X SIRINO GOODS WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR LINE OF SPRING GOODS In ladies dress goods we have ALL the latest styles, in Woolens. Silk Shirt Waists, Suits and Cotton Goods, also a full line of Novelties. For Men, Youths and Boys we have the best line of Clothing in the city, in STYLE, CUT and WORKMANSHIP. WE LEAD. Before making your purchases in spring goods look at our line. THE PEOPLE'S STORE I. ABRAHAM, PROP. ROSEBURG, OREGON. THE ROSEBURG HOUSE HARVEY JONES, Proprietor Rates $1.00 per day and upward New Brick. New Furnishings. Prompt Services. Opposite the S. P. Depot Grounds . . ." ." Local and Personal. P. Johnson, dentist, Grave's piano to rent. Apply at build 9ti mm Kr5 lasses CHOICE CANDIES ICE CREAM LATEST MILD DRINKS VW.SSSV.W.W.W. Our candies are the highest grade goods in town. Comparison is the only true test and the one we always win out on. When it comes to high grade and de licious goods we have no competitors. White Pine Expectorant This reliable Expeotorae Cough Cure is hard to beat for, the winter coughs. It has both expectorating and sedative qualities, checks exces sive coughing yet promotes expecto ration and therefore helps the re spiratory tract to throw off any of fensive material. A full 4 at bottle for 25c, A course of Osteopathic treatuieut , will put you on your feet. Now is the time to buy your bee and : poultry supplies, of if. K. Sykes. Col. J. G. Day of Olalla, has returned from a business visit to Portland. Brakeman O. M. Curtis and G. H. Gadke are laying off this week. C. L. Bee 1, wife and son, Fred, are visiting relatives at Lyons, Oregon. Furnished cottage on Parrott street ' for rent. Apply to Mrs. Stanton. tf Miss Koby Baker is visiting the family ; of her brother, Clair Baker, of this city. S. C. Miller, of Dillard, shipped two carloads of sheep to Portland last week. I. J. Norman spent Sunday at Boawell , Springs. He weut over to take a bath. William Gangnon, of Grants Pass, is i the guest of his mother, Mrs. F. O. Po-' quett. Brakeman, J. A. Armstrong has resigned his position with the S. P com pany. C. O White wife and son, of Myrtle Creek, were in Roeeburg on business Saturday. J. D. Hamilton of the Title Guarantee and Loan Co. spent the day in Oakland on business. Five horsepower Fairbanks & Morse gasolene engene for sale. Good as new. Inquire at this office. Mrs. F. H. Hunter has returned to : this citv after a two mint hs visit with her parents in Portland. Osteopathy is the best treatmeut known fur a permanent cure. The best is always the cheapest. J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and notary public Office up stairs in Douglas Countv Bank Building. tf E. K. Brightraan, an inmate of the Soldierv' Home who has been visiting in Ashland, has returned home. Mrs W. H. Wilson, of Drain, and daughter, Mrs. H. L Cooke, of Wilbur, were in Roseburg this week. The Cmpqua bakery is now located in its new building on Cass street, next door to the Case street meat mar ket. a3 tf H. J. Wilson, the Canyonville real es tate dealer, went north Saturday to visit several Willamette valley points includ ing Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Clements have moved to the Gold Flat mine and ex pect to spend the summer in that pleas ant locality. Glendale News. Jos. Bloberger has sold his interest in the C iss street meat market and the bus:nes will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of Hoover and C Jas. O. Xewland, the grocery man, made a business visit to Camas Valley by private conveyance Sunday. Mr. Newland reports the roads very g od as far as Olalla. The regular monthly Treating of the Roseburg Commercial Club will Le held at secretary, F. G. Micelli's office, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. All cit izens invited. W. H. Svkes Lumber C. T. Wiley and wife and I). C. Wiley of Camas valley were in this city last week on business. Peter Dirk who haebeen absent ( i the last Bye months in Wisconsin has r -turned 10 this city. A. K Caton. Nobis Andrews and Thurman Chancy of Myrtle Creek, were registered al McClaltoa Saturday. W. W. Chappei, formerly in the sa loon business in this city but now locat ed at I all City, l'ulk county, was in Roseburg last week on business. The com ty court today recorded a land patent issued July -ti, lsi;7, to the heirs of the Elsie Williamson estate and signed by Frank Cowan lor President Andrew Johnson. Rev. S. A. Pouglas, former pastor of the Baptist church in this city but now of Albany, arrived here this morning from the south having been visiting friends in Southern Oregon. The "C. F. F." deb, also Mrs. Mol arity and Earl Bemnluk enjoyed a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waite last Friday even ing. Two new suits have tieen filed in cir cuit court this week. Win Warren brings suit against J. O. JohsMQS), jr.to ret-over money on a promisory note; Churchill , Wool lev tiles an appeal from the Jus- tics court in their suit agaiust John INTERESTING LETTER FROM J. A. EGGERS KUPPENH EIMER CLOTHING j ing. Wanted, a this offiic. viu iuo. iv. i er, iui i.-1"" " Hunter, plows and cultivators. ()n M tUy of npx, mo,lth w Thomas Oui:n of Lisbon, North Dako- ciark. who has leen traveling as sales to is spending a few days ia this city. j man on ti)1 00M fa the past 1" years, F r Sale; House snd lot on Pine , will retire to private lite. Mr. Clark si et near depot. See J. A. Ruchauan. ' sold his first hill of goods in April 18ot 1 and in 1 f commence ! work as a Minidoka, Idaho, April 25. Editor Plaindealer My family arrived here from Dillard, Oregon, on the 16th inst., and we are now living on our bomealead one quarter of a mile from the Snake liver and one-half miie from the new town of llcyburn. This is a beautiful country and when the OVernment gets the water on the Ian I it will certainly soon become a rich farming country The land appears to he very rich. was fortunate in securing a beautiful lo cation and could not have gotten a let ter piece of land had 1 been here to have made the first selection. Parties two miles back from me say they would not take $1000 for their claims of so acres, yet other parties are offering their claims reasonable atnl some good claims can he had at a reasonable figure. Niv Broth er Conner, be sure and send us the Plaindealer at once as we must have the news from old Douglas. We expect the new town to lie opened soon and a paper will be started. There are tome good openings here for business. Very Truly JOHN a. EGGERS. C. H. BRUCE THE BOSS ANGLER Geo. Wonacott and Frank Cane, o' Riddle, were iu this city on business to day. Watch for the grand opening an nouncement of the Ksebtirg Roch dale Co. good groceries, in a few days. Partsch Bros., of the I'mpqua bakery, have lately installed a fine new up-to-date Twentieth Century sanitary soda fouutain. Keep your bowels regular by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. There is nothing better. For sale bv A. C. Marsters. pio neer sale-man on this coast. Mr. Clark is a vetrau ol the I ml war and his friends that if he cannot live will out hard work he may be a resident ol luiseburg as he is eligible to the soldiers home. Mr. Clark intends to visit Eng land and several other forcigu countries next year. Contractor Ira L. Harding commenced work todav on a neat, modern cottage 1 36x28 feel in the Rose tirove, for. Mr. ' Hidenger, an empolye on the S. P. rail . road at this place Mr. Harding has I just finished his srorfc for the contractu Fob S all Three very desirable home, ion the elegant home of Jchn K Sutlier near town and the best school in Douglas county. Address J. W. Motes Roseburg, Oregon. ml5p Fred Kribs, the well known timber land buyer came up from Portland this morning to spend a tew days in Rose burg lookiug after business nutters. The Drain baseball team played a matched game with the Cottage Grove team at the latter place Sunday which resulted in a score of IS to 7 iu favor of Drain. John Black, the genial D'ain banker, spent Friday in Roseburg looking after business matters and favored the P.aindealer with a pleasant call in its new home. Supt. L. R. Traver is in Pendleton, where he has been elected superintend ent of the city schools at a salary of flfiOO, probably arranging for his future work. Salem Journal. Contractor Ira Harding spent Bui day at Cottage Grove and was aeeoBsponaatf Buckingham, on his return this morning by John j,r ( Wallace, who will assist him in his ', building operations in Roseburg. lin of this city. He is a tirft-class work man and a good, conscientious gentle man, with whom it wiH pay intending builders to figure before awr ruing their contracts. He was engaged in contract ing and building at Cottage Grove last svason during the great building activity at that piace. i rronamy trie largest ni ever raugin j with a hook an 1 line in this state was in.'e.l At Wincliter kriiiav hv nuMA. assurer I . ger hrakeinen, (..has. It. brute. It was a RoTal Chinook Salmon measuring low fret and one inch in length and weigh ing .V pounds. It was g me to the Wst and required no little strategy and to land it. During the same day Mr Bruce lan led two other tine salmon at this favorite fi-hing resort on the North t'mpquj river ft miles north of Rose burg, one weighing St and the other 31 pounds. The nig tish wa placed on ex hi bit ion in cold storage at Frank Ken nedy's saloon Friday evening and at tracted no little attention Mr Bruce is easily the boss angeler up to date in j this virioi'.y, and his is the priie tug i fish storv of the season but it is a true d a 1 " ""L 9 LT H Married ! FOR HEN Men's Two Piece Outing Huits, $6.00 to $12.00 Men's Bade Suits, $12.50 to $20.00 TAN SHOES The Floraheim Shoe for Men. 'l'h; Grow Shoe for Ladies. Everything that the well dressed man desires for summer wear. JOSEPHSON'S C BIG 5T0RE BOL188 HOOVER, Al Ashland, April 2i, 1 90S, at the rasidence of Mr. Susie Drew, by Rev. W. T. Van Scoy, John K Silissand Miss Lizzie Hoover. Mr. Soliss is a son of D. B. Soliss, one kill of the successful pioneer fi.rniers of this section, and his bride is the accom plished daughter of L. E. lh'er, the weU-hSMMS nurseryman. iheir many frien 's ex'end theas congratulations and U-st wishes. Married at Salem s ory with omuttsJ. all ititi. us eu.beoisi. meats Mrs. Clarence L Pears-tn entertained her children. Father and Leone's teach ers Thursday evening, the rooms being prettily decorated with roees. The place carda provided each guest with a genten.an as a partner in the games. , etc The prue for the word contr', "Twelve Di-agreeable Mise," was won by Mrs. C. fc. Roller's. Miss Thnaaasasl secured the cons-lation prize. At flinch Miss Thompson won the best piire. Those preaeaS were: viss Bi islam. M.s Fu e'.on. Miss Thompson. I iss K at. ' ir- i'.e.ers. Mrs. C K. Rorn-rts. Miss Mauri. Mrs. V. H Buckingham, Miss Clark. Miss Aiken and Vera ROSEBURG AND EUGENE AT FAIR Mrs. Ruth Chamtwrlain. of Roseburg and Mr. W. K. Shangle. of l ortland, were married in th parsonage of the Leslie church at Salem. Ore., April 27. P0ft. The bride and groom left on the morning boat for their future home in Portland. Jas. Frater Married Notice. Notice is hereby given that, on or alsjiit the 2-rth of January, 1!0, there were lost or stolen from the resilience of Chas. H. Bittiug, of Douglas county, Oregon, two notes and one check, the latter being drawn on the First Na tional Hank, of Kowburg, Oregon, and signed by one L II. Winget in the sum oi about $i3. The first of the notes was made by B. C. Agee, lavor Chas H. Bit tiug, in the sum of $410, rate of 8 per cent in., and the second m: de by W. S. . Brosi, favor Chas. H Bitting, in the sum of S00, rate S per cent, each of said notes being made on or about the 30th day of May, IMS. AH persons are here bv warned against purchasing or receiv ing the said and above described notes and check, as arrangements are being made for settling the same. Dated this 10th day of April, 190-5. A. M. Arrinotox, Administrator of the estate of Chas. H. Bitting, deceased. a!7 m!6 Farming lachinery Repaired J4.1ES ARR4C'SUcbhc Shop Repair E..gt:i. Bolle a. AotumoUeli. Stcrele. ah kiwla of Mill MactalDerr. Farm Machinery. Lawn Mowcra. all kindiof linaiUag and "ol;-h-.ttC done al the Cr. Waakiaguaj mmd Ummr WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Soft, ran inter thla bead will be charged !or at Uie rale ot one cent a w rd lor two t naerf.on. No adveituece'j atcn tor leaa than tea eeaia ley has purchase I the o:fii-e e. juipments, ins'rnments etc , of ! Dr. Fisher and is today moving them Fred J. Blakely returned home from an extended business visit in the east this morning, having stopped over en ; route at Portland the last two or three days to attend the big convention of the Oregon Development League, he being j a vice president of the state league. Special sales by Stearns & Cbenowith Oakland and Yoncalla, White ami other l I ; sewing machines $15.00 and up; water pipe; wire, plain and barbed : cut and . wire nails ; the only guaranteed black smith coal; two carloads Page woven wire fence, the only tempered wire fence for s de. aS tf Mr. J. I. Love, who has been acting in the capacity of night operator at the Southern Pacific depot for several months left Wednesday morning for Dillard. where he will relieve Mr. C. O. Pearson, who will bid in the position of second trick operator at this place. I his will place John Summers on the "Owl." ti. P. Herald. W. M. HODSON & GO. 711 OAK STREET MACHINE WORK Of ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY : BICYCLE SBIDRItS AID KPMMsC : CRIIDIIC, SAW CUMHIIC complete failure this season in his local ity as a result of the early April frost. 1 nnli. nlinaridi nattla riri'o.a an, from Skelley last week and informed pruoe and peach crop will be nearly that he intends to leave tins wee lor Pennsylvania where he will be for a short lime on business. Early Sitorday afternoon a residence on West Douglas street occupied by Mrs. ; Frank Brothers and owned by 8. I. Thornton was almost totally destroyed 1 by fire Most all the furniture and , on lne remaining portion of his right i household goods were saved by the i above the knee. Mr. Devauey says ; Dromot action of the neighbors and fire-1 tnBt inCe the last operation hiB health into bis office in the Iooglas county (tank buil ling. Dr. Fisher will remain in R selur ior a short ti ne to che up his hu-dness here, alter which, he and his family will leave for the east. Dr Fisher expect ti. spend two years In study in Eastern institutions beiore aarain jtt'.i:.g .'own to active practice During his residence in this city Dr. Fisher and his ife have rflalTe mitty friends and they regret very much to leave Roseburg, but the health of Mrs. Fisher has not been the l-st while here anil is the cause of their leaviiig Koee-biirg. Capt Hamlin informs the Plaindealer that the target rSatge is now in first-claS order for target practice at all ranges up to 1000 yards. The new frames for the i ife size figure' for the skirmish firing ; and several thousand rounds of ammu ! uition will arrive shortly. Co D has the finest range in the state as well as the largest. All ranges are equipped with . . .; telephones. Considerable interest is lie esteemed citizen of ! . ., . . . Illg limuiirpiri oi taigei juaiinr uii year a the local shooters wish to show that they are not quitters simply because ttiey were defeated last year, and then the probability of an inter-state an I na tional slfot as Well as the state aboot creates interest among those who are ' ambitious of making the big tenns. : . 111 I .. . f other fruits will be plentiful. m mamZ r" .... ' feet on the S iiitl.ern Pacitic R. R 8 mth I BH ike uevaney ana wne nave returneo from Portland where Mr. Devaney un derwent a second successful operation Portland, April S7, 1906. Mr. S. EL Friendly, Kugene Oregon. Dear Sir: Pursuant to your verbal request o! even date. I have changed Kugene aud Cottage Grove day" from; Tuesday. June 6th. to Fri lay, June M, j n place of Rosebnrg day" fur lues-! day, June Wth. Oovernor lTiamteriaiu and the Ore gon state commission have been noti fied of these changes, and 1 trust they ill meet your requirements, as EsMBWS now has the same day as the Oregon Slate I'uiversity. Yours very truly, TsMsOfMBS H aSOStS, A?f-i'tant to the President. I E x -Conductor Jan iea Frater and Miss Ida Oaniere. daugl u-rof Mr. and Mrs. C. M. ianiere. of Ashland, were mar- ried al the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. Wrren. at I.-jS Angeles last Mon day. They were passengers on Wednes day strain enronte home to Portland and were visited at the depot bv the : bri ie's relatives and old friends. Mrs Prater haa been residing at Lai Angeles , ior the past year, previous to which j lime she lived al Portland for a year. Mr rnteris the proprietor ol a cigar store in Portland. Ashland Record,. April tt. Notice A fine ranch for sale. One hundred and fifty-live acres of fine ranch land worth 1 1000, but will take f740 if sold at once. Any homeseeker that wants a bargain should communicate or see me before buying Address Alien Wilson Camas Valley, Ore. mlp WASTED A competent boatec lrea A. T. Aanbioae, Yoacalla. Oregon ad- Team For Sale A gfal. gentle gray team, weight about 1 JUU each, for bale. Inquire at Farmers Feed Stables, Riseborg, Ore. To Ladies of Roseburg. Lecturer and Entertainer Coming Thomas S. Handsaker. the noted lec turer and entertainer i!l de :-r h;s (.minus lectnre entitled -itnt" at the Christian church Toes lay ever.ir.g May It will be an evening I f pleasure and inspiration. You cannot afford to mis it. The press speaks in the highest terms of the lecturer and his theme. Mrs. Aiitenre:th's suit book for the spring styies has jsaS arrived with samples of both silk shirt waist and suits. We will be pleaised to have the ladies call and see them. At resiJence on Jackson street, sc-uth of K.ks build ing, tut p ant -d to Lei Contract, for burning 110.000 to MufM l-rick at Black Butte Mine. Address or call on W. B Dennis, blaikbutte. Lane Co., Oie. XT w ASTEl To exi-hange a fond blercla for a dr. v;nx none. Apply lo box X7i. Banoara. Or. WASTED 1 to 4 lou to R-aKtMif, eaatral, itb or wiihon: imprjreaenu: pie- man ba rUbt;caab. illna r. O. box , Boaebais. We Want Wool AT THE ROSEBURG JUNK & HIDE COIPANTS CORNER ROSE AND OAK STS. WE PAY CASH For Anything You Have to Sell WOOL WANTED ra -a .-. MRS. H. EASTON Notice K. of P. Saturday evening May ". '. ' '.-.ir.-quet room in ihe 1. O. O. F. hall. I'ni form Lank will ! organ:r-sl. All in terested are requested to te present. Committee. A Dandy for Burns. Dr. Bergin. have used B al i'ana, ard's svs reeommeiidc I III., writes: "I Snow Liniment it to mv Irieuds j J. M. Lee per. an the Oakland vicinitv, was in town Sit j urdav, looking af'er business matters manager of the Skelley : , 'nUasant business call on the Plain - n . a L.om iny, was in iwseourg , . . in(ormed ug lhat t!ie iuilaD Letter List. Remaining uncalled for at burg port ollice. B II Mrs C J Boren Mr w II Chambers J C Eddy James B Kisber Mrs J F Phillips A 1. the Kosi- as I am confident there is no letter made. "It is a dandy for burns.' IhaSC who live on farms are espec ally liab.e to many atvideulal cuts, burns, bruises, rnirn heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment is applievl. It should always f kept in the house for cases of emerg ency." 1'V. xc and 1100. Sold by A. C. Marsters A Co. Before selling your wool clip be sure and call on the undersigned and get our quotations KRUSE & NEWLAND. is prepared to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a full and complete stock of GROCERIES All freeh and of the very best quality. Teas aad tefleee are specialties. Tour patronage solicited. ao5 Jackson St.. Rsssbuff i. rge .- 1 I... - .Lluti.. men. 1 tie nre was cauocu- u odeum flue Mr. Thofnton has his loss cov covered by 40(j insurance. GRAND DISPLAY OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS For all that's NEW see RQE & RICE Reliable Furniture and Furnishing is here. Keep us in mind House cleaning time is now with us So Tome here for your needs in FURNITURE and RANGES. i NEW LINE OF BEAUTIFUL HAMMOCKS, SWEllEST EVER SHOWN IN ROSEBURC LACECURTAINS, CARPETS, MATTINGS, LINOLEUMS, SHAPES, CURTAIN POLES WALL PAPERS-BEAUTIFUL PATTERHS LIMINCS AT 3 I -2 TO 51 -2 PER YARD CROCKERY AND CLASS WARE, WE HAVE PILES OF IT FURNISHING HOUSES COMPLETE IS OUR SPECIALTY nmr 0 ninC THE HOUSE KIUL Oi mUL FURNISHERS he believes has improved on account of being lid u( the pain and worry his in jured limb caused him. He soon hopes to be able to wear an artificial limb. Supervisor S. C. Bartruni returned home Saturday from an official trip through the reserve in Jackson and over to Klamath county, where he personally inspected the reserve boundary suivey recently completed by a corps of his rangers. Tomorrow, May 2, the Su pervieor will send his second relay ol rangers into the field (or the season ami the strenuous life resulting from hi greatly multiplying dmies will date from this time. T. Y. Dean, who has been in the ser vice of the Southern Pacific Company in the capacity of warehouseman lor the past five yeaia has resigned his position to take the management of the livery business of which be is a owner. We join in wishing him much success. The J position made vacant by Mr. Dean's resignation will be filled by (). W. : Holmes, who has been night baggage man, and the night baggageman's posi I tion will be filled by M. K Holmes, who has been doing extra work about the ' depot and round house for some time. 43. P. Herald. : of Portland on May o, next. The pres ent schedule went into effect atuiit : three months ago when it bananas nec i ! sary to dock the big ferry Uat, operai i ing at llenecia, Calif , for repairs, neces 1 sitating a revision of the time card. Ke I pairs on the ferry are altout completed, j and on May 5, it will be ready for re- op ration. It is not likelv that the forthcoming new schedule will affect the southbound trains. The principal change will occur in the time of the northbound local No. IS, which mw ar rives here at 11 :2T a. m. As forecasted at the local depot, No. 12 will arrive here under the new schedule at about 9 :30 a. m. and reach Portland at 6 :25 p. m., in time to connect with two out going trains. The change in time ol the arrival ol train No. 16, which readier here at 11 :05 p. m , will be a matter ol only a few minutes. Sears Mr W BaxtM J Tmniee Mr Thomaa Mr C S Wt Mr Wm Weatherby l'earl White Mr F H Persons calling for these letters will p'ease "tate the date on hich they are advertised. May 1. IMS. The letters will be charg-il for at the rate of one cent each. May Day Ball A grand May Day hall will be given at the Armory hall Monday evening May 1st, 1905, under the auspices of the Lady Maccabees. A fine supper will be served and good music will be secured. A good time is promised those who at tend. Wood and hay ior sale, with J. F. Barker & Co. feave orders tf Fine Farm For Sale. 517 acres; larm situated 10 miles from Roseburg. Good dwelling house, 2 barns and plenty of out building" ; all .fenced. 110 acre, rich river bottom lan 1, balance goo I timber and pasture. 20 acres in alfalfa, 10 acres in wheat. Price reasonable. Call on or address K. W. M AKbTKHM, ml Ko-teburg, (ire. For Sale Ixt cornor of Douglas and Kane St. opposite Court bouse. Size HOxSl feet, on ea y terms. Kmjnire of N. T Jewett tf Med. BENNETT At hi home near Mil -wool, Oregon, Apri1 X5, 1906, Mr George Bennett, aged I1 years, of ty phoid pneumonia. Mr. Bennett is survived by hi wife and one brother. The funeril was held at the Coles Valley cemeterv on Wednesday. C. Wanted, Address of Wm Edes Information as to the address of Wil liam Ivies, or heirs, if he is dead. He served iu the 1st Oregon Infantry in the Civil War. Small recovery can proba bly be made. Address Harvey Spalding & Sons, Washington, D. C. jl The management of the Hotel McClal len wishes to announce that on circus day they will have ample extra dining room help (or all those wishing to get their meals close to the circus grounds which will be located in Kinney Addi tion, just north ol the Hotel McClalten. 2tml Health Youtn. Disease and Si, kness Bring Old Kgt lierbiiie, taken every morning Ixdore breakfast, will k ). yon in robust health, fit you to ward off disease. It cures constipation, billiousness, dyspep sia, fever skin, lives and kidney com plaints. It pari Sea the blood and clears the complexion. Mrs. D. W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes April 3, 1SK1I : "I have uied llerbine, and find it the lest medicine for constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for it. I can highly recommend it. 50c Sold by A. C. Marsters . Co. You can have A Baentiiul Super) al Health. Harmony. Durability. Joy. Cleanliness, Peace throuch tbe application ol IHL MOST PtHtttl ur ILOOB PAINTS MADE BY flTaSf H f PUT UP IN Quart. Hail-GaDsti and Gallon Cans BEADY FOR USE You Can Apply It Sold by 5. K. SYlvfcS Phone 351 - - - - Roseburg, Or, A. D. BRADLEY FOR SECOND WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO QUOTE THE LOWEST PRICES. GOODS All kinds of Household and other goods bought and sold. Don't fail to see our large stock of NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. HARNESS AND HARNESS MAKING A. D. BRADLEY W. V. Cardwell h.t i.-ui. .. -d fiom a business visit to the farm of Wm. Vin (0.1 in Coles Valley. He informs us t .at a very pleasant danciag party was held tin re last Halurday night, and that alter the dance as Frank and Wm. Layard and their sisters were returning home in a carriage in the riarknes-i th-y accident Iv drove off of a small bridge near the Vinson home aud the carriage was overturned, one of the lad is being very badly bruised about the head and body. SURE DEATH SQUIRREL POISON Sp.eJy Des truction of 54'jirrjls, G ph ;. Rr.i, flice, Crows, Etc. SURE DEATH To Gophers and Squirrels. Tbe bet article yet prepared for the destruction of these aim pests. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. DRUGGISTS ROSEBURG, OREGON i SUdSCRIBTFOR THE PLAlNDEALfcK