churcli mill be beautifully decoiated. The utoruiug subject will be: "What Thiuk Ye of Ctiriet V The public is cordially in vited to these teiliUM AMD CaamaerUia'i C4k Eemeay the Very lest "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it is tbe beet cough medicine I have ever taken," says Geo L Hbubb, a merchant of Har lan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will cure a cough or cold in lees time than any other treatment. It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in much leas time when promptly treated. For sale by A C Marsters A Co. California redwood novelities and The Roseburg kids defeated the Look ing Glass bate ball team in a match game at that place Sunday , the score being 16 to 1. Edenbower lost at Olalla Sunday, 14 to 5. F. S. Patterson and daughter Miss Edith returned from Salem Friday evening Mr. Patterson was engaged is j painting and decorating Mr. Moehier's new residence near that city. Miss Vesta Henderson, of Seattle, Wash., who has been visiting with ber father at Oakland, arrived in Roeeburg Sunday evening to visit with relatives and friends, accompanied by her father. Charles Fisher, former editor of the Boise Capitol News, is in this city on business. Mr. Fisher visited the open ing of the Portland exposition and believes that Oregon's big fair is a suc cess. H. Wollenberg returned Thursday night from San Franscisco. Ralph. Wollenberg who has been attending school in San Francisco returned on the something decidedly new, and tbe prices same train to spend his vacation with very reasonable at Graves Art Empori- (his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Wollenberg um. f this city. RICE 5. THE HOUSE FURNISHERS THE STORE THAT DOES THE BUSMESS IDIVIOUU TASTE WITH PUCE AID QUALITY ABE THE DETERMiNINC FACTORS WiEf fT COMES TO BUVIMC FURNITURE WE HAVE EVERYTHING KNOWN TO THE FURNITURE LINE l I 'client. It is observed that tbe well i known and successful attorneys, Watson Jand Cardwell are rapidly extending I their practice. F. F. Hoetetter, representing the Bal ' lard Snow Liniment Conuanv. of St. Louis, spent Friday in Roseburg, looking after his Company's interests by the distribution of samples of Ballard's Snow liniment, which is advertised in the Plaindealer. Conductor C. B. Baker has returned from Portland where he received treat ment for throat troubles. Mr. Baker wa present at the opening ol the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and says that the electric display at night is well worth going to see. He was well pleased with the exhibits also. G. H. Phelps returned Friday from Elkton, Douglas county, where he has been teaching the public school. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Al meda Phelps, who has been tbere with him. Mrs. Phelps suffered a stroke of paralysis recently and is still partially disabled. Eugene Guard. M F Wright has accepted tbe local agency for the Portland Service Co. If you expect to visit the fair and do not know where you are going to stop you would do well to interview Mr Wright. Tbe Portland Service Co will locate you in good rooms and you will know just what you will have to pay for them be Ore you leave Roseburg. Investigate. The Educational Congress will be field in Portland during the week, beginning August 28th. The leading educators of the world are expected to be present at tbe Congress. The last Legislature passed an act authorizing the County Sheriff's Sale. In U ilrcuit t'uart of ;. Slate of Oregon : lor las Count? ul OougUa. all Walker, PlaiatU o ' , ormttam tclraJaii'. KetfcM is henrtj glvrn mat by virtue of an fin utii'O duly latued oat of and under the seal ' ol th- l-iv. named aaaM ani cauee on the ru laj al June. lSuo, apoB a judgmmi and decree du. rvuJerrl aad entered iu ad court and . caiur. oa Itr 1T b da) ol ay, :.. . la favor A . jcm'.us; ta: ! G 6 Graham, for the -..m I one huniro ninety-eight i and lortr ceou (t'.aatO) "tin latereat iheseoa , at lac rale at can I per anniu Irom ihe CKWCH-MlRP-ln R-burg. June , IS wve eTuU i wife This is Mr. Cranes fourth visit) i, i-"o-. y. i v rini no mmm ammm ,.i ,D,t awaaaaawawaa ano ine ci.u n- i XI.. ..f. ...i. r.. tin . O OakUli l. JU-lhV .IDIiIl l."ne ('I- ol rj t.pon mi- wni oi uu.i, oww Mciating. V ,wn li,a, ,1MI . CONFECTIONERY I LAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members in good standing are incited to attend. Mas- A. B. Fiona. Uuardian Neighbor. Bell Morian. Cekkk Second and Fourth Thursdavs. Cleaali Heats is Superior Our led Fastries at far aaat Sweet Fatronate. 0.1 Swell the Douglas Count) Exhibit. E. S Rose "Mrs Chapter No. 8 Holds their regular meeting oa the first and third Thursdays in each nonth YrsirinK members in good Handing are reepeetfnilT invited to at tend. Mrs. E. J. Stroud, W. M. Free Johnson. Secretary. Married lav noraiag for Portland where Uiey ( nnunug. ...n i .i ti,n Too irroom is a we.i known mil ...... ...... man ol (laklamt anl a native M MMsglsa count v The bride is a verv estimable W. Floyd, who for the past several young lady recently from tiie east. The described leave for sha east on a ninety days trip. , 1 H Bed Koom Suiu in aU grades, tl4.SC np D-eaaen in every design, M.N to 130. 00 He pe rate Co mode lo suit, to tf 00 Remember RICK fc HICK sella tor leas. School Superintendents to suspend the I fnm gi months has been S. P. division store keeper at the round house in this city, h.i- reignl his position and with his wife left for Portland on last night's ! overland where he has accepted tbe po sition a city salesman for M. J. Walsh Co Electric ami Gas Fixtures, t). J, Lindsnv ha accepted the position here, made vacant bv Mr. Floyd. Following are the representatives of the Roaebnrg I O. O F. lodges to the . (irand Lodge at Portland this week : F. (i. Micelli, I), ti. 1'aim. Kising Mar lodge. Lee Wins berry, Kobert Robert eon, R. M Ryer, D. S. West. Carl Hoff mann of Philitarian loilge. Jos. Micellii Supreme Representative and a member of Philitarian lodge will also be present. ITheRebekah representatives are Mrs P. g. West, Mrs. Sarah Gaddie and Miss Emma Fisher. Miss Flossie Shambmok, who for the pat year has been attending a San Francisco business college, returned home yesterday via Seattle and Port land. She reports an enjoyable trip and a pleasant and profitable sojourn in the Golden Gate City. Miss Sharuhrook held the iosition of first deputy under her father D. R. Shartibrook during, bis lateenciiinliency as Cuooty Clerk. Her many friends are extending her a cor dial welcome home. H L Kruae is a typical farmer. He raies on his farm immediately west of Oakland line hogs, Jersey cows, chick ens, fruit ana vegetables in season. Plaindealer extends congratulations. Died. ROWLEY At the home of bk daugh ter, Mrs. J. l. Bout ii, at Grants Pass, Ore , June L, IMS, Alva Rowley, aged j tl) years', oi intirmities attending oU I age. The remains were brought to Rose-1 ur:; ol raei-utlon and a.l accruing coals. i burg, and the funeral was held from make sale of Ihe following lo wit: Ttie eu!aei .luarter n section XI In tost- hip 19 M.ulb of range S wot Wlllameiic merdian. m Douglar county Oregon, conuio ing Ml afaaa, attached u said action on the Tth Jay ol eVpteinWr. 1S04. Now therefore in com : wiiu the commands ol said writ, I all oc Saturday tbe Sin day of July, iH)5 I al 1 o cl.-ck p. m. at the front door l the Coun t i ,urt house, iu the city of KoKburg. in j lKo as county, slabs of Oregon. el! at pub ic auction ut,;n t to redemption, lo tbe highes: b dder. for t inted State gold coin cash iu ' hand, all ihe right. Ulle and luteresl the said dclt-iidant bad therein on the date ol aaid al ! larlnnrnt. to-wit IheTlhday of September. ' l4. or since ha had therein lo aatisly said All those having choice canned fruits, preserved fruit, jellies or anything suit able for the IVuglas county exhibit al the Portland fair will please leave them at tbe Roeeburg repress orfice at the earliest possible date. People of other county towns should ship their exhibits to Hon D S K Buick. Snpt.. Douglas county exhibit. Agricultural Building, Portland u SITED ARTISAN'S. Cmpqua As sembly No. 105, meets second and fourth Saturdav oi each month, in Native Sons' hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A. C. Maestbjes, M. A. Joxgs. Sec re La rv. Fob S i tt Three very desirable homes, near Kosebttrg and the best school in Douglas county. Address J. W., Roeeburg, Oregon. j!5p DM EN OF THB WORLD.- Camr No. 125. Meets at the Odd lows Hail, in Roeeburg, every first and third Monday evening. Varit ug neighbors alwavs welcome. J. M. Bausoaa. C.C. N. T. JgwgTr. Clerk. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Administratrix's Xorice. Notion run under this head will be charged lor ' at tbe rate of ooe cent a wrd for two insertsooa. No adveiiiswuenia lakea for teas than as cents J the First Christian church Saturday, with services conducted by Rev. Geo. C. Ritchey of that churcli. of which Mr. Rowiey was a member. In terment followed in the Masonic ceme tery beside the grave of his wife, who died about 14 years ago. U. T. MeCLAlXES herif) of Doug a county. Oregon. Notice of Final Settleim-nt. Mr. Kolev was an Oregon pioneer of ' J. A lit I HASAN. Adminisirator of the eMale of Timothy ere man ,Uveaed. iron Beds, all Colon and Hires (3.26 to $26.00 oura la the Bed of Cfuallty. NO TRASH OR JUNK SOLO HERE Many Designs of Chairs at 50C to $5.00 each. See our Special $1 50 for $1.00 its a hummer. Linolums and Carpets in all the new things. The place to Buy ie HERE. Tbe largest Stock is HERE. If yon cant come WRITE US. I RI THE X Rl HOUSE FURNISHERS CE CE Conutv Institutes for the year fior, and devote all or a portion of the Institute funds to the use of tbe Educational Congress. H. Sacbt and Otto Bahlman, two men who recently arrived in this citv have decided to locate here and establish in business. They have leased the new Autenreith building on Cass Street next door to Hoover & Co., butcher shop and are fitting the room up as a first clss saloon which will be opened this week. The new saloon will be known as "The Grotto." Annual School Meetings wilt be held through tbe county Jnne 1, 1905. Offi cers to be elected areclerk and directors. This year Roeeburg District No. 4 passes from a second class district to a first elass, entitling it to five directors instead of three. Mr. Wootley the present chairman of tbe Roeeburg board is the retiring officer at the present election. B. W. Strong will become chairman of tbe board, and be and Mr. Flook are the hold over members of the board and new members will be elected to serve three, four and five years respectively .exhibit of curios and art. x cows he makes 50 pounds of butter a week and also furnishes the city ice cream parlors with delicious cream. Mr. Kruse has cut his first crop of alfalfa which yielded two tons per . , i i n acre, rrom six aoi.en cnicaens ne xeiin an average of 22 dozen eggs per week, besides furnishing tbe home table. This brief summary shows what a practical farmer can do with a 90 acre tract. Let us have more diversified farming. Oak land Owl. At a late hour this afternoon a Plain deuler representative was invited lo the residence of Mrs..!. W. Hamilton and shown the fine Indian and Filipino curios, excellent needle work and em broidery and books of art that will be displayed there all day Tuesday at the Lawn Fete and Social for the benefit of the Presbyterian building fund. Paint ing and sketches by the following Roee burg artists are on exhibit.: Mrs. M. R. Smith, Miss Lake, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Pearson, LeNoir Ragadale, Geo. Howe, Mrs. Smick, Helen Hamilton, Elva Wimberly and W. E. Rollins, of Portland. Every one should see this NoUcv bl hereby (iTcn luat the uudt-rairrnrd. ' administrator of the eslat, of Timothy GSBaa man. deceased. :..-:; in the County loun ' ol Itnailas County. Oregon, hla Anal account asuca administrator of said estate, and that u...ln.-.t :h. JSlh dsv of June. 191c-. alll.e 1853. comiug to Portland in that ye ir j hour ( CilK k m nM Mn nx, b, the from Ohio with his wife. I WO years i , d ,ou I as the lime lor hearinatof obteclion later ti.ev moved to Jackson coUUtv. to said report, ami mo aeiiiemeiu mereoi. ! where they remained only a few Wueka I ana wen movea to uougtai comm. io . .,... m j eating at French Si-ll lenient. After a resideuce of six years at that place. Mr ' and Mrs. Rowley moved to Coos county and settled on the middle fork ol the i Couuille near Myrtle Point. After the death of Mrs. Rowley at the home of their daughter, Mrs. N. LaUaut, at Wil ' bur, Mr. Rowley disposed ol his place iu Coos county, and took up his resideuce i with Mrs Booth, at Grants Pass. Of late years he had been an invalid from steadily declining health. Resides Tfrs. I toot n and Mrs. LaKaut, another daughter, Mrs. Chas. I.aselle, ot laimpoc, Calif., survives Mr. Rowley. Three married sons and a daughter have preceile.l him to the grave. In the l ouuty Court for DoufUw- l ounty. Ore eon. In the matter ot the estate of Ado'.ph C, Harks, deceased. Koti.-c i hereby given by the uuderiad. Clara Marks, th. duly appointed, ua. tried and acting adminisiratr x ot the estate of Adclph C. Mark. deceased, to tuc creditors of aaid de ceased, to exhibit th.-lr claims with the necea sary voucher, within sit montha after the Drat aaaMh ation al this ooUee to the aaid adtuiuia lnstri at Roseburg. Oregon. ; PaUMi May l CLAKA MAKKs. (m-i j2!) a . WASTTP To exchaage a good bicycle tor a driving horse. Apply to box JTt. Rose 'Ore, Or. For Sale Full blood Short Horn or Durham bull nearing 3 years old; color dark red. For further particulars ad dress Sam Whittaker. Rice Hill, Oregon. I miles north of Oakland. For Sale; House and lot on Pine street near depot. See J. A- Buchanan. COLLINS--At his home near t.alesville Wedneday, May St, l!HV, Samuel S. Collins, age 06 years, 8 months and 12 days. IVceased had conducted a dairy farm near Galesville since is.u His w ile and three children survive him. June aged A Good Ser&estioa Mr C B Wain wright of Lemon City Fla., has written the manufacturers that much lietter results are obtained from the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarahoea Remedy in cases cf pains iu the stomach, colic and cholera mor bus by taking it in water as hot as can he drank. That when taken in this way the effect is double in rapidity. "It seems to get at the right spot instantly" he says. For sale bv A C Marsters Co. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon lor the county of Douglas. I In the matter of the ealale of Maiia Anna Oat -rtag. Dereas.d.t Notice is hereby given thai the undersigned. administrator of lbe ealale of Maria Anna Osleriag. deceased, ha filed in the County I Court of Douglas County. State ot Oiegon hia final account aa such administrator of said i estate, an! that Saturday, the nth day of June : tats, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has beeu i fixed by aaid court 'or the time ot hearing of objections io Mttd report . and the setUement I thereof J A. Bt CHAN AN j Administrator al the estate of Maria Anna Oa- tcrtag. deceased. ml Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic Physician cures acute and chronic diseases, corrects deformaties and removes foreign growths. Consultion free. Phone or call for appointment. Office in Abrafiaci duildin. tf Town Lots For Sale Choice buiklinc lots in Kinney's im proved plat of Roeeburg, near Main street, good title. Price 150 per lot. Address, N. A. Richakoo. tf The Life of a Bride. CARSON In this city Saturday, 3, UHV), Mrs. Sarah 0. Carson, 54 years, ! months and 27 days Mrs. Carson was the wife of Geo. M. Carson, an Insurance man, and former ly lived at Junction City at which place the funeral was held Sunday afternoon. The deceased has been suffering for several months passed and knowing that recovery was doubtful, her son Fred Carson and wife, of Boise, Idaho, and Miss Nora Carson, of Portland, were called here to attend ber and were at A woman may know that she has ceased to lie a bride only When she begins to nag. When she discovers she is jealous. When he begins to go lo his club. When he becomes sarcastic about the fond. When she grows economical with her kisses. When he beains to eulogize his mother. The rlrs time her husband criticises her frocks. When he tells ber how pretty some other woman looks. When she does not mind coming to breakfast in curl papers. When she beirins to hunt up her old friends and enjoys calling on them. When she rinds herself saying un complimentary things to her husband. When a meal becomes so quiet that her bedside at the time of her death. Mrs. Elmer Bashford, of this city, was a she can plau a w hole frock between the cousin of the deceased. courses. M. D. FOR SECOND G D S WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO QUOTE THE LOWEST PRICES. o o All kinds of Household and other goods bought and sold. Don't fail to see our large stock of NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. HARNESS AND HARNESS MAKING A. D. BRADLEY SUBSCRIBE FOR THE PLAINDEALER