The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 01, 1905, Image 1

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Roictmrg, Oregon
Population. 8S00. Tte County Seat of Douglas
County. Oregon Soldiers Home; C. 8. Land Office
and U. 9. Weather Bureau are located here 8. P.
railroad diviaiou :Dlendid educational advantages.
Gateway to the Coos Bay and Coqullle country.
Roseburg Plaindealer
The moat widely read newspaper pablfihed In X
Southern Oregon and conaeqneotly the rawr advwr- I
till nit medium. Large, mortem ly equipped Job f
i printing department In connection. Katablisbed I
in mm. Hubacrtptlon, ti per year for Seml-Waaaly.
No. 35
Several Street Brawls
Combats Will Appeal to President
Roosevelt Strike Growing.
Chicago, April 29. Chicago is in the throes of an
other terrible labor agitation resulting in a general strike
of all teamster unions. The fighting in the streets today
was the most vicious since the beginning of the strike.
Three persons were shot, two stabbed, and fully a score
suffered from bruises and broken heads. It is not expect
ed that any of the injured will die.
An energetic appeal to the employers and the unions
involved will be made at once by a committee of disinter
ested citizens appointed today by Mayor Dunne. Every
effort will be made to bring the two factions together.
Twelve labor leaden identified with
the teamsters' strike, were indicted to
night by the grand jury. Each indict
ment contains six counts and ahargea
the men with joining a conspiracy.
Trne bills were found against the follow
ing : Cornelius P. Shea, president of
the International Teamsters' union ;
Hngh McGee, president of the truck
drivers' union ; J. McCarthy, business
agent of the truck drivers' union ; M. F.
Kelly, president of the market drivers'
anion ; Charles Wilbrandt, secretary ot
the teamsters' joint council ; George F.
Golden, president of the packing house
teamsters' union : James B. Barry, presi
dent of the railway express drivers' un
ion ; John Smyth , president of the coal
drivers' onion ; Harry Lapp, business
agent of the cool drivers' union ; Charles
Dodd, president of the Chicago Federa
tion of Labor ; Steven Sumner, president
of the milk drivers' anion ; J. W. Young
business agent of the baggage and par
cel drivers' union.
Much secrecy marked the return of
the indictments, and even after they
were returned an effort was made to
keep the names from being learned.
Albany, Or., April 27. Arrests un
der the local option law are to be made
in Linn county. For some time com
plaint has been made by prohibitionists
of Lebanon that the saloons of that
?laee are selling liquor, notwithstand
ing the ImA that the precinct in which
they are located went "dry" at the
recent election.
As a result of these complaints,'
District Attorney J. H. Marcy. of
Salem, and Deputy Gale & Hill, of
Albany have begun an investigation,
and have examined a great number of
witnesses from Lebanon. The arrests
are expected in the near future.
Read the Plaindealer
and a Number of Fatal
Other Teamsters G Oat
The strike continued to spread today
and a large number of teamsters em
ployed by lumbermen, grocers and va
rious coal companies went out. The
most serious phase of the trouble today
was the aggressiveness of the wholesale
grocers, packers, ice dealers and com
mission men, who decided to Stand with
the members of the Employers Associa
tion. This means a lockout for the men
have already declared tbey would not
make deliveries to any of the boycotted
firms. More than 3300 were involved
when this action was taken.
There is a strong sentiment among
the labor men to have President Kote-
I veil lnieriere in the strike when be ar-
rives in the city on bis return from his
vacation. He is scheduled to arrive
here on Hay 10 and will be asked to end
1 the strike as in the case of the anthra
j cite Gainers.
Attorney Levy Mayer, declared em
: paafically that the employers were not
1 seeking peace with the teamsters' anion
and proposed to continue the fight unti
they were "left undisturbed by the la
; bor agitators and allowed to run their
business without interference."
Game Warden J. W. Baker has made
the following report of arrests made dur
ing the months of March and April :
Wm Salvin, killing elk, $35; J. R
Tocker, killing deer, $28.50 ; Peter Ten
oli, killing deer, $28.50; S. Morten, sell
ing trout, .0 ; J. C. Haight, killing
deer, $25; W. Frost, having untagged
hide in bis possession, $25.
Two other arrests have been made,
but the result has not been reported.
Dr. H. L. Stadley the Osteopathic
Physician cores acute and chronic
diseases, corrects deform sties and
removes foreign growths. Consultion
free. Phone or call for appointment.
Office in Abranam duildine. tf
for ail the News
Senator Thurston on His Way to
Portland. Heney Has Gone
to San Francisco
With the decision of Judge Bellinger
disposing of the Senator Mitchell plea in
abatement, Tuesday, has come a tempo
ary lull in Oregon land fraud proceed
ings. The judge is still confined to his
residence from the effects of a severe at
tack of the grip, but is considerably bet
ter today. It ia not likely that he will
hold court this week.
District Attorney Francis J. Heney
left last evening for San Francisco where
he will probably remain until the later
part of May, returning here in time to
take up the trials in June, providing
any of them come up then. Thomas K
Neuhausen, agent in charge of special
agents for Oregon, will hav. control, as
formerly, of government affairs during
Mr. Heney's absence.
William J. Burns, the secret service
agent, who has been in control of the
secret service ui vision of the investiga
tions since last year, has gone to Wash
ington, D C, hut will not be absent
loos, as there are many details to be
looked after in connection with the ap
proaching trials.
Ei-l'nited States Senator John M.
Thurston of Nebraska, who has been re
tained by Senator Mitchell as bis chief
counsel is expected to arrive at Portland
in a few days as he left Omaha for Port
land April 24, but may be detained
somewhat en route. His wife, who is
reputed to be quite prominent in Wash
ington society circles, accompanies him
The committee having in charge the
program for the district Endeavor con
vention which is to be held at Cottage
Grove May 13 and 14 is experiencing
some difficulty in securing leaders for
some of the conferences.
However, the general outline mav be
given. The convention will open Satur-
lay afternoon at 3:15 with a song ser
vice followed by an address of welcome :
by the pastor of the Cumberland church, ;
Cottage Grove. Temporary o.-gani-a-tion
will be effected and convention
committees appointed. The ret of the j
afternoon will be given up to considera '
tion of methods of Endeav r work.
Saturday evening will occur a short '
business session for election of officers
for the next two years, followed by the !
convention sermon by Rev. H. V. '
Mount of Eugene.
Sunday mornin an early prayer ser
in will be held, but the delegates will '
attend the regular Sunday school and
church services. A Junior rally at 3
o'clock will be in charge of Miss Lister
of Eugene. At the same time confer
ences on committee work will be con
ducted. Miss Lull Currin of Cottage
Grove will lead the union prayer meet
ing at 6:30. The convention closes
with s consecration service at 8 :30.
A Miiswairy Sauker.
An effort is being mile to se-ure Rev.
Herbert Andrews, a missionary from
Woodstock, India, to preach Sunday
evening. Mr. Andrews is very dear to
Pacific northwest Endeivors, since be
has been assigned to them as their rep
resentative on the foreign field.
Elect DtltatM at Oacc
Cottage Grove is preparing to enter
tain large number of delegates, but of
course would like to have some idea be'
fore of how miny to expect. The socie
ties are therefore, asked to send the
names of their delegates I one for each
20 members, or put of 20) together
with the names of any other members
expecting to be present, to Miss Vinnie
Knapp. Eugene, not later than Wednes
day, May 3.
The debate in Congress about the
lease of Indian lands and cognate sub
ject haa brought out the information
that the Osage Indians are, in the
language of the Oklahoma newspapers,
"the richest people on earth."
The Osagee, who number about 1,800
souls, have on deposit with the National
Government nearly $9,000,000, the pro
ceeds of land soil. The income from
this money at five per cent, ia )450,000 a
year. Each Osage receives about $250 a
year, and if the principal were turned
over to them they would each have
Tbey still own over 1,500,000 acres of
land, or nearly 1,000 acres each, which
is valued at $20 an acre. An Osage In
dian is worth in this world's goods at
least $25,000 and in addition to the $250
yearly interest from the tribal fund
which every Osage receives he also gets
$100 a year from the rental of grazing
Lately rich oil deposits have been dis
covered on the land, and the tribe is re
ceiving an income from this source
which is increasing with great rapidity.
Oil experts have estimated that the in
come from the oil royalties will soon
suffice to give to each and every Osage
many thousand dollars yearly, and the
more liberal of the computers of Oeage
wealth predict that it will soon be im
possible to keep an Osage Indian out of
the United States Senate.
"Is there any redeeming feature
about a red nose?' ask the Denver
Pott. Well as a danger signal to the
bibulous it haa its use.
Oeneral I.iiM-iritrt. whci haa sticcdel Kur,natkin a commander in chief of the ciar'a
forest in the cast. i known to the Ktuai n aoMiera by no other uiui than " Pupa." He ia
the idol at the inm, sad wbala probably not the tactical equal of Kuropalkin, be ia re
corded aa a coiupeteut cumuiauder.
Oregon Would Be a Paradise With the Good
Roads of England, France or
London, England, April 6, '05
Leaving Nice we went to Marseilles.
The road ran through a very picture-.; ne
country along the shore of the Mediter
ranean. Marsaille ha a fine hay and is
the main shipp:ng point for Southern
France. From Murvailles we went di
rect to Paris, H hours travel, but
stopped over nif fit at Lyon and traveled
only in the day time which took us two
lays. France is a very beautiful coun
try. We thoroughly enjoyed the ride
and ti e scenery, the highly cultivated
farms and the towns every few miles ;
and theVrarra sunshine made a pleasing
picture We li id no English speaking
people with us for two days, but had
Knchmen in onr compartment for
traveling companions and it takes a
Frenchman to be polite and agreeable.
1 admire the French people. When we
stopped at Lyons which is the great silk
manufacturing town of I-ranee, we had
to hunt up the interpreter, fall the rail
roads in Italy and Fran,-e have them;
and told him what wewan'el. HecalV-d
a hotel porter who took us to a good
hotel where me h td a good "upper, room
and breakfast, and then Were brought
back to the train.
We arrived in I 'aris the following eve
ning where we agaiu found an interpre
ter who called a cab and instructed the
driver to Uke us to the hotel we had
selected. All the hotels throughout
Greece, Italy and France, in the large
cities, empl yed either men in the office
or porters who can speak English. The
porter in a European hotel is quite an
important personage ; he has his office
near the entrance and can give all the
information you want; I have always
found them very obliging. We tarried
15 days in Paris and enjoyed it very
much ; stopped at the St. James hotel
which was full of English and Ameri
can people. We visited nearly all the
historical places of interest, was through
the Louvre and the Tu'.ilvriea, the home
of the Kings of France, etc. A week
ago yesterday we left Paris and arrived
in London. Crossed the English Chan
nel in 3 hours from Dieppe to New
We have spent most of our time in
London seeing the points of interest,
the parks, Kings Palace, the Duke of
Wellington's home and several other
houses of the noMlity. An English lady
who came from Paris with us and who
takes great pride in London and every
thing English, stopped at this hotel.
She insisted on showing us around and
made a very excellent, free guide. She
took us through the Parks to the King's
house and along Pall Mall and told M
who lived in the tine mansions, and then I
went with us to the Tube for an under
ground ride. The Tube differs from the j
subways in New York. Instead of sieps !
to go down to take the cars, here they
go down on large elevators and go down I
much larther than the subways of New
York, or Paris. The Tube here is finely j
finished, arched with white, glazed brick I
A recent visitor to the camp of the Calapooia Invest
ment Company near Oakland says work on the big ditch
is going ahead at a lively rate aud the heaviest portion of
the work will soon be completed. Milo Summers is fore
man and Mrs. Summers has charge of the boardiug house.
The men are well fed and paid for their labor. Fifty good
men can secure steady employment at $2 per day. When
completed this big ditch will render the gieater portion of
what is known as Camas Swale, comprising many thousand
acres, now principally in pasture, extremely fertile and
scores of productive farms will be provided by the carry
ing out of this great irrigation project.
with a doub'e track snd is a nice place
to ride in, hot or cold weather. We vis
ited Westminister Abby ; ent through
the Parli iment buildings, w hen Parlia
ment was not in ssion, but have tick
ets of admission fro n the American
Embassy to the House of I-ords and the
House of Commons, where we wiil go
this afternoon, while they are in session.
Last Sunday we went with our Eng
lish friend to St. Paul's Cathedral, the
largest church here, and listened to a
wry good sermon and to a small-r
church in the even ng rear ot.r hotel.
Both had very excellent music. The was composed of boys hut they
could sing.
Yesterday we went out to Winsdor 20
miles, and visited Winador Castle where
Jtievn Victoria lived most of the time.
The Cat-tie, or part of u. is very old :
dates lek to tl.e time of Henry the
Fighth, or still farther. We had been
throuk'hthe palace of the Kl.e-live. King
of i irevce in At! ens and on the Island
of Cor fee. t he King's Palace in Naples
which has 1300 rooms, the Tuillerir-s
where Ixois 14th, 15th and lrith lived,
but the palace at Winsdor differed very
much from the others. It hssthearmor
and weapon from rly Kings up to
tjueen Victoria's time. The Palace cov
ers 7 acre of ground and is used as the
home of the Royal family. There is 3tW
acres of park adjoining the Palace with
tine drives through it. In this park
(jmt-u Victoria, her husband and her
mother are buried in a mausoleum built
by the late Queen ; no others are to be
bnried there. The park is a beautiful
place and is stocked with, they told us.
10.0 "0 deer and plenty of other game
which fun. h!..- shooting for the Royal
family. As we drove through we saw
several hundred deer as tame as fl ick
of cheep ; pheasants and rabbits in
plenty. is very nice for the Kovai
family and visiting Kings, but 1 though'
about the dear people who have to
put up the money for all the luxuries,
yet I think they are glad to do it and
believe in the Divine right of Kings and
willingly make sacrifices that the Koyal
family and nobility' may all the
splendors and luxuries. It is all in the
raising, but I prefer free America and a
president ho goes out aud hunts wild
game. The one thing that I envy the
Europeans is the gonl roads. If dea
old Oregon hail the roads they have in
England, France or Italy what a para
dise it woul 1 b. It is the one thing we
need above all others and must hnve he
fore we can expect to amount to much,
but I have already made this letter too
long and will close by saying that to
morrow we bo to Liverpool to embark
on the steamer Cealric which sails from
there at 5 p. m. for New York. To. nor
rowiiight we will again be rocked in the
cradle of the deep. A. F. B.
The above is the last of a series of in
teresting letters written from abroad by
Mr. Brown to his home paper, the Oak
land Owl.
Loyd Ingram Decided to Brood
Over His Secret No
Grants Pass, April, 28 Brooding over
his secret and the fact of the threats of
death should he ever tell, for over 16
months, lead Loyd Ingram aged 17 yean,
to tell of the murder of Wm. Dunlap.
The murder was committed about tb
LUh or 20th of Septemlier, 1903, at the
cabin of the hermit miner and pros
jx-ctor on I-ouse Creek, and no clue was
ever gained as to whom committed the
Andrew Ingram and Elsey Dodson
are in jail here, charged with the never
solved murder of Wm Dunlap id Louse
Creek Josephine county. Dunlap, a
hermit placer miner, was shot to give
robbers opportunity to search his shack
unmolested for gold supposed to be
secreted there In some reap ta the
killing resembled the murder of Patrick
Dunn on ibe Crescent city stage road a
fw months ago.
Ingram and Ilodson, the former f
Crescent city and ihe latter of Grant's
Pass, were apprehen .ed through the
confession of Loyd Ingram, son of
Andrew Ingram, who claims to have
been with his father and Dodson when
they killed Dunlap, and that he helped
to search the premises for treasure
Twelve dollars, he teils Sheriff Lewis,
was all they got in money, apart from
gold dust. The boy, who is aged 17,
-av- he was afraid bis father would kill
him, and so confessed.
Washington, April 23, Genera!
Eitzhugh Lee was stricken with a se
vere attack of apoplexy while en route
to this city from Boston last night. He
arrived here at ten o'clock this morning
and was given immediate medical at
tention. He was taken to Providence hospital.
It is stated his entire left side is pa -alyzel.
and his condition is very serious.
A consultation of several aiedieal
men has been called. It is feared there
ia been a bemorrage of the brain.
Dcatk of ttaeul Lt
Washington, April 28. Brigadier
ieneral Fi xugh Lee, D. S. A., retired,
died at Providence hospital bere tonight,
aed 88 years. Death requited from an
Hack of appoplexy.
The end was peaceful and without
pain, the general remaining conscious
until within five minutes of the end.
Ha f an boat before death, General Lee
re. pilawd his brother, Daniel I-ee, who
came into the room for a momeut.
Arrangements for the funeral together
with the selection of a place of inter
ment m l cot be made until after the
am vial in Washington of Mrs. Lee who
is on her way to Washington from Fort
glethorp, Georgia.
Fitsbaak I-ee was" a nephew of Gen
eral Kobert E. Lee and was born in Fair
fax county, Virginia in 1S35, graduated 1
from West Point in Wvi, joined the
cavarly service in confederate army in :
ISiftr. In lSt he was appointed consul 1
general at Havana by President Cleve
land. In 1W he was appointed major
ireneral of volunteers in command of the
7th corps and was stationed at Tampa,
F.orida. His command took no part in
the Cuban war, but when peace as
d dared he returned to Cuba as mili
tary governor of the province and city
of Havana I
Circus day is children's day It b -longs
eaacntially to them. Trad ti n
tias made it so. Years of the most car -lul
effort by the mtnagers of the Norrs
and Rowe shows to eliminate ever -thing
and anything in the slightest de
gree immoral or impolite in the charac
ter of their exhibitions, lias at last con
vinced the public generally uf the ab
solute cleanliness and morality of the
circus as a place of entertainment, and
with such comprehensive shows as ar
the Norris and Rowe mammonth
menageries, museum, hipp vlrorae con -jress
of trained animals and two rn
circus is a source of profit and in-
8 ruction in this great consolidated in-
titution. There is no longer anv ex
cuse or apology lor not going to the
circus. The presence of clergymen at
every performance, with seldom an ex
-eption, attest tit general and sensible
change of consideration for the circus
by the church pe- pie. But all thia
does not release any one from a moral
obligation to take their children to see
the animals and the accompanying
circus pertormatice. It is re illy not
only a matter of extreme delight, to the
children to see the "show", but it is a
duty as well aa a pleasure on the part
of the parents, relatives and friends to
enable them to see it. A portion of the
program of every circus is devoted to
the little ones. The clever comic con
ceits of the congress of clown, pretty
performances of ponies great clown
bears, tiny riding bears; goats anil
sagacious dogs fill the fancies of the
little ones to overflowing.
The Norris and Rowe Greater Circus
will exhibit at Roseburg, Friday, May
6th at 2 aad 8 p. m.
If it is a billious attack take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
a quick cure is certain. For sale by A.
C. Marsters & Co. tf
Southern Pacific Is Imbued With the Spirit of
Improvement-Will Expend One Million
Dollars In Oregon.
That the Southern Pacific has caught the spirit of
improvement which is manifesiing itself in Oregon is
shown in a recent public statement in which the manag
ment of that system has authnritrerf the. r.w.- ,c
$1,000,000 for the betterment of its lines. Of this sum,
over $800,000 will be paid out for labor alone. The better
ments include ballasting of track, laying of heavy steel,
the replacing of wooden bridges by steel structures and
the improvement of depots and grounds.
Thia news will be highly appreciated
by valley residents, for it shows that
the Southern Pacific is bringing its Ore
gon lines up to the highest standards of
the present day railroad as fast as pos
sible, and that a vast amount of money
is being spent in wtstern Oregon for
thia purpose which will substantially
benefit our section, aside from the per
manent betterment cf our railroad.
With the purpose of noting the re
quirements of the lines, officials of the
company wi.l leave Ashland by special
train today on a tour of general inspec
tion of the system.
Yesterday E. A. Klipple. superin
tendent of the telegraph lines in Ore
gon, supplemental to the railway, and
W. B. Glarden of the telegraph depart
ment were at Cottage Grove on official
business. AH this activity now mani
fest is bat a foretaste of the work of im
provement to be inaugurated.
Salem, April 2S The grand jury filed
it report at two o'clock this afte uooo
with Judge Burnett regarding the Ore
gon Khool land frauds. The report
ays me state has been swindled out of
200,000 acres of valuable lands through
fraudulent affidavit.
It also sent a summary to the state
land board showing the manner of il
legally acquiring land. The report cov
ers eigiit pages of manuscript and is a
comprehensive statement of the entire
school land transactions of the past five
The jury returned nine true bills this
afternoon, but the names were not made
public. It is understood that S. A. D.
Puter, of Portland, F. J. Jewett, of Hib
bing, Minn., and A. T. Kelliher, of Chi
cago are among the number. As far as
can be be learned no local indictment
were returned, although many are ex
pected. The utmost secrecy prevails
about Sheriff Culver's office and Judge
Burnett is guarding the indictment,
which are now in the hands of the coun
ty clerk.
THE constant and uniform excellence
of our products, and the neatness
of onr packages are in accord with
every detail of our business.
We offer you perfect service with
drugs that are PURE and FRESH.
We are honest in our efforts to serve
you faithfully and we ask that you in
dicate your appreciation by favoring us
with your patronage.
laiiraa Hake
Pursuant to recommendation of
Willamette Vallev Agricultural
of the D -v-.op n-rit L-ague atae- U de
liberations, Pre i lent L su-ith se
lected a committae of five to lake nn
with the railroads the plana for excur
1 sions into the interior of Oregon in order
. that fair visitors may be induced to visit
' all sections of Oregon. The
: is ss follows: Colonel E. Hofer, of Se
! lem , H M. Cake, of Portland ; Stephen
i A Lowell, of Pendleton ; Walter Griffin,
1 of Eugenti ; L. W. Simpson, of Norfha.
President Smith s few momenta later
interrupted the reports of branch
leagues with the announcement that A.
; L. Craig, general passenger agent of the
Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com
( pany, had just announced that a rate of
one fare for the round trip would be
granted fair visitors to make trina an
I interior Oregon point, and thai the S.
If. Company would
liberal rate.
A ton of coal from the Cmpqna Coal
Company's mine near Kellogg he been
shipped from Oakland to .he Exposition
in Portland. James HUdebnrn, one of
the owners, is a practical Pen nay Irani
coal miner, and claims the coal ia of
superior quality A spur from the main
line of the Southern Pacific ia all thu
now required Owl.
Lincoln, Neb.. Annl 29. A
Populist paper will be started in Lincoln
or Omaha, with Thomas H. Tibbies,
late Populist candidate for Vice-President,
a editor.
The paper will be owned by Tom Wat
son, Mr. Tibbies, C Q. De France aad
other Populist. Mr. Tibbies haa given
up his Wall-street project, saying he
would rather stay in the West where hie
friends are.
KalabUatMd 1SK3
Incorporated wet
Capital Stock
r. w. bknson. a.c.aaatTni
Prealdwit. vtea PraaUUat.
J. HENRY BOtlH, Caahter.