PREMIER BALFOUR, WHO THREATENED RU8SIA. PrcmiT Aitli:n .Tame Batfoar tf Grvat I.ritriin has tinuliy MBMaaLed in oorrectinf the iHfVMHMl I k i ke I n Vs d ; r:uitrttin. Hi recent attitude toward Kussi . ni;arHtif dam t- t 1: i::sh Citinnit'ivi' h IIiist .ii uarslnp evidenced that he i- M tjian to be trilled will:. Ili- fi.r's wen f nar bc-u: to overhaul veaseU carryiii; th. IliitUh fl.ig Hiid HBMh ihetM. A MMC frvm ltlt..'r pwnd unheeded and then he n in : the It nasi in HV.tii -jiii- that be uould use waore bi ri nceot means to insure protection for British ships Tim rv-i:"t ffiievils immediately ' backt d down." HYPNOTISH A CURE FOR RHEUMATISM Chicago, March 15. Hypnotism as a cure for rheuma tism has been brought to the attention of the University of Chicago medical professors by the discoveries and demon stration of Otto V. Groenberg, a young' medical student, who professes to cure the most chronic cases of ailment b hypnotism. Young Greenberg's theory was given a trial in a phvsiology class, conducted by Professor Anton J. Carlton. A helpless cripple from the Home for Incurables was brought to the classroom on a stretcher and thrown into a hvpnotic state by Greenberg. When under the mental influence of the operator the man was told he was to have the use of his limb. When he was released he was able to move his lower limbs, a feat which he had not accomplished for a long time before. FOR PLUMBING GO TO BRIDGES & MARSTERS They are experts in their line and carry a full line of plumbers hardware. bath tubs, sinks and everything for the kitchen and bath room in the way of plumb ing. Satisfaction Guaran teed. Prices Reasonable. m It ie a poor man's chance and a fine investment for others. Write for free cata logue, it will tell you all about them, a treatise on walnut culture. BROOKS & SONS Walnut Nursery Carlton, Ore. 1 ARTICLES OF JEWELRY Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gifts for Gents Suitable Gifts for Children Finest Line of Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg . IBB SALZMAN'S CASH FOR CLEANING UP YOUR PLACE We will pay the highest cash price for Hides, green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes Have some splendid bargains in second hand Furniture ROSEBURG JUNK AND HIDE CO. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house Ifva don't know PAT Call on or addreae . . F F. pattern, We are experts in walnut work. Have the leading soft ehell varieties, abnndant bearers at early age. Ore gon ie the trne home for walnuts. Contractor aid Bunder Reeebnp OregOB. SUMMONS. In the Circuit f-ourtol Uu state of Oregon for Douglas County. tioo. K. Chamberlain, ti.ivernor, K. Il Sc. rvtiirj' of BMC unit Clin. S Moon', TivAMiiiT. o( the Slate of Or' , gou, onstlli.tiiic the Stat, 1-ainl j MM far Uw sale of Sihixil ami I'ni rersltv Lauds anil tor the investment I of the funds arising tlierefiom riaint:n i vs William Furlong, James Kntloiig and I K II Meyers I)cf mlants To William Knrlong ami James Furlong above SSUBMtd tit'fendanls: In the name of the Stale ol Oregon, you an.l eaeh of you are hereby required to awear and answer the complain! in the above cntiiled suit on or before May 12, 19 and if you fail so to appear or answer plaintifl's compl.tlnt as aforesaid, for want thereof planum will app'y to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit- For the foreclosure of a certain mortgage exociil.'d ! delehdant Will lam Furlong. April 22, Mi In Ia.r o( plalalasT to sct-ure Ihe payment of a promissory note lor the sum of ISM with latSteal Ho nor upon which there is now due ami owing to plsiutltl' the sum of w ith interest Ihcrcon from May 2ft, 13 at the rate of six per cent pec annum and w hich mortgage conveyed to plaintiff for that purpose th. fellow :ng StBBllwed ical prop erly to-wlt: the east hall ol the northwest quarter and the west hall ol the norUicssl tuarter of section 1. in township 21 south ol range I west Willamette Meridan in l.uglas county. Oregon, containing Hi acres more or less Also lor a judgment the defendant William Furlr ug lor the amount due upwu said promissary note, lor the leeaaaaseaal of the sum of 17.64 when plaintiff has teen compelled to pay as taxes assess,-4 against said mortgaged pn mises, for such attorneys fees as the I (Marl shall adjudge reasonalde. for plaintiff's costs and diahursenu'iit.s herein and lor such other relic! as is prayed lor iu said compl.iiut and as the court may adjudge meet and equitable This summons is putdlshed by order of ti c Hon J. W. Hamlltiu. ol said court w hich order is dated March -Jud lAlo. an.l the lime prescribed in said order ol publication is once a week for stx weeks prec, sling ihe U'th day ol May MM aud the dale of Ihe first publi cation ol this summons Is March 16, 1906. F. W BKSSOS. Attoruev (or Plaintiff. summons. Ii he Circuit Court ol the .-tile for Douglas County. All Walker, 1 Oregon Plaintiff v G. Ci. Oraham. Defendant J Toti.G Graham, the above KMl defend- ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answ er the com plaint in the above entitled action on or batata May 12. 19DV and if you fail so to answer the plaintiff will tkc judgment against yon as prayed for in hi complaiut, to-wit : lor the sum of t-vt 00 with interest thereon from January 1. Ism at the rate ol six percent jar annum and the sum of Hot 17 With interest thereon !im September 1904 at the rate of lx per cent per annum, and for plaintiil s .i and disburse ments herein, au.l far an order of sale of the following described real property, to-wlt: Ihe Southwest .juarterof section J2 In township 19 South of Range S West, w ill. Mer. in Doug's County Oregon, containing 160 acres. This summons is published by order of Hon J. W. Hamilton, judge oi said court, which or' der is dated March 10, MP, and the time prv scrib-d in sa-..i; order for publication Is once a week lor six weeks', proceeding the Uih day of May 19US, atd the date ol the erst jut:, cation of this summons is March 16, ;9c.s. WOODCOCK ii HARRIS and F W. B K N 1 N Flalntiff s Attorneys. Sheriff's Sale In the t'trcuit Court of the State ol Osafjaa tr Douglas County. E K :. : plaintifl TS , Oeorge E Montelth. Defendant ; Notice Is hereby (riven that by virtue of an execution duly issued out of the stove named Court and cause, on the 2nd day of March. 1306, upon a judgment and decree duly rendered and entered in said eon l and cause on the 10th dsy of February, 19fy in favor ol the above named plaintiff E. K. Spoonhcim and against the above named de.eudant ticorge E Montelth for the sum Eighty-two anl fa-loo dollars. faLW, with interest thereon at ti e rate of 12 per cent per annum from the 10th day of Feb. l. and the further sum of Twenty-one doila-s. $21. OP. costs and disbursements J and the costs ol and upon this writ of execution, command ing me to make sale of the fu. owing describe,! premises, tow it: The southeast SK-, of sections. TpU 3 of Range 1 west of Willamette Meridian In Dong las county, Oregon, attached in said action ou the 131 b day of December, 1904 Now therefore in compliance with the com ntands of sa'd writ, I will on Tuesday the nth day of April, t90$ at one o clock p. m. of said day, at the court house front door, in Koscburg, Douglas County, Oregon, sell at public auction, rab'ect to re demption, to the highest bidder, for I niud States gold coin, cash In band, the above des cribed real properly, and all the right, title and Interest the said defendant had therein on the date of said attachment, towit. the 13th day of December, DM, or since has had And will apply the proceeds of such sale, first to the payment of the costs of this sale, sec ond to the payment ol the coats aud disburse ments herein axed at Twent -one dollars. 121, and to the payment of the sum of faZJa, due the plaintiff with Interest thereon at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from the 10th day of February, 1906, and the overplus if sny there be pay over to the defendant or who ever is rightfully entitled to it as by order of said conrt In aald execution to me directed, commanding me to sell the above described real property in the mauner provide-! by law. Dated this 10th day of March. 1 A.. mlSatO H. T. McCIALL.EX, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon. Sheriffs Sale. In the Clreult Court ol the rjtate ol Oregon lor the County ol Douglas Jeptha (Jreen, 1 Plaintiff vs r frank Reed Defendant Notice is hereby given that by vlrtucolan execution and duly Issued out ol the above named court and tause, on the 9th day of February, 1906, In favor ol Jeptha Green and against said Frank Reed for the sum ol One Hundred and Fifty Dollars and Thirty cent I1M.30, with Interest thereon at the rat. of per cent per annum Irom the Hln day of January, 1906, aDd the further sum of Twenty five dollars, ir attorn ys fees with interest thereon at the rate of C per tent per annum from the Mth day of January. l'J05, and the further sui 1 of Ten dollars and Twenty oastta tlu.'A). costs and disbursements and the ensts ol and upon this writ of execution commacding me to make tale ol the following deserlbed premises to-wit: The southwesquarler, - of section 'J6 Tp 21 south of range 9 west of Willamette meridian In Douglas county, Oregon, containing lfo acres attached in sal.l action on the 7th day of December, 1904 Now therefore In compliance with the com mands ol said writ, I will .11 Saturday the 18th day of March, I9O5 at 1 o'clock p m of said day at the Conrt House front door In Roseburg, Douglas county. State of Oregon, sell at- pub lie auction, subject to redt mpllon, to the high est bidder, for United Batata gold coin cash in hand, the above describe 1 real proerty aud all the right, title and Interest the sal.l defend ant had therein on the date of ald attachment, to-wlt. the 7th day of Dec, iul, or since haH had therein to satisfy said writ of execution and all accruing costs H. T. McCI.ALLKN, Sheriff ol Douglaa county, Oregon. WANTED. Capable men and women for census work and to act as represen tatives in this and adjoining territory for magazine and music business of old Established House. Our catalogue list over 3,000 magazines and 5,000 selec tion of music at cut prices. Salary 18 per week. Experience unnecessary, but good references required. Address Spragne Wholesale Co., 270 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III. ftitf. Notice ot Restoration of Public Lands to Set tlement and Entry. pvKPAK'IMKNT OF TIIK INTERIOR, (ion U era! l and office, Washington, 11. t:., JKn uary ft, mt, Halite la hereby kit. n that on December 1 MM, the Secretary ol the Interior released from withdrawal and restored to sot Dement the public lands in the following dc scribed aicaa which wen- temporarily wlth- liawn on August:!, 1'JO::, lor pioK)s,sl additions to The Cascade Forest Reserve; ami that the sat. I public In ii. Is so released Ironi uilhdrawal aud restored to settlement on Decemlier lft, MM, will ls-come subject to entry, tiling ami selection at Ihe I'niii d states land Offices for the rcsHMtic districts in whictl the restored lands lie, viz: at Oregon City and Roschurg, Oregon, on May 1. 1'..'; Towushipii llvo (ft), six (6) and seven t7) South. Range'loiir M) Fast, W. M : In lownship eight (s south. Range lour ill Fast . the west half of Section two (I), Section HwrS (S)ta ten tin), both iucliistvc, the south hall nr.l norihwest .pinner ol Socll.ui eleven 111 the northwi si quarter of Section laaafata (14). the north hall and southwest quarter ol Seciion tiltocn (lft), BecttafM sixteen (Id) to twenty (3S), both inclusive, the northwest U:irtcrof s,ciioii twenty-one (21), the south hall anil u irthw, st 'tuarter ol BeSlasa twent) nine 291, Bectteaa thirty i"0)mii. thirty one( il) and the west halt of S-. lion thirty-two :r); In Tow li-hip nine (.) South. Range four (4) F.ast. St-, lions live (). six (6), seven (7). thirteen (IS) and lourteen (II). the I uth I all of SH'tiou 111 tien (1..), Bsetfaaa sixteen at to thirty six (), both inclusive : In Township ten (ln)Soulh Range HSBf il) Kast, Sections one (1) to twenty (20) both Inclusive, the southwest 'tuarter ol section iweuty -one (211, Die nortlicast .uartcr ol Section twenty two i2.). Sections twcnti thret- (23). twenty-four 21) and twenty-five -2.0 the north half and southeast quarter of Section twenty-six (St), Sections twenty-nine (29) to thirty-two (U), Uith inclusive, the south halt and northwest quarter of Section thirty t'iree (.CI) the aaaUnNat iirter of Stcllon thirt four ( It), the southeast quarter "I Section thlr ty-flve 1J.S1. aaetfaa thirty-six (36); In Town ship eleven (11 ) south Range lour (4 Kast Sections lour (I) to nine -'.', both inclusive Beetfaaa atxfaaa W u twenty so, uth in elusive, the north half and southwest quart. of Sts'tion twq-nty-one 21-, the west hall o .section twenty eight 18 . Sections twentv BiW (fa) and thirty (at), in umushlp twelve (12 south, range four. 4, east: sections tlin-c, .1 10 thirty thiee, Si, both inclusive, and sec tions thirty-five fa, to thirtv-slx, W: all in the On-gunCity Ind District: townships four teen. It, tiftcvu. S. sixU-en, p.. aud seven facts, 17, south, range tojr 4, cast, W M Tow nship tw, nty two 22 South. Range on -1 West;In Township tweuty three -2:1 S..uth Rangaone-1- West, 8eettaaaaM 1-fa tacraa -II-. laith inclusive. Sections fifuvn -li- to tweak one -JI-. both Inclusive, and Section twenty-eight -2s- to thirty-three -J3-. both in elusive. In Tow nship twenty-four -24 South Range one -1-West Sections five i to nine 9 bott inclusive, the west hall ot Section lour teen -II , Beetfaaa fifteen -15- to Iwsalf last Sa-, both luc.usivc. and Sections twcn'yt.v 2-to thirty--i -. b th itic.nsivc: In Town ship twenty five -2 South. Range one 1- W Sc tiotisonc -1- to twenty-three it-, both Inclu sivc. the north lia.f ol twenty-four 24 I and twenty six Jf-. Sections tweuty-sevcu 1 to thirty-one. II-, both Inclusive. In Towushi i thiity 30- South. Range one 1- W est Secth I one lasa -2- and thrte -o-. Sections tive -4 twenty -three -2.: . both inclusive, and Sections twenty seven 27 to thirty-six -36 . both iu sivc; Iu Township thirty-one -31- Sooth. Rang oac -1- West. Sections five six ven and eight -Jv-. the fcinthwest quarter ol Secttoa nine -9 . Sections r:ltc-n -IS- to twenty-. ne both in '.usivc. and aattiaaai tw, nty seven to thirty .s:x -a'-, l-dh inclusive, all In 11 Rosenurg Land Distri. 1 J H F1MPLK. Approvtsl: Actiag Commissioner TUOS. Ki AN. Acting ix-rtarv of the Interior Champion Linimcit For Rheumatism. t'has. Intake, a mail carrier at Cha invil'e. Conn., says: "Chainlrlain's Pain Balm tl ti e champion of all lini ments. The past year I was trcmliied a ureat deal w ith rheumatism in my shoul der. After trying M-veral cures the storekeeper here recominetnlexl this rem edy and it completely cured me.' There is no use f anyone suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One ap plication gives prompt relief and its con tinue 1 use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale by A. C Marsters ta Co. Sheriff's Sale. I u the Circuit Court ot the state ol Oregon for lugla county. C L L aveng.-od. 1 AatBtUI TS V Fsv Wsrd. Del. n lant j By virtue a writ of execution d ly lsncl out ol and audi r the seal ol the above entitled court In the atx e entitl.-d action to me di rected and dated the s .1 day of February. 19ur. in favor ..f.-C I.. I.eavengo 1 and sgninst said Fay Wsrd for the sum of one hundred dollsrs and thirty csnu.(HOi) .Di wi-h Interest thereon at the rate ol f. per ccut per annum from the uth lay ol January, 19 .", and ihe further sum of Ove dollars (V00) natatory attorney fees with Interest at the rate oft per cent per an uum 1mm the Uth day ol January, 19ns. and the further Mini of nine dollars and ninety cents 19 90) i-osis sn.l disbursements and the costs of and tin this writ of execution commanding me to make sale ol the following, described premises towlt: The north half of the southeast .inaiter ol seciion 22, township 30 south, range 1 vet ol Wl lamet e meridian in Douglas County, Ore gon attach. .1 In said action on the 7lh day ol October 1901. Now, thcrelore. In compliance with the com mandsol said writ, 1 will on Saturday the nth day of Mar. Iu4)5, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day a: the Curl House from door, in Knschurg. Dougls Coun ty Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to re demi'tion, 10 the highest bidder, lor I'nlted States gold coin cash In hanlX'be above des crilTd real property, and all the right, title and interest the said dcieudttnts had therein, on the date ol ssid attachment, towlt: the flat day ol October, 1901, or since has had therein, to satisfy .aid writ ol execution, and all accru ing costs, H. T. Mc( LALLEN, Sheriff of Douglas County Oregon. J. K Sawyers, lawyer and notary pnlilic. OflSee up stair in Douglas County Hunk Baildiac. tf Vou Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY II your tickets read over the Denver an. I Itio lirmidc Kail road, the Scenic Line of the World" BECAUSE Then ii re M mHtiy HM'i.ifiillrnrllonr, nti'l potest! ( iiltfrt'Mt hIoIIK tin ItsM U'lVM .11 (K'l'U . lK'UVlT UUal llM Irip MfM iMBaMafH HaMMMMa If yon are Koiiifr Kasl, write lor luloriiinti..n an.l it. ' i pretty book Dial will tell yon all alH.ut It. W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. 124 Third St. PORTLAND, OREGON MRS. RUSSELL A. ALGER. Mrs. Alger, wife of tenator AlRer of MIchlKun. ta one of the national capltaf I most experienced hostesses, for u the life partner of a (tovenior, ecretarr uf war and senator she lias u soctul lugtoii Is a very hospitable one. Title (Juarantee& Loan Lc. B08EBUB(i, OHEOOS. i. D HiatLTOH, President C. ...- s Secy and Treas Office to the Oeett House. Hare me on . y com pleteaet of abstract books in Douglas Coun y bstracu and Certificates of Title furnlahidot Ixi le as county land and mining claims. Have also a complete set of Tracings of all township plats In the Koscburg. Oregon. C. S. Land Dis rtct. Wl.l make blue print copies of any town ship Administratrix's Notice. n the i sutiti Court lor Iwnglas County. Ore gon. In the matter f the estate of John Mat.ley deceased Notice :b h. teby given by the undersigned. Cairie Mabley sdm': l:ratrlx of the raute of John Msbl. y. aaaaated, to the crflltbrs of sal ! aaaaMtsli to esbtbtt their claims, witn the nec-ssry una asst. within stx aetaa after the tirt publl. ation of this notlcv la th.- ai.l ad. minttrair-.x at her lcnce st West Roseburg. Orafna . Ite.'. March a. 1906' CARK1K M4RLKY faen ft'ai' 1 For guaranteed dental work v to Dr I'earson. We arv doing business at the old stand. If you want to buy, sell r trade anything see - - - - A. D. BRADLEY THE SECOND HAND MAN A full Stock of both new and sec ond hand Furniture. Tin and Granite ware. Cook Stoves and Heaters. Wanted, $1(' worth of second hand furniture. A fine stock of H irness. Whips. Robes. Saddles and everything in the Harness line. My harness is all han 1 made and guaranteed. BRADLEY JACKSON ST BIODCETT'S OLD STAND I, J, Norman & Co. Cigars, Tobaccos, Confections, Fruits Bakery Goods Always fresh SHI N ST. NEAR WPOT J. FALBE'S RESTAURANT NEAR DEPOT OPEN AT ALL TIMES SHORT ORDERS AND REGULAR MEALS SERVED R. E. MASON Contractor : and Builder- Ant prt'paml to raise anil put new (ouniialionR uniler old builtlinfra, as well as tlo general carpenter worn. Resilience, Wait's addition, Koaebura; - JykaaaMBjBLaaaKSBbBaaaaBB celebrity for years. Her home la W Steam Cleaning-Pressing Parlors. Our new steam cleaning ami lepairtfaj tarlon are now in operation. A club of forty at 1.50 per month is .tl-eady secured ami room for more. Single ctiite steameel cleaned anil pressed from $1 up to $2 50. As steam cleaning is the reliable process there is no doobt that the eople of Roseburg and vicinity w ill appreciate the sjtme and patronize sufficiently to support the enterprise Ladies wool skirts also steam cleaned and pressed. Next door to McDongal's Tailor Phop L. D. Habvky, Proprietor. Notice to Creditors. All person. knowtne themseivt-a m- debted to the undersigned will Call the office of K. W. Marsters, K.xm 5. Marst-r; buii.ling, and sett'e the on vr Isffore Keb. 15, 1906. !n la p C. P. PaYIS. J. P. Johnaon , bag. dentist, lirave's bnild t'-Hf OREGON'S EXPOSITION IS DESCRIBED IN SUNSET MAGAZINE MARCH NUMBER Bai a finely illiatratexl article on the tireat Centennial jnat the thing to send ea--t. Manr news arliclee, some good short stories, clever, verse and interesting miscellany. Vigorous w.-rk by enti ruining writers. SOLO BY AIL NEWSDEALERS The Best Made Wateraaa s Ideal FooiitaiR Pen EVERT PEN WARRANTED Money Refunded If Not Satisfactory MARSTERS' DRUG STORE FOR, ACTIVE BRAINS your liver most be right, yonr stomach in a healthy condition and your kidneys properly performing their peculiar functions, or your body won't stand the strain and your brain won't be active. If yon wouia nave a clear bead and perception, get a box of Use them and see how much more alive you will be. THEY CLARIFY TNI SKIN AND PURIFY TNI BLOOD. They are a sure and positive cure tor all Diseases ef the Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bowels, Headache, Indiges tion, Nervousnes, Constipa tion. Biliousness, Pimples, 'ionai nno an vain purltlee. I in fer Sale By All Druggists Oo. and 25c. par Box. V-Founlain- V Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of ti e Mlate ol Oregon lor Douglas County . First National Bank of 1 Koscburg, Oregon Flalntiff I Tt. Mary B Hildebrand and Koburt I. Hildebrand, a I minor Delendant. J Notice It hcreny given that by virtue o' an execution duly lmul out of the aUive named court and tMUse, on the nth day of Feb ruary l'.SXi. upon a judgment and decree duly ren 'ered and eutere 1 In said court and cause on the 23rd day of January 1Mb, In favor ol tin above name I plaintiff. First National Bnk of Baasfauat, Oregon, and against the above named defendants, Msry Hlider.rand and Robert L Hildebrand, a minor, for the sum of I One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-four dollnrs and Ninety-nine cents, Sll.'it.M, at the rale of .. per cent per annum from the 2.1rd day of January 1906. and the fm tber sum of One ! Hundred dollars, lloo. with Interest thereon st 1 the ran? of I per cent per annum from the Krd I day of Jauuarv WtA. attorneys fees, and the I I u rllier sum of Flleen Dollars and Forty cents. I15.Pi. costs and disbuniements a-jd the costs of and upon this writ of execution, command lug me to make aaie ol the following desert bed : premises, to-wlt: H. ginning at a polat on the tnutn side of Douglaa stre t, the said polut being the Inter i section of the east llu of toe Aaron Rose Io I nation land Claim with the south side of I Dongias street In Roseburg, Oregon, running i thence south along th I east line of aald Aaraa Rose Donation Claim, onebindred eighty. ! eight and one-half, IV 2, feet; thence north I 7!-i di-grees we-t seventy, 70. feet and four and one-half 4 Inches; thence north one hnu- lrcd and ninety-three and one half. Vfl'-i leet to Douglas street, thence earterly along the -toutb side of Douglss street seventy, TO, lea and lour and one hal.'.-c-j inchea at the plac of beginning. Also a right of way ten tott a4dt over and serosa the premises furmer.y owne-1 by Clara Fnllerton adjoining the prem.-.-s hereby con veyed on the est liom tne it"-:i sat of said premise a'ong the fence as u is construe ja& to the southwest corner. ol the premises beieby ii.veiod. and outside said fence, the said right of way to run from the street west of sa d premises along the fence, on the south side ol and along the fence as now .oca ted to the southwest corner of the premises conveyed herein. Now therefore in compliance with the com mand of said writ. I wilt on Saturday the i8tb day of March, 19O5 at one o'clock p. m of sail dav at the Court House front door. in Kuetburg Douglas County, Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder f jr United slates gold coin cash in h-nd, the above described property, and all the right, title and lnterescthe sai l defend nil had therein on the Uth day if November 1903. or since has had. An 1 will apply the pro ceeds of such sale, r.rst to the pavrn.-it ousts of this sale, to the psyiu. n: ef the co-Is and disbursements herein taxed at SC. to, and the farther sum of f loo a' lor .eys fees with Interest at :ne rte of 6 per cent per annum from t! e Brd lay of Jfaatktf . !W. anl to the payn.eut of the sum of 111 A 9V due t ie p'aintlff with late tat thereon at the rate of six percent per annum from t e - r I day o! January. 19U6. and the overplus if any the re be pat SSSSSI la U defendants, there Itttal r.-pr -sestatives as by order ol sail court in said a ISM all St to me d; reeled, command. ng me v avi. the a ove real property in th manner prescr.bed by law Dated Ibis ltlt dsy of February. 1305. H. T. McCLALLES. ;ienff ol i ju a - U 1 :n: . CITATION. In the Cocnty Ottattaa ttm state o! orvg-.n. lor Douclas county. In the Matter of Ota E-tale afl Timo'.-y Crossman Citation Deceased. ' To tka DeTiseeaor Heir, and to il other in U rested in the above entitled estate : J. A. Buchanan, the administrator of the es tate of Timothy Crosamaa. deceased, having fl4 his pennon hervia praying for sn order of sale ol the real estate of aald deee-lent, for Use purposes therein set l.-nh. it Is there lore order ed by the Jodgr of said conrt. that all person interested In the estate of said deceas, t appear before th; said County Coorl oo Thars-lay. the SHh day of March. at 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said day. at tbe court room of said County court, to show cause hy an order should not b; granted to the said admin BtBwj lor to sell the re, aatate of th aaii .ievrassd: and that a copy of this order be publiied at least f'Wr wek in the Fls'.n les' -r, a aami weekly newspaper publish d in ssil County and State. Dated at Boaebarg. Oregon, this Hlh day of February. 1906. It D. THOMPSON. Cocnty Judge of Douglas County. Oregon. Notice of Publication. Coite.1 "tales Laud OAre. Ronburt. Omron. Oct. U. BM, Samuel H. Kni(ht and J. II. Forerua- rt I filed at Una ofilce their rxrrcV.r--. against trie atatwattcai ,' tlCs'i, for lots . 12 an.' . - . M Jts . r made by Charles Maw. i. aate saaal was snhmltu-vl at this or 4r er Ji. 1J04. and sasfende1 by n - n . ; 1 vr.cest. s heartDC Is bi ret y ord r-d The mine-l , charactar of ihe land ts a' , '. bi '-. ants and tt is for the jhj r ;- - a attBlaa the character ol the tracts e 'i 'c-.l ta, a-.J entry that the hearing ' ;! The testimony tu iheia- w..l be taaen tfo e the Rsanater and Bev..r ..f tkla ol.e on March JO-1SUS, at W o'clock, a. m I he pa ties in n teres! are hereby summoned tl spoear at Uie aald time and place to oSe testimony in s-pport of their racpeclive claims 1 B. BIHTH, '. jo Baaaraac I Notice of Administrator. In the matter of the etatei of J John H Rogers, decease-! I Notice Is hereby : ven that the node sUncd has been duK sppoinic I oy the a aaty o-nrt ol tae Wi u i Osaosaa, I rltnwaj a .untv, al miMtstr i ..f h- ratatf M i h . H H.v la, d -ceased. A'. txTs..ti . s ;m vsid aatala are ks rear reoai red to a--soai iha s e to me pr -lerly ver : d b. law arqwiftsl, at Roaebu v. I r,-.oo. witbiu v m .albs roi l the date here, f Dated h I6'h dav of Pebr.iarv. '. O. - . HIMMIi-K. AdmlvU'.rator of th,- aatata of John H Mat is. PERMANENTLY CURES CONSUMPTION, COUOHB, COLD. S&ONCHtTtS ASTHMA, BOmg THROAT, HOARSENK&S WHOOPINQ COUGH AND CROUP DO NOT DELAY Until tits drain on your systsm produces permansnt disability. The human breathing machinsry Is a wonderful system of tubes and ceils. To hare good health It must be kept In cvi crier. A COLD is considered of no impor tance, yet tf It waa known by Ifs proper name of "throat Inflammation." or " ooiutastlon of the lungs." its dangerous character would be appre ctattd. jrfhan a cold niakae Its appeared use at one Ballard's nere ' hoaad Syren whioh wtU speedily ovsroo:.-a it. WHOOPINO COUOH CROUP Rsojeks Prompt Action. SNOW UNIMINT applied to the throat and ives won ierffci relief, while Ballard's Horshound Syrup will couahing. IT IS THE ONLY POmvLT CURK WHOOPINO COUCH AND CROUP. BEST FOR CHILDREN Mrs, Maud Adams. Goldtbsraita, Tea., srrltea: ' I bare used Ballard's Ooreaeuad Syrup and Sod It the BEST medicine fes croup, eoua-ha and coiaa. aty oniiaren use it ana it is SAjTE AND SUHE Taa Calidrea'a faaaeate aVtaasdr trary SiaUs Ballard Snow Liniment Co., St Louis, Mo. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY A. C. HARSTERS & CO. Professional Cards. Q.'MiB'iE M. KKOWN, Attorney-at-Law, Court Houat Down rtirs. RO-'EKf'KI.,(jBs: Qri.GKO. E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. OS" Keftesj fhune. ma. Main I KOnKBCRO ORK'iOH W. BATVE8, DENTIST, tUtlew -ll M-ig. Te Boms 1 aui i Hit' .lOS M. Cbawfokd ' ..AT8OK Attorneys at IjAW, -looms 1 tt. Bank Bulldc-, HOdDDkB. ot. - v ulnea before the V 4 Land DSrf an I ma -taea a specialty. PI'Lf.EBTO.N Attorney-at Law. II practl'-c in all the si late and Federal I'on-u OSrt Ii varka B!da., Roseburg. Oregon Fa W BBNSON, At torn ey -at-Law. Bank Bui lir.g kOriKBi.'KG. OBE'Hili B UCHANAN & GRKNLNGKB J. A. BrcMaSsM I L Oaxitts&ga Attornc-ys-at-Iaw Rooms 1 and 1 Manners Building ROJBl R'i. ORF.OOS fJAS E. Sawyers Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Room 6, Upstairs, Doaiclaa Co. Bk. Bid Roseburg, Oregon. W. MAR.-TER8 Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Marsters Building N. A. FOSTHR &CO., (fOVEUNilENT LANDS 'f every dewcriTtion Farms and Min eral IjukIs. Oregon, Washington and Minnes- ta. i23 OAKLAND. OREGON DR. F. W. HUNT DEMIST OAKLAND, : : OREGON H. Little, QaMTIST. Oakland. Oregon. Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filiag ment Land . on Govern- Blue fnte of Township Maps showing al vacant Lazsde. FRAMKE. ALLEY Architsfct, Abstracter. Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Hxtores Office in new Bank Bailding. 'Phono 415 r vFwrRG, OREGON Notice f.:i rublication. : r -.. i States Land Oatec P.w t irs Oreron Dec E. ISM. !v ties is herrf-y i.rri that ta eosapttaaaa with in prortstons ot f a act of Cuuajisaa at June s. ;j7. enatled "Aa act lor Uta aala at Usher lands in Itm -ateaof California. ( Nevada and waahln rtcn Tsmicrr. act ad to all iha aaatla laod ttaaaa by aetot Aaaraat 4. laiL DAVID PARRY of Ro-eoarf, county o Dooarlaa, atata of Orcfoa has this day tied ia this oCoa his sworn ttateiscnt So. 6K ' -r he purchaae of Uie wi, of Sec t. Tp 21 a, I S treat aodwUlotter proof ataaaaai taitf. aadsoaajM ta mens valuable for Its Umber or stone thaa tor acrtewliural purpose, and to establish bja claim heVre i: s K. :.- and Receiver ol this f !los ot Roaebeni. . Teeon. on rureday the "th day of March, 16. He nara.-s as tu,s?s Bernard Krakenberfer. O i' Baier. iKxro. Bat. mn of R.eearg. Ore con. and Lafe En,r'. I Pee'. OraaL tiy au1 all prr,n elaiminc adversely the above dearibeu .an Is are resiKsted to tile their s - la this . thee on or bcl-re aald Ttkaay of March ttua. 1 r. BR1DGKS, Mp TV-trVter. St i wb rry Plants l.w Taaw Taalsa slor an. i H i -on st,awbrrv plant:1, SO eaaata ( r l.ttnlrexl. or $tM rsr lOUtl f. o t. A.! h-ssJ.H. Ycucc. Dilianl. Ore. M 1 rapid; .- stop the volant paxysms of i COUCH REMEDY THAT WILL pleasant to take and quickly cwjea." Three Sizes, 25c. 50c $1.00