The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 01, 1905, Image 2

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Entered In the Post Offlco at RaMfewc Oregon,
as Second Cava Mail Mailer in Mfc
W. C. CONNER, Editor
8emi-Weekly One Year; IJOu: Beat-Weak)
Six JloDths, $1 00. Cask in Advance.
Advert 'sing Rates. N sea pet atagfee column
inc. ner month. Locals. ." vents a line.
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sai
J1J0 ililjii
J4J5 J6J7J8 J9 201
2I 22 23 24 25 26 27
281291 303 fl 1
Rev. Dr. Wa.-liinton Gladden, Mod
erator of the Congregational Church,
preaching in Columbia, O.. on "The
Religion of a lawyer." said:
"There are a'grw't many lawyers
whose revenues are large 'simply be
cause thev have earned the reputa-
' tion of being able to obstruct and
paralyze and defeat the law of the
land; who are recognized by the crim
inal and predatory classes, rich and
poor, as their allies.
"As there is no service more sac
red than that to which the adminis
tration of law invites a good man, so
there is no mischief more diabolical
than that for which the bad man tinds
J in the same calling his opportunity.
; When 1 think of the manner in which
some of them have sold their legai
talent to gigantic plunderers, how
J they have put their vast learning at
the sen'ice of men they knew bent on
I perpetrating colossal wrongs, it is
hard for an honest man o stand in
their presence and hold back the flam
ing words of indignation."
Friday, May 5, Exhibits of Norris iV
Rowe's circus at Roseburg
Order of Railway Conductors ot
America, Portland. May 9-14.
Thursday, June 1, Opening at th
Lewie and Clark Centennial, Portland.
Weeton, Oregon, June 2 and 3
Eleventh annua! pioneers' reunion.
National America Woman Suffrage
Msociation, "Portland, June 29, July 5.
American Medical association, Port
land, July IM4.
There will be a good fruit crop,
thinned sufficiently to make a superior
grade of fruit.
A granddaughter of Jefferson Davis
is to be married to a relative of Gene
ral Grant. Let us have some more
For at least a generation past the
first day of May has been dreaded
more than any other in the entire
year in those parts of Europe where
Nihilists. Intransigeants. Irreconcila
bles. Communists, Anarchists and
countless other peace-disturbers have
been wont to choose that day for up
risings. France, Italy. Germany, Austria.
Spain have all experienced May Day
disturbances. This year Russia rec
ognizes internal evidences of a prob
able breaking out on this dav of" a
discontent that seems to have ramifi
cations in every part of the vast em
pire, and there is a possibility that
the railroad strike in Italy, whijh be
gan on April 17, may be extended to
this fateful day.
Senator Elkins has invited about
fifty railway managers to testify as
to how they can best be restrained by
federal legislation.
It must rejoice, the British tax
payer that Great Britain proposes to
make its navy greater than that of
any other three European powers.
"flow shall the masses be reached?"
ask Secretary Shaw. We can assure
the Secretary that there is no better
waj than through the advertising
columns of this paper.
The loudest howl about the em
ployment of coolie labor on the Pa
nama canal comes from gentlemen
who could not be hired to throw out
a spadeful of earth at any price.
The meeting of the state Commer
cial Clubs with the Oregon Develop
ment at Portland last week was a
great success. After it was all over
Secretary Tom Richardson said: "It
was a rousing good convention.
President Smith's idea of holding
meetings of the different sections to
dispatch various divisions for the sub
jects was the best I have ever seen.
It was surprising the interest created
in this way and the depth with which
they dealt with topics in each section
made the strongest features of the
gathering. The general meetings
were excellent, and delegates evinced
In relation to a mining exhibit from
DougUa County at t tie Lewis anil Clark
fair, Hon. 1. !. K. Hoick lias recei veil
the following self-explanatory letter
from the secretary of the Bohemia
Miue owners' Association :
Bohemia, Ore., April 23, 1905.
l. S. K. Bun k. Km)., Koseburg, Oie
Dear Sir: It has come to the knowl
edge of our association that liouglas
County desires to miike an exhibit of
Boi em i a ores at the Lewis and Clark
Kxpoeition. At a meeting held
yesterday at the Musick mine I was in
structed to inform you that this Associa
tion already have from 7 to 10 tons of
ore in Portland for this purpose. The
cost of collecting and shipping san! ex
hibit was a little more than f 1000 ; all of
which Boat has been paid by members
of the association, and that said ores
ware collected from all parts of the
District, probably as much or more
from Douglas county as lane county.
At the special meeting yesterday held
for the purpose of electing a competent
man to stay in Portland all the time
during the fair and represent said ex
hibit, Mr. W. H. Shane was elected to
said position. Mr. Shane is a citizen
and registtred voter in IHUt;las county.
The estimated cost of keeping Mr.
Shane in Portland during all the fair is
about 880 to 700.
Only a small attendance was present
at our meeting yesterday, but we re
ceived pledges of about 1188 more in
addition to the fl00 we have already
expended. Kugene and Cottage Orove
have expressed a willingness to help ns
ia this matter. It has been suggested
that if Douglas county properly under
stood the situation we could get some
assistance from that source also. Ti e
Bohemia Mine Owners' Association
desires that you Uke this matter up
with other representative men of your
town and render us some assistance if
possible. We believe that if you could
raise $150 to be spent in conjunction
with the exhibit we alreauy have on
the ground, you would derive more
benefit from it than twice that amount
spent in attempting to get out ores
over the snow in the present condition
of the roads.
Hoping to hear from you, I am,
Yonrs truly,
A. P. CurRCiULL, Secy.
Forest Rangers, A. S. Ireland and S.
L McKee while engaged in surveying
out the west boundarv line of the forest
reservo in Jackson county on April 21,
after having penetrated to the heart of
a forest jungle came upon a mountain
lioness or cougar with two kittens and a
verv thrilling encounter ensued. Mr.
Mckec was walking along on a great
fallen tree, Mr. Ireland beiag nearby,
when on jumping down at the burned
and hollow end of the log, the cougar
jumped from its lair in the opening and
lasl.ed tbiough the undergrowth. Mr.
McKee only got a glimpse of the fleeing
1 .cast and was not able to identify it, but
was assured by Mr. Ireland, who had a
iiihkI view of it that thev were about to
encounter a mountain lion. It was pro-
pised to inspect the opening in the tree
from whence the cougar took flight.
w hen two tine cubs were found and tak
en captives, whereupon they set up a
plaintive cry, bringing the now- inturi
aied mother to their rescue. Mr. Ire-
1 uid had the two cubs in hi arms, and
standing erect the lioness struck at him
aril h one of her great claws tearing all
the clothing from bis right arm. At
this juncture Mr. McKee dealt the fero
cions beast a heavv blow with an ax.
the only weapon at hand, nearly sever
ing the head from the body. However,
the neck was not broken and the beast
with a tierce cry dashed off in the under
brush. It was tracked some distance by
a stream of blood but owing to the rug-
L-odness of the country the adventure
some rangers were com pel leu to give up
the chase. The cubs were carried out
into civilization and turned over to a
Washinuton, April 28. John A,
Benson, the California land operator
who was indicted here for alleged land
frauds in West, and whose removal
from New York to the District of Co
lumbia was ordered by the supreme
court, has applied for a rehearing of the
case on the ground that the District of
Columbia baa no legal existence be
cause it was conveyed to the United
tales by Maryland without any au
thority of the latter state to make such
a conveyance. Therefore the Cnited
Statu has no jurisdiction.
Sunday School Picnic
J. T. Spaugh of Inking Glass was a
business visitor in Koseburg today. He
informs the Plaindealer that the Look
ing Class Sunday school will hold a
grand picnic in Flournoy valley with
o:her Sunday schools May 20, at 10 a. m.
everybody invited to attend, bring lunch
basket and have a good time. There
will be songs, speaking, recitations,
drills and other exercises. Rev. Hicks
of Koaeburg will deliver an address on
this occasion.
On account of Lewis and Clark Ex
position at Portland, Oregon, the South
ern Pacific Co., will sell tickets daily,
from May -Vth to October 15th, 1X05, at
the following reduced ratea. Indi
vidual ticket at one and one-third fare
lor the roand trip, good thirty days but
not later than Oct. Slot, 1905.
For parties of ten or more from one
point, (mutt travel together oo one
ticket both ways) party ticket will be
old at one fare for the round trip, good
ten days.
For organized parties of 100 or more,
moving on one day from one place, in
dividual ticket will be sold at oue fare
for the round trip, good ten day. No
top over will be allow ed on any of the
above ticket, t.iey must be used for
continuous passage in each direction.
In addition to tbe aoove. Coach ex
cursion will be run from time to 'ime,
for which individual ticket good only
in Coachea will be eold at very low rates
Portland Centennial
Oregon' mining display at the fair
will show astonishing rich depoaits of
gold, silver and copper, with spe. imen
of gold from verr rich new discoveries
that ran a high a $'J0,000 to the ton.
Official of the War Department and
the Interior Department have arrived
from Washington and are hard t work
installing tbe exhibit of ttkaM executive
brancoea of the government at tbe fair.
The Easter dree parade at the fair
wa gorgeoua. Many thouaand of
people enteral the fair gates, the dav
being delightfully bright od balmy.
Everybody wa astonished at the rapid
progress of the work of finishing the
Macleay'i Canyoo, a wonderful scenic
park leading up into tne mountains irom
the fair ground, promises to attract
An Oregon Sunrise
The following poem, bvAldon Harness,
i a fair specimen of bia poems, included
in a neat little volume entitled "Lewis
and Clark : A Souvenir Book," which
has recently been published by the
Plaindeaiei Job Office. Beside tbe
poems entitled "Lewis and Clark,"
"Oregon," ' The Willamette," "Crater
Lake," and "Tbe Prower of Music," it
contains a number of other poems, some
of them describing scenes in Egypt and
Palestine. The book will be mailed to
any one sending 10 cent. Address all
order to Aldon Harness, Koaeburg,
Where, far into the heavens broad,
Tow Vd mountains, silent, cold
Where, like a vast, dim moon-lit flood,
Columbia's waters roll'd.
I stood and watched the waning stars
Withdraw their tender light;
Then, in the east, saw crimson bars
Of morning gleaming bright.
Deep silence, at that solemn hour,
Unbroken, boundless, free,
Reigned in sublimity and power,
On mountain, hill and lea.
At last, the great bright morning star
Passed slowly out of sight.
And shinning pinnacles afar
Rose high in golden light.
Mount Hood majestic, tall and lone,
With battlements of snow,
Resplendent, red and purple, shown,
Reflecting morning's glow.
Far, lar below hi frozen dome,
Fell gleam of dawning day,
Where, wrapped in vapor and in gloom.
Green hills and valleys lay.
As forest, field and prairie wide,
Awakened from r pose,
Up, ovei mountains glorified.
The great sun slowly rofce.
Where. cIom: by cbff and crag austere,
I watched the dawn unfold,
Colombia's wa'e-s, far snd near.
Swept onward linge-l with gold.
As I beheld the bright red dime,
Iu eastern skies, decline,
Revealing grander beauty, came
A ray of light divine.
Then as that light within me glow'd,
Thoughts, darkened, passed away,
And all that scene, bright realm of God .
I viewed in perfect day.
Bargains for all I
Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $2 00
Swell line of Combination Cases
Ranging in Price from $15 to $28
Take a look at our Buffets
From $25.00 to $38.00. :: ::
Life is What You Make It
To the preacher life's a sermon,
To the joker it's a jest ;
To the miser life is money,
To the loafer life is rest.
To the lawyer life' a trial.
To tbe poet life' a song ;
To the doctor life's a patient.
That nv Is treatment right along.
To the soldier life's a battle.
To the teacher life's a school ;
Life's a "good thing" to tbe grafter.
It' a failure to tbe fool.
A complete stock of all the best brands and grades
of staple and fancy Groceries. New and fresh
goods on which we have removed the tariff.
All kinds of early vegetables and fruits kept con
stantly on hand. Highest market price paid
for all kinds of farm product'.
ihouaands of people who will visit Port- j To the man upon the engine
land thi aammer. Tbe park i (till in Life' a long and heavy grade ,
it primitive state, except for winding . t a gamble to the gambler,
paths that lead through tbe tree and op To the merchant life is trade,
and down tbe steep bill. j ye-f , pi..,are the Brtjrt
Two special trains, magnincieutU- j r the rascal life' a fraud ;
equipped, will bring to tbe fair in July ' Life perhaps is but a burden.
' several hundred of the businea men of To the man beneath the hod.
Secretary Loeb has begun to deny
the wild stories that have gained i making the m st of the advantages
circulation regarding the President's
hunting trip. We fear the Secretary
has started in on a long tedious
.Special to the Plair.dea'.er.l
ti endale, May I, 1905.
El. Holtz, trackwalker, noticed a fire near a fence
iust bo.ith of the long trestle uorth of Glendale this moru-
He examined the hre and discovered me doq 01 a j nover .under the auspice of the ln u?e i. lovely to ttosw,
who had been mnrdered last mgnt. ver commercial liuo. m me
will be a number of millionaire, uuj
promise to be tne moil elaoorata com-
would have their effect in nn King this i stains indicated the spot'where the murder was committed, mercial -junk" ever undertaken in
a more attractive place to live in by t ustice Montgomery is holding a coronet's inquest at this I ADenM
hour. The murder, up to this tune, is a complete mystery
to all.
vTMt entnusi:i.-m in even- S'J trees tun
f. hnrmnnr in' hnil.W nn 111:111 bumed tO 2. CriSD,
Oregon and in achieving any ends that , Evidence of a desperate struggle on the track, and blood ,
with which the state
bountifullv endowed."
has been so
The office of Minister to Panama
The wild-evd, fanatical individual, Probate .
who, unfortunately for Kugene, has
the editorial management of the Dai-
is soon to be abolished, and John i ly Guard published in that city, criti- Oodon,
Barret is to be transferred to another j cises the Plaindealer editor for an
South American Ministry, paying the j article, which appeared in our last is-
same salary as he now receives. He ! sue, bearing on land fraud matters. If
will be made Minister to Bogota. i this narrow, prejudiced, partisan and
. I eccentric individual could read plain
The four sovereigns of England, - and comprehend what he
Austria, bermany and Italy w . k.U U. nir th : his own badness
1 VCSUOf 14- nuuivj uu v a vvvfi, a. v w ,
article in question to have been a
press notice sent out from Portland
In tl-.e matter of the rwtition of S. H
I). Whit-eM and P. L.
VVhitsett f r the appointment ot a
guardian over the estate of Enoch P. '
Anderson, an allege.! incompetent,
Jm&ga M. I Thompson has rendered a
decision boldiug that Mr. Anderson is j
"not incapacitated , on account of age
or bodily infirmities from transacting
and finds further that ;
Those fleets should tight and have the
agony over.
Oregon wa thoroughly developed on
paper lact week.
V hit is the largest room in the world"
The room for improvement.
Tbe sky makes an excellent roof for
the universe, but not the lieat place for
farm tools.
List of Jur jrs
$13,000,000 per year in the wav of
salaries. That is to say four kings
take the table stakes in Europe.
Much the same wav in this country.
ri Tne transier oi too irai . , lu in-, wucu m iuun ibiis iu in
said Enoch I'. Anderson and leasing of , leason they ti g the teacher. Isn't
his persoutl property to Frank Hahn, there some sense in tha "
to the various papers, the Plaindealer i referred to in the petition in this cause, i According to a medical journal
having clipped the dispatch from the that said Anderson ia fully jrotectedin tjssing is dangerous under certain
At a moment when the fate 0f ! Journal and published it with-;''" in MiJ. P"'' an.d " j conditions." It i.. Tbe kissee must
At a moment when the fate of, J mmmi for Hfa -! willing.
Nations is depending on a Titanic -"- M)reil ag appears from the record aart
Naval struggle in another hemisphere j and we have no apologies to offer to HUs o the clerk of thig court." The
we are impressed with the loveliness ' the Guard therefor. An independent, ; petititi-m for the appointment of a
of peace and also with the power 0f unbiased review of the land fraud guardian is therefore d,au..sed.
ironclads. Let. us not neglect the ; nas ine MO e,ie" uVm
on or th other I Guard editor that the flaunting of a
I red bandanna does upon a mad bull.
It mu3t make the Czar green with ! Brother Campbell, you are tired, and
nvy to read of a chief executive who
can leave his Secretary of State in
charge and retire into the wilderness
for a genuine bear hunt. The Czar
knows now what a bear hunt is, but
he does not know the joys of being
the huntsman -
make the rest of us the same way.
You need a vacation, a long, long
rest and so does vour subscribers.
Junior Day Program
Oregon creditors will have a good
remedy against many of their bad
debtors after May IS, when the act of
the last legislature regarding the ex
emption of wages from excution will
go into effect. This act amends the
law3 by making one-half the earning
of the debtor subject to execution
proceedings if the debt be for family
For the protection of telephone
subscribers and of women employed
in telephoneexchanges Senator Wil
cox has introduced a bill providing
that profane or objectionable lan
guage over the telephone shall be a
misdemeanor. Senator kWilcox evi
dently has never received that pro
fanity provoking retort, "line's
There is a very proud youth at
Seattle who is going to Portland in a
few days to spend the summer. His
name is Lewis Clark, and he will be
secretaiy to Elmer E. Johnston, ex
ecutive commissioner for the state of
Washington, at the Lewis and Clark
Exposition. Lewis Clark was born in
Lewis county. Wash., and named for
Meriwether Iewis, P.ut it is not be
cause Iewis Clark bears the sur
names of .both the great explorers
that he has been selected by Commis
sioner Johnston for that important
position. He has other qualifications.
"I want work, Mr. Johnston, and
plenty of it," said a boy of 17 years,
who applied to the commissioner
some weeks ago for a position in con
nection with the exposition. "Plenty
of work? Ah, I like that now," said
the commissioner. "Well, you look
like a bright boy. 1 think I can use
you. W hat is your name r Clark,
replied the boy, "Iewis Clark."
Following is the program for Junior
Day, Friday evening, May 5, 105, at
the Opera House.
Instrumental Solo Blanch Beard
Oration "Winning of Oregou"
rrie Black
Orati n ' Longfellow" Ethel Beard
Vocal Duet . . Misses Cornutt an 1 Bishop
Oration "Grecian Mythology"
Merta lUles
Oration "Activity" Mar Hanan
Instrumental Duet
Misses Coshow .nd Bales
Oration "" i..
Margaret McClalleu
Oration "Solomon's Temple"
Eugene Jewett
Instrumental Solo Grace Moore
Oration "Indian Legends"
Grace LaBrie
Oration "Pipes of Lucklow"
Lenoir Kagsdale
Vocal Solo Ellen Flook
Oration "Echoes" Liiith Vloore
Oration "Success" Mary McCarthy
Vocal Duet
Prof. Sanders and Arrie Black
Oration "Our Debt to the Pioneers". .
Ethel Shupe
Oration "Alexander Hamilton"
Jack Wharton
Music Selected
Admis ion free.
Bv an oninion rendered bv Attor- What.' exclaimed Mr. Johnston
P m m
- . I iii . " yi 1 . .X
ney-General Crawford the state land I iewis t iarK, j repeated tne young
board has authority to cancel all deeds ' man. "That's (a mighty appropriate
and certificates to school lands where- ' name," said the commissioner. After
in frauds appear on the records, i further talk with the applicant, Mr
This means that about 1,00 J,000 acres Johnston engaged Lewis Clark,
of la.nd mav revert to the sLate. The
. .. . . I Mrs. Sadie McGregor, of Portland
attorney-general says it must be wfao hM toen vjgiting her Mrg
proven conclusively that fraud exists c. w. Martin o: this city has returned
before action is UAen. Lome.
The latest New York (a 1 is calling
cauls for dogs. Presumably the dog'
card is sent in with that of the moukev
that owns it.
"Resolved; That we gravely doubt
the sincerity of President Roosevelt'
proatestations against race suicide.
(Signed) Tbe Bears of Colorado.
A piece of radium the size of a pea
placed over Roseburg on a dark night
would make the city lighter than dur
ing tbe brightest sunshine.
A Massachusetts court has decided
that when a man takes four drinks a
day be is "addicted" He may be a
dieted but it ia hardly probable that be
is satisfied.
A Chicago university man ha dis
covered that the 4th of July should
come on Aug. IS. He should now go
and bury himself, with Osier and a few
other crank.
Countess Helen von Schweiniti ha
won a diploma from Berlin university
a "a lady deotist." Oh, joy! Imag
ine the delight of having a countess
playing that electric buzz saw around a
sensitive tooth.
Following ara the name of the juror
drawn for the regular term of the Cir
cuit Court for IVmgla county, which
will open on May 15, 1905:
Isadora Rice, larmer, Ri e Hill
S D Evan, " Daayq Ferry
Robt Hunt, " Oakland
Sam' I Whittaker, farmer. Oakland
L Dimmick, investor, Oakland.
O C Set! sr. farmer, Glendale
E Imer 0 a ley , fruitgrower Can yon vll le
J I. Boyle, farmer, Canyonville
L St Ore, " Drain
i ee Barker, " Drain
W H Ollivant, " linking Glass
To the player life is plat j
j Life may bv a loa.i ot trouble
j Tu tbe man upon tbe dray.
Life is but a long vacation
To tbe man who loves hi work
Life' an everlasting effort
To shun duty to tbe shirk.
To tbe heaven blest romancer
Life' a story ever new:
Lile is what we try to make it
Brother, what is life to yon?
S. E.
Society Meetings.
Anything yon need for & Fruit C&Ke or Mince Meat
J. F. BARKER SCO. Phone 201
F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. IS.
H J:d reruia- meetings nn
and f ortb Weft'eda ol
non b. J. T. Bauoora, W. M
K. T. J i wrrr, .Secretary.
T B Johns,
S Caaebeer,
W P Totten,
W S Moore,
Tho HerTev.
J A tiriggs, stockraiser, Comstork
H Weatherly, farmer, Scotuburg
Wm Perdue, " Day Creek
FJ Connine, " Glide
J P McKay, " Wilbur
James Byron, " Olalla
J J Hedden, " Klkton
W F Gillam, merchant, Winchester
John Nachler, larmer, Roaeburg
J B Morri,
S W Bayle, "
Wm Chamberlain"
W H Thompaon, '
H N Cobb.
Geo K Quine, "
Judge Hamilton will
Myrtle Creek
Camas Valley
hold a prelim-
Ciingenpeel's New Quarters
Clingenpeel, the up-to-date jeweler,
watchmaker, optician, and engraver, is
now located iu his cozy quarters in the
new Plaindealer building. He invites
ail of his new and prospective customers
to call and see his new stock. Repair
work a specialty.
Mrs II. M. Edwards, of Seattle is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. H. E. Herring
tou, of Edenlower.
CLINK PARKS At the M. E. church
iu Roseburg, April 27, 1905, A. D.
Clink aud Miss Alice Parks, Rev W.
C. Reuter, officiating.
The groom is one of the proprietors of
the Leader grocery store and . well
known business man of this city. He
formerly resided in East Jordan, Michi
gan, where his father is a prominent
lawyer. The bride is the daughter of
M. R. Parks, of Yoncalla, and a sister of
Mrs. Thos. Cobb, of this city. She
formerly acted as salos lady in the store
of I. Abraham, in tin city. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Clink enjoy a large circle
of friends and acquaintance in this city.
They have commenced house-keeping in
a cottage in Wait addition.
inary aeasion on May 12th.
About Kite -Cameras
O. ELKS. Koaeburg Lodge Nc
32o. Hold regular commnnica-
tion at I O. O. F. Hall oo second
nd fourth Thursdays ol each month.
Vll member reqoaaied te attend regu--arlv
and all visiting brother ara cordi-
v invited to attend.
C. b. C.nxox, R. K.
Rot, tiecretarv.
O..V O , i at Aiouory Hall every
Thursday ereaioc, at 8 o'clock.
9. B. Hkui, Capt.
O. O. F Pniletarian Lodge No. 8.
Meet in Odd Fellows' Templa, cor
ner Jackson and Caa street, on
turda? evening ol each waem. Mem
ers ol tbe order In good standing ar
u vilad to attend,
II . O. Lawn, 5. (3.
N.T. Jiwktt, Secreury.
Kof P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meat
-vrv Wedneaday, In I. O. O. P
Hall at 7 p. m. Membara ia
good it and ing are Invitad to attend.
J 15 A. P - KKY , C. C.
M F. Wamiir, K. of K. A S.
Diat. Attorney, Geo. M. Brown ar
rived here this morning from Coo
county where he has been attending a
term of court.
I have seen fraqueat mention of la'e
of kite-camera. What ara
Hu finer i her.
Emila Wem, of Rein' France,
ha applied kite photography with sue
cess to geological picture, and it i
predicted that (he fteldgeologiat of the
future will find a kite and it camera
eiaential to hi outfit. M. Went uc
reeded In taking good photograph from
a height of over 660 feet, and found
them valuable in tbe production of
lest Ma Msst Pops lar .
"Mothers buy it tor croupy children,
railroad men buy it for severe coughs
and elderly people buy it for la grippe,"
say Moore Bro.,, Iowa. We
sell more of Chamberlain' Cough Rem
edy than any other kind. It seem to
have taken the lead over several other
good brand." There is no question but
thi medicine is the beat that can be
procured for cough and cold, whether
it be a child or an adult that is afflicted.
It alwaya cure and cure quickly. Sold
by A. C. Marsters A Co.
Chicago ia having a taste of an
archy. Riot runs rampant h the
Windy City due to the teamsters
strike which gives promise of com
pletely tying up all lines of buskeea.
ILAC CIRCIJ?. No. 4, Women of
Wo-dcraft Meets on 2nd and 4th
Thurs 1st of each month at tha I.
they? 10. O. F. Halt. Visiting membara la
I .on (landing are invited to attard.
Mk. A. B. F ck k. Guardian Neighbor.
Bell Morian, CaUCM
Secoud and Fourth Thursdays.
Merchants reserve your orders for
TORY which will be re-established
and ready to fill orders early in
All Brooms a grade higher than
the ordinarv custom made broom.
Price in competition with
Coast Jobbers.
OB. ei Koee'.ur? Chapter No. S
Hold their regular meeting on tha
" firat and third Thursdays in each
nonth. Visiting member in good
itanding are respectfully invited to at
bA Mr. E. J. Stroud, W. M.
Free Johnson. Secretary.
Is now prepared to handle all kinds of
aAUNDRY WORK and guarantees satis
sembly No. 105, meet second and
fourth Saturdays of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting member
will receive a cordial welcome.
A. C. MAR8TKR8, M. A.
Mis-sik Jonbs, Secretary.
Oamr No. 136. Meet at tha Odd
Fellow' Halt, In Roseburg, ever
tret and third Monday evening. Vlait
nt neighbor always welcome.
J. M. BBiuuca, 0. 0.
N. T. Jiwrrr. Clerk.
Town Lots For Sale
Choice building lota in Kinney's im.
proved plat of Roseburg, near Main
street, go. d title. Price 150 per tot,
Addreea, N. A. Biciiaum. tf
Whole aud cracked corn tor sal. by the
Douglaa County Flouting Mill. tf
You want the best, no doubt, and that's just what we have.
Carter's Strictly Pure Wnite Lead.
Kalcimo Pure Boiled and Raw Linseed Oils and
All the other Essential .
Suitable Gifts for Ladies
Suitable Gifts for Gents
Suitable Gifts for Children
Finest Line oi Jewelry Ever Shown ia Boseborg