The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 24, 1905, Image 1

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Roseburg, Oregon
: Roseburg Plaindealer
T Population. KM The County Seat ol Douglas
J County. ,Ti Run MMn Home: r B. I.hiuI Olftro
4 and CI S.WUier Miireiu are localo.1 here s l
J rullroa 1 division: splendid i-dai-at tonal advantages.
I OaU'Waj t" lii! Coos Bay aud ('oqulllf country.
The mom widely read newspaper published la
Houthers Oregon aol conneqnentljr the bht adver
tlaliitr medium. Large, modemly equipped Job
printing department In connection. Katabliahed
In law. Bubacrtption, tl per year for Heml-Weeklr
No 33
Ih a 'mbbbbbv jMIbB
Senator Mitchell's Plea of Abatement Is Being
Thoroughly Sifted in Federal Courts.
Heney Confident.
: U II U
Portland, April 23. A decision in the matter of the
Senator Mitchell plea in abatement will not be rendered
until Tuesday morning, Judge Bellinger having so an
nounced today. Owing to the multitude of authorities he
hag been (.bliged to consult, and the importance of the is
sues involved, the judge has found it impossible to reach a
satisfactory conclusion before the time indicated.
District Attorney Heney feels the ut
most confi.leiK-e that the court will hold
in favor of I he Government's contention
that the plea in abatement ehou d be dis
united in accordance with the reasons
net forth in his demurrer, and this also
r its to be the general impression
admitting that everything contained
therein is true, he claims that they do
not set up sufficient grounds for attack
ing the validity of the indictments. He
stated also that the question of Grand
Juror Guinstin'B citizenship which he
airwng the hicallegal fraternity, so that j regards as the feature of their assump
tliore is scarcely any doubt that Senator ( tions was settled by the court that de
Mitchell and others will have to resort ; clared him entitled to citizenship papers,
to some other method of avoiding an I anJ the legality of such proceedings can
eariv trial. I not 06 impaired by any such collateral
Heney says the United States Supreme assault, any more than the patent to a
t'art h is sustained hie principal con- tract of Government land can be set
aside by some tribunal without compe
tent jurisdiction.
Heney is undecided as to when he will
return to -'an Francisco, as he does not
propose in leave here until all the pre-
liminaiie- incident to the treat land
fraud battle have lieen adjusted to his
ti nuons since 1851, and therefore does
notainticipasV any divergence from such
a well-established course in the present
iti-tt-.nce. 11 h further that the plea
in Ttabateniewi interposed by Senator
Mitchell, aiil around which all the
lek s of ti e iher defendants have cen-
lere 1, does no) raise any issues, and even complete satisfaction
Portland, April 21. All of the promi
nent men on the indictment roll, have
appeared for arraignment. There are a
few of the more unimportant defendants
who have not as yet put in an appear
ance, but all ot tiiem have been nottnett
and will be in court on Mondav morn
Mr. Heney will soon leave for San
Francisco and will remain there for sev
eral weeks, or until near the time when
Uie first case is to be set for trial. This
is supposing that the decision of Judge
Bellinger in regard to the Mitchell plea
of abatement will be in favor of the gov
ernment and against the quashing of
the indictments. Should the decision
ol the court be for the defendants, how
ever, it would complicate matters great
ly and what would come nest would be
hard thing to predict. If the court
were to so decide it might be necessary
for the facts alleged in the pleas to be
tried out before a jury and in this case
even the preliminary steps in the trial
could not be taken until after the jnrv
has been drawn, which has not been
It the plea in abatement is not allow
ed then the defendants will be required
to plead at the earliest moment and the
decks will be cleared for the battle of
the trials to come.
The date of trial in any of the cases
has not been determined upon and will
not be until the time of the completion
Of the new federal building is assured
and it is positively known when the new
court room can be occupied. When that
time conies the jury panel will lie drawn
and everything made ready for the com
mencement of the trials.
Terrible Naval Battle Daily Expected- Authorities
Differ on Probable Outcome Relative
Strength of Fleets.
April 22. The Foreign ottice has
advices from the Admiral in command of the
squadron iu French Cochin Chipa.. stating that
vensky's Baltic Fleet sailed north from Kamranh
receivei I
Bay on
Saturday. This information was received by the French
with a show of greatest pleasure, as there is no fet-ling here
to countenance any disregard of neutrality by France.
iedfer.'. pril 21. S. C. Hartrum, j "We'll h ve one of the gre itest dams
f ie-t sup ivi or. returned Wednesday I in the world when we get through, '
from a trip l xtuiinafton to the camp! said Attorney Frank Thrope, of Phoenix
of uie rati. 1 1
West belli -la
Portland, April State Senator
tieonte C. Browaell and George Soren-
sou tiled demurrers and pitas iu abate
ment to the indictments charting sub
ornation of perjury in odi net lion with
the land frauds in the federal district
court todav.
vho are eurvevinir the
line of the Cascade re
serve. Dun is the two weeks they have
l.een cut the rangers, five in number,
A. S. Ireland, of Olalla; Henry Ireland,
Sam Bmemmug, Silas McKee, of Med-
i H, and Will Nichols, of Central Point,
hue surveiel and mptked eighteen
iniies of the boundary. Besides this
they have cut out the brush along the
line and posted notices at every place
where the li e crosses a mountain trail,
so i hat any one knows when he crosses
ihe line of the reserve. Mr. Bartrum
expresses iiim-elf as well pleased with
the work done by the rangers. Mr,
Baitruni informed Ihe Mail that under
a late ruling of the department forest
ran.'ere are bow authorize! to make ar
lests without warrants for Violations of
of the, rules and regulations, of the re
ser e. Ibis is .an authority which
should have been given the rangers be
fore, as it has fn quently happenel that j reservoir will be 14,000 acres
violators of the law have escaped on re
count of the rangers not having the
power of summary arrest. In company
with Ranger Henry Ireland, Mr. Bar
trom left Thursday for Klamath county,
to look after some extensive sales of
government timber.
Ariz , to a Buffalo Express representa
tive -I mean Ihe gre it Tonto dam on
Salt Rivet. It will do great things for
the country, with all that power and
water to use. To give you an idea of
the immensity of the job, think over
these figures, keeping in mind that Ni
agara Kails is only about IriO feet high.
The height of the dam above bedrock
will be MS feet, and it will be 230 feet
above low water mark.
"As to the thickness of the dam it will
be 158 feet at the base and M eet at the
top, with a 12-foot driveway along the
top. Though the dam will be only 210
feet long at the base, it will be 780 feet
at the top Over 7ti,000 cubic yards will
have to be excavated for the foun ation.
and ttiere will ne over 3UU,OUU square
yards of masonry, just 150,000 barrels of
cement lieiag necessary.
"There are 5,756 sq uare miles in the
drainage basin, while the area of the
It is ex
peeled the power constantly developed
will be 1,11)0 horsepower with a storage
of 1,000,000 adre feet of water in the full
reservoir to keep it op."
The dam, which will be chiefly for ir
rigation and the reclamation of arid
lands, is expected to cost about $3,000,
It is believed in Paris that the prom
ised naval encounter between the fleets
cannot much longer be delayed. French
naval experts who have followed the sit
uation profess to believe that the out
come will be a demolishing of the Jap
anese fleet, to be followed bv the rav
aging of the coast of Japan by the Rus
sians. Inasmuch as the advices relative to
the announced departure of the Russian
fleet come from Foreign Minister Dat
casse, they are believed to he worthy of
Strength of FlteU is turns
Washington, April 22 In a compila
tion of figures on coniarative strength
of the Russian and Japanese fleet,
made by naval authorities here, the bal
ance of gun power is greatly in favor of
theJa aucse. In big guns and small
the Russian'are generally outnumbered.
and though the Knssiai.a have the great
' er number of battleship
have two or three tiroes as many ar-
' mored and protected cruisers as the
Kussian fleet.
Few officers of the Navy IK-partment
1 care to pred ct what the outcome of the
apparently imminent Italtle will be.
. lliev seem to Units mil i.ojrstvenssy :
I will tight and that he is now prepared
to meet Togo.
The follow ing table of the her of
guns in each fleet has tieen COW piled by
the Navy Department:
Russia Japan 3
12 inch 20
10-inch 5
s.mch ... 34
ri-inch 196
4-7-inch 94
12 oundera 230
t-pou riders 4
3I.l-pounders. . ..
Ijist Thursday evening a new Rebek
ah lodge was organ-zed at Glendale with
over .'tO charter members. Mrs. Mary
Smith, of (irants I'asa, the Special DbB
nty President I' pointed for that pnr
lose, was Ihe iustitming olficer. She
was ably assistci by Mrs Cras. Clevi-n-ger
of (i rants Pass, prist president of the
Oregon Kebekah Assemh jr. The Degree
Staff of Grants Pass was present and
did the tl Kir work in a manner pleasing
to the new members and creditable to
themselves. This team, is under the
captaincy of Mrs. Cleventrer and its
work shows the result of the careful
training of so competent ami loyal a
member. The officers of the new lodge
are as follows :
Mrs Mattie Howard, N. G; Mrs. F.
C. Ixald, V. C; Miss Myra Montgomery,
Kec. Sec-; Mrs. J. C. Freeman, Fin. Sec ;
Mrs. Lillie M. Jones, Treas; Mis'- M A
Made By Masked Men in Klamath
CountyThe Herder Found
Bound and Gaged.
Mrs. Lillian McCam, Chap.
After the work was done speeches
were made by several members anil at
1 a. m. good night was said and all
went home pleased with the work and
wishing the new lodge a pleasant and
successful career. A most excellent
lunch was served at midnight at the Mc
160 i iregOf restaurant.
Another condition considered greatly
in favor of the Japanese is the exer
Klamath Kails. Or., April 23. News comes from
Lorella, in the southeastern part of Klamath Countv. of
another slaughter of sheep and outrage upon the herder
committed by a band of masked men, supposed to be work
ing in the interest of the cattle-owners.
On the 13th of the month nine men, with their faces
I effectually concealed by masks, rode up to the aheep camp
of Klum & McKendree and covered the lone heider with
' their rifles. The man was trussed up so he could not move.
Cr!t, t 'ITZ. I IT then the slaughter of
K. Bowersox. L. S. N. G; Mr Chas u,c neep oegan
Dewev, I. G ; Mr. J. A. Jone--, O
Utritt Gets Lock. deal of excitement among eheepownera
About 150 shots in all were fired, the ' wn" kve beard of it, and fear ia ex
herder thinks. When he finally managed pressed that this marks the be.'inoing of
to wriggle loose from his fastenings be , soother season of terror in Central Ore
found over 100 animals dead on the g- Already further north a band of
ground and the remainder of the band sheep was destroyed some weeks ago,
scattcro.1 almost beyond recall. Most of but it was hoped that this was oniv a
" I these frightened muttons will fall prev I of spite, and not part of an man-
to the coyotes lfore they can be brought i ized effort to drive the aheep from the
ience of the Hsrsonuel of the rafiooi
ships and the service their ships have
seen. At least four of the Russian bat
tleships are new, and their faults have
never leen found unless Rojeatvensky
discove-ed them while iu the Indian
Ik-can. On the other hand the
ese hae been lighting with the warship
lor over a year, and have undoubtedly
the Japanei seen an m wieir weak mii muu ewimi-
ei mem.
A naval orticer m discussing the situa
tion said :
"The result of the hattie d p. -ml
back to the safeguard of a shepherd.
This camp of Klum A McKendree is
nearly down on the border line between
Oregon and California, and in the vicin
ity of fjaogell's Valley.
Sheet Cams leraea.
After leaving the scene of the slaugh
ti-r the marauders rode to the sheep
camp of Dave Elder, still further east,
and destroyed everything valuable by
on the ability of the
has the advantage ol
manned with veterans,
may he all right himself,
do it all alone "
gunners. Japan
hiving her ships
Roj estvenskv
but he cannot
Gienwoil Siirings. Colo . April 21.
Secretary Uieb said he found the presi
dent in tine fettle anil delighted at hav
ing killed liis tear, tie ts proud ol a gre
second shot which broke t:.e bear's
.! .,,.1 mm 1
1KB -'OUT, U'I , LI , a, V VJ , I I IB KllliUK
the does, n e camp has been moved to , j aqq Ikf 1TCn rgn
Gregor ranch, on the west divide The (HUKC A I LK lUK
1 1 . i r. I . m rr, mill ri. n na r 1 ... '
Stone. The President will return here
May 14th, remain over night, and on
the following day start for Denver.
brut Lan Last Tear.
It will be remembered that last year
one man, Creed Conn, was killed and
m head of sheep, valued at $20,000,
were shot down or scattered in the
mountains beyond redemption by what
appears to have been an organized band
of sheepshooters The counties of
Crook, Lake, Grant and Klamath were
last year evidently in the hands of an
organization that had planned a cam-
News of the killing has caused a great paign of terror and destruction.
Vancouver, Wash., April 21. An or-
dei has been issued by the Commissioner
ot the General I-and Office which prom
ises to be serious and far reaching in
its effects. Holders of many acres of
valuab.e lands in this county will be
among the suffers, and it is said bv
those in a position to kaow, that the
holders of more than 100,000 acres of
land in the States of Washington, Ore
gon and California mav lose their posses
Information of the action of the Com
missioner c- lines through a notice issued
by the Register ami Receiver of the
Vancouver Land Office to Douis Nicolai.
of Portland. Nicolai is a prominent
sawmill man, and, is the owner of a
large tract of timber in the Vancouver
district. In August, 1900, he filed with
the local 1 -and Office a lieu land selec
tion covering the north half of section U,
township 11 north, range 5 east. This
was taken in lieu of lands in the Bull
Run forest reserve, which bad been
surrendered, and which he had obtained
by purchase from the original bolder
long after the patent had been issued.
In the notice of suspension issued
from the Land Office, the reason given
for the action is that the selection was
made in lieu of school lands in the state
of Oregon and that investigation is now
to be made of the manner in which
these lands were disposed of in the
States of California and Oregon. The
order is said to affect all lieu land selec
tions of which the base was school
lands, in which is included sections 16
and 36 of each of the townships in the
Oregon districts. It is known that in
the past many holders of school selec
tions where the lands have been in
cluded in the limits of forest reserves
have taken'f d vantage of tbe opportunity
to exchange them for lieu scrip and
thus secure valuable timber lands in
other sections.
Goglidlmo Mare. mi, javeatSS 1 f tile nin-lrm wl-grjiriti. has made a fortunate arloetioa
of a vtt. Bis bhdr. llos. liratrioe U'Hri-n. u on of the mast beautiful and
young women in England. She ia alao quite wealthv. whieh ia certainly no diaad-aMafJSa
Montreal. April L'l A disastrous tire
broke out at an early hour today and re
duced to ashes the convent in the little
I village of St. Genieve. one nun, eight
' children and four aged women lost thuir
j live.
Bucket brigades were hurriedly formed
by the villagers, but the fire had gained
such headway that it was soon apparent
that there was no chance to save the
I building from destruction.
G-ttage Grove. April JO -from pres
ent indications it looks as though Cot
tage G rove's water supply will be in-
i creased. The city council has taken
IN A CONVENT ap the j,iestion in m"nner 10,1 looke
ne ousineee. i ue proposed improve
ments will cost about $30,000. A ten
inch main will lie laid and a reservoir
holding l."O0.iJ gallons of water built,
if a majority of citizess favor the im
provements. The matter wll be sub
mitted to the people for a vote. It is
thought that the most of the citizens
wish this improvement.
AsVerhje The City.
The Commercial Club is discussing
i the beet methods of advertising tbe in
, dustries and resources of Cottage Grove
Sister Rage'.tera. in her efforts to save and the Bohemia mining district and
the lives of the children in her charge. ' surrounding territory. It ia probable
succumbed to the smoke and flames. that a large number i f pamphlets and
The pupils who perished were in a por- cirrulaxs will be printed for distribution
tion of the building where the tire had
obtained too much headway before the
alarm was given to enable those who re
sponded to effect the r rescue.
An tffort was made to get Point Claire
by telephone so that assistance evald 1 '
had from Montreal, but for some reason
no response was receive 1 from Point
The fire started about midnight in the
old ladies' hospital, and the smoke was
so thick that the children on the floor
at'e were unable to get down.
The co:ivent was called Ste Anne's,
nd wat- :i branch of the convent of the
listers of Ste. Anne's of I.achine. The)
uilding was a gray stone structure hand-1
OOM in appearance, massive in charac- 1
t r, and with the church it formed a '
. i n', r .1 feature of the pretty little village 1
at the Iwis and Clark fair.
$ro Qetc Earh.
The merchants of this c'ty will close
their stores at 7 o'clock after May 1.
This has been adopted in other towns
with more or less success, and will be
tried here.
San Francisco, April 20. The prune
crop of California u all the principal
districts, will range from only one
quarter to one-half of the California sea
son output. Ten days ago tbe outlook
was good for a record-breaking prune
producing season. The trees were bear
ing enorgh sma.i pruce? to ?ive b.-.:s
for high hope in this dire. tou.
Suddenly a great tin; .re has come. A
very large percent-: ge of the prunes
have fallen from the trees, after the
fruit had attained about the size of
OF WAS OF 1812
Utica, N. Y. April 23. Hiram Croak,
of the town of Ava, the only survivor of
the war of 1312, wHl celebrate his 106th
birthday Wednesday next. Tbe aged
veteran lives with his daughter on a
farm near Ava. He enjoys splendid
health for a man of such years, and bis
faculties are as keen as those of
persons half his age.
Attorney C. S. Jackson, of Roseburg,
baa returned from a trip to the South
ern part of the county, in the interests
of the mining industry, and selecting
ores for the mineral exhibit at the Lew
is A Clark Fair. He reports success
long that lineland much activity in the
mining industry, and ininxs uougias
county is destined to become one of the
greatest mineral producing sections on
the Pacific slope. Tbe Rainbow Min
ing Milling A Smelting Co, are negotiat
ing a sale of their valuable property on
Drew creek. The figures are not given
out but reports place the consideration
at $125,000.
There are other rich mining properties
in South Douglas. Mr. Stewart, of the
now famous "Continental" mine on
South Myrtle.Creek, has supplied the
committee on mineral exhibits with
about one ton of very rich ore.
Mr. Jackson states that the prospects
for a large cereal production are flatter
ing, the brightest for a number of yean.
Grasses and grains show a wonderful
growth. While tbe fruit men report
failure in the valuable Italian variety of
, the prune, they say there will be an
! abundance of all other kinds of fruits.
I Ripe wild strawberries are plentiful and
have been in evidence in the school
boy's dinner pail for some time.
Two dog-eating, head-hunting Ig
orrote chieftians have arrived at
Portland from the Philippines. The
Oregonian printed their pictures as
they were seen in Portland arrayed
in only their girdles and offers the
apology that 'The chiefs were haying
their suits pressed when they were
photographed," but states in conclu
sion, 'The Igorrotes wear the origi
nal peek-a-boo costumes."
In the present troupe of Dog Eat
ers there are 53. The remainder are
at Seattle, where they will remain
until a concession has been arranged
at the Iwia and Clark Exposition
grounds. Twenty-three women are
in the troupe. Old Faliao, the medi
cine man of the troupe, i.- in a hospi
tal at Seattle. He is very old and
tired out with the sea trip. He was
seasick coming over, it is supposed.
Chiefs Fomeloey and Democmot
were taken on the roof of the Ore
gonian building to be photographed.
The "big house" astonished them.
They crept to the edge and looked
"Fgh," said they- It was the big
gest house they had ever been on.
And then said Chief Fomeloey with a
wave of his hand and a broad grin
and in his native tongue:
"Americans all rich; no use talkin;
look at the houses."
St. Petersburg, April 23 A plot to kill the Czar, it
is alleged, has beeu discovered among the troops ot the im
perial guard. Many officers are said to be involved, the
very men whom the imperial family depends upou for pro
Governor-General Trepoff's secret ageuts unearthed
anrl assprt that several of the conspirators ot noble
birth were in possession of large quantities ot dynamite.
The discovery has unnerved the Czar at Tsarskoe-belo,
who, it is reported, constantly exclaims:
"Whom can I trust?"
The ennsnirators bound bv oaths, remain silent
vn under direrr threats, and Bruce Vastiew has been
unable to force a single soldier to confess his participation
in the plot.
Every lover of exceptionally fine i
equestrianism will be glad to hear that
Xorris and Rowe were successful in I
inducing Miss Rose iKvkrill to return to !
this country and ride for them this sea- I
son. the name ot l.x-Krill is an ancient
and honorable one U the world of white
tents and there is no more graceful and
charming daughter of the arena than
talented Rose Dockrill who ia conceded
to be the cleverest equestrienne before
the public today. Her companions
have christened her the "Rose of the
World" and Miss Dockrill is as much at
home upon the naked back of a horse as
other people would be upon terra-tirma.
Other brilliant equestriennes with the
Sorris and Rowe greater circus this
year are Dolly Miller who rides as
easily as a fairy tlasher through the air
astride a sunbeam. Frank Miller : Geo
rg Holland; Austin King; Wm. Sut
ton ; Jos. Haines ; M He Julien ; and Miss
Kstelle Settler form but a portion of the
large corps of bareback riding contiu
gent. All of these riders own their own
educated stock and beautiful pure white
Arabian horses they use. The Norris
ami Howe greater circus is exceptionally
rich in the posessionof beautiful horses
this season, especially the ring, riding,
racing and performing stock. Cake
walking; marching; clown and hippo
drone sto.k of all kinds is well repre
sented. Miss Dockrill will positively
appear here when the Norris and Howe
greater circus exhibit at Roseburg Fri
day May 5th at i and 8 p. in.
Special sales by Stearns A Chenowith
Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other
sewing machines 115.00 and up; water
pipe; wire, plain and barbed j cut and
wire nails; the only guaranteed black
smith coal ; two carloads Page woven
wire fence, the only tempered wire fence
for sale. n3 tf
THE constant and uniform excellence
of our products, and the neatness
of our packages are in accord with
every detail of our business.
We offer you perfect service with
drugs that are PURE and FRESH.
We are honest in our efforts to serve
you faithfully and we ask that you in
dicate your appreciation by favoring us
with your patronage.
KxUMitticJ la
Incorporated 1S0I
f m
Vic rreatdenl.
F -v Ua-KKON, a. A. BOOTH t. H BOOTH,
K. L jlll.! SR.