THE TWICE-A-WEEK Roseburg, Oregon Porulaimn. :WI0 IN' Comity fet at Donilav Coiiiur. Onctn Ufln Home: V. S. I.Hlltl OBtee Patttitealer. Roseburg Plaindealer The moat widely read newrpaper pnbllahed 1b Hoatbero Oregon and oonaaquently the siirr ader- tlainK medium. Large, aodemly equipped Job and 1". 8. XV hi her Biirpu are localed lu te S 1' railroa lflirtMm:plendid educational A.l.antMites. Gateway to Hi.' Cxw Kv and Coquille oraniry. . printing department In connection. Ketabliahed I in 188. Subscription, J per year for Semi-Weekly. - Vol. XXXVII ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1905. No. 27 ttoscburg THE QUESTION OF GOOD ROADS ABLY DISCUSSED Some Very Pertinent and Timely Suggestions By a Good Roads Enthusiast Road Building Machinery Needed. E.litor Piain dealer: As tho question of getting beltrr roads is the forethought of nearly sill il,e jieople of the state of Oregon, ple:isi-allow me space for a few pointers in : hit direction. To make more permanent roads we must have suiffbiimt machinery and tools f necessary t e onomically make roads. To try ami make a road without the proper roa 1 in ichinery is to waste time and money, aad the most expensive method for r. .i i making in other words, You can make is much road iuone week v ith up-to d:i:e machinery and too Is a yti can in a month without the p oper ni.: linery, and even then you c. .11 not obi i in the same results becauso you can u ) make an even and solid roadbed without yru h.ive both graders and roll ers for that pf pose It will be money saved to the c unty in the purchase of proper machinery and in my opinion in less than two years this machinery will lay for itself. We need two steam road roli. rs, two or three new rock crushers, : nd at least three of the best road gr.ul--re. )ti my opinion the top dressing of a road or stref t iould be crushed rock, and after men course should be Iboo I oughlv raaVi with a steam roller. A road or street so const ructed is the cheapest an 1 most lasting. If we are ever to Ik' able to accumu- i late a sinking fund and decrease our in debtedness, both in city and county, we i must commence more permanent work on these Ml J other lines, or else taxa tion will n "lu rally increase in place of : decrease. This spring Oregon has never shown more of its natural splendor than at the ' present true. The winter has leen fav- ' orable to crop and farming and a large yield is as.-ured. We will have thous- i ands of visitors to the coast this season, coming to see the Iewig and Clark fair, and the DMat country. Let us then set our cleaning machinery into motion ; let ns our roads, yards, streets, walks I orchards and our farms look their best This can all be accomplished with a lit tle extra . ffort. Let us do a little extra road work and get at it early and by the middle of. June let all ruts and bad places be ti.led and smoothed up. In so doing it i 1 give a g.iod impression to , the visitor and Oregon will reap lasting benefit from this little extra effort on our part. A St uscribek. ADMISSION RATES KINNEY STOCK FIXED TO FAIR IS ATTACHED Portland April 2.-The important F. B Waite ha attached Major Kin question of ail mission rates to the I.-wis stni.t in iui juim and Clark Exposition was settled yesUr- Co., amounting to shares out of .r murumj; .t a epeciai meeung oi w.e : w un,;er a judgment for f23.(' execuuve committee. The situation . and lWs aTnonnting t0 7tio renderet was thoroughly gone over, and at the 1 Rpftins, , lv,t , ine Raiwav Co., in conclusion of the meeting the; following the cilvnn ,.ourt on Feb ;i 1905 &pri, were announced by Secretary Henry E. ! 10th is ,,atftset for the eaie. Reed: Commutation ticket containing j Tn .... :. ia n,M.nrp tn w two gentlemen' fight. L. D. Kinney l and F. BL Waite are now engaged in a 13t entrance cards $20. Commutation book of 50 tickets, $12. 50 Gene-al admission tickets, 50 cents each. strenuous battle for control of the Belt Line proposition. It is a diamond cut I diamond and every legilimate legal ad- self respect Marshtield 1 he commn'ation svstem will eive vis- vantage is !eing taken ; yet the tight is Mors an opportunity of seeing the Fair W conducted along the line of IS? times for a trifle more than 15 cents '-enttemauiy for paeh (intr inrti rr .VI tim..e trvr t-r - i -'tail. actly 25 cents for each admission. These rs:es are regarded as unusally liberal and will do much to stimuplate attendance. No For a fceak Digestion. medicine can replace food but i Chamlierlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- Immediately after the committee's an- j lets will help you to digest your food. It nonncement was made the tickets were is not the quantity of food taken that placed on sale, and orders are now being I giv s strength and vigor to the system, received at the headquarters of the ad-, but the amount digested and assimilat mission department. The holder of one el. If troubled with a weak digestion, of these term tickets will be photo-' don't fail to give these Tablets a trial, irraphed on tl e ticket and it will be non- Thonsin Is h rve been l?uetited by their transferable. use. Th-y only cost a quarter. For It is thought probable that local pat- sale bv A. C. Ylarsters & Co rrn.age on Ebeae commutation tickets will 1 lie heavy, as the reduction is consider Keep your bowels regular by the use able and there are thousands of resi- of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver dents of the city who wll att.nd-the Fair Tablets. There is nothing better. For at least 50 times. : sale bv A. C. Marsters. I GUARDSMAN TO GET SPRINGFIELD RIFLES Adjntant-Uaneral W. E. Finxer is in receipt of a sample "New Springfield" rifle of the pattern that is to lie usetl by the I'nited States Army. The National (iuard, as auxiliary to the regular ser vice, will also be equipped with this gun. At present only the West Point Cadets have been furnished with it. Experts consider the new weapon a decided improvement over the Krag- Jorgenson in about every respect, the features being its almost perfect balance insuring better marksmanship and its greater range, fully five more grains of powder being used than is contained in the 30 30s of the K rags. The caliber is the same with both arms. HAROUN RELEASED FROM CITY JAIL NINETEENTH U. S. INFANTRY OFF FOR THE PHILIPPINES Great Crowd of Portlanders Bid Soldier Boys God Speed Passage on the Trans port Buford. SIUSLAW MILLS TO RESUME Eugene, April 1. Professor F. S. Har- oun, erstwhile principal of the Eugene Business College, who has been in the county jail for several days, being un able before today to secure $250 bonds, having been bound over for obtaining money under false pretenses, was today released, a cash bond having been de posited with Judge Wintermerier of the justice court. It is not known who the person or persons are that furnished the bail. Collet Sold J. H. Ulass, of this city, and Professor W. J. Hooker, of Brownsville, today purchased Haroun'i college from L. Bilveu and C. M. Kissinger, who have SPRAYS, SULPHUR, LIME, BLUE VITROL AND CAUSTIC SODA OF THE BEST QUALITIES SOLD AT MARSTERS' DRUG STORE Portland, April 1 Amid tho cheers of a throng that packed the wharves, docks and buildings of the water front ; the blasts to a score of sirens ; the Mut tering of a veritable sea of hats and handkerchiefs ; the farewell calls of sol diers and civilians, that to some will be the last farewell . some tears and the throb of patriotic inspiration in the breasts of all who beheld the spectacle, the Nineteenth United States Infantry, in the halo of today's noon, drifted away from Greenwich dock on board the Government transport Buford and westward toward the East, the brine and the Philippines. It was the climax, and really the re gretful and painful climax, to a broad half day of military glory in metropoli tan Portland. It marked the passing from the waters of Oregon of a regiment that has been a part of Portland for an era of peace succeeding the turbulent tunes in the tropic islands, and although the Fourteenth Infantry, almost Port land and Vancouver's own regiment, is soon to take its place, there was a mel ancholy cast to the whole inspiring dem onstration, for many of those who left today will remain forever in the soil of the new possessions. And some fast friendship were broken off perforce by the distance that now must intervene. Eugene, March 29. -O. W. Hard, the Florence capitalist, arrived in Eugene this morning from San Francisco, where ' he has been (or several days on business . connected with his extensive shipping and sawmill interests. Mr. Hurd says that he expects to tart his big sawmill at Florence in oper ation within a very short time for the spring and summer run. He said that all the other mills on the lower river would be in operation soon. With these four big mills running in full blast, things will be lively on the lower Siuslaw this summer. Two of the mills are at Acme and two at Florence. LANE COUNTY CITIZENS SUMMONED BEFORE GRAND JURY Supreme Effort Being Put Forth to Find Some Irregularities in Securing Timber Lands on Part of Booth, Kelly Company. PEACE PROSPECTS NOT BRILLIANT had control of it since Haronn's impris- j onment. Meesrs Glass and Hooker an- ! nounce that classes will be resumed as 1 soon as they can straighten up the af- fairs of the institution. Severe Test of Wireboand Gun. The Brown segmental wirebound gun, t undergoing an endurance teet at the, Sandy Hook proving grounds, eclipsed all prev'ous records in withstanding great pressure on March 4. Seven shots were tired, six with a 'S-jound charge of , smokeless powder, and one with a naif hound heavier charge, 100-pound pro jectiles being used. The average pres sure in the chamber was 42,721 pounds to the inch. The gnn at one charge withstood a pressure of 44,420 pounds to the square inch, and it is expected to bear even more enormous pressure. A muzzel velocity of 3,275 feet a second was attained during the course of these gun tests. A parson is always the best man at a wedding. He gets the coin and takes no chances. Washington, March 31. Following a ; visit to President Roosevelt today, the I French ambassador, Jusserand, said j there was no immediate prospect of peace between Russia and Japan. He said both combatants appeared bent on ' continuing hostilities to a more satisfac ' torv adjustment of their differences. I I Washington, March 31. A report emanating from St. Petersburg that President Roosevelt had been asked to mediate between Russia and Japan was officially denied at the White Honse this afternoon. A special I'nited States marshal has been in Eugene, Cottage Grove and vicinity during the past week or two serving subpoenas upon different persons to appear as witnesses before the Federal grand jury which recon venes at Portland today, April 3rd. Among those subpoenaed are At torney L E. Bean and Banker Darwin Bristow of Eugene, and Banker Her bert Eakin, of Cottage Grove. It is not known what kind of testi mony is expected of these gentlemen, but it is said to be in the timber fraud cases and rumor has it that some surprises will be sprung by the grand jury. It is thought a number of local citizens may be indicted for implication in the land frauds. A supreme effort is being put forth by the government detectives and prosecutors to in somewise implicate the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., in the land frauds and they are therefore in vestigating most minutely the man i ner in which every acre of their tim I ber holdings were secured. It will be : gratifying when this investigation is over which is completely demoralizing j timber and lumber operations in Western Oregon and making invest ments in new milling and lumbering plants as well as timber, by Eastern capital, impossible. Western Oregon development is practically at a stand still and will continue to be as long as these "investigations" are in progress. i When a man is in trouble two-thirds j of his alleged friends are willing to help I h:m stay in it. The County Assessor Enters Upon His Multiplied Duties Ladened With "Don't Bend" Blanks. "aw - J TRACY AND MERRILL WOULD PARDON CONFEDERATES FOUND F. E. McDANIEL 'Holding Up" An kmutfr 'Rural Tu Payer. PORTLAND MURDERER TO HANG IN MAY AN INNOCENT MAN SUFFERS Salem, March SI Pale of countenance and with eyes downcast, his whole bear ing showing that he was suffering the deepest grief and dejection for the crime which be has committed against human ity and the penalty which he will have to suffer in consequence, Frank Uugliel mo, the Italian murder, was received at the penitentiary last evening and there placed in solitary confinement, with a ath watch over him, to await the day of his doom, which is fixed by the court on Friaav, May 5. 1905. He was brought up from Portland by Deputy Hheriff Harry Moreland, on the even ing local, and taken directly to the penitentiary. He was securely man acled and did not 'cause his custodian any trouble upon the trip up. Guglielmo, who must suffer death up on the gallows at the prison for the cold-blooded murder of hit sweetheart. Miss Freda Guarascia, in Portland, in June, 1904, because she refused his proffered affections ami offer of mar riage, presents an entirely different as pect to Harry Kgbert, who occupied the same cell before him and was hanged for the murder of the Baker county of ficers who attempted to arrest him for horsestealing. Where the latter bore himself bravely throughout hit impris onment in the penitentiary and walked upon the scaffold to meet his doom with faltering but steady step, the latter shows abject terror out of the very gleam of his eye, when be looks up, which is not very often, and it is doubt ful if he will be able to walk to the scaffold when the time comes for the hanging. Salem, March SO After having ser ved six long, weary years behind prison walls for a crime which he never com mitted steps are now being taken to secure the pardon of Albert A. Johnson who is now serving a sixteen-year sen tence for rape, having been convicted of the crime and received his sentence in liberty. The statue of limitation for perjury expires in three years, and as it has been six years since the crime was committed, no action at law can be maintained against the girl who, although a minor at the time, gave false evidence upon the witness stand which sent an innocent man to the peniten- Jackeon county in December, 1899. He j tiary. was charged and convicted of having committed crime of jrape upon an In dian girl by the name of (trace Allen, who appeared as prosecuting witness against him, and it now develops, through the affidavit of the girl herself, that he not only is, innocent of hav ing committed the crime, but that he never attempted to commit such crime upon her person. Johnstefe, who is now bent with age and physical infirmity, has been endur ing his prosecution almost uncomplain ingly every since his incarceration, and, despite the fact that he is over sixty years of age and is compelled to live in shame and disgrace the balance of his natural life, he has no resources at law, for the statue of limitations has run the crime of perjury .which was committed against him. He can but be thankful that the sin has been discovered even at this late dav which will give him his Read the Plaindealer for all the News According to a statement made in the application for the pardon, it appears that the mother of the girl is charged with the responsibility of the charge be ing brought against Johnston and that it was she who forced the girl to appear upon the stand and testify against him, thus securing his conviction. It is al leges that the action was prompted by the ill-will which the mother is said to have borne against Johnston. The girl was asked to sign an affidavit retting forth that her mother was responsible for her action in the case, but the girl would not sign the affidavit until that part which implicated her mother was erated from the document, thus showing a disposition to avoid compli eating her mother in the case in any manner or form. H. W. MILLER IN PORTLAND JAIL Salem. Ap-il 1. Two years and ten- Portland, March 31. For three weeks months ago. on the morning of Jane 9, pst Clarence McDaniel, a brother of I90--', is the date upon which Convict the convict, and Thomas Bloomer, his Harry Tracy and David Merrill made , brother-in-law, of Albany, have been their sensational and desperate escape 1 moving every force and indaence to pre from the Oregon penitentiary by means j pare B showing that will stir the of rifles brought in to them by confed- emotions of executive clemency. Never, era tea upon the outside. This bloody j perhaps, in the history of Oregon, has affair coat the lives of three of the trust- guch a plea for the pardon of anr man ed guards, Frank Ferreli, B. T. Tiffany ' been presented to a Governor as that and 8. R. T. Jones, who were ruthlessly J which will go before Chamberlain at and unexpectedly shot down upon their ! Salem tomorrow or the first of next posts by the murderous convict in mak- j week. McDaniel was sentenced to 15 ing their escape. 1 years in prison. Today both of the men who were re- petition signed by eight of the jory sponsible for Tracy and Merrill getting men WDo during the long and sextaa the guns and ammunition with which Uonai trial that stirr! Portland for to execute their deadly work are behind j three weeks, with letters from some of prison bars and will be brought face to them: letters from no lees than 30 face with the charge of murder in the first degree for the part they took in the notorious and cold-blooded affair. These men are Harry Wright and Charles Monte, both with several aliases, and the former is doing a three year sentence in the Walla Walla prison for grand larceny, while the latter is con fined in the Oregon prison, with a six year sent ence to serve for burglary. The officers of county have been working upon the case for several months and have finally arrived at the point where they feel certain they have conclusive evidence with which to con vict the two convicts, and the case will be brought before the state grand jury, which will convene in this city on next Mondav. If it is a billions attack take Cham trlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and prominent and well-known aniens of Portland, including the Coroner who presided at the inquest over the remains of the dead girl, and hundreds of signa tures of people in all walks of life, will go to the Governor asking, hiss that Frank McDaniel, who for four years has paid the penalty of manslaughter in prison stripes, be allowed to return to the free open air. Whatever the facts a to the gilt of innocence of the prin cipal in this celebrated case, it is evi dent that there are influence at work for bis freedom. McDaniel is reported to be in failing health. He is said to have fallen off in weight until he is a mere skeleton of his former self. He has been in the pen itentiary for four years, and works io the laundary connected with that penal institution. He was for two years an inmate of the County Jail peastiag an appeal of his case to the Supreme Court. He was convicted of the charge of ritch in one of mnnforinir Mias Clara a o,uick cure is certain, ror saie by A. j Portland's parks, where the body was 0, Marsters A Co. tf I discovered. Portland, March 30. Henry W. Mil ler, under indictment for connection with the land frauds, was brought to Portland yesterday from San Francisco in charge of Deputy United States Mar shal Richard De Lancie and Deputy Sheriff J. E. Sullivan. He appeared be fore Judge Bellinger for arraignment yesterday forenoon, and was given until next Tuesday to plead. In default of bail he was committed to the County Jail. Miller was a few years ago elected Justice of the Peace for the Roseburg district on the 1 democratic ticket. The Bank of Heaven. Merely Mislaid. bykes A Carroll have moved their plumbing shop from the old Flook building on Main street to No. 219 Jack son street, the building formerly oc cupied by F. E. Hands Cigar Store, and are prepared to handle anything in the plumbing and tinning line. Phone No 1261. tf "Doctor," said the man who several weeks before had been operated on for appendicitis, "I'm all right except for a heavy feeling in the pit of my stom ache and a slight metallic rattling when I walk." "There!" exclaimed the M. D., slap ping his thigh. "I knew that case of surgical instruments would turn up eventually. Will you pay me fur them and keep them, or shall I remove them? The cost will be about the same. Coming, Coming Essig & Snyder's big scenic prodnc tion of "Ten Night in a Kar-Room" a grand revival of the greatest temper perance drama the world has ever known. Carrying a superb band and grand augmented orchestra of 10 people, all special scenery and a first-class acting company of ladies and geutlemen, it ia evident nothing has been left undone to make this the grandest triumph of all modern drama. Free band concert at noon each day, displaying more wealth and grandeur than ever before attempted at any other opera house sliow. One night, Wednesday evening, April 5. Tickets on sale at Bell's Candy store at 25, H5, 50 and 76 cents. Whatever good a person contributes to any good cause is what he has left. The happiest one is the one who makes other happy. The best man i the one who cloes the most good. A pauper may have a larger bank account in Heaven than a Creeos or a Rockefeller. A man may count hi gold by millions and have a prisoner' sonl Oh, for a people rich in motives, pure and grand, who make conditions better by remov ing the causes of vice and placing its votaries on a higher plain. Who removes abject poverty by giving its serfs legitimate employment. This golden age is more than gold nietalic based on dollars and cents. It reaches far beyond this sphere and pierces -pace into the vaults of Heaven. Space nor time can intervene between your treasure there and you. Socially we are a mutual compact. Roseburg, Ore., L.C.Hill. BUY YOUR MEDICINES FROM THE DRUG STORE OF QUALITY NEAR THE DEPOT FULLERTON & RICHARDSON PROPRIETORS ROSEBURG, - - - OREGON Special sales by Stearns A- Chenowith Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other sewing machines $15.00 and up; water pipe; wire, plain and barbed; cut and wire nails ; the only guaranteed black smith coal ; two carload Page woven wire fence, the only tempered wire fence for sale. n3 tf DOUGLAS COUNTY B A N K KauolUhed 183 taeorporalad MSI Capital Stock $5o,ooo F. W. BXN80.N. a C.kUBSTBBS B l A . Vtoe JTeudent. J. HENRY Boon H, caabier. BOARD Of DWBCTOKA P. W. BKNAON, . A. BOOTH J. B. BOOTH, J. P KELLY. JOB. LIONS. 4. 0. MABSTKBS K. L MlLLKJt. A OENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ! TRANSACTED