NAN PATTERSON IN COURT AGAIN New York, Feb. 28 Justice Gaynor, in Brooklyn, in the supreme court today, adjourned the habeas corpus proceedings in the case of Nau Patterson until Wednes day, owing to the inability of Assistant District Attorney Rand to be present. The young actress was brought over from the Tombs in a cab and was met in the courtroom by her father, who kissed her tenderly. Her face shows the effects of her long confinemeut, but she seemed delighted to secure even the temporary release from prison quarters. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CUTTING DOWN EXPENSES San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 28. A second cut in the motive power and car construction force of the Southern Pacific system, covering the nounced for tomorrow. On February 1 ten per cent of the employees in those departments were laid off and it is giv en out that on April 1 there will be a third ten per cent re duction. This affects a total Angeles to Portland. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If yon want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house. If you want to move a house SiTSd01. F F. pattern GETTlNfi READY TO PAINT You fcant the best, no doubt, and that's just what we have. Carter's Strictly Pure White Lead, kalcimo Pure Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil and All the other Essentials. BEARD & L Bargains Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $2 00 Swell line of Combination Cases Raogiig in Price from $15 to $28 Take a look at oar Buffets From $25.00 to $38.00. :: :: B. W.STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN m in it It is a poor man's chance and a fine investment for others. Write for free cata logue, it will tell yon all about them, a treatise on walnut culture. BROOKS & SONS Walnut Nursery Carlton, Ore. JUST ARRIVED NEW STOCK : FIGS FINE CHINA HONEY WARE ALMONDS WALNUTS BASINS CURRANTS CITRON i CROCKERY LEMON AND : GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL : Anything yom need for a Fruit Cake or Mince Meat ! J. F. BARKER SCO. Phone 201 Prof. J, A.Sibbets Practical.... Instructions Oa;Vieli a, Maae, Or a a , Guitar Maolia, Coraet. Clariaette. Beginners will receive moat careful attention : leave orders at Bmrr'sfMaiic House Notice to Creditors. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned will call at the office of R. W. Marsters, Room 5, Marsters building, and settle the same rj efore Feb. 15, 1906. M 16 p CP. Davis. whole Pacific system, is an of about 1500 men from Los Contractor sad Builder Reeebng Oregos. CULVER for all I We are experts in walnut work. Have the leading soft ehell varieties, abnndant bearers at early age. Ore gon is the trae home for walnuts. STAMMERING CURED Guarantee to cure any case of stam mering or stuttering. Cures are permanent and terms reasonable. Pupils on leaving school talk per fectly natural as though they had never stammered :,::::: , PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAMMERERS 150 ELEVENTH ST. PORTLAND. OK. Myrtle Point and vicinity bad ISO marriages last year. The number breaks the record, and Cupid must have worked overtime. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Bute ol Oregon lor Doug) Count jr. Nancy Jane Wolker Plaintiff VII Amelia H. Sheppard and Wm H Shepparu, her husband. Delendsnts Notice U hereby given that by virtue of an execution duly issued ont of the above named Court and cause, on the 4th day of Febiuary. 1905, upon a Judgment and decree duly laaktaaatl and entered in aald court and caue on the i:th day of January, 1905, In favor of the above named plalullff Nancy Jane Welter and against the above named defendants Amelia M. Hheppanl and Wm. H. Sheppard, her husband, for the sum of one thousand four hundred and fourteen lollars and thirteen cents (tMMJS) srltk In terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the ISth day of January, 19n5, and the further sum of trii.00 attorneys fees with in teroet at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 1.1th day of January, 1905. and the further sum of taJM paid for taxes for 1903, and the further sum of f .V 40 costs and disburse ments and the costs of and upon this writ of execution, commandlug me to make sale of the following described premises, tow if Begining at a point on the west boundary line ol the Thomas Stevens Donation land Claim No. forty (40) in section nineteen (19) township twenty-seven (27) south of range five (5) weat, eleven and twenty-eight hundredths (11.28) chains nortl. of the south-west corner of aald donation land claim number forty (40): thence west sixteen and seventy hundredths (16 70) chains: t hence north thirty-eight and fifty-one hundredths (SSM) chains: west nine and seventy hundredths (9.60) chains: north seventy-four degrees tifty minutes west: twelve (12) chains to the east boundary line of the Aaron Rose Donation 1-aud CUlm No. 89: thence north to the south-west corner of Ihe Caro pro perty, leltig on a line with the north side of Washington St. if extended at the point where the north line of Washington St. would inter sect. If extended, the east boundary line of Die Aaron Rose Donation Land claim No. 39 thence south sixty two degrees esst. two and fifty hundredths (2.SO) chains: thence north twenty-eight degrees east: four and thlity two hundredths (4.22) chains: thence east one il) chain to the land formerly sold to Acnes Hlacklock: thence south to the south-west corner of the land sold to Agues BlscLIjck thencv east two (2) chains, to the south-east corner of the land sold to Agnea Black lock thence south night and eighteen hundredths (vis) chains, more or las to the south-west corner of the land previously sold to George M Kills: thence east twenty-six and filly hun dredths iliS-JO) chains to the west boundary of the Thomas Stevens Donation Land Claim : thence south eleven and fifty hundredehs (11.50) chains, more or less to the place ol beglnulng. and being a part of sec ion nineteen (19) lu township twenty seven (27) south of range rive (5) west, and containing ihlrty-two (x2) acres more or less, excepting from the above the one-half acre sold by Susannah Bowen to D. C McClallen and A. A. Fink, the deed for which is recorded In Vol. 33 at page 112, Re cords of Deeds for Douglas County, Oregon, all lylug and being in Douglas County, Oregon. Also lots three (3) and four (4) in block "Q" In Hsssel's Addition to the city of Roseburg. Douglas Caunty, Oregon together with ail and singular the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenance therewith belonging or in any wise appertaining. Now therefore in compliance with the com mands of saM w rit, I w ill on Saturday the nth day of March, r'( st one o'clock p. m of said day. at the court house front door, in Roseburg, Douglas connty. Oregon, sell at pnblic auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for 1'nit.d States gold coin, cash in band, the above de cribed reatl property, and all the right, title and Interest the said defendants had therein on the Srd day of April 1903, or since has had An.! will apply the proceeds first to the payment ol the costs of snch sale, and the costs and disburse ments herein taxed at 140.20: and the farther sum of $12.96 being the amount ol taxes and to the payment of the sum or 1 :. attorneys fees, and to the payment of the sum of 11414 13. dne the plaintiff with interest lheieon at the rate of six per cent per annnm from the 13th day of January. MM, and the overplus if any there be pay over to the defendants, their assigns or legal representatives as bf order of said court in said execution to me dtrecri-d, commanding me to sell the above described real property in the manner provided by la. Hated this Ma day of February, 1905. H. T. sfcCLALLEN, sheriff of DongUs County, Oregon. Notice for Publication. cnlted -tates Land Office, Koseburg. Ore.. Nov. I, 19M. ssotlee is bar. by givan that la compllanea with to provisions ol ths act ol Congress of Juns S, )? snUtlad "an act lor the sal ol timber lands In to Slates of rallfornla. 'regon Navsds .and Washington Territory, aaeitand ed to all th. sakU. land stats, by act ol A nans i,uax FLOW E CREECH, of Aberdeen, coontv of Cbebalt. slate of Washington, has this slay filed In this office his sworn statement So. fi-'SM or the purchase ol the t )f sef4. se'4 nv and lot 1 . of section No. 4 In township No. 2 s of rs west aad will oflar proof to show that taa land soog at Is mors vaiuabls for Its Umber or sums thaa tor agricultural porpoaaa, and to sslabllsh his claim baton the Kaalslsr and Iflisi of this fflo of Bowssurg. Orwgoa. on Fridav, the 17th day of February 196. He nsmes as witnesses: Geo Turner. Warren Beatty, David L. M si tin and V. 1. Levengood, all of koseburg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advetcly Ibe above deacrib d lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or belore the said 17lh day of Feb. 1SQ6. 1. T. BRUHiaM, N2&P Register. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Mute of Oregon lor tbe County of Douglas Jeptha 'ireen. Plaintiff TS Frank Reed Defendant Notice Is hereby given that by virtue ot an execution and duly issned nut of the above named court and cause, on the 9th day of February, 18u5. In favor of Jeplha Green and against said Frank Reed for the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars and Thirty cents. 1150.30, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the 14tb day of January, 1906, and the further sum of Twenty five dollars, t2f attorn' ys fees with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per tent per annum from the 14th day of January. 1905, and the further sun of Tea dollars and Twenty rents. 110.20, costs and disbursements and tbe costs of and upon this writ of execution commanding me to make 'sale of the following described premises tn-wlt: The south west,quarter, 8W14 of section 26 Tp 21 south of range 9 west of Willamette meridian in Douglas county, Oregon, containing lfio acres attached in said action on the 7th day of December, 1904. Now therefore In compliance with the com mands of said writ, I will on Saturday the 18th day of March, I9O5 at 1 o'clock p m of said day at the Court House front door In Rose bun?, Douglas county, State of Oregon, sell at pub lie auction, subject to redemption, to the high est bidder, for Cnlted States gold coin cash In band, the above described real property and all the right, title and Interest the said defend ant had therein on the date of said attachment, to-wtt. the 7th day of Dec, 1904, or since hss had therein to satlsly said writ of execution and all accruing costs. H.T. McCLALLKN, Sheriff of Douglas county, Oregon. W. M. HODSON & GO. 711 OAK STREET MACHINE WORK OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY : BICYCLE SUNDRIES AMD REPAIRIHC : CRINHlG, SAW CUMMIRG Special attent:on is given to the treat ment of nervousness, indigestion, con stipation and female disorders by tbe Otesiopathc physician. Notict or Restoration of Public Lands to Set tlement and Entry. rjKl'ARTMKNT OP TIIK INTKRIOK, (Jen crm i.Hiiu umoc. Washington. I. c, Jan nary f, 190f. Notice is hereby irivcn that m December IS, 11)04, the Secretary of the Interior released from withdrawal and restored to set tlement the public lands in the following de scribed aieas which were temporarily wlth diawn on August 3, 190:1, lor proposed additions to 1 he Cascade Forest Reserve; and that the said public lands so released Irom withdrawal and restored to settlement on Daaasahsw IS 1S04. will become subject to entry, tiling and selection at the United Slates land Offices for the respective districts in whicll the restored lands lie, viz: st Oregon City and Roseburg, Oregon, on Hay 1, 19US; Townships Ave (.'), six 6) and seven (7) South, Range lour (4) East. W. M.; In Township eight (81 South, Range lour (4) East, the west half of Section two (2), Btetloai three (S) to ten (10), both inclusive, the south half and northwest quarter of Section eleven 11). the northw est qusrter of Section fourteen (H). me norm nan ami southwest quarter of section tllteen (I;",), Sections sixteen (1(1) to twenty (20), both inclusive, the uorthwest I Bailee Of qCCt 1011 twenty-one (21), the south half and northwest quarter of Section twenty nine ra), sections thirty (KO) hikI thirty-one (ill) and the west hall ol s.viion thirty-two :rj); In Township nine (9) South, Range lour (I) Ksst Sections five (S). six (6), seven (7). thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), the s uith half of Section til teen (IS), Sections sixteen (lfi) to thirty-six (.) both inclusive: In Township ten (10) South. Rauge four (I) East, Sections one (I) to twenty (20) both Inclusive, the southwest quarter ol Section twenty one (21), the northeast qiiarte of Section twenty two (2i), Sections twenty three (23). taenty-lour r21)and twenty nvc rJM the north half and southeast 1 usrier ol Section twenty-six (2f.). Sections twenty-nine (29) to thirty-two (32). loth inclusive, the south half and northwest quarter of Section thirty three (.) the southwest qusrter of Section Ihlrty (onr(t4 , the southeast quarter ol Section thir ty-flve tS.Si, section thirty six (St.); In Town ship eleven (11) South Range lour (4 Kast. Sections lour ) to nine '.' , both inclusive. Sections sixteen H to twenty -20-. both in clusive, the north half and southwest quarter of Seetlou twenty-one 21 , the west hnlf of Section twenty eight , Sections twenty -nine (fc' and thirty (30), In township twelve lit) south, range lour. 4, east; sections three. 3. 10 thlrty thiee, 33. both Inclusive, and sec tion thirty-five as. 10 tbirty-six. Hi all In the Oregon City Land Kislricl: township lour teen, 14, fifteen. IS, sixteen. It. and seven teen, 17, south, range tour 4, east. M . Township twenty two 22 South. Range om -1 West Jin Township tw only three -2:1 Booth Bangeone 1- West, Sections one 1-to eleven -1I-, both inclusive Sections fifteen -IS- to twent-one -21-. both inclusive, and Sections tweuty-e'ght -28- to thirty three -Si-, both in elusive. In Tow nshtp twenty four -24- South. Range one -I- West. Sections five S to nine 9-. both Inclusive, the west half ol Section four teen -11 , Stcllons fifteen -IS- to twenty-three 23-, both inclusive, aad sections twenty rive 2S- to thirty-six -IS-, both Inclusive: In Town ship twenty-five -2S- South. Range one 1 Wast, Seetlou one -!- to twenty three 23 . both Inclu slve. the north hall ol sections twenty-lour .'4 and twenty six -2f. . Sections twenty seven 47 to thirty one, :i both Inclusive; In Township thirty 30- South, Range one -1- W est sections one -1-. to 2- and thne 3-. Seetlons five -S- to twenty-ttree 2-1 . both Inclusive, and Sections twenty seven 27- to thirty-six -3T. . both USCtg tat; In Township thirty-one -31 South. Rsuge one -1 West, sections five v, six 4-, sevea 7 and eight -s . the southwest ,;uarter ol Sc. t;.n nine -9 . sections fifteen -M to twenty one 21 both Inclusive, snd Sections twenty-seven -27 to thtr:y.slx -3-. both Inclusive, ai! in the Roseburg Laad Distns t. i. H F1MPLE. Approved; Ac'.lag ' ommlssiou, r IslOt, RYAN. Acting secrtsry of the Inu rlor Chsmilon Liaimeit for Kheisutism. Cha. Prake. a mail carrier at Cha',- inville. Conn., nays: "Chamlierlain's lain Balm ia the champion of all lini ment". The paM year I was trouhlesl a great ileal ith rheumatism in my shoul der. After trying several cures the storekeeper here recommended this rem- esly and it completely cnroxl me." There ia no nae of anyone suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One ap plication given prompt relief and its con tinned use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. For aale by A. t". Marsters A Co. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the stale ol Oregon for Douglas county. C I. Leavengood. I rialnuff Tay Ward, Def. ndant 1 By virtue of a writ of execution d-ly isne' out of and under the seal ol the above entitled court in the above entitled action 1 no di rected and dated the 3 d day of February. KM lu favor o,i I. Leavengv and sgslnst said Kay Ward for the sum of one hundrel dollars and thirty oanta'IfUH SO wl.h interot thereon at the rate of f. ir cent per annum from the ltlh day of January. 19 S. and the further sue, of five dollars (SOU) slat uory attorney let. with Interest at the rate of g per cent per an num from the 13th day of January. 19US. and the further sum of nine dollars snd ninety cents (K.90) costs and disbursement snd the cost of and upon this writ of execution commanding me to make sale of the follow lng described premises towlt : The north half of the southeast quarter of section 22. township 30 south, range 1 west ol Wlilamet e meridian In Douglas County. Ore gon attached In said action on the 7th day ol October 19m. Now. therefore. In compliance with the rom mandsof said writ, I will on Saturday the nth day of Mar. I0O5, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at tbe Court House front door. In Roseburg. Douglss Coun ty Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to re demptlon. to the highest bidder, lor l'iilh.1 States gold coin, cash in hand. "the above des cribed real property, and all the right, title and Interest the said defendants hsd therein, on tbe date ol said attachment, towlt: the 7th da; of October. 1904, or since has had therein, to satisfy said writ of execution, and all accru lat easts, H. T. McCLAl.LEN, Sheriff of Douglas County Oregon. Startling Bat Trie People the world over were horrified on learning of the hurning of a Chicapo theater in which nearly six hnndred people lost their lives, yet more than five times this number or over S000 peo ple died from pneumonia in Chicago during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice. Kvery one of these eas es of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Coajjjk Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. The following is an instance of this sort : "Too much cannot be said in favor of Chamlierlain's Cough Remedy, ami es pecially for colds and inlluenxa. I know that it cured m; daughter, Laura, of a severe cold, and I holieve saved her life when she was threatened with pneumo nia." W. D. VViu-ov, ...gan, New York. Sold by A. C. Marsters it Co. WANTED. Capable men and women for census work and to act as represen tatives in this and adjoining territory for magazine and music business of old Established Hoose. Onr catalogue list over 3,000 magssines and 6,000 selec tion of music at cut prices. Salary 1S per week. Experience unnecessary, but good references required. Address Spragne Wholesale Co., 270 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III. ftitf. BROOMS Merchants' reserve your orders ior the ROSEBURG BROOM FAC TORY which will be re-4Mtabiisbed and ready to till order." early in March. R. S. BARKER, ARTICLES OF JEWELRY Suitable Gifts ior Ladies Suitable Gifts for Gents Suitable Gifts for Children Finest Line of Jewelry Ever Shown in Rosebnrg mS SALZMAN'S CASH FOR CLEANING UP YOUR PLACE We will pay the highest cash price for Hides, green or tlry. Pelts ,goat skins, furs iron brass, enpper, lead, zinc, rubber boots fc shoes Have some splendid bargains in second hand Fornitnre ROSEBURG JUNK AND HIDE CO. Mf ji aM iff PERMANENTLY CURES CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, BBONCHfTtS ASTHMA. SORK THROAT. HOARSENESS WHOOPINQ COUGH AND CROUP DO NOT DELAY Until the drain on yt-ur yeTi rriu: braaXiunS m-icr-.incry ta a w.r. ae-ral I health It must be ke-t in good order. tance, yet if it wis s-:wn by It s proper r.ima of "throat Inflammation, or "congestion cf the lura." lta danircrcua character w.- Jd be appre . ciated When a ccld makes its appearand use at once &al 1 art ' a Bore bound Syrop .eL 31 rtll sr-ed .7 cvercorr.e O. WHOOP1N6 COUCH and CROUP Re;uira Frompt Acben. SNOW LINIMENT applied to the throat and chest aives wonderful relief, while Ballard's Horehound Syrup will COUBt.irjr. IT IS TnC ON LT POSITIVELY CURE WHOOPINO COUGH AND CROUP. BEST FOR CHILDREN Mrs Hand Adi laaallaiTjjf. writes: 'I have used Ballardl H irehou- 1 - . r , !i;.T medlrlne for croup, roughs im colda My chl.dren use II aad It is SAFE AND SURE Taa CkUdrea's rarwrlss lemsdr Ballard Snow Liniment Co., St Louis, Mo. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY A. C. riARSTERS & CO. I. J. Norman & Co. Cigars, Tobaccos, Confections, fruits Bakery Goods Always fresh SMRIDN ST. NEAR DEPOT J. FALBE'S RESTAURANT NEAR DEPOT OPEN AT ALL Tl SHORT ORDERS AND REGULAR MEALS SERVED J. K. Sawyers, lawyer uiul nuliiry public. Otlice up stairH in IKiiiKlaa County Hank Uuililing. tf All Brooms a grade higher than the ordinary diatom made broom. Prices in competition with Coast .lohliers. ROSEBURG, OREGON. A TALE OF WOE many men have to tell that have their linen done Bp at home. At no private laundry can you get the perfection of color and the lieauty of finish that makes our establishment famous, for our faci itic-j are perfect and up-to-date, and we employ only exrt!, that can show such evidence of their handicraft a- 1- -eon 0:1 the superb work done at ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY. am t a f J&l jajo pefmanerrt disability. Tbm human ayslem cf tuoss ar.d ce:ia 10 have A COLD is considered of no impor rapidly atop tne vat'er.t parogysma of 1 COUOM REMEDY THAT WILL plsasant to take aca Quickly nna Three Sites, 25c, 50c, I LOO Itstt Battle Oaaraaaaai The Best Made EVERY PEN WARRANTED Money Refunded If Not Satisfactory MARSTERS' DRUG STORE R. E. MASON Contractor and Builder Am prepared to raise aint put new founiiatinns umler ol 1 imiltiiiiga, as well as do general rarrwnter work. Kesiilenee, Wait's addition, Koeebur Strawberry Planta lor Sale. Kxcel slor and Wilson strawlnrry plants, 511 i-onts iter hundred, or XM per 1000 f. o. b. Address J. 11. Youoce, Dillanl, Ore. Ml WalermaDS Ideal V-Fountain- fa 7 Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit tlonrl ol tho .state ol ' iregon lor Isitiglaa County. Kirs'. National H oik nl . KOH hurg, ijregon Plaintiff TS, ) ary r. niificurana ana ; niMn'ri 1, ii 1 . 1.' : run ' 1 a minor lielciidaii I. Notice la haaajtf given that by Tlrtne o' an execution duly Issned out of the alxive named court and e-tune, on the lllth day of Feb ruary l-sjr,. upon a Judgment and decree duly rendered and en tere I in said court and cause on thcZIrd day ol January isift, In favor of the above named plaintiff. Pirst National Kank of Roseburg. Oregon, and against the above named defendants, Mary HUdeorand and Robert L lllldebrand, a minor, for the sum of One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-four dulhi's and Nlueiy-iiiiie cents. IILK.W. at the rate of per 1 unt gat annum from the lrd dsy ol limitary I'jos. and the fat Mm sum of One Hundred dollars. tluO. with luterot thereon at the rate of f. per cent per annum Irom the 3rd day of Jsnuarv l'.. a'torneys fees, snd the further sum ol Fit. en lioilars and Forty cents. IIS. 10, costs and disbursements and the costs of and upon this writ of execution, command ing me to make sale ol the following described premises, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the soutn side of IMulas stre. t, the ui 1 point neln the inter s etion ol the cast Hue "I the Aaron R ise Do nation laud Claim with the south side of lxiulss street ta Roseiurg, Oregon, running tbeuce sooih nmst th ; east of ssl l Aaron Riise Iionattoi' Claim, one hundred etghty- elght and one-half, iwj. feel: then".- north h7!, degn-s we-t seventy, 70, t-et snd four an 1 one-hall lri incbe j thence north one hun dred an 1 umcij -three aul one half, l'l feet to IJouglas street, thence esrterly along Ihe soutn side of !. .. s street s;venty. 70, feet an 1 four and one half. -4' inches t the piac-: of beginning. Also a right of way ten feet wile over and acriais tlie premises lor-n-r y on-l by Clara Fullcrb,:t ailjoinlug the premises hereby con veyed on the aest fiom the street west of said premise a ong the fence as now construe. ed 10 the southwest corner of ihe premises hcieby asatvwjafl, and uuddc SBM lence. the sail right ol way to run Irom the tre -t west of sa.d premise siong tbe fence, on the south side of and alung the feace as now iccated to the MOllHMrt corner ol the pr :n - eouv.-je-l herein. S i therefor-.- ta compliance with the com msa 1 of sai l writ. I wih on Saturday the 1 -th day of March. 19O5 at one o'clock p. m of said day at the Court House front door. in R.tburg Douglas County, Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to rtdei iptiun. to the highest t ldder iot CoiteO states gold coin cash in h nd. the shove described prjrrty. and all the right, tiue and inieresr.the sai l defer d mi had therein on the Uth day rf November lA-i. or since has had. And will app.y the pro ceeds of uch sale, first to the pavaent o tit' costs of this sale, sec ind to the psvm-nt -.f the co are! aVaajagaaaaaaai ka sssa tasssw ai lis so, and the f ir u-r sum ol l.u a t.r ey f- e. with Interest at 'he rate of U p.-r cent per annum irom t: c Sl-d day of Januar . . an t to the psyi,., nt of th-- sum o! II 1 d . e ;.'a:n::ff lnte et thern at tne rale l sis pcretrnt per au'iu:-. fr.-Tr. ie Zir : day "f Jr.ury. IJ06. an-l the overplus il any the re be pa over to Has defendants, there legal sSgM HBtaBlwa as by order of sail conn In said executi -n to me di-r-rtl. cnmmsndiUg me to sel. the a ove rea. property In the manner press r 'i-l - y Um Dated litis MB day .,1 Fecrjary. Ma, H. T MccLALLE'S. Sheriff ol D ucas C-wtnty CITATION. In tl. ' jonty foartol the lor Ix.u. .s county ?taur of ' i-.-g -n. In the Ms'.ter ss UM MM all Timor h t - .ran 'ttat:on lae1. To ihe Derlseoor liel.s. an I t ,1 others ir.-Uresu-o :a ifce sts' e tttlasl estate: J. A. acaaaaaav It ai !! the e tale of'Vh; OMMa J.-cesSe!. 0Je4 his ; saxctaa fcSis rasing for an order of aale ol the real estate ui sld deoedemt. for Use I "iT ":- 1 - r t 1,-r- ' eil ty ibe .:u2ge of saz-1 coon, '.bat ail pe sobs int. rested ;n :r.e esta.- ! d.-e. a1 appear foelotv h- saiut'ounl) l oan oa Tnarslav. the 30.h daj of Maxrh. LA. at 10 oV.ovjt in the fo.e nisn ol sa: 1 Jaj. at tXSS cortrt room of said Osna v co-r., fci show ca tse ibi .3 otJat should not te granted u ih- sai l airnin stra tor lo li tht rea est are ol the sail k-ceased i aul that a ropy a this order be published at I lsast toot sorrnssiee weeks la tie Plain leale-, a s3i-sreeki n-wspaper publish d In sail 'ony and rta'e. bated at hVaeburg. Oregon this Jtth Jar of FebrJarr. II D THOMPS.S. 1 C untr Judge f Dougla Tonnt i. Oregon Notice of Publication. To: led States Land Ofioe. R.wt unt Oregon. Oct. li. ISOt. Sarou at H Kn-.cht aad J . 11. Pore::- n ba :ag fllel at tf.:s aaaea ih-r corroNrate.1 protest aca ast lbs of timber appl.rati u 2 for Ma i. . U aad 1.1. ser. M. . us. : msde by Charl.-s Maw. upon waieh final prool was snbcnltu -1 st this o&ee on Septexater S. LslM. and suspended by reason of said protest, a hearing Is hereby 'ordered The mineral Charai ter al the .and is al.cged bT the proteat. act an it is for the r-urr-ose al detcmining; i the character ot tbe tracts iir uied in the said tagtj that taa Isaaitap is had. 1 The testimony lu iherase srUI betaken before the Resist, r and K--e v. r .f this office on : Man. h .C. MSt, at 10 o'clc-x. a m The pa-ties in n teres! srv hereby nrcrnoned f sppear st j u.e said unte sn-l place to offe testtxaon m s l irl of their respective claims J H. BOOTH, -' Receiver, Notice foi l'ublication. Tnlted States land tmce. Hum-bars. Oregon IVc U. 1904 Notles is hereby given that In eompllane. with the provisions of the art of Congress ol Jane s. rs. entitled "An act for the sale at timber lands In the States of California Oregon Navads .and Washington Territory." asextend sd to all ths pa bits land states by'act o Aoawat V. Jgaj. DAVIPV PtRKY of Ro ebnre. county of To state of Oregon has this day n cd in i: is office his sworn sta etnout No aSM g r tire purchsse of the J1, of rV-c I. Tp .: d, R S west and will o.'er proo '.. . ' s ;r, and ugM at saaaa salaaass for Its tlailai ot th.n Kt agrln aralrt poses si sta list .s claim bef re the k-. ui.t aul !; :ei . i this alfte. ol I.. :ur lea racer's y the "in dy o Ms-r'-. 1 or. Um ssaes as w tnewas Rcnaid KraSeaberter. 0. 0 Hat or Q .-c. Its: ra. I Ko- 'urg. Ore gon, and la I Kn, is o ISSS. Orvg n. Any an 1 all Bsstaafaa ela min aftvafsxtgl the above dee;r.rxsi tan Is are rj-iistl to file their claims Iti tbis i fhee ot. or aeJsaw said Tihdav of March IfavV J T. RKItXiKS, dJ9p Register Notice ot In the ni't' r al t' VdminitstTator. tarei I John H Rorer .te.- ,v! I Kaaaaa la aciwiix grt ataai he undersigned has been duly appointed by ihe county court o( the stale ol Oregon. Ior Oougl&s oinnty, ad mluistratoi of the estate of J hn H Rogera. de- ' ceased. All persons hav .ug idaaaaa against said I estate are hereby nunlrcd lo present the same la me prvtpiTly veritle.1. ss bs law rxtiulrtsl. at Roseburg. Oregon, within all months irom the date hereot laied this knfe day ol February. a. o DIVMICK. A tmlPistrator o ihe sgaaM ol John II Rogers, decossed. We are iloinj; business at the old stand. If you want to buy, sell or trade anything see - - - - A. D. BRADLEY THE SECOND HAND MAN aMafaaaaWaMaixaalMaBaWax . .JjanasBsxsjsjsj A full stock of Doth new ami sec ond hand Furniture, Tin and Granite ware, Cook Stoves and Heaters. Wanted, sin si wrth of second hand furniture. A tine stock of Harness, Whips, Robes. Saddles and everything in the Harness line. Mv harness is all hand made and guaranteed. BRADLEY JACKSON ST BIOOCETT'S OLD STAND Professional Cards. Q,Ki)R'.K M. KkOWN, Attorney-at-Law, 'Jourt Hons Uomt, rfulrs. aoeZBCRu.OEK Qk. OEO. E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. Office Review Bid. i'hone. Main HI ROSIBCRIi ORKeKM p W. HAYNEfe, DENTIST, Review BiHoMng, Rooms H snd 9 Telephone No Ml ".o-KofRu OkKuus M. Cbawfokd a J. O. Watson Attorneys t Law, Rooms 1 AS. Bank Bulidg.. ROHIBCRU, OR. T" Business neloreths D S Land Office and mining t J C. FHLIRTOM Attorney-at-Law. Wll' nrartlr In all tbe Htats an1 Federal COTiru OffltY u Marks' Blila . Kflsebuxc Ongos. f W BENSON, A t tor ney-at-Law. Bank Bnlldlaf &O0EBCRG. ORE'HiN DUCHAHAS & GRESIKGEB J. a. Bagagsjaaa i. l ax!iga Attorneys-at-Law K -. - 1 sn4 2 Marsters BuiMlng; K(-EBL'Bii. OREWJH J AS E. Sawyers Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Room i, rpetaira, Douglas Co. Bk. Bid. Roseburg, Oregon. W. MAR-TER8 Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Marsters Building; N. A. FOSTRR & CO., LANDS O'sjaiiy iamaWtkm. Farms and MiB rai ln is. Oresaa, Washington and MmsMa. i2S OAKLAND. OREGON DR. P. W. HUNT DEfiTIST OAKLAttD, : : OREGOtt ; H. Little, : . Df.NT.5T. i Oakland, Oroajoo. Abstract ol Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing oa Goreta ment Land. Blae Peints of Township Maps showing ail at ant Lands. FRAMKE. ALLEY Architfct, Aktraeter. Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in new Bank Building. 'Pha ROSEBCRG. OREGON 416 CR0CERIE8 FRUITS : PR0V!S!tN$ saV keep the largest and test assortment of Staple amd jranejf Sroceries, JrsA bruits and farm SProdme in f ir city, amd cam smppiy JrVWT wants at at cheap or cheaper prieas tmam cam sW mad anywhere. S?emcmtifr that ma kep the SSsst. KRUSE & NEWLANB FOR ACTIVE BRAINS your liver mast be right, roar stoiiiach in a haalthy condition and your kidneys properly perfonninjr their peculiar functions, or your body won t stand the strain 'and your brain won t be active. If too uaea casavr neau and perception, get a box of Use 'hem and see how more alive you Mil be. much THSY CLARIFY TNC IHtffl AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. They are a sure and poeltrvo cure for all Dlaeaawef the Stomach, Liver, Kldnaya and SH t,7ou,ne' OaatTta g. Blllouaneea. Plmplea, Blotches and all Shin ln- purltlee. For Sale By All Druggtata Oc. and 26c. per Box.