KE W SPRING WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR LINE OF SPRING GOODS ladies dress fr.xxis we have ALL the latest styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waists, Suits and Cotton Goods, also a full line of Novelties. In For Men, Youths and Hoys we WORKMANSHIP. WE Before making your purchases THE PEOPLE'S STORE THE ROSEBVRG HOUSE HARVEY JONES. Proprietor Rates $1.00 per day and upward Meals served from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m New Brick, New Furnishings. Prompt Services. Opposite the S. P. Depot Grounds ." .' .' .' ICE CREAM LATEST MILD DRINKS I (j . j ajaaaaa-.aj. msm a. highest grade goods in town. Comparison is the only true test and the one we always win out on. When it comes to high grade and de licious goods we have no, competitors. CHOICE CANDIES mm . VWWiWJ,.WWW. m CARRIER HHE White Pine Expectorant This reliable Expectorate Cough Cure is hard to beat for the winter coughs. It has both expectorating and sedative qualities, checks exces sive coughing yet promotes expecto ration and therefore helps the re spiratory tract to throw off any of fensive material. A full 4 or bottle for 25c, SHOE REPAIRING Shop one door south of Mrs. East man's Jackson St. Nothing but the BEST LEATHER used. L. GOODMAN, EASTERN SHOEMAKER Wood and hay for sale, rith J. F. Barker A Co. Leave orders tf NO LIMIT! THAT'S OUR GAME 1905 TOUI IS CREDIT GOOD Our Installment Plan wlU fur nlsh your h o u e c o m j.lete on easy terms. MUST BE A WE'VE COT THE GOODS WE MUST HAVE I CARPETS, MATTINGS, RUGS, Ingrain Carpet ; heavy wenve aim 35. 55. 60. , ... .rwcial. rer Brossell Carpets the latest styles; rich designs, per yard, 65, A. X. Menisters Brum -lis; beautiful des'gns, per yard... THE LATEST FAD IN CURTAINS, 50C. TO $7.00 A PAIR DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RICE & RICE THE HOUSE FURNISHERS have the best line of Clothing in LEAD. in spring goods look at our line. Local and Personal. Mrs. J. Chenoweth and Mrs. Jonea Before coming to Roseburg to j of Wilbur wer in Rose bar this morn trade, readers are requested to exam- inir. ine t hi unies. Plaindealer advertising col-1 It s the active, wide-awake ; business man who advertises, conse quently he is the most accommodat ing, sells the cheapest, and deals the most liberally in every way. Mrs. E. Zimmerman is visiting friends in I'ortUnd. K . Hinkle was iu dav ou business. this city Wednes- Osteopathy is a fpecific for female disorders or nervousness. Mrs. Jacob Henri, Sr., of Santa Clara, Calif , is visiting relatives inthiscountv. Miss Alta Cannon, who has been ein loyed in l'ortland. has returned home. Deputy Coaaty Clers Thomas Cobb is hseut on business in Klamath couutv. , S. C Bartrum. the has returned lrom a Portland. forest supervisor, business trip to Miss Helen Willis, of IHllard, was a iss nsier on Wednesday morning's local for l'ortland. S. L. Uenser, wife and dauhner have arrived from Cozad, Neb , with a view of locating here. Notice first opening of ladies and Miseeo readv-to-ware bats from Masch 7 on. at the Bell sisters. Mr-. Margaret Hall, of Moscow, Ida., it the :uest of her sister, Mrs. Thos. K earner, of this citv. Will O- Brown, of Kiddle, was in this l Monday on his way to Idaho to look after mining interests. J. F.. Sawyers, lawyer public. Otfice up stairs County Bank Building. and notary in Pouglas tf All curable diseases respond more readily to Osteopathic treatment than bv anv other known Ml thod. S. C. Miller, of Dillard, has returned from Portland, where he went with a shipment of cattle last week. Mrs. Leon G. Vial came over from W inchests? yesterday and left last night to join her parents at Toledo, Ohio H. G. Reed of Portland, a representa tive of the Allen k Gilbert Kamaker Pi ano house, is in this cityfon business. Jos. O'Keefe, a former inmate of the Soldiers' Home, has taken a discharge and left Tuesday morning for Portland. J. A. Mack, of Portland, who leenlooking after the repair of has hia property in this city, has returned home. Mrs. James Young, of Portland, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this city, returned home Tuesday morning. Miss Minnie Brown, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. D M. Kelly, of this city, returned to her home in Oak land Tuesday. Fred Fisher, foreman of the Wm. P Johnson Lumlter Co. of Myrtle Creek and Roseburg, was in this city on busi i.eas this week. QjHon. Willis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek, was transacting business in thia city Wednesday. He reports business boom ing at Myrtle Creek. There are few people that realize the i great benefits derived from Osteopathic : treatment, until they have tried it. i You should investigate. YOU IS CREDIT GOOD Our Installment Plan will fur nish your home corn plete on easy terms. BANNER YEAR WE'VE GOT THE THE BUSINESS PRICES LINOLEUMS AND OILCLOTHS cnMce coioringi; irons uurauiv, 75 AND 80 CENTS yard $1.00, $1.10 AND $1.40 75. 80 $1.35 AND AND $1 00 $1.40 Roseburg Oregon GOODS the city, in STYLE, CUT and I. ABRAHAM, PROP. ROSEBURC, OREGIN. RiJe Rambler, wu by nodn. J . A. Soeebe of Salem iu in tbia city ttiis week looking after business in terests and paying hia taxes on timber land. There are few people that realise the great benefits derived from Osteopathic treatment, until they have tried it. You hould investigate. If it is a billions attack take Cham berlaiu'a Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure ia certain. For aale by A. C. Marstere A Co. tf Several 'amities of homeeeekera from Missouri, 26 persons all told, got off the train at Medford a few daya ago to lo cate in the vallev. We have a limited amount of screen -inga suitable for chicken feed that we offer for sale in quantities not less tlian one hundred pounds. Douglas County Milla. tf Mrs. Geo. O. Stanley and daughter arrived in Ashland Monday for a visit with relative's and after a little stay will probably go on to California. Tidings. C. L Hewee formerly of thia city, but now located at Corvallis ia in thia dty on buainese today. He informs aa that he intends to move to Portland to reside very soon. Fireman Henry Ryan, formerly run ning ont of Grants Pass, baa moved to this city. Mr. Kyan'a sister, Mrs. F. N. ! Rogers, of San Francisco, ia visiting rel atives here. Over one hundred and fifty different styles in turbans and dress hats will be shown at the Bell Sisters' grand open ing Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Kveryone can be suited. Call and see them. Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic Physician cares acute and chronic diseases, corrects deformaties and removes foreign growths. Conenltion free Phone or call for appointment. Office in Abraham duilding. tf Thoe. Bloomer, the genial proprietor of the Hotel McClallen, and the Revere House of Albany, ia in thia city looking after hia business interests, which he finds well taken care of by Manager Burt West brook of Hotel McClallen. The Woman's Guild of St. Ge rge's church will bold a aale of bread and cake Saturday of this week, March 25, at Cannon's book etore. The Guild also wishes it known that they have a num ber of cook books for aale at 50 cU each. Beat secret service men on Pacific coast at your command, railroad, hotel, bank, mercantile secret service done ; evidence gathered in all criminal and civil cases. Best of work guaranteed. Address all communications to Lock Box No. 756, Roseburg, Oregon. Sykea A Gar roll have moved their plumbing ahop from the old Flook building on Main street to No. 219 Jack son street, the building formerly oc cupied by F. E. Hand Cigar Store, and are prepared to handle anything in the plumbing and tinning line. Phone No. 261. tf Special salee by Stearna A Chenowith Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other sewing machines $ 16.00 and up ; water pipe ; wire, plain and barbed ; cat and wire nails ; the only guaranteed black smith coal ; two carloads Page woven wire fence, the only tempered wire fence for sale. n3 t( C. A. McGee, a prosperous farmer of the Calapooia valley was transacting buainese in Roseburg Monday and rues day and had hi Plaindealer subscrip tion moved up another notch. Mr. Ma Gee says the farmers of hia locality are at least a month ahead with their work owing to the fine early spring weather and are now ready for the annual equi noxial rain. "jea nsrmon tne popular young passenger brakeman who was so unfor tunaie aa to loose hia foot by accident near Kiddle some months ago ha juat received from the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen, through 0. W. Ballard, financier of the local lodge, a check for $1:550, the reault of the benefit of being a member of that order. Mr. Harmon also received $1000 last month from an independent company in which he ried an accident policy. car it ia reported ine ooeervation cars re cently purchased for nae on the South ern Pacific will be put on train 16 and 16 in a short time. A new order goes Into effect at the same time which li recta that private cars be "made op' next to tbe baggage cart. In the pros ent way oi "making up" passenger trains private cars are placed at tbe rear which place the new observation cars will now take. We expect there will be a "big kick" registered by th owners of private cars. Ride a Rambler, sold by Hodson. Be in line and ride a Kambler. Fiahermen are getting anxious for all fools day. Spring snows in the mountaiua are welcome. John Hall and wife, of Myrtle Creek, are in thia city today. Carl Hoffman and Dexter Rice to day in Oakland on buainese. spent George H. Graves, the well known traveling man, ia in this city today. Rev. Geo. Bennett will leave for his new pastorate at Meudota, III., Satur day. D. R. Sham brook ia in the north end after business of the county lookinii matters. Assessor Staley is making up hia out tits preparatory to puttiug his deputies in the field. Thos. Cobb, deputy county clerk, re turned this morning from Klamath county where he has been on business, Be in line and ride a Kambler. George Turner has returned from a viait to Portland He reports building and business very lively in the metropo lis Mr. Turner visited the Lewis and Clark fair grounds and waa surprised at the work which ia being completed there. Be in line and ride a Rambler. Margaret K Herrin, Grand Chief of lienor, will arrive in Roseburg Mar. 23, and remain the rest of the week and will visit Mystic Ixulge No. 13, on Fri day evening at their regular session. Members of I). of H. will please take notice. Ride a Rambler, sold by Hodson. J. C. Hall and Dr. W. L. Cameron, of Medford, R.t W. Chriation and F. L. Champlin, of Gold Hill and K B. Dow, Recorder of Jackson County, arrived in thia city thia morning to viait the Elks lodge here tonight. A few of them are already members of Roseburg Ixxlge 326, and the rest will be after tonight, if their courage hold out. Be in line and ride a Rambler. Mrs. Ira R. Bennett, of New Mexico, ia viaiting I A. Steel at Winchester, thinks the great natural Albuquerque, rith Mr. Geo Mr. Bennett resources and the fine products of Oregon's fields, farms and orchards should be far more extensively advertised abroad. He is also very favorably impressed with our great timber interests and feela assured that a great lumbering enterprise will soon be developed by Mr. Steel and hia company at Winchester Ride a Rambler, sold bv Hodson. A very pleasant aurprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hoaeer in West Roseburg, Saturday ev ening, March 18, in honor of Mr. 11 . us er's birthday. Games, music and other amuse sent were indulged in until a late boor when a dainty lunch was served, after which all departed to their homes having spent a very pleasant evening. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Houser, Mr. and Mrs. H.I. Marstera, Mr. and Mrs O. A. Houser, Mr. Nelson, Masters Lonnie, Oscar, and Denny Houser, Messrs. Charley Miller and Charley Lawson and Miss Ethel Wright. Ride a Rambler, sold by Hodson. The S. P. company has now inatalled between Roseburg and Ashland a system of telephones working on the same line aa the telegraph instru ments. If the system proves a suecesa, all small stations and aidinga will be provided with a phone whereby all train, where there are no telegraph agents will be able to determine at what time late train will arrive. Thia will be a great convenience to the travel ing public. It is also probable that all train will carry an extra pbon so in case of an accident, communication may be immediately instituted with the dispatchers office. J. B. Stewart is in charge of the phone system. Be in line and ride a Rambler. A. H. Candland, of Ursa, Illinois, a member of the Harriman .Commission to invite immigration to Oregon and circulate information aa to the resources of tbe state, spent several day in Roseburg and vicinity thia week lopking over tins section ot the state, tie re presents a large colony of iudustri m; and thrifty Hermans who are seeking a location in thia atate and he waa looking over tbia valley with a view to locating the colony here or near Oakland provid ing the desired acreage could be secured. He waa very favorably impressed with thia part of the state. Heretofore, Eastern Oregon, baa received all of hi colozination efforts, but he will now give Western Oregon his attention. Carts' CsbmbsHsb Mis. B. W. Evans, Clearwater. Kan writes, My husband lay sick for three inontha. The doctor said he had quick conatimption. We procured a bottle of ltallard'a Horehound Syrup, and Retired him. This waa six years ago and aince then we have always kept a bottle in the house. We cannot do without it. For coughs and colds it has no equal. 25c. 60c and t.00. For sale by A. C. MarstersA Co. To Advertisers. The judicious Rose- bug advertisers should not forget the twice-a-week Plaindealer. It circulates throughout the length snd breadth of the Umpqua valley and it ia capable of helping wonderfuly in extending tbe trade of Roseburg buainese men, which will be good for all the people of the city. J. P. Johnson, dentist, Grave's ing. build 49tf Ramblers new and up-to date at Hod' son's. For guaranteed dental work go to I)r Pearson. Ramblers new and up-to-date at Hod son's. Ramblers new and up-to-date at Hod son's. Mrs, By rrl Smith, of Reno, Nev,, is the gueet of Mrs. W. O. Hildehurn of thia city. All the dry-year propheta are begin ning to change their minda aince it be gan to rain. Grand Opening of Millinery at the Bell Siatera, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, March 28, 24 and 25. tf Geo. W. Dimmick left thia morning for Klkton to be absent a few days look ing after business at his coal mine. Drain is already agitating the ques tion of celebrating the glorious Fourth of July this year in a riproaring style. Joseph Laird and wife arrived last night from Klamath county, and left on thia morning'a stage for Cherry Creek. I "pon the advice of his attorney, Hen ry McGinn, who phoned from Portland, I-eon G. Vial waived examination and waa held for the present, without bail, on a charge of assault with attempt to kill Wm. Hodson, the machinist, has just received his fine new line of the latest model Rambler bicycle. Everyone knowa what the Rambler is, but thia years model will aurprise you juat the same. William Pierce of Deer Creek return ed tbia uiorning from Happy Valley where he has been hunting with his pack of fine coyote dogs. Owing to the wet weather he did not succeed in cap turing any of the peats. George Scott, of Melrose, was trans acting business in town Wednesday and favored the Plaindealer with a aubecrip tion. He ia of the opinion that the recent cold rains have uot damaged the early fruits, but fears that slight dam age may result if the equinoxial storm is prolonged. Grand Opening of Millinery Bell Siatera, Thursdav, Fridav i urdry, March 23 , 24 and 25. at ad the Sat tf Ramblers new and up-to-date son's. it Hod Graid Millinery Opening At The Bell Sisters, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 23, 24, and 25 Don't forget to see the elegant line of Charlotte Cordave. Married. PROW ETT WH1TSETT At the resi dence of J. A. Whitsett at Glendale, John Prowett to Bessie Whitsett, Jus tice K. K. Montgomery officiating. YOUNG WORLEY At the home of Mrs. Levena in Roseburg Wednesday, March 22, W William S. Young ot Perdue and Miss Myrtle Woriey of Daya Creek, Rev. J. .. Townsend, of. ficiating They are very estimable and highly esteemed vcung people ami will make ! their home in Walla Walla, Washing ton. Greet Booster. "Von know that cow you sold htm for $30? It has juat doubled in value." "Been run over by a train T' One Big Catch. "Catch anything on your Wpr "Only the train for home" fishing May Be Cueatng. . If borrow-In Is sorrowing. frr what to tin i Landtna-t tion attending Real Estate Transfers L C Hill to C O Criteeer ; se' se4 sec 12, tp 27 a. r 7 w; 1300. Robert and Mary A Maney t J E Haines sel4 sec M, tp 22 s r 7 w, and se iwl4 nel4, sec 34, tp s, r w ; $800. E L and EtU Fisher to R H Cratvlall ; lot 4, block 10, Hamiltone Addition lo Roseburg: $1000. W II and Laura Brown to 0 C Brown ; Part of sec 25, tp 27 s, r ti w ; fciOO. J W Wright, Receiver, to Iaabelle C Davenport ; part of see IS, tp 27 a, r 6 w ; $1300. S and Sarah J Hamilton et al to Em ma Stock well, lota 6 and 7, block 2, Hamilton's Addition to Roseburg ; $100. W N and Jessie A Jonee to Alice Eng lert, neV, nw4 sec 16, tp 31 a, r 5 w $50. ... . . . undv ' of lots 3, 4, and 5, sel4 nw4 sec 6, tp 32 a, r 6 w ; $700. Alice L and T L Hennesa to T J Ed wards, land in sec 28, tp 22 a, r 4 w; $750. Drain Lumber Co to E A Johnson 227 acres in sec 21 tp 22 a, r 5 w ; $1. James and Annie Burton to A W Hawks, lsnd in sec 10, tp 24 a, r 4 w ; $1. Frances M. Miller to C. Ross King lota 6 and 7, block 8, Yoncalla ; $360. Alliance Trust Co to John M David son, land in sec a, tp J4 s, r 6 w ; pssj Lydia Tracy to J F Dangherty, lota 1 and 10, block 6, Yoncalla ; $100. Jaa A and Abagail B Karr to Albert G Rockwell, landa in sec 24, tp 21 a, r 9 w;$l. Frank R Williameon to W F Holman, land in sec 21, tp 20 a, r 10 w ; $65$. Geo and Emma McConnell to Ernest L Qulat, land in eec 32, tp 24 a, r 8 w ; $2700. Mary J. and Geo W Reed to William Tucker, land in sec 10, tp 23 a, r 5 w ; $600. Ernest L Quist to Emma McConnell, land in sec 32, tp 24 s, r 8 w ; $2700. O A C R R Co and Union Trust Co to Oregon Pine A Lumber Co, land in sec 27, tp32s, r 6 w ; $100 8 A and Catherine A Davis to Mary A Haney land in sec 34, tp 22 a, r 7 w ; $6. G W and Etta Benedict to L C Haines lands in sees 28 snd 33, tp 22 a, r 7 w ; D C Hill to C O Critoser, lsnd in see 18, tp 27 s, r 6 w ; $300. Chas D Church to Chas W Rogers and SHIRT Ntw Shirt Waist Suits. New Shirt Waists. New Ladies1 Shirts. New Silks for Shirt Waist Suits. New Tan Shoes for Ladies. First Opening of Ladies' Gage Street Hats on Tuesday, flarch 14 JOSEPHSON'S THE Bid STORE SURE DEATH SQUIRREL POISON A Speedy Des tructinn of Squirrels, Goph ers. Rats, nice. Crows, Etc. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Frank A Todd, lands in sec Z, tp 26 s. w; $1. Jacob and Mary E Brock to John R Chanev, land in sec 11, tp 30 s, r 4 w; $250: Edward X Camp trustee to Giltert Uilbertson and O C Sether land in sec 3, tp33 s, r7 w; $1. John W and Sarah A Kingery, and Robt W and Ix-na E Long to Emelina A Carr, lands in sec 11, tp 23 s. r 5 w : $1435. O C and Clara Sether to G Gilberteon, land in sec 3. tp 33 a. r 7 w ; $1. O C and Clara Sether to A E Church- il, S int in land in sec 3, tp 33 s, r 7 11. G and Gunhild Gilberteon to O Sether. int in land in eec 3, tp 33 r7 w;$l. F E Alley to G Gilberteon. A C s, E tp Churchill, O C Sether, land iu sec 2, 33 s, r 7 w : $1S4. Chas A Elmore to Adeline E Gorh rend, laud in sec 4, tp 31 s. r 2 w : $10. Maurice Abraham to Fannie Robert Miller, lot in Glendale: $1. A Salzman to Mrs S C Beard, lot in Roseburg ; $700. F F and Cyntha Ball to S F and HI Ball land and right of way in ec SB, tp 27 s, r 5w:$l. O C Sether A wife and (i Gilberteon A wife to A E Churchill, int in land n -ec Z, tp J3 s, r i w ; II. O C and Clara Sether to A E Church ill, -i int in land in sec 25. tp 31 s, r 7 w ; $1. Also l, int in land in sec 3, tp 33sr7 w:$l. Gilbert- O C and Clara Sether to I son, v, int in land in sec 3, tp S3 a. r 7 w: $1. Fannie Robert Miller to Azalia I i il A r CK a m , ioi in ciienuaie. v. Fannie Robert Miller to A E Church-. ill and Gilbert Gilberteon, lot in Glen-1 dale ; $350. F J Connelly A J Cora Connelly to W j H Stark, lands in sees S and 17, tp 22 s, r 7 w; $1500. Emma Arzner to John L Arzner. D L i C No 87 in sees 12 A IS, tp 30 s, r 8 w i H L C No 41 in sec 7, tp 30 8, r 5 w ; $5000. Mrs. Johane L Rud to Martin I. Rud, lot 11, block 1, Gilbertson'e Addition to Glendale : $5. Wm Sanderson to Fred Sanderson, land in sec 24, tp 30, r 6 w ; $1. Fred and Cora Sanderson to J W Beckley, land in sec 24, tp SO s, r ' . H. I.oe G Herrington to Fred G Stewsrt land in sec 12, tp 26 s, r 2 w ; $800. Dora B Davis to C A Patterson, Innd sec 26, tp 23 s, r 8 w ; $10. Geo W and Nannie E Puckett to Mark D Briggs, part of D L C No 69 ; $300. H L and Kate B Marsters to Geo W Kruse and J O Newland, part lot I, blk 38, Roeebnrg ; $2800. Samuel W and Annie F Vanzile to G W kruse snd Mary E Shupe, lot 3, blk 79, Second Southern Addition to Rose burg. $1100. Edith S and L F Earl to Mrs A P Hill land in sec 11, tp 21 a, r 12 w ; $10. Jaa M and Maggie Glikison to Isadore E Rice, lands in sees 33 and 28, tp 23 a, r 4 w ; $500. Edwin L and Lenore Everett to Otto Ernat, land in sec 10, tp 22 a, r 9 w ; $760. J A and M J Tramel to P A Lind strom land in sec 11, tp 21 a, r 4 w ; $1000. H P and Rose Corneillaon et si to J D Corneilison, part of D L C No 46, land in sec 36, tp 29 s, r 5 w, and part of DLCNo46;$l. James M and Drnsilla Tracy to Frank WAIST DRUGGISTS ROSEBURG, r and Ernest Helliwell lot 10, blk 5. Yon ! calla. State of Oregon to R W Jennings land in sec 16, tp 30 s, r 5 w : $150 Frank and Wianifred Helliwell and Frank and Silene Helliwell to J F Daugberty. Mc W Dangherty and C Roes King, e1 lot 10. block 5, Yoncal la: $1. V patents have oeen granted to An drew J Totland. Sven O Leen. Dora B Davis. Geo E Hal: erg. Carl A Carlson. ; EdithS Earl. Belle Wade. AbbieMi-; nett. Eliiabeth M Smith. Geo J Stearns, Wm F Waldhoff, Frank H Johnson. I Chas D Churchill, Swanson, Mela! A Brown, Clarissa E ;-nyder, Charles A Elmore, Edmund P Ragshaw. Adeline E Gorbrend, Olof Palm, Wm E Mars ters. Geo J Thompson, Mary L Brown, Frank A Brown. Ralph L Brown. Frank 0 Hocum. Elouisa Taylor, Otto F Witte, Lizzie I. Gross, Edgar Beard, Julia E Johnson, Simon P. Johnson. Reported by Frank E Alley. Abstract er. Read All of Thi s. For sale A good first class, well pay- ing Grocery. Reason for selling Engaged in other business. Good buy This store is a good buy for some one because of location, clean- ' nees of stock and good trade. Price Twelve hundred dollars. Partner Would take partner for l, or : int. if he would take charge of busi- ; ness at reasonable salary besides his .ham nf nrnrits. Address Box 343. Roseburg. ml3 Fine Watches and Jewelry Clingenpeel, the jeweler, ecgiaver. optician and watchmaker has just re ceived a tine new slock of clocks ladies' watch fobs, rings, watches and other fine jewelry from which he has removed the tariff, which places it within reach of all. Call and see him. Next door to postotfiee. S. L Wyanotts Eggs for sale at $1.00 per setting. L. R. Mynatt. Roseburg, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Administrators Notice. In the Count; Court ot the State oi Oregon (or Douglas county. In the Matter of she suta ) of Ferdinand Fortln Sr. Deceased' Nottc U hereby given that the undersigned ha been duly appointed by the County Court of tha State Si Oregon, (or Donglaa coaaty ad mlnlotrator o( the eatate o( Ferdinand Fortln, Sr. . deceased All peraon having claim againt aid estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, a by law required, at Cole. Valley within alx month (rum the dale here ot. Patod thia 2nd day of March, lttft. L. 8. FOTlN, Administrator ol the ealata n( Ferdinand For tln. del-eased. for as Impaired Apsetite Loss of appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that is needed is a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the stomach, strengthen the digestion and give you an appetite like a wolf. These Tablets also act as a gentle laxative. For aale bv A. C. Marsters A Co. For aale, Toulouse goose eggs now ready . from prise winners, 25 cents each. Send in your orders early : eggs limited. AddressE. A Kruse, Roseburg, Ore- (ml5pl SUITS SURE DEATH To Gophers and Squirrels. The best article yet prepared for tbe destruction of these farm pests. OREGON Farming lactainery Repaired JA.1ES ARK ALICE'S Macfciac Sba Hcp..r Engine. Bou t. Automobe "j. Birjeles. a., kind, ot Mill Machinery. Farm Machinery. Laws 1 lower, ail kind, oi Grinding and PoiUh- Inc done at the Car Wi WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Nolic ran under this head will be ehargwd lor at thv rate of one cent a word for two insertion. No advertisement taken for leas tha- ten cent WASTED To exchange a rood bicycle for a driving hone. Apply to box ITi. Rowoorg, Or. TYPEWtUTKR- ua Typewriter :n goo ' eon- diuon for sale for .:. cost Mi Call at Plain deaier office. WASTED 1 to lot in Rwebmrg. centra., with or without improvement : price most be right; cash. Address r O. box rr. Kosebarg Society .Meetings AF. A A. M. Laurel Lod Holds rsarular meetings I mnA I nrth WarlnaavtaT. Lodge No. 13. on secotto and f urth Wednesdays of each men h. J. T. BaiPGBs, W. M. N. T. Jswi.Tr, Secretary. B. r. O. ELKS. Rree liorg Lodge No. 336. Holds Mgsilsw. common iea tioos st I. O. O. F. Hal! on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend reero arlv and all viattirg brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. U. b. oaxsox, k. k. Rot McCi.ii. us, Secretary. O. D, 1st SEPARATE RATTALLION .O.N. ti., meets at Armory Hall every " Thursday svening, at S e'doek. t. B. Hamloi. Cap. I. O. O. F Phiietanen Lodge No. S. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor net' Jackson and Cass streets, on Saturday evening of each week. Mem bers oi the order in good standing ar invited to attend, H. O. Lawts, N. Q. N.T. Jbwstt, Secretary. k: of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Mast every Wednesday, tn 1. O- O. F Hal) a 7:30 p. m. Members in good standing are invited to attend. Jas. A. Yumxr, U. V. M. F. W right, K. of R. A 8. L ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the I. O. O. F. Hsll. Visiting members in good standing are invited to attend. Mas. A. B. Ficxut. Guardian Neighbor. Bell Morian, Cneas. Second and Fourth Thursd ays. 0.' E. 8. Roseborf Chapter No, 8 Holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each nonth. Visiting members in good (tending are respectfully invited to at- M.ude Rest, w. A. Regina Rest Secretary. UNITED ARTISANS, Umpqua As sembly No. 105, meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month, i n Native Sons' hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A. C. Makstbbs, M. A. Missis Josss, Secretary. (Yoi DMEN OF THE WORLD. - Camr No. 135. Meets st the Odd Fellows Hall. In Roseburg, every oret and third Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors always welcome. J. M. BaiDuas, C. 0. N. T. Jswbtt. Clerk A Grand Ball will be given at Wilson's Hall, Melrose, Or., March 24, 1905, H. E. Wilson, Manager. tf Ramblers new and up-to-date at Hod-