THE TWICE-A-WEEK f Roseburg, Oregon Roseburg Plaindealer The most widely read newipaper pnbliahed in Southern Oregon and conaerjuenily the BisTadver- tltlng medium. Large, modernly equipped Job printing department in connection. Established in la6S. BuUcriptlon, fi per year for rieml-Weekly. Population, 3500 Tbe County Seat of Douglas County. Oregon Soldiers Home: C. 8. Land Office and C. S. Wtather Bureau are located here S. t railroa 1 division: splendid educational advanugea. Gateway to the Coos Bay and Coqailie country. Vol. XXXVII ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY i8, 1905. No 40 Koscbura pmnoealer. GREAT NAVAL BATTLE IS PENDING OFF FORMOSA Rojestyensky's Combined Fleets Off For the 'Open Sea Collision With Admiral Togo Hourly Expected. St. Petersburg, May 17. It is believed here that Rojestvensky has at last made a dash for the Pacific with his combiaed fleets and that he will take his course north of the island of Luzon, off the Philippines. It is certain that the Russian Admiral has orders to fight, the Admiral ty being anxious to mike a final test of strength with the Japanese if necessity occurs. That Rojestvensky shortly will hazard ( dine to the belief that the Rnssian Ad all on a sea fight is the general belief of ' miralty has not ordered Rojestvensky to navy officers here. He could not hope to return to the West, it is pointed out, even if the Russian policy contemplated averting tbe sacrifice of bis ships. Ro jestvensky's return without a fight would be equivalent to resignation of bis commission. The Russian bureaucrats, military ex perts say, must still be ignorant of ac tual conditions in the far east, and for that reason, it is believed, strong pres sure has been brought to bear on Ad miral Rojeetven.-ky in dispatches from his government, to accept battle or even force it. A minority of tbe experts in- abandon his policy of delay Plans of Togs Amoy, China. May 17 It is believed that part of the Japanese fleet is taking up a position below Formosa. The Jap anese get orders from this vicinity at night time. The state of martial law first declare I at Tamsui, Inland of Formosa, and sub sequently made geueral throughout tbe island, has been followed by the ap pointment of a military executive, and the moving of the women and children from tbe Pescadore Islands to Formosa McGINN LEADS FOR THE BENCH FLETCHER WANTS $10,000 DAMAGES Eugene, May 17. John Fletcher, who was shot in tbe face by John Branton near Cottage Grove one night in March while the two were going from Cottage Grove to Branton's farm, Branton's ar rest following the deed, has begun suit in the circuit court against his assailant for $10,000 damages. Fletcher's com plaint recites as follows : "That on or about March 5, 1906, near Cottage Grove, Oregon, the defendant pnrpoeelv and malicious! v shot and WHIP YOUR WIFE, GET WHIPPED, TOO Wife-beaters will be subject to pun ishment alter today, for an this day the famous whipping-post law passed by the Legislature goes into effect. The new law provides that a man con victed of wifebeating may be punished with whipping, not exceeding 21) lashes, but this is only an additional punish ment and not tbe exclusive punishment for the crime. Tbe old punishment by fine or imprisonment is still under effect under tbe new law. Judge Fraser says wounded the plaintiff with a pistol, j be considers the new law more of a powder and ball, said ball striking tbe plaintiff in the face breaking his nose and tearing oat and totally destroying the plaintiff's left eye, causing him great bodily pain and mental anguish. That by reason of said injury tbe plaintiff's face is permanently disfigured, his health unpaired and bis ability to earn a livelihood greatly lessened and im paired. That said injury was inflicted on tbe plaintiff by the defendant with out fault or neglect of the plaintiff. That threat than anything else, and he ex pects that it will be used very seldom, if at all. Tbe whipping-post is merely a sym bolical term, for no whipping-post, such as was used in Colonial days, is to be es tablished. Tbe law provides that the whipping shall be done within tbe walls of the County or City Jail. The lashes Bball be administered by tbe sheriff if the wife-beater is convicted in tbe Cir cuit Court, and by a regularly appointed by reason of defendant's said wrongful policeman if a city court orders the pun act tbe plaintiff is damaged in tbe sum j ishment inflicted. Ot 1 1U.UUU. Fletcher also asks for a judgment for tbe coats and disbursements in the suit. John M. and Geo. A. Pipes are his attorneys. A fund is being raised in Astoria for the purpose of providing ammunition with which to shoot tbe seals at the mouth of the Columbia to prevent their destroying the salmon when tbe next' ran commences. Special sales by Stearns 4 Cbenowith Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other sewing machines $15.00 and up ; water pipe ; wire, plain and barbed ; cut and wire nails ; the only guaranteed black smith coal ; two carloads Page woven wire fence, the only tempered wire fence for sale. n3 tf Saturday, August 12, has been selected as Aeronautic Day at tbe fair. MARSTERS' DRUG CO DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMES SOAPS TOILET ARTICLES RUBBER COODS STATIONARY SCHOOL .SUPPLIES WINDOW CLASS LIME AND CEMENT ALL KINDS OF SPRAYS PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH Portland, May lti. That Henry E. McGinn is the foremost candidate for the Federal Judgeship for the District of Oregon to succeed the late Charles B. Bellinger is the outlook at this time Powerful influences are behind Judge McGinn's candidacy, and it is the belief of his friends that his chances of ap pointment at the hands of President Roosevelt are gilt-edged, lu behalf of Judge McOinn is being urged his reputa tion as a lawyer, of ability and long ex perience, his non-connection with any of the active political factions and line-ups of the present time, and his reputation for integrity as an attorney lief ore the Multnomah courts and those of the state for a long period of years. The Vlultuomah Circuit liench has-i-dorsed Judge McGinn. This carries with it the recommendation ol Circuit Judges Frazer, Cleland, Sears and Creole. The latter judge lias made an application for BILL" BRADLEY WON'T COME HOME, OR RATHER STAY HOME Is Sought by United States Marshals and Blood hounds, But as Usual "Bill" Wasn't At Home. Again the notorious Dousdas County mountaineer, "Bill" Bradley, has come to notice, not through any lau sensational criminal act, but simply from the fact that Uuclo Sam, learning of the inability f the civil authorities to take "Bill ' and punish him for the many crimes and offenses laid at his isolated cabin door, has at last enlisted the services of federal offcers to take him dead or alive, with his boots on or off as the case may be, but as is related in the popular song, when officers call at his low thatched the place, but he accorded his name to domicile, "Bi U Bradley won't come home." And despite an indorsement of Judge McGinn. This I .., , . r , , . is a strong help to Judge McGinn's can-1 th vigilance and careful search of the fedeial officers last didacy, and it is the general belief of j week Bill Bradley is still enjoying his freedom iu the wilds tnoeewnoare.nteresteu in contest 'f lhe Casc;ules between Dou-las and Klamath counties. luai me iiiuorceiiiem 01 me .uuiiuoiiiHii bar .will go to McGinn. Accompanying the indorsement of tiie bench is a strong personal letter by Judge Alfred F. Sears, attesting the qualidcations of Judge McGinn, and penned as president of the Oregon State Bar Association. Judge Lowell, ot Pendleton, is U iked upon by some as the uext likely candi date. William D. Fenton denies his re puted candidacy, while Judge H Carey- says that while he would be proud to in appointed to a station of this kind, he will make no "unseetnlv scramble fur Early but week a tall, dark-corn- take it up. Mr. Johnson and his plexionetl man, wearing a white hat. hotmds boarded the southbound local corduroy trousers and a buckskin j last evening for Medford and Mr. shirt, and leading two vicious- Mowers returned to Portland on the looking bloodhounds, made his ap-, night train. pearance in this city. At a local liv-J "Bill" Bradley is well known to ery stable he made arrangements for nearly all of the older residents of three saddle horses and a stall in central and eastern Douglas county: which to keep the dogs. He an- those who are not acquainted with n.,nnOi4 flint n.imA vaj I,Kncn Kim kivj IiaifhI . V ki 1 J , an office of the dignity of United States I District Judge. If it were given to me ana t fiat ne expectea to go up tne mat neo ano alone in toe forest far I would sav thank voti. but I shall make North I mpaua River for a short up the I mpoua he has held full swav nn pfT.irt til MviirA tin otiirs Tti. Prt.i ' dent knows me and mv oualitication," said Judge Carey this morning. GRAND EXCURSION TO PORTLAND FAIR time to hunt. for a quarter of a century, appatent- Laat Wednesday Mr. Johnson was lv looking upon that isolated region joined here by Deputy I'nited States as one created for his exclusive bene- Marshal Blowers, and together they fit. Vhi!e friendly and hospitable t' started for the headwaters of the temporary visitors, he al way resented North I mpqua. where they expected the attempt of anyone to settle in to arrest a well known hunter named close proximity to his homestead, or William Bradley, who has been place livestock in that locality to charged with divers crimes, offenses, graze. This several prospective en- : killine nVmr nut of season or some- trvmen nnd -.-f tlempn e tK..v die It is this kn"wn antipathy t "something his brother humanity anl ther peo H. live of the Lewis and llarkfir. Roseburg today arranging for a b g em- tbxag of that kind. Bradtey bears covered to their a UTOV, and the lat- cursion trom this city to rortiand oi' ' Me reputation "I oeinjj a man wno ler especially to their financial detn- Jnne 12, Roseburg and Cottage t.r .v.-1 takes if.. 1 care of himself, and MO- merit uay at me great exposition. A Mko .. pfe expected to hear of assise vi ioog viiaii uai i laic an, n-'uo t w i . . dropping wnen tne uioounounas were pies BfMMCK Ma: has iel many pe - turned loose, and have Mailed news pie to believe Bradley guilty of crimi ol the conflict anxiously. nal acts which have U-en c .nimilte 1 Yesterday tw.. very tired and jaded within the limits of his "domain." horses, ridden by two very tired and Time and again cattle have been poi dugasted deputy I r.ited Mates Mar- soiled" or driven off. fires have been shals, and followed by two weary and set on valuable timler lands and three fOOUora bloodhounds, returned to men are said to have met their i Roseburg. The officers reported that upon arriving at Bradley's cabin. Si I miles fr.m here, they discovered that Bradley had been absent for the past two weeks, and that the scent was so trip will be arranged and auuouuctd later. Mr. Nadeau, is also distributing Ex position literature and silk a Iges. the latter consisting of a neat louhle-tow. one end being the stars and strip-s In miniature, the other tbe BKiuaitiOB colors, red, white, blue and veDow. Mr. Nadeau is a very genial and eMeftain ing gentleman and is whooping it up for the fair, with "Hit the Trail" as ids slogan. He is the right man in the right place. WATERWORKS BOND CARRIED Cottage Grove, May lti. The main of tbe city waterworks are so small that they are unable to carry a sufficient sup ply of water for the needs of the city The question of rebonding the town for I'JO.OOO to replace the present four-inch mains with ten inch mains was voted on to fay and was carried by a large majority. The city will also buy a large tract of land in order to have absolute control of tbe source of water supply. The erection of a large reservoir is also being discussed with the citv council. sluggers employed HIGH COMPLIMENT FOR THE IN CHICAGO STRIKE H -.- Chicago, May lo. Sensational dis loHurea are crowding in since the ar rest of eight meu for complicity in the murder of Chaa. J. Calmro'u by union lolior professional sluggers, for which the -n mi paid was about $47 It had lieen agreed to "educate" him to death for IIS, hut the opportunity did not offer at the right time, and there were inci- leutals iu the way of carfare, etc , that the carriage makers' union readily paid. I'he following persons are now under arrest for the murder: Chan. Gilhooly, naval deserted and prof optional Mugger. Kdward Keeley, professional slugger. Mark l.ooner, professional sludger. Chas. J Casev, business agent, car riage makers' union. The four men have been held to the i;rand jury without bail. Tbe police are The TWICE-A-WEEK PLAINDEALER Oregon Information Bureau at Portland Makes Some Timely Suggestions to Roseburg Citizens. Portland, May 17. - Editor Plaindealer We are in receipt of your paper regularly and desire to congratulate you on the splendid iasae of the loth, setting forth the adrantgag-3 and resources of Douglas county. This edition should be taken up by the merchant, professional and other men of your city and county, and scattered broad cait throughout the country. We will be pleased to assist in the distribution of them. If yon have any extra copies for distribution we can place to your advantaee a consider- actively searching for President Miller, j able quantity, say 250 or more, as our visitors register shows for last month of the carrtagem.kers union, and ; that over m - , . o T " . .1. lUljOUUg people throughout the state. We suggest that your merchants and others take up the matter of advertising and get out a neat and complete booklet descriptive of the coun ty and use the matter you have if not distributed. The R. R. will bring as any ad matter you may send us, free, if addressed to the Bureao above. Don't send by express unless prepay ed. Trnely Yonrs Oregon Information Bureau. r.dward shields, member ol tbe execu tive board, said to have voted the money ot the murder of Carlstrom. Following are the scales of prices for labor tduggers : For murder $100 to ITiOO. Knockout where victim i- rent to hos pital $J5 to 100. Leu or arm broken $10 to $15. Kye gouged out $10 to $'.J5. I'iain beating, if any bones are broken- $5 to $15. Tlie police say there are four gangs of professional sluggers located in various part ol the city, where they can lie reached readily by telephone. When a man is to be slugged or killed, head- juarter? of one of thee gangs is noti fied. The price is understood, and the work is srelily done. All told, there are probably lot) of these professional loggers, and they are at work all of the time, either for labor uuions or upon their own hook as hold-up men. CONDITION OF THE SUCCESSFUL MEETING VAWOUS CROPS AT ROSEBURG NEXT A very successful convention of tbe FARE TO LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR The weather during the past week i was showery and too cool for crops to western diitrict of the Oregon C. E. un make satisfactory advancement. Good 'on w held at Cottage Grove Saturday rain fell in ail sections of the stale, nd Monday State President Rockwood l h e occurring in the western portion WM present Saturday, and from the being especially cwpions and timely. , time the trains r ached the Grove until The condition of the grain crop con- j the convention closed enthusiasm ran tinner satisfactory. There are some! high. Much time was given to confer com plaints of fall wheat turning yellow ence on the beet methods of committee confined principally to that sown on low : work. A spleLdid junior rally was con iand. Rye, oals and barley are doing I docte I Sunday afternoon by Mildred nicely, while anrins wheat has stooled ' Lister of Eugene. well and is very promising. Hops con- The talk by Rev. H. M. Andrews, l..ri,,g , be Lewis and Clark Eiposi-' ,inue uneven mnd ,he wea,her has i misswnary from India, Sunday evening tio. the M.uthern 1 '.otic Compwv will ! "dvd ro''b' 10 PrtioM of , w very interesting, bringing out the nil r und trip tickets to Portland,' limit 1 "ik lx,UDtv tbe iond of the habits and religious customs of the peo thirtv d.v.. at one and one-third fare for i v.,n 18 1 ! . clover auu pastures are growing rapidly. Alter electing tne fallowing officers Alfalla is backward and a light "tirst the convention adjourned, to meet in Hop" is indicated. Gardens, potatoes, i Roseburg in the fall of lyOb: corn, sugar beets, field onions and beans are growing slowlv, and warm, sunshiny the rnund trip. For parties of ten or traveling on one ticket, one fare for the round trip. For organized par oi one hundred or more, individual tickets at one fare for round trip. Stopover of ten days will be given at - m l n all one way tickets reading throtljh tba' point during the Exposi tion. Ticketa must be deposited with Joint Agent at Portland and charge of ' fifty rents will be made for extension of lime. President, Marian White, Cottage Grove: vice presidents John E. Smith, in that lonely locality. However, Hradley has his good qualities and has many friends in the county, he being a member of a well known cold that the hounds were unable to and highly esteemed pioneer family. KLAMATH PROJECT FINALLY ASSURED Washington, D. C, May 16 The secretary of the Interior today autho rized the purchase of the Klamath Canal Company's canals and other property in the Klamath basin for $150,000, the latest price they named. This cle trs the way for tbe Government to take up and construct the Klamath project in Ore gon and California. All other obstacles have been removed by legislation or otherwise. The board of Engineers has xamined the project and has pro! it feasible, and the Secretary of the Interior has directed that work be commenced as soon as plans can be completed and the contracts awarded. He has allotted $1,000,000 from the reclamation fund to commence con struction, and directed that this money be expended in construction ol the first unit. The whole project will cost $4, 400,000, and money enough to complete it will be set a-.ide later on. There is not enough in,funls now to pay for 1 , The $1,000,000 set aside today will prob ably all be expended in Oregon. Con struction of the Klamath project will : not interfere with the Malheur proj.-ct, for which $2,500,000 has heretofore been allotted It is now estimated it will cost $18.00 per acre to put water on the land under the Klamath project. STERLING MINE SOLD OFFICES AT ROSEBURG Portland, May 16 Sate of the famous his recent visit east. Their water right Sterling mine in" Jackson County was covers a great territory. Inctadiag a completed today by the owners, H F. large portion of the orchard section ol Ankey and Vincent Cook, to Fred J. . Rogue River Yadey, which may be in- Klakely and a syndicate of local and eluded in a big irrigation project, but Eastern capitalists. The mine was Mr. Blake! y states that details of future rated as being worth $300,000, but the ' plans have not yet been arranged. He actual price paid for it is not known says, however, that the gentlemen in- The new company, whwh will be known teres ted with him have plenty of means as the Sterling Mine Company, expects to put the property in shape and make to expend $500,000 in improving the all improvements necessary. Tbs offlCM property and enlarging it during the of the company will be located in Ross ensuing year. J. D Heard will be burg. Just who the officers and direct- manager of the mine. ' ors will tie, Mr. Blakely cannot say, but The Sterling mine is one of the largest a meeting wdl be held in this city in a placer mines in the United States, all of few days, when that matter will be fully the work being done by the hydraulic settled. process. It is rated as a large producer. 'The price paid for the property is a and the reasons assigned by the owners matter between Messrs Cook and An for its sale is that they want to retire keny and my associates," said .Mr. from business. Mr. Anketiv also states, Blal'ely," and while it is a large HUB, 1 that he thinks he is too old to continue i can say we are satisfied with the pur activity in business. j chase and presume the late owners are The new management expects to put equally so. in ditches and use much of the water; Mr DAVENPORT TO "HIT THE TRAIL" (lowing from the mine after it has been used for mining purposes in irrigation of orchards in the vicinity and for other purposes. This water will be sold to owners of farm and fruit ranches. Blakely Returns to Roseburg. Mr. Blakely who returned to Rose burg from Portland Tuesday, confirmed the report of the sale and said that he was well pleased with his part of the purchase bargain which he worke I up on their plans. J. D. Heard will lie manager under the new company. He went south on the overland train Tuesdav morning t take charge, and was accom panied by Mr. Aukeny. Roseburg is fortunate in securing the headquarters of this large company. This n iue has in recent years, been valued at $:00.000, and it is reported that the new company expect to expend about $500,000 in the development ol HoSMf Davenport is to make a very tine exhibit of Arabian horses, rare pto-asants and other interesting thing fpim bis New Jersey farm at the Lewis and I'lark Fxpoeition. His display will lie tbe most attractive thing on the Pike, and Homer Davenport himself will he the gaeateet attraction of his show if he will stay at his farm exhibit, and he is not the kind of a man to be too exclu sive w hen he knows that everv resident1 of Oregon, not to mention those of other states, wid be anxious to shake hands with him. weather is needed before these crops ' Roseburg ; Elixabeth Brent, Eugene; can resume their normal growth. Corn : treasurer, Mary Wether bee, Eugene: j U coming up quite evenly and enough secretary, Luia Currin, Cottage Grove; rain has Islten to innure a good healthy , press agent, Mao-ie Uickethier, Drain. stand. I'airy anil range s'ock continue Mi pennteodents Literature, F. A. in fine condition. Tripp, Eugene : Temperance and Ci't- Re porta relative to the fruit crop con-; xenship, The dore Holt, Eugene: Devo tinue very coudicting. In some locali- tional, Katnerine Uanna, Eugene, ties whole orchards seem to be bare of j f-uit. while others near by indicate fair- Berries and Produce Wanted lv good yields. This is also true of in- j dividual trees, some being well set with frnit, while others have none Prunes, j Growers of strawberries, cherries and peaches and early cherr es have suffered other small fruits now ripening, are most, however, while other tree fruit earnestly requested to bring a half gal prom. see fair results. Ion of each variety they possess that Arrangements are being made for a grand water carnival lo be given at Marshfield on the 4th of July. thev may be preserved for Douglas County's exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Expit iiion. and good samples in every line ot production. Leave at Express Office with name of grower and van ty, attached. SMISISIMMMSHtSMIMUMMMHMIMI GUN LICENSE DUE MONDAY Read the Plaindealer for all the News Charles 8. Hampton, of Douglas coun ty, Oregon, writes: "'Almost every rancher in this sec ion of the country has recognized or soon will, the neces sity of goats to keep down sweet brier and other shrubs in their pastures. The demand for goats seems to be increasing and they are replacing small bands, of sheep formerly kfpt but which were killed off by varmints or sold." Rural Northwest. ftt I I A 1&'-H MA-H It VBL. I In a few days, or to be exact, on Mon day, May T2, the hunters' license of $1 will le in force for the State of Oregon After that time, every man, woman or i luid w h.i wants to go burning for game, will lie required to pay into the treasury :l the county in which he or she may live a license fee of $1, which will go in to the state funds and be used for the enforcement of the game laws There is one exception. Farmers may hunt on their own property w ithout paying th Misuse. The bi i was filed with the Secretary of State February SI and as it goes into ef fect W days after being filed, is t take effect May TJ. The license form, which was prepared by Secretary A. E. Geb hardt, of tbe State Fish and Game Asso ciation, has been accepted by Game Warden Baker and will be tlie form generally ti-ed. When folded, it will 1 about the sue of an o dinary envelop, and is made thus in order that it will be a Eonrienent sixe to carry. This license is rood for one year, and must be pro duced on tbe demand ol any officer It is good for hunting any place iu Oregor. There is a blank for the description o( the hunter, iriving the height, weight, aite. color of eyes and hair, and i n peculiar marks of indentification of th person w ho takes out the license, and is not transferable. I here will probably be no great demand for the license the pheasant reason opens, and latter, when the season for ducks comes on. Delegates to the convention of the Order of Railway Conductors, two thou sand strong, with wives and families, wer iii attemiauce at the fair grounds, Sunday, May 14th. A sacred concert occurred during the noon hour, af er which the assemblage retired to the American Inn, they were the guests of the fair. Royal Chinook salmon, fresh ARTICULATED SKELETON OF THE BRONTOSAURU8. from the streams of Oregon, was served. The Illustration gives the present appearance of the skeleton of the mam- The remainder of the menu consisted of moth brontosaurus which was discovered In Wyoming more than seven years pmajB cold meats sandwiches of various ago and Is now on exhibition In the Museum of Natural History In New York ' m, . i ., city. The amphibian wan about sixty-eight feet long and probably lived about tU cottee, millt, ice cream ami assort 12,000,000 years ago. This la thi only specimen In exlstenoe. ed cakes. WATCH THIS SPACE GOOD GROCERIES Have you any produce to sell? We buy it. Don't forget that we are here to stay. Our stock is brand new, and our prices are right. Stick a pin here. See us for your groceries. You can get the best that money can buy. TJhe fflosedurg Rochdale Co Sn Oid Post Offic SStnletiny. facksom Street PMone USA j ec e : I .esssaissi DOUCLAS COUNTY BANK BalabluiMd W- Incorporated 101 Capital Stock $5o,ooo t. W. WISON, A C. MAKSTKK3. PTMtdnt. Vic Prealdeat. J. HKXRY BOOTH, Cashier. BOARD Of DIRECTOR r. W BBStHJN, B. A. BOOTU 1. H. BOOTH, J. f KKI.LY, J08HON3. A.C. MABSTKBS K L MILLS B. A GENERAL BAN KINO BUSINESS TRANSACTED