ROSEBURC PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BY THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY Mont mm x7. offc con mm add oak Entered In Ihe Post Office at Rosoburg, Oregon, u Second Clis Mail Hatter in in'.-. W. C. CONNER, Editor SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES Semi-Weekly One Year; t-X: Semi-Weekly Six Mouths, $1 00. Cash in Advance. Advertising Rates, 50 cents per single column inch per month. Locals, i coins a line. 1905 MARCH 1905 Sm. Mo.Tu. We.Th.Fr.Sa. LJTT JL JL J. JLJL Ji Ji J2 J3 J4 J5J6J718 9 20 2 22 23 24 25 26l2728 29130 31 THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1.)05. THE OREGON STATE CENSUS The new census law having failed to pass the recent session of the leg islature, the state census will be tak en this year in accordance with the old law. Secretary of State Dunbar has already placed an order with State Printer Whitney for the neces sary blanks to be used by the assess ors. The law provides that the county assessors shall enumerate the popula tion of the state, the number of legal voters, the number of males and fe males residing in the state, and the following general information as to the general resources of the state to wit: The number of bushels of wheat, oats, corn, barley, rye, apples and po tatoes raised; the number of tons of bay: the pounds of wool, tobacco, cheese and butter; the ounces of gold dust; feet of lumber: barrels of sal mon, and number of mules, horses and cattle raised and produced during the preceding year. The ascertaining of these facts will devolve upon the assessors, who shall turn the rolls over to the clerks, who will in turn make a copy to file in his office and then turn it over to the secretary of state. The enumeration will probably be gin about the first of May, as the law provides that it must be begun before the 10th of that month. The method of proving up on home steads has been changed by rules re cently adopted by the department at Washington. A special government agent will visit all the principal towns of the land district each month on a specified date for the purpose of tak ing homestead proofs. The land of fice will advertise for proof in the lo cal paper nearest the land and those having proofs to make will meet the agent on the date fixed. The new role is designed to prevent fraudulent proof of resident or claim. Under the old rule proof could be made to a uniiea states commissioner and a special agent visited a locality only where there was fraud suspected. Over in Linn County the other day a cow was killed by lightning. After the storm a farmer came along and seeing the dead cow went to the house of the owner and said: ''Jim, your black cow's been struck and killed." "Is that so," answered the cow's owner. "That was the best cow I bad. She was worth $550 at least. What train struck herr "She wasn't hit by a train," said the first farmer. "Lightning struck her." "Oh, well" said the owner of the cow, "I thought it was a train. Well, I don't care much. That old cow was not worth over $10 anyhow. With an appropriation of $500,000 for the Lewis and Clark Fair, another of $156,000 for The Dalles-Celilo portage roai, and $100,000 for a rightof-wafor The Dalles-Celilo ca nal, all in tke interest of Portland, it is hardly becoming in the Portland newspapers to complain so bitterly against the appropriation of a small amount of money for Normal schools to be expended in other parte of the state. Statesman . New Jersey is ready to tackle the mosquito as a state problem and ex pects to spend a million dollars fights ing the pest. The mosquito will be prepared to fight New Jersey and her guests from July to frost this season without any addition to their usual resources. There are .thirty varieties in the state and every single one of them can bite. The glorious climate of California received a great jolt this week when a severe and destructive storm swept over the entire southern and western part of the state. Several lives were lost and much damage resulted. Bet ter come to tranquil, balmy Oregon. Indiana has passed a sweeping bill prohibiting the manufacture and sale of cigarettes in that state. The president is wise in placing entire responsibility in the land fraud proceedings upon Hitchcock who by this time begins to feel the weight pressing down upon his shoulders. The burden of proof rests with the government and failure to make out a case will be Hitchcock's undoing. Already the reports from Washington indicate weakness of the case against Congressman Hermann. Mr. Rockefeller is going to build a million dollar home in Kansas. It looks as though he might feel some thing like General Sheridan said about Texas that for peace it would be bet ter to rent his home and live in hell. ln that greatest of all subterranean bores the Simplon tunnel the way has been shown to turn the Chargres riv er out of the Fanania canal ditch and to make a lockless sea level water way possible. Those who think that President Roosevelt's fight with the trusts will be indecisive do not realize what a strenuous man backed by the country may be able to accomplish in four years. Tom Watson's new magazine is a bigger success than Bryan's Common er. It is ablv edited. Musings. Sweet are the smiles a man's wife hands him on pay day. Dave West says the average man meets temptations about three-fourths of the way. Of course its hard to believe, but more than likely you were considered a handsome baby. Vol. L No. L Canyonville Echo, arrived. Harriet E. Scoville, proprie tor. Neat and newsy. A New York youth lost $3,000,000 in less than three seconds recently. The heiress said "No." We are not worried aboat the beef trust. What we want is a butcher that will trust ns for the beef. Jim O'NewIand says you don't have to be an Irishman to join in the wear ing of the green tomorrow. The basketball season b as closed : the baseball season is jnst opening ; bat the highball season goes on forever. When a girl becomes engaged her mother always says it is hard to give her up, but she may think otherwise. "God save the young men from stylish women T exclaims a Portland preacher. No power less mighty can. It is said that paper money will carry germs for a month. It is a flush man, however, who can carry it that long. No editor need feel al armed. It is presistently rumored that there may be a change in the style of evening clothes. Nightshirts and pajamas are still correct for the late ter part of the evening. The Baltimore professor who thinks it would be well to chloroform all men when they reach the age of 60 says nothing about the woman, probably because he realizes that no woman ever gets that old. HOMESEEKERS ARE POURING INTO OREGON It is estimated that more than 2,000 homeseekers have landed in Oregon daring the last week on colonial rates over the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company's lines and the Northern Pa cific, and as many more have been tak en into Washington. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming have also secured a share of the colonists. A large number have brought household effects, farming im plements and even livestock, says the Portland Journal. Reader and Impersonator Myrtle Katharine Treritte, the pleas ing reader and impersonator who has delighted ;audiencea from one end of the country to another, will give one of her entertaining readings at the M. E. church Saturday evening, March 25. Miss Trevitte's appearance upon the platform is very pleasing and atie ren ders a program of superior excellence. Her unassuming, unaffected manner lends a charm to her well selected read ings that one seldom sees. tf Wildwood Mill to Start The Wildwood lumber company which owns the large steam saw mill near the end of the O. AS. E. track above Wild wood has decided to put the mill in active operation. There is an abun dance of logs in close proximity to the mill and a large amount of lumber mav be expected to soon be passing over the railroads to other states. Mr. L L. Smith a well known saw mill man has been placed in charge of the mill. John Hunter of Roseburg is one of the princi pal stock holders in this mill. A verdict for the defendant was ren dered by a jury Tuesday afternoon in the case of W, R. Vinson vs John Thorn wherein the former sought to recover $110 damages for the loss of a boar, al leged to have been killed by a third par ty at the instance of defendant. The case will be appealed to the circuit court. Dry Fir and Oak Wood. J. H, Hol lis has purchased Geo. Collins wood yard in this city and gives notice that he is prepared to supply either drv Fir or Oak wood on short notice and at re asonable prices. Phone main 1507. BROOM FACTORY RESUMES OPERATIONS A carload of tine Oklahoma broom corn arrived at this place for the Rose- burg broom factory Tuesday and the manufacture of brooms has been re sumed by Mr. Barker in the Kinney headquarters building which he pur chased for this purpose in North Rose burg after hie plant was destroyed by fire during the holidays. Quite a num ber of orders for local dealers are being tilled, they having withheld placing or ders elsewhere, rightly preferring to patronize home industry. Their action in this matter is appreciated by Mr. Barker who has been putting forth com mendable efforts to re-establish his plant. Yoncalla News. Mrs. Susan Allen was an Oakland visitor for a few days recently. Mr.Westfall has recently enlarged and otherwise improved his residence. Mrs Claude Hockett returned laet week to her home at Grants Pass after a visit with her hut band's parents on Maple Cr-ek . Mrs. George Cart w right left here for Watsonville California Sunday evening to visit her mother and daughter besides many other relatives. There is but little regret expressed at the tearing down of old barns and houses but we will be glad when the promised brick buildings are a reality. For the benefit of those who do not know we would say Maple Creek is the creek and neighbor, north of Scotts Val ley, formerly known as Thief Creek. The party given at the residence of C. tioea King Tuesday evening iu honor of Miss Eva was highly enjoyed by those present. There was about thirty guests. After social games and conversations such as young people find delightful. A delicious lunch was served and all went borne glad they were among the invited guests. Eighth Grade Final Examination. Supt. Hamlin has received the follow ing circular letter from the State Super intendent which we publish for the beo etit of the schools of the county. "The dates for eighth grade examina tions for I'M'' have been changed as fol lows: April 11, 12 and IS ; May IS and 19 ; June S and 9. The new law govern ing eighth grade tinal examinations will be in effect May IS; hence the May and June examinations will be held in ac cordance with its provisions." Teachers having classes for examina tion upon either of these dates should notify the Superintendent at least thirty days in advance that the proper ar rangements for holding the same may be made. The "new law" referred to in circular letter as going into effect May 18 pro vides that the Chairman of the Board ol Directors, or some member of the board appointed by him, assisted by the teach er shall conduct the examination in each district having a class that is pre pared to take the same. The teacher must first certify to the superintendent that each applicant h i completed all the work of the eighth grade and is pre pared for the final examination. The Chairman of the Board of Direct ors is required to be present daring the entire time, and is to be paid for his en-ices at the rate of two dollars per dav. Weather Report. D. S. Weather Bi-hkac Office, RosEBiKti, Ore. Week ending 5 p. m.. Mar. 15, 1 i05. Maximum temperature 77 on the '.Uii Minimum temperature, 38 on Mh Rainfall for the week, 0.04 Total rainfall since 1st of month 0 04 Total tainfall from Sept. 1, 1904, to date, 18.7ti. Average rainfall f-oin Sept. l to date 27.25. Total deficiency from Sept. I, 1U04, to date, 8.49. Average precipitation for 28 wet sea sons, 33.57. Thos. Gibson, Observer. $300 Tax Exemption Though he has not given a formal opinion upon the subject, Attorney General Crawford says that he believes the present exemption law places a lim it of 1300 upon the total value of proper ty to be exempt from taxation. Unless further investigation of the subject leads to a differeut conclusion he will advise any county assessors who in quire that they should allow no house holder more than 300 exemption. Profitable Employment A. O. Rose, of Roseburg, is engaged ii appointing Oregon agents to represent a large and reliable Chicago firm to in troduce their new automatic spring scissors and latest books. Boys, girls, men or women are appointed either on salary or commission. If interested call on or write A. O. Rose, Roseburg, Ore. City Marshal's Notice All parties within the city of Rose burg are hereby notified to clean up all streets, alleys and yards of all rubbish of every kind within ten days of this date. All parties failing to comply with this notice will be taken before the city re conler and fined. March, 1, 1H06. D. J. Javis, (D City Marshal. Invaluable for Rhei rrutism I have been suffering for the past few years with a severe attack of rheuma tism and found that Ballard's Snow Liniment was the only thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pains. March 24, '02. John C. Degnan, Kinsman, Ills. 25c, 60c, $1.00 Sold by A C. Marsters & Co. Caller Nellie, is your mother in? Nellie Mother is out shopping. Caller When will she return, Nellie? Nellie (calling back) Mama, what shall I say now? LETTERS OF MRS. GOEHNER Addressed to Friends Prior to tier Suiciding Last Saturday. Following are translated copies of the letters left by Mrs. Geo. Goehner to her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoff man, written before her suicide at the home of the latter in this city Saturday night : RoFetmrg, Or., March 11, 1905. Dear Gborok: I do not feel able to come home and take upon myself niv duties, and I ltear upon you hut one burden : to let nie end my sorrowful existence. I am sorry I did not come to this conclusion sooner; it would have saved me much pain and yourself and others much money and trouble. Please make everything right with Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman. I only hope I will buc OBfld in my last deed. Do what is right with Michael. Please dress me in my black silk dress from sister Doris. I wish I had written a few words to Michael, but I cannot. Please do me a favor by not getting downhearted or worrying, but sing the hymn of Martin Luther, "It us Thank Ood." I gup pose you still remember the air. Be glad that my sufferings have ended. Forget me as soon as possible and be happy. With heartfelt regards and wishes, from your true but unfortunate Rati. P. S. If I did anyone any wrong, I ask their forgiveness. Roseburg. March 11, 1905. Mr. and Mr. Hoffman. My Beloved Fries ds: I thank yon heartily for your true love and good at tendance which yon have shown to me, the unfortunate. I cannot look through all this trouble and have therefore come to the conclusion to die. You , my dear friends, will sorely grant my last wish by mailing these letters. My httwu will make everything all right. With my last hearty love from your suffering, unfortunate Mrs. Kate Gomnub. P. S. Please dress me in my black silk dress, it was the wish of my sister 1'one. I did not have the opportunity to finish the two sofa cushions which I intended to send to my niece. Please do so this mv last wish on earth. Real Estate Transfer. Hezekiah J and Cordelia E Robinett to Alfred R D.)wns s nw4 eeV sw'4, 8W!4 nw4, sec !J tp 27, s. r 3 w, tisoo. Geo W and Mary L Prior to i. M Donekel parts of sec I, 6, 12, 7. tp 2tl, 5, ti west. ftiOOO. Enoch P Anderson to Lizzie May Hahn, part of sec 19, 87, 4 west, fl, Enoch Anderson to Frank Hahn part of sec 19, 27, 4 w, 1. Ada M and H D Yett, A E Maryl and L L Marsters w of lot 6 blk 4 town Yoncalla, triOO. J D Hamilton to Dora C Hamilton, part of lots 7 and S, bik 41, Roseburg. 1. Malinda Crouch to Samuel B Crouch, parts of sees 10 and If, tp 25 s r 4 w, 1200. Charles W and Retta E Hodges to Sarah A Simmonds, part of sec 14, tp 30 B w, $325. J R and Hannah Daniels to Ralph Hutchinson, part of sec tp 27, 6 w, mo. Fannie Roberts Miller to Maurice Abraham, Mollie Mack and Albert Abraham, lot in Olendale, f 1. W F and Ixira A I.auman to Clyde Beckley, lot 1, blk S, Yoncalla. $1. Sarah Applogate to C Ros King, lots 2. 3, 8 and 9, blk 5. Yoncalla, $1500. C Ross and Blanch D King to Flora E Applegate, lots 6, 7 blk Yoncalla, f3-'0 George and Florence E Applegate to McGrady W Daagherty int in part of sec 34,22 5 w, $1. Harriet A Bly to Geo W Prior, e,' of T N Grabble D L C No 5870, nw'4 sw'4 lot 4 sec 38. lot H, 7 sec 20. Part of w1... of Geo Hannan D L C No 42. Except 10 acres all being 3tiS acres in sec 28, 2t, 32 and 33, tp 2tf, w. $7000. Clements and Nellie Shilts to Miles Cecil part of lot J 5, Gabbert's Second Addition to Myrtle Creek, $250. Thomas F Ward to Charles W Rger8 and Frank A Todd, se'4 set ti, tp 24, 8 w $750. J C and Dee E Aiken to Charles H Medley, blk 18, R R Ad.lition to Oak land, 8I0. J F and Martha J Daugherty to Mc W Daugherty one-third interest in e 2-3 of lot fi blk 4, Yoncalla, 11. John J ami Emma J Eggers to John J Sommer, w net,', sei nwt,, nw1 sel4 sec 7, tp 20, w. fSOO. Walter S and tjueenie B Hamilton to Saloma Duncan, sw'4 nw-4 sec 8 37 a r 4 west. united states patbsts U R to Wilfred R Peters, n1, nw-4', wwifi nv,li nw'l4 32, 30 9 w. U 8 to Samuel M Kelley, n set,, ne K sw, se'i nwjtf, 34, 24 3 w. CStoAlbert'G Rockwell, lots 1, 2 and w'i ne'4 24,21, 9 w. U S to Christ Hanstad, se'4 sec 2, 32, 9 w. U S to Eliza C Hatton, t se'4, B', ne'4 sec 2rt, 30, 2 w. U S to Matilda S Webert, ne'4 sec 24 tp 20, s r 7 west. U S patents have been granted to the following persons: Elisabeth Hilton, Anna Redmond, James O Grant, Daniel H Harnett, John Redmond, Emil Koppe, Ulysses G McClure, Gertrude A Vanatta, Nora Kohlhagen, Phil Buckley, Addison R Smith, Millie E Werschkul, Thomas A Brandon, HessieM Crawfoid, Bettie K Humphrey, Hans O Festoog, Erwin Yake, Mina B Jansen, Libbie K Coshow, George H Coehow, Lenore Powell. Reported by Frank E. Alley, Abstract er. All curable diseases respond more readily to Ostiopathic treatment than by any other known method. WORK OF FIFTY- EIGHTH CONGRESS (Continued from first page) teen American republics were ratified. Arbitration treaties with seven Euro pean nations were ratified after amend ment, but did not become operative. A Philippine Public Improvement law was passed, authorizing commission to guarantee interest on bonds for rail way system and provide for bonds to build public roads, school houses, sew ers, etc. Increase of navy was authorized bv two battleships and 1000 marines. The department of Commerce and La bor was directed by the House to inves tigate the alleged Oil Trust. House passed Railroad Rate, Pure Fowl, Ph lippine Tariff and Panama Canal hills, and live measures for im proving the steamboat inspection ser vice. The Hay-Bond Newfound land ) reci procity troaty was amended. A comprehensive trade mark law was perfected and an international copy right law enacted. The total appropriation for mainten ance of the national government for one year to June SO, 1908, was, in round nnmhers, 8I8.000.000, against the total of $ 7SI 000,009 last year. Aggregate appropriation of entire Congress was approximately $1,509,000, 000, again! $1,253,(183,003 by the 67th Congress. Representative Hemenway, Chairman of House Committee on Appropriations, in making the nsual financial statement at the vioe of the session, said : "It now looks clear, beyond any question or doubt, that there will be no deficit." Brockway Items. Miss Ethel Kent went to Dillard last Monday. Earl Agee was visiting friends here Sunday. The wind storm did considerable dam age here Sunday. School is progressing nicely with K. S. Moody as principal. Clyde Heater was visiting at Geo. Bro sies' residence Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L B. Nichols attended the funeral of S. Willis' son. Misses Ethel Kent and Mollie Thomp son visited our school last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Simmonds wers visiting Mr. I. H. Winget last -un lay. Mies Agnes Thompson, of Roseburg was visiting her folks at this place last week. Roscoe Bolsinger and Yernon Johns ton attended the shooting match at Wnston. Mr. Bolsinger and family of this place were visiting relatives at Rice Creek Sunday. tiny Barge passed through our streets on hie way to Dillard. What's the at traction G uy? Mrs. B. B. Brockway and daughter expect to go to California on Saturdav, March Hth. Our road boss, R. A. Hersher, has been doing some good work on the roads the past week. Miss Mae Seal-ring and Prof. Patter son, of Dillard, were visiting at '.. W, Parker's last week. Roy Simmonds gained the champion ship for the quickest solutions in the arithmetic match last Friday. Walter Johnston, son of W. S. Johns ton, was badly hurt with a ball bat while playing base ball last week Mr. William Mills of Missouri is visit ing H. Davis folks. Tin Tatlxra. Glendale Items. David Noe has been appointed city marshal vice Nelson Jones, who resigned lately. Mrs. Florence Dewey left for Northern California last week to remain indefi nitely. Miss I.ucretia Klliff is at Roseburg visiting friends and attending to some legal business. W. P. rotten and family are visiting Mrs. Tottens parents. Mr. and Mrs. Olinghouse, near Binger, this week. W H Redfield is at Hot Springs, Ark,, recuperating, he having been in poor health for some time. S. C. Jones left last night for Boise City, Idaho, where he may locate. He is one of our best citiseas and we regret his going. Ill health makes a change of climate necessary. Mrs. H. H. Chivington of Redding California, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs E. E. Tot tin of this city left last night for Days Creek to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Be ds. Miss Maud Nail, the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Nail, who is spend ing the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Bald win, at Klamath Falls, is becoming quite famous as a writer. Miss Maud is a very popular lady and her friends in this valley are gratified to hear of her success. Azalea Lodge D. of H. filled tbe vac ancy caused by the death Mrs. Allen Lane by installing the following new of ficers, Miss (ienevieve Roberts, C. of H ; Miss Myrtle Wall L. of H. ; Mrs. Ena Mortensen, C. of H. This lodge is in a prosperous condition and new members are being added at every meeting. A heavy wind storm passed over this valley on Sunday, and the wind attained a velocity of 00 miles an hour. Thou sands of cords of timber were blown down. There were some narrow es capes made by persons who were out riding when the blow came on. Tele graph lines all went down, roofs were blown off, and a general shaking up was experienced by all. Residents of this valley who had formerly lived in Kan sas began to feel quite at home by the time the breeze was over. Mrs. Margaret E. klerrin, Past Grand Chief of Honor and district deputy Grand Chief of Honor, is in the city and will preside at a called meeting of the Azalea lodge, D. of H., this evening. Mrs. Herrin is one of the leading ladies in lodge work and is well known all over the state. She is beiug entertained by Mrs. Margaret Wall. Moixia Dillard Notes D. J. Noah has his blacksmith shop in operation again. Mr. Madden is slowly recovering from his recent illness. Gardening is the order of the day, the ground being in fine condition. Miss Burge and Master Guy Burge were visiting friends here Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Simmonds, who has been sick for about three weeks, has fully re covered. Mr. Grant Clayton has moved off the Lamb place and expects to move to Roseburg shortly. Mr. Williams, of li.per Olalla. was visiting with his daughter, Mrs. G. W. Gage, the first of the weak. Prof. J. E. Patterson received notice that he had passed his examination and would procure state papers soon. Fruit trees, such as peaches, plums and apricots are in full bloom. Apples, prunes, pears and cherries will be blooming in afew days. Mrs W. L. Cobb returned to her home in Roseburg Saturday morning after spending the week visiting her sis ter, Mrs. H. C. Miller. The high wind on Sunday evening blew down considerable fence in this commnnity and some small outbuildings bnt no serious damage resulted. Master Mechanic L E. Milledge re paired the suspension bridge here Mon day morning. The high wind Sunday loosened one end of the walk. He says he drove some spikes. M. L. Norn- killed a coyote here last week. E. L Rice's fine dog pursued it to its death. This makes the second one these dogs have run down this way and Mr. Norris shot them both. Mr. J. A. Eggers left here on Sunday morning's overland for San J, Cal., to look lor a location to move his family he haying sold his place here with the intention of msving to California on ac count of his health. A number of friends and neighbors were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seabriog on Maple Avenue Friday evening. The evening was spent in musk and playing dinch. About mid night light relreshments were served. Those present report an evening well spent. tuite a nam her from here attended the funeral of the late Albert 8. Willis at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Willis Thursday last. The re mains were interred in the family bury ing ground on Willis Creek. Tbe fun eral services were conducted by the Rev. C. H . Lake of the Episcopal chore:, of Roseburg. O. I- Willis and eon Clyde were down from their ranch on Willis creek Mon day. Varna Csssr Treatartr's Mstkc Notice is hereby given that all parties holding county warrants endorsed prior to, and including, March 6, 1903, are re quested to present the same to the coun ty treasurer as interest will cease there on after the date of this notice. Dated Rose bury, Oreg., Mar. 15, 1905. G. W. DlMMICK, Countv Treasurer. Special sales by Stearns A Cbenowith Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other sewing machines $15.00 and up; water pipe; wire, plain and barbed ; cat and wire nails; the only guaranteed black smith coal ; two carloads Page woven wire fence, the only tempered wire fence for sale. n3 tf For sale, Toulouse goose eggs now ready, from prize winners, 25 cents each. Send in your orders early ; eggs limited. AddreaeE. A. Kruse, Rosebarg, Ore iron. vml5p Farming Tacainery Repaired janes en oce s aucis saw a pair Eoslne. Boll . AotomoMela. Itcycle, 11 kind of Hi.: MachlMrr, Farm Math: aery, U Mower, all kinds of Grinding and Polish Ins done at the Car Waahiagtaa says KasM SCa. W. M. H8ISIN & GO. 711 WK STREET MACHINE WORK Of ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY : BICYCLE SUIMIS UD tt P4IMK : CMIMC. SAW CUMHIIC f MRS. H. EA6TON is prepared to wait upon old J anH imvrnitiim.rfl.nH lpi..J. with a fall and complete stock of GROCERIES All fresh and of the verv quality. Tea aad coffees are a p i - . ' . iuiii I'miuuHge solicit d. 4 os Jcckaon St.. Rtveburg f --w specialties. Yonr patronage STAM MERINO CURES (nnrantec to cure any case of ttam inetltig or stnttering. Ouree are iiermaiieni and terms reamniable. Pupils on leaving si hool talk per fectly natural as though they had never stammered i PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAMMERERS 150 ELEVENTH ST. PORTLAND. ORE. j Bargains Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to 12 OA Swell line of Conbiiation Cases Ranging in Price from $15 to $28 Take a look at onr Bnffets From $25.W to $38.90. :: :: B. W.STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN iitiiiiiittiitiiiti(iiiiiiii(ntiiiii FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES A complete stock of all the best brands and grades of staple and fancy Groceries. New and fresh goods on which we have removed the tariff. All kinds of early vegetables and fruits kept con stantly on hand. Highest market price paid fur all kinds of farm produc. KRUSE & UP-TO-DATE JUST ARRIVED FIGS HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS asbb CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL Anything yoa need for a Frmit C&Ke er Mince Meat J. F. BARKER C0. Phone 201 BROOMS Merchants rrcorw vnur utatara for the ROSEBl ICti BROOM r AC TORY which il i re-rstahlihed and ready to nil ordn- early in March. R. S. BARKER, SEE aaawsaaaaaal i"aT ff' -aaw .HaanVaTsa GETTING READY TO PAINT You want the best, no doubt, and thafs just what wo have. Carter's Strictly Pure White Lead. Kalcimo Pure Boiled and Raw Lineed il an J All the other ns.ential.. BEARD & Read All of This. For sale A Rood, first class, well pay ing Grocery. rteaaon for selling Engaged in other business. Good buy-This store is a good bay for some one because of location rl.r nees of stock and good trade. Price Twelve hundred dollars. Partner Would take nartner l'nr u . I X int. if he would take charge of busi- ueB bv reasonable salarv .-i.u i.;. share of profits. Address Box 343, Roseburg, m 3 for all ;riEWLAr1D GROCERS NEW STOCK i FINE CHINA WAKE V! !'. - i rrade higher than the ordir a-v ustom made broom. Prices iu competition with Coast Joblrs. A TALE OF WOE manr -n-n h ive to vll that U.eir line i don ip at h .n.e. .At as prffjM laundry m you et th- perft ;i-n ol olor and the tvanty of fini-h that makes o:ir establishment famous, for onr fa. i ities r pcrfe t and up t. l..t, and we , :nt v n y exprl4. tli .t can show o. h evidence i th-ir h le.'icraft as is imi on the superb w k at R MBBUM STRUM LA USD : CULVER Adnrnistr.t'.ors Notice. In ihc Count; Tour! of for MmixIu rounir. S ml o( Oru In ihr macvr ai ih . .t: ftsaaaamW Ptua r, rvc.,il Noucs U hrr,by '.vw:, h.t th. timlerne4 hM N-t-n .luly .prv, ntlu.y th. , ol thsteorvs-.a.for sasasja. t of ihr ol ft, n.a rua. Sr . il vri.! AH p-r-.ns hvuis c'!m ni ,t oltl estate ar. hereby required tram M ., , m Properly eria. by nm r-., r-.t. t l oie. Valley within n mouth, ir.., a he OJ. Dmted this inj ,i , March. .... s '-'TIN, Administrator ,.( ihe ,ti t. ror. llu, deceased. i f