The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 20, 1905, Image 3

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In ladies dress roods we have ALL the latest styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waiate, Suits and
Gattn Goods, also a full Hne of Novelties.
.r Men, Youths and Tuns we have the best line of Clothing in the citv. in STYLE. CIJT and
Mo. king your purchases in spring goods look at our line.
Placer miners have quit looking down
in the mouth.
Mrs. Ethel Carlyle is visiting friends
in I'raio this week.
Osteopathy is a (.pacific for female
disorders or nervoiiftness.
Attorney Albert Abraham was an
Ashland visitor last week.
John B. Fullurton of Canyonvillf was
in this city on business Friday.
Whole and cracked corn for sale by the
Douglas County Flouring Mills. tf
Yardman 1). K. Troxel is laying off.
Milo Atterbury is working in his place.
A marriage license was issued today
to Dr. Simpson and Mabel Grant both
of this county.
UAIVEY JONES. Proprietor
Rates $1.00 per day and upward
Meals served from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m
New Brick. New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. P. Depot Grounds .' .' .
Local and Personal.
L et 'er rain, say the farmers.
Before comine- to Rosehunr In
trade, readers are requested to exam- i
ine the Plaindealer advertising col- i
umes. It's the active, !
business man who advertises, conse
quently he is the most accommodat
ing, sells the cheapest, and deals the
most liberally in every way.
Miss Mable Miller of Kugene, who
has been visiting friends in this city has
returned home.
Mr. R. Grant of Corvallis, is visiting
t the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. D.
Osborn, in this city.
6. W. Wonacott, of Riddle,
tered at the McClallen.
is regis-
Mra. P. C. Angel of Col use
visiting her brother, Oeorge
wife in this city.
, Calif., is
Sella and
Noah Rose and wife spent
with relatives at Oakland.
Sunday There are few people that realize the
! great benefits derived from Osteopathic
... , ' treatment, until they have tried it. You
.vise Anna Johnson of Drain is the i,i.i
r ... . .. l
Kui oi jirs. r. i.. Kinney in this city.
J. W. Beckley, of Canyonville was in
this city on business last week.
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
Roads are reported to be getting in
fine Fhape throughout the country.
If it ie a billions attack take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
a quick cure is certain. For sale by A.
C. Mareters it Co. tf
O. M. Curtis and J. M. Webb, two
brakeman running out of this station
are laying off
Miss Lillie Kidd will leave the latter
part of the week for Ashland to visit for
a short time.
Frank Long of Coles Valley has !een
visiting his brother, Atty. John T.
of this city.
Charles McOee of Oakland ia in this
city on business.
W. B Lambof .Wilbur was .in Port
Ian. I last week on but-iness.
Miss Clara I,eonard of Wilbur is regis
tered at the Roseburg House.
Judge M. D. Thompson and Maurice
Webber were among those who went to
Grants Pass to attend the big good roads
convention today.
Over one hundred and fiftv different
styles in turbans and dress hats will be
shown at the Bell Sisters' grand open
ing Thursday, rriday and Saturday.
Everyone can be suited. Call and see
Notice first opening of ladies and
Misses readv-to-ware hats from Match 7
on, at the Bell Sisters.
A 30 acre farm near Corvallis that
was bought two years ago for 2,0 was
sold last week for $3,800.
Miss Nora Vandyke of Oakland, who
has been visiting friends in this city re
turned home this morning.
Mrs. Carrie Parsley and little
ter ef Riddle were visiting Mrs.
Parsley of this city last week.
A. C.
C. L. Reed has returned from letroit,
Farm transfers are being reported ir- where he has been considering a
. . i nr uuuicwriere are coming. i i ho imoruis us
' , thai if io altiutl... . . L. I
" o nui'truiri irUWUlf WIBl Li (
i.uuiuir UIBV Li V
John Bargerand wife formerly of this ' iH locate there in the hotel and salon
city, but now of Silverton, are visiting : business,
in Kugene. i
Dr. H.
Mrs F. H. Hunter, of Roseburg, is in Physician
the i ity to remain two weeks, tlie guest diseases
of r. latives -Telegram. j removes'
I free
L. Studley the Osteopathic
enres acute and chronic
corrects deformaties and
foreign growths. Consultion
Phone or call for appointment.
. . , , ire, rnone or call lor a
Miss Lulu Cloyd left for Mvrt le Creek nm. ; k. j
i. . - Omce in Abranara duildini:
last evening to accept a position in a fc
millinery store there.
Ttieo. Jennings, of Cottage Grove,
spent last week in this city and left for
Portland Saturday night.
George Turner, the timberman, left
this morning for Portland where he will
remain several days on business.
The Woman's Guild of St. George's
church will hold a sale of bread and
cakes Saturday of this week, March 25,
at Cannon's book store. The Gnild also
, withes it known that they have a nnm
1 ber of cook books for sale at SO eta each.
J. M. Coats and wife of Burk. Idaho.
are the guests of the tatter's sister, Mrs.
George Thompson of this city.
A.J.Nichols, Amanda Nichols, Liz
zie Dolan.lCharles Dolan, Thos. Dolan,
and T. Dolan, Andrew Schevenf urtie,
wife and three children of Redwood
Falls, Minn, arrived in this city Sunday
evening with the intention of locating.
After a lapse of some four or five years
the S. P. railroad company has attain
granted the principal Postal Telegraph
line repairers privilege to run veloci
pedes on its road at the risk of the
repairers. This concession was made to
High French of Ashland ; Frank Jordan
and G. O. McGilvrey of Cottage G rove
and Repairer Krrickson of Portland.
J. Fred Hurst, assistant secretary and
manager of the Hurst Automatic Switch
and Signal Co., has a working model of
their own invention on exhibition in the
dining room of the Moeier Fating House
on Cass street. This is a very ingenious
invention and it is claimed will, when
installed upon a railroad system cause
it to be impossible for a train to run in
to an open switch. The object of ex
hibiting the parcel is to induce purchas
ers of stock in the company.
About the Theater
The country looks green and heauti.
fnl, with every prospect pleasing and
eyery promise of abundant harvest.
W. J. Robinson, a brakeman on the
swing run out of Grants Pass has taken
a lay off, J. K. Ray of Roeeburg is taking
his place
Arthur Hunt, the well known Oregon
stockman, passed through this city to
day enroute to Portland with six cars of
cattle from Gaielle, Calif.
Hon. J. (i. Mack of Portland who has
been looking after property interests
here for the past two weeks is attending
to business in Glendale.
White Pine
This reliable Expectorate Congh
Care is hard to beat for the winter
oonghs. It has both expectorating
and sedative qualities, checks exces
sive coughing yet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
spiratory tract to throw off any of
fensive material.
A full 4 oz bottle for 25c,
F. O Poquette now has his new sa
loon, the Theater Cafe, fitted up and in
Mrs. W. S. Hamilton and sister. Miss i rUDIUng. rUer Mr' Piuette U a tfaor-
Bessie Kidder, spent a portion of last gh T 'nd wiU undoubtedly
.-mb- .;;,;.. r.:j : r- no a goou business at his new stand, the
....... .iciiuiK 1 1 icim; iu cugene. -j
; ruui ut me noeeourg meaier. I
Rov Stearns and wife, of Oakland, are '
in this city today. Mr. Stearns is look-'
ing after the business of E. G. Youne A
Co. j
Wollenberg Bros, have a most artistic
window display comprising the very lat
i est patterns in ladies' dress goods and
Best secret service men on Pacific
coast at your command, railroad, batet,
bank, mercantile secret serviee done ;
evidence gathered in all criminal and
civil cases. Beat of work guaranteed.
Address all communications to Lock
Box No. 756, Roseburg, Oregon.
If in doubt what you want for spring
wear take a look at I. Abraham's show
windows. This is applicable to both
ladies an.! gents.
Prof. Ray Henderson recently closed a
very successful term of school at Klkton.
He is at present assisting Connty School
Snpt. F. B. Hamlin in his office.
L. A. Greenley of the Fisk Assay Of
fice, left Saturday morning for his lime
properties in Douglas county, where he
will commence burning the rock and
manufacturing commercial lime. He
will be away from Portland for several
weeks and expects to keep up the work
all summer Portland Telegram.
California has just been stormswept
and her "ideal.' climate has been
According to the Medford Mail be-1 tured with a windstorm that skurried
tween 2500 and 3000 acres of new
Shop one door south of Mrs. East
man's Jackson St.
Nothing bnt the BEST LEATHER
orchards have been set out in Jackson
county, Oregon, the past season.
Prof. J. E. Patterson of Dillsrd, and
Prof. J. H. Hobbs, of Wilbur, two of
Douglas county's most competent edu
cators, spent Sunday in Roseburg
It is observed that Rice A- Rice, the
hustling house furnishers, are display
ing an elegant line of Brussels and In
grain carpets and Japanese mattings in
their show windows, marked at and be
low Portland prices.
over the country at the rate of 100 miles
an hour. Meanwhile old Oregon eiovea
along serenely and calmly in the even
tenor of her way proving conelat-ively
that ahe has the most even temerel
climate on the coast.
V. S. Patterson, the painter, went to
Salem Sunday morning to do the paint
ing and decorating on A. Mosiers new
residence at that place.
Charles Summers of Yoncalla was in
this city Saturday placing orders for
building material to fill several contracts
for buildings which he has on hand
Ed Labree left this morning for Port
land with a carload of cattle. Mrs. La
bres will leave tonight for Portland to
visit with her sister for a short time.
"The Moonshiner's Iaughter" de
lighted a large audience at the Roeeburg
theater fast Thursday evening. The
play, while of the blood and thunder
order, was so well presented that the
numerous gun plays were excusable
Owing to the smalluess of the stage, the
company could use but little of their
own vtiery and the familiar battle
scarred and weather- worn tcenery of
the local theater caused a groan of dis
gust to escape from the audience. The
management might at least paU-h cp
the holes in the old scenerv.
Missionary Entertainment
Mr. Arthur Burroway will give an en
tertainment at the S. I' A. chun-h in
West Roseburg Saturday evening March
22, proceeds to go to the foreign mi-eion-ary
fund. Mr. Burroway's entertain
ment consists of a variety of fine selec
tions on one of the very latest improve 1
graphophones, his being one of the fin
est instruments ever brought to Roee
burg, it is said.
Urge Stock Ranch for Sale
We have a limited amount of screen
ings suitable for chicken feed that we j
offer for sale in quantities not lees than
one hundred pounds. IH uglas Countv
Mills. tf
Ry McClallen will leave Friday for
Pendleton to commence his duties as
private stenographer for W. J. Furnish.
Mrs. McClallen and little son Donald
will join him early next month.
A little of the old time western diver
sion still crop out in this highly cultur
ed and refined county occasionally as
will be seen from the followind note
token from theGlendale Ntws : "Shoot
ing on the streets at night and other
lawlessness should be stopped. There
is no fun or pleasure in such actions,
and fatalities may result from stray
A large black bear was killed Snnday
afternoon on Upper Cow creek by C. R.
Buschmann. The animal was a fine
specimen and came to his death during
the windstorm. He seemed to have
been scared out by the severe wind and
did not take into consideration that bul
lets are more difficult to dodge than
falling timber. News.
Hay For Sale. In car innA ln
Wood and hay for sale. Leave orders i wriU) r. A. perry Medford 0rew)n f
prices. tf
with J. F. Barker & Co.
Oar Installment
Plan will fur
nlih jour
b o ui e eon
plete an easy
1 905
Our Installment
Plan will fur
nltb your
home com
plete on eaey
Ingrtin Carpctc; hear? weave an'', choice colorings: itront' durable; per yard
35. 55. 60, 75 AND 80 CENTS
Velvet CerjjeUjjjlS'h deilgnt; sp-cial. per yard $1.00, $1.10 AND $1.40
Bru.ell CayKthc- latent Hylen ri.-b designs, per yard. 65, 75, 80 AND $1.00
A- X. Meniftere Brass lis: beautiful designs, per yard ... $1.35 AND $1.40
Mrs. 8. M. Kelly, who has been re
ceiving medical treatment for rheuma
tism in one of the Portland hospitals,
arrived here Thursday from Oakland,
where she has been visiting for the past
week with her mother, Mrs. Rossell,
She was accompanied home by her
niece, Miss Minnie Brown, of Oakland,
who will visit here for a few weeks.
District Attorney Geo. M. Brown has
returned home from Cottage Grove and
Eugene where he has been looking up
evidence in the attempt upon the life of
John Fletcher by John Branton. Mr.
Brown states that the case was a moat
interesting one to work upon it being so
much like the former Branton case,
where Claude, a brother of John, was
convicted of m order a few years ago,
H. W. Clark, toe veteran traveling
salesman of Wadham A Co. of Portland,
is soon to retire from active service
He will be succeeded by R. C. Vaught,
a well known traveling salesman. Mr.
Clark, who is a civil war veteran, has
traveled in this territory for over 20
years and his annual visits will be
missed by those most intimate with
him. Mr. Clark, alter seeing the Lewis
and Clark fair will visit England and
several European countries before re
turning to the Pacific Coast.
Assessor Staley'g troubles have com
menced as the blanks for the industrial
and military roll of Douglas county have
been received from the Secretary of
State, and Mr. Staley is at a loaa to
know in what way it would be most
simple for his deputies to handle them.
The sheets are so large that it will be
very unhandy for the average county de
puty to handle his;blanke, with assess
or's book, pen and umbrella undera tree
n severe storm, while water ia dripping
off him and the farmer, whose bands
are besmeared with Oregon soil. These
blanks may be all right in counties like
Multnomah, but in rural counties they
are all wrong.
Mrs. George Bart let arrived in this
city Sunday to visit friends for a short
time. Mr. Bartlett is at present em
ployed in this city looking over land
titles for the O. A C. R. R. Co.
F. B. Waite returned to Roseburg
Friday from a business visit to Coos
county. Owing to the recent storm he
was unable to arrive here in time to at
tend the funeral of his father.
A few days ago Sam Knight met a
large black bear while in the mountains,
he had no gun with him so bruin went
on his way unmolested but Mr. Knight
aays he will have a good gun handy
next time. Mail.
A fine tock ranch containing 1000
acres: j00 acres prairie: 100 acres
ila?hed, hurnel and seedt ; ISO acres
light scattering brush ; ISO acres heavily
timbered with old growth fir and white
cedar; well watered with numerious
living springs ; nearly all fennd : fairly
gvf house and good barn Will keep
fi-.- li to 150 head of cattle. II miles
from Myrtle point on county road.
Trice $12 M per acre. Roberts A Carter
Mvrtle Point, Oregon. nUaaSO
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our appreciation
of the kindness of our many friends and
neighbors, in our bereavement, who as
sisted us by their words of By m path v
and acts ol kindness, to comfort in our
great loss of husband and father.
Mil- B. B. Brockway and iamily.
Hne Watches and Jewelry
Ntw Shirt Waist Suits. New Shirt Waists.
New Ladies' Shirts. New Silks for Shirt
Waist Suits. New Tan Shoes for Ladies.
First Opening of Ladies' Gage Street Hats on Tuesday, Harch 14
A Speedy Des
truction of
Squirrels, Goph
ers, Rats, nice.
Crows, Etc.
To Gophers and
Tbe best article
yet prepared for tbe
destruction of these
farm pests.
None ran under thu hetd mill bo cb.rrt-1 '.or
at lue rmtr of on cnt . word Jor to in-vmotu.
So drMiljemnjt taken for lts thn len real
Society Heatings.
WASTir To txehmnjre a rood bicTcle for
drains kom Apply to box XTi, HoMiri. Or.
TYPEWRITER- Sun TypewrlKr In foo' con
dluon for talc for 3J. em: IIS. Call at Plain
dealer office.
WASTED--1 to lou in RoMbanr. centra:.
Uh ir Ilhour !mtr.v. t.n. .. mn.t h
rlM:caah- Addreai r . o box 'TT. Soar bora
F. 4 A
Hald reeular meetings c
mo'h. J. T. Bridges. W. M
S. T. J 1 wiTT, Secretary.
I LAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meets oo 2nd and 4th
Thnrsiaa fit a.mfY u,tK a , tK. T
M. Laare; Lodg So. 13. i O. O. F. Visitin members in
eecona . good star :r invited to attend.
Mrs. A. B. Fickle. Unardian Neighbor.
Bell Morian. Creek
Second aad Fourth Thursdays.
Carts CsasaaaOM
Mrs. B. W. Clearwater. Kan
writes. My husband lav sick for three
months. The doctors said he had qnick
roneurupUon. W e procured a bottle of
Ballard's Horehotind Syrup, and it cured
him. This was six years ago and since
then we have always kept a bottle in
the house. We cannot Jo without it.
For coughs and cold.- it has no tvjual.
25c, StV and f 1.00. For sale bv A. C.
MarstersA Co.
BR 0. ELKS. Bosebarg Lodge No.
326. Holds regular eommnnica-
lions at I O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thsiakn of -v. ...
I All members requested to attend recu
! iarlv and a.", riaitinE brothers are cordi
ally inwited to attend.
C. B. Caxsos, K. R
Rot MoClallts, Seer tar t.
State teachers' certificates have been
granted to S. P. Htewart, Roseburg; J.
D. Baughman. Riddle; I. JL Patterson,
DtDatd; Miss Maude Jtagon, Baker
Citv. A state life diploma was granted
to Miss Aura D. Thompson, Roeebnrg.
A baseball team has been organized
by the Roeebnrg High School boys with
Eogene Jewett, captain ; B. F. W agner,
manager; Ross Uoodman, assistant
manager, (iames will probably be ar
ranged with other school teams, both
north and south of here.
Dale Strange, who formerly held a po
sition on the Plaindealer is fitting up a
portion of the room in the Salaman and
Beard building, formerly occupied by
the Allen A Gilbert Haymaker Piano
House, for a job printing office. Finia
Dillard and Charles Anderson will occu
py the other half with a real estate office.
Special sales by Htearna & Chenowith
Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other
sewing machines $15.00 and np; water
pipe ; wire, plain and barbed; cut and
wire nails ; the only guaranteed black
smith coal ; two carloads Page: woven
wire fence, the only tempered wire fence
for sale. n8 U
Horace T. Jones of Roseburg and K.
S, Suelling of Portland have been look
ing over conditions in Curry for several
days and spent a few days at Port Or
ford. They are bright, affable, capable
young men, but did not state whether or
not, they would locate in this section.
Port Orford Tribune. They are special
land office agents and are more liable to
locate some of the Curry county timber
For sale, Toulouse goose eggs now
ready, from prize winners, 25 cents each.
Send in your orders early : eggs limited.
AddressFJ. A. Kruse, Hoseburg, Ore
gon. (m!5p)
Clingenpeel, the jeweler, ene aver,
optician and watchmaker has jaal re
ceived a fine new stock of vlocks, 1 ..lies'
watch fobs, riugs, watches and other
fine jewrelry from which he has rem ved
the tariff, which places it witl in re i
of all. Call and sec him. Next .l.-.i i.
Myrtle Creek's Election.
The city election was held Monday
and this is the way it looks now. B. A.
Hunsaker, mayor; J. Dunnivan, W.
Kramer, J. Hall and C. R. Mc.iee,
councilmen; C. O. White, recorder ; L.
L McKenney, Treasurer.
All holders of the W. R. C. quilt
tickets are requested to be present Fri
day evening, March 17, at eight o'clocki
at the Foresters hall. Committee
Wedding at Starvout
8. Jones and Mrs. S. E. Rondeau were
united in marriage March 11, 1906, at
the bride's home at Ptarvottt. The
ceremony was performed by Justice
Montgomery in the presence of a few
near frineds and relatives.
Far aa laaaired Aspctilc
Loss of appetite always results from
faulty digestion. All that is needed is a
few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
I.iver Tablets. They will invigorate the
stomach, strengthen the digestion and
give you an appetite like a wolf. These
Tablets also act as a gentle laxative.
For sale by A. C. Marsters k Co.
.O.N. U , meets at Armr.r Hall
Thursday evesmi, at 8 e'clock.
F. li. HiEua, Cap.
10. O. F.-Philetarian Lodge No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Case streets, on
;atardaT evening of each week Mem
bers of the order in good standing ar
invited to attend.
. H. O. Lewis, N. O.
.T JEwrrr, SecrsUry.
OE. 8. Roeebnrg Chapter No. g
Holds their regular meeting oa tbe
first and third Thursdays in each
nonth. Visiting member? in n I
tending are leeuectfollv invited to at
tend. Maade Rast. W. M.
Regina Rest Secretary.
sembly No. 106, meets second aad
fourth Saturdays of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting members
will receive a cordial welcome.
A. C. Marsters. M. A.
Mix viz Joxas, Secretary.
Camr No. 126. Meets st the Odd
Fellows' Hall in Roaahnr.
at and third Monday evening. Visit
8 neighbors always welcome.
J. M. Bridges, C. C.
N. T. JEwrrr. Clerk
Kof P.-Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet
eyery Wedneedav, in t. O. O. F
Hall at 7:30 p. m. Members in
food standing are invited to attend.
Jar. A. Prrrt, C. C.
M. F. Wright, K. of R. s 8.
There are few people that realize th
)' great benefits derived from Osteopathic
treatment, until they have tried it.
Ten shoo id raveetigate.
City Trtasam'i Naoct.
Notice is hereby given that all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Sept. 10, 1903, are requested to present
tbe same to the city treasurer for pay
ni. -nt, as interest will cease thereon af
ter the datfe of this notice.
Dated Koeelmrg, Ore., March 7, 1986
City Treasurer.
Chtjp Nan, windows and MsaMiags.
Sykes A Carroll have moved their
plumbing shop from the old Flook
building on Main street to No. XU Jack
son street, the building formerly oc
cupied by F. F:. Hands Cigar Store, and
are prepared to handle anything in the
plumbing and tinning line. Phone No.
261. ,f
BOOUE WILLIS-In Roseburg, March
16, 1J05, Dr. C. K. Bogue and Miss
Minnie Willis, Rev, Oeo H. Bennett,
HECK-MKDLEY. At the residence
of the bride's parent- in Oak land Sun
day March 19, 1905, Helen Medley to
Walter Beck, Rev. Leonard officiating.
RUBELL At Oakland Ore. March 18,
1906, Mrs. L. R. Rubell, aged 83 years
and 6 months. The remains were
shipped to Eugene for burial Sunday.
All curablo diseases respond more
readily to Ostiopathic treatment than
by any other known method.
For guaranteed dental work go to Dr.
J. P. Johnson, laatist, Grave's build
ng. 49U
To Advertisers. The judicious Rise
bug advertisers should not forget the
twice-a-week Plaindealer. It circulates
throughout the length and breadth of
the !' in ;-;na valley and it is capable of
helping wonderfuly in extending the
trade of Roeebnrg business men, which
will be good for all the people of the
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the Rose
burg post office
Brown Mr PC
Cones Wm
Kn.tnett Mr Louis
Nurre Mr J J
Simmonda U S
Todd Mrs Deliia
Vanconant Frank
Persons calling for these letters will
please state the date on which they are
advertised, Mar., 20 1905.
The letters will be charged for at the
rate of one cent each.
C. W. Parks
Egga for
R. Mynatt.
No. L
S. L Wyanotts
ale at $1.00 per setting. L.
Roeeburg, Oregon, R. F. D.
A Urand Ball will be given at V ilson's
Hall, Melrose, Or., March 34, 1905, H.
E. Wilson, Manager. tf
Stanley's, in the room adjoining the postoffiee
have several hundred dollars worth of first-quality
merhandise that must be sold immediately. Our
Hugo ie store is overstocked with goods, hence we
brought a stock here and are now giving you the
chance of a lifetime A CHANCE TO BUY MER
You can now buy at retail for less than regu
lar wholesale prices.
Some of the beet goods manufactured dozen's of patterns from which
wtl". $2.50 to $12.50
Regularly they would sell at
55.00 to $25.00
$2.00 to $7.50 a Suit. A Big Saving on Any Suit Yon Choost
Knee Pants Suits Ages 4 to II years. 7Si to $3.95 a Suit
For Men and Boys, 3Sc to $1.50
You niake from 25c to 1.80 on any Hat in the lot by getting it her
On Men's. Boys', Ladies' and Missea' shoes we can save you fully
one-third your money.
Nevligee and Golf Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders, Socks, Neckwear
and Handkerchiefs at Half Price.