The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 20, 1905, Image 3

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In ladies dress goods we have ALL the latest styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waists. Suits and
Cotton (ioods, also a full line of Novelties.
For Men, Youths and Roys we have the best line of Clothing in the city, in STYLE, CUT and
Reims making your purchases ir spring goods look at our line.
H4RVEY JONES. Proprietor
Rates $1.00 per day and upward
New Brick, New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. P. Depot Grounds .' .' .' .
Local and Personal.
See tin Osteopathic physician.
J. V. Johnson, dentist, Grave's
For guaranteed dental work go to Or.
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
White Pine
This reliable Expectorate Cough
Cure is hard to beat for the winter
Coughs. It has both expectorating
and sedative qualities, checks exces
sive coughing yet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
spiratory tract to throw off any of
fensive material.
A full 4 oz bottle for 25c,
The Myrtle Point council will grant
no more liquor licenses.
.1 W Crouch ef Oakland was in this
city todav on tfusiness.
H L. Cooke'and wife, of Wilbur, were
iu Roseburg tltis week.
Wood and hay for sale, fave orders
with J. F. Barter k Co. tf
Hennie l.ohr is in Portland for a f t w
; days on business.
J W. Beckley. of Riddle, was in this
city on business this week.
A course of Osteopathic treatment
will put you on your feet.
1 V . Bounds, of Rockies was in Roee
burg on business this week.
Subscribe for the Plaindealer, Ore
son's greateast country newspaper.
Whole and cracked corn for sale by the
lkmgUs County Flouring Mills. tf
Z. N. Agee made a business visit to
points in South Douglas this week.
Mitt flattie Beckley, of Oakland was
visiting frietids in Roseburg this week.
Five horsepower F'airtianks A Morse
kiasnletie engene for sale. Good as new.
lnq.iire at this office
Osteopathy is the best treatment
know n for a permanent cure The best
is always the cheapest.
Wm M Porter, of Camas Valley: Mrs
Sanford Hart, of Glendale are registered
at the Hotel McClallen.
J. F. Sawyers, lawyer and notary
public. Office up stairs in Douglas
County bank Building. tf
Thursday and Friday of next week,
Dr. Lowe, the well known oculo-opti-clan,
will be in Roeeburg.
Come and see the Plaindealer in i's
new home. The price of the paper wi.l
. remain the same. Subscribe!
How about that date opposite your
name printed on the Plaindealer? we
: need the money ! New bricks come high !
The I'mpqua bakery is now located
la its new building on Cass street,
next door to the Cass street mea mar
ket. a3 tf
Mrs Charles Davis and children who
! have been visiting relatives in Roseburg
returned to Drain on this morning's
1 Miss Virginia Bvrd, stenographer in
the U S. land office here, is visiting her
home at Salem during a two weeks' va
cation. Mrs. Cameron, of Portland, is visiting
the family of her nephew, George Gra
ham, an employe of the round bouse in
this city.
Mrs. E. Livermore, of Beaverton, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. D.
Jackson of North Roseburg, has re
turned home.
This is the last issue of the Plain
dealer in its old quarters. Friday the
office will be moved into its fine new
borne on Jackson Street.
"That Awful Aunt," a drama by local
talent, will be presented at the Chris
tian church in this city April 21, 1905.
Admisssion 25 cte and 15 eta. tf
David Hughes, of Canyonvil!-, was
transacting business in Roeebug this
week. He states that the late frosts
have damaged the prune crop in that
Congressman Hermann has returned
from Washington, D. C, and is now in
Portland. He will remain in Oregon ;
until the land fraud trials are over,
i His attorneys will be Dolpb, Mai lory.
Simon & Gearin. He declined to be
A beautiful line of trimmed hats at
the Bell Sisters Saturday. a24
Brakeman R. S. Mitchell, opFortland,
is now working out of this city.
Say, how about that little account of
yours with the Plaindearer we need tlie
money! New press, uew building.
Geo. Graham, boiler inspector at the
S. P round house, left last night for
Portland and will be absent for several
Hon. James Brrori. of Yoacalla, was
in Roeeburg on busmen fhfs week. He
, reports crops very good is the. Olalla
, country.
Roeeburg lodge, A. F. A A. M., has
appointed a committee to report on the
matter of erecting a fine two or three
storv lodge building in the near future.
Thomas Townsend and William P.
King left early this morning for the
tlmberland region of Douglas county,
east of this city, to look over tiuilrland
in that section.
Mrs. George Fromn and two daughters
went to Oakland Wednesday morning
to remain for some time. They will
leave for Chicago soon to reside. Mr
Fromn being there.,
A.J. Hutchinson and wife of Monti
cano. Washington, were in this city ou
business before the I'. S. Land Office,
they having recently located timber
claims on Cow Creek.
The crude oil with which Jackson
street is to be treated this season has
been received by Roeeburg business
Mrs. Libel Carlyle went t Dram on
this morning's local.
Brakeman G. W. Rolx-rts is laying off
and visiting at Glendale.
W. U.Hykes, of Skelley, was in this
city on business last evening.
Mrs. Louis l.angenlierg left this morn
ing for Portland to visit relatives.
Art Green has moved into the house
next door to the Episcopal church.
Mrs. O. P. Ooehow left this morning
for a visit with friends in Portland.
A new line ol street hats and pattern
hats shown Saturday at Ball Sisters.
F. Gettins was called to Junction this
morning by the severe illuess of rela
tives. Brakeman Curtis is laying off this
week ou account of the severe illness of
his wife.
Frank K. Hughes and Mrs. Anna Fry,
of Myrtle OlMk, are registered at the
Hotel McClallen.
Mrs. M. F. Rice ami little daughter
have returned from a visit with rela
tives at Myrtle Creek.
Night Yardmaster A C. Catty is lay
ing off on account of sickness. A.J.
McNulty is in his place.
Mr. O. H. livers and infant son, of
Canyonville are in tbiscitv, Mrs. Byers
receiving medical attendance.
Passenger Brakeman Hubert Wright,
who has ix en laying off on account of an
injury to his back, has returned to work.
Geo. Goehner of Roberts Creek was iu
Roseburg this week and reports the
Italian prunes greatly damaged iu that
Wilbur Roes, of Roeeburg, has ac
cepted a position as shoe salesmen in
David Link's establishment. Eugene
Mrs. W. W. Kent, who lias been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. J. T. Bridges, of
I this city, has returned to her home at
John Bowen, of Brock way left last
evening for Montague Cal. on a busi-
news trip and to visit his brother at
that place.
Fob Salk Three very desirable home,
near town and the beat school in
Douglas county. Address J. W Motes
; Roeeburg. Oregon . ml5p
Win. R. Buuell, of Gardiner, who has
been visiting relatives and friends in
this cit) for the past fe days, has re
turned home.
H. L. Marsters and Arthur Parks, of
Roseburg had .i very exciting ex-ierience
at Yoncalla Tuesday. They secured a
livery team at that place and started out
to visit a nearby farm. When a short
distance outside the limits of the little
town they encountered a rubbish pile
by the roadside made up largely of tur
key feathers. This unsightly heap
frightened the team, which suddenly
dashed to one side of the road into a
ditch about four feet deep. Mr. Parks
leaped from the buggy just in time to
save himself a fall over the embank
ment. Mr. Marsters held the reins
firmly and went into the ditch with the
rig, the buggy leing turned over on its
side and with its occupant dragged
about 50 yards. In the fall Mr. Mars
ters struck the embankment ou his right
shoulder with such force as to cause a
very severe and painful dislocation.
This rendered the right arm useless but
he pluckily held on to the reins with
his left hand and run the team against
the fence by the roadside and pre
vented further damage.
He was taken back to Yoncalla by his
companion and brought to Roseburg on
the evening I'ical by which time be was
Buffering severely. Drs. Miller and Du
Gas were summoned and promptly at
tended to the dislocated shoulder after
ad ministering an anaesthetic. Mr. Mars
ters while considerably bruised and
shaken up was able to be about town
the next day, but will be deprived of
the use of his good right arm for several
Mrs. E. T. Morian, Mrs. A. t' Mars
ters and Mrs. H. R. Ferguson attended
the annual W. C T. 0. institute at Cot
tage Grove this week.
I H. Putnam, a prominent of
tw Htmlifd i Tin Pot, near Drain, is in this
firms on litis street and will
mnn th Anril bn miw 1 business today.
R. R. Wallace. Astoria ; H. G. Myers, ' fine croP of hof ,hi' D
Salem, and J. C. Weiss, Portland, the
gentleman constituting the state board
of barber examiners, were looking after
official business in Roseburg this week.
Geo. F. Wilson, night operator at the
W. C telegraphic office in this city,
went down to Roseburg, yesterday, to
install some new instruments in the
Roseburg office of the company. Ash
land Tidings.
Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteoathic
Physician cures acute and chronic
diseases, corrects deformaties and
removes foreign growths. Consultlon
free. Phone or call for appointment.
Office in Abraham duildine. tf
interviewed by the Portland pre
Read the Plaindealer for all the News
For all that's NEW see RICE & RICE Reliable
x? onrl Fnrnishiner is here. Keep us in
1 ill UllUl v a j av
mind. House cleaning
come here for your
time is now with us 00
needs in FURNITURE and
The furniture and box factory at
North Bend has received an order from
the Cafilornia fruit growers association
for three million orange boxes, ahich
will keep this factory running day and
night for twelve months.
Congressman Binger Hermann and
wife arrived in this city from Washing
ton, D. C. Wednesday morning. Mr.
and Mrs. Hermann are in the best of
health, and glad to return to Roeeburg
and greet their many friends.
F. J. Johnson, and family returned
home from Jefferson, Wednesday even
ing where they attended the funeral of
Mrs. Johnson's sister Mrs. R. D. Ryan.
They were accompanied home bv Mrs.
Johnson. a cousin, Mrs. Kottoff and
baby of Jefferson.
Landlord Graham of Hotel Graham,
Cottage Grove, visited Roseburg Friday.
He says mining epe rations are becoming
lively in the Bohemia District and that
work will commence on the extension of
the railroad to the mines from Cottage
Grove about May 1st.
J. S. McKay, section foreman at Win
chester who had his leg broken last
March in an accident, to his band car.
' was in this city on business Wednesday
i Mr. McKay is able to be around with
the aid of crutches, and will soon lie
' able to return to bis duties.
t , n . i 1 1 i I v...
i,aie neeves, wie wen auowu uni
wbo has been conducting a shop near
the Hotel McClallen on Jackson street,
baa closed his shop there and has leased
the front rooms of Mrs. Dave Griffiths
house on Sheridan street, which have
been very neatly fitted up as a barber
shop and baths.
Cottage Grove Leader : An exchange
has been affected whereby Rev. Frank
L. Moore, pastor of the M. E. church
will be transferred to, Hermoaa church
Chicago, and the Rev. Grant Stewart,
pastor of that church, will be trans
fer red to the Oregon conference. (Rev
Moore was formerly pastor of the M. E
church at Roseburg.). .
O. R. & N. engine No. 200, passed
through this city Tuesday on its way to
Grants Pass where it will be stationed
as a helper. This Is one of the new type
Brooks compound freight engines and is
of much larger size and capacity than
the engines now in use on these divi
sions. This 200 weighs over 70 tons and
is a monster alongside the engines we
are used to here. We understand that
there will be several of these freight en
gines put in use ou this division very
(Special to the Plaindealer.
Glendale, April 19. An arrest was
made here yesterday by liame Warden
Marvin, under rather peculiar circum
stances. He was driving up a branch of Cm
Creek with a load of posts, when he met
young Frost, a man wbo has quite a
reputation for hunting deer for their
Frost was also in a wagon an I ti e two
after exchanging greetings began a con
versation. Mr. Marvin was suspicious of Krit
and saw a iarge tox in the rear of bis
wagon. Fnt carried a heavy Colt's re
volver belted to bis waist, and Marvin
IS in this city Ol : nruiiussil 1 lions trails Jmi.inno domn
Mr. 1'utnani will have I from his wagon, he si led an to Float,
and helore the latter suspected him be
had the revolver from the scabbard and
placed him under arrest
I'pon arrival at Glendale the bides
were unpacked, and the box was ioand
to contain several doaea deer skins of all
size, from the big buck to the aattad
lawn all grained an.l dreased.
Mr Hate wbo was found with three
deer bides in his possession was also ar
rested He plead guiilv and id his
tine, but Fruet decided to stand trial.
H. G. f-onneman, the Glendale merch
ant, went his bail, and bis trial la -set for
next Monday morning.
Fullerton A Richardson are busily en
gaged renovating their store. New pa
per, paint, door linoleum and plate
glass counters are being installed.
Mrs. Thomas Howard at. 1 (easily left
on Wednesday morning's local for Yon
calla where User will reside, Mr. How
ard being employed at that place.
The marriage of Eva Patterson and
Hong Gat down In Portland town i
announced with regret. Better be a
dozen old maids than marry a China
r a i
Wr Tit mm us.iea
b Two Piece Outing Suits,
$6.00 to $12.00
Sack Suite
$12.50 to $20.00
The Florsheim Shoe for Men.
The Cross Shoe for Ladies.
Everything that the well dressed man
desires for summer wear.
A Speedy Des
truction of
Squirrels, Goph
ers. Rats, nice.
Crows, Etc.
To Gophers and
The best article
yet prepared for the
destruction of these
farm pests.
A. C.
To Ladies of Roseburg.
Mrs. Antenreith's
spring styles ba
Willia Kramer, the well known -mining
and mill man. waa in Roeeburg on
businers Wednesday, and bearing that
the barber commission waa in Roee
burg, decided that be could certainly get
a clean shave. Well to make a long
story short when the barber was through
with Mr. Kramer -his best friends did
not know him, as his full beard and
mustache which ha bad worn so long
were entirely -cat away, leaving his faoa
as smooth as a (boy of 21 years. Mr.
Kramer returned to Myrtle Greek on
last evenings local, and this paper will
attempt to publish the Yes'iift in 'm tt
issue. ' d
Beard A Culver have just received two
carloads of Bain wagons, buggies and
mplement. which are being placed in
their new warehouse on Main strett
south of the citT hall.
A. L. Maddox, the opular barber for
merly employed in the Reeves shop, is
now at one of the chairs in the Thomas
Weatherford shop and has the same old
smile for all bis old friends
Judge L. T. Harris, of Eugene, and
District Attorney George M. Brown, ol
Roeeburg, left this city Wednesday for
Coqaille City. Coos county, to hold a
regular term of circuit court.
Rev. A. R. Land y. of the V. B,
church, will he here the 2th and :Hh
of this month to hold the quarterly
conference Service at 2 o'clock Satur
day. All are cordially invited.
Prof. J. H. Hobhe was in this city
from Wilbur today. School will close
there this week. Mr. Hobbs has been
very sick for the past week and unable
to attend to his duties at the school.
Geo. N. Bolter, Lebanon; Wm. Hen-
ner, Cleveland, mas. Menline, Mea.
Ariz.: D J. Herstine A Son, Oakland:
Loren Cox and wife, Wilbur, were regis
tered at the Roseburg House this week.
The illustrated lecture on St
and Lewis and Clark Expositions given at
the opera house Monday evening by Mrs.
Edyth Tozier Weathcrred was well
attended and was quite interesting.
The illustrated songs by i'rof. Robinson
were well rendered and very entertain
Bnrt DuGaa was notified this morn
ing that he was one of the lucky individ
uals in i be Portland Journal advertising
contest, one of Burt's cartoons for the
want column ad was accepted and the
Journal presented him with a check for
two dollars as a premium.
At a meeting of the Roschell Mercan
tile incorporation last evening Rnrt
Asburst of California, a former employee
in one of the government departments
in the Philippines, was selected as man
ager. Mr. Ashurst will arrive here
about the first of the month and the
store will be opened in the Abraham
building between the 1st and the 15th
of May. The fixtures are now being
placed in the store room.
C- Rose King, the genial Yoncalla
banker, was transacting business at the
county seat Wednesday. He reports
substantial improvements in progress in
his home town and gratifying progress
in the advancement and development of
the county tributary thereto. He says
he hears many complimentary remarks
in behalf of the Plaindealer in his sec
tion, of the connty which is gratifying
indeed, to the present management of
the paper.
look for the
arrival with
samples ! Uitb silk shirt uaist and
suit. We will lie pleated to have the
ladies call and see them. At residence
on Jackson street, south of Kiks build
ing. m4-p
A Dandy for Burns.
Bcrgin. i'ana. 111., writes.
To a Yoncalla man belongs the credit
of making the most rapid strides in the
dairying industry in iMiglas eooatf
While not engaged in the business on a
very extensive scale he is making it a
lerided success financially and other
wise by the adoption of m slern
methods. He finds the silo an invalu
able adjunct to his feed supplying de
partment and is able to secure a good
per cent of butterfat. His name is L.
E. Warner and for the month recently
ended he received the largest check yet
issued to a single cream contributor to
the Riweburg Creamery for one month,
this check being in the sum of Hit.'
This is ample evidence that I he dairy
business, while yet in its infancy in ('lis
county, can be made a succvssfu , pro
fitable and important industry by
employing practical, modern nn I .Is
have usvd Ballard's Snow Liniment :
always reoommeudod it to my friends.
as I am confident there is no ltter
made. 'It is a dandy for burns 1 Those '
who live on farms are espec ailv liable I
to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises,
which beal rapidly when Ballard's Snow
Liniment is applied. It should always
lie kept in the bouse for cases of emerg
ency." 2Sc, 50c and $1 00 Sold by A.
C. Masters A Co.
Notice is hereby given that, on or
alout the 25;h of January, I90' there
were lost or stolen from the residence of
CI. as. EL Bitting, of Douglas county,
Oregon, two notes and one check, the
latter being drawn on the Kirst Na
tional Bank, of Roeeburg, Oregon, and
signed by one L H. Winget in the sum
of about $'sl. The first of the notes was
made by B. C. Agee. favor Chas H. Bit
ting, in the sum of $410, rate of S per
cent int.. and the second made by W. S.
Brosi. favor Ctias. H. Bitting, in the
sum of 100, rate per cent, each of said
notes being mad? on or about the '20th
day of May, IMC All persons are here
by warned against purchasing or receiv
ing the said and above described notes
and check, a.- arrangements are being
made tor settling the same.
Dated this 10th day ol April. M
A. M. ArkiN'-ton,
Administrator of the estate of Chas.
H. Bitting, deceased. a!7 ml6
Farming .la.iiiocry kepaired
JA.1ES A v - CE S Machiae StMe
Krpalr Engine. Wis a Antomofciej. Bicycles,
a!, kiadf of Mill Machinery. Farm Machinery.
Las a Mowers, ft- kinds nf Grisdint and Poliah
:nt i 3e a: Iht Cm Wasariaftaa mm Kmc St.
Probate Orders.
Farm For Sale
Episcopal Easter Services.
H. O. Wilkinson has disposed of his
interests In the furniture and fixtures
of the former Hotel McClallen Bar to
Thos. Bloomer, proprietor of the Hotel
McClallen, who will conduct the place
as soft drink house and cigar siore. Mr
Wilkinson has closed a contract for the
new Hoover building, and intends open
ing a first class gentlemen's resort in
that building about June 1. New fixtures
wtfl be ordered for the room immediate
H. Lake
The services Easter day at St
-ul I Episcopal church, Rev.; C.
pastor, are as follows :
Holy Communion, a. m.
Morning Prayer, Sermon, and Holy
Communion, 11 a. m.
Sunday School Service, 1 p m.
Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7 -.:0 p.m.
The choir has worked faithfully upon
a program ol special music lor these ser
vices. All are cordially invited to attend.
mornino met, 111 M.
Processional 121 Victory
Anthem in place of Venlte C Kisber
Gloria after Psalter C. Kisber
TeDeum II. Lawes. R. Cooke
Jubilate H. Aldrich
Hymn 118 B. Tours
Kvrie G. J. Elvery
(iloria Tihi C, Gournod
Hymn 112 Morgan
"Hark, Hark my Soul"
H. Smart, Miss Kearney
Doxology Old Hundred
8anctns A. 8. Cooper
Communion Hymn 225 .J. S. B. Hodges
Gloria in Excelsis Old Chant
Recessional 120 H J. Gsultlett
KVk.MV. SBHV1CK, 7:30 I. M.
Processional Hymn 112 .. .Morgan
Gloria after Psalter E Bunnett
Magnifi -at E Bunnett
Nune Dunettis E Bunnett
Hymn 111 E K LumbauU
"Christ the Iord is Risen Today"
Shelley ... Wallace Martyn
Doxology Old Hundred
Hymn llti C E Roper
Recessional 121 Victory
Anuual report of David Hughes, guar
dian i f Lillian Harris, a minor, approve-:.
Semi annual account of F. A. McCall
executor of estate of Patrick Keed, de
ceased, approved.
N. P. Wheat, aduir. of estate of Jacob
K. titer, deceased, authorized to se'.l per
s. nal property of said estate.
Allowance of 50 er month granted
to Mary Fortin. widow of Ferdinand
Fortin deceased, pending settlement of j
said estate.
May lit, iyoS, at 10 o'clock a m fixed
as day and time for hearing final report
f Ju-!
A good 100-acre farm for sale, 11 miles
east of Roseburg, Ore., 10 acres under
cultivation, a small orchard of 4-year
old trees bearing, berries under cultiva
tion : a good 8-room house and good
barn. A liargain Address, Box 3S.
Roseburg, Ore. al7 p
SKic ran ander ihu seed will be cbaifjed ior
at tbe rare of one cent a word lor :wo inmrhma
No adTeituemea; laken for lw ts ou
WASTED A eoapetent boasekeeper. Ad
draw A. T. AmMo. Yoacalla. Oregon.
WASTED To exchange a rood bicycle for a
dr. tnc bone. Apply to box XT 4. Boteocrf . Or.
W ANTED l to 4 lota in Kweowif. centra:.
wlUi or without imprjveiQU: prtc- mast be
rtrht : cash. Andrew r. O. box .... Boaebarg.
Soeiety Mt rsga
AF. & A.
and f
M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Hal da meetings on
arte Wednesdavs of
moch. J. T. Bbidgbs, W. M.
N. T. Jawarr, Secretary.
A fine ranch for sale. One hundred
nd fifty-five acrvs of fine ranch land
worth 1000. but will take $740 if sold
at once. Any homeseekei that wants a
bargain should communicate or see me
before buying Address Alien Wilson
Camas Valley, Ore. mlp
r. O. ELKS. Rowcbawa Lodge No.
326. Hol4 rwinar commonica
'.ions at I O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays oi each month.
All members requested to a 'teed rega
iarlv and all visiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
C. b. Cassos, K. R.
Rot McClalltb, Sacretarv.
of Oarl Hoffman, admr. of ."state
lius Ambrum. deceased.
B A Woidrnff appointed admr. and
B. C. Agee, Plinn Cooper and Robert
Boggs appraisers of estate ot Cyrus1 Choice building lots in Kinney's im
Smith deceased, said estate U-ing .it the ' proved plat of Roseburg. near Main
Town Lots For Sale
probable value of $lo,000
May S, I'.KXS. at 10 o'clock a. m. tixed
as day and time for hearing report of J.
C. F'ullerton, admr. of estate of John
H Bhapa, deceased, on sale of real prop
erty of said estate to L. C. and H. L.
Kruse, for pftt, said property being as
follows: e1,, and nw' of nwl4 and nw
4 of nel4 of sec 31, also lot 9 of sec 30,
all in tp 25 s, r ft west.
Sale ol real property in Medfoid, Ore
gon, Itelonging to estate of Clara Hoover
by her 1 . V. Beater, to W
S. Clay, for fKOO, confirmed. Said
guardian has petitioned for an order au
thorizing him to sell other real property
belonging to his ward, said property be
ing south 51 feet off of south part ol lot
4, in block 39, City of Roseburg. Ob
jections, if any, to the granting of said
petition will be heard May 12, DM, at
10 o'clock, a. m.
street, good title. Price o0 per lot.
Address. N. A. Richards, tf
Admin istra tor's Notice.
Iu the r.Mioty t'ourl ol ihc state of Oregon tor
!muk1.i County,
tu liie matter of tbe estate ol (
Cyrus Smith, deceaaed t
Notice U rereby tiren that the undersigned
n Nsrn du'.y appointed by the County t'o rt
ol the State o! Oreaon lor Douglai County, ad.
mintstrmtor of tbe ealate ot Cyrus Smith de
ceased. All persons haTtnt claims aalnt uid eetate
are hereby required to present the urne to me
properly verified, at by law required, at Koee
bunt, Douglas County. Oreron. at ihe office of
R W. Murstcrs. within nil month from data
Dated tins Imii day ol April, lttb.
K WOODaUFT, Administrator of
aJPml- estate of Cyrus Smith, deceased.
O.N. G , meets at Armory Hall every
Thursday evening, at S o'clock.
F. B. H am lis". Capt,
O. O. F. Proletarian Lodge No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass street, on
Saturday evening of each week Mem
bers of the order in good siaadiog ar
invited to attend.
H. O. Lawn, N. G.
N.T. Jawrrr, Secretary.
May Day Ball
Specials at Special Prices.
Tents of all sizes. Hammocks in
every known weave and color. Trunks
Traveling bags, Telescopes, Suit
f ises. Blankets, i'uilts, Spreads, Com
forts and Pillows. Always remember
Rice A Rice sells them for less. At !
Rice and Rice House Furnishers.
of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meat
every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F
Hall a. 7:30 p. m. Members in
rood standing are invited to attend.
J as. A. Paaar, C. C.
M. F. WaiGtrr, K. of R. A S.
t ? swMsswqssw.
i If -.TiHTr A
ll You can have II
A uountifnl Supol) ol I J ,
I Health. Harmony. ill II
J Durability. Joy. Wf U
1 Cleanliness, Peace 1
i inrouxn nj ik' ww jg
dence of K II. Hicks in this city at
7 :30 Sunday evening April lti, 1905,
Marion Pankey to Mary H. Roberts,
Rev. F. H. Hicks otticisting
A grand May Day hall will lie given
at the Armory hall Monday evening
May 1st, 1005, under the auspices of the j GHANGROW GARNIER At the of
Lady Maccabees. A fine supper will be lice of the county judge in this city at
served and good music will bo secured. , 12 m Monday, April 17, 11)05, Mack
A good time is promised those who at-' Ghangrow to Tnr.ah Gamier, Judge
tend. 1 Thompson, officiating.
THE MOST Ptstrtu wr
Qmart. MaH-CaBsa ana GaBss Can
You Can Apply It
S. Id By 5. K. SYKES
Phone 251 ... . Roseburg, Ore
I LAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th
Thursdavs of each month at the I.
O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members la
good standing are invited to attend.
Mas. A. B. Ficklx. Guardian Neighbor.
Bell Morian, Caaax
Second and Fourth Thnrsdavs.
E. S Roeeburg Chapter No. g
Holds their regular meeting on the
first and third Thursdays in each
nonth. Visiting members in good
tan ding are respectfully invited to at
tend. Mrs. E. J. Stroud, W. M.
Free Johnson. Secretary
sembly No. 106, meets second and
fourth Satnrdavs of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting members
will receive a cordial welcome.
A. C. Makstsks, M. A.
M in s ik Jo.n'ks, Secretary.
Oatnr No. 126. Meets at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Roeeburg.
ors! and third Monday evening
;ng neighbors always welcome.
J. M. BaiDoae, CO.
N. T. Jawarr. Clerk.
Dance at Melrose
A dance will be given at Wilson's nal I
April 21, 1105. : D. E. Wilson.
If Manager.