The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 27, 1905, Image 3

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In ladies dress goods we have ALL the latest styles, in Woolens. Silk Shirt Waists, Suits and
Cotton Goods, also a full line of Novelties.
For Men, Youths and Hoys we have the best line of Clothing in the city, in STYLE, CllT and
Hi'fore making your purchases in spring goods look at our line.
L trs
IURYEY JONES, Proprietor
Rates $1.00 per day and upward
Meals served from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m
New Brick, New
Prompt Services.
S. P. Depot Grounds
Opposite the
a sfis
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
H 5
White Pine
This reliable Expectorate Lough
Cure is hard to beat for the winter
coughs. It has both expectorating
and sedative qualities, checks exces
sive coughing vet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
spiratory tract to throw off any of
fensive material.
A full 4 oz bottle ior 25c,
Shop one door south of Mrs. East
man's Jackson St.
Nothing but the BEST LEATHER
used. ;
Wood and hay for sale,
with J. F. Barker A Co.
leave orders
Our Installment
Plan will fur
n 1 s b your
bone com
plete on easy
heavy weave and choice colorings; strong durable; per yard.
35 55, 60, 75 AND 80 CENTS
wo, Al AA Aim itin i in
Ingrain Carpi t;
Velvet CsraeU; rich deign;
sp-cisl, per
Brusscll Carpets the latest styles
A. X.
Merjieter Bruie lis; beautiful defgns
Local and Personal.
So?" Before coming to Rosehnre- to
A 1- J X.J X I
u;iiir, rwiucrs ;irc requesieu 10 exuiu-
i Lue the Pkmdealer advertising col
umes. It's the active, wide-awake
! business man who advertises, conse
quently he is the most accommodat-
j ing. sells the cheapest, and deals the
most liberally in every wav.
For guaranteed dental work g- to Dr.
I-et eaek one improve a little in front
of las own property.
Osteopathy is a
specific for female i
lisorders or nervousness
Pari the lot in front of your house,
and fed out a few rosebushes.
Grants Pass is advocating the build
ing of a hospital at that place.
Clean ti.e streets of weeds, bushes and
rubbish, ard remove old fences.
O T. Reals, of Days Creek, and L. 8.
Si iplev, of Gold Hill, are registered at
the McClallen.
F. E. Kineart, the well known timber
Joe itor of Oakland , is in the city on
bstfioeat todav.
A. W. Stearns and family, who have
'ong resided at Canyonville, have moved
to Grants Pace.
Government agents are sa.d to be in
vestigating some timber locations in the
vicinitv of Klkton
Notice first opening of ladies and
Misses rea iv-to-ware bats from Masch 7
on, at the Bell Sisters.
J. E.
Count v
sawyers, lawyer
Ortice up stairs
Bank Building.
and notary
in Douglas
All curable diseases respond more
readily to Ostiopathic treatment than
bv anv other known method.
A coat of paint will cost very little,
arid will add 100 per cent to the appear
ance and value of your property.
oilie Beals, a young man of Days
Creek who has been receiving treatment
ic Roseburg for an injured hand, has
returned home.
Judge H. L. Benson of Klamath Falls,
and Senator R A. Booth of Eugene,
were passengers on S day morning's
local northbound.
Part sch Brothers, of the Cmpqua
Bakery, annopnee that they will move
into their new quarters or Cass street
by the first of April.
J. T. Bridges, ex-register of the Rose
burg land office, returned Friday after
noon to Roseburg, after a short business
vieit here. Eugene Guard.
Mrs. M. E. Hinkle, who has been vis
iting her brother, Levi Westbrook, for a
short time, left on the late train last
nighf'for her home in Roeeburg Sa
lem Journal.
Each citizen should do his part in
I beautifying of the city, therein lying
the secret of the citv beautiful if the
expression is permissable. Dout over
look the little things in this regard
that lie at your own door.
The Commercial club has received
word from Tom Richardson stating that
the Oregon Development League con
vention, to have been held at Portland
April 4tb and 5th, has been called off,
on account of the railroad refusing to
grant a one-fare rate.
Turkey Eggs White Holland turkey
egge for sale at $3 per eleven. A. 8hwab,
Gervais, Ore. alO p
Our Installment
Plan will fur
n 1 s b your
home com
nlete on easy
yard,... - I.UU, SI.IU "U
m ic on tun r 1 nn
designs, per yard. 03, 10, ou rau i.uv
rr lain a I ifl
yard. . l J3 asu i.iu
P. Johnson, dentist. Grave's
Frank King of Drain was a Roeeburg
visitor Saturday.
Mrs. S. 1. McDowell left Saturday
Oregon City to reside.
B. F. Russell of Eugene is registered
at the Hotel McClallen.
W. H. Patterson, of Seattle, is visiting
his brother, Ed Patterson, of this city
H. M. Case, a piano dealer, of Med'
ford was in this city on business Sunday.
J. tt. Kombrongh of rortoc. IS. I)., is
jn tliis citv looking after timber busi
Thurman and Austin Chaney of Myr
tle Creek were in this citv ou business
last week.
Rice V Rice have
window display of
this week.
a very neat show
bedroom furniture
Mrs. M. J. Dick of Myrtle Creek, who
has been visiting his sister at Eugene,
: has returned home.
horest rraiey. a former pressman in
i this office is now employed as bellboy
at the Hotel McClallen.
P. B. Maahall, manager of the
ers Warehouse in Albany was i
city on business yesterday.
n this
Grand Opening of Millinerv at the
Bell Sisters, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urdav, March 23, 24 and 25. tf
Grand Opening of Millinery j at the
Bell Sisters, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, March 23, 24 and 25. tf
Mrs. Owen S. Weaver nee Dolly Dix
on, of Salt Lake City, I' tab, arrived in
this city this morning to visit with her
Mrs. Mary Davidson en for Winches
ter this morning to act as nurse for Mrs.
Dumbletoo who ia reported much im
proved. M. A. Livingston, Peel ; A. F. Hunt,
Oakland ; G. E. Metcalf, Eugene; E. H.
Pinkston, Oakland, are registered at the
If it is a billions attack take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
a quick cure is certain. For sale by A
C. Marsters A Co. tf
There are few people that realize the
great benefits derived from Osteopathic
treatment, until they have tried it.
You should investigate.
Dr. H. L. Stud ley the Osteopathic
Physician cures acute and chronic
diseases, corrects deformatiee and
removes foreign growths. Consultion
free. Phone or call for appointment.
Office in Abranam duilding. tf
Rev. E. H Hicks, of the Baptist
church, left this morning lor Portland
to attend the revival services being held
there and also to attend a meeting of the
Oregon Baptist Ministry, which will
convene in Portland the latter part of
this month.
A resident of Redding, California,
asks for a copy of the Plaindealer. He
says he can tell whether he wants to
come to Roeeburg or not by looking at
the advertisements because they reflect
the real activity and business strength
of this city. And he is right.
Best secret service men on Pacific
coast at your command, railroad, hotel,
bank, mercantile secret service done ;
evidence gathered in all criminal and
civil cases. Beet of work guaranteed
Address all communications to Lock
Box No. 756, Roseburg, Oregon.
Sykee A Carroll have moved their
plumbing shop from the old Flook
building on Main street to No. 219 Jack
eon street, the building formerly oc
cupied by F. E. Hands Cigar Store, and
are prepared to handle anything in the
plnmbing and tinning line. Phone No
281. tf
Special sales by Stearns A Cbenowith
Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other
sewing machines $15.00 and np; water
pipe; wire, plain and barbed ; cnt and
wire nails ; the only guaranteed black
smith coal ; twe carloads Page woven
wire fence, the only tempered wire fence
for sale. d3 tf
Mrs. Alice Carlon sustained quite
severe injuries Monday through falling
from a box placed on a chair, upon
which she had mounted to dust the
upper part of the room. She struck the
back of the chair so forcibly as to break
two ribs and sustained other injuries,
which are Serious jbnt not considered
dangerous by the attending physician
Grants Pass Herald.
The members of the Jackson county
commissioners' court have contracted
for the purchase of two road grading
machines to add to the road building
equipment already possessed by the
county, which will prove a valuable ac
quisitor, and meet a pressing necessity
in carrying oat the good roads work
contemplated by the county cottrt
Ashland Tidings.
Brakeman I.. L. Riley is laying off
this week.
Hon. James M. Haiisbrough is in
Portland on business.
Passenger Brakeman F. H. Hunter is
laying off and visiting in Portland.
Chief Dispatcher Morris made a busi
ness visit to Grants Pass last week.
"That Awful Aunt," watch for
she ia coming to Roseburg. Date
be given later.
Harry Stearns, a prominent young
business man of Yoncalla, was in Rose-
burg Saturday and Sunday.
The Jennings tiakery will soon open
for business in the new Marsters block
on Jackeon street.
Grand Opening of Millinerv at the
Bell Sisters, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urdry, March 23, 24 and 25. tf
Forest Ranger Guy Ingram was in the
city on business today. He expects to
be in the field at work by May.
D. P. Abshire and Mat Hughes, two
prominent business men of Eugene were
in Roeeburg on business last week
Attorney A. S. Orcutt and wife re
turned Sunday evening from Oakland
where Mrs. Orcutt has been visiting.
Mrs. M.C. Gregory left this morning
for a few weeks visit with friends at
various points in the Willamette Valley.
The time (or the preparation of the
Public school exhibit for the Lewis and
Clark 'air has been extended to April
L, B. Hendricks, the popular conduct
or, has taken a short lay off. E. H
Bristow is on bis run on trains 15 and
16 north.
Attorney General A. M. Crawford, of
Salem, was in Roeeburg on business last
week returning to Salem on Sundav
morning's local.
Conductor H. A. Gillette who has
been absent visiting in Nevada for the
paat few weeks has returned to his run
out of this citv.
G. L. Ward, an Alaska mining man
who has been in this city for several
months past, left this morning for Port
land where he intends taking boat for
Mrs. Al Veatch returned Sunday eve
ning from Winchester where she has
been visiting Mrs. Damblelon. She re
ports her much improved in the last
few days.
B. A. Hunsaker, of Myrtle Creek,
Mrs. Daugherty, of Myrtle Creek and
Jack Aleshire, of "The Palms" restau
rant of Eugene were registered at the
McClallen House todav.
A steam shovel work train has been
put to work out of Grants Pass. The
crew is as follows : Conductor, K. T.
Morian, brakemen, C. O. Reyners, H.
C. Kellv and H. L Stanton.
About the 13th of April, James Dotey
will open a saloon in the new Autenreith
building now under construction on Ca I
street. Mr. Dotey ia at present in Port
lane ordering his stock of liquors.
T. T. Fisher of Olalla was in this city
Saturday. Mr. Fisher has recently sold
his fine span of draft horses and purchas
ed another and will return to work on
the Southern Valley irrigation ditch
where he was engaged some weeks ago.
The eoterprising citizens of Canyon-1
ville. Days Creek and Perdue have per- i
fee ted arrangement and sutscritcd hall
of the required stock lor a telephone
line from Canyonville to Perdue. It
will connect with the long distance line
at Canyonville.
One of the finest special trains in the
I'nited States will pass through Ibis
city from the south next Wednesday
evening bearing Dr. Webb and party.
Dr. Webb is a vice president ol the Pull
man car company and owns a train ol
five special cars.
Dr. R. . Hnnt, a veterinary surgeon
residing al Oakland, was in this city last
Saturday attending the ailments of sev
eral sick horses. Mr. Hunt will make
regular visits to this city Jevery Satur
day hereafter, and may be found at the
Banks A Kelley Stable.
E. A. Hinkle, the Deer Creek stock
man, shipped one of his fine yearling
Red Polled bulls to Ueo. Baldarree, of
Sampson, Friday. Mr. Baldarree
bought one of these animals from Mr.
Hinkle about four years ago and was
much pleased with his purchase.
Myrtle Katharine Trevitte gave a very
interesting leading at the M. E. Church
Saturday evening. She proved hersell
impersonator and reader of rare
talent and greatly delighted a large
and appreciative audience. The musi
cal numbers by local people were wel 1
O. Z. Thornton and Norman Stalker,
two young men from the east have, pur
chased the Railroad restaurant from A.
Mosier and will take charge April 1st.
Mr. Mosier will continue to conduct the
Railroad eating bonse on Sheridan
street, serving meals to the train pas
sengers only.
H. Fate, of Days Creek, arrived in
this city today with his recent purchase,
a fine imported Belgian coach Btallion,
weighing an even ton and which cost
Mr. Fate 12400. The horse will make
the season in Douglas county and can
be seen at the Kelly A Banks livery sta
ble in this city.
To Advertisers. The jndicions Rrse
bug advertisers should not forget the
twice-a-week Plaindealer. It circulates
throughout the length and breadth of
the Umpqua valley and it is capable of
beloinat wonderfulv in extending the
trade of Roseburg business men, which
will be good for all the people of the
Over one hundred and fifty different
styles in turbans and dress hats will be
shown at the Bell Sisters' grand open
ing Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Everyone can be suited. Call and
James Childers, a farm-hand who has
recently been visiting friends in Mel
rose, attempted to end his life Saturday
evening because a young lady of Melrose,
with whom he was in love refused to
marry him. Childers took a dose of
laudnum and lay down in the brush to
die, leaving a note to the young lady
saying he would rather die than live
without her. When the note was dis
covered a search was instituted for
Childers, and he was found, and by
vigorous walking and rubbing he was
brought back to life, but when his
rescuers became tired he again fell
asleep. The authorities were notified
and Deputy Sheriff Bogard started to
Melrot) Sunday morning and met
Childers a few miles out of town bound
for Roeeburg. He stated he was
ashamed of his attempt to take his own
life, and was sure that he could live
without his young lady love, tie left
Sunday evening for California.
Experience Social at Looking Glass
Ihel. A. S. will hold an experience
social Friday evening March 31, at the
hall. Refreshments will be served for
10 cents. There will also be a good sup
ply of home-made candy, and parlor
games will be the amusement for the
evening. The interesting feature will
be in hearing the ladies give their ex
perience in earning money. The money
is to go toward .buying a new carpet for
the church. Come and sp ml a pleas
ant evening. Secretary.
Important Real Estate Transaction
Plinn Cooper and J. M. Schsler. who
recentlv purchased a portion of the J
O. JohuBon property, today purchased a
lot 40x100 feet of F. A. McCall on Main
street noith of the Episcopal churcl
and are moving the old Johnson house
onto that lot. Beard A Culver also pur
chased of Mr. McCall a lot 40x100 feet
aext to Dr. Hoover's propertv aud ad
joining that of Cooper A Schafer.
Grand Millinery Opening
At The Bell Sisters, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday. March 23, 24, and 25'
Ion't forget to see the elegant line of
Charlotte Cordays.
Mrs. T. J. Williams and Mrs. Mattie
Reed, of Wilbur, were in this city Thure
F. K. Getting and wife, of Winchester
were in this c tv Thursdav on business
August Joeeten, a promineut stock
raiser of Brockwav, was in this city on
businees Saturday.
Narciss Conn of Melrose, left Friday
morninc for Arlington. Oregon to be
absent for a few weeks on business.
Harvev Griffith, a eon of Mrs. David
Griffith, ol this city, arrived here Satur
day morning from Klamath Kails, where
he has been I cated in the bakers busi
Attorney Lloyd Fritson. a graduate of
the University of Michigan, who has
been in this city for a few months, left
tMi morning for Portland and Eastern
(-.-. on points with a view of locating.
Bugler Fred Short, ol Wilbur, was
j over to the regular drill of Company D.
last Thursday evening, and made the
air ring with the military bugle calls,
i Mr. Short is making a Iry for a buglers
position with the Iewie and Clark Pair
guards, and should be be successlnl in
Ix-ing appointed, we can truthfully
say that he will till the bill as be is
one of the best buglers in the state
In the Eugene scandal in which Prof.
F. 8. Haroun, president of the Eugene
Businees College figures as defendant
with Miss Decker, a school teacher
co-respondent, and Mrs. Maroon nd
the professor's sister as plaintiff . Mar
oon was bound over to th circuit court
on the charge of obtaining msoney by
fraud with bonds fixed st 1250. Not yet
being able to furnish bonds he lan
guish in jail while the college is early
disrupted by the scandal.
Deputy Assessor F. H. Rogers com
menced today making the assessments
and taking the census of the city of
Roseburg. The other assestors who
have received their supplies from the
assessors office and started out to work
are U Uilbertson, Glendale ; W F Harris
Canyonville; B F Nichols, Riddle: W
H Jones, Myrtle Cretk ; W A Simmons,
Civil Bend ; J G Barnes, Camas Valley ;
Asher Ireland, Olalla; L R Mynott,
Roeeburg ; F L Calkins, West Roseburg ;
L O Mathews, Deer Creek; L L
Mathews, East Cmpqua; C Allen,
Looking Glass; Wm Hedrick, Pass
Creek; W S Grubb, Scottsburg ; H D
Dimurck, Elkton ; R T Ashworth,
Gardiner ; Jas. A Sterling, Cos lock ;
E Helliwell, Yoncalla.
All others will
within the next
week .
their supplies
Furnishes an Attraction.
"He has nc
trouble st all Id
keeping a hired
"How does be
do itr
"He keeps ths
policeman oo
bis beat on eal
ary. A Gouip.
The curfew told the knell of parting day
Just what it told this papur couldn't
Becuuae. from what I hear the neighbors
The things It told amounted to a cau
dal. A Bum Fort una.
"Let me tell your fortune for a dol
lar," said the pretty gypsy.
"Judging the future by the past,"
said the discouraged looking man,
"my fortune should not be worth mors
than 80 cents."
Constant Reminder.
"He vowed he would never forget
her, and now they are divorced."
"He hasn't forgotten her. The week
ly alimony check la a gentle reminder."
New Shirt Waist Suits. New Shirt Waists.
New Ladies' Shirts. New Silks for Shirt
Waist Suits. New Tan Shoes for Ladies.
First Opening of Ladies' Gage Street Hats on Tuesday, .larch 14
A Speedy Des
truction of
Squirrels, Goph
ers, Rats, flice,
Crows, Etc.
A Novel "Animal Show"
A very pleasant alterncon was spent
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ful
lerton Saturday when Miss Fu'derton,
Miss Buick and Mrs. C. E. Roberts, as
sisted by Miss Emma Farrar, entertain
ed their Sabbath school classes.
About fifty children were present.
They were requests! to bring with them
animals, either quadrupeds, insects,
birds, or fish made from vegetables,
fruit or nuts with toothpick legs and the
productions were truly wonderful, pro
voking much merriment among the lit
tle folks. The invited guest? were :
Mary Townsend, Eliztbeth Roberts.
Rachel Parry, Blanche Aubin, Violet !
Aubin. Hattie Belrlls. Mary Ireland,
Isabelle Ireland, Marjory Brown, Ivy
Arrance, fcllen Milactn. Florence M bar-
ton, Lizzie Carpenter, Ruth Currier.
Maggie itraham. James Oraham, Byron
Wright, Harold Bellows, Alex Robert
son, Bobbie Robertson, Leonard Hed
inger, Orville Roberts, lon Pearson.
Ralph Buckingham. Richard Studley,
Donald McClallen, Wollie McWilliams.
Edwin Adams, Johnnie Nechter. Mar
ion Howe, Dorothy Adams, Lillian Rob
ertson, Ruth Strater, Lreta Kohlhagen.
Merle Ireland, Esther Pearson, Lucy
Millikin, Bernice Abraham. Fay Abra
ham, Beatrice Bogard, Leota Maddox,
Mary Thompson, Eileen Townsend,
Florence Kohlhagen, Helen Studley,
Vera Buick, Myrtle Reed, Vera Buck
ingham, Georgia Dimmick. Lena Nich
iN, Jennie Wharton, Rose Parry. Fran
ces Parry, Hazel Reed, Fannie Camp
bell, Elizabeth Bogard, Etta Robinson.
B. P. 0. Elks Election.
At their annual election heid last
Thursday evening the following officers
were chosen to serve for the ensuing
year. Exalted Ruler. C. B. Cannon ;
Esteemed leading Knight, S. Joseph
son ; Esteemed I .oval Knight, E. L.
Bashford ; Esteemed Lecturing Knight,
W. H. Fisher, Secretary, W. H. Jami
son, Tyler, S. J. Rest: Trustees, John
Hunter and K. L. Parrott.
C. B. Cannon was elected representa
tive to the Grand Lodge and A. Salzman
alternate to same. The Grand Lodge
will convene at Buffalo, New York this
year sometime during the month of July.
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the
burg post office
Allison Mr G F
Armstrong J A
Bench Mrs C A
Benson Wm
Flynn Mr Michael
Goodwin Wm
Gabhart Mr C W
Lee Ira
Scott Geo
Smith Miss Marie M
Weyant Mr D H
Persons calling for these letters will
please state the date on which they are
advertised, Mar. 27, 1905.
The letters will be charged for at the
rate ol one cent each.
C. W. Parks
Csred Consumption
Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater. Kan.,
writes. My husband lay sick for three
months. The doc tors said he bad quick
consumption. We procured a bottle of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and it cured
him. 1 his was six years ago ami since
then we have always kept a bottle in
the house. We cannot do without it
For coughs and colds it has no equal
25c, 60c and $1.00. For sale by A. C
Marsters A Co.
BALFF In West Roseburg, Friday,
March M, MM, to Mr. and Mrs. IVter
Rlaff. a girl.
1 mwLW lKl
Town Lots For Sale
Choice building lots in Kinnev"s: a A
proved plat of Kosebarg. near Mau
street, good title. Price $50 per lot.
Address. N. A. Ruhabos. tf
Farm For Sale
A good 100-acre farm for sale, U miles
east of Koseburg, Ore., 10 acres under
cultivation, a small orchard of 4-year
t old trees bearing, berries under cultiva
; tion : a gxxl S-room bouse and good
barn. A bargain. Address. Box 3S,
Roeeburg, Ore. al" p
Read All of This.
por M
A good, first class, well pay-
' jg Grocery
Reason for selling Engaged in other
Good buy This store is a good bay
for some one because of location, clean
ness of stock and good trade.
Price Twelve hundred dollars.
Partner Would take partner for l, or
Vj int. if he would take charge of busi
ness at reasonable salary besides his
share of profits.
Address Box 343. Roseburg, ml3
Fine Watches and Jewelry
Ciingenpeel. the jeweler, engiaver,
optician and watchmaker has just re
ceived a fine new stock of clocks, ladies'
watch fobs, rings, watches and other
fine jewelry from which he has removed
the tariff, which places it within reach
of all. Call and see him. Next door to
S. L Wyanotts
Kggs for sale at $1.00 per setting
R. Mynatt. Roseburg, Oregon,
R. F
So. 1.
Administrators Notice.
In the County 1'onrt of the State of Oregon
ftr Itoutlas county.
In the matter ol ihe estate
Ferdinand Fortm Ear, leccaed
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
ha been duly appointed by the County Court
ol the State of Oregon, for Dongls county ad
miniKtrator of the estate of Ferdinand Fortln.
Sr . deceased
All persons hrin. twxlais against said estate
sre hereby required topmx ni the same to me
properly vended, at in law reqatrvd, at Cole
Valley within stx amoaths from the date here
of. Dated this lad day of March. 1906.
Admin srtor of the estate of Ferdinand For
tln. deceased.
For m Imaairtd tpptnt
Loss of appetite always results from
faulty digestion. All that is needed is a
few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the
stomach, strengthen the digestion and
give you an appetite like a wolf. These
Tablets also act as a gentle laxative.
For sale bv A. C. Marsters A Co.
rm ssMss, how to obisia puna uaJ marks,
eowng-btasts.. N AIL COUNTRIES.
Businsts Mwl WatUmgtan tarts time,
r mm J. firm ass RssMst
Pstsrrt ind Infringsmsnt Pnctfes Exclsalvaly.
Wrist or com to us si
ass assth saw, on tratsst atsi
To Gophers and
The best article
yet prepared for the
destruction of these
farm pests.
Fanning ."lachinery Repaired
Repair Ecalnea BoUe a. Asioaub:Ja. Bicycle,
all klndt of Mill Machinery. Farm Machinery,
Lav a Mowers, a., kind of Grinding and Pouah
tax done at the Car Wamalmat wad i'tmr St.
Katie ran andcr iht head will be charred !or
at the rate ol one cent word for two insertions.
So adTeiUsement taken for leas than ten cents
WANTED A competent housekeeper. Ad
dress A. T. Ambtose. Yoncalla, Oregon.
WANTED To exchange a good bicrtle for a
dminc horse. Apply to box STt. Rsssssnmsj, Or.
TV PEW in EX- San Typewriter in roo i con
dition for sale for tSS. cost M5. Call at Plain
dealer office.
WANTED! tot lots In R-webwrg. central,
with or without improvements, price mmt be
riht:cash. Address t. O. box 777. aosebnoj.
Society Mtinga.
. & A. M. Laurel Lodge So. 13.
H aid regn! ar meetings on sec caul
and ( arth Wednet!ava of each
month. J. T. Bridges. W. M.
N. T. Jbwbtt, H
f. O. BLKS. Rosebnrg Lodge lio.
336. Holds rvgular oommaaica
tioos at I O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays ol each month.
All members requested to attend reajo
larlv and ail visiting brothers are Curdi
ally invited to attend.
C. B. Cannon, K. B.
Rot McCxAixra, 8eeretarv.
.O.N. O , meets at Armory Hall every
rhnrsday eventug, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamum. Capt.
O. O. F. Phtletanan Lodge No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass streets, oa
Saturday evening of each week Mem
bers of the order in wood standing art
invited to attend.
H. O. Lewis, N. Q.
N.T. Jawrrr, SecreUrv.
of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meat
ererv Wednesday, ia I. O. O. F
Hall at 7:30 p. m. Members la
good standing are invited to attend.
Jas. A. Pbrbt, C. C.
M. F. Wright, K. of R. A S.
I LAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd sad 4th
Thursdays of each month at ths I.
O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members ia
good standing are invited to attend.
Mas. A. B. Fickle. Guardian Neighbor.
Bell Morian, Creek
Second and Fourth Thursdays.
E. 8. Rosebnrg Chapter No. 8
Holds their regular meeting oa the
first and third Thursdays in each
nonth. Visiting members in good
tending are respectful ly invited to at
tend. Maude Raat, W. M.
Regina Rast Secretary.
semblv No. 106, meets second and
ourth Saturdavs of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting members
will receive a cordial welcome. -
A. C. Marsters, M. A.
Minnie Jones, Secretary.
Cam t No. 135. Meets at ths Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Roseburg, every
first and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors always welcome.
J. M. BaiDuss, C. C.
N. T. Jbwrtt, Cierk
A Grand Ball will be given at Wilson's
Hall, Melrose, Or., March 24, 1905, H.
K. Wilson, Manager, tf