The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 27, 1905, Image 2

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Entered to tbe Post Office si Rosebur. Oregon,
u Second Cla s Mail Matter in 1868.
W. C. CONNER, Editor
Semi-Weekly One Year; BOS; Semi Weekly
biz Montbc, Jl 00. Cash in Advance.
Advertising Rates. 50 rents per single column
incc per month. Locals, 6 reuU a line.
1905 APRIL 1905
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
JH0MJ2 J3I45
6j7J89 202I22
24125126 27128129
Friday, May 5, Exhibits of Xorris &
Rosre's circus at Roseburg
Order of Railway Conductors of
America, Portland, Mar 9 14.
Thursday, June 1, Opening at the
Lewis and Clark Centennial, Portland
"Weston, Oregon, June 2 and 3
Eleventh annnal pioneers' reunion.
National America Woman Suffrage
association, Portland, June 29. July 5
American Medical association, Port
land, July 11-14.
The Plaindealer is now comfortably
installed in its fine new brick building
which is 20 x 100 feet, with an 8
foot basement, glass front and rear
and a large skylight. The building is
centrally located on Roseburg's main
business street, and is divided into
four rooms as follows: Business of
fice, private ofifce, composing and me
chanical room combined, the fourth
tr north front room being occupied
by Clingenpeel, the jeweler.
This week has been one of great
strenuousness in the Plaindealer office
and as has been well said, blessed
are they who get to move a printing
office for their trials and tribulations
come all at once and are not strung
out indefinitely.
Blessed is the newspaper man any
way for the next world has no ter
rors that he has not seen in this.
Blessed are they who subscribe for
the Twice-a-Week Plaindealer for ver
ily, they shall get the worth of then
money many fold.
Ring up telephone Xo. 1351, Rose
burg, or call at this office when in
need of anything in the printing lint
the best at pleasing prices.
Remittances for the paper may tx
made in EL S. gold coin, silver, bills,
drafts, orders, cabbages, anyway sc
jou send the equivalent of two dulLr
to the Plaindealer for a year's sub
scription. The Plaindealer completed its mov
ing operations today and is now hand
somely installed in its new brick. I
is quite a task to move a printing
plant and install new machinery, anc
everything has been topsy turvy, but
in a few days all will be straightened
out and everything running smoothly.
The new Babcock Standard pres.-
as I Dexter Folder are behaving well
and there is not a better equippec
printing plant and newspaper office
in Southern Oregon. The Plaindealei
latchstring will always be found hang
ing outside the door by the many pat
runs and friends of the paper.
In a communication address to
Major Chas. . McDonald, of the Ore
gon National Guard, Director-General
H. W. Goode, of the Lewis and Clark
World's Fair, has officially announced
the plans for the guard and patrol of
the exposition. The guard will be
recruited among the men of Oregon's
National Guard and will consist of
two provisional companies as follows:
One major, two captains, two lieu
tenants, one first sergeant, one quater
master sergeant, three corporals, two
musican, 140 privates and two cooks.
A blouse of dark blue with light fac
ing and aguilette of the same color)
light blue trousers, ball shaped cap
with full dress band, web belt, bayo
net and scabbard, white collar, with
gloves and black shoes, have been
elected as the uniform and equip
ment. Hustle up that Douglas county ex
hibit for the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion. It will be money and energy
well and judiciously expended-
Attract homeseekers and investors
to Douglas county by making a cred
itable exhibit at tbe Portland Exposition.
i inaiiui'Mi-.i u tut" i .irii:iuti evenin;
mm in Mr. Henev's mn n.'hievn-
ment is becomin2 d;vi(kHlh: ai)l)arent
and is the subject of much comment
in this part of the state, in a recent j
single report of the land fraud cases
in those papers, Heney's name ap
peared more than 50 times and a bou
quet was tossed in his direction as
many times. It is all right to stand
by one's convictions if they are hon
est but there is no use in slopping
over it causes many a broad grin.
The decision of Judge Bellinger in
overruling the pleas in abatement en
tered by Senator Mitchell and others
was only what was generally antici
pated, in fact the Judge could hardly
do otherwise without reversing him
self, he having admitted that he ap
pointed Heney 1. S. District Attor
ney, an action which formed a part
of the basis for the abatement plea of
Senator Mitchell, the appointment
and Heney's right to serve in such a
capacity being questioned.
Douglas county being traversed by
the Southern Pacific railroad, which
has offered to earn- exhibits to the
Lewis and Clark fair free of charge,
it would appear the rankest moss
backism should the people of this
county fail to show public spirit and
enterprise enough to make a credita
ble exhibit of the county's products
at the great exposition.
A LaGrande Chinaman is quoted as
having expressed himself as follows
concerning the Oregon climate:
'This country all time changee: 21
year 'go, 20 fit snow; ten year 'go,
ten fit snow; five year 'go. five fit
snow: all time changee. Wha fo'?"
Many eastern people who have read
ind heard of Douglas county will
seek her exhibition at the great ex
position, and failing to find it. would
form a very unfavorable impressioi.
of our county and its people.
The people of Douglas, one of th
largest and richest in products anc
resources of Oregon's counties cannot
ifford to fall down in making a cred
itable exhibit at the Lewis and Clark
The melancholy days re come.
The most trying of the year.
For wifey's stsrte I to "dean liOJSe:"
Oh lite indeed is diear !
Tempted to take 'em off?
Judging from the current exhibits the
-traight-frout is Hot fashionab'e iu shirt
Warm weather is no' wiTiont its
compensations-- there i- tht diahpenous
Easter Sunday serves one good pur
ose. All the people who have new
tiat go to church ori that day.
After bracing op and vetting the
irst kiss a ytuntg man ki- ks himself
or baing wasted so much t me.
An exchange bints that p aniHj mnr.
han one fair visitor m iv have to bit
he trail going home after the show
A St. LeUBS ora'or referre I to Brya;
is a bright iod star, an 1 Use 1' io'ypis'
nnde it lot.ster A bright linotypis'
An Astoria man was fined $10 for call
ng a woman a rubberneck. In Port
and a man was recently fined lor rnb
A jury out at Grant's Pas has de
ided that a man can spank a neighbor -oy
if he needs it aod owe no apology
Does the editor of the A'l any Demo
crat speak from person ! experience
when be iys: "Avoid all g-t-ri h ijuick
oncerns "
One of the b qra says. "Won't yoe
please puhlish an item sutingthat then
ire eerm in ice cream and that it is no
ieal hy "
Here is another hard blow at prohibi
tion. Bandon now finds itself ajthMI
he Nation I game because the bovr
won't play in a ' dry" town.
' If you want to lose fl -sh, "deep your o
face," says a New York modiste W.
ee some faces every day that would
nake pretty hard beds for the owner -who
ire pushing them along.
Once a month is none too often to pa
people alio work for wsges In mos
tiduBtrial employment the workmen ar
aid weekly. Tbe editor ret el ma taV
pay yearly and sometimes not bo often
One of the new Easter hats is said t
have "a chic and ria-h to it," says ai
exchange These will be joined by
-heck and a whole lot of d 's
when the indulgent husband' receive
the bill for it.
It is said that a young lady employe
t the telephone office, who was a mem
ber of a bait fishing party on Coos River
one day last week, caused much merri
ment by hollering "Number!" whenever
"he got a bite, tells the Coos Bay News
The other day when the sidewelks
were slippery with wet mud one of oi.r
youog ladies slipped near a corner and
jirredtbe sidewuik, tells the E tacads
News. A well dressed stranger stepped
to her side and said: "May I assist
you?" "No," she replied "I did it
very nicely alone."
Two Irishmen were dis-U9inz the
nationality of tbe American states,
said Pat, "Faith and be jabber" if this
grate country aio't over-run wid Irish,
and yit oat of all the states in tl e
Union not wan has an Irish names "sure
an' yei wrong-' replied Mike, "What's
the matter with O'Ragon?"
Don't lie yourself get a meter.
Don't be eaentr c unless you can af
ford it.
Don't return good for evil when you
make change.
Don't renew your quarrel reiew
your subscription.
White Lake City Heralded as the
Coming Metropolis of the
Klamath Land.
Reentered at tbe Hotel MrClallen in
Beaahura, m W. w. McNrff and hi es
Unable wife, woo rap renew! the Urcwoa
anl Oklahoma l'o w ns ite Oo-, with head
quarters at Portland, bat which will at
once be returned to White Lake City,
which the knowing Mm predict is soon
to become t he flourishing metropolis of
the rich Klamath Land. Mr. and Mrs.
cNefT are enlhu-iastic over the won
derful advantage, rich and varied re
sources and great opportunities for proti
table investment alT cded iv the newly
platted townsite of White Lake City and
its resourceful tributary country which
monies within the radius of the govern
ment's yreat irrigation enterprise.
A'hite L ike City is the center of the lis
triot, ronipri-iiig 400,000 acres of land,
to be irrigated by the government with
in the next IS months, at an estiui .ted
cost of $4. 500. 000. The principal indlM
tpies that will be propagated by this pro
ject is the raisiug of allilfa, wheat and
hardier fruits The water will !e t:iken
from the Lost an.l kUmith Falls rivers
and diverted for a distance of 20 niiles
south into California and 27 miles north
to the town of Klamath Falls.
Fne new city is to be opened on the
mutual plan, the same on which several
Oklahoma towns were built up lately,
and which no have a population of
many thousand. Law ton and five other
new towns, which have bet M fqM.Hl
ts prosperous, were all opened by the
company which Mr. MeNeff represent
I'nder the plan referred to, lots in
A'hite 1-ake will Ih sold at the uniform
price of tt, not more than S lots In-ing
sold to any one person. Then M .Line
1, when the city is to lie opened, a draw -
ing will tnke place for tne selection f
:he lot. Mr. MrNeff states that out of
he ;l.0t lots DaaAained in the town-ite,
Sjly 30 remain on the nia-ket. F'asteru
lieopie have purchased U 0 lots and fill-
ly tU$ per sms will be m the giound so
lraw tor their ligations wh.-u the city is
A number of purchasers have already
lauled tlieir lumber on the ground aJ
jacent to the townsite preparatory SO
-iimmi'i cing I'oii iiug as soon as th- y se
cure their location.
White Lake Cty is I hai mingly situ
itel on Whi'eLake, a large luy of the
lireat Klamath Lake. Klam. th County,
reg n and eentrallv loca'ed in the
ireat Kl -nislh Valley, which is bei: g
spidly developed. Alt regular blocks i
Cnleu ; - h.dl be arranged within a very sliurt lime. Japan will r -.ii h - ka ikiaa
at th af VI .i-. . k tb unly port in lb-- fr -t n.w l.ft la Raasi i i 'saliira
will carry on m u- -r b lubaoimput frutn tti- . wbil - un the Lnd s d N , - 1
Kauaiunr's stardy veteruiw will bwk after it. Tlie Hateiar. saj thai V . M u k will
be BBsaVsf Purt Arthur. b':t shs Jauanews believe thi feha) wiO h..' Bsaah Si ll ' ia
reducing Vituiruahik. ssasnsaak ihey nrgaij it as mnrh aaafcat aatnralrj Bcaidea,
lb y are tbenrugbly f iiuiliar wish pvtryihiug thai hua been dune thssa in ibe -:t - . f
dtfeuae witbia the but coajd- uf years.
are 250x400 feet, and all regular lots are
ifixllOfeet. All regular streets are HO
'eet aide ani all regular alleys are kt
eitwi.le Pier Avenue, or Fiiili sir. el.
is 10(1 f.ft wide A few of the great na-
ural advantages of the town an : Ur
10 miles of navigable water ; urronnd-
el by upwards of 400.HX) sees of fine
valley agricultural laud ; 4ll) miles from
my town exceeding populitim
md 7" miles from one exceeding UX)
lioputriti n ; the most natmal pleasure
esort in America ; the most healthful
uid enjoyable al.-: he-year-round cli -ite
known ; many near-by p tints of i -erest
; a magnificent park of 15 acres
tad an abundant supply o! pure wa er
u pres. nt the no-.'.' of commnnh aikoa
is by stage and freight wagon. 1 h-se
onditions will soon i e changed bv the
nlvei.t of the railroads into the country.
The M Cloud Kailroad companv plans
ostsrt a railroad this season from Sis-
on, California, and go round Moui t
shasta anJ She. p Rock to the shote of
Tie Lake. Several Navigation Compan
es are running steamers on the lakes
ind rivers connecting w ith the different
points, through a county of picturer.iue
ind scenic be mty unsurpassed.
Broad Scope of the
Discontent In Russia
By Mmc. DRESHKOVSKY. Rutslan Asttator
O one knows what has taken jilacc in RnsBia in tlu last fiinr
tcr of a century. Despite oppression, the people have been
quietly educated about their rigfata until one fine day the
American people are astonished to wain tip and find that
ALL CLASSES in Russia have risen in protest gainst their condi
tions. To those who have kept track of the movement, however, this
Thin movement ia spreading to every city and village in Russia.
We are on the eve of a revolution. The Russian people do not aranl
to PERSECUTE any one. It U the government which per
secutes, and it is useless for the czar to refuse the requests of his
Opening of Gates Will Sec the 1905
Centennial Complete in
Every Respect.
Portland, April 35 With tbe open
ing day of the lewis and Clark Expoei.
tiou rapidly approaching, it is gratifyhai
to I he otlicials and the people of Poit
laud, to note that the work has ad
vanced to such extent as to surpass the
most sanguine ho-u's of all.
If current reports may he accepted as
a critenon, rat-It a condition is wholly
without precedent. It is universally
known that ill the instances i t the Chi
cago, Atlanta, Buffalo and St. Ijouifl Im
position, upon the op mine da s, much
remain to lie BOM. There was ;l ,le
plorable ahnaaoa of the finished appear
ance which will prove a marked feato e
id the Lewis and Clark Kx posit ion
According to an otlici.d rep 'it to the
HTcentage of completion, iaeued by l
rec'.or of Work- 0 Car Hn's", the build
iugs lands .p , g r e lit g of the m in
land and the dei-oraMve work is ad
vanced in excess (,f o per cent. In St
Louis within thr e months oi the open
ing day, work ra advanced but ;iu pn
The aoere fact that the Ceateno'al i
adv meed to su-h an kteOJ with Me
month of iis p Bine day. is in all i to
ability Am to the ideal clin.atic roixli
Mon" which aaqueetiouablt' have mater
ially facilitated the work of construct on
In Port land there are none of the 1
matic (Head vantagea whn-n so reatl)
retartled the progress of previous rxpu
sitions. Fi"Mi the day that gro ii, i w it
tirst broken work has continued anceaa-
initly. with the result tit t little Otbel
thm the installing of exhibtte no n
mains to be done.
N hen the gales of the Lewis an-1
Clark Exposition are thrown of-cu to th
nuhlic on June 1-t. rMto m il wa
through bith bnihlings . J . h :
to the most reii, lie parte ol : i :r si .
entirely an hampered. All ih brt whirl
conat ruction
i he
hnildim f
ex;-o 1
l 11
w li have lieen ran v d, an I the ,
gnat expi i on com mi asoraas
the famous PXpedition to the North
west will l-e whol y cm , lete
The large forces workmen whuh i:
previous expositions were put lias! lorli j
si.p t! uniaii ffort to expedite romph
tioti, and uiicou-ciou-ly teiv .g to ma' j
the gate attire which shook! ih charm
tcristicof such M ' p i up .n ll
opciiiiag days, will not be in evidence
the Lewis an i l"iark Fair.
Un the mainland, the primipal izl
bit s'rucmres a e practii pleted
In some oi them are at prestnl st r-
.livers exhibits waiiir g lo ha iseei
and installed. The Administratis
Rranf) aid the imposing Colonnade Ei
trance are Buirbed Tl hai li -
which were re. eutlv deemed MrMr)
iuasn.ucb a- the sMgnitnde id the ..
leip ise was ne. essarially Mlarged ass
lar which CMtracs were lot for ihei
construction on I. within a lew Beekt
are bring erected as f
i as pgeaihaa ah
will s.sin tie coinp'e'ed. The ..rk o tin
land-cape raid. -tiers has been most sue
cessful, their achfa-iem nts In ing mar
Myrtle Creek O Id Fallows ibratod
the Uth anniversary oi thit or lei
Wednesday in an sppn.p-iate nisni er
It wai- ililetlde.l to eel-hrate th I OCCS'
si-.ii iii a beantffnl growa near hv tha
tow n, hut on accoun: of a bri-k hreeai
coming up the exercises were held it'
Kev tiardn r. of Janet ion. w;.
tbe orator of the day an.l sppTOOfintl
addresses weie mndc bv several o. hers
including Hon. D. 8. K. Bob k of Bona
burg. Both ImeajoM and afleiM a aai
sions were hl and a grand hmiont 1
was N-rve.l.
County School 8upt. F P. Hamlin
baa ODtUuiclcd th" second semi annual
apMTtiunuiettl of school money for
I'oiigla-t 'oiinty d stiicts for the Bcboo!
year ending in Jum IMS. The total
i mount to he distributed as net aside
for that purpose from the raunty tax
es i- fLM.-MI, and the number of chil
lien in thi county between the ages of 4
and 20 years for whose benefit that
i mount is apportioned is 5820, making
A per capita tale of fl. The law pro
ride a that the per capita rate during
calendar year shall he but the re
maining 83 apportionment will In- made
tii xt October, and to which will Is
t ided a )cr capita rate of about $1 SO
on Donates County's ahare ol the inter
est from tie- irreducible school fund,
making a total of s7.-"i for each child
during tbe year 1905,
The app trtioOOBMf ju-t mad" by
Sunt. Hamlin i riven in detail below.
Hist. Cletk Addr-ss
1 t' II M-d .y Oakland
- I W L r 1 Wil .ur
:i K N Bra Iford I la
4 Clara DllLird Lost burg
5 I L Boom
i Albert K i relier "
7 .1 W Newland I en .ile
S K V Klliutt Cauvoitville
! .IS ,iay Gardim r
in II Om keram i Oakland
11 w F fii a ..k Cieek
12 s li Chapman Glide
13 Cornelia Marsh I. 'king il 181
It ) 1. Wilos Li lard
15 11 II Uiduey Days Creek
16 I C Kent Brot kway
17 F" Fort in Coles Valley
P-rr thine in thxo i ie
19 s W Bayh Uyrtle Cre k
;o ! . Dean Riddles
Jl .1 l: Wilson Cimaa Valley
5 0
It -
-J (' K H.t-..d
Step ns
o kl in J
Ueo Wilson
6 t' Ji
A E CI tytM
Sara!; K ilitr
A C Nori is
s Whiui ker I ice Hill
A E M... k.-r Drum
Li li- Brawn Vona alia
I. id i hey I'-ai.i
E lle.liwell Vonc U
.h e 11 ' . v Rosa bnrg
Mart I" rtelis E kt. n
Mr- - i en carta "
A E 1 in fi ottsbnrg
F 11 itfiel 1 Ro-el u-.
F v. e ithwrle S otta u-g
II 1 1 bteraa and
J A Inn iford
II C S err. -It (. ir inec
J hV liaraey K si m
E E I aUrie I ell se
K lav I - Cre k
B B SattM . illwi :
E t David- jo ak a 1 1
W N M re B tckksa
W t' tV'io" K ' eh ;rg
H 7. Irrlaiid H dta
L tl itm Cleveland
F; tj w rr Voa calls
E rearer klyrile Creek
Mr- K ltr. er
II K An .rr." Kei:.:.'
W A NewtM Myrtle Creek
F" A Will ami I king i i i s
F. anie Stephens Myrtle Crttrk
M C S "'t Comet oek
58 Edgar Walker DilUrd ;
SO A f Cola uid ..
il T.l Mckean Drew ISt
'. D ogtaa Waite Uosehnrg
; f II V .rk N
1 rc Johns jinlei ville 9d
-' 1. It akeiy Oak Crank '
"' A B Bafaw s 1 Iktno 14 ,
"7 i .-nut -r D ala llai :
S II D CnaniM i.ii le 148 ;
SS Ii 1. Fngies Peel i.
70 i F B uii.leil Bi idles taWl
il II Cuata Boeehnrg so
7".' V. II rhrash Camas Vadley '
7:i A Walker PampsM 14 i
74 I. Lovehsea Elkbead If. j
7" W A 8m?0k Ko-e'-urg 4-
7i Mi- D Mnmpower Leom 1"-
77 W l Smith tilen dale 8&S
78 J K Dixon Bosebarg 4"
74 J J Long Toacalta 1 14
S i Mi-s ii 2 1 ml t)..kl uad 5 !
N J T Mill -r Di .in S'1 i
s f. vv i. t-. m st c-y l '
v C R M utkell Gar u ier tu
M Mrs Powell 4
L J SchaSf Keltonj 'i4
si i I s tatrt E kt ei M
S7 A S Cliappdl Kr krwy "4
88 E (C'asptjs S t plm -p iugs "
88 Mrs E rhompeM Vo icalla $S
0 D W II inks Penlne
4l 8 W Boss Oak a . 100 !
..' N iarin Lane C aiity
4:1 (LapsBd
.! J s McK .y ITinch ester ls
85 l Tnl'-eli Otkl oi l Kkl
N (i W Woo'ley Drdi .rii
.7 i r L 1 ( rw i 1 1 . r-!e Cr -ek 4o
88 M I I"" n-. ; ir liner i s
i l!
Floraoca A 1 ins OtklauJ
tl I Ritchev At. I Ml
Mrs J C Campbell tin-.lini'r
(ConenlMated it;i S i B
ay A McCartv Oskiaad
Mr. I. S Di a) ir (i irdiaer
; N'iv la I. in County)
Mrs iv G Friend Owlhi
T Haaeoek Klkt.m
D.Ra MeMitlaa Htsagtia
.1 M li'tiss Stairetiitt
H t' Itr urn Bo as bare
RoyUrias Comatoi-k
Mrs K Black well lianiirsar
A It Maiqaani Tiller
a m it m
(i W Uaatfl
.1 Wessela
J (it.h r
K K il. .ti
I J Baaea
s ll Brown
W Mt-Cmiicv
M Wcln-r
S S Morrison
v H Bunch
V M Nnrrit
Ii W Marsh
.1 S Wiiicheil
k Crsj k
( i leuaahj
A. la
Oaklaa I '
' 'Hklaml
(i tlcsvil c
Gle ui ile
jot Maiajtis.
1 Mrs M I. Main Alaaa
2 (.o- in Uaaa Coonta!
3 J R Tm ker Divide
4 I'. I. ii. Inn leniiliton
5 iDtaoMtiaeed)
7 H' Iii londaria Karl
Clerk deceased, silt ivssor
a p oi n ti d.
Wliitelake Citv is the name of a
town .ir.tu unt't'tl to be on the map of
Klamath Count v after Jnne 1 IQ1K
It will he located on the banks of
Klamath Lake, near Merrill.
He Pound It
An atnd man for something Sought
Which lie had never seen;
Upon the matter be had thought
Ami thought and searched most keni.
He failed lo find the aural gem
Thai lives in everything.
He traveled to Jerusalem
And searched an ancient spring.
He wenl into tbe Arctic zone
And found the Iceberg there;
But did not Sud the purest one
That's hen-and everywhere.
He searched himself and found it there,
And then be Raid in great surprise
rhe God I siugbt is every wisaru
In earth, and moon, and skies.
L. C. IllLL.
Give Them a Chance.
Published by Ropiest.
Portland Telegram: A bill recently
piseed iha Kebraaka Leg! slat are for the
p ii pose of BO ppreasi ng ('hristian Seiem-e
practice. GovefMC Mickey has sotoad
he bill, on the ground that it is a class
legislation ami unconstitutional.
Governor Mickey's course should be
commended, an I the acti m .f the la-g-islatnre
condemned. there is alto
jethor to much legislation of this sort,
prompted by aarTow-asiasled hstolcr
nice, and ra igi .ii" or in .ral bigotry.
It is about tune tint men recognized
t lie tact that m in hi" a right to his
own opinions, no matter what they
n iv be, and a right to do arh it ha
please', so long as he .hies not interfere
stlh th aal rights of other men.
Cnrirtian 3 ieaceiaa riUpom, an 1 an
- i i- protects 1 bv the Constitution of
be United 8tatot Aid ajnita apart
from the le a. rigiits .iff r le I by t li -C
OMi U'i Ml. t'; (set t It it people
h itiestiy -viiov in it i - i li it reis iu j
why its fallow r- eh . bin :nietel.
Of OMirse ii il . la u t by opp ments
li tl C iria'iii - U oppo e l t o
me tical koowboige. Bat what 8a modi
ai kuoale ige? "here is M anch tlthsg
"here is not a aingle .l;sei-e. not as -n
sT the si npiest na.ure. ih 41 a reguUr
.r.ic:i:ioii-r i" certiiu ol caring by
means of his drugs. It is highly
I ssatj :. whether disensaa asv cored
by mo4era drags any bc'er thai thev
-re .-.1 -.1 try drags us-,t uj F.-y-.t and
recce, Irat wbi h n pricisa w mid
hick of as ing to 'ay Thai s irge y lia-
na le WMhsrfnl priire daring the
bn i lrel years m .y be r'iti v al
uitte I, bat the sam cam b; sai I for the
-.-cailel acwaca ol madiriM.
N C iri-tim 3 iii -e, like h amsip-a'-:.
m ly b- true or may ie false
But p-'o . - br ieve in it, j ut as ot1 er
: p.e i.'vr i:i lioin iipjithy, which is
Oally opp '-e ! to eld BCD ml iirac.ii-e.
Am lU mm dVanraa t. ne t eate.1 by
'.--..i i .-ie:i e In-".hJ tie tia" a
r .: to be, a l mo f Jalainiq. or
tyraasii .. . -ritv .f men. has any
'i'it t - prevent aim from raoairiag
Ml 'i tre itll.. Ill
Bjt people .- tin thai a wri-ig is
Iom to . lid lre;i by c ni;iv li.ig ibnn to
r.- siva this treatment, if th-ir sisavt
. . .- .i In ' C iril iaa "sci -utiits This
i ronl I bo tra?. if it eoold bshw-ithat
.' i " Hsar of other school i oaaad omq
l.e chil "ten. Bag no
, ,. s ahe-1 to at end o le of
iree i -wii thjrhe cm ewtwag,
J - i t hi 'b; " i-e.i 1 1:. to the gfMM L
kVl i.e i .e m laphisi s of Chris'ian
SciM a'e ip"u to ji s'i T. tlie e is no
1 -ii'it n rear-1 t the enj icr of
'tins i.iii S.-ie e in certii'i
r. -. i r . . .y i- is ifa to awy that h
c" as many o.' b-n as any other
theory of me li al tr -.itui 'nt his d m.
It is certiiu! - an in"e .s-ini espjri
nent. anlno i i ho a narnw aaiaaWal
"i .: II t. -i-e to s e it ismaacoaad
Erary b i t ex in- iter -.h raid he
;iv ! a c i . ic-to i i iw wliit!ec:i d .
in! this i- all l i it .':tr s-i m Scientist
.email is.
'he Rosahar-j Coaaasascaal (' uh ha appoialieJ the loll ann" aasS in
ir.ttees t.. ict in cv jiuictiou nitL o:hers
t ppoinled f..r I be jui'-fMise ol ; - ; .i r-1 c
artwaitj exhibit lot the Ptartasad Ex
jM.-i' i n.
E locatkm I" R H im'in, ctinn?
nprrin'srsrlsat : A V S.m Ier. aaasssia ii' t' RnsKorg sc'.y - Is : IT H IVni
sicr, pee-ident
-lute N .rn :tl
; : nt tht
Pallet t-n a ii
1 1- iri'.l Oreatoa
C tsi's ; ii-o. S.iWVer,
( khw I ariaaahji J K
ii -. i't ih. Myrtle i r k
ti I..; J A II
i be, i ii. cip..! cf the
W i.i ar -cl is. is.
I n il rv. Kr.o k CsUiu
F 15 11
n.i n
.1 ti in leas.
i i-itina iads in Raaasjasraj, w li
K.-li.' -. M . Ki-'ter i I st irt out to
c lie ; Fands this asarthy rxhiitit
a: 'I- n.'ac or TasassWy ami t :a
t ii c I I l l;.it Lure imsi ess uit-n autl
cttiaa ui will rvp .1 liberal..
Coa y Trcisj.-.r'i M:
N' ti e i .-r.'liy iveu thit all purtit"
hohlinx e amy wurn.'s eaatinraad ativt
to, ai 1 in. l i. iiii . iliy lit 190 t. are re
qaaeta I to pee essi the s iaa sa the i-oun-
I ty tie.i-n er s lata sal will oatSBB there
s i .i alter th .1 lie ot ihh mi ic.
H .i.-l B
Ortat, .p ISK5
H. V. Dtatiaa k,
Counts Treasurer.
Best ard Most P.-pulsr.
"Mothers Luv it tor croaey children.
raiiroivi men buy it for severe coukIis
am! 1 1 lerly js.- pie baa it fur U grippe,"
s ys Mowa Brua., K .I as, l.iwa. We
'sell ii tire uf Ch.tinlei Iain's t'ouh Uem
I ed)r t hnu any nt I er liril. It seems to
have taken the hwd oe hi era! other
i ;.io. braetla." Tbera is ac qaaaaioa hut
.this nittli it e is tl a lesi can be
ptOtnred for r. ul.s am) colds, whether
it be a child ur an aclttll that h : tiln tisl.
It ale is i arcs ami . urea tiiickiy. Sold
bf A ('. M rstf" A fo
! -mV M'VniAPTiri PC ne icuci oi s
is r. j ar.s to watt upon old
anil iiewcusiomi-rsaud friends
with a (uil and complete
stock of
All fresh slid ol the very ietii
quality. Teas sad coffees are
lp la'Mos
t our
I- nerurjj J
f "s Jack" it.
Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $281 :
Swell line of Combination Cases
Ranging in Price from $15 to $28 j
Take a look at our Buffets j
From $25.09 to $38.00. :: :: j
A complete stock of all
of staple an! fancy
goods on which we
kinds of early vegetable? and fruits kept con
stantly on hand. Highest market price paid
f.r a l kinds of farm product-.
Anything you need for a Fruit CiKe or Mince Meat
J. F. BARKER SCO. Phone 201
Merchants reservr your orders for
TORY which skill 1 re-esUhliheJ
an.l ready to till orders early in
R. S. BARKER, rsss
You want the. best, no doubt, and that's just what we have.
Carter's Strictly Pure White Lead.
K tic mo Pure Polled and Raw Linseed Oil aod
All the other Essential.
Suitable Gifts for Ladies
Suitable Gifts for Gents
Suitable Gifts for Children
Finest Line oi Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg
the best brands and grades
Groceries. New and freh
have removed the tariff.
All Brooms a grade higher than
the ordinary custom made broom.
Prices io competition with
Coast Jobbers.
many men hv to tell that have their
lia mi Jone up st hoire. At no private can yu iwt the perfection aj
color ami the beauty ol finish that
makes our estab:ishment famous, for
our fsci ities aro paHatl aiul mm to-ilate.
and we employ on I r experts, that can
show such evi lence of their handicraft
as is seen on the superb work doue at