The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 16, 1905, Image 3

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ladies dress goods we have ALLthe latest styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waists, Suits and
Cotton Goods, also a full line of Novelties.
For Men, Youths and Hoys we
Before making your purchases
HARVEY JONES, Proprietor
Rates $1.00 per day and upward
Meals served from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m
New Brick, New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. P. Depot Grounds . .' ." ."
l A r nnr i
jyov? 1 1 1 l i u l a nn
n J:
v.'iu ivuiuies are me
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
BWS " 1
White Pine
Ttiis reliable Expectorate Cough
Cure is bard to beat for the winter
coughs. It has both expectorating
and sedative qualities, checks exces
sive coughing yet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
spiratory tract to throw off any of
fensive material.
A full 4 oz bottle ior 25c,
Shop one door south of Mrs. East
man's Jackson St.
Nothing but the BEST LEATHER
Wood And hay for sale,
with J. F. Barker &. Co.
Leave orders
1905;::' ,
Oar installment
PUo wiU far
nlih your
b o Li e com
plete on easy
Ingrain carpet ;
lirnry weave and
35, 55, 60, 75 AND 80 CENTS
Velvet CarpeU: rich designs; special, per yard $1.00, $1.10
Browell CarpeU the latest style; rich designs, per yard, 65, 75, 80
A. X. Menlstera Brussels: beautiful designs, per yard... $1.35
and ;
have the best line of Clothing in
in spring goods look at our line.
Local and Personal.
I aW Kefore coming to Roseburg to
, trade, readers are requested to exam-
ine the Plaindealer advertising col-
umos. It's the active, wide-awake
business man who advertises, conse
: quently he is the most accommodat
j ing. sells the cheapest, and deals the
most uoeraiiv in even' wav.
Thousands if home
seekers are com-
Mrs. S. D
this city.
The taxes
Willie is visiting friends in
are pouring in and the
kicks out.
short lav off.
H. E. Gilvin is taking a
E. L. Fraley left Tuesday morning for
the east to visit relatives.
I. B. Riddle, the Riddle druggist, is in
this city on business todav.
O. W. Taylor, the S. P. trainmaster
was in this citv on business this week.
Dr. C. E. Bogue of Myrtle Creek is in
Roseburg today on important business.
f on. D. S. K. Buick, who has been
icported ill, is able to be on the streets
Harry Loydd and E. R. O'Hara of
Marshtield are registered at the Rose
burg House.
Brakemcn C. Bacon, C.
and G. H. Churchman are
ti. ir- week.
C. Nielson
laying oft
Yardman F. H. Westbrook is laying
i ff tnd Milo Atterbury is in his place on
the da vard crew.
Ttie county is full of telephone com
panies and ther- will be a hello at every
farm house eventually.
J. W. Hobbs, the international reve
nue inspector is looking after the gov
ernments business in Roseburg.
F. H. Kribe, the timberman, was a
passenger on this morning's local re
turning to Portland from California.
Several changes in real estate have
been made during the past week and
r-ome new buildings are to be erected
The special car, "California," bearing
the following railway officials was in
Roseburg yesterday : Supt. L. R. Fields,
Division Engineer R. L. Itonald and
Master Mechanic T. W. Younger.
The Roseburg broom factory is again
in operation and will soon be caught up
in their orders. A carload of excellent
I room corn arrived this week enabling
them to resume work today.
James Wagonblast and little danghter
Geneva, left on this morning's local for
Woodburn where the little one will visit
a short time with relatives. Mr. Wag
onblast will attend to business matters
in Portland.
Roy McClallen has resigned his poei
tion with the Title Guarantee and Ioan
Co. of this city and will leave Moaj for
Pendleton where he has accepted the
position of private stenographer to Hon
W. J. Furnish.
James In man of Looking Glass is in
this city on business today. His right
hand which was broken sometime ago
is mending as fast as could be expected.
Mr. In man reports everyone in the best
of spirits in the Looking Glass valley.
May I or Sale. In car load lots
write I. A. Perry, Medford Oregon, for
prices. tf
Our Installment
Plan will fur
n I b tooi
borne c o in -plete
on easy
durable ; per yard.
choice coloring!; strong
the city, in STYLE, CUT and
New railroad
Coos Bav.
rumors are afloat on
A word to the
wind wasted.
wise is just so much
Mast Douglas
through seeding.
county farmers are
One day this week twenty-five
grants arrived in Forest Urove.
D. Perozzi of the Ashland creamery
was transacting business in this citv
this week.
C. L. Reed of this city is in Detroit,
Oregon where it is bis intention to move
if he finds a suitable business location.
There are few people that realize the
great benefits derived from Osteopathic
treatment, until they have tried it. You
should investigate
If it is a billious attack take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
a quick cure is certain. For sale by A.
C. Marsters .V Co. tf
Mrs. E S. Anders, who has been re
siding with her son J. L. Anders of this
city, left T uesday morning for Eugene
where she will reside.
Nearly every body is busy now plant
ing garden, cleaning up their yards,
building fences, painting and in other
ways improving their residences.
If late frosts should destroy half the
blossoms, there would still be plenty
of fruit on the trees, which in this
county always over yield unless thinned.
T. J. Williams the Wilbur merchant
was in this city on business vesterdav.
He informs us that the rural mail deli-1
very out at that place is giving the beet
of satisfaction.
W. P. Johnson left for Myrtle Creek
last night with a crew of men to work
on the reconstruction of the portion of
the big flume which was blown down by
high winds last Sunday.
James Arrance the machinist has
just finished a rock carrier and hoist to
be used by P.J. McCormack in the
mining properties. He is working for
eastern parties near Myrtle Creek.
It is stated that ; considerable damage
resulted to the flame of the Johnson
Lumber Co. at Myrtle Creek by the
high wind of Sunday, several hundred
feet of the flume being blown dowu
Passenger conductor P. H. Tynan is
laying of! and visiting at Hot spring,
near I -a Grande. Conductor Sam Veatch
has taken Mr Tynan's place on trains 15
and 16 between this place and Portland.
Archie Llewellyn, sustained a dislo
cation of the wrist and elbow of his left
arm by falling from a tree on the play
ground at the Public school Monday
afternoon. Dr. DuGaa attended the
Two young Salem men are gathering
Oregon grape roots for the market. This
is a new departure in the field of indus
try and will be watched with interest
Oregon grape root possesses great medi
cinal qualities.
Dr. H. L. stud lev the Osteopathic
Physician cares acute and chronic
diseases, corrects deformaties and
removes foreign growths. Consultion
free. Phone or call for appointment.
Office in Abraham duilding. tf
Scions from apple orchards at Hood
River, Oregon, are in demand by nurs
erymen in the east at a thousand. An
orcharding can prune his trees sad at
the same time make big wages selling
the cuttings. It pays to have the beat
and a reputation to go with it.
Some marriages come rather high.
cost Lee Plenard of Cottage Grove $53
$3 for license and $50 as a fine for mar
rying his cousin in violation of the state
law. It also coat him his wife who ia a
young girl and who has been sent to the
boys and girls society at Portland.
raruicm iooa ior a nuns per crop in
both frnit and cereals this year. If yon
will take a look around over the valley
and foothills you will see that every nook
t .
and corner on most of the farms is being
cultivated this year. Land which hai
been allowed to lie untouched for sever
al years is in grain or prepared for
other crops. The acreage in cereal crops
has doubled thm year.
Beat secret service men on Pacific
coast at your command, railroad, hotel,
nana, mercantile secret service done ;
evidence gathered in all criminal and
civn cases. Heat of work guaranteed.
Address all communications to Lock
Box No. 756. Roseburg, Oregon.
ine Moonshiner's Daughter" which
comes to the Roeebug theatre March, 16
truthfully depicts the strenuous life of
the rugged mountain folks called
Moonshiner's in their fight for exiat
ance, and repelling their greatest enemy
the revenue officers. The play abounds
in thrilling situations and strong
climfcxea. A beautiful love story is in
termingled throughout the action of
tne play. There is also plenty of the
comedy element.
for female
W. W. Thompson of Cole's Valley was
a Roeeburg visitor this week.
8, L. Fortin, of Coles Valley, is
tered at the Rosehurg House
K. T. Blakely of Oak Creek and J. F.
Wright of Glide are registered at the
Mi flail
T.J. Burnett
Brewer of Myrtle
and wife and T. K.
Creek are registered
at the McClallen.
Mrs. A N. Orcutt and little daughter
were visiting with relatives and frieudB
in Oakland Wednesday.
Notice tirst otening of ladies and
Missea readv-to-ware hats from Masch 7
on, at tin' Hell Sisters.
Ladies and Misses ready-to-wear bats
in beautiful shapes and shades, to lie
seen at the Bell Sisters.
Mrs F. L. (iollings, of Junction, who
has been visiting Mrs. Q. Carson, of this
city, returned home this morning.
M. W. Pruner of Riddle favored the
Plaindealer with a pleasant call while
transacting business in Roseburg Thurs
day. O. H. Buell, F. M. Strickland, Wiley
E. Miller, Rev and Mrs. A. C. Vernon
were- among the looking (ilass people in
town Wednesday.
D. Y. Allison has closed his plumbing
shop in Cottage Grove and is now locat
ed in this citv, where be is in the em
ploy of Bridges V Marsters.
Wednesday evening cloeed the rebate
business on this year's taxes. There
has been a grand rush at the sheriff's of
fice for several days past.
F. E. Alley, the well known abstractor
started on a trip to Coquille and Gold
Beach today to loox after business mat
ters. He exMVt to be alwent about
! ten davs.
The funeral of the late S. M. Waite
was held at the Masonic cemetery North
of Roseburg Wednesday and was largely
attended by old pioneer neighbors and
friends of deceased. The last sad rites
were conducted bv Rev. E. H. Hicks.
In response to frequent inquiry about
the district fair we are informed by
Secretary J. M. Williams that a fair
will be held this fall, but it has not yet
been decided whether Eugene or Roee
burg will capture the event this year.
Eugene Register.
Kelly A Banks, of the Empire Livery,
have just received a shipment of fine
rigs for their barn in this city. The
rigs are five in number a fine carriage.
thr buggies and a Urge, three-seated
hack. They are tine rigs and
shipped directly to Kelly A Banks
the factory in St. Louis, Mo.
For some time paat State Game War
den J. W. Baker and his Roseburg
deputy, Foe Hodson have been work
ing on the case of one Slavin on the
charge of killing elk. One day this
week Slavin was given a hearing at
Corvallis and entered a plea of guilty,
whereupon he was only fined 25 bv
Judge Burnett.
B. Fenton the proprietor of the Rose
burg Myrtle Point stage line arrived in
this city yesterday with a load of pas
sengers from the bay county. Mr. Feu
ton reports the roads ia tine condition
He drove in from Brockwav in one of
bis fine new spring stages which was
manufactured at Brockway, by Bol
singer and Bowen. This is one of the
finest wagons ever used on the line.
A gentlemen from Michigan spent
several days in Roeeburg this week look
ing for a new location, having grown
weary of the severe winters of the mid
dle northern states. He went to Mvrtle
Creek to look at a farm which he con
templates buying in that vicinity and it
t understood that upon his impressions
of the country and decision relative to
locating here depends a similar conclu
sion on the part of thirty families which
he represents.
Hon. J. Henry Booth has just been
elected cashier of the Douglas countv
bank by its board of directors, a position
which be is thoroughly competent and
particularly well qualified to fill, having
had several years experience in the
banking business at Grants Pass before
his appointment as Receiver of the
Roseburg land office. He has accepted
the position and entered upon his duties
in this bank. Hon. J. T. Bridges has
been succeeded by John F. Kelly, as one
of the directois of the bank.
K L. Dillard passed his final exami
nation before the State Board of Phar
mar y at Salem 1 uesday. Out of a clasi
of twentv-six he was one to receive the
very highest average, which ia very grat
ifying to his many Roseburg friends
By diligent study and careful applies
tion to business Mr. Dillard is now
classed among Southern Oregon's com
petent and thoroughly practical drug-
gists. He has held a position with the
Marsters Drng Company of Roeeburg
for some time past with which company
he will remain.
"The Moonshiner's Daughter" which
ia to be presented at the Roeeburg
theater Thursday evening March lt, ia
a new and orginial melodrama in lour
acts. A thrilling story, abounding in
strong and novel climaxes ia interest
ingly told. It ia a play that appeals to
all classes of theatre-goers, and is one of
the few genuine successes of the season.
Tbe theme of the piece deals principally
with the revenue service, the danger
and excitement attendant in hunting
down and capturing the moonshiners in
their mountain retreats. There is a
strong, healthy sentiment underlying
the play from beizining to end. An at
tractive feature of the entertainment is
a number of high class specialties which
are introduced.
We have a limited amount of screen
ings suitable for chicken feed that we
offei for sale in quantities not less than
one hundred pounds. Dtoglas County
Mills. tf
Whole and cracked corn for sale by the
liouglaa County Flouring Mills. tf
Osteopathy ia a specific
disorders or nervousness.
Probate Orders.
In the matter of the estate of John H.
Shupe, deceased ; sale of real property
by the administrator confirmed and
deed ordered made to purchaser.
In the matter of the estate of Her
man Roth, deceased; J.D.Hamilton
apKinted admin istrator, and Jas. A
Sterling, W. H. (iray, and W. H. Law
rence appointed appraisers.
In the matter of the guardianship of
Ida E, Belle, Katie G, and Reuel (iray,
in answer petition of guardian Mary C.
(iray ; ordered that each of the heire le
allowed f 10 to purchase necessary cloth
ing, school supplies and other necessi
ties. The case of W. R. Vinson vs. John
Thorn, wherein the plaintiff seeks to
recover $110 for the loss of a boar, was
heard by Justice John Ing at the
Court bouse Tuesday afternoon. The
jury returned a verdict in favor of the
In the matter of the estate of G. W.
Hoover, deceased ; Saturday, April 16,
1906, at 10 o'clock a. m. appointed time
for hearing petition for settlement of
final account and distribution of residue
of said estate among the heirs according
to law and the will of said G. W. Hoo
ver, deceased .
Large Stock Ranch for Sale
A fine stock ranch containing
acres : ti00 acres prairie ; 100
slashed, burned and seeded ; ISO acres
light scattering brush ; I'JO acres heavily
timbered with old growth fir and white
cedar; well watered with nunierious
living springs ; nearly all fenced : fairly
good house and good barn Will keep
from 130 to 150 head of cattle. 16 milee
from Myrtle iwint on county road.
Price $11'. 50 per acre. Roberts A Carter
Mvrtle Point, Oregon. ml3ni30
Fine Watches and Jewelry
Clingenpeel. the jeweler, engraver,
optician and watchmaker has just re
ceived a fine new stock of clocks, ladies'
watch fobs, rings, watches and other
fine jewelry from which he has removed
the tariff, which places it within reach
of all. Call and see him. Next door to
AH holders of the W. R. C. quilt
tickets are reu-eted to lie present Fri
day evening, March 17, at eight o'clock,
at the Foresters hall. Committee
HAYS-FETTER At the residence of
Geo. H. Bennett in Roeeburg, Ore,
Wednesday. March 15, 1905. L. Pearl
Fetter to John Hays, Rev. Geo. H.
Bennett officiating
The contracting parties are both resi
dent of Coos countv.
LARSON DIM MICK At the office of
Justice of the Peace Ing. Wednesday
March 15. 1h05. Hazel Dimmick to
Carl I .arson, Justice John T. Long, of
Mr. and Mrs. I -arson are both rest
dents of ii rant Pass from which place
thev arrived Wedneedav morning and
returned on the evening local of the
same day.
MARTIN In North Roseburg, March
1 lift"., to Mr. and Mr. A. W. Mar-
in. a ttov.
A V inter Tale.
When old winter's robe of whiteness
Palls upon the dust orirn land
VPlth a gvntle. soft politeness.
Hldlnar a'.l the grime and sand.
Then Instead of gvlng sleighing
Pown the avenue tn style
We are apt to be displaying
Fare measured by the mils.
When the ice on lake and river
He aa smooth as polished guuo
Banting No; we ahake and shiver;
Nothing can our woe surpass.
Hoarsely do we moan and mutter
As we chill and gasp and sneess.
Coughing aa each word we utter.
"Kindly pass the muslarvl. pie
When the fierce north wind gets busty
With the stuff that he can mix.
We. with Influenza dizzy
Don't appreciate hla tricks
Then we do not care to listen
To the tale the poet telle
Sinai n- that the anowfiakea g'.l t.-n.
Singing of the chiming belia.
When our aching teeth all chatter.
When with cold our hands are blue.
We conclude It doesn't mstt.r
What the poets say or do
Lt them go and catch a frightful
Cold that settles tn the head;
Winter then won't seem delightful
Then they'll sat the things titer va
"Think I can't keep a secret do your
"Yes, I do," replied her husband.
"Well, I've worn an old hat trimmed
over again for the past two months,
and I haven't told a soul yet. so there."
A Modern Guess.
"Pa, who was the noblest Roman of
them all?"
"I don't know. Some fellow with the
largest banana push cart I gueaa."
A Free Ride.
The world Jogs on through space. I
Borne miles a second, more or lass.
But here's the wonder of the trip
At such a merry, breakneck clip.
That soma great trust with lordly aire
Ia not around collecting faxes.
Too Bad.
"Does jour furnace keep you warm
this weather?"
"No; we are so cold that we are hot
about It all the time."
Thinks Didnt Match.
"I thought be Intended to get mar
ried." "So did he, but the girl told him be
had another think."
Only OmanxntsL
Ha was an expert on the bars,
A heavy hammer ha could throw;
His punching baa; showed ghastly
It broke hla back to shovel snow.
Had Warning.
"8he married a burglar
knowing it"
"Strange she didn't suspect when be
stole her heart'
Not Fincable Offense.
"Moat aaythlng Is allowable in war."
"Yea, even stealing a march Isn't con
sidered bad form."
Work of Art.
While seeing Is believing.
It isn't, I'm afraid.
With some sweet girls' complexions
They may be drug store made.
New Shirt Waist Suits. New Shirt Waists.
New Ladies' Shirts. New Silks for Shirt
Waist Suits. New Tan Shoes for Ladies.
First Opening of Ladies' Gage Street Hats on Tuesday, narch 14
Nonce, run an
st tbe rale of o
No adTeillsemi
TV PEW HlTgR- sua Tre writer to goo- con
diuon (or sale for I J). eot H5. Call at Putin
dealer office.
ANTED--.1 lot lots in Rosebafg. centra:,
with or without improvements . pvtes nut be
ribt;caah. Address P O. boa Eosetorf
CarH Coaiaraptioi
Mr. B. W. Kvans. Clearwater. Kan .
write. My husband Ixt sick (or three
months. The doctors said he had quick
consumption. We procured a bottle of
Ilallard's Horehound Syrup, and it cured
him. This was six years ago and since
then we have always kept a bottle in
the house. We cannot do without it.
For coughs and colds it has no ejual.
i"K. 50c and 1.00. For sale by A. C.
MarstersA Co.
Far aa latasirrd ..acute
Ixms of appetite always results from
faulty digestion. All that is needed is a
few dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and
l.iver Tablets. They wiil invigorate the
stomach, strengthen the digvetion and
give you an appetite like a wolf. These
Tablets also act as a gentle laxative.
For sale bv A. C Marsters A Co.
Gty TrtAnrtr'j Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all partie
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Sept. 10, lttftt, are requested to present
tbe same to tbe city treasurer for pay
ment, as interest will cea.e thereon af
ter the date of this notice.
Pated Koeeburg, Ore., March 7. 190.").
H. C. Bum m,
Citv Treasurer.
Cheap Doors. Windows aad Naaldiags.
Sykee tt Carroll have moved their
plumbing shop from the old Flook
building on Maiu street to So. 21K Jack
son street, the building formerly oc
cupied bv F. E. Hands Cigar Store, and
' are prepared to handle anything in tbe
. plumbing and tinning line. Phone No.
I Ml. tf
To Advertisers. The judicious Rcee
bug advertisers should not forget the
twice-a-week Plaindealer. It circulates
throughout the length and breadth of
the D mpqita valley and it is capable of
helping wonderfuly in extending the
trade of Roeeburg business men, which
will be good for all tbe people of the
WANTED. Capable men and women
for census work and to act as represen
tatives in this and adjoining territory
for ntagaxine and music business of old
Established House. Our catalogue list
over 3,000 magazines and 5,000 selec
tion of music at cut prices. Salary 18
per week. Experience unnecessary,
but good references required. Address
Sprague Wholesale Co., 270 Wabash
Avenue, Chicago, 111. fttf.
S. L Wyanotts
Eggs for Bale at $1.1X1 per setting.
K. Mynatt. Koeeburg, Oregon, K. F.
No. 1.
Victor Phippe came in
thie morning.
from Ruckles
A Grand Hall will be given at W ilson's
Hall, Melrose, Or., March M, 190!S, H.
E. Wilson, Manager. tf
For guaranteed dental work go to Dr.
Soity (tiogs.
4 A. M. La a re. Lodgo So. It
nxd. meeting on gecotsn
and f orih Wednesdays of -h
i mon'b.
S. T.
J. T. BmiDGi
W. M .
. O. ELb. Roeebor Lode Nav
3-rj. Holds reu:ar commnnicsv-
tions at I O. O. F. Hall on aomnsT
and fourth Thursdays, of each month,
i All members requested to attend regu-
1 larlv and all visiting brothers are cordi
lallv invited to attend.
C. B. Cannon . R. K
Rot MeCLALLrs, Secretary.
O.S. j., meets st Armory Hai! eyerw
rharsday evenir at 8 e'eiock.
F. il. Hamlxst. Capt
O. O. F. Phtietanan Lodae So. L
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Case streets, nr '
Saturday evening of each week. Mem
bers of ths order in good standing arj
invited to attend.
H. O. Lewis, S. O
S.T Jews-it, Secrsury.
of P. Alpha Lodce So. 47. Mmi
every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F
Ha:i at 7:30 p. m. Membra n
good standing are invited to attend.
Js. A. Perbt, C. C.
M. F. Weight, K. of R. 4 S.
Stanley's, in tho room adjoining the postoffice
several hundred dollars worth of first-aualitv
ha vi
merchandise that
Euge le store is overstocked with goods, hence we
brought a stock here and are now giving you the
chance of a lifetime A. CHANCE TO BUY MER
You can now buy at retail for less than regu
lar wholesale prices.
Some of the beet goods luannfactnred
to make a selection,
Suits from
Regularly they would sell at
$2.00 to 57.50 i Salt. A Big Saving on Any Suit ri Choose
Knee Pants Suits Ages 4 to II years, 75c to $3.05 a Soil
For Men and Boys, 35c to $1.50
You make from 25c to gjjj on'any Hat in the lot by getting it her
On Men's, Boys', Ladies' and
one-third vour monev.
Negligee and Oolf Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders, Socks, Neckwea,
and Handkerchiefs at Half Trice.
ILAC CIRCLE. So. 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meet on '2nd aad 4th
Thursdays of each month at the I.
O. O. F. 11-'.'.. Visiting in em he is in
(rood star ' n- ? invited to attend.
Mas A. B. Fickle. Guardian Neighbor.
Beil Mohan, Cube
Second aad Fourth Thursdavs.
E. S Roeeburg Chapter So. ft
Hoids their regular meeting on the
first and third Thursdavs in each
aasstL Visiting member ia gord
staasMcg are respectfully invited to at
tend. Maude Raft, W. M.
KetrisM Raft Secretary .
sembif So. 106, meets second and
fourth Saturdays of each month, in
Native Sons!' hail. Visiting members
will receive a cordial welcome.
A. C. Masstebs. M. A.
Minnie Jones, Secretary.
Camr So. 128, Meets at the Odd
Fellows' Hail, in Rosebart. every
Drat and third Monday evening. Vtait
ing neighbors always welcome.
J. M. Budges, C. C.
S. T. Jawrrr. Clerk
There are few people that realize the
great benefits derived from Osteopathic
treatment, until they have tried it.
Yon should investigate.
be sold Lmmediatelv. Our
iosen'e of patterns from which
$2.50 to $12.50
to 25.00
Misses' shoes we can save you fully