ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BY THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY PHOht AO K . OFFICl COt KlK AD Oil Entered in the Pout Office al RosobHrc. Oregon. K Second flics Mail Mutter in 1SVS. W. C. CONNER, Editor SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES Semi-Weekly One Year: t20"; Semi Weekly Bix Mouths, (I 00. Cash in Advance. Advertising Kates. .SO cents per single column inch ner month. Locals. I cvnts g line. 1905 APRIL 1905 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. HJUJJJl JiLLi23J45 J617J8J9 20122 fflM 2512617128 29 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 190V The Roseburg Plaindealer m a very bright, interesting and beautifully printed paper. Oregon State Jour nal. Governor Hoch says that '"Kansas is in a battl to the finish with the Standard Oil." He omits to say whose finish it will be. Nebraska has appropriated S2"0. 000 for a factory for the purpose of fighting the twine trust. This is her chance to strangle it. Dr. Parkhurst says solemnly that the drunkard's path leads to the heaise and the grave. Does the Doc tor know any other path for anybody? Vice-President Fairbanks is de lighted to have become a mason. Many other men are also glad to be masons now when a bricklayer gets five dollars a dav. Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman says that men are far more beautiful than women. Many a woman is telling her husband the same thing in anticipa tion of an appropriation for the Eas ter bonnet. The Ohio Supreme Court has de cided that all guessing contests are lotteries and that their authors are punishable. It is good for the Weather Bureau that it is not located in Ohio. They have arrested a man in Wis consin for stealing one hundred thou sand dollars from the Standard Oil trust. After serving his sentence he can get an engagement in a dime mu seum. Rhode Island has passed an act prohibiting the sale of Fourth of July explosives throughout the state. Ev ery state legislature in the country would do well to follow the example of little Rhody. Senator Warner says he paid $28.90 for his election and Mr. Ad ricks is wishing right heartily that he could walk in on the Deleware legis lature some day when it was having such a marked down sale. A man working on a tunnel in the East River was blown1 up through the mud and sand of the river bed and through the water and still lives to tell his friends about it. What an active an experienced man he would be for the Canal Commission. Now Land Commissioner Richards is said to be among the land fraud suspects whose head is to come off before long. He is said to have shadowed Commissioner Hermann for two yeers to gain evidence for Hitch cock to oust Mr. Hermann. A well known scientist argues that people of opposite tastes and dispo sitions should marry. In Chicago wnere divorces are granted at the rate of seventeen to the half hour it would seem that the city had already followed the scientist's advice. President Roosevelt when in Louis ville was presented with a jug of wa ter from the Larue spring from which Lincoln used to drink. It is not like ly that he was presented with a jug of something stronger from the little rill where Col. Watterson allays his thirst. President Roasevelt plans to be gone from Washington two months, a wolf hunt in Oklahoma, and bear and elk in Colorado being the star attrac tions. There is but one thing to pre vent his getting full measure of en joyment from these occasions his being president. R. M. Veatch beat Oliver Veatch, his nephew, by 15 votes for the may oralty of Cottage Grove. Colonel Bob was the only one of the three candi dates not declaring his policy and principles in a platform, which dem onstrates the fact that it does not always pay to declare one's self on important questions. SESSION LAWS SOON WILL ISSUE The session laws of the last legis lature will be ready for distribution in a few days. The new laws will not go into effect, except in rare in stances, until May 1 St h. so there will be ample time for lawyers, judges and public officers generally to tint! out what the new laws are before they must observe them. Thev will find the index of the published copy of the session laws of 1905 of invaluable service to them in making pen anno tations in their codes, for Attorney A. O. Condit. who prepared the index, has made a complete list of all sec tions amended or repealed, together with chapter and page of the session laws upon which the new law will be found. Heretofore each attorney has had to search the session laws page by page to find the changes and note them on the margin of his copv of the code. The published copy of the session lasvs has never contained a list of sections amended. The work of annotating a code has been such big task that many attorneys left it undone. With the aid of the list pre pared by Mr. Condit an attorney or public officer can, in a few moments, note on the margin of his code every change made at the session of 1905. The following card, sent out by Detroit commercial club, is worth reading and pasting in vour hat : "If there is any chance to boom business. boom it. Don't pull a long face and look as though you had a sour stom ach. Hold up your head, smile and iook ior better tmngs. rime vour little hammer, and try to speak well of others, know matter how small you really known yourself to be. When a stranger drops in. jolly him tell him this is the greatest town on eartn. ana it is. iont discourage him by speaking ill of your neighbors. Lead him to believe that he has last struck a place where white peo ple live. Don't knock. Help your self along by becoming popular, and push your friends with you. It's dead easy. Be a good fellow, and soon you will have a procession of follow ers. No man ever helped himself by knocking other people down in char acter or business. No man ever got rich by trying to make others believe he was the only man in town who knew anvthing. You can't climb the ladder of success by treading on other people's corns. Keep off the corns and don't knock. The Japanese parliament last month denied foreigners the right of mining in Japan. The debate over it was the warmest ever held m the Parliament, itjis said, but the oppo sition was too; weak to overcome the special interests lined up against it. which shows that Japan has adopted not only the latest modes of warfare but also the western form of law making. Senator Teller was assuming a good deal when he intimated that the Filipinos were as lawless as Colo radoans. Musings. Now bring forth the straw hat. The spring time has come again gentle Annie. Millinery will also blossom this month weather being favorable. The easier hat will no doubt be ae ex pensive ae ever this year. A Bishop Heil is laboring in eastern Oregon. Be careful of that "i '' Now for spring house-cleaning, the busiest season away from home for the men. Have you made application to succeed Booth or Bridgee in the Koseburg Land Office yet? This is the kind of weather that brings last summer's open work out of the bureau drawer. Space is about equally divided in the Ijprtland papers between the revivalists and grand jury investigations. Some years ago a Eugene young man traded a dog for some mining stock, part of which he sold this week for $600. The subject of Judge Parker's Jeffer son day address ie "The Future of the Democratic Party." One thing about it is tolerably sure, that the party won't nominate Judge Parker again. A Washington county young mail sued hie old parents for $1,200 for work done on their farm, and the jury gave them over (300 that they had over paid him, aud now he knows more. A grocer, not so green as the goods he sells, wants to know why the women wear their daintiest finery where no one can see it? Too hard a one for a Mis sourian to answer. Give it up! Bryan stopped and left bis plow in the field to go to Des Moines to talk Democracy. tBryan is not the only statesman wbjo would rather talk poli tics and attend a banquet than to plow. We made a mistake in the weight of Representative Burns' baby boy, the birth of which we reported in our last issue. He weighed ten pounds in place of sevon mjmanm, for which we beg Mr. and Mrs. Burns' pardon. Coquille Herald. Just why the editor of the Herald should feel responsible for the weight of Mr. and Mrs. Burns' baby is not clearly understood. He should not ask pardon because the baby weighed ten pounds instead of seven. The edi tor could not regulate nature in this respect. For sale, Toulouse goose eggs now ready, from prize winners, 26 cents each. Send in your orders early : eggs limited. AddressK. A. Kruse, Koseburg, Ore gon. in lop . INVESTIGATING THE BOOTH, KELLY CO. Portland, April r So far as the land band an concerned, the investigations of tin1 federal cran 1 jnrv now in maioa will probably Dover do important cases save that ot the liooth-kollv Lumber company. An army of witnesses has been mhoeiaed to testify concerning the metluxls by which this corporation acquired its immenee holdings) of public lands, ami the gran I jury's inquisition is necessarily procecdiin slowly. The lobby outside of the grand jury room is crow.lo.l daily with witnesses and secret service men, BMat of the tormer from Koseburs;, Cottage Grove and other towns in southern Oimma Many of them are men who took up claims which were subsequently trans ferred to the Booth-Kelly catnpanv. .1 . V Ooofc, who was a parly to the sale of lands to the company three vears ago, says that this aM the only trans action of the triad whi.'h he had. At that time he and .1. 1 Jones, of Cottagf l irove, who was jointly interested with himself in the property, sold to the Hooth-Kelley I.umlier company aluut 10,000 acres of railroad land- and from 2.000 to 3,000 acres of other lands. Mr. Cook says that he and Jones owned all of the land w hich they sold, and none of it had been acq aired for the purpose of sellitii: it to the com pany. He declares that the transaction was perfectly regular. booth am RRinoEs mm tvjrtSY. Closely interwoven with the investiga tion of the Booth-Keiley L hat com pany is the inquiry into the conduct of the Roseburg land office. J. I". Bridges and .1. H. Booth, the suspended ufficiala of the office, are both in Port Land under subpoena, and the former lias already been subjected to a pro tracted examination before the grand jury. It has bean known for boom time past that valuable information was oh tained from Bridges and Booth by the secret service agents. The first witness to lie examined to day was I. Thomas Aiiee, of Mapleton. He was followed by I 'h.irles Barker and William Tipton, of Koseburg. The in quisition into the land frauds was sus pended yesterday lout enough to jermit S. C. Bartrum, superintendent ;of the Cascade forest reserve, to present mart evidence concerning the illegal -setting of forest tires, and other witnesses will probable be heard upon the same suls- jeet before the gran 1 jury concludes its labors. This is, however, wholly uncon nected with the land frauds, the chief topic of investigation. Sensational disclosures were made to the federal grand jury at its session ti is afternoon when Harry Robertson, for merly private secretary to Senator John H. Mitchell was called In-fore that hod v. ' It is said that Robinson disclosed to the jurv the fact that Senator Mitchell!""" "T """"" - i n strated her cleverness in the aonbrette ! MM ll II a Muckuouirr in toe ooowi- , ke II v lanrar mnnatr. n, e trtnnr- - - ' tions in public lands are now imdoc rigid investigation by tie- grand jury Little credence is generally given to this report, however. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Joint Institnte tietween I.ane and Douglas cotintie", April 19-90-21, 1905, at Cottage (trove, Oregon. Wednesday, Kth .'! p. m. Kecepti-oi at the liome of Mrs. Frank D. Wheeler. Widnesday Kvening, S o'clock At the M B church. Song by choir: devo- i!.- c i vi . . .. . ..... . aiioress, i.ane co l resilient, s';tject, j "Woman:" music, "Silver Chimes,"' i Mrs H K Ferguson, Koi-cburg ; an nouncement; benediction, Kev. tirace. i Thursday Morning, 9 o'clock Fxecu- j tive: appointment of comnrttees: cour- tesy, finances, retiorters. membership, subscript'on to our periodicals, etc; praise service, conducted t.y Unz Bishop, Yoncalla ; reading of minutes of last institute : announcing committees parliamentary dri 1, T M Medley: plans of work for superintendent of Mothers' Meeting, Mrs Louis Barzee, Roseburg; discussion, Mrs Can kin-, Ftlgene ; State paper, Cnion signal aud other period icals; noontide prayer, Mrs I'ayiitiff. Elkton : adjournment for lunch. Thursday Afternoon 1 :30 o'clock De votions, Mrs Houston, Fmgene; ques tion, resolved : "The tobacco habit is more harmful to our nation than the liquor traffic," affirmative: Mrs B C Bartrum, Roseburg, Mrs Belle Black, Drain, and Mrs Depain, Cottage Grove negative: Mrs C J Armitage, Myrtle Creek, Mrs Johnson, Creswell, and Mr Milton, Creswell ; state headquarter.-, presented by State Rec Sec ; How to meet our finances, by Douglas Co Tieas ; discussion, Mrs Wai n: question box, Mrs Norris ; our Y work, State Y Sec: demonstration, Cottage (irove Y ; I. T I. exercise , Cottage Grove LTL; adjourn ment. F'riday, 9 :30 a m. RaecoUre ; devo tions, Mrs Johns, Saginaw ; 1. T I. work, Douglas Co's Supt ; Our work in Sunday Schools, Mrs Barnard : Odds and end and tangled points, Mrs Bishop, Yoncal la ; noontide prayer ; adjournment. AFTER THE FOREST FIRE OFFENDERS A dispatch from Portland says: It is known that the jury ie investigating, or shortly w ill tie, the malicious setting out of forest fires in the Cascade forest re serve. Supervisor S. C. Bartrum ae peared before the jury Tuesday, and it is further known that his presence here is in connection with forest fire offenses. Mr. Bartrum is doing all in his pnmar to bring about a full investigation of this matter, and it is believed that the GoT ernment has a strong case against some one for committing this crime. It is understood that no indictments will be returned by the grand jury until the entire work of investigation by the present jurors has been completed, when all findings will be known simul taneously. Mrs. Ruth Chamberlain nml little daughter left on this morning's local for Salem to visit friends for a few days. ROSEBURG AMATEURS MADE A GREAT HIT The laughable farce coined v in three acts, entitled "Captain Racket, " was eery creditably presented to a large and well pleased audience at the Koseburg theater Monday evening by local talent for the benefit of the Koseburg Orches tra, which furnished excellent music for the Occasion. The opening mil-it at Mmbar was "The Village Orchestra Kehorsal," a burlesque specialty in w hich the orchestra members appeared ia typical rural costumes and rioalod lion h merriment. In the production Of the play, all the participants acquitted themselves ad mirably and in some respects sustained their reopen tire roles as creditably as similar characters have been sustained by traveling troops which have visited Koseburg the past season. Koy Bellows as "Captain Racket." of the National tiuaid, "a lawyer when he has nothing else to do and a liar all the time," cer tainly interpreted this unique character in a most satisfactory manner and sup plied a full share of the comedy. M. K. Wright, as "Timothy Tollman," the Captain's friend who "married iur money ami is sorry for it," impersonated the "henpecked husband, in moat approved and up-to-date fashion, atbifti his penchant lor luting with the Cap tain's prettv wife, and his periodical in clination to overload with champaign, Math to the discomfiture of Mrs. Toll man, were all )wrtrayed as if by an adebt in this special comedy role. The character of the somewhat jealous Mrs. Tollman, was ably sustained by Miss Agnes Pitchford, and her efforts to maintain the dignity of her household by remonstrances with her rather recreant souse, afforded much amusement. "Mr. Dalroy, the captain's father-in law, a jolly cove," was excellently por trayed by Thos. Carlon : and John Ryan, as "Hobson, a waiter from the Cafe Glorina," told the blunt story of Timothy's carrousal and presented his wit., will, ti... f..r,.,-r-- -I ..r. Kill and damages assessed for hisextravagatit i recklessness on that eventful night. ; Nels Oamnndsoa represented "Obi- j diah Dawson, the captain's uncle from ; Japan w ho shareil in the pursuit o fair Clarice, and added his ortion to I the trials of poor Timothy, as well as to those of his nephew, the gay captain. The star rate of ' 'Clarice," the cap- tain s pretty wne, --out lor a lark anil up to everything awful," was sustained by Miss tiertrude Kast in her usual charming manner, the various difficult situations tieing in an met unassuming and realistic manner by the clever young lccal leading iady. Miss Era Messier, a "Katie"' toe mischievous maid.'" supplied the real ' " Ir"'"nan, " a .-.'.arming ... , irole. Her song and trace of movements t -. i i . eui nei a neariv eni-ore. Bet ween the acts the raiiroaj quar- tette, Al Watch, Wilbur Koss, Rabb4pt; Mrs. K. K. Montgomery, ast. Potbes and Kairf -x Parrih. sang, . supt ; Mii-s Myrtle Marshal. se-. ; Mis '"Keep Shhsing Bilsery M.n,'' nitlvi hMhn Jonea, unrnrinn, Mies Clara Son Miss Nita Kabat at the piano. An en-' nermann, orinist. Kern.lale l'.)ngre C.ire ai- al-o f lanil fllll J limjIIWIlVjll to. national S. S. elected Mr-. Jnlii lloiti n. Mrs. Hazel K. Steiner sann very . npt ; Mrs. K Morten-M-n. sec. beautifully, "She's .-leaping Neath Mrs. Marcaret Hernn, past grand C. Oregon's Tali l ines.'' with appropriated of 11 is in this citv for one week, in- stere..p;ican illustrations by Prof. Carl Kobinson, of Portland. Mr. Kobiuson laaaf with arrnmpanint illustrations I "Goodbye, Utile tiirl. tioodbye." He j also homed a few world's fair pictures 'and announced the return of Mrs I Wontberred to Koseburg in atmut ten lays to repeat her illn-trated lecture. The door receipts netted the orchestra a neat sum win i w ill te applied on the purchase of dres suils or the orchestra memliers. The on hestra member ex press themselvei as much gratified with this demonstration of appreciation of their efforts on the rt of the citizens of Koseburg. I Biennial Meeting of the M. W. A. j The biennial meeting of the Douglas county camp of Modern Woodmen of America was held in the Foresters' hall Wednesday evening for the purpose of electing one delegate to the state camp at Baker City on Mav 5th. The ('amp was called to order by Hon. A. ( Mars- ters of this city, and on motion Frank Clements was tinarimoiisly chosen j chairman and F. M. Beard, clerk. There; were but v ry few delegates present from outside places, Scottsbtirg beine represented by W. ti. Orubb; Klkton by . B. Haines, jr., and C. J. Ritchey of Infant, Mr. Haines chosen ,-'S ilel- egate to the stole camp wi-li Mr. tinibb as alternate. The next roanty im-eting will 1m- I, eid :it ElbMn in I : n7 . Forest Grove Still Dry. H Hillslsiro. Ore., April 4. In the case of the Pacific t'niversity against the Mayor and Cily of F'orest Grove, Judge MeBrhfa yesterday morning OVer rnfad the demurrer to the com plaint I in 1.1 nig that the ordiame au tborfafan: the licensing of a aatooa is without authority and void The uni versity thus Scores a victory, and an fa junction w ill be groate I re-training the sale of intoxicating liquors in Fores' (irove. Democratic Mayors In the municipal elections held in prominent Flastern cities Democratic mayors were elected as follows: Chi cago, Judge Dunne; St. Ixmis, Rolla Wells, re-elected ; Kansas City, W. Bona; Leavenworth, Peter Krerhardy. Colorado elected many Democratic may ors. These elections were all fought on local issues alone, Dunne winning in Chicago on municipal ownership. Carnegie Hero Medal Des Moines, April 5. The first Car negie hero medal to be awarded goes to Miss Lavina Steele, recently appointed assistant state librarian. Miss Steele saved tlie life of George Hill, student at the State Lniversity, who broke through the ice. P. A. Webb and wife of in tlie city Wednesday. Larfay THE LATEST FROM THE WAR ZONE Tokio, April 5. A report from Man churia says: "Part of oar C hang f 1 1 force drove the Russians, out of Tsnlu Shu, two miles north of Changtn, also out of Snmienchong, nine miles west of Tallin Sim and occupied Mith places April :i. On April t they drove the enemy from Sonniiaotan ami diaper Bed raOO Russian cavalry, which was retreating north along the railway." The torpedoboai destroyer A rare was successfully launched at K ore today. KKIIKl.l.los hi'KLMiino. Berlin, April r. Ihspatches from St. Petersburg slate that the rebellion is spreading throughout the Caucasus. It is reported that 10,900 arm.-d rebel have gai hired in the mountains and elected a king. Right thousand revolu tionary workman from Battoum and Baku may join this force. There are six other contingents, mi m I c r i ng 7000, oper ating in different parts of the Caucasus. Military authorities ex press the opinion that it will take a decade to fully pacify the Caucasus attain. attacks BooaaraxT. St. Petersburg, April fi. The Novoe Vri-mya. in an inspired aiticle today at ta. i-t i 1 e attempts of President Room vell at meditation. It says peace at the present time is imsihle. Glendale Items. Mrs. K. K. Montgomery is recovering (rein an illness of a week. Several of the principal streets of our city are to be improved at once. W. K. Mi hard, formerly in business in this city was a ttlendale visitor Sat urday. Excellent health prevails in this city and vallev at present and general pros perity is evidence.! on all sides. Miss Audrey dreninger began her school at the Holmes Valley school "..use las- .Moti lay . house las The ' s. Postal Inspector visited our city lately. Up reported everything in "apple pie" order in our poatoffiea. Editor Homme of the News, is mak- mg improvements in his bright little journal every week and bis circulation im rcaes daily. Xhe new ,-tBrl of j T. fitaabban ftn VnUey View Hill is going on nicely and will be one of the m ! si.htlv lo- i at ions in onr city. Prof. Geo. Jone of Roseburg will laaeh the school at the new Oalesville house; Miss Flora Gilhun will teach at the tiillam r-thool house. Oliver P. I.ane, who was lately he. reaved by the loss of ids wife and little i aon in the awful accident of the burn ing of their home in this city, started Tuesday morning on a tw o months' vis- ... ,; , ,,. :,, t 11 ,' '" P"" Indiana, 1 u aii;iu.ii eiti ii"ii 01 i . e . .i.i . - t otTh-ers of Olivet Sunday Khool, I N. rah is structine the member! of Azalea Lodgs, in the ti-Nir Work of that order. At their regular meeting Tuesday, thrve new Mnaben were installed. A tine photograph of all the members fade I baf L I., liurd p day hv Ralph 1 m. was taken Mou ah and Mrs. Madge Wall. Onf annual city election look place Monday. Chas. Austen and G. Gilbert BM an- our new coiineilmeii. F. Bower cx wa ele-tel mayor, H. G. Sonnemsu was rr a coted tr-asurer and J. A Turn bow was electfl marshal. We did no Irani who was elected recorder. All ti e I candidates on tKith tickets werefgo. 1 men, so there was no ossibility of a mistake tm matter which side won. Moi.t ik. Yoncalla News. Mr. and Mrs Mitchell of Gfandaje are visiting in Yoncalla Arb Stearns of Oakland was transact- '"K boaiaeaa here Saturday. Miss Minnie Wilson of Drain recently s)ent several days in our vicinity, Kranli shamtle. a former resident of Frank Shangle. a brier resi lent I this place, came up from Portland Mon : day. Wa-ren Hurt. S P. fireman spent a ' few days at home last week returning to irants Pa-s Fii lay evening. Miss Jessie Day, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. Mollie Whiatler at Winleck, Wash., arrived here Friday. Mrs F'ritz of F'lkhead i- spending a few days with the family of V.. A. Love lace and we are glad to note that their ratiie ty is getting In tier. H. P. Yett U-ing called home from California because of Mrs. Yell's sick ness, arrived Saturday, and we are glad to -ay found his w ife somewhat improved in health. Yoncalla's city election was held Mon day and the following ticket w as elected : Mayor, C. Boss King; councilman, J. ti. Satuler, W. O. Bridges, Harry Stearns, Z. L. Cox ; recorder, John Meimnrr ; Marshal, F. I.undv ; treasurer, Clyde Beekley. Mr. (ioin of (irants Pass was renew ing old acquaintances here the fatti part of the week. He left on Sunda' I mm: for Portland to visit his wife who is in the Pacific Sanitarium. Her man) friends here will In- glad to hear of her complete restoration. Best and Most Popular. "Mothers buy it lor cronpy chUdn r railroad men buy it for severe cough. and elderly eople buy it for la grippe," siys Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. We sell n.ore of Chamberlain's Cough Ren -edy than any other kind. It seems In have taken the lead over several otht r good brands." There is no question 1 u this medicine is the best that can Ik procured for coughs and colds, whether it be a child or an adult that is atllieteii. It alu ays cures and cures quickly. Sold by A. C. Marsters it Co. Miss Annie Kent of Dillard camedow n on this morning's local. ROSEBURG HAS j A FIRE BUG An old frame building formerly nand as a blacksmith shop, belonging to the Beat estate and situated on North Jack son street near the ra'lroad spur, ami used as a warehouse, was, together wild its contents, totally destroyed by lire, supposed to in; of incendiary Of lain, on Wednesday morning at :i o'clock. Be sides the loss of the building, u street sprinkling wagon, one farm wagon, a new buggy and some farm implements belonging to Geo Collins and valued at alxmt $300, with no inwmii. was burned. James Doty had a set of saloon BztareS stored in the building and his loss is estimated at $700 with $'iiN) in insurance. Mr. Doty is in Portland se lecting his stock of gooda for his new saloon aoojt to bo opmmf ia tin- Amy a rtjith bunding as announctd a few weeks ago in the Plaindealer and while there b will also purchase an entire new set of fixtures. The Koseburg tire depart ment responded to the alarm, but as the fire was outside of the city limits, there was no fire hydrant available, so the pany could do lint little work. The sw itch engine with the yard i-iew did very effective service in subduing the Uames and saving the railroad Ira k from injury by burning. KILLED IN QUAR REL OVER MONEY Dallas, April 3 Frank J Bell, a prominent attorney of this city, and grand cancel lor of the Knights ol Pythias was shot and killed by R R Parker. chief deputy clerk. T: !eoiiig occured at the district clerk'- . ifice in the court house and was ihe -u'.iof a previous quarrel over b-tv. Parker was taken into UNEARTHED A CAN OF GOLD Mount Pleasant, Tex., April 4 T. A. I.edletter has dog rip a pot eontainfa g nearly $2000 in gold coin, 20 miles north ol here. Tin- coin is al! I'nited Mate- 1 money except one or two pieces, which : are Spanish or Mexican coins. Years ago an old Indian said that some kind of treasure had !en buried near the spot, and starch was made for it at that time, but without encceas Sever! 'res near the place had Indian marbs on them. The money is in a gemd state of preservation. W. 0. W. CONVENTION AT LOS ANGELES Ti e Southern Pacific Company will n-H. nr. April 12-13-14, round trip tickets t. I. - An:eies, at greatly rednoed rates, oi. iccount of convention of Woixlmen of ;hr Worid, ami Womer ' "'oodcraft. ' to tie held at 1 os Angele . Aj ril lth ' IMK. Call on nearest Sont'.rui Psciti Agrnt for rat- and fill part .i W ! ' engine i register! . pn mi m s.-a r i :' -iran: .1 Uetd M.i iailtr.. mining Pass i Ihe Power of: Love H-'s i.nii-d . ml maamVd by the fall Beneath the cliff" and rocks of sin. How can yon fail to hear his call From portafa Hosed and tie within" Then 0en wide D e flooding gate-. And qaeni.1i the rsging tires within. The tire that ban s within the grates. With fuel ma e ol BJ -tal sin. Let fanning orfiari ol ty love O'er come 1 1 .a baai4 af the heat, Ti en moaartafa high ailed up by grief W i.l no It Htay and then repeat Tlie power of love will aaaiaeana, And melt the adamantine ric!r, ancaperatfaa an-1 ransom I'nfetters i very sinful lock. Wliile nature latxirs to restore Tlie wound by amputation made Bo God by m ay wan- doetft onr. His love whi h mnnal tw reaid. L C. Hili. i W. M. HUDSON & GO. 7ii cak no MACHINE WORK Of All UdJS A SKCIUTY : ILYCU suNDSUi i ;: v-;c j,"i.hj. siwuummiru MRS. H. EASTON f is aneoaaef to wait aaoa old and aancaatoanaraaad frinuds with a full and complete stock of 1ROCERIES All fresh and of the very lieet qnality. Teas and coffees are specialties Y ur patronnge solictiil. t1 i J anj Jag s- n R el uric g u t V V" Notice of S.i'i'. la I ha ' noly eui-; tor lii it i- i mi h Mtt el Or. iron. In th.- Ha ter ' t I- -ft 1 T in- lb i i'1 i ii Ik. V. t'- Ik h rel i lv i a Lj -.It c an.l u- . aaaea ' iw ur rr ri e" -si 1 inaiter. lv t e emu j i rirlo i i i i- . let;-. Or- gen i.n it i-.liii I. ils f Xanrn, I it'i til - uilemiEiicit it in I n ' i ia or v ill on i. M l it t i 1 1- ,"lh day al Jt;i P, INO, and wtiitt 3 Ve) .: at Marl, tin ol rut pr vi e ' lor li In nul, ihe mil w ik iTf n-.l C- : Ihf ', ol th w" , i ; i, la t .". - ! r i m t ol mt m?anaatts M Umh. u l n i.- C imty. ore iron, ant It thei tnt hi l ot mi -.1! I private -aie w- Baal '. t p. at al rw 4 i-t ity m M:i , la :, mil tie ato iie-criii .1 nL posoart t o ii Ing I i.t i o-iie, ii in Ii - iio-tlon lo. c-i.-ti n i-anit. i-t laeCean tie m -i. -1 .n Bmi x DaachaC aat .nn-c-n n a ih 't'nl ei Hatah. 0 ! J til I IIANaN. A. Iiui i lr tor o: the m ile 1 1 Ti n thy t'ro a-1 L an, tl el 1 1 ii Bargains for all Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to 2 00 Swell line of Combination Cases Ranging in Price from $15 to $28 Take a look at our Buffets From $25.00 to 338.0!). : : : : B. W.ST T H E F U R N f T FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES A complete stock ol all the best brands and grades of staple and fancy Groceries. New and fW'sh i,M'ds Q which v. e have removed the tariff. All kinds of early ve' ta: '.- and fruits kept con stantly on band. Highest market price paid for a"; ki'ir- t farm t -rod tie. KRUSE & MEW LAND UP-TO-DATE GROCERS JUST ARRIVED FIGS HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS RASINS CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL Anything you need for a Fruit CaKe or Mince Meat J. F. BARKER C0. Phone 201 BROOMS Merchants r. the KiFr.l" : TOBY which wi and ready to : March. re e-T r .1 n R. S. BARKER, I (iETTING READY TO PAINT You want the best, no doub". and taafs ; ; : what we fatve. Carter's Stiicf.y Pur ;. t :. ;i". Kale m Pure Bejilan jr.i Raw ' ia icd I il n J All th- o h. r Esacrttial. B E A kr D ck ARTICLES OF JEWELRY Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gift for Gent ; Suitable Gifts for Children Finest Line oi Jewelry tm Sltwi InRn e VEB SALZMAN'S RO N G RE MAN NEW STOCK FINE CHINA WARE A I B rade higher than a - aaam male brorm. j Prfaei in i in petition with Coast Jobbers i I aOSEBURG, OREGON. A TALE Or WOE amy a hnv to U-U thai I in : 'eir lin ana ..-at ti i: ,-. At na Mttaha lautii!" i- yru ve tl. !:.'- of oohi .h- b-icfy t i ti .i . t':at m ikes o "ib iahnte 'J '.. "or our : i i ' . ..: pert t and wft ! '. te, an I we rpl I y exts-r -. ?! I tan show -n h evidence nf tl ; I ;---aft an las the -up r -k ' at k -k. . : . rBt i i. :v. C I) LV E R