ROSEBURC PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BY THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY mane mum .?. omct co jm ahd ok Entered lu Ihe Tost Office hi Roscbur-R. Oregon, aa Second lUas Mail Matter in 186S. W. C. CONNER, Editor IPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES Semi-Weekly One Year; 12.00 : Semi-Weekly Hii Months, f 1 00. Oashin Advance. Advertising Rates, 50 cent per single column inch per mouth. LocaU, I cents a line. 1905 APRIL 1905 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. ZZZZZ JMOJIJAJllAJl 6 J7J8 J9 20JI22 -241251 2627l28l29 MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1905. OYAMA, NAPOLEON OF THE EAST. The Napoleon of the East! There is something electric in the phrase. which seems fittingly applicable to the dashing career of the Marquis Oyama, the war comet of Japan. But should we not rather take examples from our own recent history and com pare the Eastern warrior with Grant, the mighty hammerer, or with Sher man, the infatigable flanker? In both these lines of military action Oyama has made his mark, hammering and flanking the Russians out of their works at Liao-yang. and doing the same at Mukden and Tie Pass, until he has sent them drifting in dismay towards far-aff Siberia. Who is this man that now looms so large in the world's eye? He was born sixty years ago (in October, 1844) of humble parents, he grew up one of the rare class of boys who say little and think much. The age of fifteen found him a student in the United States, at the Temple Hill School in Geneseo, N. Y.: at twenty he made his way to Yedo, where mil itary science became at once his labor and his recreation. He soon had an opportunity to ap ply nis knowledge tne civil war that broke out in Japan. Organizing a battalion in his native Cehoshiuanl clan, he rendered such vialiant ser vice in the cause of the Mikado that in 1870 he was one of the four young officers sent to Europe to observe the Franco-Prussian war. Attached to the Prussian army he was present at the siege of Paris, where he learned useful lessons in the militarv art. On his return, in 1871, he was promoted to the rank of commander, and five years later led an army against an insurrection, which he quelled after a brilliant campaign, says the Search light. We meet him afterward as Marshal of the army and Minister of War of the empire, sharing with Marshal l amagata the honor of organizing the Japanese army on European prin ciples and making of it the wonderful fighting machine which it has proved itself to be. For a great soldier great war is necessary, and the first opportunity of Oyama came in 1894, when as field marshal, at the head of an army of nearly ninety thousand men, he won the chief laurels in the Chinese War, being the captor of Port Arthur, Kin Chow, Talien-Wan and Wei-Hai-Wei. Ten years later, in 1904, came the supreme opportuni ty of his life, and one which he has handled supremely. Oyama may be compared with Na poleon in the fact that his work in the Russian war has been seconded by able lieutenants. During the early months of the war he remained at home, directing the movements of such brilliant soldiers as Kuroki, No- gi, Oku and Nodzu, commanding the four Japanese armies in the field Only when preliminary work of these was well advanced, in July G 1904, did he go to the front in per son and take immediate direction of that series of remarkable movements which drove the Russians in disaster from their strong works at Liao-yang, forced the surrender of the seeming ly impregnable Port Arthur, and, at the end oi months oi entorced inac tivity in a Manchurian winter, ousted Kuropatkin's army, with vast loss from Mukden and Tie Pass. What kind of a man is this Oyama? One writer characterizes him as "a queer compound of ugliness, wit, strength, and Oriental cunning, with an enormously receptive mind; a rap id and deep thinker, who not only at tracts but molds those about him to any set purpose with Napoleonic di rectness and Japanese grace. Small pox has pitted his round brown face, but his ugliness is relieved by a pair of magnetic black eyes, which twinkle with humor or squint when their own er is deep in thought." He is a man who does not love war. His distaste for it amounts fairly to hatred. He is in disposition gentle and humane, "the mildest mannered man that ever" led an army to victo- ry. Instead of a hard-eyed, firce tempered iron-fisted campaigner, he is represented as one of the kindest and most amiable of old gentlemen, genial, witty and soft-hearted ; chari ty at one time becoming such a mania with him that his wife had to hold the purse and put him on strict al lowance. Thus it is he'has not grown rich; he is too liberal to gather a for tune, and in the Chinese war he Dougnt provisions out of his own pocket rather than pillage the wretch ed villagers. He is one of the great soldiers of history. He needs no monument. He has built his own. THE WOMAN IN THE CASE. The double homicide and suicide of the murderer near Drain a few days ago. was the direct result of the will ful indiscretion of a wife and mother; When one contemplates the horror of a woman's position, the awful re sults of her conduct, it is almost im possible to believe that a rational per son would ever willing or unwilling do that which might lead to such a san guinary end. But similar tragedies have become so common we are no longer shocked. When murder committed or attempted the story finds its wav into print, but where the public hears of one such scandal there are a score that end in separa tion and divorce without the real cause being known except in the ira mediate vicinitv. The discouraging feature is that in most of the cases women are the offenders, says the Grants Pass Herald. The cause of this can be traced to two sources, the lack of training for girls, and the extreme liberty allowed girls and women in association with men. This springs largely from our svstem of co-operation of the sexes in our public and private schools Knowledge may be gleaned from books, but education is the training not only of the hand, and brain, but of the spiritual nature. When that truth is recognized, men will perceive that the training of woman's nature must, because of her inherent differ ences, be unlike that of men. In stead of trying to make the traits of the two sexes approach by neglect, of the trainine both educations will be the highest development of each sex along the lines of their nature. Men willl be taught to be the pro tectors of women and not their com rades. Women may always be on the defensive under any system but men can be taught to be their defenders instead of their enemies. This can and must be brought by the training of girls into women who will have the highest self-respect. This is a wo man's protection every-where. and the absence of it comprises and de stroves her character. A DEMOCRATIC AUTOPSY Tho Democratic mule is dead. The last echo of his heroic brays has died away. His tail lies limp on the bare ground, like the banner of a defeated army. His eaa? lop together and lies stiff and lifeless like fallen flagstaff a from the conquered walls of a dismantled fortress. Thtre is no breath to moisten the lips that gave forth such pleasant music. Around him stands the doctors. The autopsy begins, Dr. Bryan gently, almost lovingly lifts the tail of the c orpse and exam ines it carefully. "It was Spinal Belmontitis," he says. " That's what killed him." Dr. Gumshoe Stone is down on the ground examining the ears. "I think it was Parkeritis." "It might be a complication of both," answered Dr. Bryan. Dr. Tillman gritted his teeth and spit like a cat. "I know a name for it," he hissed, "but I have no language to express it" "I pronounce it damphoolishness," answered Dr. Hogg, of Texas. "That's a slow disease" chimed in Dr. Daniel. "He's had it a long time," said Dr. Hearst. "But it never affected his voice," suggested Dr. Williams. Dr. Bryan blushed and dropped the mule's tail. "Let's try a reorganization bat tery on him," he said. "He's been organized and reorgan ized too often now," grunted Hogg. "Let's prop him up anyhow; maybe we can ride again," insisted Dr. Bryan. "Let's rest," the others said, and then sat down. Buzz-Saw. Editor Lew L. McKenney, of the Myrtle Creek Mail was transacting buei nees at the county seat today. Just be iore leaving Myrtle Creek this morning he stated that a quarrel of two or tbree days' duration in which some of the members of the Italian railroad ballast ing crew had been envolved, terminat ed in a shooting scrape and the brand ishing of knives, but no serious damage resulted Mr. McKenney reports that three shifts are working in W. B. Stew art's Continental mines on South Myrtle Creek and that the force will be in ert ased as the season advances. The prospects at this mine ie very promising. VERY MUCH OVERDONE. The report sent out from Portland that E. D. Stratford wanted in the land fraud cases was sprinting around somewhere in Kansas in order to evade the issue proves a canard. Mr. Stratford while in Roseburg said he is ready to respond any time to the call of the government. It is a fact that none of those against whom in dictments have been returned have evidenced any particular alarm over the situation, in practically every in stance the accused expressing willing ness to be on hand at the appointed time to face the charges, says t he Eugene Register. The land fraud situation has been greatly magnified in this state large ly through the efforts of the Port land press, whose chief motive in so doing seems to have been based chief ly upon political grounds. When the whole matter is sifted to the bottom and the guilty separated from the innocent and given proper punishment there are a few would-be prominent men in Oregon and several papers that may wish they had been more conservative in the course they have pursued. The Oregonian has been hedging considerably of late on this question and even now declares that Oregon land frauds are a trifle compared to the gigantic swindling that has gone on in Washington, California and oth er states. It always pays to exercise good judgment in such matters from the start. The low tone of political morality receives a painful and striking illus tration in these successive blows to senatorial prestige. The Record Herald says: "The possibility of further disgrace and degradation would be greatly diminished by sub stituting for indirect elections the plan of popular election of Federal senators." The Record-Herald might also have said that the fact that there are a number of United States Senators who have not yet been reached by indictment, and will per haps never be reached by indictment who serve on the Senate floor as the representatives of special interests. provides another striking argument in favor of the popular election of senators. The Record-Herald might also have said that the fact that New York. Minnesota and Nebraska have during the present year elect ed to the Senate men who were picked by the railroads provides another strong argument in favor of the pop ular election of senators. The story comes from lane County of a boy of 12 years cruelly beaten by his father; of a fine imposed upon the brutal parent, on his own admission of guilt, and the subsequent hiding under the house for three days and nights by the terrified child, where he sub sisted upon scraps thrown to the dogs, from the fear of his unnatural parent ihe hrst inquiry that arises in con nection with this case is. Where was this boy's mother and what was she doing while her child was being thus inhumanly treated. A woman of any spirit would not submit to such abuse of her child, even though to stop or prevent it she had to have resource to a club or to boiling water from her teakettle. To fine a brute of this kind is only to impoverish his family to the extent of the amount imposed. without offering them further ira munity from his brutality. A punish ment that would fit the crime is the only safeguard against its repetition, and the mother is the agent ordained by Nature to inflict it. Oregonian. Harrison R. Kincaid, editor of the Oregon State Journal at Eugene, and an ex-secretary of state, speaks as follows concerning the denial of prominent person of that town that he is a candidate for the nomination of governor: He says he has not been a candidate for that or any oth er office, but intends to leave politics alone and attend to his own business And, by the way' he has a good busi ness that is a good deal more certain than any political office and ought to pay better than being governor. In this he shows good judgment. The abuse, lying and ignorant vitupera tion heaped on every public officer of any importance, who tries to do his duty faithfully, by envious and jeal ous people who are themselves graft ers and are in politics for revenue only, is enough to disgust any sensi ble person with the whole business.' I jess than a year ago Muttonhead Alexieff was talking of driving the Japanese army into the sea. Now Russia is staggering under a demand for an $800,000,000 war indemnity, History is made fast these days, and the space of a few months changes things wonderfully. Medford Mail says: The rangers of the southern district of the Cascade re serve will leave Saturday to enter upon their dnties. They will survey the east boundary line of the reserve from Fish lake north, going as far as possible be fore they are needed for patrol work, when the fire season opens. The party was composed of A. 8. Ireland, Silas McKee and Sara'l Spenning, of Med ford, Will Nichols, of Central Point. The Lewis and Clark Fair They're coming from the distant ii-les To Portlands mum! (air To nee. the masts and logs and piles On exhibition there. And men of literary fame And talent from the Kaet Will come and read the glorious name Kritwd on Cascades' crest. A nation young and stalwart too Invites the world to see The wondrous works which she can do Un land and on the aea. Her mighty power is being felt On Afric's burning sands And on the little strip or belt Between the ocean strands. She's in war and great in peace; Her fame is in her good ; And may her eoaejaaatl never cease Until Columbia's llood Shall overlfow the desert land Where barren wastes prevail; And may her commerce yet command The seas w here vessels sail. And like the plant that never die, Ky ! i- i- and Clark found, She yet shall live beyond the ekiee Kxtending from the ground. J C. Hill. Additional Local. Ira W. Koote, Byron Hall, James Me- Pouald, John Mciiowan and O. I. Mc uire, all oi lwo Harbors, Minn , are registered at the Roseburg House. Irancis J. Heney, the timlierland fraud prosecutor and the man of the hour in Oregon, was a passenger on Sun dav morning's local returning to Port laud from San Francisco. Charles Clark, of Glide, T. T. Ijiird, ofCouuille. G. W. Best and Mr. Ko- maine, of Looking Glass and Willis Kramer and wife of Myrtle Creek are registered at the McClallen House. Mr. W. B. Stroud of Central Illinois has been visiting in Coles Valley. He has been spending the winter in Cali fornia but lias been enjoying a visit for the past several weeks in Coles Vallev with relatives. The crowd of girls, known as the C. F. C'e, met at the hoint- of lvlla Moore last Saturday evening. There is uo use to say that Ihe evenuiir a. pleasantly spent for the C. F. l"e never fail to enjoy themselves. Hope are going upward again, and an offer ie being made for a prime lot at Sic. The offer was refused, and the j buyer then rtated that he desired an option at 27's for a week's time, which ! was also promptly refused. Eugene n .id The KJucational Exhibit for the - Lewie and Clark Fair prepared by the public schools of Douglas Countv, will be displayed in five neat specially pre- nana Cabinets, which have aJraafJv hnu ordered by those in charge of the work, The Drain Normal will use a similar cabinet for ite display. Mise Griffin, a sister of Prof. Gritfin. the celebrated Portland violinist, is in Roseburg with a view to organizing classes in violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo music. Miss Griffin comes to our city with the finest of recommendations and is said to be a thorough instructor on these instruments. She may be con sulted at Mrs. Had ley boarding house. Joseph Falbe. proprietor of the Head light restaurant, formerly conducted by Mike DeVaney has leased the Railroad eating house which has been conducted by A. Mosier and is now catering to the public from the latter place. Mr Kalbe will continue the Headlight restaurant to the end of the month. Mr. Mosier and his wife will leave soon for Salem to reside. The Quart rly Inepection of Company D, was held last Thursday evening at the Armory, Captain F. B. Ham lin acting as inspector. The boye made a good appearance and the at tendance was excellent. After the in epection the Camp ba outlet was served, consisting of the usual Camp fare of caned beef, tomatoes, beans, coffee and hard tack, Mrs. L. K. Hoover and son, Clan. I. returned Sunday evening from St. Louis and points in Texas. Mrs. Hoover's health is very much improved, and, while a permanent recovery ie not looked for, her condition is in no ways critical. Claud will remain at home for the summer. He has been attend tending a medic il cottage in St. Louis. Medford Mail. , John T McCurdy, wlm returned Toured iy evening from a trip to the Pa cific coast, does not tell the rosy story of Southern California that one hears from most tou lists To him the valleys of green Oregon appealed the strongest. He declares that to tie the inol beauti ful country he ever saw. He went along the coast from I'ortland to San Diego. Owosso (Mich ) Argus. Mr. McCurdy made his hoailunrters in tliii city for qaite a while and is well known here. Ihe Review publishing company have purchased a strip of land 10 feet wide extending from Jackson to Main etreets from Cooper A Stockwell. This added to their lot now occupied by Dr. Strange V dent it t office, will make a vary convenient building lot. Fisher & Bel lows of the C. L K. Store, have acquired a lot 100x50 feet opposite the new Plain dealer office and will soon, we under stand, commeace the construction of a fine two-story basement building to cover the entire lot. Assisted by twelve of her little friends, Miss Leah 1 'itch ford celebrated her th I iiit 'id ay Ht the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pitchford, in thie city Saturday afternoon. The little folks amused themselves with games and had a good time generally. Re freshments were served. The guest of honor was the recipient of a number of pretty presents. The guests included the following: Misses Rita and Flor ence Kohlhagen, Madge Miller, Fannie Campbell, Melva Kantx, Nellie McMul len, Dorothy Y Hatch. Capitola Willis, Stella Moore, Mary Campbell and Mas ter Harold Smith. C. NEW MINING INCORPORATION Articles of incorporation have just been filed with the county clerk bv the Kramer Gold Mining and Milling Com pany with a capital stock of $100,000, fully paid and non-assessable. The in corporators are Willis Kramer, Lulu Kramer, H. L. Marsters, 8. C. Flint and H. Booth. Roseburg will be the principal place of business and head quarters of the company. Stock will be placed on the market in a few days and owing to the well established fact that this is one of the best mining prop ositions in Southern Oregon, the stock will no doubt be taken rapidly. The property includes the original Kramer mine on Whiskey creek, a tributary of Rogue river in Josephine county, which has already produced quite au amount of bullion and is a very valuable prop erty. Medford's Great Enterprise Work on the exhibit building, near the Southern Pacific depot, is being pushed as rapidly as possible, but it will probably be a couple of weeks before it is fin. illy completed. The large plate glass windows for the front and Bide will be here this week. The interior is ready for lathing and plastering, but inability to secure lathe has delayed the work some. Tpon the side facing the railroad track and that facing Seventh street, the exterior finish will be of cement, laid uon steel lath. It lias been suggested that if miners of the vicinity would bring in specimens of mineral ore of various descriptions the specimens could be imbedded in the cement, very much to the Improvement of the general effect. There will be about one hundred and twenty electric lights on the outside of the building, underneath the poich, eighty of them being on the aide facing the track. The total number of lights in and about ttie building will be over two hundred Seventy will tie required for the big electric sign on top which will outline the word Medford. This will be an al ternating fiaah sign and will be visible for a long distance. When finished this will be the finest and most complete building for exhibition purposes possess ed by any citv in the slate, in fact the only one of its kind. Medford Mail. Telephone Evesdropping. A patent for a very unique divice has been issued to A. W. Hammer, of New castle, Ind. The invention is a device, if reports are true, which promises to revolutionize the telephone service, es pecially that of the rural districts. ! "ere more than one, and as bigh as fif- I . a ... w0 eurwcnuers, use one line, known as party line. W hi Ie these telephone i llne" lltve provided a good thing for the I people generally, mere has ten one great drawback, namely the habit of "eveedropping" while others talked This has Income so general that in that section business men will no longer talk business over the line, for fear some one is listening. Mr. Hammer's device will change all this, ft is so arranged that when one party on a telephone line calls another all other subscribers are automatically cut off and cannot hear what ie being said. When the parties are through talking, the device again t opens the line for the next call. Probate Orders. In the matter of the estate of Timothy t. rneeman oeceaseo, aomiuistrator or dered to sell certain properties at or ivatesaleon or before May 2nd, if not - sold then to sell same at miction to ; largest and best bidder for cash. N. I'. Wheat was appointed adminis trator of the eetate of Jacob Renter deceased. Musings. Most women are generous to a fault -if it isn't one of their husband's. It takes a lot of icecream and candy to decorate love's young dream. From the number of applications for divorce filed in the court of Jackson county, the Ashland Tiding rises to remark that marriage seeme to be a failure in that part of the elate. Essay of Little Bobbie on Leve. love Is the beginning of marriage if the beginning aint munny. love ia what maike the wurki go round and it keeps going round until yu git in a flat and have to live there without uo steam, when yo cant eet maybe you are in love and maybe yu have a week stumick, yu cant always tell the diferens. i boap when i gro up i wont be in love vary of ten, its all rite to be in love wuust in a while but some fellers i kno is always in love with snmbody and sumtimes 2 or 3 gurle at the eaim time and that ia pretty nice till they ketch on and Uien thare is trubble about it. sum grate people who have been in love are Mark Antony and Cleopatry, and Lillian Ruesell lota of times and Yenie and Adonis they had quite a case too but Adonis be had lota of sense ami he said to her Well you look pritty goo. I to me but i only git a small salary and it i marry you i am afraid I'll have t quit smoaking fc drinking, bo i guess better call it 00. Yenis she felt cheap and so ehe went and married a under taker and they buried Adonis when he got killed by a wild bore and dideut send his foalks no bill. love is of different kinds, for instene i love my teacher and thata all rite but if Pa loved my teacher thare would b. eumthing doing at hoam. i dont love no gurl, most of them is too much etuck on themself to have anyone love them i love my dog best of all. When you love a girl you git married and win n you love your dog yu only git fleas. llefore coming to Roseburg to trade, readers are requested to exam ine the Plaindealer advertising col umes. It's the active, wide-awake business man who advertises, conse quently he is the moat accommodat ing, sells the cheapest, and deals the most liberally in every way. Real Estate Transfers U 8 patents were granted to the fol lowing: Creed L Chenoweth, Minnie M Chenoweth, Charles K Nelson, Victor Boyd, I.yde Hawks, William Schulz, Christina Nelson. Maggie E Moe, Myr- tella Emmitt, Edware E Emmitt, Anna Hutchinson, Frank Baragar, Filing Saxhaug, John I) Steyker, Claud M Hanson, Albertus I-arrowe, Effa Mars ters, Anna McL Washburn. Frederick M Washburn, William Peacson, Madi-ton C Judson, Katherine Dimock, Allien E Naldrett, James G Gimbert, Charles Wurcherpfaning, Olof Gullikson, Otto Beck, Thomas C Breem. M H Cochran to D A Hart and Gatha M Hart, $1500 00; part of the Wm Coch ran estate. Clyde W Stilson trustee to Scott Graff Lumber Company, $300.00; ew sec M tp 31 r 3 w. William and Rachel Pesrson to Clyde W Stilson, $1.00 ; sw sec 20 tp 31 e r 3 w. Pearl Frank Roberts to J L Roberts, $400.00 und 4-o of part of sec 15 ip 32 s r 5 w. T P and Lizzie D George to B J Bt.v ingdon, $700.00; sw'4 sw'4 lot 10 swe 19 part sec 30 tp 23 e r 7 w. Also re se l4 sec 24 ne'4' ne.'-4 ne'i see 25 tp 23 s r 8 w. Adna L Golf and Adeline Guff to Step hen D GofT, $10,000 00; t) L C of A J Knott no 5Ktp25 srriw Part of sees 13 24 and L"i tp s r i w. C O and Clara B White to W R Drake, $.HO0.00 ; lot 7 and H in I.Ik Hi Myrtle Creek. C E Bog ue to Haiti E lio.u.-$.100; lots 1, 2 and i el n '4 ere I tp 2 r w Part D L C J A Clark no 4t Sec 1 and 2 r -1 a J W and 8 F Strang t-. Luther B Moore, 2ii0; lot in Rosel urg G T Idgerwood ami J II I tderwood to school diet 97. $100; part uu 4' seL4' sec 25 tp 29 e tp 6 w. J F and Martha Daughery et al to J H Batty, $1400.00. Clyde P Beck ley to George Applegate $100 00 ; lot 2 blk 8 YoncalU. L L and A E Markers to Clyde P Beckley. $O00.00; w, lot 6 blk 4 Yon- calla. L E and M J Johnson to Melvina Kliff, ;Ju.u0 ; e, ew He sec 20 tp 32 s r 5 w. C Rose and Blanche D King to George Applegate $150.00; lots 2 and 3 blk 8 Yoncalla. J B and Mary F Riddle to Ona Mayes, $125.00: lot 9 Maple Park add to Riddle. E C and F F Patterson to Stella Ab- ehire, $40.00 ; lost, blk S3 third south ern add Roseburg. S and S J Hamilton to Join Micoo, i $100 00; lot 9 blk 5 Hamilton add Rose burg. Maurice Abraham et al to Marv Fitx- gibbon, $1.00: lot 9 blk 16 Glendale. State of Oregon to Samuel Cliffiord, lot 8 sec 24 tp 21 e r 12 w. Eld Boling to Johnson, $729 00; und se'4 sec B tp 24 e r s w Joseph S Griffith to W A Simers. $1.00 und S int lots land t sw4 nel4 sec 4 tp 21 e r 8 w. Samuel and Mary J I.ingenieller to Uhn W Kingery, $40.00: part sees 1 and 12 tp 23 e r 5 w. McGrady W and Ella Dangberty to Benjamins Huntington, $H2.50 : land in sec 34 tp 22 e r 5 w. JFand Martha J DaughertytoA B Mel L L Marsters, $1 00; part lot 9 blk 5 Yoncalla. C Ross an i Haach D King t A K and LL Man-tan, luo. part last blk 5 Yoncalla. William and .Minnie Beckley to R L Stephens, $.tU00 M ; bart sec X and e srl4 sec 91 tp 22s r 4 est aaa Net! Payalar. "Mothers buy it tor croupy children, 1 railroad men boy it for severe coughs ; and elderly people buy it for la grippe," save Moore Bros., Fldon, Iowa. VFe ! sell n.ore of Chamberlain's Cough Rem-. edy than any other kind. It seems to j have taken the lead over feerl other' good brands." There is no .jueetion but I thie medicine is the best that can be j procuied for coughs and colds, whether ! it be a child or an adult that is atilicted. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by A. C Marsters A Co. For aale, Toulouse goose eggs now ready , from prixe winners, . "i cents each. Send in your orders early : eggs limited. AddrvssK. A. Kruse, Roseburg. Ore gon. ,m!5p) W. M. HODSON & GO. 711 OAK STREET MACHINE WORK Of ALL Klta.tS A SPECIALTY ' EILYCLE SnMESMOIt .'AI-IC CMMtli, SAW CUMWiC MRS. H. EASTOnI it prepATttl to wait upon old .nil nrna-tmArini! frin.U ' and new customers and friends with a fall and complete stock of GROCERIES All fresh and of the vary beet quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. !! I I i a aos J u Ws n St. Roseburg Notice of S.i'.c. III the ' tor Uou ' In the Ma Tun.. mrv i .ii-t ..t Jw .-Ut oi Orecnn, - c iin-y. It r i i t- K- i 1. 1 i p., . I Itnl. I N tic - ( h M i-ivcii that i.y tt.luc and Id 4Maaaaea I an T.Vr m i.l- iii mU ' matter, by the r.inn'y e..iiri of D hIm e aatya Ortfron. uMllwMk4arf Mareh ,M th iiii.tetalgnet ailmln.Krator will un an.t after the fRa day ol April, lHoft, anil until I o cl.aia in of May 1, 190 i. uir. r at priva e alo (or r h In hand, the full u ng ct-fi rlbctl Mai reiiy : The a wt, olthcu4 f nee , In tp 2", of r t uf the Willamette Meridian. In IK.u la (J. imly. Ore. gon, an 1 It the one Ik lot so sol.1 al private sale, will at ! oYlock p. u of said hi day of May. lKA, Mil tha abovelcari1bc.l rvaLpro party belonging i . .I. i eata c, at pu lie am-llon (or c h n hand, it the t'ourt Home door u Kose bug Uoualaat' unt, Orogtiu l)te I this mill day of March, It V J. A. BI THANAN, A. mlnUtratoro. ttieeauteo! I lin iihy da S man, decvaacd. I Bargains Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $2 H Swell line of Combination Cases Ranging in Price from $15 to 28 Take a look at our Buffets From $25.00 to S38.M. :: :: B. W.8TR0NC THE FURNIT FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES A complete stock of all the best brands and grades of staple and fancy Groceries. New and fresh goods on which we have removed the tariff. All kinds of early vegetable- and fruits kept con stantly on hand. Highest market price paid for a'l kinds of farm product. KRU5E & UP-TO-DATE JUST ARRIVED FIGS HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS Asms CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL Anything you need for a j J. F. BARKER BROOMS Merchants reserve your orders for the ROSKBl'Kii fSlitHi i I AC TORY which will t re-eetablMied and ready to tiii orders early in March. R. S. BARKER, fopva.owr. CiETTING READY TO PAINT You want the best, no doubt, and that's just what we have. Carter's Strictly Pure White Lead, haicmo Pure foiled and Raw Lineed Oil All the other Essential.. BEARD & ARTICLES OF JEWELRY Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gifts for Gents Suitable Gifts for Children Finest Line oi Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg RiS 5ALZMA1YS for all a a a a a a a a a a a a u r e man: MEWLAMD GROCERS NEW STOCK FINE CHINA WAKE I Fruit Cake or Mince Meat C0. Phone 201 All Broots-e a grade higher than the ordinary ustom made broom. Prices in competition with Coast Jobtiers. ROSEBURG, OREGON. A TALE OF WOE many m.n !i ive to tell that have tl eir lin M don rp at home. At no pi in to laandry.-in you get the perft ii..n of color and the baawtj a tini-h that makee our est ibtishmetit fa ii.o-t 'or oar fi i ities ar perfect and up t- .h-.te, an I we employ only experts, lb a can show such evidence of their btn-'n raft as is seen en the superb work done at MBKBUB . STKVM I.U SDKY. t J CULVER