The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 06, 1905, Image 3

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In ladies dross (roods
Cotton Goods, also
we have ALL the latest
i full line of Novelties.
styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waists, Suits and
For Men, Youths and Bays we have
the best line of Clothing in the city, in STYLE, CUT and
1'efore making your purehases in spring goods look at our line.
Now is the time
patliic treatments,
is the result.
to take your Osteo- j
A permanent cure
Klla Mack and Fannie Col v mi
Looking Glass, were in Koseburg
A marria.c license has lieen issued to
John Perry and Clara Wroe, both of
If yon are sick
Physician. Don't
will follow.
see the Osteopathic
delay. Good things
Mrs. Jas. Martin and Jeannette Dixon,
both of Chico, Calif., are registered at
the Hotel Mcl'lellen.
Assessor Geo. W, Staley visited Oak
land this week on business in the
assessors department.
UlfR JONES. Proprietor
Local and Personal.
Rates 1.00 per day and upward
New Brick, New
Prompt Services.
S. P. lepot Grounds
Opposite the
P. Johnson, dentist. Grave's
For guaranteed dental work g I to Or.
After a few more
ate ure.
winters spring
All curable diseases respond more
readily to Ostiopathic treatment than
by anv other known method.
Several new
:U Koseburg.
families have arrived
There are few people that realize the
great lenetit8 derived from Osteopathic
treatment, until they have tried it.
You should investigate.
One CoqaiHe river
ncr I2JM0 lags.
og drive numliers
Raiu doesn't stop farm
work in southern OMML
Mrs. D. C. Mills of Heppner, Oregon,
; and aunt of Mrs. J. C. Morris of tbia
and orchard j city, who has been visiting here for
I some time returned home Wednesday.
Alt-ike clover is becoming a
grass with Mt. Hood farmers.
D.mglas county's exhibits' may lie
of the best. Portland Journal.
Mrs. Geo. From and two daughters of
Chicago, who have been visiting friends
i in this county for the past yeir will re
turn to their borne in the east within a
few weeks.
Whole Bttd cracked
Douglas County Flout iiig Mills
orn for sale by the
mi ,v
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no pnmnAtitj"ir
V - l n r
1 - -
f t I WWW WW w
II Currier m
Mi-s Gertrude O'Brien of Eugene, is
siting with .'.irs. V. F. Anderson of
is citv.
Mrs. John King and daughter. Mist
Ida King, who have made Roeeburg
their home for the past two years left
Wednesday morning for Portland to
make their home with their son and
brother J. F. King.
Mrs. D. T. Summerville, of Grants
Pass, is visiting her daughter Mrs. W.
11. Fisher, of this city.
Attorney T. T. Parker, a former resi
dent of this city but now of Portland is
in this city today on business.
The l'mpiua bakery it now located
in its new building on Cass street,
next door to the Cass street meat mar
ket. a3 tf
Z. I.. Dimmick and Koy Stearns, two
of Oakland's moat proniiuent business
men, were looking after financial inter
ests in Koseburg this week.
The I'mpqua bakery is now located
in its new building on Cass street,
next door to the Case street meat mar
ket, al ti
W. S. Britt of Kiddie was in this city
Monday. He visited the target range
during the afternoon and showed the
boys that he could shoot some, himself.
Heard A Culver, the enterprising
hardware and farm implement dealers,
are erecting a large implement ware
house on their lot on Main street just
south of Dr. Hoover's office and residence.
J. D. Hamilton of the Title Guarantee
aa 1 Loan Co. was in Portland this week
on business.
! hat Awful Aunt," watch for her,
i coming to Koseburg. Date will
aiw later.
H. Newman i- moving his honse-
BOl 1 effects from Comstock to this city
where he intends to reside.
While street improvements are being
considered by the council it might be
well to give that portion of Oak Street
between Main anil Jackson a little at
tention. It is the worst ever seen and
faces the Douglas County Bank building.
e Bred ley, the second hand
.r.- selling your household
rhcst cash price paid for same
'n A. K Knglish of this city, has
been visiting with her brother, Monroe
Kent m and famiiv at Roselturg. Ash
lard Tribune.
J. M. 1 . am h arrived in this city this
morning from Halsey. with a carload of
household effects. Mrs. Umb and child
ren will arrive hare tonight. They have
purchased a track of land near Dillard
and will hereafter make their home in
this county.
Harrv I.inser, better known as "Duke
of Coffee Creek," in company with Burt
Sutherlin and Frwl M osier, both east
ern capitalists, are absent in the Coffee
Creek miuing district, looking over min
ing properties.
Miss Jennie Gil yen has returned from
Portland where she
has been visiting
"Hit the Trail" is the slogan of 1MB.
The Iewis and Claris opens June 1.
You can fiit the Trail every day until
October IS.
Mrs. L. A. Allen of Wilbur, who has
been visiting with Mrs. Charles Hadley,
in this city for the past few da) has re
turned home.
The trial of Senator Mitchell will be
held in June and that of Congressmen
Hermann and Williamson will follow in
quick succession.
J. K. Komley and Kobt. I.omley and
wife, eastern parties who have been
looking over Oregon tin bet interests,
left on this morning's local for Portland.
Miss Jessie Bartle who has Iteen
employed at the residence of Win. P.
Johnson has returned to her home at
Myrtle Creek to reside, Mrs. Hamilton,
of Portland has taken Miss Parties
The steel gang of the Southern Pacific
railroad company is laying heavy steel
in the northern part of the railroad
yards in this city this week, the work is
under the supervision of general road
master W. Bollins.
J. T. Maxwell was in town from
Ruckles Thursday. He tells us that
about '-'" of the Austrians employed on
the S. P. K. K. steel gang near there
have gone on a strike and left on Tues
days train for Portland.
R. S. Warren a young man from
Portland has rented the store building
north of S. K. Syk,.g hardware store on
Jackson street, and will establish a
bookstore there. He advertises a ton
of fine books to the public both at
private and auction sale.
The members of the Koseburg orches
tra deaire to extend their choicest
thanks to all of thoee who so kindly as
sisted them in the production of the lo
cal talent drama "Captain Racket" at
the opera house last Monday evening.
Sheriff McClallen has turned over to
the county treasurer over $130,000 tax
collections for the month of March upon
which the usual 3 per cent rebate has
been given. This is considerable in ex
cess of the amount turned over tor the
month of March of last year.
Men's Two Piece Outing Suits,
$6.00 to $1100
Men's Sack Suits,
$12.50 to $20.00
The Florsheim Shoe for Men.
The Cro-s Shoe for Ladies.
Everything that the well dressed man
desires for summer wear.
Kseing and Snyder's fine scenic pro
duction of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room,"
was presented to a good sized audience
at the Koseburg Theater Wednesday.
The performance was a fairly creditable
one and many comedy specialties were
introduced. Tlie company carries an
excellent little brass band.
Marsters brothers ot the Koseburg
Marble H orks have just received a car
: load of fine marble and granite stones of
all sizes, anil are exhibiting them at
1 their new store on tbe corner of Cass
' and Rose Street. This is the largest
White Pine
Ttiij reliable Expectorate Cough
Cure is hard to beat for the winter
cough. It has both expectorating
and sedative qualities, checks exces
sive couching yet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
spiratory tract to throw off any of
fensive material.
A full 4 oz bottle ior 25c,
Hiram Briggs, of Comstociv. L C.
Ke it. of Brockway and M B. Kirken
daii.of Camas Valley, were Koseburg
visitors Tuesday.
James Inman of Looking Glass, was
in this city on business Monday and
called at this office. Mr. inman has al
ready commenced his campaign for
president of tbe C. S. and says he will
surely have his name on the official bal
lot in 1H0S.
Grant Taylor was over from Winches
ter Tuesday. Mrs. Dumbleton is im
proving uecely ai d can now sit up at
intervals, he States.
! n't faii to attend he big Book Auc
tion Friday and Saturday at 2:30 and
7 ::0 o'clock, one door north of Sykes
Hardware Store.
Keep your bowels regular by the use
of Chamberlain's Stomach and I iver
Tablets. There is nothing better. For
sale bv A. C. Marsters.
Marsters Bros , the local marble deal
ers have moved into their commodious
new brick on the corner opposite the
Kice A Rice furniture establishment.
It is observed that tbev are displaying
an elegant line of tombstones, monu
ments, tablets, etc.
Klamath county has raised tSO.OOO of
$100,000 bonus for the Weed Railroad
extension to Klamath falls, and has ob-
ta i np.1 an extension until May 1 to raise
the balance The balance will undoubt- ' nJ u)l elet umi P todte B'"l'"ient
edlybe raised and railroad connection I of hih rlaM n,rble end granite ever
with the outside world seems to be aa- j reived in Southern Oregon.
. I Among the witnesses present from
Douglas county at the land fraud trial at
Portland are: J T. Bridges, register of
the l S. land office at Roeeburg : J. F
Wright, tilide: Chas. Barker, oak Creek
S. C. Bartrum, Roeeburg. the latter be
ing superintendent of the Cascade forest
reserve, Receiver, J. A. Boith. John F
Givans, F. B. Alley, Robt. Watson, J.
D. Hamilton, and Attorney General
W. G. Grubl e, of Scot tabu rg, was in
this city Wednesday attending the;
! County Convention of tbe Modern
Woodmen. Mr. Grubbe is a prominent
farmer and deputy assessor of his pre- j
cinct. He reports that his enumerations j
will show a decided increaae for his dia- j
trict this vear.
A Speedy Des
truction of
Squirrels, Goph
ers, Rats, flice,
Crows, Etc.
1 avflfl iHf '
To Gophers and
The best article
yet prepared for the
destruction of these
farm pests.
H. M. Barrett, of near Diilard, was
transacting business in Rosebarg Tues
day. The Blaindealer was la von-' I with
a pleasant business call.
Dr. C. E. Wade of Drain is in tbia city
today on business. Dr. Wade was the
attending physician during the illness
of Kv Cooper shortly liefore he was shot
by Sherman Shook and was called to
this city to give evidence in regard to
that case before the prosecuting attorney.
Gold Hill is right in line. People of
that progreasive town have decided to i
make a permanent exhibit of the agri
cultural and mineral resources of that
section at the S. P. station to edify the
passing throngs to and from the Lewis
and Clark Expoaition. The funds will
Shelleh Carroll, the fireman who with
A. O,. Johnson was so hadty injured by
the falling wall at the Reed saloon fire
i ie to be on tbe street with the aid
o. .ulchea. His injured foot and ankle
W. B. Lamb, of Wilbur, was a Roee
burg visitor Tuesday. He says it is
feared the Italian prune crop about
Wilbur was slightly damaged by the
cold rains of the last week of March.
Shop one door south of Mrs. East-
man'e Jackson St.
Nothing but the BEST LEATHER
David Thompson a pioneer farmer
and fruit grower of near Brockway, was
' transacting business in Roseburg Tues
day and favored the Plaindealer with a
subs-ription renewal. He reports fruit
and grain prospects excellent in his
section ot the countv.
Travel on the Southern I'acific is al
ready increasing through Roeeburg and
the northbound overland. No. D now
regularly arrivee and departs in two sec
tions. The increasing businees has
made it necessary to put on two more
passenger crews, and it is expected that
number will still be farther increased
later on.
be supplied partly by the town council 111 improving as fast as could be expect
and partlv by private subscriptions.
What is the matter with Roeeburg fol
lowing the very commendable example
of Medford and Gold Hill '
Portland is becoming a great n e city,
at wbii'h place this beautiful flower
seems to grow to perfection, Roseburg
will have to look well to her laurels or
she wiil lose the long enjoyed reputation
of le:ng ti e rose city of the s tate Set
out m re rose gardens.
A. B. Hainee, Jr., of Elkton, was
transacting businees in Roeeburg Tues
day and visiting with hie old friend
Assessor Geo. Staley. On Wednesday
evening Mr. Hainee attended the coun
ty convention of the Modern Woodman
lodge in this city aa a delegate from
Elkton. The Plaindealer was favored
with a pleasant business call.
A farewell surprise party was given
Miss Ida King at her home Monday
evening by a number of her friends. A
very pleasant evening was spent. The
guests each bringing baskets of refresh
ments. Those present: Mr and Mrs
DS West, Mr and Mrs W E Clingen
peel, Pearl Wright, Misses May and
Emma Fisher, CS Jackson. Oscar Lind
sey, Marie Jonee, Laura Spalding, Millie
S trader, Ora Thompson, Martha Cum
mins, Mrs W C Hildebrand, T J Caw
field and John Preechen. Miss King
left Wednesday morning for Portland
where she will enter a business college.
ed. Mr. Johnson is yet unable to leave
his tied as his injuries consist of a badly
wrenched rib and back, but is slowly
Smith River Residence Burned.
The residence of J. O. Gunter, on
Smith river. Id miles northwest of
Drain, was destroyed by fire Sunday
niaht. together with its contents. Only
a few articles of bedding were saved
Some members of the family escaped
only in their night clothing. The family
is in a destitute condition, as all their
provisions and most of their tcols were
bnrned with the house. Neighbor are
helping to relieve their imn imitate
needs. The lose is total, there being no
J. E. Sawyers, lawyer
public. Office np stairs
County Bank Building.
and notary
in Douglas
Wood and hay for sale,
with J. F. Barker & Co.
(eave ordere
Turkey Eggs White Holland tnrkey
eggs for sale at 3 per eleven. A. Shwab,
Gervais, Ore. alO p
On I InstallmeDt
Plan will for
n I b jour
h o w e e o m
lilcte on easy
Onr Installment
Plan will fnr
n 1 1 h your
b o m e c o m
Dlete on easy
John Bishop, a prosperous farmer,
who resides between Wilbur and Oak
land, was transacting business in Roee
burg Wednesday. He says the roads
are drying up rapidly again and that
crop prospects sre very promising in his
locality. He says Mrs. E. J. B idler,
who resides on an adjoining farm, who
has been seriously ill, is now rapidly recovering.
A neat modern six roomed cottage is
being erected in the Wait addition jnst
South of the Flook residence for Mrs. P.
L. Reed. Messrs Kantz and Nichols are
the contractors. From the same vicin
ity seven more new modern homes may
be seen, including the elegant new two
story residence of John L. Sutherlin, all
of which are nearing completion. Five
of the seven new bomee are being erect
ed in Waits addition.
Ingrain :arpi-te;
heavy weave anl choice coioringi; utrnna dura per yard.
35. 55. 60. 75 AND 80 CENTS
Velvet CarpeU; rich denlgni. special, rer yard $1.00, $1.10 AND $1.40
Brusscll :arpets the latest styles; rich designs, per yard, 65, 75, 80 AND $1.00
E X. Menlsters Brum- 1U; beautiful designs per yard ... $1.35 AND $1.40
The city council manifested good
judgment in the selection of a recorder
to fill the unexpired term of H. L. Mars
ters whose resignation was prompted by
his rapidly multiplying personal bnsi
ness affairs. A. N. Orcutt who succeeds
to the office is a rising young attorney of
Roseburg who stands high in his chosen
profession. He ia a most worthy and
exemplary young man and thoroughly
qualified for the position, which he has
been chosen to fill.
Cteiner A Chapman, of the Red Cross
Drugs Store, have received their fine
plate glass counters and store furniture,
and are now busily engaged in preparing
their store and stock for their opening
which is expected to occur aliout the
10th of this month. W. H. Richardson,
of the firm of Richardson A Fullerton,
nforms us that they have also ordered
a fine new outfit of plate glass counters
and other fixtures which will airhe
soon, and then their store will be
thoroughly renovated, papered and
painted throughout. Let the good
work go on. Roseburg has tbe name of
being one of the most up-to-date towns
in Oregon, bat there is always room for
At the retrular meeting of the '05
Mental Culture Club in Roseburg Tues
dav afternoon, the following othcers
were elected for the year commencing
in next September: Mrs 8 C Flint,
resident; Mrs 8 R Lane 1st vice presi
dent Mrs F W Benson, 2vice president;
Mrs F A Boyce, secretary, and Mrs J C
Fullerton, present incumbent, treasurer.
During the ensuing clnb year, which
closes on the 2Tth of this month, tbe
organization has increased its member
shin and continued the sound state of
ts finances. The topics in Russian and
Japanese were carried out very success
fully. The nationality ot the topics for
the coming year will be selected at the
next reanlar meeting of the club this
.Miss IVan Mnvely, who last fall was
dismissed as teacher from the Cottage
(irove high school because she could not
produce her diploma, which had become
lost, the case having become famous
through its being carried through the
courts, has begun suit against L. F
Wooley, O. O. Veatch and C. H. Van
Denburg, directors of School Diatrict No
45, Cottage Grove, for damages in tbe
sum of 3fi0, together with tbe costs and
disbursements in the suit. I he papers
were nied in tne circuit court by Miss
Shivelv's attorneys, Medley 4 Johnson
at Eagene Tuesday.
Sad Accident to an Old Pioneer
Pine Pianos for Little Money.
Never liefore in the history of South
ern Oreyon. has there been such a dis
play of fine pianos and organs, grai'bones
and email instruments, as Burrs Music
House is showmg to the public.
i n Mr. Burr s recent trip east, he se
cured some rare instruments at some
startling low price.', and he is going to
give his patrons the benefit of some ex
tremely low figures. Think of a bran
new Kimball piano in an antique oak
case, one of Chicago's best products for
1315.00: one lovely bran new Jacob Doll
in a burl walnut case an 1 will
accept f 15.00 down and per month
A bran new Shurman piano, that we
have known other dealers to ask $.150.00
to IMMQQfaraa price, if tak m at once
$'J43.0O. We also have a few bargains
in second hand or used pianos
one of Kimball in a black case in
feet condition for 1175, another piano
used only three years for 16B. We also
have some rare bargios in organs but
space will not permit fts to renumerate
We are agents for the Columbia. Vic
tor, Zonophone. Talkaphone. and Kdi
son machines and we constantly carry
a stock of from twentv to thirty ma
chines for vou to select from, easv pav-
ment if desired.
Small InjTumtnts.
Our stock of violins, mandolin? and
tiuitars were never so complete as now,
ai. 1 if yon will call at our store we will
convince you that our prices are one-
third lower than ever offered in South
ern Oregon before.
Call or write for prices today
W. A. BURR, Music House.
Town Lots For Sale
Choice building lots in Kinney's im
proved plat of Roeeburg. near Mait;
street, good title. Price H per lot.
Address. N. A. Richards, tf
From a note sent to the Plaindealer,
from "1'ncle Sam" Hansaker, at Ku-
gene it is learned that his .wife had
fall recently and that her right leg was
broken just above the ankle. Her many
old time friends in Douglas county
where the family resided from 1S54 to
1871, will be pleased to learn that Mrs
Hansaker is doing as well, if not better
than could be expected under the cir
Farm For Sale
A gool 100-acre farm for sale, II miles
east of Koseburg. Ore., 10 acres under
cultivation, a small orchard of 4-year
old trees bearing, berries under cultiva
tion : a giod 8-room house and good
barn. A bargain. Address. Box 38.
Roeeburg, Ore. a!7 p
Farming ilachinery Repaired
JA.1ES ARB4.NCE S Macfcia Swmp
Repair Engine. Boile a. Aotomobiei. Blcrcies.
all kiDdt of Mill Machinery. Fa.-- Machinery.
Lawn Mower, ail k:ad Grinding and Polish -
ia ione ai ihe Cor Wi
Read All of This.
; Ss..c- run under ihu head will be caaigeil lor
at tac rate ol one cent a worn ror two .nsertaoaa.
No advettiaemens :kea for less than ten cent
For sale A good, first class, well pay-
er- ing Grocery.
Kea in for selling Engaged in other
business .
Good buy This store is a good buy
in some one because of location, clean- .
ness of stock and good trade.
Price Twelve hundred dollars.
Partner Would take partner for or
'- int. if he w..-uid take charge of busi
ness at reasonable salary besides his
share of profits.
Address Box 343, Roeeburg, m!3
WANTED A competent homeleeper. AJ
Jrea A. T. Ambioee, Yoocaila. Oregon.
V ANTED To exchange a good bicycle for a
Jr. , ing hone. Apply to box n. Roaersurg, Or.
WASTED 1 to 4 lot in Rjeebaig. central,
with or withoct improvements prtc mutt be
right icaah. Address t. O. box .... Eoaebarg.
Society Meetings.
Handkerchief and Collar Bazaar.
The members of the Y. P. S. C. E. of
the Christian church will hold a Hand
kerchief and Cjllar Bazaar, on Saturday
April 15th, at which time fancy hand
kerchiefs and collars w ill be for sale. A
market day sale will tie held at the same
time and place. The patronage of all is
solicited. The place will be an
nounced later. a 13
lealth smth.
Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age.
Herbine, taken every morning before
breakfast, will keep you in robust
health, fit you to want off disease. It
cures constipation, billiousness, dyspep
sia, fever skin, lives and kidney com
plaints. It purifies the blood and clears
the complexion.
Mrs. D. W. Smith, Whitney, Texas,
writes April 3, 1901: "I have used
Herbine, and find it the best medicine
for constipation and liver troubles. It
does all you claim for it.
I can highly recommend it. 50c.
Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
$500.00 Reward.
The above reward will be paid by the
OomatJ Court, for information leading
to the arrest and conviction of the per
son or persons that shot and killed
Jacob J. Renter, near the mouth of lit
tle Canyon, Douglas county upon March
i5rd. ltOo.
Dated this dav April 3rl, 1h05.
M. D. Thompson, County judge.
F. A A. M. Lanrei Lodge No. 13.
H a. sis regular meetings on
aed f arth Wednesday of
month. J. T. Budgsb, W. M.
N. T. Jbwtr, Secretary.
F. O. ELKS. Roaetrtirg Lodge Nc.
396. Ho. d; regmar communica
tions at I O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursday jI each month .
All members requested to attend regu
iarlv and ell Ttaiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
C. R. Cannon, K. R.
Rot McClallfs, Secretarr.
S. L Wyanotts
Kggs for sale at 1 1.00 per setting. L.
K. Mynatt. Koseburg, Oregon, R. F. D.
No. I.
.O.N. 13., meets at Armory Hall every
Thursday evening, at S o'clock.
F. B. Hamux, CapC
Oregonian: L. A. Greenley has re
turned from atrip to his lime properties
in Douglas county, and he will return
there next Saturday to direct the con
t-nuance of the work, lestcrday an
additional crew was put to work, and
he exuecta to begin the manufacture of
lime for commercial purposes within
the next few weeks. He says that
work i active in tbe Brushy Butte
country in the development of copper
properties. Men are sinking i haft and
a very good grade of chalcbpyrite ore
has been uncovered. Just how exten
sive this is has not yet been learned,
but the work now being done will de
termine this.
SMITH At tbe famiiv home four miles
south of Roseburg, Thursday morning
April ti, 1.105. Mrs. Elizabeth A.
Smith, wife of Cyrns Smith, aged til
years last September, after a brief
Deceased was a well known and high
ly esteemed pioneer lady of this county
She was born at Zaneeville, Ohio and
crossed the plain with her parents, A.
H. Woodruff and wife in I8M, locating
in this county where she was married
to Mr. Smith. Seven children were the
issue of this union, who are aa follow:
Irving and Oeorge of Portland ; Mr. L.
G. Dumbleton, of Winchester; Mr
Kate Dowder, of Crabtree ; Clay, Cole
and Mis Hattie of this place.
Three brother are also left to mourn
their loss, E. T. Woodruff, of Cleveland ;
R. A. Woodruff, of Melrose and George
Woodruff, of Myrtle Point.
The fnneral servi ces will be conducted
at the family home at 11 o'clock, Friday
morning by Rev. J. A. Townsend, of
this city, interment iu the Roseburg
Masonic cemetery.
Weather Keport.
U. S. WCATHKK BfRKAr Oftktc,
RosKBt Rti, Ore.
Week ending 5 p. ni., Apr. 5, MflS.
Maximum temperature 74 on the 3rd
Minimum temperature, 3t on 3rd
Rainfall for the week, 0.15
Total rainfall since 1st of month 0.03
Total iainfall from Sept. 1, 1U04, to
date, &9R,
Average rainfall f-om Sept. 1 to date
29 51.
Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 11KM, to
eate, 7.15.
Average precipitation for 2S wet sea
sons, 33.57.
Thos. Gibson, Observer.
Rheumatic Puss Qakihr Believed. t
The excrucating pains characteristic
of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly
relieved by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. The great pain reHexing
power of the liniment ha been the sur
prise and delight of thousands of suffer
ers. The quick relief from pain which
it affords is alone worth many timee its
cost. For sale by A. C, Marsters A Co.
O. O. F Proletarian Lodge No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fallow' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass streets, on
Saturday evening of each It, Mem
bers of tbe order in good nan Jirsg arj
invited to attend,
H. O. Lewis, N. G.
N.T. Jtwm, Secretary.
If it is a billions attack take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
a uuick cure is certain. For sale by A
0. Marsters A Co.
A Dandy for Burns.
Dr. Bergin, Pana, 111., writes: "I
have used Ballard's Snow Liniment :
always recommended it to my friends,
as I am confident there is no better
made. 'It is a dandy for burns.' Those
who live on farms are especially liable
to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises,
which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow
Liniment is applied. It should always
be kept in the house for cases of emerg
ency." 25c, 50c aud $1 00 Sold by A.
C. Marsters A Co.
The Umpqua bakery is now located
in its new building on Cass street,
next door to the Cass street meat mar
ket. 3 tf
rimrr but timciy run
Staves, RmdlMtort,
Jtangere, Hwmamg Drum.
Com I tladt, iroa
a TBooaairD onu mma
xamoTae wm a coat
to stag, I Stat sad Quart Caa
Sold By 5. k. SV kES
Phone 351 - - - - Roeeburg, Ore
ot P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet
every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F
Hall st 7 :30 p. m. Members la
good standing are invited to attend.
Jas. A. PexnY, 0. C.
M. F. W sight, K. of R. A S.
LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women ol
Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th
Thursdays of each month at tbe I.
O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members in
food standing are invited to attend.
Mas. A. B. FicxLS. Guardian Neighbor.
Bell Morian, Casax
Second and Fourth Thursday.
OE. 8 Roeeburg Chapter No. 8
Hold their regular meeting on the
Aral mil thirri TtinraLn in ak
nontb. Visiting member in good
i tan ding are respectfully invited to at
tend. Maude Rest, W. M.
Regins Rast Secretary .
sembly No. 106, meets second and
fourth Saturdays of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting members
will receive s cordial welcome.
A. C. Masstsbs, M. A.
Mi n.n ik Joxss, Secretary.
Camr No. 126. Meet at tbe Odd
Fsllows' Hall, in Roeeburg, every
first and third Moods evening. Visit
ing neighbors always welcome.
J. M. Bsioass, C. 0.
V T. Jtwrrr, Clerk.
Best secret service men on Pacific
coast at your command, railroad, hotel,
bank, mercantile secret service done;
evidence gathered in ah criminal and
civil case. Beet of work guaranteed.
Address all communication to Lock
Box No. 756, Koseburg, Oregon.