ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER HJBUSHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BY THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY FHOHt MAI !76. OfflCt CO HAiA AMD OAA Entered In the Post Office at Roseburfr, Oregon, u Second Clas Mail Matter in 1868. W. C. CONNER, Editor SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES Semi-Weekly One Year; 2 0l; Semi-Weekly Six Months, $1 00. Cash in Advance. Advertising Rates, SO cents per single column inch per month. Locals, 5 cents a line. 1905 APRIL 1905 Su. Mo. Tu. WeJTb. Fr. Sa. t L 2-3.-A567.8 9 lJi23J45 1J7J8J9 202I22 Hg2425l 26127128129 MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1905. EASTER GLADNESS Onlv five times in the past 225 years has Easter come later than did this year. The latest possible date is April 25th, which is two daye later than it was in this year of our Lord. In Roseburg, as usual, the day was appropriately observed by special services at all of the churches There were large congregations and a wealth of beautiful flowers and Eas ter bonnets. The olden and oft re peated story of the resurrection was listened too with no waning interest. It is on this day that the lenten gloom is dispelled by the gladness of the Easter carols and as a writer well says: "The story of the resurrection is one of which we never tire. And somehow the poetry of this wonder ful story gets into the churchbell and the minister's sermon on this day Skeut.cism slinks out of sight, and Faith reigns supreme. Not in any spirit of iconoclasm shall we deal with the Easter hope But to the story of this resurrection may be added other chapters not so often told. For Easter is as old as the human race. It was a Pagan day. In all ages men have known of a res urrection. In all ages have they welcomed the approached of the Spring, coming as it does after the Winter has laid its icy finger on all that is beautiful and joyful in Nature, an icy finger that seems to be the touch of death. So it seems, but every year the Spring, with its burst ing buds, its unfolding leaves, its creeping grass and meadow flowers, that come when the old earth is in a position to get a few more or less verticle darts from the sun. proves that in Nature there is no such thing as death. And so the human heart, when the Easter tide rises to the full, the soft Spring winds blowing and the air fragrant with flower-miracles, enters into the joy of the resurrection, and proclaims that there is in human lives no such thing as death." THE TIMBER LAND FRAUDS. In a recent interview with an Iowa reporter CoL Hofer of the Salem Journal had this to say of the bind fraud cases: The timber land frauds have been enormous. The government has de fidnd to nnt an end to them. But that is what the government has al ways been doing. I can remember as a young man all about the Iowa school land frauds. I can remember how lartre bodies of timber land in Minnesota and Michigan were gob bled up and acquired by capatilists and monopolies who in many instances became millionaires and found their final resting place in the United States senate. In the same way very little public land has been acquired in Oregon by strict compliance with law. The same is true of every west ern state. The big corporations and syndicates are acquiring it today and have been acquiring it under the lieu land laws that were worked in con nection with the forest reserve policy of which Grover Cleveland was the sponsor. The public men indicted in Oregon may have been technically guilty or negligent, but that any sen ator or congressman in Oregon has been a party to corruption directly or indirectly no one seriously believes and they will all be acquitted. There will be convictions, however, of those who have openly and flagrantly con spired to deprive the government of public lands and stricter rules will be enforced in future as a result of the investigations ordered by President Roosevelt CUTS OFF OFFICERS FEES The operations of the referendum law are not too satisfactory to some of the county officers of the state at the present time. Since the appro priations bill was held up by the re ferendum recently filed at Salem, the sheriff and other officers who convey criminals or insane persons to Salem are obliged to defray the expenses of the trip with their own funds. All they can secure in the way of re-im- bursement from the state is a sort of certificate or due bill which bears no interest and which, if the holder must absolutely raise money on it, may possibly be cashed by some banker or speculator at a discount of 15 per cent. In the meantime funds of the state, destined for this pur pose, are lying idle. This condition of things will continue until the next regular election in June, 190G. Then if the obstructing movement is up held in the election there will be no relief until the next legislative ses sion. Ul course it is not on account of expenses of this character that the referendum is invoked but the appropriations bill contains many items and the referendum petitioners in order to get at theii object were obliged to put the whole bill to sleep. The people will have before election a good long time to consider the matter in all its phases and mean while the conveyance to Salem of criminal or insane charges will be an employment not eagerly sought. BLACKSTONE'S STUPIDITY. A story is told of a certain Justice of the Peace a very self-sufficient person who previous to trial of a cause had reached a conclusion as to a question of law highly satisfactory to himself. He refused to entertain an argument by the opposing counsel. "If vour Honor pleases," counsel pleaded, "I should like to cite a few authorities upon the point." But counsel was sharply interrupted by the Justice, who stated: The Court knows the law and is thoroughly advised in tne premises; it has given its opinion and that set tles it." "It was not," continued counsel, with an idea of convincing your Hon or that you were wrong, but I did want so much to show you what fool old Blacketone was." Pike's Peak is to be made the light house of the Rocky Mountain region A sixty thousand candle power search light, surrounded by several hundred incandescent lamps, will be mounted on the summit of the peak this sum mer. Electrical experts say that the light will be visible for one hundred and fifty miles over the plains. The light will be installed as a resort at traction, and the required electric current will be furnished from Mani- tou. The gasoline motor manufactured in the Union Pacific shops at Omaha, intended for service on the Southern Pabific between Portland and Hills- boro, is pronounced a success. This is likely to revolutionize passenger traffic between the cities and subur ban points. But there will be plenty of room left for motor lines. An old criminal was once asked what was the first step that led him to ruin and he said: "The first thing that led to my down-fall was cheat ing an editor out of two years sub scription. When I had done that the devil had such a grip on me that I could not shake him off." I ' New York authorities are trying to put a stop to women betting on the races. Better live in the quiet and peaceful west than in a community where the strenuous exertion of the municipal authorities is required to prevent women from gambling. In a debate in an Oregon village on the question, "Resolved, That a hypo crite is more despicable than a liar," it was decided that a liar was the more honorable. That may be be cause a hypocrite is always a liar, and something more besides. A Philadelphia citizen of Italian birth has sued a doctor for charging him $50 ftiV not curing him. It is evident that the emigrant hasn't yet become thoroughly familiar with American institutions. President Roosevelt will probably come back from Colorado with the championship as a marksman. Not even the most audacious grizzly bear shooter will have the temerity to beat the President's score. hdward treneay, a naval gunnv who shot and killed a prize fighter who assaulted him in Honolulu, was fined $1 and warmly thanked by the citizens for abating a public nuisance A national council of women has passed resolutions demanding equal chastity in men and women, rnis is proper. It is something both have a right to demand and investigate. The efforts of John L. Sullivan and Jake Kilrain to re-enter the pugilistic arena is no worse than the desire of Col. Bryan and George Fred Williams to get back into politics. According to the report of the ex perts, Russia's new navy can be com pleted in ten years. Of course, Japan will be doing something in the meantime. It will soon be proper to have a whipping post in every county seat. A New Jersey postmistress has re signed because the salary of the oflice is only $14.75 a year. She ought to have incorporated it and watered the stock. For the relief of a long suffering public Nan Fatterson ought to be either acquitted or convicted, and that without unnecessary delay. According to Santos Dumont, air- yachts will soon become the fashion. Castles in the air" may yet lose its significance. The registration in Portland shows that there are six republicans to one Democrat in that citv. Of Judge Alton B, Parker's latest. the Chicago Tribune says: '"He. being dead, yet speaketh." Or. Patten says men quit hard work too young. But boom of 'em begin too old. Musings. A woman always think- tier dress- maker keep hall the good. Nine tenth of the things pmpM quar rel over do not make anv diflVreme one wav or the other. When the doctor says to you, "OM man, 1 m sorry, but you can I live an hour," how will you take it? By taking revenge, a man is but even with hia enemy, but passing it over, he is superior Bacon. An English court has decided that a school teacher is not a gentleman. rhat'a why we like to hold her little hand. What are the rich in America doing todav" asks the Boston (ilohe. We do not think it necessary to reveal our plans. The Garden of Eden from the top of the apple tree wasn't a marker to the garden of millinery as seen from the pulpit yesterday. A boy is old enough to he welcome in the neighbor girl's parlor long before hi sister thinks he is old enough to sit in the parlor at home. Every one has his vanity card to play. The preacher gets a man in'o the fold by telling him of the "great influence" he has upon others. Had the old fashioned children acted like the present generation there would be no children. Their parents would have beaten them to death. Some one has discovered that the sentence, "No, it is opposition," reads the same backward and forward. And that is about all there It) to a double ender platform. Billy Sunday, a former base ball player, now an evangelist, in a recent sermon remarked: Beiug a churri member won't save you. Hell is e full of church members their feet are stick ing out of the windows. Two urchins appeared at the post office window and the larger of the two was handed a long square box by the clerk on which was a label reading "Tapering Waist Effect." "I-ets see it," said the smaller urchin, as he made a grab for the box. "Nit," said the I other, "you don't get a look in on this, its Mamma's and she don't want any- ! one to know she's got it." An Ohio country editor gave a young local preacher a roast alleging that he was on too intimate terms with a few members of bis choir. The minister commenced a libel proceeding for (5,000 damages .(gainst the local paper and was awarded six cents. He got a new trial and the jury acquitted the news paper man who saved his six cents. The preacher now regrets that he did not let "well enough" alone." i A certain well known local grocery-1 man, whose name we have mentioned before, remained "at the store" rather late the other evening and finally on proceeding homeward encountered a shade tree. He retreated, and advanc ing, met the same tree. He sat down in the street and exclaimed in a sad and frightened tone, "Lost, lost, lost in an impenetrable forest!" He should be indicted upon a charge of the fraudulent location of a timber claim. Mr. Heney will please take notice ! The following story is related on a local M. D. It seems the doctor failed to attend an important meet;ng of his lodge the other evening and on being asked by a brother M . D . the cause of bis absence replied that tiis wife had kept him at borne. "Thats strange," said the friend. "I thought you were the bead of your house." "Oh, I'm the head of my house all right," he replied, "but, you see, every properly adjusted head has a neck to control its move ments and my wife is the neck." A newly elected Missouri judge arose to charge the jury and spoke as follows : "Gentleman of a jury, charging a jury is a new business to me, as this is my first case. You have all the evidence as well aa myself. You have heard what the learned council have said. If you be lie e what the counsel for plaintiff have told you, yonr verdict will be for the plaintiff; but if, on the other hand, you believe what the defendant's counsel baa told you, then you will find a ver dict for the defendant ; but if you are like me, and don't believe what either of them said, then I'll be d d if I know what you'll do. Constable, take charge of the jnry. Convicts On the Roads Salem, Ore., April 22 In order to make a further test of the problen of using convict labor on the public highways. Governor Chamber lain has arranged to work 40 convicts in three separate gangs on the Marion county roads for a few weeks. Marion county will bear the expense of employing six guards to take charge of the men while at work. The county will also pay the cost of transporting the prisoners to their work and will pay 5 cents a day for each man to pay the increased cost of food for the men on account of their doing heavier work. Tbe convicts will be worked within four miles of tbe prison. ROSEBURG'S NEW BAND AND ITS DIRECTOR The new hand which is soon to be organized in this city will be one that the citizens will have reason to be proud of. Roseburg has long enjoyed the name of having one of the beet bands in the state, especially during the life of the old K. of P. Band. PROF JOHN A. NORLINO Johu A. Norling was born in Sweeden 35 years ago and came to this country IS years ago. Eleven years ago he took up his residence in Minnesota and has since called that state hia home. He recently was attlit-ted with the wild west fever, and through corres pondence with friends decided to try Roseburg as a western home. Prof. Norl ing's experience in bands has been varried, he having served as leader and band master of the following organizations: Barnums A Bales Circus band, two years; 45th regiment U. S. band in the Philippine Islands, 1899, 1900 and 1901, Sevea band representing the state of Minnesota at the Chicago Worlda fair, and for the last three years as band-master of the 1st regiment band of the N D. National Guard. Prof. Norling was with the following organization as solo cornetist, Schuberts symphony Orchestra, 5 years; Iowa State band, 2 years; Coegrove Concert Co., 1 vear. Mark W. Davie, the baritone player has been a student of Prof. Norling for the Norling expects to move his family to Roseburg during this summer. A VALUABLE QUARTZ MINING PROPERTY The Kramer Gold Mining and Mil ling Co., Placing Some Stock On the Market. The Kramer group of mines, compris ing ten claims on Whiskey Creek, a tributary at Rogae river in Josephine county, are generially known as among the best producers in Southern Oregou and have just reached that state of de velopment where they should soon lie come large dividend payers. This groupe of mine has long been known aa one of the beet and most valuable quartz properties in this section of the state, assays from which run all the way from ten up into the thousands of dol lars. Tltese mines are very favorably situated lor successful operations, plenty of water and umber for (net being conveniently at hand. There is a tine lot of rich ore on the leads thus far prospected alt of which showing up well. Recently a company was incorporated under the laws of the state of Oregon to more fully develop this mining property and operate it on a more extensive scale. The company is composed of well knomn, tubrtatial and reliable iocal men whose enterprise, energy and business qualifications assures the success of this big mining enterprise. A small amount of slock is being placed on the market at the unusual low price of ten cents per share aud many good sized blocks have been taken by local people, who are looking for a safe and profitable invest ment, which we folly believe money in vested in this property, to be. Hon. Willis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek, and J 8. C.Fiint and II. L. Marsters, ot Koee ' burg, are among the active members J 'of this new mining company,' ! the two latter being engaged ' in introducing the stock of the company ' at tbe present time. We expect to hear of this group of mines becoming one of Hit) gull g".d producers of Southern I Oregon at no distant date. JOHN PAUL JONES REMAINS Motetliaa ho year ngo the lody of John Haul Jones, first American ad miral, was buried in a Paris cemetery, and its location forgotten I Miring some years whole city blocks have been tun neled under in order to find the body, and the searchers believe they have met success. At any rate they have secured a laden casket containing the remains of a man, ami this will tie carried across the sea with honors, and lie given a place on American soil. Ah a man who did splendid service for the embryo America Republic, Johu Paul deserves to lie remembered with honor, and as a commander who was victor in one of the most astounding sea fights known to naval history he rightly ranks as a hero. But John Paul Jones, as he called him self, but which was not his real name was not an American horn and lie lent his services to other countries as well as ours. He waa born in the north of Kngland, and perhaps was not so much a lover of America as he waa a hater of hie native country. It was an odd idea, after more than a century had rolled away, to seek his remains for transpor tation to this country. There must be doubt ul -out the genuineea of the body that lias tieen unearthed, but there is no doubt atnmt the heroic record of the man. This is about the time of year when the good wife takes a notion to clean ont everything. If you are a close observer you will notice it coming on like a hen when she gets broody. You couldn't stop it. There is nothing to be done but keep your face closed, get your meals as quick as possible and get out. It is the one big time in a woman's lifo and none should be denied the right to bring everything out of the house and look on the back side if they want to. The following have signed their willingness to join the new organiza tion and will commence practice at soon as the new instruments arrive. Prof. John A. Norling, director and solo cornet; piccolo, Eugene Jewett ; clarionet, Prof. F. H. Appelhoff; Mr. Appelhoff (will be employed by the band;) Keuter, Mahooey, Hale, Robinson, Osmondaon, and Keiien stein. Cornets, Belfils, Weathrook, Agee, Sho t, Brit-tot, Harvey and Conner Alto's, Reizenstein, Scan ton, Kidd, Johnson and Harphan. I'.antoi.e, M. I'. Davis; trombones Strange, Dagger, Moore, Rowe and Patterson ; Bars, Marsh, Terrill and Sperry Snar.; Drums, Gaguon and Vokum. Base drum, Prof. Joseph Hykea. Most all of these musicians are well known an 1 eiieriencd, while a few are strangers to Roseburg and a few others are beginners. We rU ii, it think it would be out of pla e here to sav a few words about the new director, Prol. Norling. is a musician of no mean ability, and past two years in North Dakota. Prof. W. C. T. U. CONVENTION Joint Institute of Lane and Doug las County Hold Three Days Session Medal Contest Cottage Grove, April 22 The joint in stituteof the W. C. T. V. of Lane and Douglas counties convened April 15, with a reception to the visiting mem bers st the residence of Mr. F. D. Wheeler. A short musical program was rendered and a guessing contest waa en gaged in by all p.esent, much fun aris ing over the guesses. In the evening the convention was held in the M E. church, where the goodly audience waa entertained by lovely music reodered by the choir. Addresses were made by Mrs Marsters, President of Douglas county and Mrs. F. D. Wheeler. President of I .ane county I'nions, followed by Mrs. Ferguson of Douglas county, who dis cussed upon "Silver Chimes," in her usual convincing manner. Thursday the morning session was de voted to the carrying out of the program until the noon hour, when all retired to the class room ol the church where a most I- tintiful lunch was served. Kach one did all the justice of which they were capable and there being n. were capable and there Deing no dimunition of good things, sapper was partaken of at the same place. The most interesting feature of the afternoon session was the debate upon the question: "Resolved that the tobacco habit is more harmful to our nation than the liquor traffic," in which Metdamee Bishop of Yoncalla, Black of Drain and ItoSpain of Cottage Grove to k the affirmative Meedames Arnii tage of Myrtle Creek. Johnson and Mel ton of Creswell, the negative. In the evening a Gold Medal Contest was held at tbe Opera House, six con teetants taking part. Miss Hoover of 1 'ruin secured the coveted prise. Thanks were extended the choir for their most excellent music. At the Friday Morning closing the program was closely followed, tbe I.. T. L question waa quite thoroughly discussed. An interesting paper was read on ' Our work in the Sunday School" (ol lowed by Mrs. Barnard of Co burg. "Odds and ends and tangled points" wat presented by Mrs bishop of Yon calla and discussed by all present. Re ports of committees followed. At the close of the sesaion Mrs. Manters of Roseburg in a well chosen speech thanked the ladies cf Cottage Grove for the courtesies extended the visitors and the Institution closed with the best of feelings for all The names of visiting delegates are aa follows: Roseburg: Mrs. Marsters, Mrs Ferguson, Mrs. Morian; Drain: Mrs Black, Mrs. Gardiner; Myrtle Creek Mrs. A Mintage; i oncaila : Mrs. titshop ; Coburg: Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. Melton Mrs. Howe; Saginaw: Mrs. Johns, Mrs Ingraham, Mrs. Saulabarg. That "Awful Aunt' A drama in two acts entitled "Our Awful Aunt," was presented under the auspices of the W . C. T. U. at the Chris tian church laat Friday evening and was well attended. It is a aplendid little temperance dra ma and the characters were all decidedly well sustained, Mrs. B. C. Bartrum, as the widow ; Mias Lillith Moore aa the 'Awful Aunt" andMilea Negley, as the colored servant deserving special men tion. Misses Grace Moore and Grac LaBrie sustained minor characters in a very pleasing manner. LeNoir Rags- dale and Elmer Wilson, the latter sus taining the role of villain received the approval of the audience. The introductory musical and literary program contained several excellent numbers among which waa tbe song by little Ada and Haael Krakenberger, the vocal solo by Miss Julia Bishop and the read ina. "The Polish Boy" by Mrs. V. H. Rogers. Mrs. A. C. Marsters offi ciated in her usual pleasing manner and the evening proved a very entertaining one. A neat little sum waa realised from the small admission fee. A Literary Curiosity The following poem hai recently been compiled and was offered for publication with the statement that its composer spent a year In its compilation It is a mosaic, each line being taken from aome well known English or American author, whose name Id every instance ia given. The compilation of the poem ia not only a tribute to the patience of the author but the perfection of the rhyming and the fitness of each line to the other in producing complete sense, make it a most decided novelty. It is entitled : Why all this toil for the triumph of an hour? Young. Life's a short summer mau ia but a flower. Dr. Johnaou By turns we catch the fatal breath and die ; Pope. The cradle and the tomb, alas' how nigh. Prior. To be ia better far than uot to be He well. Though all man's life may aeeui a trag edy ; Spenser. But light cares apeak when mighty griefs are dumb. Daniel. The bottom ia but shallow whence they come. Sir W. Raleigh. Thy fate is the common fate of all ; tangfellow. Unmiugled joys here no aaaa befall ; Southwell. Nature to each allots his proer sphere, Coogreve. Fortune make folly her peculiar care. CburchilL Custom does not reason overrule, Rochester. And throw a cruel sunshine on a fool. Armstrong. Live well ; how long or short set nut to heaven. Milton. They who forgive must shall ba most forgiven. Bailer. Sin may be clasped so cluae we cannot see its face; French. Vile intercourse where virtue has no place ; Homerville. Then keep each paaaioa dowu, h iwever dear , Thorn peon . Thou pendalam betwixt a amile and tear. Byron. Her sensual an area let faithless Pie .sure lay, Smollef." With craft and skill to ruin and i-etray : -Crabbe. Soar not too high to fall, bat stoop to rise ; Masai nger. We masters grow of all that we despise Cowley. Oh, then, renounce that impious self- esteem ; Beat tie. Kichea have wings and grandeur is a dream. Cow per. Think not ambition wisp because 'tis bravs Sir Win. Davenant. Tbe paths of glory lead bat to I ho grave ; Gray. What is ambition? Tia a glorious cheat, Willis. Only destructive to the brave and great. Addison. What's all the gaudy glitter of a crown? -Dry dec. Tbe way to bliss lies not on beds of down. F. ijuarle. How long we live not year but actions tell ; Watkins. That man lives twice who Uvea the first life well Merrick. Make then, while you may, your God voor friend, --Win. Mason. Whom Chfiaiian- worship, yet not com prehend--Hill. The trust thai - g.ven guard, and to ' yourself be jost , Dana. For live how w,- may, yet die we must Shakespeare. Stage to Myrtle Creek Mines. W. P. Willis has purchased a fine stage wub seating capacity for twelve) people. Un or be lore June 1st he will make regular trips between Myrtle i Creek an 1 the mines, four horses and ; competent drivers will make the trip a quick one as well aa a comfortable one. This stage will make three trips a week on lite days the present state does not ran, thus giving a daily service betaeen the two points mentioned. Mail. Chickens Killed By Hail. Eugene, Or., April 90. A beavv hail storm is reported in the McKentie Val ley in tbe vicinity of Walterville and j Leaburg, 30 milea eau t of Eugene. The ' storm occored Tuesday evening about 4:90 o'clock. Hailstones over an inch in diameter fell, creating considerable damage over quite an area. Window 1 glasses ie many farmhouses were broken ' oat, chickens killed, and fruit trees damaged Sy the hailstones. The storm was accompanied by thunder and blind-! ing dashes of li htnlng. A Busy Day in Justice Court John G I'icka, road supervisor for Myrtle Creek district, filed twenty-three complaints in Justice liur-t'- couit and garnisheed the w tree of aa many em ployes of the Southern Pacific, on the IStb Myrtle Creek Mail. Tic Brookes Estate Mias Mary K. Brookes, of Portland, has been appointed administratrix of the estate of her father, H. H Brookes, deceased, valued at 18000, says the Ore gonian. sulfas Host NeeUr. "Mothers buy it lor croupy children, railroad men buy it for severe coughs and elderly people buy it for la grippe," Siys Moore Bros., Eldon. Iowa. We sell n. ore of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy than any other kiud. It seems to have taken the lead over several other good brands." There is uo question but this medicine is the l-t that can be procured for roughs and colds, whether it be a child or an adult that i uhifcted. It always rarest and i toes quickly. Sold hr A. C. Marsters A Co rt .-.-.-.. MRS. H. E ASTON " is prepared to wait upon old & and ne customers and friends V m . . who a mil auu complete stock of QROCERIE: All fresh and of the very beat quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage t aof Jackson St., Raaebaif 1 Bargains Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $211 Swell line of Combination Cases Ranging in Price from $15 to $28 Take a look at our Buffets From S25.W to $38.01 :: :: B. W THE FURNITURE WAN FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES A complete stock of all the best brands and grades of staple and fancy Groceries. New and fresh goods on which we have removed the tariff. All kinds of early vegetables and fruits kept con stantly on hand. Highest market price paid for a'l kinds of farm produce. KRU5E & UP-TO-DATE JUST ARRIVED FIGS HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS BASINS CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL Anything yon need for a Fruit Cnke or Mince Meat J. F. BARKER SCO. Phone 201 BROOMS Merchants reserve your orders for the B08BM7RG BRX I r AC TORY which will he re established and ready to fiil orders early in March. R. S. BARKER, ors"on: S Pal H H -" P MEa. u aBSaW MMMbI l Q rj U D aHaV'4aHdnLi PETTING READY TO PAINT You want the best, no doubt, and that's just what we have. Carter's Strictly Pure White Lead. r ootica ana Kaw l.inrcd Oil All the other EsaentiaU. BEARD & ARTICLES OF JEWELRY Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gifts for Gents Suitable Gifts for Children Finest Line of Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg .ISfS SALZMAN'S for all e e STRONG MEWLAMD GROCERS : : NEW STOCK FINE CHINA WA1E i All Brooms a grade higher than the ordiiiarv custom made broom. Prices in competition with Coast Jobbers. A TALE OF WOE many m-n h ive to tell that have H eir lin.n dou . up at home. At rto pri. at) lauodrv can you get Hie peri, nun of color ami the beauty of tai tlia makes our establish naent : for our fa i itiee are prrte-t and up .lata, and we . mploy only expert, lh it can show such evidence of their handicraft as is seen on the superb awk aVaaa at ROSKBl'RC. STK VM LAl'SIUY. an J CULVER